THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Semi-Weekly Herald FRENCH RESERVES CALLED TO ARMS UY THAT NATION GERMANY’S ADVANCE IS CONTINUOUS GREATEST BALLTE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD TH URHOA Y, HEPTEMRER S. 1»14 in, either before this office or on ap­ Austrians Take peal, If you fall to Ille In this office within twenty days after the fourth One From Nicks publication of this notice, as shown Cui ted Press Service. below, your answer, under oath, spe­ ACCORDING TO ADVICES FROM INDICATES DIG 1-OSS OF MEN IN BERLIN, (via The Hague), Sept. 1.—The war office states that tin- BERLIN, (Via The Hague) Sept. cifically meeting and responding to VIENNA BATTLES German advance continues, and that the French and English were re­ I. The Austrian embussy states that these allegatlous of contest, or if you W. O. SMITH pulsed with heavy losses at La Ferte. Operations everywhere are reported More Than Three Million Men En­ the Austrians in Northern Galatia, In full within that time to tile In this In Connection With This Announce-; gaged, anil Tide of Battle Ebbs addition to routing tho Russian office duo proof that you have served uicnts Come« News That tile Turk­ satisfactory to the German force, and the Crown Prince's work Is still Entered at the postonico at Klamath and Flows—No Decisive Result as ¡forces, have invaded Russian Poland. a copy of your answer on the said Falla, Oro., aa second class matter. ish Troops Have Been Onlered to successful. The Russians have retreated to­ contestant either In person or by Yet, But Final Outcome Caunot Mobilize — Latest French Call wards Lublin. registered mall. If this service la Long Be Delayed — Fighting Is Published by the Herald Publishing Brings Out Every Man Between the United Press Service The losses of both Bidos are heavy. outdo by tho delivery of a copy of Almost Hand to Hand. Company, of Klamath Falla, on tges of Twenty and Twice That PARIS, Sept. 1.—Four German armies, under Duke Albrecht, are _____ - your answer to the contestant in per­ Monday and Thursday of each week WAR OFFICE SAYS AUSTRIAN The allies, intact, are re- | tinted Press Service son, proof of such service must be t. __ Minister Miller, pounding at the left wing of the allies' defense, PARIS, IS ALL NOW IN TIIE FIELD either tho suld contestant’s written VIENNA, (via Rome), Sept. 1.— aud today issued a call for all of the 1 tiring, • ------------- acknowledgment of his receipt of The Germans have mounted heavy artillery, and are shelling the According to a statement issued by reservists in tiie "rench territorial I ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 1,—The tho copy, showing the date of its WHO RUNS OUR SHIPPING? army to come to tiie colors, They . French entrenchments from Sedan south. Frauce continues the offensive itlie war office livre the battle be­ tween (lie Austrians aud the Russians government says that the entire Aus­ receipt, or the affidavit of the per­ are instructed to join with the forces ; in Lorraine. ou the Prussian frontier is the “great- trian army 1 b active in Galicia, and son by whom tho delivery wub made, ND NOW the Unied States, the in Northern and Northeastern France, A German monoplane appeared over this city at <1 o'clock tonight. ¡eat battle in the history of tiie that tho Russian advance continues. stating when and where the copy was most peaoe loving nation of j It It is is admitted admitted that that Millerand MiUerand ’ ’ s s call rail i j The Russians say that they will delivered; if made by registered mall, Soldiers in Eiffel tower sighted it, and after a volley had been fin'd at ¡world.** them r“nks of .«** ‘ i . all. the one power that ha. been ***•“ U,“t Over .3,000,000 men are engaged inarch on Lemberg proper In a short I proof of such sorvico must consist of him the aviator retired. working zealously for months t0 «vtlve battalions are sadly depleted, i in actual lighting, aud every branch time, aud that the Russian line ex­ tho affidavit of the person by whom anil the reserves are needed to till in . preserve peace in Mexico and Europe, of the service is represented. The tends on both sides of Lemburg from tho copy was mailed, stating when the gaps caused by the toll of lifeI United Press Service is becoming indirectly connected with and by whom the copy was mailed, ¡tide of battle ebbs and flows, and no Kauienka to Brzozdovita. evaded by warfare. This brings out the European tight, for England and and tills affidavit must be accom­ WASHINGTON, D. i-Mit occupation for whief In case of perishable or rush ma ­ he it capable. President C. W. hliot. ath Fails, Oregon), Contestee: by American women will be just as ity, council Monday night adopted a of the Willamette meridian, save terial being offered for shipment the You are hereby notified that smart and just as stylish as any they resolution requesting and urging the ¡SIDEWALKS FOR This is the Mission of the and except that portion of the HOT SPRINGS agent has authority to send same for- ¡George W. Van Noate, who