The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, July 13, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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the stat«’ At the gathering were Mr
Notice t«> <'oiitractura
mid Mrs A. D. Addison and two chll-
Thu directors will recelve blds to
I «itoti of Mt. Laki, Mr. mid Mrs Frank
bulld u new sehool liouso In Langsll
II. McCornaek. Margaret Agnes. HUw III SDII» WAltltAWs Tt> Valley, Orv , Illi 12 e'clock tiooti, July
A Continuation of the
T«'n MHI hhi Fewer Cattle and
III I 1’ U litoti
Frnnk mid Eugene Mi'Cornai-k, from
25, 1914, to be complided by Octobsr
Klamath Republican
Twenty Million More Pco-
the Wocus ranch on t’pper Klamath
l. H*14. Plans ran b» *««ti at Vsgbls
people to Kat Thein
Lake, Mm C M Collier mid dough ( <<uxl SU,,I liidieu««, iti Ih,, Court 41 ('<>., Klamath Falls. Hsnk of Honan-
Iter, Miss Dorothy Collier, of Kugruo.
Boom Ibis tileriiooii, nM Lawyer | »a und at tli» clerk's offl, », l.augwll
United Press Service.
Entered at the postoffice at Klamath
day evening by entertaining a few!E P. McCornaek of Siiloni. Georg«’
tccu«e«l oi kerping U idoli'» l’eu- Valley,
CHICAGO. July 10.—The re­
Falla, Ora. as second class matter.
friends at the Orpheus theater l*r«>H 1 Stevenson uf Eugene and Andrew M
The board reaervee tb» t labt to re
aioli II,limili» Teli» III«, Jury Itisi
tail price of fresh meats have
ent In the lilipullan theater party Collier mid Frank Armstrong of thia
j<>«'t miy or ull blds
Published by the Herald Publishing
advanced from one to three
were Pearl mid Margie White. Nsouil'clti Early In the afternoon the par-
Warraul» luailing l( Setth-wniit.
Company, of Klamath Falla, on
cents per pound in the last thir­
and Juanita Walter. Marlon Stanley ty repairml to the Rennies ranch on
Clerk Distrlct No. 10.
Monday and Thursday of each week
ty days.
and Homer Garrich
Lake Ewaunn. where u picnic dinner
h 3t sw 3t
The big packers are very
Warren J Shaver, tbe attorney
The latest addition to Klamath
♦ ♦♦
was enjoyed, lifter this, nil went to
gloomy over the outlook.
who Is accused, of keeping widows'
♦ Falls' musical talent is Mrs. Grace
Dr. mid Mrs. R. R Hamilton and the Rodeo.
Arthur Meeker of Armour A ♦ Wiley Starling, w ho has charge of the daughter left Friday morning for
ix'iisloti warrant* Issued to Mrs Altha III the Circuit Court of the Stale of
♦ ♦ ♦
Co., says the cattle supply is ♦ splendid orchestra at the Orpheus Sewn rd. Alaska, where the doctor.
III honor of Mrs F. Zlm Baldwin Daniel, look the stand In hl* own de-
Oregon, for Klamath County.
about 75 per cent normal. He ♦ theater, owned by her husband and with Dr. E V. I Marrow, has th«« con-|of latkeview, Who spent the week tense Friday afternoon.
Charles Wesley Judkins, Plaluliff,
states that there are 10,000,000 ♦ Arch V Tindall. E._
__ :........
Mrs. Starling
is « ..................
tract to car«
’ for III«’ employes of the here, eight of her friends were us
Thai mornlug. when the stall, rest-
fewer cattle than there were a ♦ 'graduate of the Chicago
Musical —
railroad construction
----- ----------
Alaska railroad
Mrs »<> in bled nt Hotel Baldwin Thursday «•«I. I he drfi’iis«, made a motion fur Ailru Beatrice Judkins, Detvudaut
ST. LOUIS, July 10.—Four masked
decade ago, and 20,000,000 ♦ lege, where she received a teacher's Hamilton was closely identified with night by Miss Maude Baldwin, and Judge Benson lo Instruct the jury io
men boarded the "Katy Flier," the
Heatrlie Judkins. the Above-
♦ j certificate. She also studied three.the work of Grace M E. church. and|the evening was enjoyably •q>«’nt bj return a verdict of iii-iiultliil. inion I” Adra
fast train of the Missouri Pacific, last j more people to be fed.
