r AGB TWO THl'KNDAY, OCTOBER tn, IWI4 THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. ORE WOULD SAVE LANDS BY STOPPING THE EXCESSIVE USE OF WATER HISTORY OF THE COSSACKS THE Gl MONI YC HI SSIIN Boston Wins the World’s Series LEGAL NOTICES Notice I'o the (tuck holders of the Klamath By I*. VI. SARI.E Waler I ’ sera Association Klamath Republlca* ; (lulled I’ress Staff Correspondence I You art* hereby notified that at a I.ONDtiN, Sept 15. (By mnll to By HAL sill Itili IN Editor W. O. SMITH regular monthly meeting of the board | New York)- If you want to strike FENWAY PARK. Boston, Oil 13 of director* of xuld naaoclatlon held In terror to the heart of nn Auatrimi or tleriuan the«« days, say "t'oaaack." By defeating th«* 1'hiludclpliln Alb the uxaiM'latiun offlt*«. Reclamation I Tito very word to hold a horror I letica by a score of Ihres to olid thia Her vice Building, Klamath Falla, Ore­ Published by th* Harald PubUahing for the kaiser's 'men and also for attsrnoou, tieurge Htnllluga' Boston gon Saturday. October 3, IWI4, the (oilowing resolution waa duly ititro- [Brave* woli the rltailiplouslllp of Company, of Klamath Falla, oa Finn* Josef'» troop». ' duced, seconded and pnaa««d and en­ world. Monday and Thvraday of each weak R< i>i»mberlng their exploits against | Napoleon and their w ild warfare dur-1 In addition, they performed an un­ tered upon the minutes of »aid meet. • mg the revolt of Hungary, Austrians ' I’1 ecedentrd foat by winning lit« ‘mg. lo-w|t Be It resolved by tho board of di­ they 'rbamplonelilp In four straight game* |aud G< rmans shudder »lien ¡think of the Cossack» luvadlug their Not alnce the history «( |H>al-aeaaou rector* of the Klamath Water ti aera WHAT HAS JUDGE ¡countries The Cossack'* cruelly dur­ baseball contests has this record bron Association In regular monthly meet ■ Ing assembled. that ther« be and ing the Russian revolution Is well «•quqllud. WORDEN DONE? ¡there la hereby Issued a call for a ; known, aud their operations In China The Bravos, although a much I uv tin 1 »no were criticised not only by all built up largely this year by Manager *pt*clal meeting of the «toekboldera of OW that Judge Worden has pub­ the Klamath Water Users Aaaocla- licly announced his determina­ With a view to stopping the water­ gallon at the same price aa every average ranch with that class of soil, the world outside of Russia, but by Stallings, proved themselves tupable itloti. to be held lit the Houston Opera the Russian themaelvee. players, and they outshone the old- tion to make a campaign for re-elec­ logging of lands and other damages other In the unit. irrigated in the average manner, I-et In th«« Rusao-.laputie«e war lhe Cos­ 'time ttug winners In all departments. ‘House. K lautal It Falla. Oregon. Fri­ tion. it might be well to review his caused by the excessive use of water. The second principle is that no one this M the standard amount of water sacks r November. 1*14, accomplishments during tbe past four has a right to use an excessive amount tor that class, for which the minimum at the hour of 2 o'clock p nt for the years, rs only in that way cau the Project Manager J. O. Camp proposes of water, thereby damaging his own charge must be paid. Make thia min­ tion*. The reason was cl««ar enough, iln the nation, but many expert* na purpose of chooalng a member of the ns they were maruutter* by origin 'well, could not figure out any way by vo««*rs determine, with any degree of to make charges in the future by the land and hla neighbor's, and neceaal- imum charge sufficient to meet the Their reason for belnt In warfare Is which Boston could hope to win. The Klamath Water V*er* Association as accuracy, what to expect under an­ acre foot rule, which will be sn Incen- fating the expending of large sums expenses of the first unit. wonderful work of Connie Muck's a member of the readjusting board other four years of the same adminis­ tive for th« economical use of irriga- for drainage. If he does this he Second- Fix a price per acre foot, to enrich themselves by It. of the reclamation service In re­ ' tion water. His plan is outlined as Th«> Cossack's *oclal position in veterans, who lit four eeaaonn past tration. should be charged an extra price for which must be paid for all water used adjusting the charges on the Klamath In excess of these standard amounts. Russia tnak«*a them so Originally the have captured three pennants. ha ‘ Project The people of Klamath county do follows tn a letter to each of the di­ the excess water he use«. rectors of the Klamath Water I'sers CiMumcks wore formed from