»»«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » A,,KK or • ♦ REACHES EVERYONE « ♦ IN KLAMATH COUNTY ♦ »•«•MS4 4M44 X VOLI'MI- 'I' NUMBER 44 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, 1HURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1914 GREWSOME LOSS OF LIFE IN LAST FIGHT y I ! Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, the Man Behind the Guns First Notable to Be Killed in the War OF POPE’S DEATH EBERLELN glana m Northern II» dglutu bat« beeu ib »pin l it I num'“' M,MS («IRMI Art DRH I «» lompvlieii SEES GOOD PRICES PATRIEN von crops I nil cd Pre»» Score» l ire Hour Scoop Prekidcut of Enterprise Laud and lu- on Itelglau <»r French borders Ite. This Increases tin- triy»ter» of their »lieroa tioiita 1 he Belgian <• ihij I staff lute to- day wire« that H <>vm naled Ì3>>IVHlll to prevent ¡is destruction Geritimi World—New» ut the Pope's De.iUi Nui Vnnouuced by the < tiurcii Div < ou ut rie» Facing Famine, and With iiiturl*-» No Prospects of a Normal Crop for .IOIIIK «unni D«-ln)«-»l Three Years, .Muet Look Hare. cavalry »nd artillery have • apt u red Tlrl«- taunt I lilted Prosa Hervite NT I'ETEKNIII ItG United I'tsss Service PAIUH, Aug war depart moni det tar»»» a g«-n*-ral IO.—Tonight's new» offensive move against Austria I» dHpekhrs deacritor ) «-stent») 'e tight- progressing belcher) Cossacks crushed the Veritable Auulrlau cavalry guardlug the fron­ tier The German l««w alone Is lug before Belgium a» a isUmatrd al a.Ooo CoUud Press Service lhe Ulf sat r* adv an« r of the tier- The government PAKIH. Aug JO maa srai) »s* oirrw helming As fast 1» day annoiinc»»l that French troop ss uien sosld is- »lio< down rru-n- have I« -xrupled M Illhuixeti. the Ger fotvenieata would rush up, and the re- man city the) capturnl about ten Mlltsa Mnh luMat'l Brussels Would days ago. and then lost before it roMlnae, sweeping ilvtmnu silvan»«- lastrad of itrlug ills« on« et taxi b) tile lewra. the Ge, mat, soldier» ui h op|»«silh»«i. Iilliilag «aa heaviest at Arrucho*. The Belgium» then sought the eta- ■ reactimeau along th«» road, mid masked their artillery in the woods. Itlbougli the) mowed ttie enemy, the tiermaa »drame continued, amt the beigiaaa fl nail) retreated The Belgian legation den lea liiat llruam-l. |iaa tallen. |( holds that Uurain haa not Imen taken T** ronhlnr«! armies have a •trunglj entren, heti position near ’tmweia. T|lr t,«-rman advance for the past two days has Iw-rn alow, hut lln- r«-port says the city fell lu -■ sharp engagement, lasting since Mon day The Germans evacuated their poult Iona went of the town after being •helled by the French gunners ' 'Our entire position la excellent said the war office "The udvance in Alaace-l/orraine continue» The Ger­ mans report of a French defeat at La Grace la without foundation, ns the German retreat toward Strnusburg continues. "Tbs French force outnumbers the Germans " rr. PETERSBURG. Aug 20 Novoe Vretnya despltches confirm the rer>ort of a mutiny among Austrian troop» •”•**), with appalling 1—vr~. Sterling» Ix-ave. Xanur la aaid to tie In grave dan- Mr. and Mrs J. W Sterling and the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs Wylie, left this morning for Califor­ lYltsd Pre« Hervir« nia -Mr Sterling has just disposed LONDON, Aug jo - The war offic. of his Interests In the Orpheus the­ »»neune«! « confirmation has been ater to Arch Tindall, who Is plannlug fecelved Of tbt report that the Bel- some improvements I trr of capture Are Making Twenty Millions per Day (Herald Npe«BU Bervlce) tary's office can ship it to th» appli­ W ashington , d . c „ Aug. 20.—I cants. "Had II not been for this act and ^»•nty ®uijOtli of dollars In national the preparedness of the department to k not«» every twenty-four hours' turn out the emergency currency with "th” re<:o,,d of the production of the promptness and dispatch," said Jos. ur»au of printing and engraving, the E. Ralph, director of the bureau of th“’ >MU»d being author- engraving nnd printing, "a frightful 1,(1 by the Aldrich-Vreeland bill, monetary panic might have occurred." Apropos of Mr, Ralph, who has tre ,h*' secretary of th» [ been "on the Job" twenty out of its Ur,r' *U 9,1 <'n’er2cn<'y, to accept twenty-four hours every day for the ,i# *’ munl< ipal and Industrial bonds past week, looking aftor the work of turning out this new money, hl* wife ••curdy tUf national bank note», "“w t|„, terln, of thnt a(,t, whlch said to him the other morning "Dear, I would like to have fit). I looked upon m one of the srsi several enticing bargains adver­ tlon " P!