REGISTER! ♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • LEADING PAPER OF ♦ • HOI I 111 BN OREGON * eeeeeeeeeeeee (tin* ^rnü-Wrrkly Itìeralh KLAMATH EALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1914 tol l ME XIX CALUMET STRIKE MRS. CALLAHAN GOTHAM GUNMEN IS CANCELLED BY DIFS THIS A. M. ELECTROCUTED THIS MORNING VOTE OF UNIONS MME mii : liti, ox the hii » i . walk nomi : timi : ago . heh HEALTH HAH H» EX IX UIM IIN TO .%<•«’! IT Ol.ll |. Pia Ht CONDITRIX TIONM, »TT. * REGISTER! City Registration Closes Wednesday; County Books Close April 30 Wealthy Morosini Heiress and Husband Kept From Her Home txt I <>X- * REACHEHEVERYONE « e IN Kl 4M Hll < < >1 nty ♦ eeeeeeeeeeeee M MHEHV KLEPPERSMOORE PRESIDENT SAYS PURCHASE S10RE BIG BUSINESS IS "DICK" SELLS HIM INTEREST IN SHIV»: GIU» EKY, AND WITH LOCAL MAX BUYS Bl SIX ESS AT XOXE t»l rill M MAKI EEHMOXN eeeeeeeeeeeee I HII.OQU1X TRYING TO KILL l-ARTY FAITH IS IX THEM." SAYS WILSON” Mrs. Catherine Cnllahuti. wife of At noon today the final signatures were affixed to documents transfer- I. m I hii Trouble In tbr Copper Country lllchard 1‘allalian. died this morning, Only Mtalenieiit 1» That •>> "Gyp I lie : ng the Interests of R. C. Klepper tn Interview With Newspaper Men, following an Illness that has been IIK mm I." tt ho Make» a , anil Couiiiu'iK <-d i low- i<> n Year Ago. the .'ihive A Klepper grocery to Oscar continued since aho tell through a Executive Declares Ttiat All the way» Witness«» Ignlu-i liloi l.ietl. Hr-orro of Live» Ilntr Been Ixwt, t reuk In a sidewalk over a year ago, .-hive. Stories Regarding a Postponement Murder ul famiihler lor Wlilili Men Mr. Klepper’s reason for selling bls «ml There IL*» Ilct-u hlletie«« mol n i «suiting In Injuries for which the city recently paid her damage» ntereet in the local store U on ac- 1 of tl*e Anti-Trust Meaaures An* Be­ IHed Tuilay, Mirrrd the Xew lock Nhotlage III the Nrcr-saBlrs of l.lte count of having formed a partnership Mrs I'ullaliiin was 63 year» of age, ing Circulated in au Attempt to Police »'oree. C uiimm I h) (lie Nu»|H-ii»ioii of Work. and a native of Pennsylvania I'ntll with W. L. Moore in the purchase ot Stop tile Progniin. «.he general store at Chiloquin former­ her daughter arrives tonight or to­ ly owned and operated by the Chilo ­ morrow evening, no funeral arrange- \ I tilted Press Service I lilted Press Her»Ice quin Mercantile company. Mr. Moore n entx will be made OMINING, N Y , April 13. With CALUMET. April 13 The Calu­ ’ »’as the Klamath county representa­ !'nited Press Service the bravado which the» have shown WASHINGTON, D.C., April 13.— tive of the Wood-Curtis company, and met mid Heer I z strike. which »Ince always »Ince their art.-si on a charge IT» ident Wilson today approved the Cnly resigned a few days ago to en ­ Inal June hue practh ally lied up Mlch-| ot murdering (¡ambler Herman llos- program adopted by the bouse to ex­ gage In business for himself. IgsB’s coppur country, ban I m > cii offi entlial on the morning of July 16. Mr. Thomson, who has been post­ pedite the anti-trust measures. 191 J. the four giitmi’ n. convicted daily cancelled master at Chiloquin, has made Mr. He endorsed the adoption in a sin­ with Police Lieutenant « liain-a Heck­ Moore deputy postmaster until his gle general bill all the measures orig­ It *aa aunouiK'ed at the headquar-. er'. who now awaits a new trial, today commission as postmaster arrives inally advocated, except the trade tarn of «the Western Federation ot went to their death In the electric commission measure. from Washington. Miner» today that the referendum' chair The men whom the death Both these young men have proven The president believes there is a vote of the strikers yesterday wan In chair claimed were Harry Horowitz, themselves possessed or good business g'-r.