♦ LEADING PAPER OF • * SOUTHERNOREGON « (thr ^mit-înrrklif Hinalù VOLI ME XIX « ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦ ♦ REACHED EVKRYONH « ♦ IM KLAMATH COUNTY • WS*****S***S KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1914 NUMBER M C. C. HOGUE IS SUGGESTED FOR COUNTY JUDGE Lakeview Man Is Seriously Injured When His Automobile Turns Over Mrs. Astor Too Much of An American to Like W. 'W. Astor OF BASE ÜFTHE » THIS MORNING I CIO l»l< TH POOR MAIIKI T ON Till CHAH GORMEN RECEIVES FIVE SCALP l*r<*9olii Count) Hlwrpwwui. While lirarnlntt to Drive A ut onio. i ll«’. I sm «*« I ontrul of Madri«»«- I write Mil«» Emm Klamalli Falla; Um ou III» Wa> Home I rom Col tbal be had received a fracture of tbe skull There was no cut on the bead *<>i body, but (here waa a bruise at tbe base uf the skull Shortly after ar­ riving at lhe bot«'l II»' became union »clous from the »bock an»l probably from the Injury to tbe skull ('bus thoM'ti. whose wound was »eWed up und dressed by Dr. John­ son. received a bad »calp wound five Inches In length The scalp waa torn off the skull for thrvi- laches He displayed unusual nerve and after be­ ing mien (led to was ou the streets. ( mu »' Grove <>l Kansas uml N'rbrjtska I«» DU|a»-e ot Their ( alile. Bot Milli a Bum il­ er Crop This Year Market in TI hmf Mates Will Be Good for Feeder» : llnnillwl 2.1.(MM> Head |j»»i Veer D. M. Mel.» more, th»" -utile buyer, to the Middle West states The drought of last y«-ar caused the IRRANGKMENTH ARE COMPLET ED FOR BALL GAME BETWEEN twelve miles from Klamath Falls on this side of the gap. Holbrook, who IXMAIA AND TH I HOHN III« MIK is Just learning to drive, was running TEAM AT MODOC PARK the rar when It struck some loose dirt on the grade and overturned, pin­ ning the two men underneath the car Another man. who was familiar with Tbe Klamath Falla baseball team automobiles, was with the party He lisa completed final arrangements for > ucceeded In righting the machine, a gam«- uext Bunday at Modoc Park which was badly damaged, and The California team will come up In brought the two injured men back autos and tbe game will be played In inc ariernòon. Io town, where they were attended ¡the afternoon, by lire. Johnson and Cathey. It la said that Hornbrook baa a Mr. Holbrook had purchased a new good strong team and a number of Ford machine at Forest Grove, and. the beat players that were here with accompanied by Chas Grosen, of Mc­ the Montague team will be In the Minnville, started to drive to Lake line up. 1) ELLIS YOUNG ALHO OFFERED AH A COMPROMISE CANDIDATE As i A let lion I'ltu«- Approaches, U l^xrka as If an Effort Would Be Made by the People to Settle Long Mending Figtit and Create Har* uniny by an Attempt to Persuade Boil, ('adiriate* to Resign There 13 increasing talk of efforts to be made to compromise the county Judge fight and put and end to all of the bitter strife that baa existed in the county for the past five years. Two of tbe compromise candidates that have bten prominently mention­ ed are C. C. Hogue, disbursing of­ ficer of the reclamation service, and ¡D. Ellis Young, a wall known and successful farmer living south of Klamath Falla. It is not believed th.it Mr. Hogue would consent to become a candidate COI NTV COURT REFUSES ITS AP- for the office, unless both Worden and Hanks should withdraw from the PROVAL OF TOWNSITE OF FOR- race and the field was left open. He TV ACRES LOCATED ON HILL could not accept tbe office without a financial sacrifice aa his present sal­ NEAR FORT ROAD ary Is much greater than that allowed ______ ;tbe county judge. He stands very i high with the reclamation service and The county court has refused to • 1» considered one of the beet qualified approve a townsite filed by Miss A. M financiers in tbe city. It is argued Beach, of Portland, by her attorney, i‘h,t he wou,d lhe be*‘ man . ...... . . - could be found to Inaugurate a sya- E. A. Middlebrook. The new Plat[tem ln county affalr, and put snd all of bls shipments will be made ait auto accident this forenoon about the Lemore predicts that th»* cattle mar­ ket will l»e poor on the coast this fall, and otherwise Injured, as a result of happened for south. where be will arrange to con­ tract cattle for fall delivery. Mr. Mc­ uus condition, »nd Chas Groeeu. of McMinnville, has a bad scalp wound accident l.uM V »-nr < mii < h ‘»I IU li»*n> will icuve in the morning il. I.. Holbrook, a liromlnent sheep­ man of latkeview, Is In a very danger- The Confer» n«r Io Arrange Transfer Untied ¡'lesa Service WASHINGTON D C„ July 23,— The administration is seeking a con­ firmation of lhe report that the Mex­ ican factions had agrted to an armUUce. The Brazilian minister. Is