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SIT ■ ■ ♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • IKADING PAPER OF ♦ * SOUTHERN OHI GON * H *♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « olimi : nix . ■ ■ I I REACHFSKVERYONH ♦ COUNTY « ♦ IN KLAMATH COUN' ************ NUMBER IA KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 11,1914 MASS MEETING AI Art Acord Is on the Job Today KING AND QUEEN Vera Cruz Victims’ Remains Home OCCUPATION OF Famous All-Round Cowboy Here lo Manage Rodeo ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ President Pays Honor to the Nation’s Heroes DIHECT RESCUES I "TO HE OR NOT TO BE" WILL III DECIDED Mvrtllift oí ill lnlm*tr«l \\ III • M- llrhl T1 hmii Í¿ m I| oii Will lie Drllidtely s«-tllergmltutlon Thl* Is H" <|uc*ilon whirl, will morrow night al a tn< member* and friend* of lion The presence of all Interested la urged In thia way It will lie po»«l- l«L for the officers to «I «Il o 11 e| y «-all­ ini I«. the strength of the «lipport that can be accorded the booster body, and iietrrniln«- whether tills will tie silffl- < «it to justify th«< malntsininx ot headquarter*, with a paid secretary to r irry on the work. WELLER-TELFORO By JOHN E. NEVIN «be would appear only at the navy Correspondent United Freest yard. NEW YORK. May 11.- The battle- DESTROYED ; ship .Montana arrived today, with the remains of the American marines Potut Supply >>u Stri« ken lakiini I* and sailors who lost their lives In Nearer—Relief I* Being Rushed the occupation of I-All Part» of Europi—-— Kluft Vera Cruz. Presi­ Emmanuel Subscribe* a Sum Lk|ual dent Wilson was present as the rep­ to «20. issi From Hl* Private For- resentative of a Inur Io Ahl. mourning nation. Over a million people participat­ United Press Service ed In the ceremo­ ROME. May 11. At leant fourteen ny. The entire villuges are totally d«stro)«d, and line ot march was the« >nds killed und injured, as a re­ between sidewalks su t of the earthquake shocks Friday packed with a rev­ nl: lit und Saturday on th« Inland of et ent throug BL ily. The presence of Xing l.niuii nuel teday subscribed a President Wilson mi n equivalent to |2O.O00 from bin ¿JE.Ne.VUL in the procession pi rate fund* fof the relief cf the vic-, was a surprise. It was expected that tin* lie and the queen may go per- soiiHlty Io Sicily ami direct the relief) work There is u scarcity of food in the <11 trlet Relief In the sha|>e of food, «1« thing and money are being rushed from nil parts or Europe. MILLER IS OFF OTHER PUPILS GET EXEMPTION sl\IH, NEVENTti IND A naval tug brought th* caskets to the pier from ths Montana, and four Jackies stood at attention at each side of each casket as it was placed In line on the pier. Fifty mounted police led the pro­ cession, followed by naval officers, flags of battlesblps, marines, sailors, massed bauds from the Montana and Wyoming, and after the reasons. Pres­ ident Wilson's auto and other officials in machines and carriages. The procession stopped at the city hall, where Mayor Mitchell, much moved, made a brief address. He laid a giant wreath of orchids and bay leaves on the caisson bearing the remains of the one New York man dead. The official services were held at the Brooklyn navy yard. President Wilson and Secretary Daniels of the navy department were the principal speakers. CAUSE OF KICK .MEDIATURN BRING THIS I P EOK HUERTA Bryan Tells the Mediators Thai This Is JusHHed by International Rules. Admiral Badger Moves Into the OU < ountry, and as a Reault, the Situa­ tion Again Gets a Little More Taut in Ihr Metican Matter. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C„ May li­ On behalf of Huerta, the mediators today formally called Bryar-'s atten- tion to the reported occupancy of Lobes island, on the Panneo River, near Tuxpam, by some of Admiral Badger's force«. Bryan said he has not answered it yet, because be was unable to obtain information as to the full extent of the occupancy, if such exists. Late this afternoon officials stated that the occupation ot the Island was justified by the rules of International procedure. and Bryan will answer to this effect the mediators transmitting Huerta's protest. The lighthouse on the island, which is one of the navigation marks be­ tween Tuxpam and Tampico, was selz- AND SHEEP SH1P. «“»T Badger after a report that the Mexicans planned to destroy it. LOTS OF STOCK GOES TO MARKET LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONCERN BEEF, HOG WILL MAKE MOTION PICTURES MEN'TS TO PORTLAND UNION OF SISKIYOU COUNTY FOR THE STOCKYARDS ARE HEAVY AT FAIR PRESENT __________________ EIGHTH Equipped with anuera and film (Herald Special Service) enough to corral several towns, C. R. PORTLAND. May 11.