The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, September 17, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Semi-Weekly Herald Germans Are Taking the Offensive
A Continuation of the
Klamath Republican
....... 60,000 Germans
g||||gj|||| (|j|$
Now in Belgium
If as yet you have made no plans,
Believed Italy
Will Help Allie,
LONDON. Hept. |g
T11Mrt u
for Friday, plan to go to Merrill mid
A.NTXX’KHP, Sept. li.
SlMt.v thi'us
attend the district fair. If y«>u don't
»m uld
..ini tiesli Gemi.m (loop» are ruslilng
do this you are in serious dunger ot
Confidential «ilphuuaiit,. r?
to»ar«i Belgiuni
II I» not kuowti
PARIS, Sept. 15.—Til«' war office nt Itorilewuv at 3 o'chn'k lelegrii|»h«sl being louesome, for Klamath Falls wlutlier they go tu relnferee ili«' «ìcr ,
I « ils teil of anti Auslrluh reeling rj
is preparing to move down to tin'1
from the «iinoum-emeui L j
Entered at the postoffice at Klamath
inaila in Frani«' or tu leliifiiree thè
•'Yestenlaj the German legious began to court Hie French advance at Alfalfa City for Hie day.
were put lu ti,, ff0
Falla. Ore., as second class matter.
Germana bere.
ill«' line they have established. This huttie front iu entabUahed on a line
I HOI «.Il
X DIXHM’RAT, XX XS tunk« of the Au'lrlmi, .,t„| sini1K|>,ri.
About Blxty automobiles have been
Published by the Herald Publishing through Hi«' forest» at la Aisle an.l « raonn«' and at Hie center to Hi«' north secured by W. T. Lee anil George J.
■ (I In the Tyrol rrglou«
Illy X L»iloi w.
Company, of Klamath Falls, on el Rliieins and Chahmu.”
. Walton to make the trip, un<l thés«*
Mr. and Mr», lorn Garrett ar«'
Monday and Thursday of each week
This is the first adiuissiou the war office has made, since the German I will nil take Klamath Falls people
Munich I« lo nave u s< hool whtr#
county Beat visitors from the Sprague
retreat of a
_ .
i free of charge. The Klamath Fall«
8,000 girls will be given a . iiiimi»^*
Two dollar* per year in advauœ
tack. It IS believed tluit the kaiser'» soldiery Ims renetied intrenched i«o»i- j Military band is also going, mid
iand industrial education
business visitor from Bly.
lion« previously prepared by them.
jKlamath Falls will be strong all 'la.'
NEW YORK, Sept. 15—Among the
That a big battle is imminent is obvious, now that the retn>at hat | long.
«ouït clerk, 1 h not th«« only detno-
unnamed heroes in the European war stopped. In addition, another tierman for«< is concent rating anil prepar­
A canvass of the business houses
whose marvelous deeds receive little ing for a stand ««at of Ahnens. if they can reform In-fore the alli.'S can
« rutlc < aiiilKtntn for Glut office at the
this forenoon showed that all. includ
or no attention are the men who take prevent it they are expt'ctecl to resu»m' the offensive.
Novelliti* r polls lie Is also Ui« nom-
ling groceries, will dose their doors
care of the hungry soldiers and the
According to Hie latest accounts from Hie front, the German resist­ I Friday noon, and clerks and propri­
.nice of Hi*' republican mid progieash.-
horses during and after battle, in an ance is becoming more serious. They are bringing Hie artillery into play, etors will likewise hie themselves to
I voter».
up-to-date army these men form a ami the- losses of the allies »re heavier.
