REGISTER! »*«<**»***»** • I I \IHX<< ♦ REGISTER! County Registration Books Close April 30 (thr ^rtitt-llîrrkly Heralù PAPER OF ♦ noi i m itX oui GON ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • REACHEN EVERYONE ♦ ♦ IN K1 IM tm COVNM ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, MONDAY. APRIL 20, 1914 VOLUME XIX. Ml MBEH II WILSON ASKS FOR USE OF TROOPS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ Congress Approves Plan; Chamberlain Asks $50,000,000 ! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE IS GIVEN FOREIGN RELATIONS THIS AEIERNOON ✓ I li 4MIII Iti. IIN INTRUDI < > w mi l. .INK I Ml Foil FIFTY MIEMOS Foil i Mi IKiKNt I I N In HI* Mraaagr to tong ivaa. W ll«oli Nlate« Thal Hr Heek» n<> War U llh Mexico, lint a Moxeuu at lu < oni|>el Huerta tu Arreni lu the l ulled Stair* the Keepr« t II I» Entitled to t Receive. Untied 1‘resa Nel vice WASHINGTON, l> C , April 2u The tluis for llueria to saluts the Ameiican flag pasaed last night To­ day President Wilson read n special message to tongreas. asking that he 1« given authority to use the armed forces to compel a recognition by Huerta The »enate committee ou foreign relations today adopted a resolution supporting Wilson, the text of this Wing: "A resolution Justifying the em­ ployment of ths armed force» of the later by an expression of regret ftom lluetla hlUMelf,” »ahi Wilson "The affair ••» regarded by Admiral Mayo as such u »eiIons affiunt that be was not Mtlahid witli the apology offered, tut di luaiideil that the flag of tin United State» l>e ■eluted with special irrmiotiy by th« commandei* of tin port. "This Incident cannot be regarded «» » trivial one I'nforiunntely it I» not an isolaled case. "The »erles of Inddeuta which have occurred caunot but create ar. Impres- »loii that the representative* of Huer­ ta are willing tv go out of their way lu show a disregard for Ilia dignity and right» of this government, aud ii.e> fell peiteetly safe in doing what they pleased They made free In many ways to «how their contempt for the United State« "Ho far us I can learn, such ad- vances, wrongs »nd annoyances have been suffered to occur only against the United states representatives "The manifest danger of such a sit­ uation la that such offenses might gruw from bad to worse, until some- ihing happened of *o gross and Intol­ erable a sort as to lead, directly and It U •»-»«»•bly to armed conflict ALONG THE LINE II r . n • O «11 r • ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ PORTLAND. April 20—The Houth- The line- Just taken Is over 106 _------------------- ________ ,__ i Pacific company ______ on Thursday tor- mile» long. About Ih» »am» distane» in lly I took over from the contractor»-1 »»parate» Susanville from Klamath u-_ from ,----- Fernley ti>__ i*. ... ■I . lint to ____________________ Rusanviile,' Fall». ^|)(f Nutron cutoff has been Ilf., part of the big project of ou- tlnlshed between Klamath Falls and • ilng Portland by u shorter line Kirk, with the hardest part of the i ' ni Ogden. construction work yet to be finished The line will he operated hereafter across the Caecadea to Oakridge, the i' lead of by the builder» The re­ end of the Mouth hound portion of the cent letting of another unit of this cutoff. line Inta led to Hie belief that work The line Just turned over to the ou the Natron cutoff, connecting operating department Is a Central Pa- Klamath Falls with th« Willamette i lrtc project, which Is one reason why Volley lines, will be resumed at no work has not been suspended In the distant day, though condition» In the face of litigation over the severance uncial world have caused a stop- of the Southern and L'entral In the I’itge of the work for months. I’nited State» courts. OF IX DESIGNATES RETIB- IXG CHIEF .-l>aiil«h-Am«*tl< un War Iririxn« Telegraphic <'urre->potidence Arrange« in Alili ago Meet Tonight i<> Organize I lie Time nt Holding the Big “Get- Mau Wlto itooe to the Highest Office « Aulunlcr Regimi nt—Troop» Are Together Josephine Mun liina to tmheolon mid Arr lie- Meeting” and of Klamath Jackson. in the Army Without Having At­ County tended West Point, 1» (he .Man Who lug Piai til Alataid tile Tr*u«|M>rt« Booster»—Two Spacial Car* From U ill He in t iutrgc nt l ncle Sam'« in tlie Harbor Klamath. Soldier« in the 1‘renent Situ*Hon. Goes to Texas City. Major General Leonard E. Wood, who ha« iHfti designated to comiuaud < Hired Press Service CHICAGO, April 20.—Crowds are the soldier» now hewig rushed toward »totaling the army aud navy recruli- Mexico, and Secretary of War Lindley ■ ug eager re eunst in and take H. Garrison. Both ut these official« are busily cugaged In »ending out part lu the puedlble battles. I he Spanish war veterans will meet to <>i ganixe a volunteer regiment to­ night. Lieutenant Governor O'Hara mu other officeis who served lu Cuba wilt make addresiu-». mobilization orders, arranging for Tuesday. April 28, two or more spe­ transports, commiaaary and other big cial car», filled with Klamath county United Pre*» Service details in connection with the cm- harklng of L'ncle Sam's trooper» on a boosters, will leave here for Medford WASHINGTON, D. C., April $1».