■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ mj The Very Latest Ideas of the Country’s Best Designers Are 3hown in Our Stock of Ausuians Try to Cross River; Fail Op IXÏ EPEST Toò NISH, Sept. 25.-1$ la reported that the Austrians endeavored to cross the H The I, t upon Beilin! , is shown on all the chic plain tailored Danube to attack Belgrade, but they ■ Tips up with Just a little flare; blouse» for the fall and winter. were repulsed. Before they retreat- HI Her collar flares; her Russian cost Along with the high tight collar Is ed the Austrians shelled Belgrade for Flares out decidedly, you’ll note; returned the high lace shoe. With five hours. And in a manner quite discreet her coats, blouses, skirts and sleeve» t Her full skirt flares above her feat. «<> iavlahly garnished with buttons a I in fact most everything »lie’ll wear la Mllltalre, it probably is a relief for Flams up uud out a bit somewhere. a much buttoned maiden to f»-e| that at least her feet are buttonlesa. But 1 don't care a bit, do you? I Hence »ome of the very best ankles ; I’nlesi* her temper flares up, too. ■ire all wrapped up in shoe strings. NISH, Sept. 26—The war office has But to return to the flaring points. e i Issued the statement that Krupanla 1» YORK, Kept. IS. Isn’t It The really most flagrant flares of all ithe only pluce where Austria still has like Fashion to decree flaring are found on the «oat and wraps. For * a foothold in Servla. Fighting has coats and skirt» for -.licet wear the redingote coats are been going on there for a week, and the winter season, the thing In the suit line, but the sep­ when chill blasts arate coals are all cut like a Cos­ It is said the Servians are slowly ail- find getting under sack's, and the most stunning are fin­ vanclng. Efforts to cross lhe Drain flares the easiest ished around the bottom, cuffs and and Danube rivers has met with re- thing they know? rollar» with wide bands of fur— pttlses. Tue government denies the de< laration from Vienna that the Ser­ It’s a great little skunk, monkey or sable preferred. chance, though, for The Covrack coat for evening wear vians are suffering from cholera. ’ It lovely woman to ba» almost the same cut an the street !is also announced that the bombard­ get buck into her coat for day wear, but is developed in ment ot Belgrade >onlinues. old stride, for she brilliant hues of chiffon velvet, one actually can get exquisite model is of yellow velvet, there now, with a the shad - of a California poppy. A We have a large enough variety to insure you just what you long, swinging gait, long, loose waist line is Indicated by want. You will find it a pleasure to examine our Ready-to-Wear In the new full a wide band of dull gold galloon and skirts, Some are the wide collar, deep cuffs like two Garments, anti the values are so meritorious that it will be frankly gathered muffs, and broad banding around the PEKIN, Sept. 26. Advices from to your advantage to buy of us. o r shirred on flaring skirt is of sable. The lining Shantung are to the effect that while the waist bands, is of old blue chiffon, long, loose, Japanese aviators were maneuvering while in »ome other models all over ■ apes flaring out about the heels and over German forts they were at- pleats offer complete emancipation to lianded with fur are also lovely for tacked by German aviators. On«- Jap- nether limbs. Of coarse, this Hum­ evening wraps, and are made of vel­ aaese machine was wrecked and th«« We Have Splendid Suita and Coats and the Latest Styles at mer many pleated skirts of filmy ma­ vet also. An adorable one of mag­ aviator killed. The Japanese and terials were tried out either as un­ enta velvet with a broad band ot British are bombarding the outer der skirts beneath long tunics of lace chinchilla around the feet has a forts. or chiffon, or the tunics themselves Capucbine in lieu of a collar. were pleated over a scant and plain Carrying out the ever popular black underskirt, Now, however, there are and white effect, a white velvet cape pleats a-pleuty -sun, box and accor- is trimmed in monkey fur, Its pointed dton—and the catlre skirts of the hood furnished with long Jet tassels smart«-»t tailor suits and frocks, as and a gorgeous salmon velvet coat, or well as the diaphanous evening rather a w rap, shows a sleeve on one ROME. Sept. 26.