bandits j long hold the fans lit awe, nud as they The third is that if a settler takes Third Fix a price per acre foot not need any promises from a man <<>u arc further notified that tn special pains to levee his land and which will be credited to each user to prot«*ct th« frontiers during wars tlnlshed ahead In the American ipursuance of said call the stockhold­ who has had four years’ time in which Associatioa: with Turkey and Poland. Aud later ' l«engue this year, they were held to to demonstrate not only what he can i The twenty year extension bill pro­ special pains to be as economical as for every acre foot less than the stan­ ers of the aald association will meet vides a new plan of charging for op­ possible In the use of water, that he dard amount that he usea. provided when Russia started her long march be as strong as et«r. do. but what he will do. Iln special meeting In the Houston toward the East and lined up with the But It was like the "uue boss shay," The first thing that is impressed on eration and maintenance. It is based should have a rebate on hla operation that all bia land la In cultivation and Opera House. Klamath Falla, Oregon. Mohametan races In Central Asia, a the way tho team went to piree* In on a certain price per acre foot, with and maintenance charge. he does not sub-irrlgate. the man who has to dig down into Friday. th<* Sth day of November. ICoMgek "Volsko ” was formed, also J (rout of Boston Tho wonderful In- Fourth—That we must dh.courage Fourth—In each director's district hia pockets to pay bls share of the ex­ a minimum amount, which all land 1*14. at the hour of 2 o'clock p tn I close to (he new Asiatic frontier of field slowed up, Bender and Plank, penditures incurred by tbe county that can be irtigated and is not ex­ any land owner from leaving his land the director and the project manager <>f said day for the purpose of cliooe th« old Invincible», were batted freely, empted must pay whether they use uncultivated, hence we must not make will classify all the farm units accord­ (he Russian empire. court, is this fact: Ing a member of thia association to Th«« Cossacks cost Russia nothing while the traditional batting eyes of the water or not. conditions that would induce him to ing to the amount of water needed ' set us a member of tho board Io re Out of thirty-four counties in the [Tbe empire endowed them with spe­ Baker. Collin» anti the rest of Mc­ If all our soil was the same quality, try to reduce his water bill by not for these units. adjust charges on the Klamath Pro- state of Oregon, there are only eight with the same subsoil, this plan would cultivating his land. There will be some difficulty in cial privileges, for which In return, at Gillicuddy's sluggers were completely Ject counties which cannot boast of being be easy to work out. We could say- I have stated the situation to the classifying these lands correctly, and n certain ago and under special con­ puaaled by tb<* offering* of I he* floe- Dated al Klamath Falla, Oregon, out of debt and having a good surplus ' two acre feet per acre is enough for reclamation commission, and I out- It will probably be several years be­ ditions. they have to give military ser­ toniana. Turstlay. October II. 1*14 in the tre«sury, and of these Klam­ sny one who prepares his land prop­ lined a plan that I believe will solve Whether or not Mack's loini will fore this la satisfactorily adjusted, vice. Ths total Coerack imputation ALBERT R ELDER. ath county as far in the lead with the erly, and irrigates as he should, but the problem. They hsve authorised but it is very noceaaary that we work I now is about 3.000,000, of which be able to recuperate next year Is Klamath Water I’sera Aa greatest indebtedness our soils and sub-soils are not the me to take It up with your board and out this problem so as to be just to 700.000 are women. The CosMcks problematical But should lie hold a lion 10-16-1 l-t aw The state official report for June 30 I same. The amount of water sufficient see it we can work It out. The plan everyone, and yet prevent the exces- own about 148,500.000 acm of land cellar iHjaltlon for a faw years the shows that Klamath county, at that for our clayey soils would be entirely is as follows: Sul Ice to treditors slxe use of water, which la ruluing so Military service la obligatory for all Jans will all recall lhe grand «Id ma time, had a total indebtedness above inadequate for our sandy soils. men for twenty years, beginning at chine which kept Philadelphia In the In tlm County Court of the Htats of Your board, the project manager much