<-ial disposition on the part ot big favor of waiving the demand» for, < lit« I IT .Il IM.I III.XM1X LEAVER alias "Gyp the Blood"; I anils Ito», n- ability, and will no doubt make a suc­ business to force the relinquishment higher working conditions and recog-1 berg, alias "la-fly Louie"; Frank Clr- cess of their new venture. of'the administration’s anti-trust pro­ H4MIX To COXDI IT TERM IX nltlon of the union, and necking work otlcl, alia» "Dago Frank.” and Frank gram. tn the mines under practically the LAKE COI XTX—MASS CANEN Muller, alias "Whitey Lewis." In his conversation with the news­ Will Ik- Hom« Tonight. »at»« condition« an prevailed before J Not one of the gunmen confessed <>X Till IMM KIT paper men today Wilson made it plain the strike "Dick” Hannon is expected houie that he thinks this is the cause of a» they were strapped In the death tonight from The Dalles. He will numerous stories to the effect that chair. The only statement was made The official vote la reported to be spend a week or so visiting home th« administration intends to abandon Wilhiu a abort lime Circuit Judge by ItiuM-uberg. Just before the cur­ about two to one In favor of ending folks before going to Crater Ijike the regulation of trusts until the next Henry I. Beason will leave for lake­ rent was turned on be said: the trouble. Park for the summer with the gov­ "I want to say a few words for the view to conduct the May term of the "u of congress. These stories, HI nee the nirlke commenced there For many years Giulia Morosini. ernment force. sake of Justice. Those witnesses who circuit court there The Lake county he declares, were baseless, and he have been repeated skirmishes mid swore they saw me shoot are perjur­ daughter of a wealthy broker of New hssh I ou begin» May It. held it necessary for the trust bills to riot a between the strikers, nirlke ers. I swear by God that I did not York, who got most of his wealth by Fjist ou a Visit. ; pass this session it the party keeps In order lo get the docket lu shape, breaker», deputy sheriff» and militia. acting for Jay Gould, was kept seclud­ shoot Rosenthal.r' Mrs. M. F. Herring has left for her faith. Th« great eat tragedy In connection etc., Judge Henson will In all proba­ llie murder of Herman Rosenthal, ed in her home in New York city She bility go to Lakeview several days In old home in Missouri, to make an ex­ with the »trike wan th« panic at tin* the gambler, who "aquealed," prob­ was permitted to meet few men. and Rcbekixii Teain to Meet. tensive visit. Christmas tree given the striker»' advance of th« opening of court. then only under the eye of her father. ably was the moat cold blooded In its A meeting of the Rebekah Degree children, when a false cry of "nre’j There are many cases ready for conception and the most carelessly One daughter, unable to bear this life, teem has been called for this evening Business in Ashland. started a panic In w Ulch scores of trial al that time and contemptuously carried out of had run off and married, and the children were trampled to death A C. Geinger, manager of the Ash­ at 8 o'clock, in I. O. O. F. ball. any In all th« sordid and sensational father didn't forgive her. at least not land Fruit store, is in Ashland on a criminal history of Greater New York for years. Shortly after Hie aged man Another Incident wan the ananult V l-dtlng In Town. W. H. Shaw is in San Francisco, business trip. He is expected back on Mr mid Mrs Louie Roberta mid upon President Moyer of the Western Police Lieutenant Charles Becker, died. Guilia was saved by a New York giving attention to business matters. tonight's train. Federation of Miners, and his forcl- children came In from the much today leader of New York's "atron.s arm traffic policeman. He was a fine fig­ bl« deportation from lloughton for a short visit with Mr and Mrs squad." was convicted, previous to ure of a man on his horse. She fell .Janosi Cunningham the gunmen, of first degree murder, as In love with him. and later married county Instigator of the crime, and sentenced him. Now she has barred him from to death. For over a year ho sal In a the magnificent home on the Hudson cell on the "life side” of the "little River left by her father. Twenty green door" which leads to the dread guards to keep him out have been sta­ ¡chair and the beyond. Then he was tioned on the grounds. granted a new trial by the court of eee eee eee appeals on technical grounds. He is now In the Tombs. Besides the five convictions men­ eee eee tioned. four police Inspectors, one po­ lice captain, a police sergeant and sev­ eral patrolmen were sent to the peni­ eee eee eee tentiary, following investigations