I THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. PAUK TWO THUIINDAY, JULY iff. IUI Í ¡faulty tn that while the air Is mechan SECON TRIAL OF of a standard col-' MRS. WAKEFIELD ically drawn out of the kitchens no normal school; or STARTED TODAY fresh air Is returned. five-year state cer-j -'n 1 Philip J Sin not and Mln Fiorelli'«* or an Oregon life! BILLION DOLLAR INCOME IN TWO That the various state labor laws, A Continuation of the iBowen were united III marriage ul admittedly patchwork, have done I United Press th*rvice certificate, or a special certificate for i SQUARE Mil.KN Klamath Republican nothing for the women who work In special subjects Issued In accordance KKW HAVEN, Conn.. July 14 i, lt m Tuesday at th«* Church restaurant kitchens, or, for that mat vindication of Mrs. Hraale W akvfield, llf l)lt> Sacred Heart, the ceremony <x oiialKuiionallsts Are Converging al 'With sections 16 and 10. 1113 edl-' ... Editor Income Tax Return» Diado««* Inter* W. O. SMITH . . . the Capital From En» I, West aiul ter. for laundresses, and they are at sentenced to be hanged fur the mur- tion of the Oregon school laws. , .......... ratiug FacUe—Two Square Miles . , „ I being performed by Rev. \\ui. J Me. N ortli—General Olm-goii Ambi* the mercy of their employers to be dpr of , . her . husband, Second—Course of St inly William O Entered at the postonico at Klamath in Manhattan Repitwtillng the tlous to Ile Ural al Mexico City— Lakefield, was predicted by the de- Millan.«. J. The wedding was a very worked so long as they can stand The course of study shall be pre Falb, Ore., as second class matter. Granirei Average Wraith Is Joined Villaa Alaa Hrauly for Race if Huerta the grind or take the only other al fepse here today, when the second | quiet affair, there being present Mrs scribed by the state board of educa ou the East by a Square* Mile of Hetlrea ternative and quit their positions {trial of the woman opened In the I George W. Ilowen, mother of the Published by the Herald Publishing tion. the Moat Populous Sedioli Knoun Third—Apparatus That foodstuffs prepared In most superior court Company, of Klamath Falb. on tirlde, her abler. Mrs. George J Wai* United Press Her vice of the restaurants are carelessly han- Janies Blew. Mrs Wakefield’s com Monday and Thursday of each wook There shall be al least (300.00 on. Mr Walton and Edward Collier VERA CRUZ. July 14. The gap By CARLTON TEN EYCK died, being allowed to stand In ket- iPanlnn In the murder, waa lisnged wisely invested In apparatus for Following the ceremony a wedding In the railroad near hers has beau ties and pots on floors covered wlth (Written for the United Press) Women of t'onnectl- on March 4th. teaching science, apportioned as fol ireakfast wa« served at the home of that NEW YORK. July 14.—Income tax dirty water, and in many cases aur- jeut Were active In behalf of the Wake- llr. and Mrs. Walton, and the young repaired mid It Is predicted physical geography, (75.00; ----- -------------- --- lowa: Huerta with Is fomlly will arrive at rounded by putrid potato parings and returns have disclosed ths richest re NEW It< UM GOVERNING biology. (75.00; physics. (150.00. ifield woman and her appeal to ths c«>Up)a |«,ft on the morning train for 7 this evening ¡Connecticut supreme court of errors Frsneleco and Pacific Grove. Cai- STATE HIGH SCHtHHM For teaching the subject of physical gion in the world. Estimates several other decaying matter. won for. her a second trial. geography, the following apparatus months ago made ths Empire state Ifornla. where they will spend their United Press Bervloe Recently Mrs W. J. Blickensderfer honeymoon Is recommended: set of Johnston 'a bad second to Pennsylvania in num- .MANY’ TOI BISTS They will return to The department of city superin WASHINGTON. July 14 deaerai I made an automobile tour of Con maps, globes, mercurial barometer I ber of millionaire residents—the Klamath Falls about the first of Aug \T SPRING CRI EK tendents of the State Teachers' As Cúrrenla ha* gone to Tampico, pre necticut taking a "silver quarter" and an aneroid barometer; for bi Keystone stats having upwards of ust ■■■ '■ “ ■" "L sociation which met at Salem in l»e- puratory to taking steamer for Vera subscription to finance Mrs. Wake- ology: microscope, demonstration 'six hundred while New York boasted The bride has la>en a resident of N. C. Briggs and mother and cember. appointed a committe to rec Cruz In case Huerta Ilee« The Con* magnifier«, dissecting sets, slides and but tour hundred -but a little corner | brother returned Monday evening i field's second fight for life Klamath Falls for several years and ommend to the department of educa Charles W, Bau by of Waterbury. Is