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About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1914)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Semi-Weekly Herald I AUSTRI AN ARMY IN DANGER OF ANNIHILATION INVADERS CLOSE TO OUTER FORTS OF PARIS PRESIDENT ASKS INTERNAL TAXES TO MEET MISSES MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1#14 I in, either before thl* office or on ap peal, If you full to file In this officii Daily War Cost within twenty day* after the fourth Is 55 Millions publication of thl* uotlce, u* shown below, your answer, under oath, spe- United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 4,- French and1 eltlcally meeting and responding to WASHINGTON. Sept, 4.—Pre*!- • British statisticians estimate the loss these allegation* of contest, or if you dent Wilson today read a persoual to the warring countries at *55,000,- fRu within that time to file in thl* ' message to Congress asking the mem 000 per day. Thl* include* the earn- office due proof that you have served bers to enact legislation for internal Ing power of th© men In the field. u copy of your uuswer on the »aid j taxation. the economic loss caused by scarcity | contestant either in person or by Indications are tiiat tlie Germans are within strikiug distance of The President declared that the I of help, and the destruction of ships, registered mall. If this service i* Published by th* Herald Publlahlng of annihilation. the outer iorts. Troops are being rushed there. government's revenues from cus casualties, commercial losses, etc. Company, of Klamath Falla, on Tuesday the Austrians rallied and made by the delivery of a copy of General Gallieni insists that all of tlie aveuues arc sufficiently forti- toms are shrinking at an alarming Monday and Thursday of each week attacked the Russians near Lublin. The I osb to date la estimated at your answer to tlie contestant in per rate. He says that at the rate they *1,087,000,000.00. __ __________________________ They were repulsed with heavy loss- ! tied to resist invasion, but there is an exodus from tlie city. son, proof of such service must be Two dollar* per year in advance es The only information given at noi u was that tlie allies hold tlie*tldrd ' fell off laBt month, tlie loss would either tho said contestant's written I be from *60,000,000 to »100,000,- ------ ------- r ; The Austrians are abandoning line of defeuse. acknowledgment of his receipt of BELGIANS STARVE ' 000 a year. i enormous supplies, munitions CANADA PURCHASING IN NETHERLANDS the copy, showing the date of it* After tills, tlie socialist party issued a manifesto calling tile Social UNITED STATES WHEAT:guns. As they are being driven out Wilson held that it would be most receipt, or the affidavit of the per .----------------------- of Galacia toward the sea, it is be ists to tlie defeuse of Paris. All of tile leaders liave volunteered. ■ dangerous under the present circum THE HAGUE, Sept. 4.—Thousands son by whom the delivery wa* made, lieved that plans are being made for Il is believed that the main army will attempt to force tlie ullie* to stances to create a moment’s doubt of Belgian refugees are starving In 'stating when and where the copy wa* WINNIPEG, Man., Sept. 4.—Even I though the wheat business of the a coneentration at Prysemyl, where battle at the gates of Paris. Failing in this, they will undoubtedly press as to the strength and sutfiiclency of Holland The Dutch government is delivered; if mude by registered mall, new attack will be made. a America's treasury, and its ability to unable to feed them all, and the proof of such service must consist of United States may be imperilled by south, and simultaneously attack tlie city at oue point. Following tlie occupation of Lein- assist, steady and sustain financial mortality I* frightful. the affidavit of the person by whom the European war, so far as export Pari* now realizes tliat tlie Germans never intended to completely 1 pollutions of the nation's business.. the copy was mailed, stating wh*n to Europe Is concerned, demonstra itirg, the Russian force* took Zol- Tills is especially true regarding in test Hie city, but will probably repeat their fort destroying operations Immediately after the President’s the children. and by whom the copy wa* mailed, tions today were that Canada, usual kiew, sixteen mil * north of there. I The Austrian retreat continues, al Namur, using tlie big Krupp gun*. 