Merrill. The circuit court will nd-j
Cliasiniu has been In charge of t hi*
little army by themselves, and from
journ for the day, the county offices
work since the offic«« of court clerk)
the very commencement of war a
will be closed, and Klamath Falls »111
was established. So efficient Is he con­
great strain falls upon their shoul­
jjeBerte<i village.
sidered by all that the republican*
Impur«« or ioluhi iut«»|
The following have promised to
wrote bls limin' on Hi«' ticket nt Hi",
»tun» Impair ••>«' »ilnil aa,]
The responsibilities of the depart­
Marooned at Squaw Point on the have their ears in front of the court
LONDON, Sept. 15.— Premier As-
l-i imary to give him Hie nomination I
ph)»li|ue. ••
........ ««ry to tl».
ment for food supply are simply stu-
latke by a brokeu timer in house Friday morning, to make the
ilio! I ■ r c nnll««'
II'* bull
l*endous, and to fulfill successfully its
Nntni e.
bis motor boat, B. St. Geo. Bishop start for Merrill:
I Itoti
III «oser» also gave him a handsome
task the provision department must nounced that no further steps would
v< te, ami the »u< lullsts pul no canili-
mu ln-«l n-taig Juw
and small children, Barbara and I
*- Haler, Hairy Stilts. O. L.
be equipped and organized to perfec­ • be taken on the Irish home rule or
Fitzpatrick,*L. A. Davidson, E. M
dnle in Hie Helil nguinst him
ami |>liy»lral (aiwiliN
I the Welsh disestablishment laws tor
Chilcote. Dr. Johusou. Dr. Cathay,
The feeding ot a modern army is a ! a year, or at any event until the end boat, and remained there uutil Ute
h. J. Winters, O. A Harris. Fred
> nuHii's ■«»
problem of the utmost significance, as
Train 13, which arrives ill Ashland
I of the war. He explained that both this morning, when they were picked) r Bremer. Frei Bainber, River
[up by the mail boat Spray. They ! Electric company, Syd Evans. Ivan D. at 11:35 in the morning, will now <■<
upon the efficiency of regular and
reached home this afternoon, where [ Applegate, l»r. Fred Westerfeld, O. A
quick supply of nourishing food de-
WASHINGTON, D. C. Sept. n>
made a through mall train, cnrryiirt
Xml you "in l>< >( olitala «wli
pends its success to a very large ex- books immediately, but would not be Mrs. Bishop, with misgivings, awaited i steams, E. R. Remnes, Ray Telford.
mall direct to Sun Francisco.
I'lil* An order wus Issued today for th-'
IcMMlMUffa by dealing with •
put into operation until the end ot their coming since yesterday after-- (¡eorge ___
T. _________
Baldwin. W r. T. Elliott. P
» thdrawal of the Aiuerlcun fore«'»
1 L. Fountain. Stilts Sisters, Dr. War- train has heretofore only been carry­ from Vera Crux.
A German army ot 1,000,000 men the war. He also announced that it aoon.
»tor«' iloti «linke» ,« »I hm Ult, ut
After attending to business inter-j ren Hunt, Dr. Wheeler. R. E. Watteii ing mall to Ashlaud from poll land,
consumes daily not less than 500 tons I was arranged, through America, to
liniollliig them uml lm» * rrpu.
Administration officials think that
ot food, while the feeding of horses facilitate the departure of English ests in Klamath Falls, Bishop leftjpurg, ur. George H. Merryman, Fred mid then it stopped.
I lesldviil Wilson will not ask Hi”
tallini to »««»tilin
requires daily quantities of over twice women and children front Germany. yesterday afternoon in his launch for I Peterson, G. B. Cozad, Ed Vaunice
Train 15, or the one arriving at X'oxlruu government for uu indemnity
If you «ri- nut nlrrml) unr u(
that weight.
The English men would be held as The Cedars.” his pretty homestead 1 Frank X'annice. Charles J. Ferguson
; .0 In the afternoon, »ill no» uin i ■ cover the ••xpelises of the Alurrlra’i
The German military supply depart­ prisoners of war.
above Rocky Point. When between) Archie Henline. Dr. Martin, R. E.
glint mm) of ■ unluairn.
no mail from here to Dunsmuir, till . . rations at Vera Cruz mid Tampico.
