The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, April 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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¡papcni lu th«* rain and fog. and th«*' heggars, because really BEAUTIFUL Notte«* lo thè St<a'hh«>l<lere ot tli<* this pu re ha»« before entry, or lull late
Ix lo malli Water I «••rw* l«MHlatli>n: a contea! at any llliie before patent
"NOT GUILTY, BY GRAVY" breeae* that keeps dear old 'Frisco' PEOPLE couldn't possibly IIve and
■ -* — *
healthy - at least not to my way of be happy lu anything but a CITY
You are horeby notltled that pur- Issues, by tiling u corroborate* affi­
The (ollowiug x*pistle, teeming with
Beautiful people Is people BEAUTIFUL.
suulit tu a raeolution ot the board of davit In thia ottico, alleging fact»
1 went over to Mrs. Joneses one day thinkln
A Continuation of the
Yours for Hit* teal CITY beai ti director« of the Klamath Water which »mihi defeat the vulry,
itisidt* dope" on local conditions. Is last week to borrow a ssttlu ot eggs, that has beautiful bodies sud b«*autl-
Klamath Republican
tiie platform ot Dan Corcoran, candl- ! and when I come back. Si was aoUu f“’ ">•»«>• a“‘l beautiful souls as well;
Userà* 1 Association duly made ami
2 »
l< tier. Until he entered the campaign their goshdanged ouery hides!" he bodl«*« unless folks has enough good
held In the yaaoclalluu office, room»
Kntered at the posto thee at Klamath Corcoran was in charge of the bot­ kept shoutin. so loud I knowed any- plain grub Io ent and aa much shelter
Num muna
I 7 sud Is Maddox White building.
Falls. Ore . as second class matter. tling works for the Klamath Develop­ body passiu couldn't help to hear him I»» dumb animals has to have; and aa
Klutuutii Falls.
Fall«. Oregon. Saturday. III Hio Justice Court, l.tukvllle Dis­
ment company, and prior to that was
March 28 1914. the cull
cali for the au |
It was soma time before I could get ,or •oul!*
trict, Klamath county, Oregon
Published by the Harald Publishing connected with their White Pelican him kamnied down
linai meeting of thè stockholdera «if
Come to find
Just then the conductor hollers
11. Hershberger, Plulgtlti.
Company, of Klamath Falla, on I liar.
out, it was ons of them there piecss ' rwenty-s-e-v-en-th! and the old Seyeral Tentante that ••ment I'laua ilio Klnmnth Water l'aera' Assoda-
Monday and Thuraday of eack week To th«* Citizens and voters of Klam­ ot Polly Perkinses that bad gut him Isdy climbs off tn a hurry; but sin*
J White, Defendant
Have Been Huggc«fc«|, Arnona Tliem iloti wus Iliade, and that salii atiuual
ath Falls
riled up so.
I took one last shot at me. "I see very
i J White, the above uawed de
The Furnishing of City Water to | meeting »«Il ho held In the Houston
Two dollar« per fear in advance
There am t no use talkin. Nancy!' |pl*tnly that your sense of the esthetic
In view of the fact that 1 have de-,
the Ihmerw of Water Righi» I n«ler Opera limisi', Klamath Falla. Klam
dared myself a candidate tor the he holléis.
In tile name of the Stale of Or
You got to take up your >in’t h«d ■» cultivation." And I didn't
the Ankeny Ititeli, But Nothing ath • ouuiy, stat«* of Oiegou. Friday.
mayoralty »f this city, it 1« only fair I pen again in Klamath Falls! Folks have no chance to say auythlug back
ili«* .'>th day **f Jun«*. A D 1*14, at *-goii; You are hereby required to ap
Hetinlte Ila« H«<x*n Doue.
