The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, October 05, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Novel Contest
Is Inaugurated
(Continu««! trow pag« 1)
w*U to
Spink, Miss Gertrude Seeley, Ml»» ly for tlie tiapp) a**«>iublagc LKe ju
Alice McCourt, Mb Constance Miller. the afteruoou the lunch basket* were
Miss Louise Sargent, Mrs. M. E. Sar­ emptied, and the table Uter«ll>
gent. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Evans. Mr.! groaued with th« sumptuous repast
and Mrs. W. C. Townsend. Mr*. Stell* ; nerved, a* each gu-ast had vt»d •
Mang. Mr«. William Hall. Ml»» Vere the other In «'onjuriug with her culi­
Houston. Mis* Greta McMillan, Mr*. ' nary art some epicurean delight. At
A. R. Campbell, Mr* E. W. Gowen,I tending the farewell surprise party
Mrs. Ixvuis Gerber, Miss August* »ere Mrs. J. S. Mills. Mr* Miller
By far t lie biggest and most enjoy­ Parker Mis* Alice M. Pool. Mlns Daisy Mrs. Bert Hawkiu*, Mrs. I., O. Brown,
able affaii of the social week wan the (ole. Mrs. W. A. Delaell, Mis* Kstell Mrs. Henry Grim«**, Mrs. G. H. Mil
"Trip Aroi nd the Woi Id.” a unique, Blair, W. M. Duncan. William P. yard. Mr*. S. P. Short. Mr*. W. li.
affair give* Friday night by the ’Johnson. Arthur 1». Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Short Mrs. Albert Miller, Ml»» Nora ’.he winners, and the
Ladies’ Aid Society ot the Prevby- llert C. Thomas, Harold C. Merry- Miller, Mis* Jennie Iceubtce, Mrs. S.^, will tAku plac« LMl'
i'h* number *>*(« .
terian church, in the scheme of ar- man. Mrs. Joseph S. Kent. Mrs. W E. Ice tbice and Mr*. Louuls H. Bath
t wlH kiiQ"
ased. so that Uv'
♦ ♦♦
rungements, the home* of various It Boyd. Miss Mercedes Boyd, Mrs
ul tUC
Mrs. I'homas Hamptou was hostess to whom the 1» • r
people Were designated a* countries. O. A. Stearns, Mrs. Louise Beck,
I ht
and the tourist* circled the globe by Miss«* Ethel and Gertrude Stubble- tu the Tuesday Bridge Club Tuesday Um» It U being go nt
•<t Í H
e judges will ’
traveling from one bouse to another. field, Mr*. R. Vance Hutchins. Frank ot this week, aud there were two .'f
The start was made irom the home Coats. Ernest Coats. Mrs. A. A. Me- tables Th « afternoon proved highly the course otu»w»
n.o t.m» to g« b
i* now. It
ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Worden, haffey, Mrs. Nate Otterbein, Mrs. Ida enjoyable. A luncheon was served by
don’t ¡rake any di; rv ,ce to whom
which was designated a* "Germany." ■Fink. Mrs. Georgia Porter. Miss Flor- the hostess
you write
e ♦♦
you want to tell Frt>sl-
Here occurred the marriage ot the dice Porter, Miss Jennie Johnston.
Mrs. C. C. Hogue und her mother. dent W sou about Ute good things of
bride and groom, Mr. and Mr*. H. J. Miss Anna Mae Johnston, Miss Alice
Mi's. M. P. Kell, of Albany, who has Kiamath county. tt>. t * al! up to you
Darling. Rev. J. S. Stubblefield per­ A. Blackford. .Miss Clara Elmer.
been visiting here this summer, left It .«n’t likely any letter »ill be re-
formed the mock ceremony, and Dr.
Tuesday Jack Moore, the son of Mr. Sunday mornirg for the latter'* home ■ a.lgd, uuies* it be hy special request
and Mrs. Maxwell Long were the at­
tendant*. After the ceremony the John Moore, reached the initial mile­ in Albany. After a few days’ visit ot the writer.
