The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, October 15, 1914, Image 1

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    • ♦ ♦ «••♦♦♦♦♦•♦
Weekly B m I h
* eeeeeeeseee
ix KLAM vrn « munti
xiMSER eo
Type of Zeppelins Which Were Engaged in Storming Antwerp ALLIES, ESCAPING
Sètbhon sneering nome
or rhe 17 Bài Ionel»
Il II I I !•
< IMI'llt.X
i:r infoi « i n m troops from
< «»•'» Um Kilu1 I» < >>««« lut cil Tim*
German* Have A bn mio ned Tl«elr Poni
Ilona on the la-« llank of the Ly».
Io Geilnau) Itrgnollng l*lmi
h «>»
(••«»tiling lo Alivi««» Given Out by
F r* ne-«**<•,» R
C*r f reti, o."»
bombs are sfrepsted
Have llalai'it tin- Hlcge of Pr,s<-n«»,l
now In German Hand». Mays a Dia*
ami tie Xow Fortifying
patch From lite German Capital.
iwrsuu» were
killed lu Antwerp by I hxii I ii dropped
in Hu- third Zeppelin raid on the elty.
file p)a<e was thrown Into a panic
With the iniuien
IG-iuch siege gun»
haminerlng the forts slid the aerial
in« »»engeni
600 - pound
bombs on the city, the people were
surging from lh< place by the thous­
and*. l-ately the German» have add­
ed n novelty to their Z* p|*e‘,ins. They
have arranged an armored car to be
dropped by cables for observation of
I lilted • '««■»» Ser» !•»
Hl HI IX, Oct. i.T fwlrele»« via May-
V ill«.—— N< « «•riling Io offii tat statement
Ihr Huoaten »««lie of Pryti'iii«) I Itu»
berm rakani.
Tlie Invmlera are ie|H>«t<-«l fortify­
ing on a Ilm- through Mtary. namber
«»il Metlyka Tin- Nu-trinn» are said
• «* lie alla«kina
i llll»«l I’te»» Her Vi.»
Th.« gen
eral staff has announ<*«l that it will
not »tart the Russian campaign In
Poland until there Is «nine detlnlis
conclusion reached In the battle
against Austro-tlerman force», now
raging from Wur»a» to Vistula
Th« war office la c<>uvlnce«l that
German spies arc st work here Tlier**
Is strong reason to sus|H*ct that previ­
ous slaleiuenta have been transmit!««I
to Germany, giving Information re­
garding Rnaala'« plan«.
It Is udinltted that the moat of the
It us» Ian army Is engaged In (he bai­
lie front and In Poland
The <tar feel» that If he br«-aks the
German line In Poland the way Is
«tear for an advance upon Berlin.
the enemy. While the Zeppelin, 500
or more feet in length, rides above
the « loads, and is thus obscured from
the marksmen of the enemy on the
earth, the cables let down observers’
car. swinging many hundred yards
below, and beneslb the cloud bank
they furnish a very small target for
sharpshooter». The car shown here
is m«de of »beet iron, and It bulges
on either side to form a protection
against bullets from below. A car
like thia, moving rapidly, very high
in tbe air. is a poor mark for sharp-
shooters. Tbe modern Zeppelins are
so constructed that even if a shell
strikes them it will not damage
_ more
than one air «bamber With seventeen
of these damaged, the ship might still
float. The reports of the kaiser's de­
termination to attack London take
Into account tbe large number of
these Zeppelins of this type. It is
said to be his belief that he could ter-
rorize tbe British capita! if a dozen or
more of them bombarded the city.
Sawmill To Be Built CARRANZA NO!
Renewed Hope for
Beyond Olene Soon io quit vet
Cure lor Leprosy
OFFIl 1 11.
Fullowliig the purchasing of tracta
of private timber aggregating I2.oqo,-
(•***» Cj-e-t beyond Olone, announcement
was mad«* today that a sawmill is to
l>e built out there this fall and win­
ter. The mill I» to be tn operation
next spring
IL II. Edmond», a well known lum-
l» r man. and former superintend« nt
of the Algoma Lumber company's
fluite«! Prssa Hervir»
HEM.IN, Oct 15 (wireless via Hay plant. I» Interested tn the movement.
ville I The Russians were defeated With him ats several other experl-
near Hchwrwindt. with a loss of 1,600 eiu«d lumber men. Their complete
prisoner» and twenty cannon.
The repulsing of the Russians by Gocn to Portland.
the German» In the south haa brought
Attorney Charle» F. Stone hi«» gone
the Houthern Poland fight back to
io Portland to attend to busines» mat­
Warsaw nnd the Vistula.
Here From Eugene.
l’«turn From Vl»lt.