BE ABOUT 3.000 and just that 1 should let the people I Is accusing YOU of wriUn them gosh- [because the csr started up just then
thè hour of 2 o'clock p. in <>f salt) pear and uuswer the cotiiplalut Iliad
i against you In the above entitled ai­
know what policies I Intend to pur-*'daUg(*d pieces! Your wrltin may be [ Up north of Market one* day we was
Friday morning water will be turn­
With the registration books due to sue. if elected.
I like a tew grains of wheat in a bushel hurryin to catch a ear when I seen a ed into the Ankeny ditch, th«* water­
That the purpus«* for which said tion on or before the 7th day of May,
close af ■*> o'clock Thursday afternoon,
I have always taken a deep inter- Of vhaff. Nancy," he shouts, but gosh queer-lookin littlx* creechure hobblln way through thx> city which for years anuual meollo* ls called is for the I 1914, that being the last day oí the
remain «dosed until after the prt-
cst in municipal affairs, as I have jang it, the*re ain't NO wheat iu aloug the sidewalk. His legs was cut
l'IcCtlOU of a boa id of Uve director» publication of Ihl» summons, and If
marles. reglstratkm at the court house s,u,|ied these conditions since I grad- folly»(Now 1 don't want to hurt {off at the hips and he had leather has been a menace to tin* health of fior the «•nsulng yvar and tur th<* you full »ti to appear and answer, for
is becoming more brisk. The books uated from college. I was appointed Polly's feelins. I was young once my- pads on the stumps of his legs, like Klamath Falls, and for the abatement traii«adl<iii of sudi other hualnrsa a» »uni thereof the plaintiff will lake
are being kept open from 7 to 9 each chief deputy assessor ot the city of se|f—a long time ago—and by the {shoe eoles; and he was sellln pencils of which there have been sugg<*ste«l a inni r«*gilI|irIv ■ litui* before sald ni«*« t- - judgment against you fur the sum of
evening, to accommodate those who St Louis at the age of 22. and I was time Polly gets aa old as me, I reckon to keep hie soul and what was left ot myriad of plau«. Woikmen tire <n |lng.
. 42U.UU ami creta und dlabuiaeiueuie
gaged In cleaning out the ditch.
other wist could not register.
m i ni« ai tion, »ml that any properly
in a iiosition to know what the finan- s|u, may get to be as notorious as his body together, I ain't one of the
Thor«* have been several schemes
Today the registration totals 1.773. cial condition of acit y should be as j
, I
shriekin kind but I felt like I could advanced during the past year for the ••••* annual inoetlng the following .1I<U1I1<<I In this aition be applied to
It is expected that this will be 3.000 1 regards the assessment of revenue. , «»
here in the Basin knows, holies* wh«*n I looked at hl!m He dosing of the ditch, but so far none ,iiuivtidmviil» to the by-laws of the iho pu*mont of such JuJgiueiit sud
or more by Thursday.
Afterwards I held the position ot
I ain't got no book-learnin. 1 never .stood and waited for someone to help of them have accomplished anything Klamath Water Peers' Association I that execution herein
By precincts the registration fol- superintendent of streets for eight i
liila summons is set «»«I by publics
no chance to get no achoolin. But hint on th«» car but no on«* made a in th«* meantime the Irrigation season I will I k * siit>mltt< «l for your acceptance
In Hi» Semi-Weekly Herald, a
years, and am thoroughly acquainted when ( Ve <ot something to say. I'a move,
Is with us again, and the reclamation or rejection, l«i-wit-
Fourth Ward ........... ..................... 287 with the construction of streets. aon t stand back for no one. If 1 ain't j
s«*ml weekly newspaper published In
service Is obliged to furnish Irrigation
That section utt«* ( I » ot urtl< le tour
East Klamath Falls . ..................... 213 sewers and sidewalks.
