The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, June 12, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Till'KHhAV. JUNF*L 1*»I4
Our Fifteen Dollar Suits
Possess the taste and style that will
appeal to you made in choice all wool
patterns, finely tailored, and guar­
anteed to give complete satisfaction
in every particular.
Fine Showi uV ; n f Summer
From America’s master clothes makers, the
House of Kuppenheimer, in the cream of
Domestic and Foreign Woolens, made in any
model your fancy may desire—box coats, regular
and English models-pegtop and regular trousers,
$18.50, $20.00, $22 50, $25.60 to $35.00
Your Stetson Hat
Is Ready
Step into a Pair of
For a Smile
Iiiii '■'III»
Arrow Shirts and
■ ■ ■
. 3r si
K. K K. STORE, Leading Clothiers
Agents for the Royal Tailors
! tluuully dlmitilslilug uiid In cuusv
with millions of dollars back of
during my stay here, I feel that the I erally is conceded to be the greatest GERMANY REACHING OUT
jiivik v Ilio Intel) -l eli ni gè» ul»u. Sudi
hunter could soon satisfy his lust for shortstop in the game today. But
a »>»Idii la quii« fvnalble wheu thè
Among the outlined plana of the
(and we must hedge once more be­
I lenii 1« lenii) produi live, w lieti It rv
BERLIN, June 10.—Germany is campaign for Invading China are the
I have found the people of South­ hind the dope alibi) according to dope
WASHN1GTON, D. C, Julie 11
(Managing Director Educational Film ern Oregon most hospitable, and the Connie Mack has shown the class he launching the most tremendous war establishing and financial support of Five ■ pies designed to couvlncv furm- lurna tu ih« berruwi-r a defiulle rev-
eiiue each y«'ur.
ers that there is no magic about credit
• »f i Olirne Die luti le il ahiiuld he «s
I have been asked by the editor of our stay here will be remembered al- With the exception of his pitching Organization upon organization In ary grammar and high schools, man- are set down In Furmers ilullellu 593,
the Evening Herald to write a short | ways, If it is possible for me, in the staff, which had not come up to ex­ every branch of trade and industry ual and industrial training schools "How to Use Faiiu Credit," which the amali aa possible Kier »body knows
| flint < «•< pl the M ilder Hut If the
article on my impressions of Klamath titles of the pictures which 1 have tak- pectations early this month, he has is being formed with a definite. and medical institutes, teachers for
United States department of agricul­ |olher rules are observed, if the bor
Falls and vicinity. Why he should en here, to boost Klamath Falls, I the same old crowd, doing the same .specific plan and purpose of captur­ ¡all of which are to be sent from
ture lias Just published
rouer manages bls financial utfairs
ing a new market, extending trade al­ Germany.
have asked for a short article and ex- shall feel duty bound to do so, as that oid stunts.
Unless the farmer who 1« Ihluklng aoutidly, he »III be aurpriaed to fitid
Thus this Washington-Philadelphia ready in existence or crowding out
German newspapers are to be
j>ected me to cover all the good points would be small return for the many
argument simmers down to a compar­ the trade of some other country.
founded in several of the principal of burrowing money fully uiidcr»tatid» lina mudi i aaler II la to ubtalu favor­
that have impressed me is beyond my courtesies extended to us.
The captains of Germany’s In­ .cities of China. Wherever possible. these rules and 1» willing to be guided ii blo ferma.
We have found it a wonderful ison of the Griffithian-Mackian pitch-
The right kind of lender does not
For the past six weeks we have cov- country -for Our work, and of the ing departments. Bender is far from dustry are planning a movement that German language Institutes are to by them, the government's advice to
' a a ut to foreclose mortgages, he
ered quite "thoroughly the districts of 10.000 feet of film that we have taken gone, and there may be quite a few in effect Is a leaf from the famous ag- be opened to (tv* the Chinese an op­ him is DON'T.
As it Is, their are probably almost ' aulita hla money back with a fair
Upper Klamath, Williamson, Spring fully 8>000 of it could not be dupll- worrying splinters left in Plank, but gtessive tactics of the German army portunlty to learn German at small
many farmers In this country who ' probi. like any oilier merchant. For
Creek, Crystal Creek, Lower Lake. «Red without covering the whole
must depend on his younger pitchers, |the world's marts.