—There were W I I I ING YEAR WHICH CUTS OFF Miller, of the Miller Photo company, heavy receipts of cattle at the yards (left Sunday for Siskiyou county. Cal., last week, about 55 cars on the mar- ' ART « colili ME TESTS to make motion picture« of the scenic ket Monday. There were few good Accompanied by Mrs Acord and by Increased »eating «apaclty by build-) THE HOME OF THE BRIDE'S attractions aud Incustrial enterprises cows aud heifers In the lot. and the PACIFIC'S BIGGEST ISLAND WILL Karl Simpson, who will assist him. Ing oxtrn bleachers. PARENTS Th«- Sixth grade of the Central of that county. These have been or­ - -ame found ready sale at st«fly j BUILD A LARGE STRUCTURE Acord became a favorite with Art Acord arrived last night from school was not the only class to gain dered by the supervisors, and will be price*. Klamath Roden fana by bis excellent AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EX- Bakersfield, Calif , to take charge of work at lb<- 1912 Rodeo. That year exemptions from certain subjects In used for advertising the county at the Prime grain fed steers brought« A wedding that comes as a sur- Pauama-Paclfic International exposi- POSITION eighth grade examinations for admls-; 0 ti 27.75. |8 to 18.25; hay fed I in Ise to tbelr mauy frleuds was sol­ the arruugementa for the Elks' Rodeo II. won th«- bucking < liarupionshlp by slon to the high school. A complete 'tlou. Strong demand was noted tor heavy emnised Saturday night, when Rev. J July 3. 1 and i. Today, with the di­ riding Cyclone, and he also won the list of all the scholars who made ex­ Miller will visit all parts of the bulls. Prices being fully as high S Stubblefield united Ray Telford und re« tors of the Rodeo Amusemeut As- bulldngglng. besides giving some emptions in oue or more studies fol­ : county. He expects to be gone at United Press Service the preceding week Mlns Mary Weller In the bonds of »«elation. he is looking at thr grouud* cl. ver exhibitions of Roman and trick ! lows; 'least a month. SAN FRANCISCO, May 11.—C. J. in 1 A liberal supplly of hogs came matrimony. The ceremony was per­ mid maklug other preliminary ar­ riding lie ha* starred at many other | Sixth Grade Allen McCarter, Ber­ Cakshott, official architect for the at during the week. One load sold rangements. big allow*, unit just before coming: formed al the home of the bride's tha Nltschelm. Sally Owens. Pearl Good Novelty Act. <8 60 Thursday eveuing, but the mar­ British colonies, is in S*n Francisco Already Acord is enthusiastic over here this trip he won first in the bull­ Lundy, Alvin Bonham, Bertha Owens. parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1 F. Waller, In The novel musical act staged al the ket closed Friday around IS..10 to to begin arrangements for the con­ the presence of only the relatives, the the prospects for the success of the dogging mid second in the broncho Charles Donelson. Elisabeth Lusk, Star theater by DeFay and Moore ¡|g 55 for extreme top on best light struction ot the Australian building riding at Bakersfield, besides getting bride's sister, Mrs. J. H. Humphreys show, on the grounds of the Panama-Pacific ¡Theodore Markwardt, Cletus Lock- pleased a large audience Sunday night selected swine, of San Diego being the only guest "All the cowboys are Interested In li on the money In trick and Roman Iwood, Anna Hackland, Bernard Hack- at their initial appearance. Miss show­ International exposition. Grass sheep are beginning to from out of town the coming Rodeo here, and they all riding Moore sings a song of her own com­ "Because Australia," said Oaksholt, grass Earl Simpson, who accompanies liand