The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19??, March 30, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, MARCH *>, 1WI4
ludlun Commissioner Cato Sell*
CHICAGO, March 27. A u«w
¡court, designed to All a gap between III’EHTA I N NINTH THAT VICTORY ha* come out tlatfooted against whis­
key being circulated among the In­
A* «ally as 152H the Idea of biHld- existing Institutions, la to be Judge
dians. He has written a letter to ev­
ing u canal between Fanamn aud Thoma* F Hi ully's attempt at u so­
L'uluu w*a diHcuMtid. In 152U a line lution of the boy problem, lie will Bombai dwrvnl of tlic City, Which Ila* ery employe of the Indian service,
Continue«! Inahiated Nines Numlay, asking them to use their every effort
(or thl* wm traced between l'*u«uia cull II the "Boys’ Court,” and *x-
Lulls Momentarily to Avoid Danger to suppres* this (raffle, which, he says,
uud I'ortabellu.
Later surveyor* peel* to have It In operation within
of killing Nome of Hie ltcl»el* now is the biggest curse to the red man.
were «ent from England uud Amerlcu la few weeks when the municipal
l ped with tomato jelly, assorted meat her many friend*. A dellclou* lunch.
in ilio C ity—-Tliouuinds Are Killed
in part the letter follows:
judge* give official «auction.
to aurvey It.
sandwiches, stuffed boiled egg* snug­ eon was served during the course of
uud Corpses l.iue tile Htrcetii.
1 believe that the greatest present
Tlm line umaaurrd about IDS mile*. the boy*' court will be brought the
gled In lettuce leave*, marble. ang*l, the afternoon, and the guest* w*ra
menace to the American Indian Is
It* cost wa* eatlmated to bo about I "youngsters’’ between the ages of 17
nut and layer cake* and coffee, water Mr*. J. Y. Johnson, Mr*. L. G. Van
MKXIC'O CITY, March 27. Not­ whiskey. It does more to destroy bl*
The word "young­
<VU,ut)U,000 und t|ie work could be und 21 years.
wafer* and orange sherbet. During Bellen, Mias Ruth Saucarman, Ml**
completed In «bout nine year*. ster*' wa* used by Judge Hcully, who withstanding that all report* contra­ constitution and invite the ravages of
the luncheon Mrs. Orb Campbell, wbo Lois J. Myers, Miss Maude Rippey.
dict the fact, Huerta la still claiming ui*eai»e than anythlug else. It does
Twenty-live lock* would have to be said today:
was assisting Mrs. Noel, entered the
♦ ♦♦
"A boy under 21 years of age can't a victory ut Torreon. The battle at more to demoralize him a* a man and
dining room with a sheet of paper to
About forty-five women attended
A Flench engineer, M. de l,e»*ep*. vote, nnd Isn't recognized a* u man Tarnplco aturted uguln at midnight. frequently as a woman. It doe* more
get the names of the guests
The the "thimble tea” given by th* Wo­
stalled to woik early In 1HK0; the I 1 when It comes to exercizing judgment It is estimated that In the past few to make him an easy prey to the un­
The Silver Tea given by the Ladies' ladle* imagined she had a petition men's Library Club Friday afternoon.
«ork continued for about *lz year* < n cii.'idtdutes for alderman. But let daya thouaanda have been killed on scrupulous than everything else com­ Aid Society of the Presbyterian nominating herself for mayor, and Mrs. Gale and Miss Carpenter ad­
tbe hoiT)e of Mri. c. c. began questioning her stand on the dressed the gathering.
when ufl«r a los* of life, money aud ¡him commit some petty crime and see bofb aides, exclusive of the casualties bined. If 1 say nothing more to you rhurch
tonight that leave* an impression, let ■ Hogue, Thursday afternoon, wa* a wet and dry proposition, her attitude
»■iikincei lug *kill ho found himself what happens
llecauae lie I* too old al the battle of Torreon.
It be this one thought: Let us save 1 great success in every way. It was, ou the tariff, good roads, street im­ HICKORY, IN CLt'B FORM.
owing <370.000,000, About twenty- ¡for the juvenile court, l>* Is dusstfled
two year* later, In 1903, the United lea a man. and I* arraigned In the
GOMEZ l'ALACIO, March 2«.— the American Indian from the curse 1 perhaps, the largest church tea ever provement* and religion. Present
Htalos purchased the right* of the munlclpul court with older offenders Rtrret lighting was the order here all of whiskey. *
given In the city, nearly a hundred were Mr*. R. A. Emmitt, Mr*. R. R.