1 message. Congressman Underwood and this affidavit mu*t bo accom ly a wheat country, will become a' panied by the postmaster's receipt for While tlie War Office is silent, it is learned tliat tlie Germans liave \ called a conference of the Demo WAR GIVES ONE market for the United States, The' with the pursuing Russian cavalry cratic Ways and Means Committee to INDUSTRY LIFT tho letter. crop of Canada is smaller than it has I cutting the rear guard to pieces, occupied t'ont|ieigne, and that Rhiems is uow before tlie enemy. i The Czar’s forces in Russian Pol I consider tbe war tax. At this, a tent- You must state in your answer th* ever been. The French losses at Amiens, nt ar Compeigue were enormous. The and will maintain a defensive atti tlie details ative bill was prepared, ' name of the postoffice to which you The consumption of white arsenic One grain firm reports the sale of tude until reinforcements arrive. officers were unable to coutrol the men, who insisted on reckless charges, ’ of which ere being kept secret, I ■ desire future notices to be sent to in the United States in 1913 amount States of United 50,000 bushels and thousands were mowed ilown by the Kaiser's gunners. It is proposed that a i special tax ed to about 7,200 tons, valued at ; you. wheat in Toronto. A firm in Detroit, RUSSIANS STILL French aviators report the German force superior numerically, it be levied on gasoline on the ground *159,236, was produced In this coun 1 JAS. F. BURGESS, Register. Mich., writes that they have shipped HAMMER AT THE is believed that last night, the Germans reached a |H*int twenty-live 'that the automoblllst is principally try as n by-product from copper and ¡Date of 1st publication, Aug. 24, 1914 50,000 bushels of United States I AUSTRIAN ARMY I the man best able to meet I this added precious metal smelters and the re-¡Date of 2d publication, Aug. 31, 1914 miles from the outer osts. wheat into Ontario. The price is nialnder was Imported largely from Date •»•••- of 3d «..hii^.n«» inn publication, Sept. 7 7, 1914 burden. *1.10 duty paid and delivered to the luited Press Service BERLIN, (via The Hague), Sept Some suggest a tax of a cent a gal- European countries. Date of 4th publication, Sept.14, 1914 mills. A wire from British Columbia BERLIN, Sept. 4.—The governmnet says three quarters of u million For the present the Imports of states that the United States wheat! 3. “ —It is understood that SOO,<)OO Germons are engaged in battle between Verdun and Rhiems and that Ion. arsenic will undoubtedly be seriously in the county court of th* slate of is being shipped into that province' German regulars have l>een ills- they are crushing the French. Oregon, tor the county of Clacka guilty is diminished by the European war. and after paying the duty is under- : i patched to reinforce tile Austrians in j Galacia, until tltat army is reorgan- United Press Service WOMAN'S PLEA The American smelters can save mas. selling Alberta wheat. iced. much more arsenic than they do now. | in the matter of tbe estate of Aguust PARIS, Sept. 5.—On the eve of the Itattle that will decide the fate With the impetus given the Can- ; ! A plea of not guilty wan entered for the cheapness of the product has; W. Neumann, deceased. of Paris, the city is-tranquil. The exodus continues. adian niiling industry vy British pur-' _____ _ ' Friday morning by Mrs. W. C. Daven prevented the saving of all that was 1 Notice is hereby given that by vir . . . | . .COPENHAGEN, Sept. —Tlie chases of flour and the enormous American Ambassador Herrick lias warned Americans that he cannot port when arraigned before Police , . , .. .. j □ . . Russian legation announce* that Ciar | practicable, and the war would seem II tue of an order and license heretofore wheat crop in the United States, the . . . . . promise protection if they remain, but many are determined to stay and 'Judge Leavitt on charge of violating i to open the way for the increase in may _ .. . . . , ...___ . ; Nicholas lias tiecreed that Jews granted by the above-named court to Canadian duty on wheat will prob- “see tlie fun.” the sprinkling ordinance. She will the American output. . , , . . . . .. the undersigned administrator of tbe ably be , inadequate to- stop the . im- become Russian army ' officers, Tlie military regulations are strict. Food is plentiful and tlie shops be tried Wednesday forenoon, and estato of August W. Neumann, de portation. will appear at that time. The Willamette Pacific grade Is to ceased, I will otter for sale, and on By instructions from the Canad-i VIENNA, (via Rome), Sept. 5.