of By HAL SHERIDAN graft conditions revealed at the mur­ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ (Written for the United Press) der trials. Dennis Sweeney, John J. Murtha. Aslilo from the showers last night, other amazing epithets lu-stowed in NEW YORK. April 13--They're off brella upside down, and went out to | James E. Hussey and James F. MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIRECT­ BOOKS WILL CUM»: AVENDE8DAY Easter weather was all that could be ‘ classification of hats in which he today, them there Federal Leaguers, view the clouds. ORS DENY ANY INTENTION OF NIGHT. AND THOSE NOT REGIS. ¡Thompson, all police Inspectors, were asked for here, and the bright, warm could see no material difference as to The real turning point in the for­ PROHIBITING DANCING BY TEItED CANNOT VOTE IN C4TN with their millionaires, hopes and tunes of the Federate was the signing sunlight of the morning and after­ shape, etc , he tucked away his note­ convicted of grafting, and served a ¡year at Blackwell's. Three days be ­ players lured away from the big tent | of Joe Tinker, former Cub shortstop noon brought out all Ihe new spring book with the thought that the be­ NEW CONTRACTS ELECTION I minets. For a more man to uttempl wilderment of the landlubber regard­ fore their terms were up, Murtha’s by the glitter ot gold and the smile ot 'and manager of the Cincinnati Reds lo give a recapitulation of the head ing the difference between the bark, conviction was reversed by the appel­ James A. Gilmore, organized base­ This came after the famous deal garments displayed Is out of the ques­ brig, frigate, schooner anil other nau­ late division, which upheld the con­ Considering the interest that is be­ ball's pet aversion. The Feds cracked whereby Tinker was acquired by There is much rejoicing on the part viction of the others. ing taken in city politics, and the tion, but auffice It to say that the 1914 tical means of transportation is noth­ Charles Ebbets of Brooklyn for <25.- Herman Rosenthal was murdered ol partnits and pupils, as well as on strong prospects of close tights for Im­ their season of 1914, really their first 000. He quibbled over the salary models ar« not confined to any par­ ing to the position of a man attempt­ the part of teachers, following the an ­ ticular specifications they run the ing to get some line on the type of nt 2 a. tn. on the morning of July 16. portant city offices, the registration as a league that looks like a real one, Tinker was to receive, however. Asa entire gamut front the little ballet, headgear popularly ascribed to be 1912. He had been furnishing Dis­ nouncement by members of the school ¡for the municipal election is compar­ at Baltimore today. result of his decision to refuse Joe a which seemed a cross between a coal worn by mariners, although so far trict Attorney Whitman with evidence board that th© board has never con­ atively light. At noon the city regis- Buffalo and Baltimore staged the few hundred dollars more a season miners' torch-crowned cap and the the straws have not made their ap­ of police grafting which connected sidered introducing a clause in the ! nation was 1,265, divided as follows: ¡opening encounter, and the rest of the the Feds grabbed him, a«d made a steel headwear worn by fighting gen­ pearance on any of Uncle Sam's 1 Becker with gamblers. He had been new toncher’s contracts by which the Third Ward .... .......... 139 league will open up in sections— baseball war which has cost the Amer­ several times warned to "hold his ’ tlemen of the middle ages, to the one IJackles while they are In uniform. Second Ward ... .......... 391 ican and National leagues more than instructors pledge themselves not to tongue." While dining nt the Metro ­ Brooklyn will open up at Pittsburg to­ half a million dollars in players who which la of a size milking Its wearing Third Ward . . .......... 430 However, never let It be said that luol row; Thursday the last bit of the Jumped after Tinker, and advances in only possible to especially strong wo­ Easter with Klamath Falls residents pole. Just off Broadway on West For­ attend dances. Fourth Ward .... ......... 