Ino college graduate. I write nachra) land
grabbed the poor feller and hfat- to those holding water right« under <it the said by-laws as amended b«' Kiiluiatli Fulls, Oregon, for six sue-
Third Ward................ ..................... 392
evasive weeks, the first publication
I will endeavor to explain as lucid- jU8t uge j talk- just the way I've «•<1 him aboard the car. Made* SI puff,
this ditch.
amended to r«*ad us follows
Second Ward............. ..................... 249 ly as possible what the people of bwn ll8eU t0 talkin all my life; apd I
¡being on the 36th day of March. 1914.
too. He ain't as young as be was
Necllon 1. Revenues neceaaary pursuant to the order of the Hon E.
"We are still negotiating (or the
West Klamath Falls . ..................... 198 Klamath Falls need in the upbuild- don't have to go and consult no novels
when we come over from Rogue River dosing of the ditch, and don't intend for the accomplishment of the pur-
Shippington................ .................... 42 ing ot their city. Good streets, good of western life In order to get a line
W Bowen, justice of th«« peace ot
forty-odd year ago. but I'm trank to to let up «>n the tight until It Is con­ 'INMM ot this association shall b<
Mills Addition........... ..................... 137 sewers, good water, free from pollu-<on the "vernacular."
«aid court
clusively shown that It Is liopeleap." ra1««'d by an u»«vsBtii<*nt thereof from
Malin.......................... .................... 79 tion, for the protection of the health { you know what the Bible says
Datoil March 35. 1914
num as I did right then, sluce he rod«* said Project Manager J. <1. Camp of ■ time to time as required upon and
Pine Grove................. .................... 64 of the children and inhabitants ot
prophets never beln taken very the worst outlaw in the Basin without
th«* reclamation service today ' Pend­ against the share holder»
No a»-
Wood River................ .................... 64 [this city. 1 believe in the immediate „erjOU!i|y amongst their moat Intl-
Justice of the Peace
ipullln leather.
ing that time, though, we must fur­ »«*•<• tiient shall bx* declared by the c C. Brower. Attorney for Plaintiff
Lost River.................. ..................... 125 construction of sidewalks to enable mnte friends—or words to that effect:
board ot directors to be delinquent t 98-S-7 aw
Tule Lake.................. .................... 212 I the people lo get free delivery of ntuj that was kind of the way In my I Si bought every pencil the poor fel­ nish water to those entitled to It."
The latest solution offered for the { within lees than thirty days utter the
Dairy.......................... .................... 72 mail; but this should all be done rBge. The folks here In the Basin ler had. He handed him a gold piece
Odell............................ .................... 44 ¡with economy and be compatible with ' didn't seem to set as much store by and seys he, "Just keep the change, dosing of the ditch Is the dosing of 1 time for levying the usaeasmetit
Notire of Netliritirul
That section two (21 of article
Poe Valley.................. .................... 43 ¡the financial conditions of the city.
my wrmns as strangers done, so I've sonny!" like gold pieces growed on the canal and the furnishing of city
(Equity No. 414)
Klamath I-ake........... .................... 18 : I have had a conference with Poat-i^pn doin some writin for some pa- the sagebrush here in the Basin' But water to those using water from the ' four ( 4 ) ot «aid by law« l><* amended
Court of the State of
to read as follows
Plevna........................ .................... 49 master Delzell on the subject of free pers that has a little bigger circula-
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Sx'Ctlon 2. No subscription of
Wordden.................... .................... 33 delivery, and he is heartily in accord t|on than them here. (J don't mean him none. And he blowed his nose say that the cost would I m * very slight,
Midland...................... .................... 56 with my ideas and promises to do his the Merrill Record, niether. by that.) ' and sneezed till everyone in the car as the city water mains are already I stock shall be accepted unless ac­
companled by the full payment et lu i ho Matter of th« Assignment of
Hildebrand ................ .................... 51 utmost to accomplish this it the side- A|8O me and Si took a little trip ' was Itxikln at him. That night he on the property affected.
