The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, July 23, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Are you getting your
Share of the
The new Fall and Winter goods are beginning to arrive now, and
for that reason, if no other, we must make a quick clearance of all Sum­
mer Merchandise. Here is a partial list of some Merchandise you can
buy unreasonably cheap during the remainder of this month, or so long
as the goods last. Remember at these prices, they can’t last long. The
entire stock of handsome Net Curtains, some of the prettiest patterns we
have ever had in stock, regular prices ranging from $1.50 to $8.00 the
pair go in the July Clearance Sale at one-half price.
Women’s and Misses’ Suits, Misses’ Coats and Women’s Dresses,
not many garments left, but the entire stock is now offered at one-half
offered in this
Hundreds are doing
so, and making
substantial savings
on the very items they
find necessary to
purchase almost
every day.
Choice of any Man’s Suit in the house, except blue serge, at the
low price of TEN DOLLARS. There are suits in this lot that sold regu­
larly as high as $25.00.
Choice of any Boy’s Suit in the house, including long and knee
length trousers at just HALF the regular price.
ONE DOLLAR Sale of Women’s and Children’s Shoes, values to $4.
In this lot you will find most anything you would want for Summer
wear, nearly all sizes, but sizes are badly broken and not all sizes of
any one style.
Laces and Embroideries at one-half the regular price. Not the en­
tire stock, but the greater portion of all we have on hand at present time.
It will be impossible to quote prices in this Ad on all Merchandise
where the price has been reduced for this July Clearance Sale, but take
our word for it, you’ll be surprised at the excellent values to be found here.
To induce early shop­
ping we will give
Double Green Trading
Stamps with every
purchase made at this
Green Stamps are
given here at all times
with every purchase
when requested. Do
your shopping early
Saturday and take
advantage of the
extra stamps given.
This Store closes at 6 p. m. every day
except Saturday, and at 8:30 p. m. Satur*
days during July and August.
Semi-Weekly Herald
sight to see tree, comply kiHed fϔ
• t tailing From Medford
H. D. Howard, who Is in the fur­
niture business at Medford, Is here
MONT SERIOUS FOREST FIRES OF today after a visit to Crater Ijike.
He is accompanied by Mrs. Howard
and Mrs. Angle. They wilt return
home by way of California.
C. 11. House, an employe of the
LINCOLN. Neb. July 31
Implement and
Supply prohibitionists of Nebraska are gath­
House, while at work In the black­ er ed licre today In the party's annual
The leaders are
smith shop of thst Arm last night, atate convention.
was strucs In the face witn a piece counting on the largest attendance
of Aying steel In such a manner that of any of lbw party's conventions In
he will lose tne eight of bls right eye. I this state during recent years
The Aying frament cut through his
cheek and eyelid and Into the eye.
A street car line la to be built from
Indicting a most painful wound.
llakvr Into the Eagle valley.
It is already becoming quite seri­
ous in Klamath county and if those
who have trees do not tske up a,
K. C. H. 8.
fight against It the growing of ap-
Editor the growing of fruit is to keep the pies and pears in this county will
¡soon be almost impossible, as the di-1 All Available F ire Warden» Have
The Granta Bass box factory is to
Bern Fighting Siner Monday in Hie
Entered at the postofflee at Klamath trees or plants healthy and free sease spreads very rapidly.
Timber Between Chaws and Dor­ resume after lying Idle four years.
Falls, Ore., as second class matter. from insect pests and disease. The
Another Fire Reported at
I worst disease of apple and pear trees many of the Southern states the pear |
Round Lake; Phone Message Says
Published by the Herald Publishing in Klamath county is the fire blight industry has been almost entirely
Fires Soon Will Be Under Control
Company, of Klamath Falls, on
or pear blight as it is sometimes driven out and It is almost Impos­
Monday and Thursday of each week
sible to raise apples in some localities
The most important Ares of the
on account of blight. If the fruit
, This disease makes its appearance growers of Klamath county are not season in Klamath county are now
on the fruit spurs in early summer, (careful in preventing its spread the engaging the attention of the fire
i Shortly after the petals fall It travels blight is liable to produce like re- wardens of the county in the Spencer
downward, causing the blossoms and suits here.
Creek section
I leave« on the spur to die. and killing Fire blight cannot be controlled by , Several Un,ber flre“ were atarUd
the spur itself.