210 lid will be pried off and Chicago will salaries to hold others In the organ­ men, and trimmed with nearly every­ , is merely a day for the formal adop­ ty-second street, he was called to the A few days ago the rumor that Fifth Ward......... ......... 95 The city books will close Wednes­ moet George Stovall’s aggregation in ized ranks. thing In imitation of Nature’s flowers tion of spring fashions. The attend pavement by a man never Identified. dancing would he placed under the except a neat approach to any conceiv­ anco at the various churches, whore As lie stepped to the curb he was shot bull by the school board bwome prev­ day night. Those who are not regis­ Kansas City, while Indianapolis is en­ Many former big league stars are through the brain The murderers alent. At this, many of the teachers tered by that time will not be eligible gaged at St. Louis. able color and species. in the Federal ranks-, hut the most the Resurrection win praised in tri­ The Federate are breaking in on prominent men who performed In the It was found that the women them­ umphant anthem, sermon anil recita­ calmly walked to a waiting automo­ balked, and they made up their minds ¡to cast a vote in the election May 4th. bile, and rode off toward Fifth ave­ to seek positions elsewhere, much to In order to give all an opportunity their career after one of the stormiest big circuit last year and then Jumped selves could not. agree upon the vari­ tion. proves that the true significance the chagrin of their pupils and the to register, the books will be kept winters in the history of baseball. are Brennan, Doolan, Seaton. Knabe, ous millinery exhibits. One reporter of the day, and Its wonderful lesson nue. A policeman recorded a fictitious patrons of the school. open at th© city hall between the After rounding up a choice collection Walsh and Finneran of the Phillies: started to list the lints, and he found jwas deep In the lionrta of alt. Even number of the car. A bystander who that where the word "sailor" goes a at the evening services, the churches While Klamath Falls teachers can­ hours of 7 and 9 each evening by Po­ of hand picked millionaires. President Wilson, Crandall and Hartley of the long ways with the men, and covers ¡were crowded to capacity, despite the had witnessed the shooting, took the not by any means be termed as "dauc lice Judge Leavitt. This should af­ Gilmore started after major League Giants; Moore, Brldwell and Miller of anything constructed of straw that Is downpours of rain. The fact that the license number, and was arrested nuid," some of them enjoy attending ford an opportunity to register for ! players with money. Dollars dropped the Cubs; Raridan and Quinn of the as Bill Shakespeare, noted sport Braves: Evans and Suggs of the Car­ built on square-rigged lines, there are majority of the women set aside their when he gave It to the police of the a lew parties. They felt that an un­ those who cannot call during the day. writer of other days, has said—like dinals; Brown. Packard, Herbert and necessary restraint was to be placed 5,1131 separate and distinct varieties Easter bonnets for their winter hats, l'orty-aeventh street police station. 1 gentle rain from heaven. Only, this Esmond of the Reds; Ford and Zeid er Only the fact that District Attorney on them by atich an order, but they, lu From Merrill. and still appeared nt the churches In of the feminine sailor hat. W. W. Whitlatch, a well known shower grew until It became a down­ of the Yankees; Hendrix and McKech- There may be still more, but after great numbers, disproves the thrnll- Whitman got out of bed to assume like all others concerned, are pleased -S'»««*»***»*— to learn that the 1 eport was entirely resident of the Merrill country, Is pour, and every baseball player who nie of the Pirates; Falkenberg sad ho had heard the "tango,” "Peter doni to fashion theory which Is so was not under contract hoisted an um­ Krapp of the Cleveland Naps. her« to attend to business matters (Continued on page 4) without foundation. Pan,' "Nlnlsho," "plcot," and many prevalent Just at thia time. LAKEVIEW TERM BEGINS MAY 11 Fine Hat Weather Ideal Day Easter, and All the Churches Were Full Federal League Off TEACHERS CAN CUT REGISTER Third Major Opens Today With Game at Baltimore DANCE AT Will OPEN EVENINGS