February 20, 2015 • Seaside Signal • seasidesignal.com • 3A Lights, camera ... cue the elk I t never ceases to amaze me how much attention elk get around here. They even have their own tele- vision segment. Not only do they stop cars on the highway, they have the power to curtail meetings. Last week — on the night they were about to star on TV — Sea- side Public Works Director Neal Wallace told the Seaside Parks Advisory Committee that its meeting would be swift. He had to get home to watch the elk. Never mind that the committee was about to discuss a proposal to develop pathways and bird blinds around the Mill Pond on the south end of Seaside. The project, which has taken years to get to this point, just didn’t muster the attraction that a 10-minute seg- ment on Oregon Field Guide did. Lured by tales of an elk herd routinely roaming through Gear- hart, an Oregon Public Broad- casting producer spent a few days in South Clatsop County to see for herself what all the fuss was about. 6KH WDONHG WR ORFDO ¿OPPDNHU Howard Shippey, nature photog- rapher and biologist Neal Maine, Gearhart Mayor Dianne Widdop and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist Herman Biederbeck. The OPB video crew shot foot- age of 100 elk traipsing through town, past City Hall, down Pa- FL¿F :D\ WKURXJK ORFDO IURQW yards and loping onto the smart- ly trimmed lawn of the Gearhart Golf Links. It was like they owned the place. Gearhart City Administrator Chad Sweet said it was more of a “people problem” than an elk problem; his comments acted as a voice over of a scene of an elk being shooed off by a local res- ident who yelled, “Quit eating my plants.” Adam Woods, from the High- lands Golf Course, likened the frequent invasion of frolicking elk to 3-year-olds weighing 1,500 pounds ruining the golf course. Employees have to work an extra 20 to 30 hours a week repairing damage caused by the elk, Woods said. But Shippey, who had stun- ning shots of elk wading into the Necanicum Estuary, turning to- ward the camera and galloping in the water, had a different take on the elk. “It almost looks like they’re smiling,” Shippey said. “They were, I think, obviously hav- ing fun. Having fun just wasn’t something I ever expected to see elk doing.” Well, who wouldn’t have fun when you’re with your friends and you can throw your weight around, and no one — certainly not these silly humans with their cameras — can stop you? It reminds me of that cliché: If you can’t beat them, join them. Widdop seems to agree. “They have become quite a part of Gearhart,” she told the OPB crew. The elk even attracted enough attention that a town meeting was called just to talk about Impressions B Y NANCY McCARTHY Instead of trying to shoo the elk away, perhaps we should embrace them as tourist attractions them — or rather, how to reduce their numbers. Contraception? Relocation? Hunting? Maine suggested attaching a GPS locater on them so people could go to their computers to check where the herd happened to be that day. None of the ideas seemed ef- fective, or, in the case of hunting in the middle of town, appropri- ate. In the end, educating the community about the elk was about all people could come up with. Signs are going up now, but I’m wondering how effec- tive they will be if a herd gets too close and knocks them over. I guess that will teach some sort of lesson. Despite some negative reac- tion toward the elk, Shippey and Maine saw the positive side. “We’re living in a high-qual- ity place with enough open space to have elk,” said Maine, who spends much of his days trekking through the local backwoods to gather fabulous photos of wildlife we all take for granted. “That’s kind of a blessing you don’t want to mess up by having a community battle,” he added. As Shippey watched a young bull elk lock horns with a larg- er bull in the dune grass on the beach, he called the elk an “op- portunity.” If we on the North Coast want “clean, nonpolluting” at- tractions that bring in temporary tourists and permanent dollars to the community, then “elk are a perfect vehicle,” Shippey said. Goodness knows, they stop enough vehicles on the road, I responded snarkily as I watched the end of the Oregon Field Guide segment. But no sooner had Shippey made his comment than it was confirmed by a beachgoer who encountered elk on his path to the ocean. “I was in Jacksonville, Wyo., and I didn’t see this kind of action,” the beachgoer said. “And that’s why I went there.” Hmm…. Maybe we need to rethink our response. Instead of trying to shoo the elk away, perhaps we should embrace them as tourist attractions, take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and take a meeting with their publicist. There must be someone around here who can polish their image. And who’s going to do their hair and make-up? Nancy McCarthy covers South Clatsop County for The Daily Astorian and is the ed- itor of the Seaside Signal and the Cannon Beach Gazette. JEFF TER HAR — FOR THE DAILY ASTORIAN Making their way from the Gearhart Golf Links over to Gearhart Palisades, a herd of elk fi nd food in residents’ yards last April. You Visit us online at PUBLISHER Steve Forrester Tube www.seasidesignal.com EDITOR Nancy McCarthy REPORTER Fa m ily. Frien d s . Com m u n ity. Katherine Lacaze ADVERTISING MANAGER W e’re a ll in th is togeth er. Betty Smith PRODUCTION MANAGER Seaside Signal John D. Bruijn The Seaside Signal is published every other week by EO Media Group, 1555 N. Roosevelt, Seaside Oregon 97138. 503-738- 5561. www.seasidesignal. com CIRCULATION MANAGER Samantha McLaren SYSTEMS MANAGER Carl Earl CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Letter policy Claire Lovell John Rahl Darren Gooch Esther Moberg The Seaside Signal welcomes letters to the editor. The deadline is noon Monday prior to publication. Letters must be 400 words or less and must ADVERTISING SALES Laura Kaim Wendy Richardson be signed by the author and include a phone number Ior veri¿ cation. :e also request that submissions be limited to one letter per month. Send to 1555 N. Roosevelt Drive, Seaside, OR 97138, drop them off at 1555 N. Roosevelt Drive or fax to 503-738-9285. Or email nmccarthy@ seasidesignal.com SUBSCRIPTIONS Annually: $39.00 in county • $55.00 in and out of county • e-Edition: only $30.00 State Farm ® has a long trad ition of being there. T hat’s one reason w hy I’m a prou d to su pport Seasid e schools. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Seaside Signal, P.O. Box 210, Astoria, OR 97103. Postage Paid at Seaside, OR 97138 and at additional mailing of¿ ces. &opyright 2015 © by the Seaside Signal. No portion of this newspaper may be re- produced without written permission. All rights reserved. Jerem y M ills, A g en t • 503-738-6100 815 S. 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