W. II Wynant.
i says to me, "Nancy," says he, "If we
¡in amount In motley equal to all as­
Sprague River........... .................... 87 walks are built.
idown to The Bay and while I Intend- I don't start for Klamath pretty soon,
previously levied by this To the Creditors of W. II Wynant
Langell Valley........... .................... 53
The wet and dry question fa up to 1 e<j (o write a few lines to th* papers
association on lands subscribed there­
and to all parties concerned In
Swan . .......................... .................... 33 the vote of the people. If the city here while we was gone. I took a we'll have to »rite for money to get
Notice Is hereby given that 1 have
do. and ille previous assessments
the above entitled matter.
Algoma ........................ .................... 17 goes wet, the law shall be enforced, »pell of rheumatix down there In home on!"
this day been appointed executor of
referred to
But I just can't keep from thinkln
herein referred
to shall
shall be
bo de­
and each of you are hereby
Mt. Laki .................... .................... 56 If the city goes dry, it shall be as dry gUnny California on account of the
the last will and testament of Clara
as the Desert of Sahara, and no blind j f0K and damp around the Bay and about that CITY BEAUTIFUL propo­ E Moore, deceased All parlies hav­ termined by taking the iigsregat«* of u oil Bed that the undersigned, the
sition If we are going to have BEAU-
all ii»s<*«atn<'nta heretofore levied by asaunoo for the beueBt of creditors
Total........................ ................. 3,273 pigs shall flourish in this city.
[ wasn't able to write
ing claims against the «aid deceased
this sMoclatlon
Aaaeaamenta paid of Cie above W. II Wynant, has Bled
Now, the most painful part of my
1 did try to get a stenographer or
are required to present them to me
statement comes in attacking some of two to do some writin for me. but ‘BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE; that le. peo- at the office of my attorneys, Messrs j on shares of »lock cancelled at th«* in­ hl» (Inal accounting In the above en-
stance of tin* »»»<>« latIon within three tlthd matter with the clerk of the
IS CAUSE OF PROTESTS my opponents, but I am in duty they seemed to think my grammar ' pie with beautiful bodies and minds
Kuykendall A Ferguson. In the
bound to retaliate, as they are con- wasn't just the kind they had been ¡and souls. And to do that, everyone Loomis building, in the city of Klam­ rears after April I, 1905. for the above named court and that by the
I reason that the land to which »aid ord<*r of llou II. L Il«nson, the bear
While the Second street boulevard Itinually attacking me before the peo- learned in the business college and I must have good grub and fresh air
ath Falls, Or«*gon. within six months
shares are appurtenant 1» non lug of objections to said dual ac­
movement has been greeted with en­ ¡pie. I have been accused by the evidently found some other faults in and enough exercise but not too much
from the Bret day of May. A. D. ISIS
Irrigabh* from th«* system owned or count la sot for 10 o'clock a. m on
thusiasm by all those believing a lake ¡"Nicholas faction" of being a protege roy way of expressin myself: also to injure them, and a chance to get an
All claims must bo accompanied by
controlled or to be owned or con- the 24th day of April. 1914, at which
shore drive will be a benefit, it cannot of the Klamath Development com- they seemed to feel kind of stuck-up education and time to THINK and
proper vouchers as provided by law.
¡trolled by the association shall be time you may make objections. It any
be said that this enthusiasm is ram­ ipany: while, on the other hand, the and above me because I didn't wear find out for thcmaelvea that they have
Dated this 30tl> day of April, 1914 refunded to the bolder nt the time of
pant among the men whose property Murray faction" claims I am the the same styles of clothes they did got aoula; and when that Is did these
you have, to the discharge of said
is adjacent to the thoroughfare.