The sensing of Chinese students tu are suffering from too much aa from money that In borrowed wisely, for
Aspen Lake and Clear Lake, taking coa8t from Alaska to Mexico,
money that la sure to be repaid, lie
Bush, Shawkey, Pennock, et al, for
At home efforts are being concen- Germany Is to be encouraged and sup- too little credit.
moving pictures of the animal and
the brunt of his battle. Griffith has 'trated on ousting foreign made goods ported, in fact, every possible effort
Of tiie»e rules, the three most im­ I urges low Interest
bird life, beauty spots, renowned fish­ SPORTING EXPERT PICKS
Thia, In tad, la why th« govern
MACKS AND GIANTS the winning Walter, Ayres, Shaw and and replacing them with domestic, •«• to be made to win the sympathy portant are:
ing streams, and I can truthfully say
Engle, who have shown more stuff manufacture wherever possible, while.* hiñese for Germans, Germany
that for variety of scenery I know of
1 Make sure that the purpose for incut lias published these rules for
NEW YORK, June 11.—Unless the than the young Mack twirlers.
abroad Germany’s commercial guns. an<l German goods,
which the borrowed money is to be bo i rower« li Is not so much a mat-
no place on the coast that can surpass
All in all. It must be conceded to backed by the vast resources of the
There is a German-Argentine As­ used will produce a return greater ter of driving a shrewd bargain aa it
it. I believe few people who live here dope is all wrong, it is now generally
In of observing a few fundamental
realize the beauties of the Upper conceded it will be New York or Pitts­ the rabid Washington fan that the empire, government and private, are sociation, a German-Brazilian organi­ than needed to pay the debt.
principles which alone can make cred-
2— The length of time the debt Is
Klamath and its many streams, I burg in the National League and Washington-Philadelphia fight for the to be trained on every market, es­ zation. each of which is to further
It a blessing and not a curse.
have watched the sunsets from Eagle Philadelphia or Washington in the first place should furnish as pretty a pecially where American. English and relations. Interests and trade with to run should have a close relation to
kuock-down-and-drag-out as has ever French trade may now enjoy an ad­ these South American countries. For the productive life of the Improve*]
Ridge and believe that in the films 1 American.
¡the purpose of concentrating and uni­ I merit for which the money 1» bor­ 1» Recovering,
The law of precedents appears to be been staged in either league.
have taken of them that 1 have pic-
Lloyd Low. son of Sheriff and Mr»
Germany has set for itself the task fying the efforts of these organlza- rowed.
tures that will bring many tourists to the only thing at this writing, against
'(.'. C. Low, who recrutly fell while do­
: lions for a more aggressive and sci­
3— Provision should be made In
this region.
in the National League has ever won get back at the Britishers, but even trade, which at present is approxi­ entifically directed campaign In South long-time loan» for the gradual reduc­ ing rnllrosd work at McCloud. Is rap­
Some of the fishing scenes that we four straight league pennants. Some
idly recovering from the effects of th«
if they don’t, Francis Ouimet will car­ mately »5,200.000.000. It has chalked America, there has been formed the tion of the principal.
ave taken on the Williamson, Pelican
operation he underwent after the ac­
years back Fred Clark and his Pirates ry home with him and wear for one up the figures »10,500,000.000 as a "League of German Foreign Trade
Bay, Crystal Creek and Spring Creek
cident. Ill» mother went to McCloud
were beaded for their fourth succes-.year
____ the
__ _____________
French title. After the trade target at which to aim.
to tlie wise use of credit. Between
will make the sportsmen's blood run
This organization of captains of In­ borrowing money to spend on one's i Sunduy to vlalt him.