wedding party started the tour for a stone of Life. In honor of the occa­ there. Mrs. Hogue will go to Portland ’
Mall your letti r- io tho Chamber
honeymoon, and they w»re accompa­ sion. Mrs. Rufus S. Moore entertained a» a delegate tu the State Grand
All of the Klamath
nied by score* of guests. At the Wor­ a number of young people and their Midge of the Pythian Sister*, to be county newspapers
Interested tn
den home. Mr. and Mrs. Worden. Mr*. mothers at “The Maples." her pretty held there From Portland Mrs. . a*cei t*inIng the b»
letter writer,
8. P. Lowery and Miss Margaret Wor­ West Side home. The children en­ Hogue will go to San Francisco, to and the ietterà will bo published In
den were all attired in costumes of joyed to the utmost the romp on the visit her daughter before returning tllVÍÜ V'1 •
the Fatherland, and steins and Ger­ spacious lawn, now covered with rus- to Klafaath Fall*. *
♦ ♦ ♦
man picture* predominated. The ef­ ■»et maple leaves, and the other juve­
At the conclusion of
The F ist dancing party of th» sea
fect was further carried out by a red nile game*
tablecloth on the table, from which ’their play, a luncheon was served, a son will be given on the night of ■
Wienerwurst, sauerkraut and ice-tea feature of the repast being the birth­ October i I th at the White Pelican
"beer" were served. Japan was the day cake, with a solitary candle show- Hotel, by the hotel management ami
next country visited by the party, in iug the sum total of the years of Mas­ guests. Invitations will soon be is­
(Continued from page It
this case, the home of Mr. and Mrs. R ter Jacks residence upon this ter- sued The hop is given in response to
The little guests much demand from the darning -e
C. Spink, where Mrs M. E. Sargent, restial sphere.
in the agricultural department
Mrs. Spink, Miss Claudia Spink and were Freddie Goeller, Inues Roberts, pie of th » city.
tt . :e v. a* * creditable display of
Mis* Marjorie Delxell. clad in silken Beatrice Walton, Margaret Cummings,
♦ ♦ ♦
kimono*, bowed low to the gue*ts. ¡Catherine Walton. Charles E. Cum­
The directors, superintendent and h*"<iy ' i$etaul»s. grain», grasses and
Excellent honey In t he
and served them with tea and dainty ming*. Zepha Rogers, Jean Rogers. teachers of the Klamath Falls school forage <-t •• -
wafers. The delicate effect* so charac­ Henrietta Rice. Helen Mason and district were guests of Mr. an<r Mr*. comb and strained. . tt«-*ted the act
teristic of the chrysanthemum king­ Helen Shlve.
.Charles C. Hogue at t!»ir home on th it the Wood River '«’alley I* adapt-
The * hool* also had
dom were prettily carried out la the
♦ ♦ ♦
High st net Saturday evening, there e to bees
Members ot the Art Needlework being present Mr. and Mrs. R. H. splendid exhibit*.
Spink home with oriental lanterns,
fan*, lacquered work. etc. Leaving ¡Club will meet next Wednesday after- bunt nr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hanks,
The fan«> work r‘»
it w*« one
Japan the party next visited ’Tre- noon at the home of Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Applegute. Mr. of the most witract
the fair,
land," at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chastain, on Third and Lincoln .and Mrs. William A. Delzeil, Mr. and There was aii man
wonleu "a
Charlee Graves. What would Ireland streets.
Mrs. H. E. Momyer. Mr. and Mr*. T .needle work ait dis;
be to the tourist without the "Blarney
♦ ♦ ♦
> from 7
• les
A. Barton. Miss Augusta Parker, Miss ■ 'line In.' >t
Stone"? In addition to the "Blarney
Members of the Happy Hour Club J Cole. Miss Clara Elmer. Miss Alice to 160 year* old.
Stone" the "Lakes o’ Killarney" were were delightfully entertained by Mrs. Pool, Miss Rachel Manneman, Mis«
also much in evidence, and two col­ la>y Hilyard at her home at Ninth Claudia O'Loughlin. Miss Gertrud»
The residence of Harvey Scott, five
leens, Miss Margaret Dunbar and Miss and Pine streets Tuesday afternoon, Seeley. Miss Lon* Stoecher, Miss
north Of Fort K
Ellsie Dews here served potato salad, her guests being Mrs. Robert *A. Em- Edith Soule, Mis* Winifred Keyes,
buttermilk and wafers to the visitors. mitt, Mrs. M. P. Evan*. Mrs. 8. B Miss Edna Well*. Mias Etbel Gross, to the ground Saiurd*
Mock. Mr. 8'
The final stop was made at "Atner- Turner, Mrs. Leo Houston, Mrs. R. C. Miss
t wk * J r the
ica," and extremely tasteful was the Shipley, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Willialh P. Paxson.