very popular with the younger set slltutlonallsts are converging nt the covers, glassware and chemicals; for ot Manhattan has captured the real 'from Spring Creek where they have tion rules and regulations tor the |Conn . will be attorney for the de- Rhe bus been connected with the capitol on the east, west und north physics. $125.00 wisely expended, wealth honors. >b«*eu spending a few weeks fishing standardisation of the high schools ■ fendant. This Is the story: Fifteen thous providing such a laboratory as will Baldwin Hardware company for the and camping of the state. The committee, consist Culled Press Service A member of s family of fifteen past two years as bookkeeper permit the majority of the experi and New Yorkers In the district Mr. Briggs, who Is one of the most ing of W. R. Rutherford, superin CHIHUAHUA. July 14 Guadalu ¡children, Bessie Wakefield began aa ments given in the Millikan and Gale bounded, roughly, by 34tb street, the Mr. Hlnnot, whose former homo ardent boosters (or Klamath county's tendent of schools of Hood River, and Bowery, the Battery and "hired girl" for farmers near her waa al Hr ••gon City, b one of the beet Jaru says that General Obregon Is Hudson Manual. famous fishing reeort. says that he George W. Hug, principal of the Eu Fourth—l.ibrtr) river, have an annual income exceed- ! ¡home at 14. and at 17 was married liked young men in the city lie has prepared to start with the main body ha« never seen so many enthusiaMIc gene high school, submitted to Stat«* Hs Ing (1,000,000.000. These poverty ¡to William Wakefield, who was twice been connected with ths local news- of the army tor the south soon The library must contain a mini fishermen at Spring Creek as are Superintendent Churchill the follow-1 Is ambitious to be the first Cotiilltu .her age. stricken New Yorkers pay an Income papers during the past four years. there thia year. Spinks' Idlcrest Ing report, with the request that It mum of 150 books which are or have On the been included in the state school'tax total of 315.000,000. Wakefield did not provide for hisjaIld u( present Is city editor of the lionalbt chief to reach Mexico City camp is filled to overflowing There be submitted to the board of educa General Villa la auzlously watch* was library list, part II. excluding fle- P«yn>ent day 35.000.000 family and Mrs. Wakefield later be-' Eevnlng Herald. are about twenty at Slivers and seven tion for its consideration. Super Ing and there will undoubtedly be a ram« housekeeper for Blew. tion and the dictionaries and encyclo- Pa,d in The Harald Joina with their boat or eight at Hoovers, beside several intendent Churchill has promised to For a time Wakefield aleo lived on of friends and admirera In wishing iace between him and Obrsgou for pedlas mentioned below, and adapted For four days now penalties have camping parties. present the report to the board and .the farm Then he again established the young couple a life of joy and the capital it Huerta retire« to the courses of study. These books been assessed on the small minority i will probably recommend its adop a home and his wife returned to him happluese. must be entered in a record book and I who did not come forward In time I ARANT RAIIY DIFS tion. ' It was after this that Blew and Wake- prepared for circulation according to ^9 per cent of the victims paid AT FORT KUtMATH The report is as follows- 'field quarreled and Wakefield's dead OBJECT To WORK the rules prescribed for school 11- up ^P on “» the ‘be dot the penalties are not Rules for governing the standard body «us found In a field twelve ■ braries. A standard school must heavy. ON IITH JiTHEET The little four year old daughter miles away. izing and accrediting of high schools United Press Service In marked contrast to the wealth have one of the larger encyclopedias of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Arant died in the state of Oregon. Blew's confession Implicated Bes I Consideration of the Eleventh DENVER. July 14 Itayuiuud recommended in the state school li of the lower Manhattan district, the How Claasifie<l W nkefield, and. subjected to third | B(r.. , lnl,i ,.i»metit ..i .1:M* o waa Betijsmlu. of Napa, California, wa« brary list, part II. and either the New .billion dollar Income estimate covers at 9 o'clock Monday morning at Fort - High schools shall be classified as International or the Standard die- ja district but two square miles In sx- IKluiuath ot scurlet fever. degree grilling by the coroner, she laid over until the next ineetlug by elected grand exalted ruler of th* The Arant family has beeu under further Implicated herself. standard four-year high schools, or tionary, to the number of one copy tent—is the