Alex Martin Jr., for year« a real-
Mr. und Mrs Don Dale returned
dent of Klamath Falla. but now con-
nect«-d with a Eugen«« bank, la here last night from a visit witli reist Ives
visiting hi« father. Alex Martin Sr . In Ellensburg. Wash.
and renewing sc«iualntanccu.
Mrs. J. C. Hirns of Chattanooga.
Twenty women In every 100 have 1'enn., i>ian» to fly around the world
In her seroplans.
dark eyes
The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie
I know n man who has
make goods than It is to sell them
been In the manufacturing business all hl» life, and lie says It
took him some time to llnd till» out. Any man with money can
buy machinery and litre men to run It and make goods, but it
does not follow because he can do that that he can sell those
III» money 1» of no use If he cannot s<?ll those goods
nft««r they are made. He »aid It took him some to find out that
the making of the goods 1» the least. When you ar« manufac
luring- goods you are dealing both with men and metals, and
you can put a thousand more men to work and make more
good». But when you cross tlie line and attempt to Sell tiioae
goods you will meet a different pro|w>»ltlon.
When you make a sale of anything, whether In a retail
store or on the road, no matter what It may be. that sale docs
not first take place lu the order hook or over th«' counter in the
pocketbook or In the cheek book.
But every sale, whether It be u paper of pine or u grand
piano. Ural takes place III the mind of the person who buya the
A lawyer Is as much of a »ulvHinan a» a business man. and
should u*e the sum«» tactics as any other man who le Helling
things, because lie Is always trying to sell the Judge and the
jury his side of the case.
When von put thia matter of Influencing (lie linnuin mind on
RUCh n broad plane you can see that In nearly all of our rela-
H our of lite we are using the prlnclplea of advertising mid
Rend more about thia deal In The Herald tomorrow.
plan» will be auuouiiird later, when
they Incorporate.
"it la our Intention to bulld a mill
with a daily capacity of 35.000 feet
<>f lumber," said one of the interested
parti«-» today.
This would cut about
l.oiiii.ouo feet of luml*er every sea­
"Work on tlie plant will begin this
fall or Ibis winter. In order to have
the mill running next spring
in the
wood« and th« mill we expect to em­
ploy about sixty men."
In a report made public today the
public health service officials hold
out a hope for the curs of leprosy, as
l ulled Pre»» Service
LONDON', Oct 15— The move«iMMit
°< General von ____
_ ’s Gorman
encircle the British and Belgian«
near the English channel failed
Inotlicial word haa been received
that the British and Belgians former­
ly concentrated at Ostend joined the
French reinforcements and checked
the Germans.
It is reported that the German west
ward line .extending across tbe
Franco-Belgian frontier, was bent
back by this assault. The Britons
are bearing the brunt of the fighting
fnlted Press Service
PARIS. Oct. 1».—It is stated that
■ he allies, in addition to escaping
from the encircling movement of the
Germans, delivered a smashing blow
to the kaiser at the junction of France
and Belgium. The French are ad
vancing. forcing the wedge of the
German advance.
The last communication from th«
tnoogta <dl. a product of the tropical
countries. In the statement the offi- war office follows:
rials say:
"On the extreme left, in Belgium.
"ft produces an apparent cura in the enemy coming from Antwerp
some cases, and greatly Improves reached the neighborhood of Bruges
many others, while It arrests progress and Thielt yesterday. The Germans
of the disease in almost every in­ abandoned tbetr position on the left
bank of the Lys.
t'nltid I're«u< Service
a result of the apparent success of
WASHNIGGTON. !>. «'.. Oct. 15.— a new treatment.
According to official advice», ileuersl
The new cure. Is based upon Chaul-
Carranza has presented his resigna­
"Between this section and LaBasae,
tion us president of Mexico to the
however, the situation Is unchanged
p»>ace convention now In session at
"We have made a marked advance
between Arraz and Albert."
The convention lias decided not to
act on this until tlie Zapatistas are
represented, A recess was taken to-
United Press Service
day until October 20.
United Free» Service
BERLIN. Oct. 15. (wireless via
•>__________ ,
THE HAGUE, Oct. 15.- The last Sayville).—"Heavy lighting Is in
act of tt.e Belgian government before • progress east of Argonaes and Sols
I.Lt It RE ON EDUCATIONAL MAT- transferring to Havre was to Issue an sons." said the war office statement,
order directing all males between the
-French official reports of delaying
ages of 18 and 4.» to join the army success in the Woevre region are
within two day». The penalty for dis­ false."
obeying this order is to be treate«i as
“Etain is now in German hands
The French attacks upon our position
near Ste. Mihial have been repulsed."
Alleging that employes of D. P.