Mlya Sannomiya, Jack Elliott, position about “Frisco Town." which up in good numbers. The best Both of the young people have long have been given to understand that 15.50; : "has ambitious plans tor participation Edith Sing. Esthen Haines. Richard wethers command |5.25 to resided lu Klamath Falla, slid have they all will get a fair deal If the A ord. I* also an accomplished horse­ Riggs, Myler Calkins. John Wallen, made a great bit with the entire ewes >4.25 to 84.50; spring lambs i it is possible that an application will a wide circle of friends. The bride prises offered this year are of any n in. und he has carried off lots of Charles Yadeu. Hattie Hall. Nettie bouse. Her imitations were especial­ IT to 17.15. be made for a larger building site was for some lime connected with site. I look for riders, ropers and bull­ n >ney and trophies as a bronk rider. Matt, Arthur Robertson, Kenneth ly good. The musical disk spinning than that which has been alloted to th« Baldwin Hardware company, and doggers galore on the entry lists In >Ho Is good in Roman and trick riding Thomas. Wilson Smith, Kdlth Wood­ came in for its share .of deserved ap­ Celled by Illness. us. It la possible that a little delay ai d Konop, Stuart Frakes, Wilford Henry and short arm Jabs are jingled in Ex-Senator Abnsr Weed motored off with snap and ginger. Among months before the scheduled opening down today from hl* tinmans« stock these la the reducing of the area of i this evening from San Francisco, to Mragaret Upp. Miriam Martin. such a manner as to produce splendid . Dr. and Mrs. Roy Jones, well J of the exposition. ranch In the southern end of the the bucking arena, and the arrange-1 visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs John Seventh Grade — Meta Chastain. harmony. They will appear three known residents of Yreka, were Sun­ Miss Houston Is well Feme Hoagland, Ruth Miller, Flor­ more nights, aud their act alone day night visitors in Klamath Falls, Wood River Valley lie will leave nu ut of enclosures for mounts for' V. Houston Wireless connects the six state cap­ Tuesday morning for a week's trip to coming events, for contestants when known In Klamath Falla, where she ence Dowling, Dorothy Miller, Inez should fill the house at each perform­ attending to business matters. They itals of Australia and will shortly gir­ California dle the continent. i.ot in action, etc. lie also favors was raised. She was connected with Bell. Beatrice McAndrews, Charles ance. left this morning. the management of the Temple thea­ Swift, Warreu Bennett. Dorothy Mar­ ter until two years ago. when she be­ tin, Kenneth Wallen. Veva Martin, Going Full Blast. gan the training for a nurse's profes­ Ruth lllttinger. The last of the new machinery for slon ar Fabiola hospital Eight Grade Violet Hulse, Ernest the Superior laundry has been in- Nltschelm, Bessie Ogle, Glen Parker. stalled aud the concern is now run­ New Anto Servici' Lloyd Thomas. Pearl Leavitt, Mabelle ning in full swing. Mr. Bettinger ex­ ♦ • An arrangement has just been Leavitt, Ina Graham, Floyd Sparks. perienced much trouble in the begin­ ¡completed whereby the rent service of John McAndrews. George Riggs. Earl | ning on the account of non-arriva! ¡the Central garage has been put In Humphrey. Edwin Caln. Maude Tur­ ot machinery, but now that everything ¡charge of Jltnmy Thompson and Ray- ner, Clarence Wight, Betty Colvin, I is in place he is making up for lost J ¡mond (Hoppe). Bridges. Lee A Hen- Ella Hoesen. Frank Turpin. Henry time. Among many new appliances ry, proprietors of the Central garage, Hajicek, Audrey Roberts, Bernice I the Superior has placed a patent wa- ( ¡will devote their time to the selling 1 Wallen? ¡ter softener, which is said to prolong end of the automobile business, leav- Tom Delsell and Edwin Driscoll the life of garments. The laundry Is I Right of "free speech" and "free|,n< «•><•_rent car business to Thomp- earned exemptions In Eighth grade, ¡using city water. Instead of mineral United Press Service "Just what has the grade school | leave school as soon as they finish WASHINGTON. D (', May 11. - | press" was the principle for which the son & Bridges, who, liesldes the