Buck Island and the Pelican Bay Smith, Fred Houston. Dr. Rambo,
ment is divided into two divisions, the
you to piar» a fr«
mail stoping over at Ashland. For
first of which is responsible for the | ST. LOUIS, Sept. 15.—At least cut, his timer became faulty, and be Mr. Lennox, Fred Garrlch, E. B. Hen­
inerly thia train carried mail dear oh I'es« the claims of Americans for
trini onici» ««Illi o»
It lati*
quick and timely distribution of food, forty-five people were killed near was towed back to Buena Vista by ry. Robert Hunsaker, W. C. Town­
damages, amounting to inllliou*, for
»trniglil rond tn giiHvry «*|l»
forage and extra clothing, while the . Lebanon this morning, w hen the ¡John Linneman, and his timer was send. E. H. Lawrence, O. H. Brenn«'-
This new rhangu will enable mall.«! !, ’ predations of the wurrlng Mexican*.
f.o liuu
second division is called the medical i Frisco passenger, leaving here last repaired.
Iman, George Watt. Mrs. Charles Mar-
addressed to Klmuath Falls to go
department, and attends to medical [night, was derailed there. The wires
Bishop’s departure after this *«S|tin, Mrs. Ed Martin, Ford garage two
through in one day, where It other­
are down, making communication about 4 o’clock, and until he was ¡cars, E. B. Hall, S. J. Bailey, Robert
supplies only.
wise took two. tut It had to luy over lug fur Portluud In his rar, Mcompa-
The main difficulties which con­ difficult.
heard of this morning the where- i a . Johnson, C. M. Oneill. John Hagel-
here during the day, and thereby nied by Mr. mid Mr* linmel nud Cur
front the food supply department in
At noon twenty-six bodies had been abouts of himself and children waslatojn, white Pelican garage, Big Ba-
ItrldgM »III riwldc Iu
missed connections with th«' Klamath- tl» lleidticb
war are the obstacles which may I recovered from the wreck. The oth- i a cause of as much concern to His! sin Lumber company, J. G. Camp,
Weed branch
Ashland Tidings.
block the way of the supply columns. ers have been taken out since that' many friends in Klamath Falls as to Mr«. Fred Schallock, I.eslie Roger-,
Aside from bad roads, wagons will time.
the little wife and mother, who spent n. B. Campbell, W ’. E. Faught. E. V.
The identification of the victims Is' a sleepless night on the homestead.
break down, horses will be lost, and
Hawley, Marlon Hanks, Cofer Bros .
if these things are avoided the roads proceeding slowly. This is extremely ' As soon as it became known that i Alex Dayis, Mrs. B. 3. Grigsby, W F.
will be blocked by ambulances, march bard, as most of the bodies were Bishop’s boat had not put in, search- Arant, George Chrstain, C. T. Oliver.
; ing parties scattered in all directions. Bert Withrow and W. H. Bennett.
ing troops, etc.
clad in sleeping garments.
J. J. Parker took charge of the work
Also, as soon as the army begins to
There are others the committee has
for the local Elk-, and after lie was not been able to interview. They are
operate out of its own territory, there l Atenil Storm Sewer.
are the possibilities of the destruction
The city council Monday night au- telephoned regarding the matter, 3. asked to call up the Chamber of Com­
of food magazines and the owners of tucrized the extension of the storm )O. Johnson sent several launches mt merce and list their cars.
obtainable food will often hide or de­ sewer system on Third street from from Harriman Lodge. The Eagle
stroy available victuals rather than Jefferson, the original terminal, to Ridge boats were all out early, and sElTI.ERS URGED TO ASK
let the enemy have them.
Main street. Thia is to be a ten-inch Ray Telford went to Algoma in an
The war equipment of each German main, capable of carrying off all the auto to go out from there in the Al-)
soldier includes the so-called “Iron rain ana snow »ai?r without damage) goma boat.
