The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, June 12, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Till HHDYY’, JUN'R’El, I»l •
rniute dress. Riders to be provided '
in: oiihi iui ii
with prod poles an<l to start at slanal
from starter. Each team to take po 1
Tho observance of Flag Day by tho
The following statement was given
All kinds: Accordlug to the program just ar­ tatoes from tho samo box and place
A Continuation of the
Lodge will bo hold al Hi« opera
Hie Herald this afternoon by Elder
For Hie fifth time iu the last two ot political, social, religious. educa-| ranged by the Rodeo Amuseiuout As­
Klamath Republican
weeks au officer of the law journeyed tional, labor aud co-operative organ- j sociation, (our thousand dollars in track. Contest to la»t three mluiites S 1» Harlan, regarding the sad death ¡liouso Sunday afternoon at 2 30. Tho
Elks will moot at tlie club room, nt
Editor ••> Crystal Creek Tuesday to serve war nations were represented by the 500 cash, beside, a large uumber ot val­ At end of time team having great««») of his little son
2 o'clock and march to the opera
_____ _ rant* of arrest on some of the bellig- delegates who met at the Cburch Hall uable trophies will be distributed number of potatoes In Its box wins
"It Is my d«*all'e to have the puli
so In a body.
Entered al the postoffice al Klamath ■■!■ nt.» in tin Crystal Creek feud This here this afternoon tor the Tenth Na- among the coutostauts in the Elks'
lie know Hi« straight of how m,v |
Tin« program for the observance
less excused for I'ause by manage­
Falla, Ore., as second class matter, time S A. Brown, Fred G. Brown and tional Peace Congress of Great Brit-1 Rodeo, to be held July 3, 4 and 6.
littlii boy's death ov«'ill'led, ns Hie
will bo completed at n meeting of the
ment. Individual members may be
— —
— *
— ■ -- - ( o Brown are the defendants, and am, under the presidency of Lord
opinion seems to have gone forth |
lu addition to coutaiuiug the list of
'nnu'tti ttil' evening, and will lio
substituted for good rea»on If per-
Published by the Herald Publishing the) are «’barged with the destruction Channing of Wellingborough.
eveut, aud prises, the program just
I published later. The regular officers
Company, of Klamath Falls, on ,>( a fence. They were arrested this
some of the four doctors III attend ,
Particular interest attaches to the' repured by the directors ot the
of the lodge Will l>ul on tho ritualistli*
Monday and Thursday of each week . afternoon by Sheriff C. C. Low.
Cowgirls' Quarter-mlle Dash (girl
ance. tieath was due dlreetly to
congress this year on account of the Rodeo algo gives the coudltlous that
A special orchestra Im, been
Lhese cases are coming into court preparation, it is expected to make in wm gOVern each contest. These tol-
i secured and »pedal vocal numbers
Two dollars per year in advance | u gularly, aud a, yet the only thing connection with the forthcoming 1 |ow;
day. $30; second, each day, $10. Con-
"The ndinlnlsteriiig of tlio anes-
will be given
Th« history of th«
that lias been accomplished has been |conference al The Hague.
Championship Bucking Coutest — I ditions- All riders to wear cowgirl I tlieilc was entirely suceesaful, the rtrxK will ba given by Past Exalted
operation, also successful, was
the ruuning up of mileage charges
Among the special question, to be i purge |<oo; first prise $250, secoud ■ ostumes. No saddles under twenty
I Ruler E II Hall, the tribute to the
allowed. Bridles to be rnuge
nearly completed when the little1
gainst the county by officer, with S discussed are: Immunity of private i prlte iopi third prise $50. Condi-
ting by W O. Smith, and a patriotic
fellow, becoming nauseated by th«-
of «Hirot,
arrest, van
lu 14«
ltong MUV-llttll
Oue-half CUUlVSUiUlB
contestants CUirrvu
entered bridle» with stiff bits. Winning horse
.11 i «ma Ml
«.I 9 with sub- . property IM
’«. warfare,
” . ...... .. .....
