^innt-ìtìrrkly « ♦ VOLUME XIX '* * x, ♦ • • ♦«««00«« ♦ KHUliv EVKHVOXH • ♦ IX MAMA I'H COUNTY ♦ ♦ « ••«•«•< • 0 ♦ ♦ I A • » Tsc .aajr.a wr \t MllEK 57 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1914 BOTH SIDES RUSH RE-INFORCEMEN ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ German ANTWERP NEAR CAPTURE; HUES RUSHING TROOPS American a Hero of the Belgians PORTUGAL NEXT 4 Iti IX NI A Mt »I. Bishop of London Ready tor the Front Ol TNIIH BOTH SIDES ARE RUSHING RESERVE FORCESÏO FRONT II.MI Itl l’oltls IXIHAXs < lt<- » XI/. I I ’IOX IN Io HE EEL I « T- IMoXt. . HE II LIES IIKITINH « OMiXIAl.s Ell s< M » X IKK NOW IN Al TIOX «>• rnian 4merli an PrumlM* < <>u»ul < «riii-i a I Thal (irrUlana Net in«» W III lllllllllUK« Prut lilrsl Xol I at il for Nlielterlng Light lug Maintient Say llu (irrelati* trr («alninK Derisive* Xoi Eire ou - I laiiii ami Evening. anil lililí Hai«- Forcee Tlirir Md) >»< Mki<*M W ill ¡M- Hvld llerv Heru Itigli! Hing Fleered a Change ot Talent Ill El.iiisl. Plaies lit Tentane. Ill Forte Ire In Ar(iou Every T«o Reports lii>li<-Mt<- That haiser la Hu­ big llu- Name, But llw Reports From Paris Are to I he Effert That Ilie I.«-nilan Right I. s Being Driven Hm k. While (he Lighting Along U h 1 Mutsi- Has Been I tiangiil l ulled Pi ras Servite LONDON. Oct 0. Il la believed «■orinili that the rul « bl y lu participate in au out- llaukbig maneuver with tlie object of driving the lleriuabs from Brussels, thereby rallevine Antwerp Imio Antwe'i p dispatches Indicate there are Brillati Troops there This ina^ lie some of the ('anadian rcgl- menta. «U ’ George Straus, sou Geolg Hiraiis of Neu York. 4s all American who lias l*c<'ti heard fiom In the great war. Thia photograph shows him wearing the < roes of lite Drdvr of Leopold. which King Albert himself pinned on the American*« breus* Strauss, who has b< on chaufieur of an armored motor car, ilium In tlie I iii-iuty l hil> Tonight. The Ural public gathering under the auapui . ul the legislaiive depart­ ment of the Women’s Literary Club will be held In the basement of the libraty tblo- evening, when Itullo C Gioeabeck will apeak on "Politics Culled Press Hervlca Men and and tie* Uonimoa Pi ople ANTWERP, Oct 5 "The situa­ women nie luvlt* d. tion la excellent, every fort Is In u< lion," la the statement given out by Great e.i'i.otny <>l power is claimed the war office today. "The German« have gained nowhere, uud wo can foi a ayalgm of canal towage that is being experimented with in'Germunv, hold out Indefinitely." It la reported that American Con­ in which the tow boat la supplied with sul General Kthelbert Watts has «lectrlclty through trolley wheels that urged the German commander to run on a submerged rail. «pare the Belgian historic buildings Albany buxines# men arc tiylug to The commander promised, on condl tlon that the Belgians not tiae I hose rala» 47.500 Io enlarge furniture ! plant. for military purpose«. Novel Contest Is Started Schoolchildren to Be Rewarded for Best Letters I Klamath. Falla Chautauqua Assembly is a reality. t mteil Presa Servi«« Sufficient men and women iuterest- I.OXlMiX, IM. 5.—Evtraunliiuirv <*<1 in the bolding of such au educa­ rt intoning of the German left iniii- tional and entertaining event here • at«N> that tin* kaiser reoUsee the next summer were lound in two days prime iuifwrtam-e of tlie army's spirit of i tant busiiK-Hs w ill come befo>e the lleii- Emm Ml. Hebron. daughter returned Satin day night result of this strain, military men are ley. George J. Walton, J. B. Mason, looetlng, and a full attendance Is de­ J. It McAllister is here from Ml from Marshfield, and will make their sired. confident that when Germany is liebroil, Calif., where he is employed G. W. White, Mrs. M. J. Beebee. C. C. home here. They are residing at forced to retreat, she will have to Hogue. A. Oehler, Mith. Ethel Gross. by the Mt. Hebron Lumber company. Miss Laura Bice, Dr. F. M. White. A Seventh and Canal, and the doctor evacuate