— are all open and prices llave not been raised. Mrs. Davenport is accused by the be completed from Eugene to Marsh and after the 25th day of September, that the ian government the holders of ware-ilrile War admits It is admitted that the Germans are concentrating forces for a su house receipts covering oats of com-: Austrian army has met with most preme effort to crush Paris. The enemy lias moved eastward of PaPris, ¡California-Oregon Power Company's field by Jnnuary 1st. Between 1,700 1914, will sell at private sale, for employees of sprinkling out of hours, and 2,000 men are employed. cash, to the highest bidder, subject mercial grade in store at the termin- ¡serious reverses all of this week. The ami strong forces are reported east of Meaux. It is believed that tlie and of continuing this despite remon- to confirmation by the said court, th* al elevators at Fort William and Port!failure of lhe army under General following described real property, to- Arthur, Ont., are requested to pre-! Fournier to hold the line at Tomasc- tiermans plan to force a general engagement before making a serious ; st ran cea from them. LEGAL NOTICES wit: sent these receipts to the Canadian!10«’ Russian Poland, is held respon- offensive movement against tlie city. ITALY TO STICK . | Notice of Meeting of tlie Board of immediately ‘ sible ior tbe rout and annihilation. The east half of the southwest Graln Commissioner I Military Governor Gallieni says tlie troops to defend Paris are now TO NEUTRALITY The armies commanded by General Equalisation of Tlie Hoinefly Irrl-1 quarter of section fifteen (IB) The Canadian government has in contact with tlie enemy. There has been no serious lighting today, Vorauffenberg and former minister I gut ion District. and the northeast quarter of the chased 700,000 bushels of it is feareil tliat the allies are in danger of being sui rouiided. The ROME, Sept. 4.—Premier Salau- of war. General Dankel, have been I The board of directors of the I northwest quarter, and the north stored in these terminals for dra made the following statement British-French forces on the left wing have been baiUy liarrasaed, and almost decimated. Horsefly Irrigation district, acting as west quarter of the northeast quar British government. to the press today: today fell back on the reserves, preparing to make another assault. a board of equalization, will meet to ter of section twenty-two (22), in “Italy is determined to maintain PETROGRAD (formerly St. Pet- equalize assessments at the residence township thirty-eight (38) south, SOCIALIST SOLDIER IS Three German armies crossed the Muese yesterday and drove liack the strictest neutrality, This action Russians ersburg), Sept. 5. — The of Robert Gosa, in the Third division, rango eleven (11) east of the Wil GIVEN THREE YEARS the French center. is endorsed by the Italians gener have resumed the offensive in North- at 1 o’clock p. m., Tuesday, October lamette meridian, being in Klam Tlie French are said to have taken a new battle line, and are await- ally.” (», 1914, and continue in session from ath county, state of Oregon, and BERLIN, Sept., 4, (By mail) — ern and Southern East Prussia, ilay to day, as long as may be neces containing one hundred sixty (160) Three years in prison was the sen Eight hundred thousand men are ing the assault. It is not known where the assault will come. NEWSY' NOTES OF The Government lias purchased $2,000,000 worth of wheat, to be sary, not exceeding ten days, to hear acres, more or les*. tence imposed upon a private sol moving in the direction of ' Berlin, MIHPPINGTONITEB and determine such objections to the dier named Fischer by the military i “The Austrian army has been sold at cost wherever prices have been unduly advanced. AH bids may be mailed to mo or — assessment as may come before it, to my attorneys at Oregon City, Or court of the Third Army Corps for completely crushed as a result of the (Herald Special Service) and correct and equalize all of the egon. having expressed just before the out- I , general offensive movements by the United Press Service SHIPPINGTON, Sept. 3.—Most of; i ' break of hostilities the opinion that 'field forces under Grand Duke Nich- GEORGE L. STORY, LONDON, Sept. 5.—Sir Edward Grey and the French anil Russian the people about Upper Klamath assessments. in the event of war the socialists in olas,' says an official war department ambassador* today signed an agreement that the war will eontlnue, to Lake are out pluming most of their I The assessment roll is now ready Administrator of the Estat* of Aug the army would shoot their own of- s,atement today, and will be in the office of the secre ust W. Neumann, Deceased. the end that none of the three allies will be |>erinitted to conclude time now. Wild plums are plentiful , fleers. tary of tlie board, Francis Bowne. at Gordon E. Hayes and Earle C. Latour- In most places this season. I>eace arangeinents on an individual basis. 