...... lluuti
address by IE II. Dunbar
poenas to serve and witnesses sum- nnnes, rights of neutrtls. the effect ot lo r(je flrg( day auj one-halt to ride *>f rtrgl *,"y ,u,t **’ coull,cU’ »ecoti'l dayr.
anesthetica. began to vomit lu Ills:
A special Invitation lias been ex-
seiiil-conacloua condition, lie tried .
armament expenditure on commerce ieeond day. Rider« for each day to;
of 116 required that riders
CHICAGO. June 9. Judge Sulli- inoned to appear.
lend' I to the <1 A R . Woman's Re­
to Incut lie, sucking hoiik * of th««l
A synopsis of the trouble since it'and industry, the effect of militarism
determined by lot Horace to be *111
during entire rodeo uii-
van today sustained the motion of
* ‘
I...... .............I I... ....... ..
lief Corps and Jhe Veterans <>f th«
substance he had vomited Into Ills I
on wages, and the promotion ot In­ furnished by management. Not less leas excused by management Deposit
the attorneys for Madame Schumaun- 'got into court follows:
¡Spanish American War, to attend In
windpipe, causing strangulation.
May 19—W. F. Wyland and Clar­ ternational peace through universi­ than six riders to be chosen from first
Heink, aud directed the jury to find
addition Hi« services will bo open to
Will two day, to ride on last day. Each { complied with. Secoud prise will not
"I was present throughout the
a verdict for her in her divorce action ence Hunt arrested, charged with ob­ ties and schools. The congress
entire time, and I wish to state that the public.
structing a highway; Cora Wyland. be in session four days.
coutestaut to ride auy horse and a,
against William Rapp Jr.
Quarter-mlle Dash (free for all) — 1 the attending physicians did every­
often as the judges may deem neces­
As a result, the luadame is jubil­ Blanch and lreue Dodge and Mildred
Purse 1150; first, each day. 625; sec­
Noti«« for I’ulilienHon
thing within the pale of human poe-1
ond, each day, 215; third, each day.
(Not Coal Lands)
albilltlea to save the lettle fellow's
ening and advocating the commission
Since it was announced that she
MT. LAKI. Juue 9.—There will be end of rope free. Chaps and spurs to $10. Condition, All saddles to be
life It was one of those accidents I Depart incut of th« Interior, United
of a felony. These arrests were upon
would get a decree, the songstress complaints filed by S. A Brown. All regular preaching services at the Mt.
Hlntes Lami tiffice, at Lakeview.
that nothing could liave prevented
be worn. No quirts allowed. All rid­ range saddle, weighing uot less than
today received three proposals. One
Oregon. April 15, 1914
were bound to the grand jury.
ing slick. No saddle fork, over fifteen
of these was personal from a Chicago
Notie« I» hereby given that 1‘llny
Little Brooks Harlan, the 5-year-
May 22—S. A. Brown. F. G. Brown .Sabbath school at 10, and Christian inches wide to be used. No bucking full range costume consisting ot rang«
man, one was received in a telegram and C. O. Brown arrested, charged i Endeavor at 7 30. Rev. Avery is the
Ji-roiuv, whose pustoffico address
rolls allowed. Rope or reins shall hats, chaps and spurs; winning horse <>ld sou of Elder and Mrs. Elder H. D
from Los Angeles, and the third, a with assault without a deadly wea- 'pastor,
'of first day's event to lay off second (llarlun. who died Monday while com­
Dairy, Oregon, did. ou the 19tli
New Y’orker, called up on the tele­ pon; complaint made by Cora Wyland.;
day and compete In finals lu third ing out from under the Influence of ■ lay of March, 1914, tile lu this office
rider's hand. Free hand in air so'
d"v' Deposit ot $20 required H>*t , .anesthetics, will be burled ti »morrow »worn statement and application No
Also arrested upon charge of robbery, , Mrs. E. S. Phillips and friend, Mrs that the judges can see It. Pulling
“I shall not marry again," said the complaint made by Mildred Vose Rush, are visiting at the home ranch. leather or being thrown disqualifies. h‘,r”' *‘‘‘
•« 2 »’clock p. m i. Th«* funernl *«*r- |O73<6. io purchase the W Mi NW\4.
liv the Minis ¡Section 26, Township 38 south.
madam«* today. "1 am getting too Also arrested upon charge of mali-1
| Everything rider does from time he excused by management. Deposit will v((.<M1 w(n tl<) ’(.„ndu.
old. 1 I am not even going
------ --- to sing
*o.cloug and wanton destruction of a
The Country Needle Club will meet starts until pistol will Be checked for be returned if this condition Is com- I(.r(a| Association, ami th.* singing I ilutigc io cast, WlllameHo Meridian.
plied with. Second prise will not be wll| be by all the singers of the < it) uid the timber thereon, under the
much anw more, as 1 have enough ' fence complaint made by Cora Wy-fwith Mrs. Henry Morrison Thursday or against him.
paid unless three horses compete and
money to care for my children.