France entirely. In the older named qulniuc. calo­ Y. Tindall, E M. Chllcote, Earl Whit­ has secured offices in the White build­ mel. castor oil, tincture of Iron, opi­ In the County of London there are The battle north of the Oise contin­ lock. J. B. Griffith, George A. Haydon. ing. During the present week, while um and brandy are the niedlcln. most 55« railway bridges crossing over the ues vigorously, but the outcome la un­ Charles F. Stone, John Hagelstein. his offices are being remodeled. Dr. u«ed in the tropics. i streets. certain. Both sides are constantly •Charles •Mack. Roy Kinsman, U. E. Hamilton will occupy Dr. White’s reinforcing. Reeder. Dr. George Merryman, Dr. C offices. Strongly reinforced, the allies are V. Fisher, John Shepherd. To protect the eyes of motorists at extending their lines north ot Arras, in a short time, organization of a Chautauqua Association will be per­ night from glaring headlights, gog­ driving the German right eastward. The efforts of the enemy to break fected by the supporters of the move­ gles I are been Invented, the upper ment. They will also take up ar­ portions of the lenses of which are Mr. (’. J. Garland and his two boys will be In Klamath Falls I Continued on page (I rangements for the six day "feast of of dark amber glass. « " »• I •> are known as "Dady and His Boys' in the adver­ reason and flow of soul" to be held tising held, and they will feature a new plan of advertising for here. All of the signers realize the Th«* Herald one that will b«> light up-to-the-minute In special benefits to be derived from such a advertising. series of meetings, and are highly elated at >e< tiring such an assembly. J lie Herald has made all necetn-ary arrangements with Elder S. D. Harlan, who has been . Daddy,’ and will feature this plan exclusively in this paper. working for an assembly here, reports Daddy mid His Hoys" come to this paper with the highest that he encountered a good deal of opposition owing to th«* ill-fated at­ recommendations as to their clean, good methods of doing tempt at a Chautauqua in 1912. The business, and with 11 large and varied experience in promul- opposition, though, faded, when the gailiig new, attractive and special features. Today, more than plans of the Ellison-White system ever before, newspaper advertising, if featured correctly. Is the were outlined, and some objectors be- ’ •lie best winner in w ailed publicity, and "Daddy and His camo supporters. (Herald Npetial Service) The livestock exhibit, housed in The bureau conducts Chautauqua Hoys have many of these new features to show, explain anil Ryan’s barn, was unexcelled thia tall, assemblies in sixty different Western FORT KLAMATH. Oct. *>. The Interest llu? business inrople of our city. "Daddy" says, that .cities, many of them in Oregon. It Is people of the Wood River Valley were This took lu many exhibits, aud the now a-diiys a business concern of nnv kind, no matter what 'through this co-operation, and the| I greatly disappointed ut the failure of judges, C. T. Oliver of Klamath Falls they are selling, no matter whether they are conducting business booking and circuit system adopted the Klamath Falls people to furnish a and Doc Caldwell and Bob Dalton ot In n town of 400 or a city of 400,OCU, have just two reasons that it is possible to secure high class band for the district fair here, as they Merrill, had hard work lu deciding (entertainers, lecturers and musicians promised to, and as they did for Mer­ some of the awards. Some ot their why they should not advertise in their local paper, and these for the assemblies. rill and Bonanza fairs, but despite awards follow: two reasons are usually EXCI SES. He also says that he Best stallion Slsemore Jt Pelton. Meetings will be held in a big tent. this they held a display here that was really believes that when a business man tells him that he can't Best beef cow—L. C. Hlsemor«. It has betn found that this is much easily the peer of this year's