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About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1914)
T iding «*«**••*«•*•< o | f * • V¿1IHERN‘>I«"ÍO* ♦ REACHEHKVEKYONM • « IN KLAMATH COL'NT Y ♦ ♦ J *♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ voli 'MK XIX 5S= KLAM a IM FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914 NUMBER SO FRANCE STILL BATTLEGROUND I Germans Join Austrians, Preventing Their Annihilation AUSTRIA REPORTED READY TO GIVE UP German Armored Automobile and Aeroplane Guns j GERMANS, RETIRING, CROSS OVER MARNE J I Sltrd I'rew Servira M>N|H>X. H»pl. I U.-—A«l »!«<•» fiotti Pelrugrail are that the Hu*«lnii rur-ign ulti < .»!••• 1« huotria tu «tir for within ten «lays. LIIANI. Nrpt. to—lt I» uffleiaily ndnillt« il herr <hnt In the Millllari (Hrrstloa« ihu» far i I m - tn«irian kllb d. «vuunded an<l iiii»«ing loini* «vrr |gl>,<MNi ui'n Thia I« a quartet <>f II s »trriigtli ut the emi rv flr«i Iin« <>( ihr »rlin. In niltlill«ili, «nortlioU* i|U. ItlHIe* of «upplli-« und muttiilona l»a»t- breti 1' M Dl« «■•••mnnit «H un Iloa in grat« Ihruughonl the tl uni empire. lleinll« of the losaee lm »e not bt*n rrvelvrd complrfely. il I« kiitos n ihtMfgh. Ilmi nt veral prominmi «rmy '»m» er* an* nnuuig tl»« «luin Il |n belkvt-d liiat Iinani« InirmlS to «tl» nm e Into lieriin vln Nih-nla I’KTR og R tl». Hept. IO.—German troop« arriving l«»< night have hmiily reiaforred the routed Austrian arm I«« remnuintleff by General« (laukl sad von AuffoQburg, and flgh'- isg in Oalacta baa been resumed Th» line of battle extend» from west of Raws-Ruska southwest through fledowa to a point nmr ths Dniester It ws* the plan of Geueral Rous- tky. cornru*tiding th« Rueelau force*, to surround the (!••«!ua Austrians, with the aid of the newly arrived Rustlan form from Warsaw, and to WBplitely annihilate them KAIHI ICH Folti I s IIAll BE- The timely arrival of the Germane TKKATEll TO BEYOND Mil prevented this, though, and as a re sult one of the fiercest engagements >1A VM EN of the campaign la waging, with over 1,000.000 troops participating Before the (let mana arrived, Rous- I oiled Pros* Service These two terrible weapons of war days The auto la of high power, and , photograph show« un aeroplane gun sky captured 12,000 Austrians and BORDEAUX, flpt. 10.--The war contains two rapid Are guns which operated on an automobile. These ■re not known In the last conflict thlrty-on« gun* Tlie captured men are shot when the car Is running at have been so useful that little has announced that the office today Include 150 officers of th« Fifth corps, between France and Germany, but top »peed. They are operated within been heard of French .aeroplane« including the commander of th« divi French troop« are again re-occupylng they aro doing deadly work now. The a ateel hood, so the gunner is safe since the first week of the war. The all of Upper Alance. Thia force la sion at ttawn-Ruika. pluming a cooperation with French | photograph above »hows an armored from everything except heavy shells , guns, built by Krupp, are believed to automobile, with which hundreds of The chauffeur sits under the hood in be dangerous to an aeroplans which Mr. «nd Mm Lewis Bennett and forces In Lorraine. front covered with steel. He sees tomes near enough to the earth to see The Germans are «aid to be retir Belgium» and French have been two children «topped In this city last from the small opening. The lower I anything of value when scouting. mowed down within the last thirty ( ing beyond Mulhaueen. The war of night on the way to their home In Medford after an automobile trip fice thinks that If the German force lujjure« Her Hand. of several bundrsd ml tee through is defeated northeast of Paris. It will Miss Cora Nipper sustained a badly be driven far to the northward Central and Eastern Oregon lacerated right band while splitting kindling a couple of days ago May Have Motive For Murder oí J. Medili The blood-stained saddle found at fur us Round Valley, for it was from •be McLeod . ibln below Midland was the IJound Valley ranch owned by »<*t the property of Jack Medlll, who Edler that the saddle was taken. Williams claimed that he has had M here In July with Frank Williams I the saddle In his possession for a long and never returned. Instead, Dave time, but said he did not have It with *^ar' l^* •‘•ng, claims that a him when he and Medlll left here, it «•dill« was tolcn from him about the Is known that he had It when he m* William* was In the Kono reached Bonanza on the way back. Pflngs country, anil his description The theory of the sheriff’* ofllce 1» " 11 with tho saddle found nt that Williams stole the saddle at the • claim where Williams moved after Etlier ranch, and that lie and Medlll «•murder of the homesteader. quarreled about this, Medlll remon Thia r- • ........... was learned Wednesday by at-1 strating against the theft, and that ’aches ()f n,« sheriff's office, ____ , who, Williams killed him. •pent t' lb" dny making inquiries Regarding where Medlll was sup “ro"nd Keno Springs. . They , hoard* posed to have gone, Williams has told ™.any . »lories wim there that «. ...... . 