An bound over to the grand afternoon. June 11.
The singers of all churches ar<* in I • provision» of Hie act of Juue 3, 1878,
Steer bulldogglng coutest—Purse
third prise will not be paid unless vlted to meet this evening nt the »ml a< ts uiiimdutory, known as the
“I am entirely happy, now that 1 jury.
$150; first prile $90, second prise i
can devote my life to my children and
Christian church to arrung«« a pro* | Timber uml Htotio,” us such
May 29—W. F. Wyland and Clar-1 The Christian Endeavor held its $40. third prixe $20. Condltlone— four horses compete.
Quarter-mlle Indian Race (Indian [gram for th« song servi«’«« Rev. liar- value as mikbt be fixed by appraise-
my music.”
eu«’e Hunt arrested, chargeil with ob- ¡annual business meeting for the elec- ¡Steer to be given fifty f«*et start of
Commenting on the outcome of the sirii< ting highway complaint made by tion of officers Sunday evening at mounted contestant. Contestant
<------------- to , • riders only) — Purse $90; first, each Ian has received many telegram» to ' mem, and Hist, pursuant to such ap­
case to friends. Wm. Rapp, the ex- S. A. Brown. Also arrested on charge ■ the close of the regular meeting. The- catch and throw steer with
second, each day,
from friends at his ol«l horn« In plication. the lan<i uml timber there-
sun bare
uare hands
iiauu» J»»'.
--»• $20; ---------------------
»• $10. 2'un-!day
—« ........
husband. remarked:
of advocating and threatening the odore Case was elected president, and hold with teeth, Best total time ditions--Only horses actually owned Missouri, extending sympathy and i,i|i have been appralscl at a total of
i $24<>„ the timber estimated at 100,-
Indians to cornitele. Riders to be {condolence
”1 had about as much chance 1° |.OIU11118Sjon of a felony, complaint ‘ Wray Murphy vice president. Faye for three days wins Steers drawn
! Weet secretary and Mabel Morrison and furnished by manag««ment. Each ' Indiana.
prevent the divorce as a celluloid cat made by 8. A. Brown.
Indians. Indian costumes to be worn.
The boy was undergoing n minor 000 board teet at $1 per thousand,
chasing an asbestos rat through
■contestant allowed one helper to hase Winning horse of first day not to I operatiqn at the time hta death »< cut [and the land al $40; that said appli
June 4—The charge of obstruct­ treasurer.
steer down track. Time to be taken compete until final day. Second prise ird According to his parents about ; cant will offer final proof lu support
ing a highway against Wyland a*d
A large representation from this from drop of flag until contestant's **>> “°t '•»« P*1»1 unleas three horses . levcn hours had elapsed between the >f Ills application aud sworn state-
Hunt dismissed by Justice of the
district attended the Water Users As- hands are in air. Contestant must ¡compete. Horses to compete each day time lie last at«« an«l when he went on i ment on the 22d day of Juue. 1914.
Peace Gowen after a hearing.
(before J. O. Hamaker, U H commit*
compete all three days unless excused unless excused by management. Prisee the operating tabic
June S—Civil suit brought against 'sociation meeting Friday.
i »loner, at Itonnnxa. Oregon.
| by management for reason
will not be paid unless thia condition
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Brown. C. C., S. A.
Circuses will hereafter have to pay an(J Fred G Rrown by jjrs. Wyland
Any persou la at liberty to protest
Mrs. Will Morrison and daughter.
Bull Riding contest—-Each rider to >• complied with.