candidate of the Water, Light and and I didn't feel free in their society BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE will mighty Executor of the laist Will and Testa­ cancellation; provided, however, that aaslgnee. At said lime the under*
the association may execute releases slgnvd will make application to said
Especially Is this true since the Power company. I will state for the so I cut out writln. Beats all how soon make an end to them ugly bill­
ment of Clara E. Moore, Deceased. upon tli.' approval ot the secretary ot court for a full and Bnal dfachargyi
viewers. Marion Hanks, D. B. Camp­ information of the people how I stand high-toned some stenographers is. boards gn«l shrieking auto Whistles
30-7-14-21-28 s
and slums and Barbary Coasts and
the Interior for all lands heretofore from said trust.
bell and C. B. Crisler made their re­ as regards those two giant octopuses anyhow,
to thia association where
port. assessing the benefits and dam­ who have invaded out fair city and
Dated March 21st, 1914.
But to go back to Si, I just had to
such land« are not d«*emed Irrigable
ages. This, the property owners say, fertile valleys, tainting and poisoning promise him to write some more
W. L. MOO HE, Assignee
from the Irrigation work« now con-
3-23 4-30 a
is not equitable.
¡with their pestiferous breath what pieces for the papers here, so folks [
«tructed by the United States ot
At last night's meeting of the coun­ their voracious appetites cannot de- would know Polly wasn't me and 1
America <>r their successors In In­ , State of Oregon,
cil, following the reading of the re­ ‘ vour. What has the Klamath Devel­ visy versy.
upon payment of nil aasess- County of Klnmnth.
port, an objection, signed by E. R. opment company done? It has even
The other day when everyone in
ments heretofore levied by this As­
Reames. C. E. Wiley. Fred H. Mills ‘tried to take away the very homes of {town was cleanin up. it put me in,
sociation against said lands and
and A. L. Leavitt, was presented to the people and leave them destitute. | , mind of the spasms they was havin
Owner of Estray.
ngalnst lands owned by the applicant
the council. This set forth several What has the Water, Light and Pow- down to The Bay when we was there,,
Vis.: One sorrel gelding, about 4
for «aid release
reasons for objection, among them er company done? It is slowly, but ¡about THE CITY BEAUTIFUL,
That section one (1) of article years old. branded J In circle on right
the following:
surely squeezing the energy, life and
Some of the women that had a real I
l ight (8) of said by-law« be amende«! shoulder and running W on left
The boulevard would cut off access blood out of the people by Rs exorbi- lofty sense of the artistic and didn't
shoulder. That said I, D. Ward did
to rend a« follows:
to the lake, destroying dock and {tant rates to accelerate the dissolu-: have no menfolks in their families de-
Section 1
All certificates or other on or «lose to the lat day of May.
wharf privileges of the property cut tion of its victims.
pendin on palntln billboards for a
evidence of the ownership of «hares 1913, take up and at all times since
through; would cut off all drainage
Now, if the voters and good people livin, was a-movln heave nand earth
of stock In this association shall have then kept In his possession the above
into the lake; would totally destroy ot Klamath Falls will only pull aside ¡tn get them billboards tore down.
the »ea| of the association affixed; described «stray; and that he han
the value of the property as a water­ ¡“The Shades of Oblivion" they will ¡Other folks was tryln to get the grimy
provided, however, that no car­ uacd all reasonable effort to ascertain
front, and that the benefits were ¡see quietly reposing behind the cur- old housefronts washed off or painted
tlficate of stock or other evidence of und And the owner of the same, and
assessed too high and the damages ! tains—in one corner the sanctimoni-1 and others was insfatln that the city
ownership of stock In this aaaocla- token all legal steps required by the
sustained would be greatly in excess ous Mr. Murray, with hfa hands tied, wouldn't never make much of an
tlon ahall be lasued until the full laws of th« state of Oregon In refer­
of the benefits, if any, that might ac­ j willing to obey the will of hfa lord {esthetic showin till the refugee shacks
amount levied by the secretary of the ence to eatrays;
and master, "The Klamath Develop- {was all tore down; and altogether,
Now, therefore, to said unknown
Interior under public notice upon and
AH of the objectors were present ment Company.” On the other side, they was raisin a regular hellabaloo.
th«* share« and land« repre­ o»n«r. and to wtiy and all persona
in person.