Lulu Wattenberg
a party of hunter»
>tt and
way in which the home of Mr. and Johnson, Mrs. G. V. Walters, Mrs. R. Miss Pearl Talley. Miss Nellie
o grown children, with Dr. <
Mrs. Fred J. Williams was fitted up J. Sheet*. Mrs. Ray Telford, Mrs. Cur­ McAndrews, Miss Mary E. Stewar
!i and Mrs. (Iriffith. who i
for the occasion. Even our genial ‘ tis Heidrick, Mr*. Harry Richardson, Miss Ida Momyer, Miss-Golden White-
--- " " 1 i house. Fifteen
Uncle Sam was there in the person of Mrs. K. D. North and Mr*. Charles nack. Miss Georgia Porter, Miss Alice
Bert C. Thomas, and he escorted the McWilliams. The afternoon wa* en- Blackford, Mr. D. C. Mowis and Mr. minutes after the discovery of the
Goddess of Liberty, represented by joyably spent in needlework and con- P. L. Fountain One of the features fire the house coilapsad, *o the In­
Mr*. Thomas. At this stop, coffee and versation, and a dainty luncheon was of the evening was "The Greatest mate* bsrelv escaped with thdr live*
cake were served by Miss Margaret served by the hostess.
Show on Earth," a menagerie travesty and with but little dothiug.
Williams. Those who "made the
A f« '. sack* of flour *a« all that
♦ ♦♦
that convulsed all. A number of In-
tour" were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Dar­
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Oden left dur- (creating guessing games were played was *av'.*d. A new piano and all tur-
ling. Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell Long. Mr. .ing th» week for Tennessee, and on and the fortune* of each guest, in clture wa> lout. There was no insur­
and Mrs. J. C. Brockenbrough, Rev. Wednesday afternoon Mr* Oden was poetry, were given them. Mis* Augus- ance. Some mall for government road
and Mrs. J. S. Stubblefield, Mr. and tendered a surprise party by a num­ tn Parker sang some well received camps was burned.
Mrs. E. C. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet ber of ladies from the Pine Grove dis­ solos, and piano number* were ren­
Mr. Scott’s residence >s known as
McGee. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Faught, trict, where the Oden* resided. There dered by Mis* Hortense Hogue. Dur- the Wayside Inn. It is the last stop-
Mr*. Robert E. Wattenburg. Miss ’ was never a more surprised woman ing the evening refreshments were .dng pla< north on’the l oad to
Lulu Wattenburg, Mrs. M. 8. West. than Mrs. Oden, when her neighbor* served.
Lake. Mr. Scott had enlarged hi*
Mr*. Loy Hilyard, Mrs. Harry Rich­ called in a body, prepared to spend
place tin., i.ulauier ^»r the a-romuio-
ardson, Mr*. 8. P. Lowery, Miss Rutli the afternoon, and carrying with
Friends of Mrs. H. C. Chamberlain rlation ot the traveling public. Hl*
Saucerman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert M them the ingredient* for an unex­ spent a most enjoyable afternoon at loss Is heavy. Relief funds and sup­
Worden, Miss Margaret Worden. Mrs. celled repast. Needlework and the her home one day this week, needle­
plies were immediately raised by the
E B. Henry, Mr*. E. Thompson. Mr. exchange of reminiscence* made the work being the chief diversion, and
people of Wood River.
and Mrs. R. C. Spink, Miss Claudia afternoon hours glide by all too swift- [ refreshments were served.
Fort Fair Is the
Rest of Tnem Ail
United Pre** Service
England, Oct. 5.
The following is told by a wounded
British officer just returned from th*
front, ot an episode of the fighting
by the British in the trenches near
“It was dinuer time. But in thia
war there is no dinner rush from 12
to 1. The shells continued to roar,
but fifty yards behind the trench,
screened by a belt of trees, the bat­
talion reserves had their fire* alight
and employed their time cooking din­
ner for the battalion. That was all
very well. But fifty yards of shell-
swept ground between left the men
in the tr< nches a plaguy way from
their dinner. Fortunately the front
vias clear for a short time of hostile
infantry. An officer called for volun­
"Immediately a host of volunteer*
sprang up. Away they raced to the
belt of trees and returned triumph­
ant with mess tins riddled with
shrapnel bullet* and some of their
numlier on the ground, but with din­
ner for the famished battalion. The
An induction coil lias been com
liined with gymnastic apparatus by a
Fi-nnsylvanla eh - tri< ian so that a par­
ison can take electrical treatment and
jexercise at the same time.
