PAGI two THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. MONDAY, 11«. ••». Itili I I I more snund. There lias been lio sud ' paused for the moment in his work GERMAN SAILORS SMI 10 GRAUE FIERCE ATTACK Bi GERMANS OR LIEGE den withdrawal from sillier the sav­ of directing the Upper Lake fleet for ings or coniuierdal deposits. There ¡the better defense of this section in I is a greater quantity of Hold and cur­ THOUSANDS of HOUNDED MEN ¡case of invasion "There are sixteen A Continuation of the FROM rency here now than ever before In I A I X<. Ill IA\ I I N I III in the company, all built of the pret ITALY Klamath Republican VFP okixg LiX eh the history of the city. It lest pine slabs you have ever seen I "They all stand up, bow. scrape [ Tiie trenu udous balances which the W. O. SMITH land holler—and that is the principal ¡lnatv*»d of Disarming. Two German Kaiser*» Troo|» Suffer tp|iallliig Hun Francisco banks are carrylug lu was Illuminated In u pretty manner, Chicago arc also available, t'urreucy Ships .><*11 Toward Where Fagliali Entered at the poatoffice at Klamath I perquisite of grand opera." Losses in Storming the City Over and If laughter and Jollity Is con mil bo tiuusuiitted with absolute Fleet Is Stationed. Coiitllcliug Ilo­ ' Falla. Ora., as second class matter. the Belgian Line. Detonaiing of duclve to good digestion, none of the promptitude either through tbu sub- sen Battle. of the North port» WAR DELAYS HIS 'luu- U isi Night Put a Bloody I nil party hud cause to worry about the [treasury or throuah the usual chun- Caiuuliaa Cruiser Pula Into Port at Published by the Herald Publishing to the German»* Night Attack on MOTHER ABROAD assimilation of flio repast After the San Fi-aiiei»>x> Company, of Klamath Falls, on nets. toe Fortification» dinner, a musical program wiu ren­ Monday and Thursday of each week immediately after the nisi sudduu I The European w ar is being forcibly Is the Klatawa Club a matrimonial dered until late in the evening Rome, Aug. 7. in pursuance with outbreak of wsr, tension was high at ROTTERDAM, Aug. 7.—It waa of- agency or an organisation ut well brought home to J. A. Goldsmith, a ¡ her stand for neutrality. Italy today ♦ ♦♦ local tailor, by the receipt of tidings ¡ordered all German warship« from ticialty <<>iiliiiiieil today that the Her­ known young fellows whose dancing Mr. and Mrs Geo Humphrey und I Now York became of tho attempt Ito the effect that his mother, who left Italian ports. man crown prince has reached Ver- par lies al the White Pelican are children left Thursday in their car I which Europe made to uuload her so FOOD PRICKS vier» on lii» way to assume command among the big affair« of the year? for a tour of Northern Oregon. They 1 [curitlea on New York and secure >Austria on her way to Klamath Falls A KF SOARING solue time ago, is being detained in Then came the of the Germen army at Liege. This question la being asked by will visit Portland. Seaside and other{ American gold MESSINA, Aug. 7. With their prompt action of the New York stock l Euroix. many, on account of the serious In ­ point«, ami will ba gon» about six ¡gunners ready, their decks cleared for > Klaniath Falls people heartily exchange lu closing, sud immediately Frau Goldsmith, according to her action, their flags flying, and their; BERLIN, Aug. 7,—“Our adversar­ roads D. Cupid and the girls are week«. agree with General Sherman's cle- afterward that of th« Now York clear­ making In the club's membership. The ■son, had reached the mouth of the {bands playing “Die Wacht am Rhine," I le» are all jealous of our development, ♦ ♦♦ ebrated definition of war. even though Friend« of Ml»s Ruth Avery. Ml*« ing bouse In refusing all shipments Eljbe and was ready to embark, w hen the German cruisers Goebeu and but wo will tight to the end, even ti'omoudous slaughter of Germans lu this city is several thousand miles I the German fleet took a position out­ Breslau steamed out of the harbor again’« a world full of enemies,” fiout of the Belgian fortifications uro {Elsie Orem and Ml«« Mayael