* <>f ro,")tfuctlve leglsln- tised nt the stores, and now Is the lh» ,n thl’ «eneratlon, time to buy." under *th*lllCl' lhetreM“TT nw "Joe" skirmished around through itious l,,nou nts to to u the in,,... _ ° B< t " .... uiiih ----- enor- his pockets, and Anally Ashed up noie« 11 ' • 2on 200 -°00,000, '000,000. Th«o T noieH "m ,n “f ,l 11.75, all the money lie had. belns o' bel«» ii' 9 fU f111 " ‘*nl lender, •ender, and are "Isn't that the irony of fate." he the ' H,||,’u,ed to bnnka throughout I remarked to his better half, "only a can Dred'17 ** ra<’ld1» «" presecs dollar and seventy-flvo cent»—and I the money «nd the socr«- jmnde a million In the last hour." "The European war and the Pan­ It) HENRY Will Ron.<- CorreitjKindeut United Pie»» ama canal afford Klamath county the biggest opportunity It ever had to ee- RO. II. Agu. 2". -Tim di.ith of tabllah luelf as a crop producing sec­ Pop P ins X. was officially announced tion," said Charles W. Eberleln*. pres­ by t church dignrtat*«*» at 1:20 t’lls ident of the Enterprise Land and In­ nt« ning, but person» in close toujh vestment company, who is here from tn the Vatican know that the pon­ San Francisco, attending to business tiff breathed his lust at 6 o’clock >n Prince William of Llppe was the matters. We .nesday evening. European countries are now on tns '• lie delay in the announcement is nrst European notable, so far as the not unusual. Similar delays were meagre reports have made known . to point of actual starvation. The mil­ not- d when Pope Leo XIII and Pope be killed in the European war. He itary activities of the countries at departed this life The and his son led a charge against the war have absorbed, certainly all of Plu. IX. I Unit as the ability Just threatened, the pope sent by Cardinal "Now this enormous dsfleit has to III German). perhaps in Europe It is now Emperor Wilhelm »blues as the FAMILY LEAVE OUT THIS MOR- be made up by shipments from other Campiuelli a letter urging Emperor generally believed that thu Germans -troug- -i luaii in Germany Bismarck Franz Josef of Austria to be lenient placee, and the greater portion will XI NG FOR CRATER LAKE AND not only knew Austria was to declare had an eiiiperor less able and forceful with the Servians, and begging him come from the United State«. Fot war on Servla, but consented to the --tl.^ ¿¡uUdfutl.ir of the kaiser—to not to begin bloodshed. The em­ that reason, the products of the MEDFORD l>lan Thu» Bethmann-Holweg may cope with. peror delayed ten days before receiv­ American farmer will find a ready ing the meesan ger,and by that time market abroad, and the prices re­ I the war had started. "It has been several years since I ceived will be better. Another source of tyartbreak to visited this section, and 1 can see Klamath county products can now THE N AME OF THE WAR the aged pontiff was the fact that some wonderful Improvements,” said And an outlet that they never found By F. S. Tiedale In Evening Telegram hundreds of foreign youths studying Charles L. Scott, mayor of Spring­ before—the European markets. With Oliver Wendell Wise 1). D. for the priesthood in th» seminaries field, Ore., Just before he started his the opening of the Panama canal, the Win writing himself n hie-to-ree. lie fared quite «ell with th«- ancieut Greeks; he g<»< by dean with the here were forced to return home to car out of the Central garage, bound cost of shipping to the Atlantic Is cut fight. for Crater Lake and Medford. Mr. ■ more than half, so both the prodcuar Turks and Sikhs. Large crowds stand uncovered to-1 Scott and family are touring Oregon, and the ultimate consumer will be Rome and Egy pt and llabyion he met and conquered then» one by one. He tugged his warsand he tagged 'em right; there wasn't a single snag day In St. Peter's Square. Prayers coming in here via McKenzie Pass. benefitted. for the pope are offered up in all parts Bend, Paisley and Lakeview. "Crops were never bettor in the lu sight. Till lie got deal down to the present year, and the »»rap on the other 01 the world. A stop was made at Paisley to vilst Klamath country than this