Isive streamer. The Giants scuttled young man's drubbing, with the drub-
warm with the desire to hie him to
the Corsair crew, Now the Pittsburg- bing given the other American golfers Stab” (Great General Staff) of the dustry will be another "divisional self and borrowing money to buy*
these cool, pleasant retreats.
ers are doing their durndest to return at Sandwich, he crossed the channel German army, which has every move German staff.” Its principal battle- equipment of some sort with which
One thing 1 have not been able to the compliment, but, though Clark and led the field in France. The open outllned and planned in advance for fleld »»>
“««>«» «nd South Amer- to make more money there Is all the
answer for myself is why there are I has a grand little team, up to early in championship in England furnishes war, so the German captains of in- '1,11
propa­ difference between fully and fore­
1 also will organize
Is a package that should Interest
not more people here to enjoy the op- June it hadn't been there in the another try for Ouimet and the oth­ dustry are mobilizing the economic «anda '» "W country not already
every coffee buying family in
sight. extravagance and thrift.
uortunitles that you have to offer pinch.
ers. Here's hoping that when they forces of their country, not defensive |fOV*red_
If the money Is burrowed for a
them. First, from an agricultural
The first rending, tearing clash beard Varden and Ray and the other but offensive, for world conquest. Or-
rbe German-American Economic wise purpose It will produce enough
In tramping over the with the Giants late in May, when golfing lions in their homes, the ganizations which have been at log rflion- nr«anll*d «Ince February, has
large expanse of tule lands, I have New York fairly routed the Pirates, Stars and Stripes will have better gerheads for years are being induced ,or “• Purpose the fostering of bet­ to pay ba<k the principal and Inter­
est and leave a fair margin of profit
kept in mind the agricultural possi­ and then the smearing the latter got luck. To beat Vardon and Ray a sec- te drop their differences and join in lir trad« relations with the United
bilities, knowing that similar lands in at the bands of Charlie Herzog's res- ond time will be more of a triumph one united, gigantic crusade against i Kta'*” and ««many, of course, the for the borrower into the burgalii. If
It Is borrowed for a foolish purpose it
the Sacramento and San Joaquin val­ cuscitated Cincinnatians, was an ex­ tlian to have won at Sandwich.
America, England and France.
furthering of German exports to will produce nothing, and conse­
leys of California are selling for from hibition of the heart the Pittsburg
Within the last few weeks there ! Am*‘r,ra Each of ,b" organizations quently there will be nothing with
»500 to »1,000 an acre. Celery, rhu­ aggregation hasn't got or at least
The "Sport of Kings” is far from_______
has been ______
organized the "Institute forinanf”’d wll> bave muct‘ “» "«* ab°ut
barb, asparagus, peas and beans flour­ ^didn't have up to that time, and which dead in Little Old New York and sga Traffic and World Trade; ....... Th. the reciprocal trade agreements with which to repay the loan.
otin i rtuiiit AUG w ut iu i i nuc ,....... III*
From this point of view it matters
ish here, and a cannery could handle is essential to running In front at the vicinity. This has been demonstrated (League
League of German Foreign Trade As-
As tbe O'^rent countries In the trade of comparatively little whether tlie In-
most of the garden stuff as they do in < lose of the lai-game schedule.
at Belmont Park Twelve months ago ¡sociatlons." "The German-American whl,h
»re specialists They will forest be high or low. It Is the re-
the San
Jauquln and
and Sacramen
an Jauqnln
o The
•pt1€.re waa no other possible alibi, even the most sanguine could see Economic Union,' " "The German- ^xemlne all new proprosed trade i payment of the piincipal thut Is the
field for
this product is large, an
'uThe Clark crew ___________________________________
was in prime shape, nothing in the way of a come-back for VI11U
. Institute,
..... w, ” I and now as a sort tr«at,ea and niak« •««-»tlon. to ths chief difficulty.
other localities can make big money
rjppe(j ¡(.g way through all the the racing game, If the sport is-- kept of general.... staff to scientifically di- ¡«overnment.
Rules 2 and 3 deal with the most
growing these same products on land otber (eamg R had met R had
in the wholesome condition in which rect all the other organizations, there
satisfactory ways of repayment, I II-
that has a valuation of »1,000 an iBhown everything except what It could it started, the "good old days" should |R b»fng formed the "German As- Old Grandad Edmonds.
derneath them both is th» same prln-
acre, I cannot see why farmers and do wilen It bucked above-the-average return.
