♦ ♦ 4♦«♦♦♦♦♦*« « LEADING PAPER OF ♦ ♦ SOUTHERN OREGON ♦ « (Lhr #emi- Weekly Heralù 4 ♦ REACHES everyonh ♦ ♦ IN KLAMATH COUNTY ♦ S .M VOLUME XIX ■ f — KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TI TURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1914 NUMBER 4« FEARFUL OF AN AERIAL AIM,. CFRM ANS PI TSH™® ■ IN BRITISH ORDER FHE MARINES W ‘. . . . . TELLING . . . . . . . . . OF . . . . A . . . FEW . . . . . SMALL ... ARE HELP THE BELGIANS AT OSTEÄD I I i INTO FRANCE 1 / United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 27.—The fighting between the German army of invasion and the French and English troops continues. It is believed that the kaiser has advanced rar into Fiance in tho north. À Dispatches from the front aak for new surgeons and supplies to be rushed north. This indicates heavy » I United Press Service United Press Service ■u * slaughter among the allied troops. ahlpk of LONDON, Aug. 27.—England tuts stripped all i WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 27.—The German embassy here today an­ At some points along the Belgian-I rent h frontier the lighting is said to be twenty-five miles inside the bee« sent the North Sea Meet of every available marine, nail French lines. nounced that Berlin has wirelessed the news of the small German cruiser forward to light the Germans. Tile government has been silent since the statement last night to the effect that a i>arl of the lines of the de­ Madgeburg being blown up near the Bay of Finland. The message did not The nation is alarmed at the prospect of aerial raid« by German air fense had been repulsed. There lius been no confirmation of evacuation or important frontier centers. state the nationality of the attacking force, but said that th« little ship thyi reason, ii>.- mariio- crati it Ilie kaiser’s forcee lak« Osten«, Tlie chief danger Io France is from the north, where the Germans are combining a crushing forward ! "encountered a superior force." ftqppiany from gaining a movement with an extensive Hanking movement. Tim war office insists, however, that provisions have been are sent out to ald tlie Belglans au <1 United Press Service . £ permanent basr. made to meet and upset this action before the invasion progresses very far. LONDON, Aug. 27.—A Cettlnje dispatch states that four Austrian ate already at (Menu Belgium. A strict squadrons. When thee« were sighted the Austrians ran. I« circumstantially ru ruotisi tissi the allies . BELGIANS ABE BUSIED I 'SERVIANS WIN IN FOUR EUROPEAN WAR PUTS, DAYS' RATTLE AT DRINA DESTROYING RAILROADS scriona reverses OFF TRUST PROGRAM was killed and five wounded by the Senns of these any the alites have been entirely driven from the south United Press Service guns of the Germans. United PreSB Service United Press Service United Press Service ern jrart of Belghiiii. LONDON, Aug. 27—Lord Churchill The admiralty has not been ad­ i WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 27.— ANTWERP, Aug. 27. Most of the NISH, Aug. 27.—It Is announced When asked In the house of com­ (many facts, but the veil of secrecy in the house of commons today an­ vised as to the loss of life sustained Belgian troops stationed here are1 today that the Servians defeated the! President Wilson today told callers mons regarding the lack of news from may soon be lifted." by the Germans, if any. operating between Maillnes and Brus­ Austrians in a four days' battle near that because of the unsettled financial nounced that the British cruiser High As yet, Lille Is uncaptured, but A telegram to the Exchange today tho front, Premier Asquith made the I conditions brought about by the Flyer sank the German ship Kaiser sels today. They are destroying rail-1 there is fearful lighting there, accord­ Drlna, with a fifty mile front. They i European war, he is not Inclined to says a Danish trawler In the North following statement: 'roads and other means of communica-' Wilhelm der Grosse off the West Af­ ing to the French ambassador. He are now driving the enemy toward have congress act now on the railroad Sea struck a mine early this morning 'tlon which might be of use to the Ger- ■ “The British government Is deslr- rican coast. says the advance guard skirmished Losnltza. and sank. securities regulation bill. mans in their attack upon this city. oua of giving the people of the coun- with the Germans, who retired. According to Churchill, one Briton Four are reported drowned. The Servians hope to cut off the I___________ I lie also stated that the antl-truat He is unable to confirm the reports I try all of the information regarding Austrians and annihilate their force.! program will be dropped for the pres­ i the war that Is possible and conslst- that the city will not be defended in jCHINDA SAYS JAPAN ent. ent with public interest. caso there is a serious German move­ WILL NOT SEND AID AUSTRIANS ROUTED BY "It bas been necessary to withhold ment. COSSACKS AT TARN POOL AUSTRIANS EVACUATE: I _____ ; United Press Service NOVIBAZAAR TODAY > WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 27.— ; United Press Service ST. PETERSBURG, Aug 27.—It United Press Service I Baron Chiuda, the Japanese ambassa­ dor today said Japan does not in- ‘ was announced today that th« C ob * PARIS, Aug. 27.—The Servian , tend to send Its army and navy into sacks had completely routed a large legation today received tidings that Europe to help England. He also de­ force of Austrians at the R'ver Sereth the Austrians have evacuated Noviba­ ROUMANIAN GOVERNMENT RE. ' PETERBON AND McCALL FIND nied the report that Japanese war­ I near Tarn pool, and captured live zaar today. I guns. 300 prisoners and much equlp- ships will attuck Austria. This was in anticipation of a strong CEIVES A COPY OF THE COM- FORT, MERRILL AND BONANZA I "There is nothing more absurd ment. Servian-Montenegrin attack. PLAINT AGAINST AUSTRIAN PEOPLE EAGER TO ASSIST IN than the morning dispatches that I RECOUNT AT CANYON CITY PUTS CONTRACTORS EXPECT TO HAVE Japan would answer the declaration In Town. Tho Herald prints the latest SOLDIERS’ ACTIONS THE WORK KLAMATH COUNTY CANDIDATE FIRST STORY FINISHED THIS of war by dispatching the fleet,” he ! news. Better telephone in your J. H. Short came in Wednesday said. i scription and keep up to date. from the Fort on a business trip. IN THE LEAD OVER JUSTICE WEEK, AND BUILDING UNDER United Press Service According to County School Super­ McNARY ROOF SOON BUCHAREST, Aug. 27—The Span­ intendent Fred Peterson and County ish minister today received a copy of j Agricultural Agent Max A. McCall, I the protest Servia has officially di­ interest In the district fairs to be held CANYON CITY, Ore., Aug. 27.