gives have ever worn, with the added ad­ government to construct a bridge above described lands described in a aril as baggage, providing it is cor ­ ------ - Klamath Falls, Oregon, as his post- vantage of radiating refinement and across the canal on Eleventh street, i that certain partial release of mort­ In preparation for keeping the rectly consigned to the Oregon State to be in conformity with the street office address, did on June 1, 1914, gentility. Forty-sixth School Year Opens gage dated August 23, 1912, which Immigration Commission. feet of Hot Springs people dry this flic in this office his duly corroborat­ American women are the moat as to grade, etc. Is recorded in Volume 12 of Mort­ Request more tags if necessary, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1914 The bridge over Eleventh has been winter, council Monday night ordered ed application to contest and secure beautiful on earth, are noted for gages at page 361, of the mortgage Write for illustrated 100-page Book­ tho cancellation of your homestead City Attorney Rutenlc to draft a res­ and kindly send choice specimens for­ their intellectual attainments, and delaying the improvement work. records of Klamath county, Or­ let, "T he L ife C areer ," and for Cata ­ ward immediately. All possible olution for two strips of sidewalk entry. Serial No. 05992, made Aug­ are possessed of an Indomitable spirit egon. log containing full information. FORT LEAVENWORTH, Sept. 1. there. Both are to replace old walks. credit will be given In each case to which knows no failure. The design­ Degree Couries — AGRICULTURE : ust 30, 1912, for EV4 NE%; NEW Taken and levied upon as the prop­ the grower and community. ” One of these walkB is to be on Es­ Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ 8EU, Section 7, and the NW% SW erty of said Eugenie V. Richet, Frank ing of their own gowns will be but —Under the Manchu act, Colonel W. bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. ’/», Section 8, Township 40 S, Range Richet and the Oregon Inland De­ an incident in their brilliant careers, P. Burnham, commanding the army planade from the Southern Pacific Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, Are They Vacationing? for even now the world la prostrate service schools, was relieved today right of way to the bridge across the L ogging E ngineering . H ome E co ­ 12 E, Willamette meridian, and as velopment company, a corporation, Vernon T. Motschenbacher — and nomics : Domestic Science, Domestic Art, grounds for his contest he alleges at the feet of American womanhood. by Colonel H. A. Greene, unattached, canal. The other is along the west Austin Hayden have departed for the ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrigation, that Willard G. Bonham has not been or ns much thereof as may be neces­ stationed at the central department side of Canal road from Main street wilds of Cherry Creek, where they Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. on the said land for over one year sary to satisfy the said judgment in at Chicago. Under the same act Col­ to Esplanade. In From the Flat. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. favor of F. H. McCornack, as plaintiff, will spend several days. And there Ceramics. and he has made no improvements agalnBt said defendants, with interest I ndustrial arts . H. 8. Oden, his son, Phil Oden, and onel H. J. Slocum, commandant of are some unkind enough to say that Vocational Courses- Agriculture, Dairy thereon. the latter's daughter are in today the United States military prison was Home From Honeymoon. thereon, together with all costa and it is the fear of being drafted into Ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial Mr. and Mrs. Harry Goeller arrived relieved by Colonel George A. Todd, You aro, therefore, further notified disbursements that have or may ac- from Pine Flat, attending to business Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course. stationed at the recruit depot of Co­ Monday from an auto trip through the European war that has driven that the said allegations will be taken crue. matters. School of Music— Plano, String, Band, lumbus Barracks, Ohio. The Manchu Oregon and Washington, following MotRchy away from town at this time Voice Culture. by this office as having been con­ C. C. LOW, Sheriff. of the year, unless it is tho fact that fessed by you, and your said entry By Geo. A. Haydon. Deputy. Farmer! Buiineti Court« by Mail Fra«. There are two kinds of Insurance. act provides that officers must serve the day in Medford a few days ago the forests aro said to be full of aadrtM Tan RMOiSTaan, when Miss Maude Rippey changed will be canceled thereunder without Chilcote writes the kind that pays. at least two years of every six years Dated at Klamath Falls, August "deers.” (tw-7-lt ta M)__ CarvalUa, Or«|«a her name. with their commands. «8ß Main. your further right to be heard there­ 7* 19U- 18-20-37-3-10 sw A Continuation of the Klamath Republican A A THE LIFE CAREE OREGON AGRICULTURALCOLLEGE