year. The The Eternal City Is plunged into' the Brattain brothers, who are cous- crops will soon be in demand at high hemisphere. Then he acratdied his whiskers and he scratched his head, but finally the deepest mourning. Bells tolled i ins of Mrs. Scott. All In the party prices, and the Klamath farmer, la all night, and the newspapers, edged unite in pronouncing their drive addition to having an outlet for his gave it up and said: in deep black, ignored the war news through Eastern Oregon as delightful. "There’s no way out—linust call It (Continued on page 4) In extolling the virtue» of the depart­ The ed pontiff. Gracco-Belgo-Portuguese- The dying pope protested to those Serbo-Franko-Japauseo- about hi» bedside, asking them not Anglo-Turko- Russian-Prussian- to weep. He bade farewell to his sis­ Polish-Bulgnrian-Yustro-Hiuigarlaii- ters, Anna and Marta, but when told Montenegarlan [that his brother, Angelo Sarto, would War.” arrive Thursday, said "That will be too late." These were his last words State May Print the Textbooks for Schools >M WASHINGTON. D. C., Aug 20,— I I:At the request of President Wilson, ! MB Secretary Bryan cabled the following, jto the Vatican: j SALEM, Aug. 20,—There Is a prob- . the initiative and other election pam­ The president desires me to ex- ability that the next legislature will phlets, owing to the faster presses and ; press his sense of the great loss the be called upon to pass on the ques- better printing facllltlee the state , iCbrsItlan world has sustained through tlon of whether the state shall print would have. jtCs 1110 rieml9e of hls hollne9B- Pius X. By.text books for use in public schools, The question of whether the state his pure, gentle character, his un- as arguments are already being ad- I Is to operate a state printing plant at affecteil piety and broad, thoughtful vanced to show that such a move all Is algo likely to be fought out la ♦♦♦ sympathy toward his fellowmen. he would be a good thing the next legislature, as the law under eta ami coals will also be plain and'adorned his exalted station, and at- r is pointed out that California United Press Service which the plant is now operating will iiutton dose about the throat traded to himself the affectionate re- ha8 euch a law, and It is said a large CLEVELAND, Ohio. Aug 20. — be succeeded January 1, 1215, by a Low or "V necked walats, too. -gard Of all feeling hts wide lnflu-having to the taxpayers has resulted, "Military In mode and touo"-la the law reverting to the contract system dictum of Cleveland manufacturers must conform strictly with the new *>nce , if tho legislature should enact a! The law which will go into effect tor fall and winter style* in ladies' , mode in dress. A loug straight step I Novel StohZ 'aW providing for the printing of January 1 abolishes the elective office and stiff carriage of the bodv will be cloaks and auits * ' ¡school text books by the state, a much of state printer, and provides for the No longer will milady appear in the the only mode approaching good form A film of more than usual Interest larger printing plant than the state appointment of a state printer by the sheer blousy waist and peg top skirt. .Meanwhile buyers and other people is one depicting trout culture, from now has would be required. Advo- state board at a salary of >1,200 a Present styles In coats and Jackets are who lay down the law of dress are the egg to the full grown fish, which ;cates of the plan, however, assert year It gives the board full author­ doomed, for war mad Paris has de­ marooned In Paris, becoming fully is being shown al the Star theater that the cost of the enlarged printing ity and control over all the public decreed that ladles' wear must be mil­ imbued with the military spirit. They rhe Alm wu made In on» of th« plant would be saved In one war to printing, but makes no spscifle provi­ will be back soon with their trunks of world's biggest hatcheries, and every ithoso who have to buy school books itary . sions ’for the operation of a state Skirts will be plain, and only samples. With them will come the step Is carefully explained and pie- It 1» pointed out, also, that a saving printing plant. It provides for lot­ "military " straight lines will be tolerated. Jack- ture<1 would be made in the co»t of printing ting the printing out on contract.