4 ♦ ♦ Il ..ADING PAPER <>F ♦ ♦ SOUTHERN OREGON ♦ ♦ « « « ♦ < VOLUME XIX KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1914. ♦ NUMBER 41* Allies Break Up German Attack Near Paris BATTLE BETWEEN UBIMI Lille, Heavily Fortified, but VIEW IS TAKEN Taken by the German Armies CZAZR TH VINO TO CRUSH THE AUSTRIANS BEFORE THE I Resistance by Allies Penetrates Germany’s Line-Army Withdraws GERMANS .ARRIVE PufHitlt of Retreating Letubuig Le- gion I m Abandoned, and R iu »1» b FOLLOWING SURPRISING RESISTANCE FROM ALLIES, RIGHT WING OF GERMAN ATTACK RETREATS TO LILLE, AWAITING THE ARRIVAL OF REINFORCEMENTS—PARIS GOES WILD AT NEWS OF THIS SETBACK FOR INVADERS Forces Are Thrown Into the Field to Annihilate Von Aueffeuberg's PARIS, Sept* 7.—The war office wires tluil a Junction of Military Gov Command—Russians Also Advance ernor Gallieul's force with tliat of General Joffre, co-operating with the British under General French, today turned back the right Hauk of the Ger on German Foallions. man arm)*. Simultaneously, British forces succeeded in penetrating the German line. 1 United Press Service This move Imperilled the German right wing, and to prevent its being VIENNA, (via Rome), Sept. 7.— enveloped and anniliilated. General von Kluk withdrew his force toward ■ Generals von Aueffeoberg and Dankl Lille, to await support. ¡are today engaging the overwhelm- in tile meantime, Paris is celebrating as a vkt«>ry the failure of tlie ' Ing Russian forces under General Germans to attack Paris. The newspapers i.rt exultant in their stories. Roussky between Prubieszow and the Galician bolder. War officers, though, say that the withdrawal of the right wing, and The Russians seek to overwhelm its inactivity today is a wait for reinforcements. Reserves from von Bue this part of the Austrian army before low's command near Rhieuis are attempting to Join the right wing, but | the German reinforcements arrive, may be headed oil. I ga rd i n g Enol mit y of the St ruggii*. But All Ari* Determined to Scrap to the lutai. Saya Returned Artist. lllOfni hniiM*nse Army Is .Mobilizing for the Attack on l'aria. United Press Service NEW YORK, Sept. 7. According to Mrs. Eleanor Painter, u Colorado singer, who has Just arrived from Beilin, the German women are facing the terrible all nut Ion confronting them in a moat ealm manner imagin able. "Tlie spirit of tlie people at home la wonderful" said Bhe. "The Ger man women uli realize that the life of the nation Is nt Make, and they ac cept the Inevitable lossea everywhere 1 with grim dignity. "There are no false Ideas there re- j gc.rdlng the enormity of the struggle. Many of the Germans in Berlin, isal lying that most of the world seems prejudiced' against Germany, do not I believe the Fatherland will survive the fearful carnage ngainst such big odds, but they are determined to light to the last.” f. — " y . -<4¿ Í and the Austrians, greatly outnum bered, are losing heavily. Another beautiful city of France has fallen into the bauds of the approaching German armies, according to dis; ic I kh from Berlin. Lille, which had for protection one of the strongest forts France had built, succum- bid to the Germans In a tight of only a few days. It was one of the forts on the first line of French defense, and was an Important link in the chain of forts ruiiiilug from Calais on the English channel to Belfort in the south of France. Once the Germans break through this line their dream of marching on to parts will be so near realization that Parisians will be in danger of panic. B° Excused y ScoLts at X bchool JHOHENZOLLERN LIFE IS SAVED United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 7.—Experts agree tnlted Press Service LONDON, Sept. 7.—All boy scouts that Germany is staking everything one one battle, the fight before Paris. ¡on active semi-military service have HEIRLOOM IN GERMANY’S RUL- LALLING ON A JACKSKON FORK, The army there has been strength- been excused from school attendance BURT SKELLY’S HEART IS MEANS LUCK during the war. (Continued on page 4) Wilson Sends Message to America’s Labor United Press Service WHILE WITH IT, BUT DI8A8- UNINJURED ONLY’ ON ACCOUNT TER WHEN IT IS AWAY OF A RIB DEFLECTING TINE It is believed that the Germans I have discontinued their march direct lows by an English refugee, who has ly toward Paris because they learned Just arrived here from Belgium. The , United Press Service PETROGARD, Sept. 7.