— mission where force may he called to attend the get-together meeting of Secretary of War Lindley M. Garrison Into use Klamath, Jackson and Josephine today announced that General Leon­ HAS MARIil SKIN LOCAL BOY W < lilted l*i om service NEW YORK, April 20.- Ail of the recruiting offices are swarmed with applicants. A long line was formed last night. ODESSA MAX PAYS HIS FIXE AND V E K N O X LEAVES. BIT CONSTABLE A XU I tilted Preaa Service I'nileil Pre»» Service SAN DIEGO, April 20.■ Two com­ panies today left for the border. I'nlted Press Service MEXICO CITY, April 20,—Two trainload» of Americans started for Vera Crus this morning. Others have orrsnged to go, and the general exo- Hamman forces Running Susanville Extension 1'■ ♦♦♦ NIGHT RIVAL thebe : MOTSAHENHACHER. Vow AT THE UNIVERSITY OF JUDGE ARK PUZZLED OVER OREGOX. IS CONSIDERING A SAN DIEGO, April 30.—Captain THE PELT PLACE IX KLAMATH Cowen, commanding the army avia­ tion camp, today notified Washington that four high power aeroplane», August Brown of Odessa was lined In eelec:lug the faculty for Klam­ fourteen officer» and slaty-five men $25 and costs by Justice Gowen this ath county high school for the coming are ready for war. Bomb dropping practice began to­ morning for violation of the state term. Principal Faught and the game laws. Brown was arrested for day. board of directors have devoted much having tn his possession a marten, which he caught In a trap out of sea- ll,u* lo investigate the numerous ap- l uned Press Service son. He pled guilty. pllcanta for the various departments. HOUSTON. Tex., April 20.—AU Judge Gowen and Constable John While the personnel of the next term troop* at Galveston have been ordered Schallock now have a marten on their faculty has not been decided on. there aboard the transput 1». Several brig­ hands which they do not know what may be one new member on the facul­ ade» are marching toward Texas City. to do with. At present It Is occupy- ty who Is a graduate of Klamath county high school. Ing a cage at ths constable s office. United Proas Service This new one will be Vernou Mot- SAN ANTONIO. Tea.. April 20.— achenbacber, class of 1910. Just what Orders have been received at Fort department he will be in has not been now propose to pursue. Sam Houston for all troops here to decided, but whatever department he "Thia government can, 1 earnestly prepare Immeldately to entrain takes, he will also have charge of ■ hope, in no circumstances be forced athletics. Into war with the Mexican people. If nlied I’resa Service an armed conflict should come as the If be accepts, Motscheubacher will TAMPA. Fla.. April 10.—The Mla- be the first grsduate of the school to »laalppl sailed today for Tampico with (Continued on pas* 4 1 be named as a member of the faculty. 800 marines aboard. • Not only la he a graduate of the Espee Takes the Line IRON BANQIET United Slates iq enforcing certain de glea of Huerta aud his representa­ inand» against Victorians Huerta.” tive« should go much further: that Ths resolution Justifies the presi­ dent In using the forces. The house they should be such as to attract the foreign committee adopted this with­ attention of the whole population as to their significance, und such as to out change Imptevs upon Huerta himself the In addition to this. Senator Cham­ neceiMily of »Being to it that no tur- berlain of Oregon Introduced a bill ther occasion» for explanations and providing for $50,000,000 to be put professed regrets should arise al the disposal of the president for ”1 therefore, fell It my duty to "uee at bls discretion for the national kuslalu Admiral Mayo In I he whole defense." of nls demand, and to Insist that the tesplle Wilson's decrying war with flag lie saluted lu stieh a way as to In­ xlco, nearly everyone who heard dicate a new attitude on the part of hl message interpreted his remarks the Hucrtaltes. Such a salute Huerta a war. He made his address tn s refused I have come to ask your ap­ gr m manner. proval aud support In the course I The president, in his messgv to con- grras this afternoon, reviewed to a great length the arrant of the sailors from the Dolphin by the federal» nt Tampico. Their releaae was followed by apologies from the commander and GEN. WOOD WILL SEE FOR 28th; 11: u i n i IFRoPI. OE ** ___________ RECRUITINGPOSÏS ARE SWARMED BY MANYVOLÜNÍEERS ”,h" I'nlted I’ress Service VERA CRUZ. April 20,— Admiral Fletcher held a lengthy communica­ tion with General Maas following the receipt of the order front Washington for all American merchantmen to leave Mexican harbors. The Ward liner Mexico, chartered to convey the American refugees ready to leave, await* final Instructions from Mecre- tnry Daniels. I'rotesiants of the United State» «ave $16.398.000 to foreign missions In IBIS. The average length of life In Swe- den is ■llghtly more than fifty years, which la very high. PROH1 CANDIDATE FOR FRENI- Klamath county high school, he