unable- to confirm the report but be believes that If an armistice has been declare! that it Indicates that Car­ ranza has made certain promises to Carbajal. The latter insists that he guarantee the lives of the federal*. Jose Castello!, who is representing Orbajal, announces that a conference will open at Tampico Monday to ar­ range for the transfer of authority to the constitutionalists. He is of the opinion that cn armistice can be ar­ ranged. Both Carranza and Sillman are at Tampico COAST THIS FAI L ranchers mill farmers of Kansas and Nebraska lo dispose of most of their cattle, and with a bumper crop this year there ip sure to be a good mar­ ket In these states for feeders. Mr Mrlx-more will visit Denver. Kansas City and Omaha to look over the field before contracting cattle In tbe south. last season Mclamore handled 23.• I 000 head of cattle, some of which were shipped tn Klamath county Mrs. Waldorf Astor, daughter-in-1 It waa evident that she could not After sizing up the conditions in ■ law of William Waldorf Astor, who ¡be fully reconciled to her fatber-in- lhe Middle West he aays that he ex­ many years ago moved over to Lon- law, who did not want his son to wed pects to do even a larger business don. worth about 180,000.000 left by [her at all. But having social charm ibis year than last. Ills fathers and grandfathers, has be- and many friends, she had a position come so outspoken In her dislike foriin English society apart from that of him that a far reaching family rowithe expatriated Astor family. Klamalli Falla will probably play county. When he reached Oakland, has resulted Recently she made a remark about bears the name of Beach Heights, and county on a strictly business basis, shout an hour's drive from Forest.Brown and Motschenbacber as bat- Mrs Astor was one of tbe Lang-‘the elder Astor's money bags, a re- is platted from a forty-acre tract In Tbe suggestion of Mr. Young aa a Grove, he had trouble with the ma- «•VF- Motachenbacher baa about re- horne sisters of Virginia, and she be- mark so sharp that It hurt the mil- section 17. township 38 south, range jcaidldate seems to come from mem- < bine, and picked up a man who was covered from tbe Injury to hie hand lleved In the United Stale« like most lionalre. The son, her husband, is 9 east Willamette meridian. b«r« ot republican party. It baa on hla way south to accompany him ,h® Talent game and aays he will Virginians When she came back sev- '«aid to have sided with her, and as The land is situated on tbe Fort 8t^; be able to handle lhe big mitt Sun ­ and drive the ear. eral months ago she made that very a consequence Astor offered for sale Klamath road about a mile and a halt edr.e of Mr. Worden or not is not day They reached bore from Ashland plain She said she was going to two London newspapers which he! Í north of the boundaries of Klamath > know n. that Worden only entered the last night, and thia morning alerted bring up her young son as an Amer- purchased to boost his son’s political Falls. It is considered not a proper. race for re-election on account of the RAILROAD EMPIAIYEH IN CAL will Replace Statue for lakeview. Mr. Holbrook decided lean. ambition. light that was made against him, and 'location for a townsite. to drive the car hlmaelf and atarted : United Presa Service IFORNIA RECEIVE WIRE THAT chat he could be pursuaded to wlth- out from Klamath Falla at tbe wheel. MEXICO CITY. July 23—Presi­ dra v. If a strictly non-factional man Governor Weet Expects to Return UMIKti LIKE THERE IS TROI' They had very nearly reached the dent Carbajal has ordered that the could be secured for the office. August 1st gap when the accident happened. [statue of Washington be replaced While It is «ome time before the RLE AHEAD Mr. Holbrook, who was moot seri­ There la a revulsion of feeling SALEM. Ore., July 21.—Advices, November election, the county Judge have been received by Miss Fern ' question is already causing a greet ously Injured of tbe two, was taken toward America which la being man- to the American Hotel, being person­ Ifested everywhere The newspapers United Press Service Hobbs, private secretary to Governor I deal of discunion, and It looks as West, that the governor will be back * though the people of the county, as ally acquainted with Horace Dunlap, are openly demanding that full repar­ SAN BERNARDINO Cal , July 23. the proprietor. ations be made to the Americans for in Salem on August 1st. a body, will take a hand In the long Representatives of the Santa Fe He waa attended by Dr. Cathey, and the damage caused by the riots. They According to tbe message received, ¡standing fight that has given the trainmen In Chicago have sent the LIST OF