'this purchase before eutry, or Initiate
a license fee of $100 a day, instead trough Stone & Gale, asking an in- Mabel, and Mis, Myrtle Morrison are receive $5 per mount. Time taken
I addition U> competitive event»
Till I.RAND JI RY’ .t contest st an) time before patent
of $25, if an ordinance which fas in­ junction to restrain Browns from go- at home for the summer,
from time bull Is turned loose. Ix>ng- exhibitions
__ will
■" * be given each day
■*“ of
troduced Monday night is passed.
issues, by filing a corroborated affi­
est time on bull during any of the trick riding, roping, bull riding, fancy
ing on her homestead.
The city has been operating under
E. G. Rourke, u protuiucut mer­ davit In this office, alleging fads
June 9—S. A. Brown, C. O. Brown
The .. Mt.
I^aki school closed Friday three days. «First prixe. bridle con- rope work, Roman riding and riding
chant aud clerk of the school district which would defeat Hie eutry.
an ordinance, regulating licenses. and Fred
Brown arrested, charged with
.th appropriate
-ppreprlite exercises. Material tributed by Farmers’ Implement and bucking horses by lady riders.
which was passed in 1889, when wjth wi|fui destruction of fence
for the new school house is being Supply House.
‘ In addition
- to the cash prises ar- of Crescent, was tried before Justh-«
Klamath Falls was the town of Link-
4-30-6-22 s
Relay Race (3-day event)—Purse ranged by the committee there will bo | of the Peace F M Cleaves at Cr«s
vllle, and some time ago the old coun- 4 |Ty HALL YYORK
$300; first prize 200, second prixe many valuable trophies offered In ¡cent on Monday on a < harg.- of ml»-
cil instructed the city attorney to
HELD UP A WEEK MORE SIDEWALKS------------------------ ,$100. Conditions—Two miles each nearly every event by the business use of the school funds of the district
draft an amendment to the ordinance,
| He was bound over to appear before Ill the Circuit Court of the Stutu of
ARE ORDERED IN day. Each rider to have four horses. I houses of Klamath Falls.
raising the license of circuses from
Following are the general condl-|ti>e grand jury.
Work on the new city hall will not I
Riders to saddle, unsaddle, mount and
Oregon for Klamath county.
$25 a day to $100, and also wording begin until next week, as it was con-
Mr. Itourke and his attorney. Ver­ Joseph II Seeds, plaintiff.
The council Monday night passed a dismount unassisted. Change horses liaons governing all contestants and
it so as to cover dog and pony «hows sidered best to wait until after Satur-■ r«*solution directing that sidewalks be,each half mile. Full range rig. sad- events:
non A. Forbes, accompanied by Mrs.
operating in tents and enclosures.
Management assumes no respousi-' Forbes, came lu from Crescent on A lieu Heeds, defendant.
day night, when the ardinance author- constructed on the west side of Eighth dies to weigh not less than twenty-
This ordinance was introduced izing a contract between the city and'street from Main to Pine, and from, five pounds. Riders to wear range billty for accident» to stock or con- Tuesday to take the matter up with To Allee Heeds, the above named de-
the prosecuting attorney Mr. Cleaves, dendant:
Monday night, and passed to its
cofer d
Brothers _<
will ii «.»
be formally adop- Htgli to o Canal.
«*! i ±L
(costume with chapa and spurs. Bame teslants while on the ground.
and James Mavis, - who
No contestant under the Influence [<'has, Thomas
ond reading, but will probably be
«fhe ordinance was introduced
The city _ attorney
was instructed to _____
horses to be used each day. barring
In the name ot the State ot Oregon:
of liquor
will be allowed to compete' l.undled the prosecution lu the Ju» You are hereby required Io appear
amended, at it is believed that the __
___ _ night,
_.w_ ,___
______ ____________________________
__ ____
and ______
passed _ to its __
sec- ____
draw up ___________
a resolution directing
the'accidents. Each rider to ____
have ______
two as- —
{tlce court are also here, having come and answer the complaint filed
wording of the portton covering dog ond reading. and the council then construction of a sidewalk on the sistants, one to catch finishing horse in any event.
and pony shows is too broad, This took a recess until Saturday night, at north side of Wantland avenue, from and one to hold starting horse. All
The judge,' decision lu all matters : Jow n by auto Tuesday afternoon
sgnlnst you In the above entitled suit,
The charge, against Mr. Rourke do on or before the 6th day of July,
portion of the amendment now reads which time it will be placed on its! Sixth street to Division street, at changes to be made on outside of of contest or protest must be final,
as follows: “Every building, tent, final passage and adopted.