Fieuili for <40,000,000.
We have a force of man engaged in ¡ ladle* being present. The musical Brewbaker, Mr*. J. B. Chamber*. Mr*. I CHICAGO, March 27.—Mis* Lucy
'and rei elves the same treatment. dutlng last night. Velasco has now
The work began on Muy 4, 1904, What I propose tn do Is ostnbllsh u some hope uiuong his friends that he the *upple*«iuu of the liquor traffic, program rendered wa* ezceptlonally C. H. Daggett Mr*. D W.Dineen, Miss Page Gaston, Joan of Arc In th* bat­
uuder the control of Colonel G. W, ¡court
flint will meet n boy after he may still be able to cut til* way that 1* their special business. But It good. Selections were given by Mrs. McConathy, Mrs. C. B Cozad, Mrs. tle against cigarettes, must first con­
Gorthnl* of the United Ktate* army j .passes out of short trousers and just through the rebel line* and escape. is my business, and it Is your busl- L. L. Truaz, Mr*. Bert Thoma*. Mr. Anna Leach, Mrs. J. J. Parker, Mr*. vince mothers that her "mouth-swab­
and the work went on rapidly.
Villa stopped the bombardment of ne**, to do everything we can without Arthur Hay, Miss Vera Houston and Sella Irwin, Mr*. Nate Otterbein, Mra. bing” treating will cure their young
berofe he really becomes n mon.'1
The next gieut difficulty wu* thc
Ten per cent of th« offender* ur
I»** night at midnight, fear- ourselves offensively Into'rhe i Ml«» Greta McMillan. Dainty refresh­ R. M. Boiler, Mrs. Wm. Whitlock. hopefuls before juvenile court will or­
unhealthy climate. To carry on the r«lgned In municipal court ar« boy*. liig timi thè i elici* cnlering thè city work of others or assuming a duty ment* were served by Committee No. Mrs Chester Avery, Mr*. Glen John­ der all young cigarette users to have
i woik men nnd supplies had to be, Judge Hcully estimated todny, nud '.«•re «ndaugered. The llglitlng frorn that is not pioperly ours, to create an 2, composed of Mr*. R. Vance Hutch­ son, Mr*. Fred Melhase. Ml*a Con­ their mouths washed with a nitrate
¡more than 10,000 lads who would (rem thè bousctop* continue*.
sent 2.000 mile*.
atmosphere, and suggest conditions in*. Mr*. C. S. Sllsby, Mr*. W. N. stance Schallock, Mr*. W. P. McMil­ of silver solution.
Th* average number of m<-n em- come within the jurisdiction of his
It la « »tlinatrd limi thè rebela bave that will, be helpful in thia respect, Townsend, Mr*. W. P. McMillan, Mrs. lan. Mrs. G. K. Van Riper, Mr*. Fred
Judge Pinckney, to whom Miss Oaa-
ployed wu* 40,000, nearly half the new court nre tried In municipal court 1 l 3IÌ0 dead, and that the federal • nd above all, to be a personal object- J. S. Stubblefield. Mrs. Austin Hay­ C. Murphy. Mr*. A. R. Campbell, Mrs. ton appealed for a court order order­
number of our standing army, and »very year.
lesson Inviting the Indian to banish den, Mr*. J. L. Ringo. The guests Frejl Noel, Miss Verda Cozad and Mis* ing juvenile delinquent* to be thus
loss 1* over KOO.
the total cost approximately wu*
Nina Noel. During the luncheon Mis* baptised, said today that If he had a
"Just a little touch of kindness is
The bombardment of Torreon has liquor, rather than to be guilty of were Mesdames H. J. Winters, R. B. ¡Cozad
and Miss Noel rendered many
j what moat of these boys need," aulii been I tn «•■»ant since Inst Sunday, and anything that may cause him to look Dorr. E. R. Willi«, W. C. Hall, R. M.