'hls residence in the Fourth division.; ette, attorney*. Herr von Lengerke, a former sol K. OF P. IN ITS 10-17-34-31-7* GOLDEN JUBILEE until the meeting of said board of ' dier, testified that while riding in The road to Shippington is just a Notice of Sheriff’s Sale one of the suburban trains Fischer at Comiskey baseball park and there Clarita's Welfare Causes Concern. I streak of dust and a right of way. equalization for the inspection of all ; By virtue of an execution in fore persons interested. had expressed himself in this way I CHICAGO, Sept. 5.—Twenty-five were athletic and vaudeville features. 3T. PETERSBURG, (By Mail) — It only takes a good rain to turn this visitors from adjoining I.............................................................. Dated at Bonanza, Oregon, Sept. 1, | closure duly issued by the clerk of and further had declared that a large ¡thousand | states were expected to arrive here 1 reception was held at the auditor- Much concern is felt by the Czar on I would-be road into a mortar trough. I the circuit court of the county of 1914. percentage of the soldiers in the I during tbe day for the three days ium hotel for Pythian Sisters. Fol account of a recurrence of the fits Kinmath, state of Oregon, dated the FRANCIS J. BOWNE, Prussian army were socialists. The steamer Mazama (Captain Tay lowing a banquet this evening a of melancholy from which ths Czar- I celebration of the golden jubilee of 7th day of Auguit, 1914, in a certain 3-10-17-24-1 sw Secretary. Herr von Lengerke called the at-] jubilee page class was to be initiated ita has suffered periodically for sev lor) is transporting a lot of lumber action in the circuit court for aald tention of the commander of the ¡the Knights of Pythias. In conjunc- at the Nedinah Temple. Gov. Ral eral years, A second high wall has from the Utter & Burns mill at Fort county and state, wherein F. II. Mc Notice to Creditors regiment to the conversation he had ! tion with these ceremonies the forty- ston, of Indiana, was scheduled to been built about the Peterhof Palace Klamath to the Klamath Manufac ' fifth anniversary of the Knights of Cornack, a* plaintiff, recovered judg In the County Court of the State of with one of his soldiers whom he I Pythias organization in Illinois will address a meeting Sunday afternoon to ensure her greater privacy and turing company’s plant at Shipping ment against Eugenie V. Rlchet, Oregon, for the County of Klamath. claimed he did not know but whom in the Auditorium theater. A big the doors of tbe palace at Livadia ton. i be observed. Frank Rlchet and Oregon Inland De- In the Matter of the Estate of Edwin he described as having “red hair.” parade on Monday will bring the cel have been padded so that no sound ■ velopment company, a corporation, L. Newbanks, Deceased: All the red hea ’ed men in the regi i Today is Pythian field day. Crack Saturday night the steamer Eagle can penetrate from the outside. ebration to a close. | Notice Is hereby given that the un- for the sum of eighteen hundred and ment were lined up and Herr von i drill teams competed this afternoon brought down a 100-ton barge load I ■ - --------------- ~ ‘dersigned has been appointed the ad forty-five and 27-100 dollars, two Lengerke picked out Fischer. of sand. ministrator of tlie above estate, and hundred dollars as attorney* fee* and During the trial it developed that 'that all persons having claim* against costs and disbursements taxed at the quarters of the men ar* often The steamer Modoc brought down .said estate shall present same, with twenty-three and 95-100 dollar*, on esarched for socialistic literature. two big log rafts from Crystal. One proper vouchers, within six months ' "th day °f August, 1914. Fischer is also alleged to have said ♦ *** ’♦ was 'uo wimiguvu consigned to me the Aigoma, Algoma, ana and Notice is hereby given that I will from the date of this notice, to said that there is an extensive secret the other to the Long Lake plant. administrator, at his place of busl- on the 12th day of September, 1914, propaganda and quiet agitation go I ness, Tenth and Main streets, Klam- at the front door of the courthouse of ing on in portions of the German The steamer Annie Laurie Is lying Klamath county, in Klamath Fall*, in army. ath Falls. Oregon. ♦ |at her dock, undergoing some minor said count, at 2 o'clock In the after Dated August 27, 1914. Although Fischer’s companions I *♦* repairs. Captain Guthrie 1* also do- noon of said day, sell at public aut- ____ ....................... 