The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, October 22, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    I'HUR hday , < m toner 22, imi
Are Still Seeking
for Open River
If the demand for wooden pails, United l’r«ss Service
l>ii< kets and batter kits la any kind of
PARIS, (St. 20.—Il 1» rumored here that the a I lie» have landed •
a business barometer, tlmea could be
In th*- hop« of »»curing some n< lion
lots worse, for the bucket and pail strong force of men near Ostend, under tin- gun» of the Hrhiaii fleet.
lowurd th« i•-opening of Williamson
If tliis is so, R means I list the Germans will lie menaced front the rear.
factory conducted by Wood de Ix-mz
utid Hpruguc Rivers to logging opera­
iu ilils city, is nearly awainped by the Tlwn- is no oRiclal < onllrmat Ion, (hough.
tion». the Clianiber of t'ommerre has
orders that are con.lag in. Now equlp-
Persona cri dhing (lie n-|M>rt <uiy that the British fleet is in Im.iteuae
J iih I »ent the following letter to Sec­ jtnent has been added this month, and
retary Mne of the Department of tbe 'the crew now numbers sixteen men, force near (lie F ran« <»Belgian wa eOMt (owns. Tliey claim that an allied
'with a chance of an enlargement be­ force, either a naval brigade or an army detwclnnent could operate to ad-
The Klamath Chamber of Com‘|jng noceasary before long,
««ntage itwre, under tbe guns of the British Mee*.
mere» and varióos other organiza­
The firm ht» just closed a contract
This afterneea’a official statement announces that th* allies tlavas
tions. Including the Portland (Ore.l ,wlth u Kansas Óty firm that calls for
made material progress al many points in the hattie line*.
Board of Trade and the Council of
(arl<,a4jg of the product of the
Tlie Belgians holding the line at l'leu|M>rf, Dix Muth* «nd along the
Klamath Indian» residing upon the
Aa soon aa freight
Yser, are declared to lie maintaining these position», despite the aa-
Klamath Indian reservation, have
„otters are settled work on this
during th« last year and a half made i,,rj(.r will be started,
saults of tin- German».
efforts to secura the opening of the
this order. Swift A Co. and
The Germane still hold strongly entrenched advanced positions In the
Williamson and Sprague rivers to oU er |urge concerns are making In­
vicinity of Lille, but there is little general change in that district. Tbe
logging o|>eration». They have like-lt Je, of lhe loca| concern, and there
Germans have tried <lr»|M-rate|y to < lirck the French offensive from the right
wise been endeavoring to Induce the ^
reason to expect some big
honorable commimloner of Indian ■*-¡contracts from these companies. The bank of Meuse.
The General staff considers Dunkirk safe, aa reinforcements have been
fairs to sell some of the pine timber,
Packing company of Los An-
of the reservation, so as to give tbeiKK|lM has contracted with the plant sent there, and io lit» aid of the Belgi tn troops along the River Yser.
Indians some benefit from it beforej'or a year's supply of sixty-pound laid
interest < enters In the situation on lite right. The Germans have re­
It deteriorates to such an extent that ¡pulls, arid this order alone Is quite an
timed their assault along tlte Mueee, and liave been repulsed at many
It will be very much less valuable.
Notwithstanding ail the efforts of'
Besides these contracts, the con- point«.
Many believe that the proposed invasion of .Alsace Lorraine is gning
all the business community In Klam-H ern has succeeded In establishing a
nth and I^ake counties. In Oregon, and ¡good demand for Its product all over I .»glide form. Metz is believed to I m the objective point.
the business organizations of Port- [tbe coast. The output includes candy
land, Oregon, and the elected repre salia, jelly pells, fish pails, pickle
I nlted Pr<-sa Service
rentatlvcs of the Indians themselves. t palls, lard pails, batter kits and pack-
MiMNiV, Oct. 20. Se veral morning papers reputi» timi the Belgians
we have bnen unable to secure even ' ages, etc., and this week three car­
's» Inspection of the locsl situation by load» are being shipped to fill orders Lave reoerupied Ostend. The Belgian legation and the war bureau refuse
anyon» connected with either your | thst are coming in constantly.»
Io confirm lilis.
¡office or the office of the commissioner
With tbe addition of new machine-
A strong German force of infantry, >>U|>|M>rted by Austrian and Ger­
of Indian affairs, who bad sufficient I ry, the plant is now turning out 500
man artillery was this morning discovered advancing along the main high­
¡authority or weight to decide the mat- finished buckets and palls a day. Yel-
ter on Its merits.