"Rip Van Winkle," our present chief
Some folks was talkln about it in
sented thereby, and further, until th«* who may be Interested therein, you
"The Klamath Canal company and executive, who has just awoke from a the streeetcar one day and I got so
full amount of all a«n»*«»ments pre­ are hereby notified that at the ranch
myself will put up 31,250 toward the two years' slumber to find out that riled up that I just couldn't help a-
viously levied by this association known aa the Mason ranch, about 1 H
construction of the boulevard, and 1 there were some streets to be plowed buttin in.
upon and against the shares and miles southeast of Miller Hill school
think we are being handed some­ up In Mills' addition, and that the
"Madam," 3ays I to one old lady,
lands represent»«! thereby shall have house, In aald county and alate, on the
thing." said Reames.
"The narrow city charter demands that the streets about my age, I should judge, though
4th day of May, 1914, at the hour of
Iwen paid by the owner thereof.
strip near the lake would be of no I should be kept in a sanitary condi- she looked a heap younger, never
Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon. lo o'clock a. m. of said day, when the
value, and the viewers put the bene- uon. This is the candidate of the! havin cooked for hayhands or thrash­
said estray will be exposed and offered
Ihls 23d «lay of April, 1914.
fits at »1,700 and the damages at Water, Light and Power company.
ers nor milked no cows nor done no
KLAMATH WATER USERS' ASSO­ for sale aa by law directed; and the
»200. In addition to the loss of the
I will even go further and state uashln or scrubbin—"Madam,” says
ptoceeds of said sale will tie applied
property, we will also have to pay the that those candidates whom I have I. "What IS a CITY? Is it a collection
for the payment of all damages, costa
By Albert E. Elder. Secretary.
assessments levied against the adja­ referred to have even invaded the sa­ i«>f lioune« with |>eopl(* livin in them.
4-30-6-4 aw and expenses legally Incurred; and
cent property.
cred precincts of our churches to dis­ or I m a city a collection of people livin
the excess, If any, will he retained by
If the city will move the roadway turb fervent but unobtrudlng piety. in houses? The way 1 look at It,” I
Nolic«* for Publication
E. W. Gowen, justice of the peace, or
150 feet from the lake I will gladly Churches were built to God; not for saya, "a city I« a collection of people
(Not Coal Lan<l«)
his successor In office, for the period
donate the damages,' said Mr. Wiley. the benefit of selfish politicians.
livin in houses; and if we are goln to
"The water front, with landing facili- I Let the people weigh each candi­ have a CITY BEAUTIFUL we had
States Land Offic«*. at Lakovlsw, of six months. And If said sum of
money so held shnll not be called for
ties for launches, etc., 1 believe, is a date on the scales of justice and de­ ought to start In on the people.
Oregon. April 15, 1914.
Give this Job to a man
said time, the same will bo depos­
greater benefit to the city than the cide on election day whom they want
"Madam," says I, gettln more riled
Notice Is hereby given that Pliny
who will reduce Taxes
ited as by statute In such cases made
boulevard. Under the present rout­ for mayor. Civil dlssentions should up all the time, "I have walked miles
and cut down expenses
and provided.
ing we lose all benefits from the cease among the people, and every­ and miles along your water front—
Is Dairy, Oregon, did, on the 19th
Dated April 13, 1914,
if you hail an interest in a private business
body act as a unit to make Klamath and me with the rheumatis, too—
«lay of March, 1914, file in this office
you would want it conducted on business
4-13 5-4 s
“The boulevard at present ends in Falls the center of the coming Inland vi.tchln the men at work that makes,
sworn statement and application No,
principles. You have an interest in the
a swamp. I don't believe it is the Empire of the West.
this town what it is; for what would
affairs of this State
The State of Oregon
0737«, to purchase the W>A NW%,
Executor's Notice
purpose to put it in with no outlet,”
is a business institution run for the Itenefit
As a finale, I will state that if I ¡any seaport town do without its long-
Section 28, Township 38 south. Estate of Catharine (Tallahan, De­
said Leavitt,
am elected mayor of Klamath Falls.'shoremen? And I have saw lots and
Range 10 east, Willamette Meridian,
are stockholders in its business interests.