—The fleet of side with a deep skunk cuff. On the gowns are made of 'em. Indeed, the tailored girl's whole other side it wraps around the figure French hydroplanes have been bom­ toilet is repleat with pleats for the like a cape. A dull silver ornament barding Cattaro. It is not known as newest chlmesettes and lawn esteevs of metalized embroidery fastens the 'yet what damage was inflicted. are all finely pleated like the bosom cape side over to the sleeve side, and TORONTO, Sept. 26.—Str Tr.omas of a man's dress shirt, and even the a w ide band of skunk finishes the bot­ --------------- — naring I’. Whitney, premier of Ontaria prov­ flaring roil roll collar attache«! to the tom and the neck. Almost all of the wraps are made ince, died last night, following an ill­ leeted. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! And while on the subject of rolling of plain nnfigured velvet, but so bril­ ness of several months. Whitney collars it is sad to relate but true, liant are the colors and so rich the early in the summer realized that he I natheless, that fair femininity Is go­ combination with the fur bandings could not recover, and he has been I 33, tli<- atatesmeu or Russia, In dis­ LOTH OK Ioo l it i 1.1. ing to get it in the neck again this that the effects obtained are positively slowly sinking. MATIHI II. THIS I I: lit tant HI. Petersburg. received u cable­ season. In plain words, the high col­ dazzling to the naked eye. and a bit gram from Servla. lars have already many a fashion­ staggering also to father’s denuded Is Improving. LONDON. Aug 25. < By Mail to ’ Help!” It said. With a big at ray of all kinds of able throat in its vise-like clutch, and bank roll. Naw York)—-The bullet tired by Ga­ Miss Wills Leonard, operated up- The Russian »latexmen talked for promlsii'K OMtlt-rial and five games In briel Prlnalp into the brain of Arch­ t four hour» ubout II In the country pro« peel, football is the big topic at |on Friday by Drs. Johnson and ANTWERP. Sept. 25,—The foreign MH SI RYEY THE duke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, «home of M. Goremykin. They reached th« Klamath County high school this olEtc today states that Germany has e offer to Belgium. King RE-ESTABI.IsHED I t vian government Itself, ln»lst««l Hi« tn the evening they i,e ■■osition of secretary to the nation. Austria-Hungary ««- im a not " llcctlllll with wliat was at hand been re-established between Vera Superintendent L. M. Holt and Cost newly treated market commission In hopes of capturing the Southern Ore- I oli r HTM, -HOU CLASS to Servla. Servla had i By this lime the nrnile« of Kurop«- gon championship. AT THE DISTRICT FAI It Cruz and Mexico City via Nogales, Accountant Frankiand returned to­ iNew York city, which pays $4,000 a rountenanced criti­ J were mobilizing 'this was made necessary by the de­ day from a week's sojourn on the year, is open to women. Saturday the team will go to Mei - | cism of Aii»trla-Hiiii- FORT KLAMATH. Sept. 2«. — At a struction of the telegraph and tele­ Klamath reservation, looking over ttervla'a forty-eight hours were up rill to play Merrill high, Two game-« i gary. the note de­ Anna Held, the French actress, re­ meeting of the boosters of the Wood phone wires between Vera Cruz and the Klamath marsh and the Yainav each are also assured with the Med ­ clared It had per-1 on July 26th at o'clock in th«« even­ ford and Ashland high schools. country, where reclamation may be cently won $7.000 on a dream she had the capital and the destruction of the River Valley, «ailed by Jas. C. Pelton milted Its new»|ia-( ing. Rut before that time the Kits | a bout a race horse. Coach Vernon MoUchenbacher b< [of the county fair board, plans were tallroad tracks for some distance be- taken up later. pers and Ils people »luu army was moviug toward Ger- liovi-s ho linn plenty of timber for a outlined for the district fair to be'tween the two cities, "The trip was ia reality an oppor ­ to carry ou move- many, and the German army wn* winning team