Named Defendant
♦ |vears under the late Emil Llbling, j* farewell was given In her honor ¡the ladies
lhe ground that the pri
night near the town of Matson.
111 the until«’ of the state of Oregon,
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ¡who was a member of the faculty of Monday afternoon at the home of
not produced sufficient
♦ ♦♦
The man got on the blind baggage,
>ou are hereby required to appear and
,the Fine Arts Conservatory, and also Mrs J. S Elliott, In Hot Springs nddl-
Mr mid Mrs. Vernon A Forb«« show Hint a crime had
and after leaving the town they ter­
answer the complaint tiled against
of “
the ~
School * In the Fine tion.
by the Ladles' Aid Society of |cfi Saturday morning for their horn« ted This was denied.
rorized the engineer and fireman, and PARADE PRIZES
iyou in the above entitled suit, on or
ARE NOW GIVEN ¡Arte building at
_* Chicago.
..... - - . Professor the
church. About twenty (ladles in Bend, after being b«*r<> to attend to
compelled them to atop the trian.
Shaver explained the selling of the before the 13th day of August, 1914,
Liebling was recognized as one of the were present, and the afternoon was business matters. Mr Forbes, be |wiirrants to Charles J.
While one man on each side of the
Ferguson by ihat being the last day of the time
„ ... ,--------7
. . i
The following
prizes are |o I m > ¡nation's foremost musicians and mu- »pent in needlework and converse- »ides being one of Southern Oregon's ,yini that li ie knew Mrs. Daniela "Ullin wlili-h «lefcnilailt Is Iillowed lo
train kept the passengers inside by
and a dainty collation was,lust known attorneys. Is Joint reprr needed nil the motley »he could got. i answer herein as tiled by the court
firiug alongside the coaches, another awarded for the entries in the July ^sical instructors. In addition, Mrs tion,
(Starling is an accomplished pipe or-|eerved
Mrs. Hamilton was present- ’sriilnllvi- from this district.
held the engineer and crew under 3d parade, the judges having just re-¡Starling
IsO he soli) them for 9i> cents on Ihr for publication of summon* herein;
ganist. She
She studied
studied with
with F.
F. A.
A. Me-
Mc­ ,>d with a beautiful silver piece by tb«> i
guard, and a third uncoupled the ex­ ported:
♦ ♦♦
dollar, rather than II them later at and If you fall so lo appear aud
Best I business floats—Ashland Fruit Kay, organist at the Church of the ladles, a» a token of their regard
press, baggage and mail cars and
Mrs. Georg«« W. Bowen Is expected gj n<nt*. He says Ferguson gave answer, the plaluliff will apply to the
run them down the track, where they Store, I first premium; Star Theater, Redeemer, at Hyde Park, and for two j for her
lamin from Montague to visit her: him a ch. ck. which he cashed al the •■ourt for the relief prayed for In the
years past has been organist and di­
second | premium.
♦ ♦♦
dynamited the express cafe.
daughters. Mrs. George J Walto*n(K. K K Store, and used th.- money .complaint filed herein, to-wlt: For a
Best auto floats—White Pelican rector of the choir at the First Con­
He *aya I(lnl Ml llle
(||1 |(|(|)( decree of said circuit court of tbe
They stuffed their pockets full of
Mrs. Leslie Rogers and children ¡and Miss Florence llowen.
hotel, first premium; Dr. Wheeler. gregational church. West Pullman, left during the week for Oakland
loot, and then disappeared.
¡the ease he did not know but what stale of Oregon, for Klamath county,
Chicago. Mrs. Starling 1» competent »here~lh;; W|U vl*tt relatives and
The train crew estimated their loot second
Mrs. 1. A Kinsey of Los Gatos, tlier«’ might he filing fees, so told forever dissolving the bond* of matri­
Best decorated carriage—Mrs. Dav­ to teach advanced pupils as well as frlends
from |3,000 to >50,000, but the
Calif , Is the guest of her daughter. I Mrs. Daniels that the cost of getting mony existing between tbe plaintiff
Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt. In her moth-¡the ¡tension would not be over >10. utid defendant, and for such other re­
American Express company officials enport,
♦ ♦♦
♦ ♦•
insist that they did not get more than
Mrs. F. Zlm Baldwin has returne«! er's honor, Mrs. Zumwalt gave n Mrs Daniels, In her testimony, slated lief as to the court shall appear meet
Judge C. B. Watson and son. Chan­ to I-akevlew. after being here during "neighborhood party" Wednesday af that Shaver agreed to g,-t her the and proper In tbe premise».