Klamath afford to mnk«* a certain appropriation for advertising In his Best beef steer—Dan Ryan, first cooler and much more satisfactory county district fairs. ¡than a hall. There will be afternoon local paper, that h<> is justified, anil believes that he Is doing In some respects the fair here was and second prises. Best ram James Pelton, tirsi and and evening s«*sslons, with talent superior to the average county fair. that merchant a good turn by lelllrig him, and advising him to ¡changed every other day. In the This Is especially true from the stand­ second. advertise tils business FOR SALE. Best ewe lohnnle Moon, ¡forenoons there will be training point of livestock, school exhibits and "Daddy" wants every business concern in this live, splen­ Best mule team—Will Nickerson, classes In charge of specialists. needlecraft. did little city to keep their eye on his advertising talks, whether hl addition to the exhibits from the first and second. Best draft team - Mr. Pyland. For photographers' uso in dark Wood River Valley ranches, there von advertise or not (that's up to you). You may learn some­ Best pen Duroc hogs- -Mr. Pyland. rooms there has been devised a lamp were displays from Crystal and from thing to your advantage. The poultry exhibits were judged carrying several different colored as far north as Beaver Marsh, An- WATCH TOMORROW'S TALK IX THE HERALD. glasses In a wheel in front of its open­ other attractive feature was a display by Mrs Caleb T. Oliver. ing. so any colored light can E m * ob- of China pheasants and Belgian hares 'taiued when desired. from the Copeland ranch. (Continued on page 4) The Mutual Girl and Her Auntie Fort Fair Is Best of All ✓ In the Interest of eduction, th<*.niuke ('hrlstinus a little more hnppy newspapers of the coun*v will con­ fur the fortunate conestiints. Scholarly friend, how would you duct a I .el ter Contest through th«* like Io win five dollars, have your public schools, offering awards to the photograph and letter published in pupils and students writing thesbest Ilin local pn|iers and In the big dully letters to friends or relatives reulil papers of Porthind and Sacramento; Ing outside of Klamath county, lnvit-l be known as the beat letter writer In I uk them to make their home here, the county, and have people point and giving good reasons for asking you out with pride ns u winner ns them to make the rhange. The con they sou you move along your dally lest scheme Illis received tl.e ehdorse- walk of life? Sounds good, oh 7 ment of Professor Fred Peterson,! If you win your parents will feel county superintendent. justly proud of you, and love you It la to open lit once, and to < lose with a deeper love; your school will December 1st. All letters are to bo honor you with u deeper honor, and inulleil to the Chamber of Commerce, nil through III«* you will curry Hie from where they will be forwarded to mark of public distinction, Worth the proper judges, who are to be so working for. Isn't It? Yes, you have just us good a chance lecled from the teaching staff of the to win ns anyone else. No, the high county. Honor, glory, gold, awaits the win­ (Continued on Page 4) ners. Not much gold but enough to i lilted Press Service BERLIN, (via wireless), Oct. 5.-w- I oilugal, Il is believed. Is preparing to aid the allies. Late maritime ad- vu-es show that a number of British learners have reach«! Lisbon. il is repoited that they are to be , ii-vd to transport Portugese troops to , the twill«- tiourfu France. Il is learned that the British East India legoiienla have bwn landed at Mi rselli«*« They air rushing to the front to reinforce the British. The latest war office statement says the German light is gaining decisively In France. 1 he allies Hau king operations have li'<-n checked, and at several points In the west the line« have been pierced end the French driven to their trenches. All armies ar,- fighting furiously. i Those Who Failed to Attend Missed Excellent Show J