Douk have b«H*n trespassing on the
lands of the Weyerhauser Land com­
pany. and that durlug 1 *• 12 and 1913
< ut off considerable timber and con­
verted II to Doak's Interests. the
Weyerhauser company, through Jack-
son F. Kimball. Its agent, haa com-
nienecd »mt in the circuit court to ro­
cover *1.1*7.32, held to be the cost
of the timber.
The suit was tiled by Kuykendall
A Ferguson. It alleges that ti e Doaks
cut 3*16 pine trees, containing 272,-
7M feet of lumber, worth *2.75 per
thousand, and 42 fir trees containing
68,385 feet of lumber, worth *1.75
per thousand, and 35 trees for poles,
worth 51 each.
Austria’s Ship
Yard Is Burned
Belgians Told
They Must Fight
Joins Her husband.
A feature of the Klamath County
Teachers' Institute will be the session
11 Lot KED itv tons of earth .
this evening at the Klamath County
WILL HE DELAYED high school, when Fred C. Ayer of
the I'nlversity of Otegon will deliver
24 Hol Rs
a lecture on educational lines, The
public la invited to attend this.
Mrs. J. XV. Thomason arrived last Fort < <»upl«- Wed.
night from Rupert. Idaho, tojoln her
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M
husband, employed by the reclama­
Montelius on Crescent avenue, Deni­
tion service as engineer of one of the
son F. I-awton and Mias Gertrude
Pittman, both residents of Fort Klam­
ath. were married Wednesday after­
noon. The ceremony was performed
In addition to the lecture Miss Here From Hairy.
fulled Press Service
John Shook, a well known rancher by Rev. J. S. Rtubbletisld. They will
Augusta Parker and Mrs. Bert Carl
COLON, Oct. 15.--A new slide in Thomas will sing,
Refreshments nf-the Dairy country, is spending the ieside on the groom's ranch in tha
Wood River Valley.
t ulebra cut haa piled tons of earth will be served.
•lay in the county seat.
In the now channel just completed.
Alt of the specialists who are to
Dredges, kept in anticipation of ■udì take part in the instruction of teach­
an emergency, are removing the ers are here now. and much of inter­
est Is being brought’out. Esi«eclally
It is believed that the caual can- interesting were the talks of Miss
not Bo cleared sufficient for vessels Hofer today on playground matters.
< > puss In less than twenty-four hours.
War Talk in Congress
No Decision Yet
From Portugal
Congressman Urges Preparation
United Press Service
, is unholy, and that it is a menace to
United Press Service
LONDON Oil. 15. No word has
b< cn received up to this time regard­ CHAMIIEIC OF COMMERCE IS IN
WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 15,— the principles of democracy.
‘Furthermore, 1 believe the god of
ing Portugal's decision regarding her
The recent plea for strict neutrality
lulled Pless Service
battles will visit defeat upon the Ger­
declaration of wur iigalnst Germany.
in speech and action, issued by Presi­ mans.
TRIEST, Oct. 15.—The new Aus-
It is said that even if ah» decides
OUTSIDE HI VER, ASKING FOR dent Wilson, was ignored on the floor’
"Hut no matter which side wine.
trim dreadnought, whose launching to assist Englund in South Africa it
of congress today by Congressman we must remember that ever since the
was scheduled for this afternoon at does not necessarily mean war with
Augustus P. Gardner of the Sixth beginning of time, victorious nation»
the government shipyard at .Monfal­ Germany.
,. . « . t. , . j
j1 have proven headstrong and high
The Klamath Chamber of Com­ Massachusetts district.
cons, on the Bay of Trieat. was niy»-
It would be technically assisting In
He Introduced
... ,,,
. .
. ,
-, , .
minded We must begin immediately
merce is In receipt of an Inquiry from
teilously burned.
Six new torpedo suppressing a revolt.
a resolution for an Investigation of (f reoritanll<> our ml|ltsry strength
an outside party regarding the prices,
bents were also seriously damaged.
this nation's preparedness for war, j( wp expect to be able to resist this
It la believed that spies were re­
Construction of a water course etc., for a carload of potatoes.
sponsible for the blase.
Shippers or producers interested (•nd passed some reflections on one high-handedness when the day of
from Chicago to the Illinois River at
i,oceanity arrives."
La Salle, at a cost of *3.075,000 to can obtain further information re­ 'warring nation.
Gardner presented the resolution
"It is true with respect to- this
Miss l.lnna Bresette, the flrat wo- the state of Illinois, was recommend­ garding this from the Chamber of
European war.” said Gardner, "that providing for a commission to bs sp-
man factory Inspector in Kansas, Is ed in the report of the specially ap- Commerce.
_ not ___
The variety desired Is the "Real my views
neutral. 1 am en- pointed by the president to Invsetl-
urglng that the state nialutain an In pointed board of supervising en­
urely convinced that Germany's cause gate this country’a readiness for war.
dust ria I school
New Yorker” or "Burbank.'