FATALITIES IN FOUR i he is now ln the South, and will go county such a black eye. hla condition waa found to be auch insist that the person holding tbe arm . ,, , ... I. , , . .. . . , . . iiollowfng message to railroad men In COMPANA IS CHARGED WITH BE- I hat he will bo removed lo the Black­ ‘belonging to the statue of Washing- I to Washington next Saturday. After The people are beginning to be- . .ciiij city* DAVS FIGHTING INCLUDE NUM- burn Hospital this afternoon. He had ton return the name ING A COMBINATION IN RES- a few days tn that city he will re- neve lleve mai that a little time harmony narmon; would be Carbajal la In complete control. It Prospects for a settlement are un­ HER OF KILLED AND WOUNDED ¡turn to Oregon. « hemorrhage from the ears and waa ¡a most refreshing change. I TRAINT OF COMMERCE AND bleeding freely, which would Indicate is believed here that the war la ended ¡'•»‘»rabie. and we may leave any day. I —— [The mediators suggest mediation, WORKMEN TRADE [which we have declined '* The railroad men here believe the message foreshadows a strike. „ . I’nited Press Service United frees Service gT PETERSBURG, July 23.—The j NEW YORK, July 23. Under di- strixing workmen and Cossacks were rectlon of President Wilson, Attorney again fighting ln the streets of the] General McReynolds today filed a suit capital today, and six of the strikers In the federal court for the southern wer* kl,led INDICATES FIGHT Remonstrance Is Filed Objection Made to Fonnation of Irrigation District ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ FOR FRISCO FAIR solution of the New York, New been killed or wounded. Haven & Hartford Railway company, Over 160,COO men are on strike ______ charging that corporation with being HOU SE DECIDES TO APPROPRI- tt combination ln the restreint of cim- Thought It Safer merce and trade I United Press Service ATK THA1 AMOUNT FOR THE The blll aigo charges that the New | LONDON, July 23 —At the Old iley a prisoner who said he was un- CELEBRATION OF PANAMA» Haven H*Ten controls nine railroads, twenty. twenty- Ba Bailey itwo boat lines and 1.500 miles of trol- ah|e ,o hire a lawyer asked the court PACIF1C DOINGS ley lines. Ito appoint one to represent hts case, today proposed boundaries are opposed to the organisation of the district, and sgalust the organization of the Irri­ thnt n vast majorlty of the land la gation district to be known aa the owned by persons opposed to auch dis­ Willow Valley Irrigation district. The trict. petition for the district was filed June It also alleges that the proposed 29, 1916. The remonstrance Is sign­ retervolr Is wholly Impracticable for ed by E. R. C. Williams and C. G. the reason that, In dry seasons, a Hunt. The matter la to be consider­ sufficient amount of water to irrigate United Press Service ed at a meeting of the county court as much aa 25 per cent of the lands WASHINGTON, D. C., July 22.-- tomorrow. could not be Impounded. It la alao The house today decided to npproprl- The remonstrance alleges that a clalmed that the coat would be ex- ate >500,000 for the International i Panama-Pacific exposition majority of the owners of lands In ths costive A remonstrance was filed Cut-Off on Main Drain Will Save 1000 Feet district of New York seeking the dis-[ The statement Is made in tbe bill that the New Haven earns 91 per cent of the gross freight revenue and 95 per cent of the gross passenger rev­ enue of all New England railroads. A separation Is asked of the rail­ road, steamboat and trolley linos "Just make your own choice," said the recorder, pointing to a score of barristers present. The prisoner carefully scanned the countenances of the three rows of lawyers, then announced: "Never mind; I’ll defend myself.” OQQ *** ♦♦♦ The work by the reclamation aer- drained and dredge No. 2, which la vice on the cutoff on the first unlt doing tbe excavation work, has been main near the Wilson bridge Is pro- moved across the diversion channel and la now working on this end. greasing accord- iBre88lu * very satisfactorily, ac-c-oru- Work has also commenced on the JbK to Engineer Hayden. The cutoff culvert which will run under the di­ straightens out a crook on the main version channel connecting the drain. 'drain and saves about a thousand The old culvert now being used is feet, In addition It will lower the constructed of wood, but the one be­ drain at the southern end about six ing built In the cutoff will be made feet, This Is distributed along the double and each culvert will be four entire length of the drain, lowering feet square. It will be about 110 Coot the upper end about two feet. long and will bo if concrete construc­ One-half of the cutoff has been tion