—It is ex that the allies contemplated a general dirigible hovers over its object at a pected that the battle between the engagement west of the city. French sufficient altitude to keep it out of ¡Austrians and Rouszky's army will troops are massed there, and a trap range of the enemy’s guns. At the same time it lowers a steel cage at last several days. The government is ready. Late today Military Governor Gal- tached to a steel wire rope 2,000 or expects to annihilate the enemy, and the breaking up of this force means lllena published the following state , 3,000 feet long. This cage is divided practically the disrupting of all of ment, wired from Bordeaux by the into compartments, and it carries one war office: man whose duty it is to throw down Franz Josef’s force.«. "The British and French forces Rouszky has ordered the tempora are now engaged in a general action | the bombs. The cage is sufficiently ry abandonment of the disordered , northeast of Paris. The entire French ■ strong to make rifle Are against it in- and rapidly dwindling Austrian army ! and English lines are in action, and effective, and because of its small size fleeing from its rout at Lemburg. In the combat is extremely vigorous." ; and the fact that it is kept constantly ¡in motion, it is very difficult for the stead, all of the Russian force is ————— heavy guns to hit it. • thrown against von Aueffenburg to crush his army at once. Bert C. Hall and bis ever present Russians are advancing on fortified , canine, “Rex," left in their auto Sun : German positions along the River day for Shasta Springs, where Mr. ! L’ieme, The Russian line extends Hall will meet Mrs. Hall, who has across Poland, through Mlaw and been in San Francisco the past two LONDON, Sept. 7. — The method through the province of Radom into | Eastern Galicia. used the Zeppelin airships in drop- weeks, and they will drive home in The Russians are besieging Komg- bombi baa been ‘i^^ibed as fol- ‘the car. bergen. It is reported that they have _ . seized the Carpathian passe* '---- ---- How the Zeppelins Drop Deadly Bombs British Fleet Makes Ready ¡ Better Buy Winter Provisions at Once Burt Skelly, employed by Frank I United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 7.—Englishmen Duffy, escaped death by the narrow I are wondering whether Kaiser Wil est chance Stfiday, when he fell on a helm is wearing the famous Hohen- Jackson fork. Skelly was working United Press Service LONDON, Sept. 7.—The British zollern luck stone. It is said that on top of the alfalfa stack, and fell fleet is preparing to break the Oer-1 upon the accession of Frederick the! from there, striking on the fork. man naval power. The admiralty ad Great he found among the posses-' One tine of the fork penetrated his mits that important events are lm- ' sions of his father a box containing a j thigh. Another pierced his chest, pending. England is stirred up over If you wish to be sure of present down the prices to normal, whlls prices in Drovisions. Mr. Householder flurries were caused In other places the failure to prevent the laying of .Prices In provisions, “I feel that 1 can in good cunselencc, and with n heart full of deep ring set with a peculiar black stone. Just above the heart. According to Drs. Johnson and mines by the Germans. I (or your wife), it behooves you to by the work of the speculators. But <onfiilence, send a word of cheer to the workers of America on this Labor 'A note written by Frederick stated Cathay, who attended Skelly, one of begin at once the laying in of a stock how long they can keep this up is a Ihiy in the Interesting year of 1014. that the ring had been given him by his ribs deflected the tine, or it of staples for the winter. While problem. ' “No one can look about him with frnnk eyes, either in our beloved there has been no noticeable advance With European markets unable to country or In any of the great mil ions of our time which have civilization ¡his father with the injunction that would have pierced his heart, causing here except in the cost of sugar, send supplies sent here other years, In their hands, without feeling that there Is it steady movement both of ¡the Hohenzollerns would prosper so instant death. ¡there is no assurance that there will and tire warring nations grabbing ev purpose mid of action toward Justice, and a fuller comprehension mid reali long as It remained in the family. The ring was stolen from Freder not be some advances. ery bit of gold obtainable and refus zation of the essential rights and liberties of men. On the contrary, there is every rea- ing for the present to pay off their “Tile movement may be slow, may at times seem distressingly mid ick Wiliiafn II by his mistress, Count-j United Press Service son to expect sharp rises.* It was ex debts, the only thing to be expected discouragingly slow, but It Is unmistakable; and nil that we have to do to ess Lichtenau-Hence, It Is declared, WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 7.