square mile to the e-xt, Before the city council Mouday evening Sev Benevolent and Protective Order of accredited three-year, two-year or to each tweny pupils. ¡bounded by 14th street, the Bowery quarantine for some weeks and the her trial. Mrs Wakefield wiu without eral remoustrances were filed and ar Elks at today's session of the grand ¡little girl and another older daughter legal advice, and daring the trial the one-year high schools, as they shall Requirements for Accredited One and .and East River. gued by property owners affected, lodge wet er«*covering and had been up and jury was not segregated and waa In be approved and accredited by the 1 In this territory reside 600,000 per- Los Angeles Is lu the lead as the Two-Year High Schools who objected on account of the eg- state board of education. fluenced by popular opinion The de- cesalve cost and the additional cost convention city for the next meet- pay *----------- income taxes around for nearly a week. I ions. They do J not ----- First — As to Trachera Rules Governing Standard High Sunday night the little girl waa|fonae claims that Mrs. live in the most populous die Wakefield Of constructing a bridge, due to the lh< th* grand lodg' (a) A teacher doing two years of :TUey Schools in the world and they count ¡suddenly taken worse and died tbe knew nothing of »’lew's Intention ofiIefu*a) of the Reclamation Service-------------------- ln| trict high school work can not teach First—As to Teachers I their money by pennies instead of Tollowing morning shortly after the killing her husband to build same Among the objectors There arectwo wage earning women arrival of Dr. Merryman, who was (a) Number. At least three teach the grades . by dollars, hundreds or thousands W ' were the Sanderson estate, W. F to every five wage earning men In of ■ (b) A teacher doing on« year called from here. ers shall be required to devote their COUNCIL re names I Arant, B 8 Grigsby nnd John Cole- Great Britain high school work would be permitted entire time to high school work. As tbe family Is still under quar Linking the two, the income tax CITY'S STREETS roaa to teach all of the work in the sev (b) Qualifications. Any teacher district and the populous square mils, antine. the burial will probably take An ordinance declaring assessments employed in a standard high school enth and eighth graaes also. B ummom the discoveries of Mrs. Marie S. Oren- I place at the Fort and the body will A wholesale change of address of and determining objections on the Second — Recitations of this state shall be a graduate of stein. state labor department investi be later removed to the family burial residents of Klamath Falls has taken Eighth street Improvement was In- In the Circuit Court ot tbs State of The length of the recitations in a gator, have startled New York. The ground in Klamath Falls. a standard college or university, as Oregon, for Klamath County. I place aa a result of an ordinance troduc«d by Hamilton, read and defined by section 18, 1913 edition one or two-year high school shall not young woman finds women and girls < liar I«*» Wealcy Judkins. Plaintiff, which was passed by the council Mon-ipaseed to Its second reading of the Oregon school laws, or shall be less than thirty minutes, and In of the East Side slaving far beneath Million for State From Auto l.iccu*e*i va. day night. Names of streets In sev- Au ordinance Introduced by Rogers be the holder of a life state certif all classes where there are more than the streets in restaurant kitchens un SACRAMENTO. July 14 -Between •ral sections of tbe city have been ' was passed to its second reading, Adra I leal rhe Judklna, Dvfrudatit icate or state diploma secured by ten pulls there shall be five recita der conditions that drove even the; August 10, 1913, and May 31, 1914. changed to conform to streets prevl-' providing for the vacation ut a por To Adra Beatrice Judkins, ths Above the veteran investigator Into the street the California motor vehicle depart examination before the state depart tion periods each week, and Named Defendant ously established In other additions 1 i tion of Frederick street In Buena ment; or a teacher's life certificate school year will consist of at least for air Popular Broadway restau ment took in (1,169,669 In autoino-, of which they were a continuation. s V|»ta Addition, near Hhlpplngton The In tho name of the stats ot Oregou, or diploma now in fall force and ef thirty-two weeks. rants wer« on the list of those whose ibllo licenses, according to a report; The changes made are aa follows i property la owned ...... by the Klamath you are hereby required to api»esr and Third—A pi» rat u- fect in this state; provided, that the kitchens