■ Eevry settler on uusurveyed laud is '
rations,” consisting of the arbswurBt, to any property.
Wickstroms, Linnemans and other interested in securing an early survey
preserved meat and vegetables, bis­
people along the Shippington water by the department of the interior.1
cuits, coffee and salt sufficient to fur­
Willamette-Pacific trains will be front also took up the quest. The The allotment of the appropriation to 1
nish satisfactory meals for three days. operating to Mapleton by October 1.
Elks were just starting for the land- the various states for surveying pub­
A very simple but exceptionally
ling to embark when the message lic lands is passed entirely upon the
part of these rations is the erbwurst,
First installment of >10,000 for [ came that Bishop was safe.
relative number of applications for
or pea bologna, which is made of the McKenzie Pass road has reached
”1 was right close to shore when I survey, filed by bona fide settlers who
mashed peas, to which minced bacon, Eugene, and >70,000 will b* spent in the timer went bad,” phoned Bishop are living upon unsurveyed lands,
I to the Herald this afternoon, ’’-nd so
There are many such settlers in the
salt and spices are added, and which, all.
through extraction of the moisture, is
I paddled the boat in and prepared to state of Oregon, and they have almost
preserved in containers of parchment ADDITION TO----------------------------------- spend the night there. There were a entirely ignored the importance of
about ten inches long and two inches
BAKERY BURNS couple of comforters, and the kiddies, filing an application for survey. Most
wide. The simple addition of hot
far from being exhausted or cold, of them are uninformed relative to
water to this preparation creates a
Fire, believed to have started from looked upon the affair as a huge out- the importance of filing this appilca-
wholesome, nourishing and decidedly the furnace spread in the wooden ad-1 ing.
| tion. and simply assume that surveys
tasty meal. In case of dire necessity dicion to the new Nurmi bakery ou
• Squaw’s Point is so isolated that will be made when the government
the preparation can also be used < old. Pine street, near Tenth, and at 3! it was impossible to reach a telephone, gets around to it, not knowing that
Each army corps, 40,000 men, is o’clock Monday morning a fire alarm to tell my wife that we were not injt|le preference for all surveys is glv-
accompanied by twelve or thirteen ««as sent in.
any danger, so I had to wait for the (.n to settlers.
supply columns, or one wagon to
Th« flames were checked before the | mail boat. Since we got some coffee!
Every settler o^ unsurveyed lands
about 500 men, carrying a full ration addition was destroyed, but there ’ in us we are a« good as new, and ¡should at once write to Ed G. Worth,
for two days tor each man. The or­ will be considerable work required to) while we heartily appreciate the fra­ United States surveyor general of
ganization provides for food muga-1 put it in tenable shape again. The' ternal spirit displayed by the Elks Oregon, customs house building, In
zines on a large scale, which sends to main portion of the bakery, contaiu- and our other friends, we feel sorry Portland, Oregon. In writing make
the different army corps at regular ng the machinery, etc., is in the brick that circumstances prevented us from an application for an early survey.
intervals supply columns with rations trueture, so was not in any way in- allaying any fears felt by anybody.” All Buch applications will be reported
per man for four days, and which is jured.
upon to the department of the inter­
supplemented in proportion. Thus W3
ior, and will hasten completion of the
see that the German soldier in the
survey of the unsurveyed public land ■
field is practically continuously in
in the state.
reach of provisions for nine full days,
BERLIN, (via Rome), Sept. 15.—
Settlers on unsurveyed lands are
and the possibility of starving sol­
Last fall, when a number of Klam- The admiralty today virtually admit-) also requested to write to C. C. Chap­
diers, provided sufficient time is ath Falls men visited the Modoc Lava ted that a naval battle is in progress I man, secretary, Oregon Development
I Beds and saw the wonders of that in the Baltic. It posted a bulletin1 League, Portland, Oregon, who is
found for meals, is very remote.