No rowdyism or cruelty will be tol-1 not »< em to be Very speclUc, but as 1914, that being the last day of time
Mills Addition hall. A considerable track. Leading contestant in stretch
space or arena, where feats of horse­
I f*r •» «•““ be learned the trouble within which the drfeudant Is allowed
A tentative contract between the portion of this is along property own- to have right of track. Any kind of orated.
manship or acrobatic feats or sports city and contractors was read to tbe <d by the Southern Pacific company. ¡cinch allowed, Best total time for
lu all cash prizes money will be < < u»s to be iu the nature of a local to answer berelu as fixed by the order
are exhibited, shall be regarded as a council and was favorably received. |
three days wins, Deposit of $25 will paid to the rider unless other arrange-1 quarrel.
of tho court for publication ot sum­
circus under this ordinance.”
I here has always been n consider­ mons herein; and If you fall so to
This contract provides for a penalty \1 ITER USERS
be required to insure teams compet- meats are made with the manage-
Councilman Matthew, stated tbat of $25 a day for failure of the con-'
able surplus ili the Crescent school appear aud answer, the plaintiff will
BOARD MEETS ing all three days unless excused by jnent.
he was afraid that this might be con- tractors to complete the building by ;
the management. Deposit will be re-
All contestants must sign eutry JI,tricl fund, aud apparently it has apply to tho court for tho relief
strued to cover local entertainments January 1, 1915.
The following officers have been turned if conditions are complied blank for evc-ita in which they desire been the custom of the school clerks prayed for In the complaint filed here­
. ..
and ball games, and he would ask to
to compete and agree to be governed in the pa,t to loau this fuud out nt in. to-wlt: for a decree of said circuit
A number of changes in the orlg-¡chosen by the new board of directors with.
have it worded different before final inal plans and specifications have I of the Klamath Water Users Associa-1 Steer Roping Contest—Purse $100; by and abide by the conditions gov- iulorest. It Is claimed that this cus­ court of the Htate of Oregon, for the
'been suggested by the city, and these tlon:
first prize $75, second prize $25. Con-'erning the show and different events, tom lias been followed by the present county of Klamath, forever dissolv­
jchanges, with the additions or reduc-' President—Abel Ady.
ditions—Contestants to rope one steer
Cont«.*etants must wear their num- clerk.
ing the bonds of matrimony existing
Mr. Rourke s term of office will ex­ between the plaintiff and defendant,
• tions in cost, will be drawn up as sup- ' Vice President—John Irwin.
each day for three days. Best time bers In full view on their back at all
TITLE AT STAKE iplemental articles and attached to the
pire soon, aud he claims that he la ■ nd for such other relief as to the
Secretary—Albert E. Elder.
during contest wins money. Steer to times while on the ground«,
Treasurer—J. W. Siemens
be given start, rider to start at gun,
Cuniesiauia must
uiuat remain
reiuain at the ' r< ady and willing to turn over all Hie <■< ui i rhall appear just and equitable
LOS ANGELES, June 9,—After an
rope, throw and tie steer unassisted, place« provided by the management: fuuds of the office to Ilia succeaoor
California Agent—J. J. Beard.
This summons I, published In the
absence from the ring of over a year, MACDOELfTE GOES
Ady, Irwin and Elder are all re- Time to be taken when arm« are and be ready for their event. Event« u hen he goes out of office. The grand Heml-Weekly lieraid, u semi-weekly
Bantamweight Champion Johnny Cou-
BY POISON ROUTE elected, as they have all done efficient thrown in air. Time limit, three min- will be called as arranged by the man- jury will meet within the next few newspaper published at Klamath
lon will defend his title tonight
work for the irrigation!,t, for several utes. Entrance fee of $5.
agement. Contestants not ready will dnys, and If the case Is not disposed call,. Oregon, by order of the Honor-
ot sooner h will be considered at that aide Henry L. Benson, Judge of said
against Kid Williams, who has prac­
MACDOEL, Calif., June 9.—The years past,
Wild Horse race—Purse $150; first t«e denied Hie right to compete.
tically every other man of his weight second suicide within ten days oc­
Monday morning Ady left for each day. $25; second, each day, |15; ; Contestants will be ruled out by the time.