The only effective rem-I
"Shining Sunday during the
LONDON, July 21.—So seriously;
From the spur it continues its edy yet found te to cut off the di- •,orm- and Monday J. F Kimball,
IU-»id<-nt Hunter's License .... • 1.00 per year
do Britishers take their politics gen-1 course downward, often reaching the seared portion several inches below ?*f »»•« Timber Owners* association,
Non-ReaMeat Hunter*. License . . 10.00 |wr year
erally and so bitter is the present , larger branches or trunk of the tree
RenMent or Xon-IU-Wd>-nl Angier's
the apparent infestation and burn or, aB ca**ed ,o l**c scene,
Llcenae .......................................
1.00 per year
controversy over the
Home ____
Rule i before the end of the season,
destroy It in some way.
8tata r,re Warden C. G.
Hunters' and anglers* licenses may be secured
questldL that even society has become ! / The
presence of blight can be de-
v .. (and Wardens Harold Ogle, 8. 8. Hill
from any county clerk by applying In person, or by
The pruning shears or saw should
, „
~ .. .
. „
. .
„ and Harry Telford and all the force
|tected durlng the summer by these .
application signed by two freeholders or regular
be .lipped in a solution of one part
.. .. .
blank, which may be obtained from county clerk.
Many unionists are now refusing dead leaves on the fruit spurs, and
. available have been on the grounds
coriosive sublimate to 1,000 parts of ,
, .
, .
It la unlawful for aliens to hunt and angle
to entertain liberals or any members i close examination shows that the waler after each cut is made
It is
Monday trying to control th.
without first having obtained a 125.00 gun license
of their families. Liberal balls and ; bark on the spur is dead or almost a g »od plan to dip the pruning tools
and both hunters' and anglers* licenses.
° 1 *e f*'
other festiivties frequently fizzle be­ so. The leaves on pear trees turn
in this solution after finishing eaclj
cause unioniats, whom society re­ dark brown or almost black when
,, ..
. .
* Chases station and Dorris, and ac
tree, even if there seems to be no
gards as the “best people,” will not killed by blight, while on apple trees ,.. , ..
cording to reports they are the most
blight in the orchard, as a precau-1
, ” , .
attend them. Some of the unionists they turn light brown and remain
migratory game birds between
tion against spreading It to other ,er OUM ° an>
sunset and sunrise.
have frankly said that they do not on the trees after the other leaves
Mr. Chitwood telephoned from Dor­
trees, if some tree is slightly affected
There Is a closed season until September 1,
care to be seen in the company of fall. The cankers on the larger I
ris on Tuesday.
At that time he1
1918, on the following migratory game birds:
which has passed unnoticed.
those who are working for home rule. limbs and trunk can be recognised
: was of the opinion tbat the crew
Wild or band-tailed pigeons, little brown, sandhill,
When a large limb is cut off it is would be able to control the rtr<ss and
The cleavage has become so mark­ by the sunken appearance of the bark
and whooping cranes, swans, curlews, wood ducks,
and all shore birds except the black-breasted and
ed tbat one distinguished unionist which is of a darker color than that very Important to apply some of this put them out.
golden plover, Wilson or Jack snipe, woodcock, and
peer and his wife were bold enough not Infested. If there is any doubt solution to the cut surface and paint
Another fire was reported this'
the greater and lesser yellowlegs.
actually to decline an Invitation to about the canker being caused by the wound to prevent the entrance morning at Round Lake by Warden
Windsor Castle because certain "ob-' blight, cut into the bark about an of these bacteria, as tho disease is Joe Foster.
Frank Courtade, who
jectlonable” members of tho admin-,inch beneath it and if it has a red­ much more serious on the large has charge of the district in which
ietration were present, and this not- dish appearance you can be fairly limbs. Tn cutting out the cankers, | Round I-ake is located, was notified
District No. I
withstanding the fact that a royal certain that it is caused by blight, remove the bark from around them and he has gone to the scene from
Comprising ail counties west of the Cascade
invitation has always been consider-
The little organisms of bacteria
Odessa with a crew of men.
Duck deer—August 1 to October 31.
ed tantamount to a command.
i which cause the disease live through ply the corrosive sublimate solution
Sliver gray squirrel -October 1 to October 31.
That the king appreciated the sit-¡the winter in these cankers and are I and paint the wound.
MADISON, Wls., July 21,—Mov-|
Ducks and geese—Federal law now In force Oc­
Blight can be controlled most ef­ Ing pictures d< voted to municipal top­
nation and sympathized with their ¡ready in the spring to spread and
tober 1 to January 15.
viewpoint was evident not only from 'start the disease anew.
fectively only when all of the fruit ics and especially to city Improve-,
Ilails and coots—Federal law now In force
October 1 to January 15.
the fact that the pair were not pun­ ■ These bacteria are spread from or­ growers get together and work to ments, were to be shown before mem­
Shore birds, black breasted and golden plover,
ished but that a few days later the chard to orchard and from tree to 'eradicate it from their orchards. This
bers of the Wisconsin league of mu­
Wilson or Jack snipe, woodcock, and greater
peerest was invited to a lunch with ¡tree in a number of ways, one of the Is no excuse, however, for anyone not
and lesser yellowlegs—Federal law now in
nicipalities which met here today
her majesty at the races. This time ¡chief of which is by bees and other doing all he can to keep it from \
force—October 1 to December 16.
with about 200 city officials present.