were branded .is filthy. A 'completed today by the state en-i Milla Addition—! Milla street to Ap-1 Development _____ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ company and a petition answer tho complaint filed against teachers of special subjects may be ■ Tbere shall be at least (150.001 Park Row restaurant, on the border [gineer. head of the department. piegate and Front street to Owens |WM presented to the council at the you In the above entitled suit, on or certificated according to sections 16 wisely invested in apparatus for land bet.,ven the two New Yorks the During the fiscal year ended June West Klamath Falla--Bridge street ¡last meeting asking that the atreet before the 13lb day of August. 1914, and 20. 1913 edition of the Oregon teaching science, apportioned as fol rich and the :>oor, was the most un 30.1914, the state's revenues from to Main; West Main to 8outh River- ¡b« vacated that being the last day of the time school laws. lows: physical geography, 175.00; 1 cleat* of any inspected, Mrs Oren- this same source were only (85.810. side; High street to Carroll; Paul, ' The ordinance changing the name« within which defendant Is allowed to Second—Course of Study biology, (75.00 Collection of the tax at that time waa Illinois and Park streets to Rogers; 'of certain streets was passed with answer herein aa fixed by tbe court stein reported A standard high school shall fol Fou rt h—Library under the secretary of state's super Kentucky and West streets to Geor Rogers. Matthews and Owens voting tor publication of summons herein, Briefly, her discoveries are: low the state course of study except The library must contain a min That womm. the great majority of vision. gia. yes, and Hamilton voting no. “bd It you fall m > to appear and in districts of the first class, whose imum of seventy-five books which are ¡them young girls, are compelled to The new law. under which the state Nichols Addition- -Canal atreet to An ordinance amending an ordl- *MWer, the plalutiff will apply to tbe course must be approved by the state or have been ¡ncinded in the state ■wallow in grimy, foul smell'ng water engineer is now acting, called for a Washington; Bush to Jefferson: nance establishing grades on Ninth ‘»urt for tbe relief prayed for Io tbe board of education. Fifteen units llbrary 118t part n> excluding fle- and do their work while diecarded much more energetic prosecution of Washington to Lincoln; Franklin to street was passed to second reading complaint filed herein, lo-wlt: For a shall be required for graduation, and tlon an(J the dictionaries and encyclo- ^vegetables and scraps rot on shelves the business of collection. Automo ¡Grant; Jefferson to McKinley. A petition for the construction of decree of said circuit court of the at least forty minutes for each reel- | pedfM mentioned below, and adapted and in corners and fill the place with bile owners fought the law hard, but Buena Vlita Addition — Teddy « sidewalk on Menlow Way was re state of Oregon, for Klamath county, tation. Two periods of laboratory {o tbe eourse8 of study. These books germridden, stale air. the state beat them. forever dissolving the bonda of matri street to Roosevelt; Alameda street ferred to the street committee. or vocational work shall be consid- mugt entered in a record book and ; That many of them work in total There are at present registered in to Brown; Inyo street to Fulton; Ful The petition of John Zion for ap- mony existing betwsen the plaintiff ered of equal instructional value with prepared for circulation according darkness—sometimes in kitchens California 100,514 automobiles and ton from Upham south to Doty street, polntment as Inspector on the Third and defendant, and for such other re one period of recitation, A unit is tQ rules prescribed for school li three levels below the sidewalk, and 20,427 motorcycles. ■San Juan and Arch streets to Don- street Improvement was taken from lief as to the court shall appear meet the completion of a subject of five braries. The school must own one that they are little better off than aid; Shasta street to Front; Park th« table and favorably acted upon and proper in the premlsee. recitations, or their equivalent lab of the encyclopedias recommended In beasts that work in mines. Charles Normandy of Wesson, «treet to Hawkina. Thia summons Is published In the by the council. oratory or vocational periods i pel — j the state school library list, part II, Pacific street In Klamath Addition j On motion of Rogers It waa decided Semi-Weekly Herald, a newspaper That most of the women work from Miss., has sold for 11,750 a diamond week, pursued throughout a school, and either the New International or eighty-seven and a