Circuit Court, dated the 21st day of
of note put back into the discard.
curred five miles from here at 9:30 Washington, where he goes to work third, each day, $10. Conditions-- starter or judges for refusal to obey
May. 1914, directing that such sum­
Ladies' Night at Elka.
Coulon, fresh from three weeks in Sunday morning, when Milton A. for the passage of the extension bill Unbroken range horses will be fur- rules and orders.
mons be so published once a week
Thursday evening will be Ladies for six successive weeks. Date of
■ e < al jrnia mountains, claims to,[,ong took a dose of strychnine
{which gives the water users twenty nished by the management and riders
All contestants must at all times
have reat bed his old time condition.
Mrs. Long and the two children had years in which to pay off the reclama- to draw for mounts. Each rider to while on the grounds wear full range Night at the Elks Lodge, and the en- first publication, May 26, 1914.
Williams trained at the sea shore, started to church, but only went about ¡tion costs,
saddle and ride once around the track, costumes consisting of cbaps and tertainment committee has arranged
a “shirt waist" dance, with excellent
left hand to pole. Each rider allowed [spurs.
and hi too, seems to be in perfect half a mile when Mrs. Long decided .
Atorney for plaintiff.
one assistant to hold horse In sad-
No one will be permitted in the music and refreshments. All those
shape, The McCarey diamond belt to return to her husband, who had PKOYY'N'H RELEASED
5-26-6-29 sw
will go to the winner.
been acting queerly during the morn-
ON’ IRWIN MOTION' dling. Each rider to return his mount arena or on the track excepting thoe |attending are expected to dr«*«» for
Notice to Credltore
to paddock after race. Each rider participating In event taking place at'comfort In shirt waists.
ing. As she neared the house her ,
husband ran out and fell into her' Upon oral motion of District At- to wear range costume with chaps and > the time.
In lite County Court of the Stale of
Limited to twenty riders, j Prize moneys will be paid each eve- |< )iib M<*mlH*rs l*lcnl<-.
THE GRAND JI RY arms, murmuring "send for the doc-[torn«y John Irwin, Justice of the spurs.
Oregon. In and for Klamath
Members of the Klamath Literary
| Peace Gowen Wednesday dismissed Riders not In money paid $2 to ning excepting in three-day events,
Charged with assaulting J. H An-
j Doctor was summoned, but death ¡the charge of tearing down a fence, mount.
, All deposits required will be held Club left Wednesday for the vicin­ State of Oregon.
gove with a dangerous weapon, John came before his arrival.
Tug of War—Purse $15 each day.; b.v the management until after the ity of Handy Beach, on the McCornack County of Klamath, as:
¡on which C. O. Brown, Sherman
ranch on Upper Lake, where they will
Bonham, an employe of the Long
The deceased was a native of Iowa, Brown and Fred Brown were arrest- i Conditions—Four cowboys to team. show.
Notice Is hereby given that the un­
Lake Lumber Co. was Monday night coming west several years ago Hejed at Crystal Creek Tuesday.
Each team to start facing center. Not
Feed for stock will be furnished by hold their annual picnic. This picnic dersigned, having been duly appoint­
Is the finale of a highly succei -ful ed liy order of tho rounty court of
bound over to await the action of the owned a good farm, was out of debt,
The Information upon which the ! to start pulling until starting gun.1 the management on the grounds.
season's work, during which ninny Klamath county, Oregon, administra­
grand jury. The hearing was held in an(j seemed prosperous and healthy. warrant was issued was signed by [Teams to pull two minutes. Center:
* - -
live topics and literary sirbj< cts were trix of the ostnto of Prentiss H. Puck­
Justice Gowen’s court, the hour be- Xo reason for the rash act is known, Mrs. Cora Wyland before Attorney mark denotes winner. Teams having [ TRI-COUNTY MEET
ing one that did not interfere with, Undertaker Earl Whitlock of Klam- |H. 8. Gale, instead of the district at­ center mark on their side of line at
HERE JUNE 2.1 taken up and given Intelligent study. ett, deceased, having qualified as such
the operation of the mill, where thejgtb Falls came over Sunday evening torney. In a civil suit against the finish wins. Same horses and riders
administratrix, all persons having
assault occurred.
and took charge of the remains.