Both Sides Are
Rushing More Men
the Czar’s Troops This Time
Orthodox Priests Have Worked the Soldiers Into a Terrible
Machine, a Religiously-Frenzied Army Fighting
What It Believes to Be a “Holy War”
Alter the (In- war brvku out, devoted i
‘ pumps und ‘ plum, of bivouac, lu th*
manner in » liL-t. J.ipHUese "»Idler* llx’lr »« I« attenlloii ( .».nd stimulai- foil* uf Hie fortified town», uh»re«»r
. •
lo It -.«i.ii. lu i i < p Ing a *<’*» for war. i ll« punsanU, It 'troop), «re ***embl»«l or moving, th»
must be lemeiuiit'ied, in« wry largely tellgiou» elemeut «» very much In
Busso Jai-anese conflict, it la difficult.
under (he liittueiie« of tli<<lr spirituali evl«ieli«e; (lie priest plu)* an iiuport-
.«> duubi j<>r people to understand the mjvlKer*.
.«tit part «>. th«- ufllcei III Hi» priqmi
«■«•imtigly wonderful improvement lb
Germany lia* been held up to exe- I »lory stag«», at least, of Hie cam-
the efiecitveneea uf tile Itusalan war «'rutilili
the HWoru f»» of th« ortho­ Htlgu.
< ill* dclUoii'ti.' *<l in tin dox < hunil. Mild this Luling ha* gain­
Nor will (he majority of the pri«m(*
present »ar
ed as eager adlierelit* ot war the com be content to cunflu« their admlni*-
Even tuemberit of the foreign quar­ mon soldier* and the peasant c I hm K ni . Itniiouk to the preparation* for war.
ter here, who have made Petrograd Tlie pnn-sia«ir ideili ha* added to the Mau« gU'i'Ight into th« nghtiug Hue*
their homo for years, could at first «lippiti' la of the gnV«»i lilliglit In It* to ai*ui <>u uiid »ucuuiage their apirll-
- l . »le til
llie arm) w hlcli warlike attitude, the middle mid bet­ util flock* aud to offer th» dying th«
little Japan whipped wa* breaking ter adui-aled i is», • ».
Inal <iiuaolniiun* uf religion on the
ip Emperor Frunx J omi I * uriuy of
Th««» two thing*, more than any­ battlefield.
utor« tliau a fiiilliou uu-u. H » «« hard thing else, are wlmt have uniteli Rus­
Th««« pri«e|* In Russia ar« of (hr
to believe (hat (hl* same RuMtiuu. sia mid ended, at least temporarily, people, aud (he) fe«)| with Hie men in
urmv wa* atoi miug everytliiug before the threatened internal strife, Every tlie rank* to n degr««,. m*ii»iil»hlng to
it. with rover»«« few aud «ompart boil y ol mart btatg i roope
WtMieru onlooker*.
tively uuiuiportaut. Hut they soon I by n' plient of ilio orthodox church.
AUogellivr an Impressive apv«Tii< le.
alixeil t’ s three an*w« r-
who, With III* flowing beard und long this Husain under arm*,
Russia Im* beni-iilletl vastly by her black gat ment, is n striking enough
I lie) du not look like bnrbarlaiilK
mistake» in the-Ruwso-Ju^uucu««) war; figure. The prl«*t enrrles n erum, or Hu .I soldier* of th«’ tr ii , they ar»
the fighter* tu (he rnuk and file know Is . '()•!. !»il !
beari-r, wlio mostly »lliipleuiltiilud, docile |a>«a
what tie) are giving up their live» b»ur* the burden of the holy Image nuts, full of rvllgiou* ardour, which
tor for th«' Slav race; tlie priest* of. for him
»III turn them Into fniiaticgl fighter*
the Orthodox < buri'll tiave worked the
The military baud» l«l»> »«vied uiu «ton (he decisive niuiueui urrlve*.
vflny up to u pitch of religious fervor *ic alternate!; with th« barbaric
They may bo »lightly luferlor in
and enthusiasm, by making war, for i mardi music that suit* th••»«■ nmrlor* training, but they *ro the best raw
Huota, n holy war.
of Tartar blood.
material uf any country In Europe,
Acting under order* from tlio holy
it i* nut merely a war. It 1* a holy and the bard tralulng of th» war will
■yno«l In Petrograd, the entire priest . «Tusarle on which the soldier* ut Rut­ transform them into a host of the
hood of the country for week* before tala feel that they ure engaged In th?|nm«t formidable troop* in the world
New Golf Champion
of the United States
’play. So In both phaiea of the exact-
Advertised la'ttrra
I ing gatti» of golf Mr*. Jackson has
Ih» folio* ing unclaimed mall mu’
(■liowcti*)-lt to be the preeminent
1er advertised «>u the 3<J day uf Or
i woman golfer of ^he year. *
inlier, will tie «eut to the dead let-
1er olli)« at Washington l> C, OU
the I 7tli day ut October.