boy who smoked cigarette* he would
instrumental and vocal num- experiment with the solution, but did
The greuti-at ctiemle* to overcome I fJudge Hcully. "Why, some of them was stopped merely because the rebel
were malaria nnd yellow fever nnd jar«» only sfek- sometimes sick In troops had gu.ned entrince Into part* doing that which lead* him to the de­ C. A. Jacobs, M. 8. West, C. A. ! t»er«. The next meeting of this club not want to force it on the youngsters
the trencheroun illdltig «oil. Under body and sometime* only sickened by of the city. The federal* have bad stination caused by the use of whis­ Patchtn, A. M. Worden. Orb Camp­ will be held at the home of Mr*. Nate without their mother*’ aprpoval.
the direction* of Cololfel.W. C. Gor­ ithelt environment. The other day n no time to care for their dead, and key. Iheie Is nothing that could in­ bell, R. C. Spink, Leslie Rogers, L. O Otterbein, on Klamath avenue, on
”1 put it up to one mother," said
ge*. nl*o of the United State* army, 'municipal court judge sent a 17-yenr- the streets ate literally lined with duce me, since I have taken the oath Mill*. Walter Fabrig, W. S. Williams April 10th.
the court, "and she said she preferred
♦ ♦♦
of office a* commissioner of Indian af­ Glen Beals, Harry Thrasher, Hattie
the cnnnl tone, one of thc world's .old hoy to the county jail for some corpse* of men and horae*.
the hickory switch solution.”
fair*, to touch a single drop of mo Roberts, L. Gerber, C. C. Heidrick, 8.
The Leisure Hour Club was enter-
worst plague spot*, wa* transformed. offense.
sort of intoxicating liquor, and this Obenchain, Loy Hllyard, F. J. Wil­ tained by Mr*. Earl Whitlock Wed­ MRS TAYLOR HAS
Mosquito breeding pools were tilled, j "My brother-in-law I* a physician HOMENTEADEH'N
regardless of my attitude on the pro- liams. Harry Richardson, E. W. Gow­ nesday afternoon. Card honor* went
paving mid sewage system* were piM over there, and he told me that the
en, J. S. Stubblefield, Fred Melhase, to Mr*. Campbell. A dainty luncheon
, tiibltlon question.
In nnd scteciied. nnd eating and | '»oy wss tick-—all lie needed wa san
As a matter of good faith to our C. C. Hogue, C. P. Stewart, W. p was served by the hostess, and there
sleeping place* provided. Today It 'olcratlon nnd he would, be straight
Mr*. Clara Taylor, the po*tmi*tre*a
Fire Friday afternoon destroyed treaty relationships, to our legi*l»-i McMillan, L. L. Truax, C. S. Silsby,
1« one of the healthiest places In iigaln."
were present Mrs. Tibbetts of Port- at Bly, ha* accepted the appointment
the home of Fred Belden. Who has a tlve enactments, to the congress George Chamberlin, Lewi* Wylde, I. ’■
land, and the following members of by Governor West as his special agent
I J udg<> Hmlly ha* a reputation for homestead near Whitelake.
The which appropriates <100,000 a year R. Struble, A. Sidney Mack, John
the club:
Mrs. Charles Robertson, tn Klamath county.
A trip through the canal la one •nlcney toward boy* brought before aouse was completely destroyed with
-------- .. She la reticent
for the suppression of the liquor traf­ McKea, Bert C. Thomas, J. B. Cham­ Mrs. Charles Meldrum, Mrs. Fred Mel- about her plans of procedure, but say*
you wouldn't forget. e*|»oclally If you hint. ”1 have a little boy of ray own." il.o furniture.
fic among the Indians, we should do bers. C. B. Browne, J. A. Houston, A. hase, Mrs. O. W. Robertson, Mr*. Earl she will work to put a stop to the
made tlm trip at night. The air 1s i he said today.
"Maybe that'« the
The fire broke out while Belden everything reasonably within our' B. Lind, G. A. Krause, 'J. S. Elliott,
Whitlock, Mrs. Bert E. Witbrow, Mrs. shipment of liquor Into dry territory.
much pleasanter and th* beautiful Iicanon."
«us it work In tin- field*. As there power to justify this appropriation J. A. Mclx-an, C. A. Morgan. F. C.
Fred Schallock. Mrs. William Masten.
"Will I accept Governor West’s ap­
electric light*, which ar* on both
Is little» water available, and the home and insure the best results obtainable. Murphy, Geo. A. Elwell, H. E. Win-
Mrs. Henry Newnham. Mr*. Orb pointment as his special agent In
aide* of the cnnnl for fifty mile*, en­
Htcad is In an isolated district. It was This accomplished, we have' laid a uard, W. E. Faught, E. C. Lyons, E.