reg­ but on account of their youth the ex­ spring water. pupil learned ot value, through the grammar school, and who are none ular Central garage ears, will use emptions were not allowed institution of the courses in domestic too well equipped for life's struggle The supreiiK- court today set aside I labor loaders have fought all these 'years. They were once before con- their own machines Rack From East. science and manual trainiug?” Is a in any but a laborer's or domestic th« conviction ot Samuel Qoinpere, Finish«-« School. John Stroyan, who has extensive query that these departments will en- role. jVlctud for contempt. Go in per* being president of the American Federation :sentenced to one year In Jail, Mitchell Dunce Illg Success. jj p. Alexander has returned to property interests here, has returned i deavor to answer tomorrow after- The course met with Instant favor of Mbor, Former Vice President John to nine months and Morrison to six from the pupils, and In addition to The dance In the DeChain dining .Klamath Falls from Malin country, from the East, where he spent the1 noon. Mitchell and Secretary John Morrison months Imprisonment. This answer will be in the form of the work for the grades, there has In 1911 their room nt Pelican Bny City Saturday j He has Just closed a successful tertn winter months. of the same organization, on charges' convictions wero set uside by th«« night proved a very enjoyable occa- of school in the Shasta View district. an Industrial exposition, and the work-also been Instituted a class In manual ot contempt of court in connection | United States supremo court. "¡on. The music, furnished by De W. C. T. U. to Meet. tof both departments will be on dis- training for the youths of the city with the Buck Stove and Range In­ The Women's Christian Temper­ play at the Central school. A general who are willing to give a few of tbelr The decision today resulted from Chain's orchestra of five pieces, was Only a Fishing Trip. junction suit. The court held that | new contempt charges Instituted on '«ry good, and each number received "WhaUs the make-up for?” was ance Union will hold a meeting Tues­ invitation has been Issued the public, evening hours to the betterment of the statue of limitations barred pros­ the day following the dismissal of the hearty encores. Several auto loads asked Thad McHatton this afternoon, day afternoon at 2:30 at the Baptist and especially to the parents of chll- tbelr future by the learning of the use ecution. original prosecutions. Contempt tor went up from Klamath Falls to partl- when lie appeared on the street en­ (church. All those Interested are dten iu the grammar grades. of tools. The supreme ' nul l's decision today alleged violation of an Injunction jlpate In the festivities cased In a long linen duster and sport­ urged to bo present at this meeting. i Manual training for boys and do- Miss Clara Elmer is In echarge of In th<- celebrated contempt charge was against boycotting by orgiiuizud labor ing a little “G-T-H" hat. "No make­ 'mestic science for girls were Intro-¡the domestic science work, and D. C. (he second It bus given In the litiga­ I of the products« of the Buck Stov«- To up at all," said Thad. "This is my | George W. Oftield, justice of the duced In the Seventh and Eighth .Morris of the manual training depart- Francisco. tion begun seven years ago between and «. ------------------- Hev William McMillan. 9 J., left fishing outfit. Alex Shlve, Gus Mel-{peace and an extensive cattle buyer grades this year, largely as an experl- ment. Both were so successful this Range company .. was the gist of . the labor leaders and the Buck Stove, this morning for San Francisco to at­ ¡hase and I are going to Spencer Creek , in the vicinity ot Merrill, Is paying inent, to test their usefulness, cepe-¡year that they were retained for the (Continued on page 4) and Rango company of St. Louis. tend to business matters. to fish.” Klamath Falls a business visit today. 'daily for those boys and girls who ¡coming year. • t i COMMENCE PALACE Labor Generals Win Conviction of Gompers and Others Set Aside Today ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ To Display School Work