Hotel Arrivals
lllughum, Charlie
Bcnnill, Everett
Holl. P.
M< Coluvr, Bill
McCloud, Georg«
Met!regur, O. L.
McGill, Mr». W. II.
I l«ttu. Belly
Itene, Oswald J
Stewart. Harry
Hleveman, J. M « a i
Tipton, Mr». II. <•
Morrow, Willie
McPherson. Robert
Morford, ('. !..
Duketie, Peter
Hilton. Chas. P.
Horney. C It
Hohnes, Charley (2)
Conroy, Elmer
U hili- Peili iin
Bedford, Klamath Agent y,
T. chimie) k. Salem; D B. ('on
ml, I‘a Isley: J. I'. Wise. Dorris.
Hotel Hall
Saturday Mr nnd Mia. Andrew
Dexter, J. It. How i*ou, Algoma; Ed­
il L, Fmilke and son, Gazelle, Mist
i*ugli, M. Cough, Dr. nnd Mr*. Cough
Recreation; Voine; 1*1x011, E. !.. Bal­
¡rom, Medford; Dr. R.
li. II. Hamilton.
'wife and daughter, city; J. I.. Wor-
J low, Malin
Sunday J M. Holman, Chus Hord
¡ la»vl Walker, Yainux; Harbaugh
.lohn *
McCray, thikeMfield; Edson Watson,
Imkevlew; W. II. Freer, W. E. Baker
Agency; O. E. Jtutoba,
Jacobs, Seattle; J.1
Murphy. San Francisco; M Talbott.
A charge of 1c will be made on nil
'Portland; Mr*. Walter Dixon. Fort letters delivered from this list, in
'Klamath; Florence Kidd, Roseburg, calling for letter* please say advt r-
Ore.; A. M. Hamm, J. E. N, Phelan. Used.
ik«r*fl»ld. If A Young. Medford
Our Weekly Health Talk
Hy IHL It. It. 1*1 Ml.l.^l ditor "The Hygieniat.'*
I >piloni l cv* i
How It I». Brought
tboul. How It Is to Be Avohliil
(Continued from Page 1) .
lypboid fever ih a g. rm illsciia*; If. I going to have ibplirild fever fails to
various symptoms ure the result of cut down on hi* heavy food*; thu« lie
through the line* at Roy«- and laSIgny
II. Arnold iackson of Boston ithe successful invnsion of the body by
are fruitless.
continually Innren*«* Hi» amount of
golf champion of the tho typhoid bacillus. However, just as unu «d food In ill» InteHtlne* and tlie
Pressure against th» German* i* in­
creasing at various points, and it is United State* for 1914, and th« win- Is the case In all of our common germ Irritation from the fermenting mid
predicted that the German* will soon ner of the -Robert Cox cup, emblem <ll««a»in, n breaking down of the nut decomposing food. After the Intes­
men who fetched David the water
retreat to Belgium. Intercepted Ger- atlc of the championship. This cup urn) dlHenHe-reslstlng power of Hie tines and file body at large have been
fiom th> well of Bethlehem were no
body rvniMt pr<- «-de th« actual jdl«»ase. gotten Into a stat» of lowered re*l»t-
Sheet steel bulkheads, which can ¡man wireless message* Indicate that
bus been sojourning in England for
mightier men of valor.”
While tho tfertn I* n«eemtary to the anc«' in this way, the germ I* taken in
be quickly erected, have been provid­ Germany i* near the end ot her re-
the last year, whither It wa* taken by dlseaae, those thing* which got th* with food or water, nnd tlndlng con­
ed by several Pittsburg stores to pro­ source*.
Cnited Pre»* Service
tect them from floods when the city's
The fight along the center is not Mis* Gladys Rav«n*cr<»ft. It will re­ body in nu-ib n condition that the ditions favorable fur it* growth mol
LONDON, Oct. 6.-Mrs Strange rivers rise.
changed Both armies are firmly en- main in the custody of the Oakley i germ may »ur-ccsafully attack It, are development, takes up its abode in
stewardess of th« Princes* Ladies’
tren«hed. The crown prince is reiir- Country Club, near Boston, for the also Important ciiuhok of tho <llx»uiw the intestine, mid bring* «bout tlie
| Tlie man who I* going to hnvo ty- 1 acjual.