of our land. all moneys in the several funds, of In solving this problem, we mu3t and irrigation manager shall do as Oregon for the County of Klamath I am writing to you so you can be the age of 18. Practically the Cue- tunning all the time, and which cop (418,148.71. The outstanding war­ stick to the principle that every acre follows: thinking over this plan, and the sack youth starts his military career tied off pennant after |>«nnaiit for lhe In the Matter of the Estate of Jessie rants on which interest was accruing of land in the same unit is entitled to First—Decide on two or three means to carry it out before your at 14. when he joins an organisation i('lty of Brotherly lx>ve. Combs. Ben­ N. Ollisld, I'ec- ssed. amounted to over (432,000. ! sufficient water to raise an average classes of soils and for each decide next meeting. I think It a good Idea ¡similar to the Boy Scouts. der, Plank. 1-app. Collins. Mcliinla. Not < Is hereby given tbst th« un- Actlv«« service the Cossack does for Baker, I*«via, Oldrlng and the Mur­ dersIgnvJ, Emily M Matthews has The indebtedness of five of the crop with the average farm lateral what amount of water is necessary to for everybody to be studying on this 'three «ears In th«» preliminary divi­ phys will for years remain In the been «pointed administratrix of lb« eight counties was only in amounts of system and average methods of irri- raise an average crop of bay on the ■ problem. sion. The next twelve year* he Is In memories of the fans, aa do even yet exists of Jesxle N. Offield, d«c«MUnd. a tew thousands, while the deficit of .active service, and the last five years Hub« Waddell, Hchreck and other by flic County Court of me Slate of Jackson county, which is the next ; question put up to the voters with- he is on the reserve list Every Cos­ Athletics gone before. Oregou for Klamath county, hud has largest below Klamath, is covered by ’ out delay, that they may settle the sack is bound to provide hi* own uni­ Tho credit for winning the four duly qualified aa such. All psrsoua a bond issue, which was voted by the i thing finally, and clear the way for form, equipment and horse, the gov- straights go to Dick Rudolph and having claims against said «slat« are people. the city council to take steps toward Dl NKIRK, Belgium, Oct. 14.—The German ad vane«- coatiaara. lit Bill James of the Braves. Rudolph heivb) nut died to present the same to Many a thrifty business has gone i the abatement of the nuisance before cycle cotte an> age and the third only In weut Into th«» box In the tenth Innlug gon, with proper vouchers, duly veri­ The question to be submitted to the younty are annually literally throwing away (25,920 in interest on tilts in­ • people as a charter amendment is not titanic condlct. Tin- casualties will be eaomsoaa, as tin- counlryshle ia flat real service, while two others stay at ¡of the third gutne to relieve Tyler, fied. as required by law, within six home. They are bound to march out while Rudolph again took the Ath­ mouths from th« date hereof. debtedness for which they are receiv­ . whether the city shall take over the and tievoid of any cover. Just as soon as the order la given. letics down in today's game I■ tie and tlrst published Beptember ing no returns. Judging from the ) Ankeny canal and the obligations to CenMtrtddp forbids the trauomUaion of even U m * approximate location however. I I, 1914, The Boston Infield was also a rev ­ . water users under the ditch, but past four years the natural conclu­ of the Itatele ground the alliett tiare dionea. It I« h ameil that entrench- Quite recently there was formed in elation, for despite the Injury to Red I‘ata of last publication October sion is that a continuation of the pres­ . whether the city council shall be em- ment» are being prepared. Transkaspla three troops of half-wild Smith, with Deal In hla place at third, is, :*i4. ent administration would mean a con­ . powered to take up this matter with HMII.Y M MA1TIIKWH. Turkomans. These aro now being th« Breves overshadowed the Ath­ tinual increase in this waste of ’ the government for a definite settle­ employed In th« Invasion of Austria Administratrix letic Inlleld In every game. ment. The-sooner this power is ex ­ By W.M. PHILLIP SIMS money. JOHN 8. ROllltCIt, Chamber of Com­ They ar« the creation of the famous From start to finish, the Athletics tended to tbe council, the sooner re­ PARIS, Oct. 24. — Il is not denied here that General von Boston's This more than (25,000 of tbe tax­ merce building, I'ortlaftd, Ore . Russian general, Hkobeleff. called the were