— "Before the week, ends we will have rected to the powers against the at Fort Klamath, Bonanza and Mer­ the ürst story completed.” says Fred The He between Judge Henry L. Ben­ Austrian troops. rill this fall is great in each commun­ son of Klauiuth Falls and Judge Chas. Cofer of Cofer Bros., who are erect­ This alleges many atrocities on the ity. In these places there are a few ing the city's now $35.001) city hall L. McNary of Salem for the repub­ on Fifth and Walnut streets. A force part of Franz Josef's men. It chargee who say "it can’t be done,” but there lican nomination for the supreme of masons, plumbers and electricians that aged men and women and chil­ are many willing and anxious to pitch dren were murdered without pretext court was broken at a recount of the are busily engaged. in and show that It can be done. by the invaders. ballots of three precincts in this coun­ The contractors expect to rush the The tentative dates set for the building right along now, and if they ty, Judge Benson gaining one vote. shows follow: Fort Klamath, Octo­ are not held up any more by supplies. This shifts tho battleground for ber 7th; Bonanza, October 8th; Mer­ et< , they will have the city's struc­ votes to Multnomah, Washington and rill, October 9th. ture under roof in the fall. Work McCall and Peterson have named Tillamook counties, It being under­ will be continued on the Interior as committees at Merrill and Bonanza to stood here that It lias beeu stipulated much as possible during the winter. take up the work, and will soon name The city hall Is to be two stories between the two candidates that tlie a committee at the Fort. At Bonanza ballots shall be re-counted in a num­ high with a full basement. Pressed [J. O. Haniaker of that city, Roes Sut­ brick and concrete are being used In ber of precincts in each of these ton of Dairy, Mrs. L. D. Burk of Bo­ the construction, and the trimming is counties. to to of aitiûcial stone, which is now INDIAN BUREAU GRANTS MUTUAL nanza and Mrs. F. L. Morris of Poe According to the fri< nds of the two Valley have been named. being mat.ufactured by Schofield AL candidates, both have precincts in MH I ING COMPAN Y THE USE OF W. C. Dunning, E. S. Terwilliger Company. Multnomah county which they desire and C. S. Blake comprise the male ONE HUNDRED YARDS L'OR \ members of the Merrill board. They to i ecount tlie ballots, and Judge Ben­ son, it is said, has a number of pre­ Don n Fr< to < liiloqiiiii. will appoint two women as members. BIG LOG POND .Mrs. H F. Hammersley was among cinct« In Washington and Tillamook , .1 , ~ .1 . _ counties in which lie wants the votes the passengers coming In Wednesday company was given permission to us« i from Chiloquin. recounted. Tho first concession made to lumber 100 yards along Williamson river in Interests by the bureau of ludlan af- front of the mill as a log pond, tairs since Sprague and Williamson This does not open the river to log­ rivers were closed to logging some glng, however. It only gives permls- time ago was made today, when a slon to put a boom across the river telegram was received from Washing-: there to hold the logs, which must be ton. stuting that the Mutual Milling hauled and put Into the river. British War Office Is Silent as tolfttgium British Ship Sinks a German Off West Africa I SERVIAN PROTESTS MUCH INTEREST BEING SENT OUT IN COMING FAIR BENSON GAINS A British Sailors “Worrying” Over the Prospects of Some Sea Fights ON WILLIAMSON To Appraise the Project On This, the Next Construction Charge Is Based With tin- preparation of detailed reclamation service and a representa- esti mates of the expenditures on the, live of tlie Klamath Water Users As- Isiitiuiion will comprise the board of Klamath project front January 1, appraisal. The board will go over all 1915, to Hum 30, 1910. the work of of the past accounts of the project, tho reclamation service office here to and from these will decide what will be rushed by the passage of the rec­ he the proper building charge this lamation extension bill will not be you r ended. After that an appraisal of The recommendation of the board will be sent to Washington, where It the project must be made. This appraisal Is also to be made will be considered again by the De­ under the terms of the new recla­ partment of the Interior, and the mation bill. It will be completed be­ amount of the charge will then be an­ nounced. This form is io lie used on fore December, it Is believed. A representative of the department all of the projects to determine the of the Interior, a representative of tho ‘next bi tiding move. Russians On to Berlin With Eight Million Men, Czar Expects Quick Move United Press Service United Press Service LONDON. Aug. 27.—Wireless dis­ ST PETERSBURG, (via Rome), Aug. 27.—It is officially announced patches from Berlin, picked up by the Marconi station here and made public that Russia has made detailed plans ; by the government, say that it is offi­ Ito attack Berlin within three weeks. cially admitted In a German war bul­ Simultaneously, It Is stated by the ! letin that the Germans have "tempo­ war office that mobilization Is com­ rarily retired before the advance of pleted, and that 8,000,000 men are’ the concentrated Russian forces tn now under arms to fight for the czar. I Eastern Prussia.”