0 M'»r» mat COI1-• several stories, none of which were *<1 with the stories told by Wll-l satisfactory. II" »l»o !'“ld Medl11 ww aild 11 •» expected that some an escaped convict, and felt fearful of fn nUHlv” •»•donee will soon bo being re-arrestod he left the outfit In '•rthcomlng. Williams' hands to keep for him till win?*>.1l',|d|n* '*10 »addle, spotted later on, and lit out. 1 lood, and the discovery of Its Last night William» was arraigned oorshiii, <-|,.Mrw up iPVernl ll0|nU' before Justice of the Peace (lowen on ronn,“n*>c,lon "•••> tho mystery stir- a charge of murdering "Scotty" Mc tho "g H may also prove Leod. I lie — waived -------- hoarlng. and was motive for the killing of Medlll, bound over to the grand jury. W. H • • wn- done away with. A. Renner, attorney for the accused, din1 Ig„known ••«»• Williams and Me stated that Williams' full name was ( “ *”1’ th°y l®ft here with the lat- Frank Williams Hedgcspath, but that v * l^"U' and outfit went bo- he lies not used the latter name for Kano Springs, and at least as several years. LOCAL TEMPLARS COING 10 MEET WHLR CASE IS Off for the Wilds. Thad McHattan left this morning for a deer hunt. PARIS, Sept, io.—Governr Gallieni’« latest report follows: ••The allien are repelling the enemy everywhere. General von Buelow'it 11 ini'i i i ■ mi nts have not arrive«!, and ns a result, the Germans have been driven across the VI«rue and northivard toward Belgium. i.urly today the German center was reinforced, and made a gallant but futile attt nipt to mover lost ground. As the two flanks failed to make ■t.riU. advancer' thin imd to be abandoned to prevent the allien from break ing through and exterminating the center line. The latest Bordeaux dispatch on the situation follows: “Violently sttackni by the French on the right trank of the Ourcq, the tight wing of the German army h » r> tired >' the north of Petit Morn. “The |>r«igress of our troops is n «table north of Sezanne. "There ate violent encounters with alternate forward and track ward ■uovements at our center. "Tlie «itur.tion at Nancy and along the Vosges fe» good.“ Gen< tai Ere ncli, coin mantling the British, reports tliat many German pr'foners have been taken. The Germans arc refxrrted utterly exhausted by their effort». Tile following was «ent to London by the British staff: "The Germans are retreating before the whole line. The British troops have crossed the Maine in a northerly direction, following up the German retirement." Pease's Last Appearance. Optician Visits. Dr. J. O. Goble, a well known One more oportunity will be given Klamath Falls people to bear Rollin Rogue River Valley optician, came In Pease, the wonderful baritone, who last night from Medford, accompa gave such a splendid concert Tuesday nied by Mrs. Goble, and they will night. Mr. Pease will sing at the spend a month or six weeks here. The Sunday school convention meeting at doctor is well known in Klamth Falls, the Christian church tonight, and will as he has made several visits here In leave in the morning with Mrs. Pease the past. ► for St. Paul. Mrs. Bert Carl Thomas will also sing at tonight's meeting, I Goes to Fort. Miss Louise Sargent left today for and Rev. C. A. Phipps of Portland will tell of the world's Sunday school the Worden ranch at Fort Klamath, where she will spend the week end. conference In Chicago thia year. District Fairs to Be Big Features / Klamath Falls people are planning end Speeches will be made by prom to take In the district fairs to be held inent men during the day, and in the ATTORNEYS FOR .MRS. DAVEN- BESIDES THE KNIGHTS, A NUM evening the day's fun will be brought Directors' Meeting. this month at Merrill, Bonanza and to a close with an all night grand PORT STAY PORCEED1NGS IN A meeting of the directors of the BER OF SIIRI NEHM WILL MAKE Fort Klamath, and from preparations ball. It Is believed that several hun Klamath Water Users Association POLICE COCRT BY A TEMPO- now under way, there 1s every reason dred will run down from here for the IHE TRIP TO ASHLAND. AM» will be held Saturday. At that time to expect great things at the fairs show, and that Klamath Falla busi matters will be taken up with the rec « RABY RESTRAINING ORDER TAKE PART IN THE FUN l The district fairs take the place of a ness houses will have exhibits there. lamation service. E. 