Ilow pine Is being used in the con- way» from Lille. Tim allies are mieting Ute advance thus far with success.
Expert« say that the capture of Dunkirk is ewntial to the German
It is doubtless well known, even In ¡»traction of the most of the palls and
¡Washington, that business condition» buckets, although white fir is used for bar plans. They assert, though, that the British anti French fleet«' tiring
all over the coast are very bad just ill e butter containers,
< an make this iini>OMibie.
now, and that the bottom has fallen ( The firm is using its own timber, as
______________ —
'out of tbe lumber market. Such ts it has a tract 4H miles from Klam-
¡certainly the case in this county in ath Falk, on tbe Fort road. It will hHIPPINGTUN ROAD IS AT
tho lumber bus In»««, aa most of the I soon be figuring on purchasing more
milla have been compelled to abut ¡timber for use in its plant,
Scientists tell us that it bss been
After paying off all the expenses of
down for one reason or another. One|
.................. -....... . -
sundry thousands of years since Ore­ the Third Annual Elks' Rodeo, the
of the» principal reasons which has !< RF.'tM'ENT Iti COMING
gon was the scene of vulcanic unrest, directors of the Rodeo Amusement
compelled the mills In this part of the,
from tbe Modoc Lava Beds region to Association, at a meeting last night,
■ «tile to shut down is the fact that
— -
' the Columbia River. As a scenic fea­ found that it will be possible to de­
there is no market for fir timber, and ( Crescent, Oregon, will be among
the laud holdings of the mills fhclude'the chief beneficiaries from tbe con- ture, in this respect, the younger vol- clare a dividend on all paid up atock.
it on the old- This will be done at the annual stock­
ja high ^rcentage of fir »“ce-'ftlng ' .»„etlon of tbe Crater Lske highway J ano. Mt. Lassen, has Vuei^"^
,the cutting of the fir along with the that Is being planned by the various |P,etent generation by the attracting holders' meeting, to be held Novem­
ber 2th.
,plno timber. This has heretofore ■ automobile and good roads ossocla-!oi lourigta
¡been the case on the forest reserve«, ¡don» throughout the West, says the
Tbe Rodeo Association is composed
But it is not to be long so; tbe vol­
la wall
known that
thnt over
Avar 90
Qll nar
rant ; r - pine lnter-Mounta
■ — *_
of members of Klamath Falls Lodge
it is
well known
per cent
canic output that caused Primitive
'of the timber In the neighborhood of
No. 124 7, B. P. O. Elks. The main
This proposed automobile highway
| Williamson River and westerly there­ means that a vast amount of travel ■ Man to scamper over hill and dale, is purpose of conducting the annual
from is yellow pine, which has a good will be diverted through Central Ore­ i to be put to work for the benefit of Wild West show is for amusement
'the present and future generations.
market at this time.
In fact, tbe gon, and that Crescent, one of
purposes only, and not aa a money­
This harnessing of the signs of en­
greatest body of pure pine timber in most wide-awake towns along the'
making project.
ergy of aeons past is to be accomp­
thia part of Oregon Is to be found on route, will be the stopping place for ■
lished through the medium of street
the Klamath Indian reservation, the! many tourists each year,
’ . improvement.
----------------- Cinders are to be used
pine on the Crater National forest and
Odell and Crescent lakes, two of; ,nr a
77 . _
~;ifor a new road to Shippington, ac-
in other parts of the state being in- the state's most noted fishing and •
' ~~ wording to a petition presented at last
iterspersed with fir and other species camping site., are reached only by n
of the cJty councU
Silas Obenchain baa been appointed
lof timber. It Is thought that this
going to the town or Crescent, and
administrator of the estate of the late
A l’etltluU for the ‘«W«»’«"«
pine timber should be put on the mar­ are each year attracting miCnv tour-
Or. William Martin, and Rollo C.
¡a road from the termination of Eighth
ket now while there is a market for lets.
Groesbeck his attorney, in accord­
____. .
.. .street on to the plant of the Long
'pine timber and the market for fir is; These tilings, coupled
with the
, .
ance with a petition for probate filed
. .