ON SICK LIST dler Watson, of Ashland spent the (h). Ro<leo
Iternoon, Wheu several realdents of Ibv'pension for this amount, his f.-e in-
This summon* Is published In the
Rodeo season here as the guests of
♦ ♦ ♦
West Side gathered nt th<< Zumwalt ¡eluded
-Semi Weekly Herald, a newspaper
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 10.— Mr. and Mrs. Jackson F. Kimball. ■ At the home of Mr, L B Klnnear> : home, and spent an enjoyable after-
; Shaver stated that at the time he I'ubllsiied nt Klamath Fails, Oregon.
Lud Anderson, erstwhile lightweight Mrs. Kimball is a daughter of the Mra Rlnnear and Mrs. A A Mehaffey ¡noon In needlework and social chat.
and Mrs. Daniel* wont to settle, he b> order of the llonornble William 8.
boxer, was taken suddenly ill at his Judge,
entertained the members of the Mu­ Attending were Mrs. Kinsey, Mrs Imd drawn three warrants. Hr slat- Worden, county judge of said county,
FORT KI-AMATH, July 10—De­ parents' home yesterday morning. *
♦ ♦ w
Rufus 8. Moore. Mrs. George T. Bald­ l»<l that hr gave her one warrant and innde and entered on the 1st day of
termined to stamp out the grasshop­ Doctors called today diagnosed the1 Mrs. Gussie Davis spent Friday sical Club, an organization of Mrs.
win, Mrs. H. C. Chamberlain. Mrs. C. ithe cash «-«¡uivalent of th«* second July, A l>. 1914, directing service of
per invasion so effectively that there case as gallstones, with a probability in Klamath Falls, on the way from Zumwalt's pupils. Friday night. In a
highly enjoyable manner. They were ' P. Mason. Mrs. O. A. Stearns, Mrs. C.
summons herein lo be made by publi­
will be none left by the breeding of an operation.
California to the home of her daugh­ assisted In entertaining by I-awrence R. De I.ap. Mr*. James McClure. Mrs. The third, ho laid, he held until pal«l cation thereof In such newspaper for
time this fall. Fort Klamath prop­
Bud has been suffering excruciat­ ter. Mrs. Allie Vinson, in Langell ¡Mehaffey and Harold Kinn«*ar, mem­ Karl G. Cummings, Mrs. Ellen Hib­
I Ing to pay him cash for It. but say- ¡six successive weeks.
erty owners have formed an organi­ ing pain almost continually since the Valley.
bers of the club, and there were pres­ bard of Canton, Mo., Mrs. J. Fred (ing she could pay In «-beck. It was
Onto of first publication hereof.
zation to carry out the flgbt under first attack and declared that appen­
♦ ♦♦
Goeller, Miss Marjorie McClure and al this tlin«’ that the two disputed re­ July 2, 1914.
the direction of County Agricultural dicitis is no comparison to his present
A very pleasant party and a family Stubblefield. Rev. and Mrs. Ernest C. Miss Betty Bell. A luncheon was I
garding the amount dur, anti nt the
Agent M. A. McCall. The organiza­ illness.
reunion was held at Mr. and Mr». D. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Camp, served.
for Plaintiff
end of thrlr conference, Shaver «till
tion is represented by a committee
G. Brown's home near Crystal, Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Walton, Mrs
♦ ♦♦
7-2 8-11 sw
held the warrant.
composed of Lindsey Sisemore. Frank I'SYt HOUIGICAL
day. A delicious dinner was served Henry L. Benson, Mrs. Charles E.
Mrs. Ellen Hibbard of Canton. Mo .
Burns and J. F. Loosley.