9. Terwilliger, C. S. Blake and i county fair this year, and the county I fair money wae divided between the W. C. Dunning are the executive com Just how effective the city ordi Three or fur auto loads at least of mittee. They will give attention to districts. nance is regarding sprinkling hours the members of Calvary Coinmandry Besides this money, the people of all Inquiries as to concessions, etc. Knights Templar are planning on is a matter that is going to be fully! the three towns have taken up col The Clover Leaf country’s fair will Journeying to Ashland, to attend the decided before the charge of violat lections, and in every case there will be held at Bonanza on September 15. State Commundry. to be held there ing it, preferred against Mrs. W. C. be valuable prizes for the winners in Instead of having the dance as a September 24. Dr. L. L. Truax. Mil closing feature, the Bonanzaites will ! Davenport, is settled. At the time every competition. burn Knapp, Kip Van Riper. George It was hoped that a number of state hold this affair on the night of the set for the trial Wednesday evening | candidates would be brought in for 24th. Many Klamath Falls people J. WallOU and E. It. lleames, by vir tue of their offices, are delegates The Attorneys Oneill and Manning de the fairs to address the people at each and practically all of the candtdatee REPORT OF GENERAL FRENCH others will attend and participate In manded a jury trial, so the case was! district, but the most of them will be will be there In full force. the ceremonies. SHOWS THAT BRITISH TROOPS 'Continued until this morning by Po unable to be here then, and at the The plans for the Bonanza show For the Masons who are also Pendleton Round-Up Immediately af are practically the same as at Mer lice Judge Leavitt. CARRIED BRUNT OF THE DE Shriners there will be a double at terwards. It -Is more than possible rill. Inquiries as to concessions, eto., Last night the defense secured a traction, for In the evening the mem that instructors from the Oregon^ should be addressed to 3. O. Ham- FENSIVE WORK OF ALLIES temporary Injunction signed by Judge Agricultural College will hold Insti aker, one of the committee. Bonan bers of Hillah Temple will hold a big Worden, restraining the city officials ceremonial, and initiate a humber of tutes at each place during the fairs. i za people have raised a considerable from trying the case, so until Circuit' Merrill’s fair will he held Friday, sum for special prizes candidates, This will be preceded by I nlted l i ess Service Ji.dge Henry L. Benson returns the Just what the Fort Klamath plane September 18th. A delegation from a parade, and Medford, Klamath to a LONDON, Sept. 10,—-Acordlng case is at rest. there was in Klamath Fails Wednes are nothing definite has been given Falls, Jacksonville and nearby towns I report just submitted by General i The outcome is being watched with > day, and they promise a big time for out yet. but the hustling spirit of the will all be represen ted by comic Interest by Klamath Falls people French, the British forces carried the | all who attend. The fair will be held Wood River Inhabitants is so well _________________ floats. burden of holding back the Germans at the school house, and there will be known that all the Klamath country from Frobach Is expected H. O. JAPAN SAYS SHE exhibits of agricultural, horticultural, knows that what the Fort tackles and local soon to confer with in their advance on Paris. Many Ashland IS WITH ALLIES domestic art and other products. puts on In the way of a fair, a cele Shriners regarding their partici pa- army officers aro disposed to criticise There will also be prizes for school bration—or even a baseball game— the French for lact of co-operation, tion. work, and a stock show and parade will be staged In proper style from and think they failed to appreciate ¡United Presa Service LONDON. Sept. 10. — Japan has as “soup to nuts.” Therefore, without will be held in the streets. Several auto loads of county offi- the gravity of their situation. . A The visitors here Wednesday asked awaiting tidings from up that way clals want-to-be officials and plain cit- persistent report Is In circulation that sured England that she will not enter ¡ten. left this morning for Crescent, the British have cut the German 'any peace agreement with Germany the Chamber of Commerce to secure there are several auto parties being to attend the big rally up there to- front and that communications Is re and Austria unless the terms are sat a band for the big day at Merrill, and arranged to attend the Fort District isfactory to England. the directors are working toward this Fair th« coast coast. morrow established with the FRENCH TAKEN TO I Î i