I AILM n NOT waited
Campbell, Mrs. E. B. Hall, Mrs. C. C. Klamath county? Why, of course I
hance Ila beauty.
IO RAINING OF ALI ILI A completely destroyed.
substantial foundation for all of our IV. Hawley, 8. P. Lowery, Geo. R. ¡Hogue, Mrs. Thomas Hampton. Mr*. j will, if it is possible for me
to do so
If you made the pannage from the
work in solving the Indian problem.; Hum, F. M Garich. L. H. Bath, J. Maxwell Long and Mis* Jennie Harris. and retain my position as pos truis­
Atlantic side, after a nail of eleven
WASHINGTON, D C„ March 27.—
and made a long step forward looking B. Marna, J. J. Parker, Wm. Whit­
♦ ♦♦
tress,” said Mrs. Taylor.
mile* you enter Into a serie* of three farmer* have been led through
A few day* ago O. L. Fitzpatrick, toward their equipment for the re-, lock, R. E. Wattenburg. Jas McCline.
Thursday evening Mrs. C. C. Hogue
“I wrote to the governor some time
The two leave« of the great excitement produced by alfalfa tralhs the tonsorlal artist, treated himself ■ponslbilltle* of citizenship.
O. K. Van Riper, A. L. Tibbetts, Earl entertained the Pythian Club at pro­
! igo regarding this matter, and I ask­
gate which arc opened to lot you an- nd other promotion method* to plant to a new Ford car. Now he is on the
It is my great desire that every em- ¡Whitlock, Wm. Hurn,
J. Stein- gressive 500. After card* an elegant
ed him what could be done uuder the
ter are closed and lock you In Then ¡alfalfa when they never ahould have road by daylight every morning prac­ ploye in the Indian service shall real- met*, R. A. Emmitt. Minnie Sargent,
luncheon was served to the follow­ circumstance*. I did not know wheth-
you will pass through two more locks attempted It, accord I nit to special- ticing up for the race around the lake. |(a
tremendous importance of the "’- 8. Worden, 8. B. Evans, R. W. ing: Mr. and Mr*. H. Momyer, Mr.
, er or not I should take It up with the
until, step by step, you are raised J|*t* of the department
These ape-
liquor suppression work, and ezert Browne, M. H. Long, E. A. Hawkins, and Mrs. R. R. Brewbaker, Mr. and
to a height of elghty-flve feet. Then ¡calisi*
that there lina been an un- FOR HALE--General purpose horses, hi* best effort* and influnce for the O. D. Matthews, R. Vance Hutchins. Mrs. W. B. Cofer, Mr. and Mr*. Glen county officials, or put is up to West.
"The question of authority to act
you Ball at full speed across (loethal's ¡necessary amount of talk about alfal-
young, and In good condition. P. protection of the Indian from this. Joseph L. Ringo, Austin Hayden. W. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whit­
in this matter puzzled me, for, in ad­
Lake for twenty-four miles to thej* and too little actual attempt to E. ilanon.
21-St a2t his worst enemy.
|H. Townsend; the Misses Restora lock, Mrs. Jennie Hurn, Mrs. Etta
dition to being agent for the stage
entrance of Culebra Cut.
.demonstrate the limitation* that cx-
------- ----------------------
¡French, Maud Carlton, Vera Houston. Boiler, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hogue and
line, I have charge of the postoffice,
The lock gate* ar* of steel, sixty- l*t with reference to growing that MONEY TO LOAN I have <2,000 to
Tliere are two kinds of insurance. Greta McMillan, Jennie Harris, Hor­ Miss Hortense Hogue.
In my letter to the governor I vol un­
loan on farm Innd security,
8. (Tiilcotc writes the kind that paya, tense Hogue, M. A. Hawkins, and
five f*et long, seven feet thick, from crop,
to take up this work providing
As a result the department, while It Slough
forty-seven to elghty-two feet high,
.Messrs. Arthur Hay, C. C. Hogue and
tm Main.
Wednesday evening a dozen high he could give me authority for ao do­
and weigh from 300 to goo ton* each.
J. S. Stubblefield; Joy Evans, Zepha school students met at the home of
ing. and it appears that he has.”