Hander of gold to Europe. removed from the scene of carnage, As a further groat relief to the side the harbor and 1« keeping all today, although the British Mediter­ said a proclamation tialay by «mull in proportion to the percentage .son spent « highly enjoyable evening and theie Is no danger of a call to situation camo »200,000.000 of the of loss suffered by the Klatawas, for n» their guest« ut nu informal party 'commercial ships inside, at least un- ranean fleet is known to be waiting kaiser W ilhelm. arms for local men. given nt nt Hie the Avery Avery home homo on on Tenth Tenth Udrlch Vroelutid money from the out of the fifteen exponents of single I given 'till after the German army mobiltxa- just outside. This aversion to the boom and ,o N"w Vork Tu­ blessedness who composed the club street ition is completed. «trvet Wednesday Wednesday night night. The Tiie even- even- j , The Germans were given the choice { BRUSSELS, Aug 7.—After three clang of battle is due not only to a Ing was spent in playing cards and In '"»> • ‘ ••> d l ‘ lous In New \ork are bur- last winter, four have already made Goldsmith says his mother is ad- of remaining here disarmed, through-j days of fighting, and n heavy loss desire for brotherly peace among all 'dancing, the bsll room being , h . | d » r ‘ «*g upon the normal upon the kaiser's side, the German tile vows und bystowed the wedding ¡spacious lawn illuminated with taste- nations, but also for the effect that varced in years, and he is also fear- lout the war, or go to sea. 1««•'•n.moul )>.» a billion dui- ! ful lest she run out of funds while artillery is today shelllug Liege Itself I rings. They chose the lattar. Billie Hohensollern's little fuu is hav­ I fully arranged Japanese lantern. l “ '* “*»»••>«• iur “»» «« ald Nor la thia the end of It. Wednes ­ detained In this way among strangers ing on the supply of foodstuffs. I with long range guns. Late In the evening, a dainty colla- "“® »«ovement of crop. day. the jingling of wedding bells will ¡in a strange land. LONDON, Ang. 7.—Many sources Take sugar, for instance. Many tires have broken out as a Hon was served The gueatea were : n“8 lw'oro® ■“»'l“b'® 88 report that German and British ships I result, and the palace of justice and ¡have lured away on-thlr the heart- Misses Millan .nd Josephine Vsn {'ou" a* Thursday sugar was selling at ,®d®ra' (free bachelors of last fall, for "on the clashed in the North Sea. Some claim the cathedral of St. Paul have been »5.75 the sack, Today it is selling R,, H AND POOR best day of all" at Medford, Harry Rlper, Miss Betty Bell. Mis. Dorothy11"“ '• -"‘'•".hod It I. my expect.. SEND MESSAGES it was a glorious English victory, but damaged. at »6.75. ou '"'-l ad' Hoeller and MUs Maude Rippey, two Weeks. Miss Pearl Boivin. Mis. Msr-I1"'1 ““d b*“u'' these reports are not confirmed. "The price of sugar to the retailers A dispatch from Paris states that young people who are popular lu jorie W.vks, Mis. Marjone M ’ 'bat Warburg Reports say that German ships, at least three Urge army corps have WASHINGTON. D. < ., Aug. 7.— has advanced a dollar a sack in the Klaniutii Falls social circles will be Miss Nina Noel. Miss Mary Hchubert. a',d l>•,a•", *"> last forty-eight hours," said A. D. late thl» afternoon the White H oiim * varying from seven to nineteen, were bea-n dispatched from France to aid united. After un auto trip of several Ml« Greta McMillan. Him Vera!1»"1 1,,da’, or ““d Miller, a well known commission man »«nouncsNl «hat the Wilson funeral sunk and the others surrendered b}f “,d *r®,‘ “,r board the Belgians at Liege. They are ex­ weeks through tho state, the couple {Houston, Mrs F M Sanderson, Mr. Churchill, of the admiralty, today pected to be in line tomorrow, today. "The dealers are paying »6.62 "Hl *** ® I**»««* «*«'•• Momlay after­ will return to Klamath Falls to re­ II Orem. Mr. and Mrs Claude B «""••• "•'•Pl-lely organised, .nd this today, and there is every reason to .u°',n' «••»' iwrviee here. Hie re- ¡denied that an engagement had oc- ‘ "d 8,1 "««’*'“*« unes.lnow »nd The war office today stated that side. Mr. Goeller is associated with Coon. Fred Dunbar. Vernon Motscb- expect eight dollar sugar within a "ill leave on a special train tor 'curred. "»• """• lu 80 “b80' the tiermans at Liege admit their loss Ills father in the firm of J. F. Goeller lenbacher. Cedi Weeks, Clarence short time.” Georgia to be interred fhere the fol- > { Motechenbacber. Andrew M. Co|||.,ri I "•«•'I? »‘.und condition i is 25,000 killed and wounded. * Son. and haa proven to be a busi- SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7.