oul-generaled, out gamed, and payers’ money that is being thrown sults can be expected. army is ne-nar-ing the French left. Attorney for Administratrix "White General." His hatred of Ger- out-batted Some contend that the reclamation away would built quite a little stretch Germany could not Ivave selected a better Held in lite wheto of Europe utany was so great that Blsmark Shaw key pitched Imlay's game for of road through the level sections of service is trying to unload a burden NoOce fur Publication upon the city. If the city does not to attempt to bottle up tin- allies. Tin- Belgians narrowly erreaped Isola­ feared him, and iiald a great deal of Philadelphia. The score follows the farming districts of the county. (Not Coal Landa) serious attention to him. 12345(789 It II K. What do you think about ft, Mr. assume this, ,'iow is it going to make tion in their retreat from Antwerp. Is-parliiietit of tho Interior, United One year before Alexander 1!. was Boston ..oool 2 0 0 0 0 8 n 3 any headway toward closing the Tlie German forces rele«M- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 WET AND DRY TERRITORY Notice Is hereby given that Haiti« organising troop* among these half Hits . .1 I 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 ers? The matter was taken up re­ toward the English cliannel. ('. I.luil, whose postoffles address la wild men. He well knew the terrible N VIEW of the wet and dry votes peatedly with the government officials Klamath Falla. Oregon, did, <>n the ¡part they would play In an Invasion This force Is swinging In an an and In a northwesterly direction. under the old administration, and was to be held in November, the fol- 2oth day of May, 1*14, tile In thia of Germany, Alexander IL. however, dropped just as often. Is it any won­ The country along th«- cliannel is a Hat, and h not >ull«*d for defense •lowing facts will be of interest: office a vurn statement and applica­ der that the former Department of against assault. To the north of this lies Holland, a neutral country, and to objected to the plan, and It fell Nine states which before January through. LINCOLN, Neb. Oct 13 Mrs tion No. 07557, to purchase the NW tbe Interior was disgusted? the west is the English cliannel. 1, 1913, enacted prohibition laws Alexander III William Jennings Bryan, as well as % NW$) (being lot 1), Section 7, formed an alliance The longer the matter is allowed to were: Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, The logical route would lie for French, British anil Belgians to slip with France. and It looked as though her husband, Is In favor of soman Township 38 8, liange 10 E., Willam­ go on in its present shape, the more North Carolina. North Dakota, Okla­ Skobeleff'« plan might be adopted. It suffrage, and she has issued a denial ette meridian, and tbe timber there­ unfavorable the terms of the govern­ southward along the is Barrows. The officer Is now nt the bend of Melton, on charge of Helling liquor Klamath county, Oregon, or at the Advertising committee—Mrs. C. 8. TUNITY. one of tlie troops In Russia's first j to an Indian, returned a verdict Into office of my nttorneya, Kuykendall 41 DON’T DELAY IT Blake, Catherine Prehm. I the justice court In favor of the de­ Ferguson, whoso office* are in tho fendant. Th« complaining witness Loomis building, Kluninth Falla, Ore­ OW that the Ankeny canal mat- If It's worth having, It's worth In­ The Klamath Volley Warehouse was Jack Palmer, an Indian, and It is gon, xtK'h claims to be presented ter is about in a position to be juring. See Chilcote. will store grain and Issue warehouse hold by the defense Hint lie made tho within six month* from this date, to­ - -- *• ¡■nt up to the people to vote-upon, receipts. Phono 58. 57-2w charge In a spirit of revenge for the wn: October Sth, 1014. The house passed, by unanimous whether or not Mayor Nicholas is attaching of the team of James Lalo, ZEI.LA G. EVANS. opposed to this transfer or in favor of consent, the Oldfield bill, providing Klamath Falla, Ore. The Washington (1). C.) police de­ another Indian, a few days ago. Admlnlxtralrl: of the Estate of Vivian it, la a matter of small moment. The for a reorganization of the patent partment la advertising for two po­ W. H. A Kenner appeared for Mel­ R. Evans, Deceased. matter that counts now la to have the office. lice women. ton nt today's hearing. V 1U-8 11-5 aw Project Manager Camp Takes Up With Directors of Water Users Association the Charging for Water by the Acre-Foot Instead of Method Used in Past N NEXT BATTLE TO BE WAGED BY CHANNEL I N Bradley Hamess Company