Many of the boys are hold here next Saturday, and the re­ The officials have been advised that tunity for Mr. Reed to personally see i Turkish rugs are largely made by m««nta In behalf of moving toward Ruasla, and In a dozen iiiexiH i -lent i d in the rudiments of the ports ot the committees show that . ivsxlent Carranza says that it would the reservation, so he could gather womeu and children, who are paid Slavs in Auatro-Hun other different directions. Il will bo a hummer. The fair will be itiipossible for his to treat with first band information regarding the ' from 5 cents to 25 cents a day. Prlnzlp's bullet had reached IU game, but all are plucky lighters garlan dependencies General Zapata, which strengthens questions that may arise," said Mr. I 1,| b| ( i tie held only one day. The greater portion of the new St. It said that tho as- target. The premium list for exhibitors the rumor that Zapata and Villa will llolt. It had struck the mine under Ku has ngieed to coach the line, and Os­ Elizabeth hospital at Baker will lie »anslnatlon of Arch­ “ It is possible that some survey car Willey, a veteran from the Uni- will be the saipe as used at Bonanza. unite their forces. duke Ferdinand had rope, and thia mine will probably kill completed by tne first of the year, work may be done on the proposed ( n million men and create more havoc, 'eralty of t «dorado and later coach of 'Although it will be a little late for been planned at the Klamath marsh project this fall, as costing $250,000. -«»«•» ini Account. lbs Al>«-rd'«*ii high school eleven. wll] the best selection of our agricultural than anything else th.it line ever hap- Servian capital. Suit to recover $266.68, alleged there are some appropriated funds'1 ■;>>-< lalixe on the batkficld. With thi products, this part of the fair will be Accurate Information about Ihr Officers In the Ser­ lieaed to humanity. due on acuount, was commenced in left for this, but this will not be taken torm of training great r«- ult» are ex- Val ­ a surprise, for the Wood River What Prlnalp really said or thought Klamath Rasili. See Ctillcote, USS vian army had help­ up until after the Modoc Point work ’ the circuit court by the Farmers Im ­ Kr the football squad. Among bucking contest. racing and a ernmeut officials along the border had I person or persona. The rending ot school has been chosen to teach at the those who show dushea of real ability Fort people gave away $500 in prizes helped Prlnzlp to cross Into Bosnia anarchistic literature made me be­ Today’s news today in The Herald Poe Valley school. are lia Orem, Lawren, e Motschen- at the "July Time, ” when they also lieve that there could be uothlng <>n hla Journey to Hernjevo. bacher, Itcd Stewatt, Bill McMillam brought sixty Warm Springs Indians Austria-Hungary demanded that tlnt-r in the world than to be an in- utol Gits Page in the backfield, and here, and there Is no doubt but what »assin. When in Belgrade I read that Servla, within forty-eight hours, must th«» archduke was going to Serujevo. "Shrimp" Steiger, a plucky little 120 . wo will spend a little money in this Your attention — do we pr'nt in the official Servian paper, and so I bought a revolver and went pounder at quarter. Graves work at ¡way at the fair. have it? LISTEN! Many these exact words: [center Is good, mid on the ends it Is The heads of committees are as fol­ Itliere." a square meal is spoi’"d in "The royal government of Servin But what he »eld or thought mut­ a tight, between Noel, Beals, HUI and lows: the making by unwise gro­ condemns the proimganda ngaluvt ' ters little now. Europe Is not fight­ Klelil. Farm exhibits, Ray Loosley; live­ cers who think of profits Austria-Hungary which has the alm ing because Prlnalp wae a murderer, For other positions on the line .Mel stock, L. C. Sisemore; domestic art. rather than quality. of separating Austria-Hungary from but because the long and ancient I base, Wilde and Clyde Short. Verl Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Turner; field '»ome of her dependencies." litewbaker, Everett. O'Loughlin nn.l day sports, John Utter. quarrel for "a place In the sun," a Stale butter, bad eggs, Tho note