■ Lake I.umber company was presented
(very poor.
towns exceptional location on the1
with the county court. The portion
, Again. Il is well know, even to your ; rights of way of two railways, both of to tbe council by Hon. Wm.
of the estate listed In this petition is
own timber cruisers and all others which will soon resume construction;
valued at *1.220, consisting of real
opment company and other interested
who understand the timber problem work, are in themselves sufficiently
property in Klamath county and an
and have examined tbe timber of the | important to attract many settlers.
interest in property in California.
..wood moved that the matter be rush-
Klamath reservation, that the arses Tbe Crescent Mcinity, however. Is
. ,.
The bulk of the estate is in life in­
i of tbe reservation arc now and have much greater importance iu
to mr
the ««>i-i
surance. which Is in favor of the
I been for a number of years full cnlturlst and tbe homeneeker than to adopted.
'young daughter of the deceased den­
Judge Worden briefly explained
grown, and that tliey are fast devel­ the tourist and the vacationist.
¡the purposes of the project. He stal­
oping "spike tope," burns and scalds
The average rainfall as Crescent Is led that all the property owners arc
which is causing the trees to rot and about fifteen Inches. The production
agreed upon cinders, roiled, oiled and
the timber to become less valuable us of cereals by dry farming methods is
dressed, instead of crushed rock. It
the years pass. There are enclosed a proven success, and the grain area
is contended that cinders can be pro­
with thia letter six views taken at is rapidly increasing.
fnlted Press Service
cured around the Upper Lake much
Various types of disintegrated vol­
Mr. and Mr». Kdward J. Murray ¡G IMF' TAGH MAY
that British submarines are
cheaper than crushed rock.
ervation, showing tbe spike tops of canic rocks and lava, ash and sand
to »Ink a fleet of German
lefl thls m<>rnlng for San Fiuticiaco.
In addition to connecting Eighth
the timber, and showing how fast it 'loam constitute the prevailing soil.
street with Shippington, the improve­ destroyers off the Isle of Rugen. No
They wlll spend tbe wInter In Cali­
is deteriorating in value. These pic­ It does not at all lack in fertility.
ment wlll run from the Long Lake details are given.
With the d»er season drawing to a
I-AKEDO, Oct. 20.—Il la reported tures are not overdrawn, nor were
fornia poluta.
The distance to water is varied, but
mill 'to the Buena Vista docks and Off on a Hunt.
close. many of the hunters are plan­ here that General Villa, at the head they specially selected to show the
'seldom deeper than twenty-live feet. back to Main street via Third street,
A. J. Wiggins has gone to the
lung to place in cold storage deer of 15,000 troops, entered Aguas Call­ rondition of the timber, but were tak­
The country Is, however, mainly adap- California avenue and Conger avenue. woods for a hunt of several weeks
killed during the season, that they cutes today, and Imprisoned tbe peace en at random on the reservation, and
1 ted to dairying and stock raising. The distance of this road wlll be He will hunt In the vicinity of Wamp­
may enjoy the great delicacy during delegates, representing himself, Car­ I tliey are a true representation of the
The erasing season is long, and the about four miles.
ler's camp.
th<> winter month«. This is perfectly ranza and Zapata.
timber on tho reservation with refer- wild grasses highly desirable for feed
This is one of the most beneficial
;permi< able providing said deer are
(leueral Antonio Vlllireal. men­ euce to the development of spike tops, j i The average Income per cow from
Announcement was made by the
improvements projected. In addition
properly tagged.
tioned ae provisional president to suc­ snags, burns etc.
Oregon dairy herds is placed at to connecting the Shippington district Canadian Pacific Railroad September
Tho state game laws make It un­ ceed Carranza, was tbe only one to
The officers of tbe Crater N'ation- *66.66, according to a record com­
with the cent.-al part of town. It af­ 28 that the operating departments of
If you are going to lay In winter lawful io have uny game meat in one's escape. He waa on his way to Mexico hl Forest, ns we are informed, know
piled from the Income from 3,609 fords a splendid highway to Upper its eastern and western lines would
supplies, lot us figure your bill
possession in closed season unless It‘ City.
'i lie condition of the timber and riv­ cows, reported by the Oregon Agricul­
Klamath Lake, and adds a scenic employ 6,000 extra men within the
Is lagged to show that It was killed
The Information comes from pri­ ers on the Klamath Indian reserva­ tural College survey. Only the direct driveway.
before going or sending elsewhere.
next two months gor the purpose of
from the sale of milk or cream
Our guarantee comae to you aa .duling the open season. These tags vate telegrams and advices in a Car- tion, and t|ie advisability of now sell- Income
It is proposed to start this im- relieving the distress brought about
can be secured from Game Warden ranxlsta paper here.