—The The many armed fleets that are **■>• : Lawrence Mehaffey, Harold Klunear,. ' Canadian auxilliary cruiser Rainbow I It «ras officially announced that|11'“ «***«> «•? ability. The bride-to-be ¡Germany has asked for a twenty-four ll;aa «aught in the KUmath Falls pub- >W P. Johnson. W. M. Duncan, Mr illltEE THOltUND patrolling all waters eager to prey upon the commercial ships of their WASHINGTON, D. < .. Aug. ,.- arrived today without food and very [hour armistice at Liege. It Is. be- <*c schools tor three years past, dur- ¡Weber, Thomas Rathbone and Harry HIRES RECEIVED antagonists are a constant menace to ■ Hundreds of telegrams of sympathy. {low on fuel. The commander asked lleved that this is to allow the wound- "•« which Huie she has made a wide Anglin. ______ •11 the maritime trade. As a result, 'including many messages from permission to secure a supply of ed to be cared for and the dead 1 Ircle of friend«. , . , ,, ,,,,,, : United Press Service all insurance on vessels has been can-fumble homes, and flower, and con- .both. In honor of Mr». H II Johnson. .... ...................... buried. That the Klatawa will suffer a still The collector of the port made it .. , . ,, i WASHINGTON, D C.. Aug. 8 celled, and many vessels have been from “>• dweller, la th« Mrs , In charge« todav. three regiments further loss 1« all too apparent. mother of William P. Johnson. plain that unless the vessel Is en . I Three thousand telegrams have been ordered docked until after the war aIura8 wbo ’er* hel‘’<‘d b> Wll-| A. hmmltt waa hostess to a ... .. .... .... of Uhlan's were ..». thousand» of »>mpathlalng letters, ing up bravely. Relatives of the M*-«damca Will Weedon, K. D. North,' This is especially true of meat and needs on account of the firing, and ing their married frleud« regarding ... ,, .. El ROPE HAS NOTHING OX . ,, ,, ... mostly sent from the homes of the {family are arriving, and the White ; W. II. North, John II. Hamilton, fish. SHIPPINGTON' THESE DAYS this is the reason the Germans give the cost of housekeeping, rents, and ¡(iuy j House gates are closed to all but Walters. Will Wilson. Bob Tay-'|,,M>r too vehemently denying any Inten ­ {for asking the armistice. I them. lor, John M Johnson, Win. P. John- LOCAL MEAT CO. tion of walking the plank hand lu (Herald Special Service) King Albert is reported to br Tentative plans are being made to Ison. Ralph J. Sheets, Elisabeth Rice, Mummotta CHANGES HANDS SHIPPINGTON, Aug. 7.—This war hesitating regarding the armistice. It hand with some fair Klamath damsel I. hold the funeral Monday. It is prob­ O Mills, W F Arant. Nate Otter- in the Circuit Court of th» State of n Europe is not the only big noise. 11» M|d that h- fears the Germans ♦ ♦♦ beln. Chas. Martin. Ida M Fink. 8. E Oregon, for Klamath County. The Crisler * Stilts meat markets able that the remains will be in- 'The kaiser is by no means the only ¡might take advantage of this time to Seated under a table fairly groan­ Seeds. 8. T. Sommers, George Blehn. < Earles Wesley Judkins, Plaintiff. i terred at Rome, Georgia. passed into the ownership of D. J. feather on the chicken. Why, there | bring up reinforcements or to change Ing with good things to cat. which —■■■ 11» - .1 ♦ ♦♦ vs. Desmond, recently of San Francisco, jare things doing at Shippfngton that position wax spread on the splendid lawn, a BOSTON, Aug. 7.