alau demiindod Gist Servla place for each nation to put its feet the La Prairie brothcis are showing cheap coffee, poor potatoes, Unkenbach, a Central school I class, Sister is Married. must curb Its free preaa and Its speecu I In the crowded land, has suddenly inferior off-brand canned J. W. Tyrrell has received word of in order to »top criticism of Austria- been turned from a contest of words sthr of lust year, and other players goods, any one of which, to Hungary, and It must change Its ay»- land ■ diplomacy Into combat on the i will be In school next week, and will the marriage of his sister. Miss Eve­ say the least, will spoil an tight for places. lyn Tyrrell of Portland, to C. N. Com­ tern of education so that In schools battle fields. otherwise perfect meal. stock, a prominent Albany (Mo.) at­ nothing should he taught tho chil­ Some Jolt would have set off Going Around Lake. torney. The couple will reside in the dren that would cause them to hate European mine, some time. Some grocers make It a Mr. and Mrs. Lesilo Rogers, Alex , “show me" state. Austria-Hungary. It Just happened that 1’rlnzlp'a and point of honor never to sell Martin Sr., Miss Ida Momyer Servla must also discharge from it« let did II. an article that is "off." Miss Stewart made the trip around < o«m to Move Shop. army certain officer» whom the Aus They build up a reputation Hie I'pper Lake Sunday in Bogers ’ ( ’ . It. Coon, "the Electrical Man," is tro-Hungarlans would name, und who IIA YAIIIANH ON TRI tl, from which they are insep­ preparing to move his electrical store IB (1EIIMAN OFFICER^ car. had spoken loo freely In regard Io the| Their WORD, as It arable, ‘ olid motorcycle supply house from its crime of June 28. a trado mark, and were, is Back h» present location to the old shooting OSTEND, Sept. 2«. It was an­ Hervla was given forty-eight hour* becomes a force and power Neva. 'gallery on Main street, between Sixth Cecil tn which to comply with all of these nounced today that the German mili­ in their business. and Seventh. demands. tary authorities at Brussels are trying nfter a Prlnzlp'» bullet has been Hying for n number of Bavarian aoldiers. The WE KNOW IT. Our cus­ twenty-six day», directly toward Its charge Is Hint the Bnvarlana were tomers know it — others target. It will soon cut tho string conivliig for the escape of French know it. And still there are which hold» European «•! vlllzai Ion prisoners of war. It Is also stated OF KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Large Shipment of Pianos and Player Pianos others who should know It 'that the friction between the Ger hanging directly over the precipice of IS THAT WK HELIEVE I II IT KLAMATH COUNTY for their own sake [ t'tnnii nnd lluvnrlanH Is growing. war. PEOPLE, CONSIDERING I’OPI LATHIN’, PURCHASE It will soou reach the powder mag- U. 8. DEPOSITARY MORE INSTRUMENTS TH.IX ANY OTHER COUN­ County Agriculturist Rollin (llnb uzlno over which Europe Ims been TY OX TIIE PACIFIC SLOPE I OUR POLICIES— yer and Earl Chandler left Satur­ rostlng these many years. To distribute the banks assets In such a way as to maintain under It will soou roach the heart ot day for Fort Klamath. If the weather I any conditions and nt all times an ample reserve to meet tlie demands is right, they plan to go on to Crater Peuco, and kill her. of its de|HMttors ami take care of IU lx>rrowing customers. That same night, the night ot July Lake Sunday. Ladies’ Suits and Coats 1 9 s 1 : I The materials are beautiful both in coloring and in texture, and include both the serviceable and handsome plain weaves and the nobbiest of the novelty creations. Some of the garments are plain and others are trimmed according to the latest vogue. They are beautiful garments and you will find all of them splendid values, as we make it a point to buy with the greatest care. WE CAN FIT YOU $10.00, $12.50, $13.50, $15.00, $16.50 and Up to $30.00 Servians Are Slowly Advancing : : i Japs and Germans Fight in Air : s Hydroplanes Bombard Cattaro : : I HAT STARÏE0 THE PRESENT WAR Polish Statesman Arrested by Czar SHOT AT 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital Stock, 100,000 Surplus, $11,000