The two great object* of the United .and other leguminous plant* by pre
Roger*, Jean Rogers, Bobble Wor­ Miss Hattie White, and marched in
State* In building the canal were to
den. Curtis Wylde.
close formation to the home of Miss
place her navy In a better position ¡tlonlng its ilcm<>n«tratlon agents to
♦ ♦♦
Donna Mack, giving her the greatest
to defend her coasta and to aid the teach the farmer to grow alfalfa
Mr*. W. W. Baldwin was hostess to surprise of her young life. The young
world’a commerce.
It la estimated ¡where It la desirable to have It taught
the N. N. N. Club Friday afternoon. ,olks had Panned a launch ride for
that by 1925 the freight pasalng and where there Is promise of suc­
evening with Miss Donna as
when she had as her guests Mrs.
through the canal will amount year­ cess.
White Maddox Bldg.
Clarence I’nderwood, Mrs. Oscar ?llest of honor. After an enjoyable
These demonstration agents
ly to 17,000.000 ton*.
Shlve, Mrs. George
H. Merryman.Icruise down the lake the party visited
It w III teduce the distance between! ' I particularly warned not to encourage
Mrs. Charles I. Roberts, Mrs. Wesley
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore.
! ndlvldu i| f inner* to grow alfalfa un-
New York and Callao 0,250 mile*.
O. Smith, Mr*. Leslie Rogers. Mrs. H wh<?re a delightful luncheon awaited
The cllmat* of Panama I* tropical ! e«s the cllmate and other conditions
Denson. The afternoon was devot- them. With games and music the
The dry «eaaons extend from Jan- : i md the soil of the *[ e tai farm fully
to bridge, and the prise was award- young people had a very happy even-
nary to April, the wet season* from v rrant the experiment which in­
to Mrs. Rogers. A dainty lunch- j j“*- In the party were Donna Mack,
May I to December.
frequently a complicated
Ida Thomas. Ella Dews. Hattie White,
eon was served by the hostess.
In 1915 the opening of the I’annm« gtoup of problem* which have to be
Josie Low, Marguerite Dunbar, Ed­
♦ ♦ ♦
canal will be celebrated In Han Fran- onsldered from several different an-
Miss Maud Baldwin has been called win Cox, R. Motschenbacber, Ralph
claro, or the City of the Golden Gate, g!*s and by severnl dlfierent group* of
to Reaverton by the serious illness of Hum Forrest Peil, Sterling Garrett
by an International exposition
speclallata. Merc examination of the
Will Walker, an old friend of the and Harold Feese.
[soil will not show what Is going to
♦ ♦ ♦
¡happen with alfalfa.
of Herbert Savidge
♦ • ♦
The only way to discover whether
upon him at
With more members present than
or not It will grow Is to try It Inexpen­
the Savtdge home Friday night, and
NEW YORK. March 27. A serie* sively’ In nn experimental plot, get
organisation, the 1912 Needle Club enjoyed an old-fashioned surprise
of historical, religious a till education­ certain general fact* In mind and then
¿I r*towy— «1
enjoyed a most pleasant afternoon at party, including a taffy pull, with all
al exercise*, ■clentlfic, artistic and extend the experiment to promlatng
its numerous complications, and a
commercial exhibits, strict parades,, local farm* with tre help of the fartn-
■VA Qua^rtt • Csw
After a couple of hours of needle­ a feast of the good eats that will long
pageants and other festivities which ' r himself.
fury of SucctM In ttrvint
work. accompanied by social chats so be remembered.
Northu>«*t«rn Crtiotri
Only recently the department had
will continue through October 11th,
dear to feminine hearts,’the ladles
qaatíiu us to
begun todxy as the opeulng celebru-1 tenuc*t* for 50.0(1 Oto flo.ono pound*
Miss Claudia O'Loughlin entertain­
were bidden to the dining room to
tlon of the three hundredth annlver-
partake of Mrs. Noel’s culinary tri­ ed Saturday evening in honor of Mrs.
•nry of the beginning of the regularly Moine 50,000 or dtrnier*. If
umph in the way of luncheon. The Y. Johnson, nee Miss Hasel Seeley,
chartered commerce of what are now I I ho department had acceded to thf*
The affair was a miscellaneous
luncheon consisted of crab salad cap-
le picst It very ciallv might have^m-
the city nnd stnto of New York. •
shower for the bride, whose recent
Thc period of the celebration of the couraged thc farmer* In thnt region
marriage came as a great surprise to
4 »k for Catalogue No. 280
Tercentenary of Commerce from to­ to spend addition'll money for seed OUR POLICIES—
To dlstrihute the bunks asset* in such a way a* tn innintaln under
day until October 11 th will be dis­ when they should not have under-
uny conditions anil at nil time* an ample reaerve to meet the demand*
tinguished b.v two point* of national I t ken the culture of alfalfa at all.