—The bitter legal Mrs. Nate Otterbein and Mrs. J A dr a Beatrice Judkins, Defendant, when a deal was closed through the would make ye sit up and look Three VBln BttackB werdBy by the M. White were i guests at a highly en- for Medford Named Defendant: to attend the Goeller- owner is now taking an inventory. -Xew Haven directors to restore to the I German forces. The following dls- joyable dinner party at the White Rippey nuptials there Wednesday lu the name of the state of Oregon, Crisler & Stilt« retain their prop- »tockholders »30«.000,000 alleged to Captain Parker has built a big ad­ home on Pine street Monday night. Mrs. Otterbein Is an aunt of the bride >°u "r" hereby required to appear and erty interests, disposing only of the be due through their default of the dition to his laundry building. The j patch was sent out by the Liege Ga- Present were Mr and Mrs. Claude and Mrs. Goeller Is the groom's | answer the complaint filed against set to: business of the Hales and Palace Judiciary trust was finally Joined in < aptain says he is now ready to wash Coseboom. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund M mother. you In th« above entitled suit, on or ; the supreme judicial court here to ­ markets. I-very th Ing in sight. Cleanliness takes { "Ten German army corps, with cav­ Gowen Jr.. Mr and Mrs. Philip J. ppg before the 13th day of August. 1914, /day. alry reinforcements, started across a 'second place only to Godliness, you Slnnot. Mrs. Don Dale, Ml.. Kath- .... Leisure ,, uur V1UD „ ac ................ .. < ,b® la8 .................... The Hour Club n has deJ “"“ beln ‘ ‘‘•K °r .................. tb® ,,ln® First rumored last winter, then re- mined xone in an attack on the forts BROADVIEW FARM IS 1 know. last night. The mines were de­ ryn Sinnott, Miss Hazel Fitch, Dr dared a vacation, and the meetings wl,hln which defendant Is allowed to SOLD TO NURSERYMAN vived by the interstate commerce com­ ----------\ mission suit, and finally filed the day tonated. and a whole battalion of Warren Hunt. Garrett Van Riper and will no more be resumed until 8ap- 'a,”*®r h®reln "• fl,®d by tb® court Winter Knight, the cartoonist, is Russell and Elbert White Th* lawn tember. ,OT publication of summons herein; ■ after the interstate commerce com- Germans were killed. Twelve hund­ Ruasell F. L. Evans, field representative of I hard at work getting out some gro­ __ _______ and If you fall so to appear «nd the Oregon Nursery company, at Or- 'mission's scathing condemnation of tesque ads for local merchants, and red wounded were picked eg." answer, the plaintiff will apply to th« » enco. Ore., has purchased' the place the road and its directors, the suit his pen work for cleverness. etc.J This morning another targe Ger- GRAIN RIPENING FIRNT NWIIM ACC'l NED court for the relief prayed for In th« known as •‘Broadview," three mlleF seeks the appointment of a receiver compares well with that of Daven- “'“n for<-e waa ••««ahtered. through FAST J 1ST NOW Off REING A TRAITOR complaint Iliad herein, to wit: For a for the road and the issue of an in ­ cast of this city, from F. O Meloy port—which, to say the least. Is go- '* Belgian maneuver. — — — decree of said circuit court of th« restraining sale or transfer Mr. Evans is an experienced horti­ junction MT. LAKI, Aug. 8 Grain 1« ripen­ iug some. The uiner other uay day ue he maae made a The defenders »iiummeu simulated tue the warn evacu- rvf . 4. .. * ,lü «»-iciKirr» GENEVA, Aug 8. For the first .stale of Oregon, for Klamath county culturist, representing one of the old­ torg e * en a rec*ldrawing of your correspondent that ution of the outer fortification«, and ing fast and several of the farmer« time In history a native Swiss has forever dissolving the bonds of matrl- est and best equipped nurseries on ¡to the scribe resembled a sow—but when the Invading forces rushed in have commenced harvesting A num been accused of being a spy in his 'niony existing between th« plaintiff It has been brought by the law firm I the coast, and it is his intention to -some mean-minded people of course they were trapped in a circle of fortl- her of the farmer« are cutting their own land on behalf of another