Ing it and opening up the drivable Is Included in the compilation of in­
■by the war in Europe.
provement early next year.
strong as you like. Quality and
'streams to logging operations.
Furbcr, who has Just received a sup­
come. In the recognized dairy coun-
price must satisfy.
ply for tbe benefit of local sportsmen. RESERVE SYSTEM
Recently Hon. Henry 8. Graves, i ties the average ran double this av-
STARTS NOV. I« ■ chief forester, Department of Agri- lernge In many instances. Three herds
It's true the war scare has
culture, visited Klamath Falls and [ ¡n Clatsop county averaged *118.59
boosted some things a little, a few
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 20.— the surrounding country, and lnai-||>er cow. In Tillamook county the
things much, but many aHlclea
■ Secretary McAdoo of the Treasury «dentally passed through portions of |throe highest incoming producing
"Wc expect to have the concrete Department today announced that the the Klamath Indian reservation. He'herds show an average of *114.59
can bo bought lower this fall than
work on the structure completed by 'federal reservo board plans to inaug­ Is, as we believe, familiar with the for each of seventy-one cows. A select
for several previous years, mak-
the last of tho week," said Arthur C. urate ilio new currency system on No­ timber on the Klamath Indian reeer- herd of Jerseys in Linn county pro­
Ing the average perhaps loyver
I.owls, of tho Farmers Implement aud vember 16, by tbe opening of the vatlon, and with the condition of the duced an Income of *140 per cow.
than you hnve paid before.
:'upply House, speaking of the ware­ ¡twelvo regional banks.
stream«, and knows whether or not.
Crescent is a bustling little town,
Don’t forget to blanket the horse when cold
house ilio concern is building on Sixth
McAdoo says that by that time, fa- from a logging and forestry point of has several substantial mercantile es-
Now crop and fresh pack goods
comes on.
nroot, near Market. "We have a largo , cllitles for the receipts of deposits vlew. It would be advisable to utilité tabllshments that will supply the set-
are Just arriving; If turned quick­ ii
at work, in order to get the I from member banks will bo in opera­ these streams for logging purposes yer with everything he needs. The
ly it means n saving to you from
structure completed in time for stor­ tion. mid that the rodiscountlng with While Mr. Graves made no promisee merchants are wide awake business
We have the most complete line, prices to suit
ili» of this year's crops."
such bank capital ns available will be to the Chamber of Commerce and men w ho extend a sincere welcome to
us of interest. Insurance and stor-
made no statements relative to this every newcomer,
age; also the larger profits pald . The warehouse boing »reeled is of possible by then.
eon rote, two stories high, with a
matter, we are confident that, if call­
There are many highly desirable
on small dribs.
Don’t fail to look at our fine line of
1 hreement. The floors aro to be six ■ WAR TAX BILL 18
ed upon by you, he would be pleased , homesteads still available, at a reae-
BEFORE t'ONFF.RENUK lo lay before you tbe whole situation ouably close distance to the town
We can and will liolp you save
with reference to the sale of Klam-J
wlll be utilized in storing potatoes,
much In this way. Study it for ' grain mid other products farmers and
WA8HINGGTON, 1». C.. Oct. 20.— nth Indian reservation timber and the
yourself, we offer you the chance Gommi.¡«Ion men will market later In The house today sent the war tax bill advisability of opening tbe streams to suring. See Chllcote.
to tho conference committee. Fitz­ logging operations.
the »inter
Tho building adjoins tho railroad gerald said that ho and others consid­
We should like again to request ns we believe, be given by every
Bring your Hal or nini! It to lift.
•truck, and has a frontage of 75 feet ered the *1.75 tax on beer too high, that you take up this matter, and do branch of the federal government. In­
something for this community, and deed, this would be strictly in keep­
'along It. The side of the triangular and demanded a reduction.
Klamath Falla, Ore.
Underwood. Kitchen, Sereno and wo sa.v thia because business condi­ ing with the policy of President Wil­
llulldlng faclug Sixth street is 132 feet
, In length, and the Market street Payne were chosen as the house con­ tions are deplorable and every im­ son, and we believe that we are en­
, length is 108 feet.
petus that can be given them should, titled to your aid in this matter.
Horse Blankets
Bradley Hamess Company