Is DENT WILL OPEN THE “DRY” also a resident of Klamath Falls CAMPAIGN IX KLAMATH CO UN- Since graduating here in 1910 be has TY ON THAT DATE been in the University of Oregon, from which institution he graduates in JuJne. The opening gun In Klamath coun­ A telegram from Eugene today ty's end of the state wide prohibition stated that Motschenbacher has not campaign will be fired Sunday, when decided as yet as to accepting, but Eugene W. Chapin, twice the prohi­ probably would accept. bition party's candidate tor president, will deliver three addresses here. This Is the first city In Oregon to be visit­ ed by this speaker. county delegates there, when ways and means for advertising Southern Oregon's scenic wonders will be dis- eti seed. The date was settled today by wira. Two dates were left to the option of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce, end April 28th was selected. The specials will leave here that morning, reaching Medford that af­ ternoon. In the evening a banquet is to be given by the visitors by the Medford Commercial Club, and the following day the business meeting will be held. The tourists will re­ turn Thursday night. “In addition to the Klamath Falls people who are going, we have assur­ ances of delegstlons from Merrill, Fort Klamath and other parts of the sounty," said Secretary Wylde of the Chamber of Commerce today. By a city ordinance in Cincinnati baby carriage» are required to carry lights. Ninety per cent of the farms of this country are said to be without •ay sheep. Woman Plans Ocean Flight Frau Meili Basse of Berlin, the only woman In the world who con­ ducts an aeroplane works, Is building a machine to contest In the trans- At Ian tic flight for the London Dally Mali's prise of $50,000. ard E. Wood, who retiree In a few days from the office of chief of staff of the army, will have entire com­ mand of the American troops to be stationed along the Mexican border. General Wood, the man whom Roosevelt dubbed “a bully good sol­ dier." and whom he advanced because of that belief tn his ability, even though he was not a West Pointer, step» down from the highest ac**»e position In the army Wednesday, chief of staff Wood'» four year term a* tne chief executive officer for the army auto­ matically expires then He Immedi­ ately becomes chief of the Depart­ ment of the East, with beadquarters at Governor's Island, New York—the choicest post in the army. W. W. Witherspoon, now assistant chief of staff, succeeds to Wood’s post. Wood's rise in the army has been spectacular. He was ftrst heard of as Colonel of the famous Rough Riders. He was a physician and army sur­ geon. a man of extraordinary per­ sonal magnetism. Roosevelt picked him as an ideal type of commander. Personally he and Wood were cronies. Wood rode horseback like a centaur; so did Roosevelt. The Rough Riders waxed famous after Santiago, and Wood also He was called into the regular army and went ahead by leap» and (Continued on r>age 4) ‘Contempt’ Cases Up Argument tor Gompers, et al, Before Supreme Court ooo ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ WASHINGTON. D C., April 20. - er Justices stood 4 to 4, and that Ju» Chapin Is one of the strongest For the third time the tight of Presl- lice burton held the deciding vote, workers In the rauks of the prohibi­ dent Samuel Gompers. former Vice necessitating the re-trlal today. When tion party, and la one of the world'» He I» President John Mitchell and S«cre- the order tor today's proceedings was leading temperance orator», now In Southern California, holding tary Frank Morrison of the American made April «th. It was stated that Federation of Labor, to escape stigma the court was In such grave doubt re­ Meetings, and record crowds are re- Having for its object the erection > and punishment for alleged contempt garding the issues, the prominence of ported. The time of his three meetings here of a parish house and church and the of court was staged today in the the defendants, and the Importan* questions of the right oP^“free will be announced later. purchase of necessary property, ate., supreme court. speech” and "freedom of the preee" the Grace Episcopal Guild has labor been leaders' ----- Re-argument of the Jeraey City will probably be the Incorporated. The articles were filed appeal wa» specially ordered today by 'Involved, that re-hearing with every flret city to have women as autobus with the county clerk Saturday. the high court before the "full Justice present was deemed Impera­ < ond udore. Tre guild officers state that the or­ bench.” Abeence of Justice Lurtou. tive. Prominent labor officials occupied ganisation has an option on property who was ill when the case was pre­ The Viennese policemen must un- on Crescent avenue, and sufficient sented January 8th, caused the re­ spectators seats today when counsel deratand rowing, telegraphy and funds to commence work. Work will opening of the litigation today. (Continued ou page 4) swimming lbs started sarly this summer It was reported that the eight oth-, BY LOCAL GUILD