“It fa patent to the casual observer under my administration I will en- lots of beautiful horses at work—
.and the timber thereon, under tlio
undersigned, having been ap­
that the county is in no condition at deavor to make it a city of "Golden horses that was well fed and well
provisions of the act of Juno 3, 1878, pointed executor of the last will and
this time to put in the connecting road [Rule,’’ with equal rights to all and kept—but I haven't saw many beau-1
and acts amendatory, known as the testament of Catherine Callahan, de-
in the coming primary election, Charles A, Johns, of Portland,
to the fair ground. 1 believe it policy special privileges to none.
tiful men!!
Timber and Stone Law," as such <*«*ased. Into of the county of Klamath,
will ask the vote of every person who believes the State of f )regon
for this matter to be continued. It
“Yes, ma'am!” 1 went on, so fast
value as might be fixed by appraise- state of Oregon, hereby gives notice
needs to have taxes reduced and expenses cut down. The only way
should remain in statu quo until the
¡she couldn't get In a word edgewise,
inont, and that, pursuant to such ap- that all persons having claims against
to reduce taxes and cut down expenses is to apply the same principles
county has some light ahead."
A bazaar and dinner will be given and her a-Iookln mad as hops at me
plication, the land and timber there- said estate are notified and requested
in running the State that you would apply in running your own business
Upon motion of Councilman Sav­ Monday at the White building by the over het glasses-- "you could put,
How many institutions would run along with an increase of oper­
on have been appraised at a total of,to call at the office of W. H. A. Ren-
idge, the matter was continued until Ladies, Aid Society of the Christian public parks and boolyvards all over
2241»,. the timber estimated at 200,-'ner, In the Murdock block, Klamath
ating expenses from year to year ?
Not many.
Well, let’s reduce
Monday, to give the council an oppor­ church, Already people are looking this old town and tear down all the
our taxes and cut down our expenses. Charles A. Johns, of Portland,
000 tioarif feet at »1 per thousand, Falls, Oregon, for the purpose of hav-
tunity to look into both xld«*B of the forward to this opportunity to se- billboards and paint up all the houses j
is running on that platform and stands on his platform
(Jet him on
and the land at »40; that said appll-Jng the same ndjusted. All persons
cure fancy work, etc.
and put bokays in all the windows
the job! Start thinking about this today!
cant will offer final proof In support Indebted to said estate are requested
A meeting of the members of the^nd sprinkle the streets with Florida
of hl« application and sworn state­ to make Immediate payment to the
Will you elect a man who will cut down expense» and reduce
I organization in charge will be held water—but you wouldn't have no
ment on the 22<1 day of June, 1914, undersigned.
taxes, ot a politician, as our next Governor ?
The issue is clear.
One pure bred Duroc (Jersey Red) ¡tomorrow afternoon at the church, to CITY BEAUTIFUL as long as you
before J. O. Hamaker, U. 8. commis­
One will cut down taxes—the other will give jobs to his political
Dated April 1«, 1914.
ar, s 8 monms
months oia.
old. r-rice
Price «zv.uv.
»20.00. j .complete arrangements for the affair, had hunchbacks and cripples and
sioner, at Bonanza, Oregon.
friends. Which do you want ?
Paid Advertisement.
Keller Bros., Bonanza, Ore.
sw 2t* All the members are urged to attend. little* children and old women sellin
Any person la at liberty to protest 16-28 20-7 ■
Semi-Weekly Herald