Golf dub, Mitcham, has no fewer
A German automobile that is driv- ing from Woevre and th Frenia ad­ ensuing twelve month*.
than twenty-one near relations on en over ice by an air propeller ba* vances from Toni and Nancy have
tn a final round that was n reni i phold-fovor In tb« spring I* laying the
We should have pure food mid wa­
active service with the fleet. Her hus-l carried aix passengers at a «peed of cow'.riled tho enemy to lift the lege match every Inch of the way and ' groundwork for tlie djeeaee month* ler; we should avoid h * fur mm posai
band, a pensioner, 1* captain-steward forty miles an hour, and one parson of several fert* along the Muese.
which was not decided until both balls before the attnik, during th« winter. bl» Inking germ* Into the body. But
at Davenport barracks. She has six ' at a 90-mlle rate.
were in the cup on the enghteenth Typhoid fever originates In the smnll Just a» Important, w» »hoiild eat food
III I t look to that I h readily digested, und no mor<<
brothers afloat, two brother»-Jn-law
Mate S< ei-etary Coining.
gfeen on the course of the Nassau inti- l . * Il ■ -I ■ <;
It* firm entine. Ilian we really need. In thh way wa
and twelve sailor first cousin*. Eight1 What is believed to be the largest
C. F. Swender, state *ecretnry of
of her undes are naval pensioner*. armory in the world, having a floor the «'hrlatlan church, will be here Mis* Elaine V. ItoMnthal of (llilcngo For month* twodlng the attack th« *'mi keep tho Int'Mtlnc and the body In
typhoid fever victim-to-be I m over ent- hih I i condition uh to succewifiilly de­
Her father, Thomas Rees of Daven­ 300x600 feet, Is being erected In New Sun lay to begin a series of nightly by 1 up,
port. is a Crimean veteran, and one York for a National Guard regiment. m eating*. " I ess will continue for
Jt was Mr*. Jackson's second vic- . Ing; be I m «tiling more food Hum he fend Itself ngnliiMt garinM. In large
of her grandfathers also served
t"h., ________
nntlonnl _____
u’''' H>”
'■ ,‘1*’ '
two week*, The . anniversary
„ . of the
- ory_ In ___
______ _____
opidi-mlcM of typhoid fever only n
through the Crimean War.
too mud- fried "mall per cent of those u*lng the pol-
e observed October 17, in IfiOA, when she wns Mi** Katherine Ing irollg «tibí»
Venezuela soon will open Its first church
large paper factory, In which all the )iid great prepgrationH am being < Harley, she won the title nt Chevy ' food», often too much sweet*. A* a ’ liiteil water or food over rs-nlly cen-
By treating young chicken* with machinery will be electrical.
irade for this by the local congrega­ Chase. It Is doubtful if any woman j result of these litirniful habita ot out- tiuet Hie dlMi'iiHo Thorn who do full
high frequency, high voltage current*
golfer has « ver hnd n* cl« r i title to ling there I» more or les* Irritation to victim* linve for months previously
of electricity, a London experimenter
lie blgli« t honor of the y if an that the Mtrinll Intestine from the fermen­ been getting in condition to b» sick
The Klamath Valley Warehouse
has made them grow more rapidly 1 will store grain and Issue warehouse
After a long Investigation a French which Mr*. Jackson earned.
Ln«t tation und putrofnctfon of the uiiiimi - i I
than those of the same age reared receipts. Phone 53.
57-2w i”;entlat has declared that tuberculo­ iprlng at tho Gr) «nwleh Country Club food.
llicic un two almi* of Insiirnaee.
without the treatment.
As the spring coniai on and the < liilioi) write« th« kind that pay*,
sis can be transmitted by the persnlra- she won tho women’s Eastern cbnni
Accurate Information almut the tton of a iWtrson afflicted with th«- dis­ iilonxhlp, which was decided by n warm w<«th«>r mnkea It Impossible tttll »lain.
It is raid that about 1,400 earth | Klamath Basin. See Cbilcote,
ease, the germs passing through the medal play test, and she won the na­ for tho body to use tip the usimi
tremors were felt In Japan last year. I Main
tional title 'ifter a week of match amount of winter food, the mun who'
Herald want nds bring ree ulta
For sprinkling clothing before iron­
ing there has been invented a cup
with a perforated bottom, the water
being released by pressing a lever on
the handle.