TORTURE GIVEN at 3:30 p. m. After dinner pictures Worden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Williams. who is visiting her son. K. G. Cum­
Mrs. Natlimiiel K«ay of Philadel­
Already an order has been sent
were made of the family and of the Mrs. Simmons, Miss Stubblefield. Mis« ming*. and Mr*. A I. Kinsey of Los
phia Is headltig a movrment Io «-bange
out for big quantities of paris green,
PASADENA, July 10.—Dr. J. F. whole party and various groups of it Elsie Orem. Miss Vera Houston. Miss Gatos, Calif , were the honor gu-sts
which will be used in a bran mash, Moore, a fellow prisoner of Vice Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. D. Marjorie McClure, Miss Betty Bell. !at a delightful tea given Friday after-1 the m hool System <>f tcachlng hlstory
to be scattered over the fields to kill Consul Silliman at Saltillo, has writ­ G. Brown, their six children, two Miss Octavia De I-ap, Miss Restera noon by Mrs. Rufus 8 Moor«« at "The "We'r«> golng lo iry and hav» ihr
off the grasshoppers. The mash is ten a letter to a friend here in which daughters by marriage, six grand­ French, Miss Ione Steinman. Mias , Maple*,'* her West Side home. The
White Maddos Bldg
to be prepared in accordance with a he gajl! that himself> silliman and children and several friends. These Margaret William*. Miss Katherine afternoon was devoted to needlework, Ilie grammnr grade»." «ay» Mrs. Keny.
formula furnished by Mr. McCall. It nine other American prisoners were consisted of Gilbert D. Brown, bls Williams, Miss Louise Benson. H. J. and the spacious lawn made a delight-I
will not be strong enough to injure physically well treated, but that they wife and three children, Bessie. Edith Lincoln, Lawrence B. Klnnear, Har­ • ful place to gather. The guests were I
stock of any kind.
were psychologically tortured by the and Ralph Brown, from Lakeview; vey Mathies and Joseph B. McAllis­ ‘Mrs. Kinsey, Mrs. Hibbard, Mrs. Karl
Brown, - wife
and -------
daughter, ter. During the evening a number O. Cummings, Mrs. J. Fred Goeller,
Following is McCall's formula:
jailer, whom they called "Fiend," C.
— O.
- -----------
In handling tbe grasshopper situa-. who kept continually telling them ! Josephine; Sherman Brown, Mrs. L. ¡of excellent vbcai numbers were giv- 'Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Mrs. George
tion here and elsewhere, tbe poison that they had only a few hours more^Alv* Lewis and her two children, en. among these being numbers by T. Baldwin. Mrs. E. M. Marple, Mrs.
method has, in most cases, proved the to live.
Elva and J * Frederic,
’—*—*- of Seattle; Miss |Mrs. Zumwalt, Miss BcClure, Miss ¡Charles 8. Moore, Mr». Robert E.
most satisfactory. There are several I The anxiety was almost unendur- J Cecil M. Dodd of Falls City, Francis ,Margaret Williams, Miss Benson and Wattenburg, Mrs. Jam<-e McClure.
poisonr, but the following formula, able until they learned that the jail- H- Brown, Miss Jessie P. Rose, and ¡Messrs. Kinnear and Mehaffey. Late Mrs. H. C. Chamberlain, Mrs. Emma
recommended by Prof. H. S. Wilson er had no authority for his threats.
Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Jacobson of I-ake- I In the evening dainty refrehment»! V. Cogswell. Mrs. Wesley O. Smith.
of tbe Oregon station, is, we believe,
view. The Lakeview parties came in 'were served.
Mrs. E. 8. Phillips. Mrs. W. 8. Slough.
the most efficient and reasonable in
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 10.— their machines, and returned by way I
Mrs. Willis E. Faught, Mrs. Mason-
♦ ♦♦
1 rice:
Historians here pointed out that to-
Crescent, A most enjoyable day
Mrs. L. L. Truax was hostess to the Pease. Mrs. Charles E. Worden. Mrs.
Fifty pounds bran, 20 pounds paris day is a "big" day in both American was spent by all. This was the first Ewrtuna Literary Club and the hue-: ¡ urge W. Mason, Mrs. Hattie Rob­
green, one pound of salt, one ounce and foreign history. On July 10, time In fourteen years that the fam­ bands of the members Wednesday erts, Mrs. Roscoe E. ('antrail, Mrs. A.