— ¡pected when the European war broke la an advance in the price of living set It forward with ever-increasing momentum is to tiling Justly, purpose and then followed the disasters of the Berlin has wirelessed the German em- j out that there would be but a few It is always during a money strin the things that are right, and be afraid of nothing except to be unfair, eelf Napoleonic wars. In 1813, the year: bnss.v that the British cruiser Warrior ’ weeks of fighting, and then things gency that thia happens, and while it ish and hasty when interests as great ns the country itself are involved." . of Prussian liberation, the ring was restored. The biographer of William I United Press Service Is stranded. would adjust themselves again. In might not come right at present, we — LONDON, Sept. 7.—Imprisoned I this the world was fooled, for all of have reason to expect it before the WASHINGTON, D. C„ Sept. 7.— fort of men and women to secure for i I declared he saw the ring on that the belligerent armies, in their move winter is over. Therefore, we should The above message to labor of Amer themselves and their children Jus monarch’s hand during the Franco- for two years for his connection with 1 Prussian war of 1870. ¡the famous ■ Don’t shoot" ments, show that their nations had use a little business sense, and do our ica in celebrating its holiday today tices and life opportunity. i imnnfir British British soldiers snldinrs ! ' • -------------------- -—- ¡distributed among "Because this holiday of the work ¡been preparing for Just this situation, heavy buying of staples now, for If was given by President Wilson to 'and are determined to carry on the ithe prices do not advance, they will Samuel Gompers, president of the i ing people embodies the character Representative Murray Celebrates who were on strike duty, George Nee- son, a syndicalist, was one of the first! istic spirit of the nation, citizens who United Press Service American Federation of Labor. 'certainly not decline. I fight to the last. WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 7.— to be acceP,ed for service with the, Another matter to be called to the With it came others from Former have been forceful in making natlon- The agreement of England, Russia United Press Service and France Friday to stand by each! attention of the housewife is the President Taft, leaders In congress i al Ideals, were asked to write a greet- "Billy" Murray (not "Bill” Murray) expeditionary army in Belgium, TOKYO, Sept. 7.—The lower house other until a treaty is made with the necessity of buying fruit for the win- and loaders In the labor movement. ! Ing or a message to fellow workers was the recipient today of congratu-i Nebraska Fair On of the diet today passed an extraordi Triple Entente as a unit is the latest . ter canning now. All of the dealers Following was President Gomper’s ¡who are striving to make freedom, lations, "Billy" is Massachusetts' nary war budget, $26.600,000 being sad blow to the hopes of an early set ¡are about through with their carload He' United Press Service message to the hosts of labor: justice and humanity practical forces representative—from Boston, "Freedom is not gained b; one en in dally life and work.” was 33 years of age today.” He used LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 7.—Nebrae- !•’« t0‘«>* tlement, so the world Is settling down shipments, for the biggest run of can - deavor. Freedom exists as t.ie result I President Wilson's message to la to be the “baby” member of the |kn’s forty-sixth annual state fair to expect a long gruelling campaign, ning fruits Is about over. Hereafter, of continuous effort to renilze human bor today was unique in many re house, and was recently appointed ¡ppened today at the state grounds J lii for Wood. which is sapping the life, strength, what comes will be sent in by express rights. spects. It was his first as chief execu postmaster of Boston. "Bill’ Murray ' here. Aviator Lincoln Beachy, in Walter Eggerth, who is conducting j products and wealth of some of the —which means higher transportation Among a free people this effort tive, and a radical departure from his I is better known as "Alfalfa Bill," the loop-the-loop and upside-down flights some experiments in agronomy at the world’s greatest powers. charges—and there is no reason to must sminate from th« people them-, rule against giving special interviews j I picturesque congressman from Okla was to be one of the attractions. The Fairclo ranch, is in today for a load Local merchants have done admir expect anything better than the left selves. Labor Day stands for the ef-1 or statements upon any subject. ¡fair will continue until September 11. of wood. homa. ably by their customers. In holding [ overs and poorer grades. British Cruiser Stranded Today i Imprisoned Man First to Enlist 'Japanese Levy Great War Tax