half to ninety which he found in the gizzard of a I to Tule atreet; Canal road and New that the brick used In construction published nt Kinmath Falla, Oregon, year of not less than thirty-six the standard dictionary, to the num- eight hours a week while little or no chicken which he raised and killed on Main to Main; White avenue In Fair- of the new city hall should be In by order of the Honorable William 8. weeks !ber of one copy for each twenty ■regard is shown for the one day a bls farm. view to Industrial and Second Hot harmony with the sample on file, and 'Worden, county judge of said county, Third—A pparatus pupils. week rest law. Springs to East Main; White avenue that all the window heads and sills made and entered <>n the 1st day of There shall be at least (300.00 In Chicago, Miss Amelia Sears is at in Fairview to Oregon, That the ventilation, when it is Mitchell in the rear of the building be the July, A D. 1914, directing service of for wisely invested in apparatus Taking a pill doesn't solve the diet provided—and that not often often —Is, in the head of the bureau of public wef- street in Flrat Addition, to Mt. same aa those used In the front hiimmons herein to be made by publi teaching science, apportioned as fol- (the best of the restaurants Inspected, fare. Whitney. cation thereof In such newspaper for . ” . . » » « ; question, lows: physical geography. 175.00; «lx successive weeks. FOURTEEN NAMES biology, 175.00; physics, 1150.00. Date of first publication hereof. ON <X>KNER STONE For teaching the subject of physical ¡July 2, 1914. geography, the following apparatus is C. C. BROWER. Fourteen names will appear on tbs recommended: set of Johnston maps, Attorney for Plaintiff cornerstone of tbe new city ball, ac globes, mercurial barometer and an 7-2 «-18 iw cording to the action of the council aneroid barometer; for biology, mi Monday evening They will Include croscope, demonstration magnifiers, i the names of tbe mayor, police Judge, Notice to Contractors dissecting sets; for physics: (125.00 <lty treasurer, membera of tho old The directors will receive blds to wisely expended, providing such a icouncil and the new member of the build a new school house In Langell laboratory as will permit perform present council. Valley, Ore., till 12 o'clock noon, July ing the majority of the experiments Tho names to decorate the corner I 26, 1914, to bo completed by October given in the Milikan and dale Man stone will be: Mayor T. F. Nicholas, , I, 1914. Plans can be seen at Veghte ual. Police Judge A L. Leavitt. Treas & Co., Klamath Falls, Bank of Bonan Fourth—Library urer Siemens, and Councllmen ; za and at tho clerk's office, Langell The library must contain a mini- j ; Rogers, Goeller, Matthews, Townsend, Valley. mum of 250 books which are, or have Underwood, Hamilton, Doty, Can-, The board reserves the right to re been included in the state library list, trail, Lockwood, Savidge and Owens. ject any or nil blds. part II. excluding fiction and the dic — GEO. W. NOBLE. 8r„ tionaries and encyclopedias mention- j The average man requires eight , Clerk District No. 10. ed below, and adapted to the courses hours of sound Hleep every night. h 31 sw 3t of study. These books must be en Semi-Weekly Herald ■hall be graduates lege, university or be the holder of a tIdeate in Oregon, EXPfCT HüfRU tl «M CRUZ RICHEST REGION III WORID FOÜNÛ WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FRESH FRUITS tered in a record book and prepared for circulation according to the rules prescribed for school libraries. A standard high school must have one of the larger encyclopedias recom mended in the state school library list, part II, and either the New In ternational or the Standard Diction ary, to the number of one copy for each twenty pupils. RASPBERRIES LOGANBERRIES PEACHES PLUMS TOMATOES CUCUMBERS Requirement« for an Accredited Three-Year High School First—As to Teachers Buy From Us and Cut Out the Middleman (a) Number: Two teachers shall give full time in high school work, where more than four subjects each year are offered; or one teacher shall ’ give full time and another at least half time when but four subjects are offered each year, no choice of elec tives being given. (b) Qualifications: All teachers of tbree-year accredited high schools j ASHLAND FRUIT CO No Trouble to Show Goods On the contrary It's a great grat ification for ns to display our superb line of wall and celling papers and Interior decorations generally, be- cauae we take pride In their artistic merit. Thia b to Invite an early In spection of our room hangings Our prices will please you nlmoat as much aa the papers themaolvoa. EVERYTHING THAT A STORE KEEPS I’AINT F. R. OLDS & CO.