! volcanic region, they at once realized that fifteen of the twenty-nine unit«, urging the government to complete
th* immense value of the district as a of the Baltic fleet are now in action. these surveys. With information di­
Make out your list of supplies needed
LIVE ISSUE YET |tourist attraction, and talked of the
It is believed that they are fighting rectly from settlers, the Development
bring it to us. We can save you
I improvement of the road leading Russian ship«.
League will be able to hasten this
Though it is not as much before [there, in order to make it possible to
the public eye as in the past, the drive into the scenic portion.
Wants Street Vacated.
Ankeny canal abatement project is
During October, it is planned, an­
A petition was presented at Manday STANDARDIZING
still far from being a bygone issue, other big touri«t party »-ill visit the : piglit i- meeting of the council by M. i
Choice casabas, green peppers, green
There is every reason to believe that Lava Beds. Many ot those who went It. Doty, asking thf t Roosevelt street,
tomatoes, plums, peaches, pears, ap­
Hie voters will decide points about it last y*ar will be included, and ar­ between block« 17 and 1 x of First
NEVV YORK, Sept. 16.—A meeting
at the next election.
rangements will also be made to gi.e addition, be vacat -d. Objections will to complete the final arrangement«
ples, cantaloupes, cabbage.
Some time ago the city council put the wives an opportunity to see the be heurd on the night of September) for the operation of the rules and
up to the reclamation commission the Lava Beds.
regulations of the ‘‘movement to «tan
question of the government turning
In addition, the men will equip, j-----------------
dardize modern dancing” is being
the Ankeny canal control over to tlie themselves with picks, shovels, etc ,; Fleet* Like Klamath.
held today.
city, the municipality to assume the and as they proceed into that region
1' i d Fleet, of the XVInnard Ar Fleet
Among the well known men pre»-
government’s obligation to furnish [they »ill make the road before them i Hit,ch in Langell Valley, came in -nt is Uriel Davis, managing director
water to the holders of water right- by doing what little leveling is neces- Monday night with his parent«, Mr. of the Uriel Davis dancing studio«'
under the ditch. The commiBsion sary, besides the raking aside of the land Mr«. Gilbert Fleet, who leave for which has as Its object the establiah-
acted favorably on this, and it is now small rocks, When this is done the , j Moline, Ills., after spending the sum- m<>nt of dancing studies throughout
up to Secretary Lane of the interior road will be in good condition, and | I mer here. They are greatly impressed the United States which will propo-'
the trip will be much less strenuous | with Klamath, and will return next gate the rules and regulations and
After Lane's approval is given the than before,
| yea r to live.
I use them in their studios that'they
matter will be submitted to the voters
may be obtained by other dancing
and if they vote for the city to take
Russian railroads protect ties and
A jury in Mexico consists of nine teachers, and be participate«! in by
control, the government will make telegraph poleB against decay by men. A majority makes the verdict. the public.
the transfer.
soaking them for several months be- If the nine are unanimous there Is no
Many of the best exponents of mod­
After that the city will be able to 1 fore use in strong brine,
ern dancing will give exhibitions ot
_ ______
- --------------------------
take action to close this disease-
¡the art at these Dais studios.
breeding waterway.
The average income.of the Japan­
It has been computed that at the
ese family of four is about $150 a time of the arrival of Columbus there
The reason, Narcissus?—Amateur
Women play a big part In the wars year. This does not leave much mar­ were 25,000,000 Indian« in North and night at the Orpheus. Fun starts at
la which Servia takes part.
gin for luxuries.
South America.
p o’clock.
The Dullest Mind is
Brightened by the
Use of Pure Food
Th® Sunset Grocery
This Notice is Worth Money to You
Fruit is almost gone
Flour, beans, rice, sugar, can­
ned goods are going to be higher
If you are going to buy your winter’s
supply, we wilPguarantee to compete
with any mail order house on the
coast, but we would advise you to
buy as soon as possible before an ad­
vance in prices.
Cooking and heating stoves
and ranges at city prices