Intorest, the opening of the Panamt I The mere furnl*hlng of aeed I* only of Ila deiHinltor* and take care of Ita horroxxing customer«.
canal und the rounding out of n cen­ the first step, because It* successful
tennial of petce between the English cultivation call* for special methods
speaking people.
of soli preparation. Inoculation and
ako Atwavs POISONS onr gland * in
rut armpit ano KILLS QUICKLY
Special exhibition* nre to he hold nt many other matters not commonly tin-
vnrlou* times during tills period b> d<istood by thlsc who have had no
Now York’s moat famous niUHoum* , ov ’ ti Ictp e « Ith this forage and cover
and technical societies, sad local nnd ¡crop.
Alfnlfn, where It enn bo grown
■late universities will hold educa-
tlonnl symposiums nnd oatabllah ex- j "lopcrlv. Is undoubtedly of much vnl-
a ® PA Y Until Cirtf
change* In commercial education for jlie to the farmer. In ergion* where It
Mo X Rsy or other
foreign student* nnd pupil*,
Each I Is already grown the fnrnicr enn gain
stnto In the Union has ncceptcd Invi­ valuable advice by Consulting those
»r icSL oil the LIP,
tation* to send float* nnd lie repre- who lire nlrendy growing It sttcceaa-
ACE or bou'v Ion* ia
Before coming a pioneer In
seiitod in n monster parade to be hold fully.
CAkCEU. It Hrrrr tilt
I xlllKtSta«. 1T0-PA&E
In Heptamber, according to nnnounco- alfalfa’ raising In Ills district, howev­
HOOK eent tree: tetri-
! menial» of TKKAIKt
ment made today nt the opening exor­ er, the fnrmor would do well to con­
: re«* a* He»» th*» U Sen?
sult with his stnto experiment station
Sure death to Prairie Dog* if distributed early In the spring before the
nnd so gain nil possible information
frost Is out, and before the grass starts up. Hundreds of dog towns have
with the . “Wood-lark
been completely
___ ____ destroyed
_____.... ...............
................ ” brand. Try It the first
flint will help him to mnke a success,
X Pslnlm Island Punt Pljxtsr CURU la 10 DATS
Would lie a Citlsen,
‘ iys thl*
this spring nand bo convinced,
convinced. It'* easily and quickly
bright t warm . days
•tUONS DtK EVERY YEAR by «.lung Too Lon«
Application for citizenship line ior else obtain Information that will
done, r
---- waft till the grass ‘ begin*
---- -----------------
to grow. They won't eat the poison
I OU may r.-fuae to befiea« until TOO LATE
to u*e nt the right tlm*. The
bean made by Harold Frederick llnni- ¡show him fufTy the dnngcr of nttempt-
„_2. your
Hut henrt
do It glad.
now. Hut
will mnko
do it now.
Poor cured st H’lF PRICE If cpiesr N yet sm»ll
Rage Rats and Ground Squirrels of al! kinds. A single kernel Kilt*. Most
incrsloy, who wishes to foreawenr al- Ink •'» raise alfalfa mid make clear to
economies! poison made. Hundreds have been killed with the oontent* of
Address Old OH. & NM. CHAMICY A CO.
Inghnce to King George nnd stand by him exit« fly the risk of money, tlmo
• elngln can. USB E4BLY when feed Is scarce and before the young are
«0 yssrx "G1EAT.7T CANrtR SPECIAllfTt tfifi ”
for best results. When you buy do net experiment. Ask for the
I’ncle Ham. Ho I* a resident of Chll- 'lid use of Innd he-ls tnklng In at-
AO 436 VALENCIA Si'., FN tl .¡¡IMJ, CL
"Wood-lark" Brand. It Is the best. Money back If you're not satisfied.
jtemptlng the experiment.
KINDLY MAIL TliiS to tuagnito UiJl GuxCLii
Kiglitli Grade, Bly Ncliool
Capital Stock, 100,000 Surplus, $11,000