1584, William of Orange, who led ily has all been together.
lemon extract.
evening, when the evening was spent L. Leavitt, Mrs. Jos. M. Moore, Mrs
♦ ♦♦
war for independence, was
in playing unique games and other R. R. Brewbaker, Mrs. Elmer I. Ap­
In some cases a quart of some
In honor of Mrs. Cobb of Manila, j diversions. During the evening the plegate, Miss Betty Hell, Mlns Reatora
cheap syrup might be added, but its; assassinated.
necessity in the above formula is j ’ The statue of King George III at who is the guest of Mrs. Gus A. i hostess served a dainty luncheon. The French. Miss E. McCurdy and Miss
doubtful. The paris green and salt! ¡Bowling Green. N. Y., was overturned Krause, Mrs. Herbert D. Dale enter­ guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- i Marjorie McClure.
♦ ♦♦
should be thoroughly mixed with the ¡July 10, 1776. Two years later Roch- tained two tables at bridge at her i Lean, Mr. and Mrs. Bert C. Thomas.
dry bran in the above, after which ¡anbeau arrived at Newport with 6,000 home in Hot Springs addition, Mon­ Mr. and Mrs. George J. Walton. Mrs. I Fig growing, which was so success­
day afternoon, following which a Chamberlain. Mrs. J. F. Maguire. | fully introduced in California, is be­
enough water Is added to make a French soldiers.
On this date 1790 Congress decided luncheon was served. Attending were iSira. J. C. Maguire, Dr. Warren Hunt ing taken up In Texas.
mash sufficiently wet that the water
will not run. The lemon extract may to meet for ten years at Philadelphia. Mrs. Cobb, Mrs. G. A. Krause, Mrs. and Mr. Chamberlain.
The first steamboat arrived at Chi­ Robert A. Johnson, Mrs. Don J. Zum-
The word milliner Is a corruption
♦ ♦♦
then be added, this being simply for
July 10, 1832. Colonel John C. wait, Mrs. Charles F. Stone, Mrs. ■ An enjoyable Fourth of July fea­ of Mllaner, from Milan, the city which
the purpose of attracting the insects,
ture was a reunion of various fami­ once established the hat styles for the
its odor having proven tbe best of I Fremont became governor of Califor­ 'George Noland and Miss Betty Bell.
♦ ♦♦
lies, the reunion being made possible world.
all substances used for the purpose. nia on this date, 1846.
The fortress of Gibraltar was cap-
Little Donald Sturling celebrated by the fact that some of the parties
The above mixture should be scat- 'tured
by the British July 10, 1704.
his sixth birthday anniversary Tue«- are here from the Northern part of
Herald want ads bring resulta
tered broadcast over infested fields
and pastures in the early morning
while the dew is yet on and before
the insects have begun to feed. Tbe
efficiency of the bait is much les-'
sened after drying out, although
there is a possibility of the dew ren­
dering the dried out mixture again
useful. For the above reasons, early '1
morning scattering is imperative. The
amount of mixture given in the for-I
mula should, in the opinion of Pro­
fessor Wilson, be sufficient for ten
acres where properly scattered. In
all ordinary cases, one application!!
will be sufficient; but in extreme in- !l
festation, two, or even more may be I
The poison alone is not in itself I
To distribute the banka aaaeta In such a way as lo maintain ‘«rider
sufficient, but should be coupled with I
iiny conditions and at all time» an ample reserve to meet the demands
preventative measures. The insects I
of Ila depositors and take care of II» borrowing customer».
breed in dry, un-'irred soil, and prop- I
er discing and plowing in the fall and I
early spring will destroy the egg I
mosses before batching. Covering I
meadows with water will also pre- I
vent hatching. Co-operation of all I
in tbe affected area is absolutely'!
necessary, as land not at first affected I
may later be endangered through the I
migration of the hoppers.
In any case, the county agricultur- I
1st stands ready to co-operate in every II
possible way, either by obtaining and I
helping to apply the poison, or other- I
wist. The important point to remem- |
her is, "Destroy this year’s crop and
prevent the next.”
Semi-Weekly Herald
A Good Piano Is a Joy Forever
Buy From U» and Cut Out the Middleman
There were produced in Cuba from
the manufacture of sugar in the year
1911-12, 77,273,959 gallons of mo-
lasses, an increase of 19,139,746 gal-'
Ions over the preceding year.
Capital Stock, 100,000 Surplus, $11,000