coun- and defendant, and for such other re­ Whipple, Soars ic Ogden in the put about sixty acres of his new place of _ . , insisted that the drawing was true to ficatlons. Between the artillery and second crop of hay, which la proving try, and It so happens that the man ¡Hef ns to the court shall appear meet of an equity suit for Ralph in fruit, mostly commercial apples of nature r>_____ • .. . . . life. tbs Inliutry fire, the Germans were to be much better than the flr«t They I attaining this unenviable distinction proper In the premises. Bartlett, trustee for the estate of Olea the winter varieties. expect a good third crop. almost annihilated. is a member of the national council. This summons la published In the ______ On the place at present there are Bull Vaughan, owner of fifty shares. r Tho government has suppressed hl* H’-ml Weekly Herald, a newspaper Mrs. Jonn Totten, wbo haa been! i The Belgians captured twenty­ The bill of complaint declares that t about 500 apple trees just coming On last Wednesday Floyd McComb, name and most of the facte In th- fubllahed nt Klamath Falla. Oregon, ¡here on an extended trip, will return seven field pieces. Into bearing. Mr. Evans will take im­ the defendants, througn the illegal • to her home near Ball's Bay in a few ihe ten year old son of J. a McComb, case, for which the Swiss newspapers by order of the Honorable William 8. vnocnniuM, uuu id mail} mediate possession, and JI his many acquisition of the Boston and Maine days. The Tottens have a fine borne- NIAX HAVEN HI IT IS Worden, county judge of said county, of Mt. Laki, waa accidentally kicked are loudly clamoring. friends are wishing him all kinds of ltro,,c’r and steamship properties, are stead in that section, on which they IS THE COURTS by a horse and received very painful It Is stated, however, that the man, mnde and entered on tho 1st day ol treas­ success in his new venture. ¡bound to pay the New Haven's treas- cate around the right eye. The lad who was arrested in Zurich, hnd been July, A D. 1914, directing service of will shortly prove up. After that we ury »162,000.000 withdrawn for il­ hope to get them to come to Buena- BOSTON, Aug. 6.—The crack was immediately taken to Dr. Wright,1 suspected for some tlmo past, i ,|(|d .summons herein to be made by publl- legal and ultra vires purposes. Losses’ OSE INDUSTRY vista to Jive, for they are among our { Knglish t-am was expected to Ya re­ who found It necessary to take eleven that a search of hl. house disclosed . cation thereof In such newspaper for from these acquisitions are said to} «lx ru< < < sslve weeks. HELPED RY heat people. ¡turned the victor In the finul roind stitches in dressing the wound. The convincing proofs of his guilt. total »102.000,000, recovery to three- 1 Date of first publication hereof. — ■ of the preliminary competition for the injury is healing rapidly and there is He had been particularly active In PITTSBURGH, Pa., Aug. 7.—A lo- the fo,d anti-trust tbat fl*ure b ong allowed under July 2, 1914. act I *i'inne1*'8 apacioua new r«gj-'coveted Davis challenge tennis cun, little dnnger of the sight being af-l getting and disposing of Information C. C. BROWER, cal firm has received orders from ’ d«-nie is nearing completion Jim which started today on the courts of fected. concerning tho Swiss defenses on the Attorney for Plaintiff. Austria and from Servia for - - quan- — ' a. t > hT "ct?. inn,sayH his h"u-e *• n«‘- »«>“ -“«.d lf «»>.. i^wood cmb. — Italian frontier, say the authorities. I *.-2 8-13 sw titles of the quality of steel used In “ 1 ° h; ,aCtua h’ul 1 “nd "ab",,’r | we don't think so. for it look, that The English team defeated Bel- Mr and Mrs. Dawson and family the manufacture of bayonets and . .( ,, '. ' ''' ' 1 ;’ay so «trong that we have several glum's t«-am and the Frenchmen. started Thursday on a camping trip COAST MONEY MARKET Notice of Final Account 8Cabba“" 'ah.v W Prob‘lo,d rnnK and cowb®'1« ^adx- Th® Australians, who .re meet- They expect to join the party com­ IN HOUND It is reported that the Crucible a *