.Male Chinese pheasants, quail and grouse—October
she accepted, and it was noticeable ' Insects visiting the cankers in the spreading in his orchard, even If his
A three days' session was opened by I
1 to October 31; except that there Is no open
that none of the administrationists spring, for the sap which oozes out neighbor is careless, for by watch-1
President Joseph Fisher.
season on Chinese pheasants In Jackson,
or their wives, who were still guests I of them and later visiting the blos­ Ing the trees closely and cutting it
■ —* 1
—.................» ' ■ ■
Josephine, Coos and Curry counties. No open
at the castle, were among those pres­ soms and carrying th. bacteria with out as soon as possible as It appears
season on bob-white quail.
CAPE TOWN, July 21.—On the
Doves— September 1 to Octobwr 31.
them. They are so small they are one can keep his own orchard fairly ground that It is contrary to Biblical
Not long ago a liberal peer and * often carried great distances by the free from the disease.
District No. 2
teaching, the Dutch women of Zout-'
peeress were Invited by a leading wind or on the feet and beaks of the
The Important points to remember pansberg have petitioned the South
Comprising all counties east of the Cascade
unionist to his country house for a birds, or they may be spread by the are: cut out the disease as soon as
African parliament against female
week-end, but at the last minute the tools used in pruning.
Buck deer August 1 to October 31
ft appears; do the work thoroughly; suffrage. Furthermore, they say that'
Silver gray squirrel October I to October 31.
invitation was withdrawn, the union­
Blight Is a very serious disease of keep the tools sterilized with the cor­ women really do not want the vote, i
Ducks and geese —Federal Inw now In force
ist explaining with candor that he the apple and pear when it once gets rosive sublimate solution; see that all
would not use It if they had ft, and
October 1 to January 15.
had heard of a conspiracy among bls a start In a community. It disfigures | of the cankers are cut out of the that man are amply qualified to make
Ralls and coots—Federal law now In force...
unionist guests to "send them to Cov- ¡the trees even when they have a light bark before spring, and, if possible, | and administer the laws without the |
October 1 to January 16.
entry,” should they appear.
Infestation and it is no uncommon ¡see that your neighbors do the same. {assistance of tho other sex.
A Continuation of the
Klamath Republican
Synopsis of the Game Laws now in Effect in Oregon
Shoru birds, black breasted and golden
Wilson or Jack snipe, woodcock, and
and leaser yellowlegs—Federal law
force October 1 to December 15.
Sage hens- August 1 to August 31.
Crouse and doves September 1 to October
Quail—October 1 to October 31,
No open season on Chinese pheasants tn
No. 2.
No open season on bob-white quail
now In
Hag Limits
Pheaaxuts and grouso—5 In one day or 10 In any
seven consecutive days.
Doves—10 In one day or 20 in any seven
consecutive days.
Ducks, geese, rails, coots and shore bird*—30 In
any seven consecutive days.
Quail —10 In any seven consecutive days.
Silver gray squirrel Five In any seven consecutive
Deer, with horns only 3 during any open season.
To auglu for nny fish without having a license on
person, and to refuse to show same on demand
of proper officer.
To fish by any means other than by hook and line.
To use salmon spawn In Willamette River and
tributaries south of East Independence station,
Murlon county.
To <ust lumber waste, dye. chemicals, decaying
substance, etc., or to use powder or poisonous
substances In streams.
To fish at night or on stream within 200 feet below
any fishway.
To sell trout, bass, crappies, cat fish, white Hail or
To maintain nn irrigation dJtch without having It
screened nt the Intake.
All gains In owned by the state.
Any game animal, bird or fish raised In captivity
may bo sold If properly tagged.
Any game nnlmal or bird may be held during cloned
season, if properly tagged.
Any game animal or bird may be Imported from
without the United States nnd sold If properly
Any navigable stream and nny streams flowing
through public lands are hlghwnys for Ashing
Taxidermist« must pay a license of |3.00 per year
I he State Hoard of Fish and (Jnmo ttomnilsslonern
nro empowered to summon and exnmlne
witnesses under oath, to suspend open nnnsonn,
offer rewards to approhend violators, and to
acquire any kind of game for propagation,
experimental or sclentlAc purposes.