¡Browns, filed recently, Mrs. Wyland to be In each team all three days un-! At Tuesday night's Chamber of Buck Eroin Aslilnnd.
Inltns against said deceased of what­
Several witnesses were put on the
Tutt Weeden arrived in Klamath soever num«« or nature, la hereby di­
alleges that the Browns have told oth­ less excused for cause by manage-[ Commerce meeting the directors set
stand for the state. They testified 11 TO ROAD SIGN’S
All contestants
to wear
range June
ers that they "have the district at­ ment. Z."
__ _____ L 1-
— ____
*__ ”* 23 _ as the - date for the meeting Fulls Tuesday from n two months' rected and required to present said
that Bonham attacked Angove with a
WILL MARK ROUTE torney, and will continue to file crim-1 costumes with chaps and spurs.
[of tri-county boosters here. At that sojourn In Ashland. lie expects to claim, duly verified, ns by law requlr-
canthook at the mill, knocking him
inal suits until she leaves the land: Chariot Race (teams of 4 horses) }time there will be perfected an organ- remain In this city th<- r< I of the < d. within six months from the date of
—Purse $100; first $75, second $25. [isatlon to work for the advertising [summer,
from the carriage. No testimony was
The road from Klamatb Falls to now in dispute.”
H e first publication of this notice to
Introduced by the defense.
Crater Lake will be fully marked with
L Race to be half mile of the scenic attractions of Southern
each chariot.
said administratrix for allowance and
road signs this year. These road signs Steven««»n Here Soon.
each day. ’ Teams to compete three Oregon, and elaborate plana will be |Y lulling at Fore,
Mrs. P. E. Hannon and her sons,
Miss Sadie Maxwell of Bonanza left .are to be put up in a short time by i George Stevenson, who this year b days. Winner of first day to take out- made for the entertainment of the
Hald clnlrn to be filed with E. L.
■ Francis and It. K , left on Tuesday Elliott, attorney for snld estate, at
on Tuesday for Portland, where shr- the Goodrich Rubber company, a well graduates from the engineering de­ side of tradk next day.
will l>e one of the party of young wo- known automobile tire concern,
partment o the University of Oregon,! Half-mile Dash (free for all)—
At this meeting W. A. Delzell was for a visit at Fort Klamath. R. K. 212 Willits building, Klamath Falls,
men I'hll 8. Bates of the Pacific North
The matter was taken up with the Is expected Friday evening from Eu-! Purse $150; first, each day, $25; sec- elected a director In place of C. R. De ¡Hannon will go from the Fort to Cra­ ,Oregon, that being the place for the
west will take to Washington, D. C. <on<ern laRt year by tha Dunham gen«, to take employment on the E. P., ond, each day, $15; third, each day, Lap. Other matters were taken up at ter Lake, where he will be employed transaction of tho business of said es-
The party will stop at all the principal Auto company, the local agent.
tete. First pulilleni Ion of this notice
1 McCornack project to reclaim sev­ $10. Same conditions as quarter- tho meeting for the upbuilding of this for the summer season.
places of interest, going and return­
dated tho 1st day of June, 1914.
eral thousand acres of marsh land mile dash; deposit of $20 to comply region,
ing by different routes. Miss Maxwell Back to Wolf Creek.
Here for Humilier.
along Upper Klamath Lake. Steven-[ with conditions required.
has a supply of advertising matter,
Miss Alma Jones has returned from
After spending a few week, with 'son is well known here, as he attend-! Potato Race—Purse $15 each day. I Henry Hoivin and daughter, Miss
and will boost Klamath Falls on her relatives here, Mrs. A. W. Piel bas ed the local schools before entering Four cowboys to team. Same condi­ P*arl Loivin, have gone to Portland a sojourn in California. She will E. L. ELLIOTT, Attorney.
6-1 6-29 HW.
spend the summer here.
I the university.
gone to Wolf Creek.
tions ss other events as to rig and to attend the Rose Festival.
Semi-Weekly Herald