"An he wore a smile you could see ciple: The loan must be repaid with
¡soclatfon of World Commerce.” This
home seekers could not be made to clas . When that grade of class tore
H, c H grade
latter is headed by Arthur BalUn, « mile"—did H. M. Edmonds, a well the money it earns itself.
realize that here is opportunity await­ into Pittsburg in the shape of the
And speaking of come-backs, Cor­ director-general
---------- - -------- — — ---------- --
For example, if the money Is used
ing them.
Giants, the erstwhile irresistable force nell has done something in athletics American Line, whose motto Is "Mein received word that an 8'A pound to buy a machine that will last ten
1 have no doubt that as soon as the was halted, stopped and stayed. And this year. The winning of the Inter- Feld Is die Welt” ("My field Is the daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. years, the machine must earn enough
railroad is completed, making Klam­ that’s the dope in the National collegiates at Harvard, which meant World”).
¡Herbert Edmonds, who conduct the 1 in that time to pay for Itself or It
ath Falls a stop on the main line down League. But it's pure dope.
" ' . Herbert never will.
permanent possession of the coveted' The markets of the world are being Clarendon Hotel at Yreka,
The loan, therefore,
the coast, that you will have a great
Now for tlie fireworks in the Amer- championship cup, was
wub Indeed a tri- plotted out for these different or-j
or- _
l* ...
H. M.’s son, and the last men­ should be entirely repaid before the
idenour-ßaker Grocery Cimpa
influx of people, and I would not be lean.
in. What follows is not for Waah-iumpb. It was another triumph for ganizations like a gigantic battle map. tioned Is still smiling.
ten years are up, or the furuier will
surprised, in ten years time, to see a jngton
read, Everybody in the ¡Trainer Jack Moakley and his meth- The German-China Institute, com-
{ton to read.
lose money on the transaction, pay­
large city located here.
tdtul has
lias already picked
nicked out just
alan shown
ahnwn her posed of .u*
u which u«.,.
ods. Cornell has also
the )_4.._*_i
Miss Lottie Sly, who has been vis­ ing out Interest for no benefit In re­
From a tourist sportsman’s stand­ where they’re going to set when, in power on the diamond and on water, trade In China or see the possibilities iting lier folks at Dorris for the past turn.
You may I m > paying more for
point, enough cannot be said. Having their own minds, the Senators meet From present Indications, the Ithicans of trade for their respective branch few days, returned Tuesday and will
On the other hand, If too early a
Just as good un article.
spent quite a number of years hunt­ the National League winners next fall. should bring home the bacon at of commerce or manufacture, will resume her position at the Shasta ¡date is set for repayment, the ma­
Investigato and see
ing and Ashing from Alaska to South Any Washingtonian who reads this Poughkeepsie.
command and direct the "divisional Candy store.
chine will not have hail sufficient op­
America. I feel that I am in a position won t believe it. But it’s DOPE.
commercial army" which is to develop
portunity to make the requisite mon­
Hold Only by Us
It's perfectly true that Clark Grif-jls Getting Better,
to know a sportsman’s paradise when
and capture China’s trade for
A son was born last night to
ey, and the borrower may have diffi­
I meet it. Your fishing cannot be ex­ fith has Walter Johnson. There is I M.
L. Poland, a well known Olene Germany. It will Include among ¡master W. A. Delzell and wife.
culty in raising it elsewhere.
35c or 3 for $1.00
celled. Your water fowl are more also Mile-a-Minute Milan, Base-Grab­ rancher, who has been here on the other colonial trade organizations the
Rule 3 provides for some form of
plentiful than at any other spot in ber Gandil and others of their ilk, not sick list for several days, is rapidly powerful German-Asiatic Company,
There are two kinds of Insurance. | amortization, the system by which
America; and from the indications to mention George McBride, who sel­ improving. He expects to go out to the Hamburg East-Asiatic Concern | Chilcote writes the kind that pays, the principal I h repaid In Installments
1‘lione *200
and the number of deer 1 have seen dom causes any Bparks, but who gen- fbis ranch pretty soon.
and the German Colonial Company, <135 Main.
so that the amount of the loan Is con-