8. B. EVANS, who were riding in the same com ♦«»♦ ing «orne painting about the ladle*’ Administrator of the Estate of Edwin tion to the highest bidder, for cash, partment testified that they had ♦J» cabin. i the following described property, to- L. Newbanks, Deceased. heard nothing of such a conversation wft: 8-27-10-1 sw which Fischer also denied, the mili The steamer Klamath Is at the Pel The southwest quarter of the tary court found him guilty. ican Bay Lumber company’* dock, Notice of Contest southeast quarter and tue eolith acting as a tender for the company’s {Serial No. 05992; Contest No. 714 half of the southwest quarter of JAPAN NEEDS A work. 'Department of the Interior, United section one (1) and tho northwest BIG WAR BUDGET States Land Office at Lakeview, quarter and the west half of the V Tho steamer Wlncma went up the Oregon, August 18, 1914. northeast quarter of section twelve TOKIO, Sept. 5.—A special session 4® lake Tuesday with an assorted cargo. To > William G. Bonham of Olene, (12), all in township thirty-nine of the Diet opened today and much ♦» Most of it was bound for Rocky Oregon (Record address, Klam (39) south, range eight (8) east enthusiasm was displayed. Count ] Point. ath Falls, Oregon), Contestee: of the Willamette meridian, eave Oknma explained that an extraordin You aro hereby notified that and except that portion of the ary war budget was needed and said WAR TAX RAISES George W. Van Noate, who gives above described lands described in "The army and navy are doing their SOME DISCUSSION Klamath Falls, Oregon, as his post- that certain partial release of mort full duty and all Japanese may be office address, did on June 1, 1914, gage dated August 23, 1912, which proud of them." United Press Service file In this office his duly corroborat- is recorded in Volume 12 of Mort WASHINGTON, Sept. 5,—The war ed application to contest and secure gages at page 381, of the mortgage SAYS IVAR WILL tax bill will probably not be reported the cancellation of your homestead records of Klamath county, Or NOT Hl’RT FAIR on for a week. Many congressmen entry, Serial No. 05992, made Aug- egon. oppose the proposal to tax trans ust 30, 1912, for E>4 NE%; NE% Taken and levied upon as the prop- SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 5,— portation tickets and gasoline. SE>4, Section 7, and the NW >4 SW]orty of said Eugenie V. Rlchet, Frank Commissioner General Moore of the Some suggest Increasing the in- ',4, Section 8, Township 40 S, Range Richet and the Oregon Inland De- Panama-Pacific International exposi come fax rate. 12 E, Willamette meridian, and as velopment company, a corporation, tion has returned from his trip. He grounds for his contest he alleges or as much thereof as may be necee- says that despite the war, the foreign Ox to Lead Parade. that Willard G. Bonham has not been 1 nary to aatlafy the said judgment in nations are preparing to participate United Press Service on the said land for over one year favor of F. H. McCornack, a* plaintiff, In the 1915 fair. PENDLETON, Ore., Sept. 4.— and he has made no improvements i against said defendants, with interest I thereon, together with all coat* and Governor Oswald West will lead the thereon. grand parade the opening day of the You are, therefore, further notified I disbursements that have or may ac WILL A. LEONARD Round-Up, September 24. He will that the said allegations will be taken crue. ride the famous Round-Up prize by this office as having been con I C. C. LOW, Sheriff. DENTIST saddle and wear the championship fessed by you, and your said entry By Geo. A. Haydon, Deputy. White Maddox Bldg. gold and silver belt and the champ will be canceled thereunder without Dated at Klamath Fall*, August ionship buckaroo hat. your further right to be heard there- 7, 1914, 13-30-37-3-10 sw ▲ Continuation of the Klamath Republican PETROGRAD (formerly St. Pel- ¡ersburg), Sept. 4.—After the over- United Press Service PARIS, Sept. 4.—On the auniversaiy of Frauce's beiomiug u republic, Editor whelming defeat administered the W. o. SMITH .. --------- ; Austrian forces in the vicinity of the city 1* iu an extremely uervous state, with news from tlie front very Entered at th* postofflee at Klamath Lomburg, the war office announces meagre. Falla, Ore., a* second claae matter, that the Austrian army is in danger ¡IMPORTANT NOTICE f X «* The last carload shipments of fruit by freight are now in, and we advise the people of the city and county to lay in their supply for the winter now. Later ship- ments will come by express, and naturally will be higher in price and of not as good a quality PRICES Peaches, per box Prunes, per box - T Tomatoes, per box Apples, per box - i TODAY: 60 cents 65 cents 55 cents $1.00 ASHLAND FRUIT STORE ft I ----