Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1914)
paos ro<m MONDAY, MARCH tfl. ioti THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE t Will Use200 Men on the Roads ““ ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ Engineers Will Move Much Machinery for Work ♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ I.OAD H» SHIPI’iSGVOX I» MK II lt> MA ♦ ♦♦ OTHER \KWH AOTKH Chiloquin Hotel and Stores Are Moved. Emergency Hos pitaljto Be Established. Other Fort News. i>¥ ¡nmi «Wrltten for lire l utti-si l*reM) troni the talletu med lu in wry She rutti,-a Iter «oat tnd ah» rutile» chic, but not a» full as thus« o( the thinner fabric. her frocks; The new coat are all cut with a She ruffles her hai» and they cuf iiurlng circular ruffle around the bot- fie her locks; Bhe ruffles her sleeves and her bodies»“•* •* °r “r ,h* 'heavier twilled silks. When the suit so low, omnipresent taffeta the While her temper la ••uslly ruffled •" of ;<>iata are finished with ruffles us full also ______ and flamboyant as the law allows. Separate silk wraps of flowered or NEW iilitk, March 14 To be . . ... , ,,, . ... . . plain silk are very quaint with kluio- Isshlonable you must be ruffled up . . , • |tn« lops and deep ruffles two or Hirer* (tom top lo loe. We have been . . _ . . , , . .U**ep set on from the yoke line to the straight Hued aud sllmi>svy aud sleek „ , , .... , , . , , . . ' finish I he loose sleeve« of these sc long that once the break waa made. .... . ...*»*„ ..*.,1 ... « rupa end In deep ruffle«, while an tnero lias been a mad revolt from the' ... „ , . .. . . _ iU|>«landlng one finlshea the neck, straight hud narrow. The conse . , , , . As for the hats, the entail turban queme is an .musing eruption ot ruf* I a|| Neo on .11 the spring frock« sud h.U ,||ig frm )>f Q(, n#| whl|< («*» lu most approved halo fu»lil<>u Alnw we liavv take nto halos it is ■irtrnsy occasions, the high waist ia striving to lead the higher life For evening gowns, mid In fact for all no wonder that wnlstllnoe are again again de rigour, although the normal line still cling» trlumphaii) about your middle for middle day wear. After the surfeit of wide girdles and sashes galore. It Is a promised relief from monotony that many I'.irlsian dressmakers and designers aie now favoring narrow Itoh-niid-a half girdle«, or rather bells, and in many insiainrs no girdle at all. but simply a line joining between the blouse and skirt Of tours«* the gir dle« will not submit to annihilation without a struggle, and so II la pul ling forth new lure, and fascinations to hold its devotees Not the least of these charmars Is a girdle com poser! of two and three shades or coutrasllug colors Oil« ___ __ III a »»e«*t pea shade of pink is adorable (Herald Special Service) SHIPPINGTON, March 16. Ev«ry- fon« in Bueua Vista additiou is busy ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ juet at preeeut plautina gardeu The Isuil la in fin« shape ( Herald Special Service', .Gordon and !.. C Sissmore will argue . be used on the work this seasou dlfferently • FORT KLAMATH, March 1«.—En There ut a big dame at Pclleau City Marshal Macklin is moving hts ho gineer George E. Goodwin, corp, of ¡Saturday night. tel at Chiloquin across the railroad I We wonder if the Pine Tree Lum engineers. U. S. A., who has charge of track to higher ground. The build the road building operaUons in Cra ing is being moved "en block," meals ber company will build a railroad to Many guile and other summer (owl ter Lake NaUonal Park, writes that served in the diner while you travel. the Fort. The company owns some are appearing on Upper Klamath pine timber north of this place latke This In itself is suggestive of the war department will employ 300 Thompson & White will also move Isummer. men this summer. Mr. Goodwin has their store across the track It is the — been at Empire, Coos county, this intention to enlarge both the store If the Fort gets the Hill road from ___ i The road to Shippingtoil la gettili, winter, but has returned to Portland and the hotel. As only leased ground Medford this summer. It will i score While tiiuai of the ruffling *>n lhc|i|H> brlmiiied ones have ruffles of preparatory to resuming the work. .can be obtained at Chiloquin, which one on the Falla. It is rumored that ’ln K““*1 shape for travel gowns catche« you on the hip f<tl*||aee, net or taffeta, gathered around is on the reservation, only buildings |s crew ot men are clearing the right When Mr. Goodwin left U»e Fort 11 is r*Portc'l th®* « Russian colony ¡lowing the approved hippy outline of'(bw|r crowns and fiufflly veiling their last October he stated that he expect ¡of a temporary construction are put of way beyond Butte Falls at the pres | up. ent time ' hjl!i reu,e,3 Buena Vieta tract of ¡th« tunic, puff and pannier, others { ed to establish a camp at Wild Cat, begin at the kn«<- and take a crooked When you have douued a suit farm land for the year the southern entrance to the park, An emergency hospital is also to be and bias path to t liswalst Hue Home I short jacket I» finished with —W— just as soon as the snow was gone. established at Chiloquin by Dr. A. A. Project Engineer H. W. Hindu» of of the ruffle« have eveu dared to ¡two fitted circular ruffle« and whose lu three »hade« of green, yellow or Last year the war department built Soule. Dr. Soule left Saturday tor a the Indian reclamation service say» i I break Into that narrow «one about ;skirt 1» list one fitted circular flounce American beauty lint» tl>e«e girdle« 34.000 feet of road along Saud Creek visit with relatives at Montague, but he expects to finish the Modoc Point | TRANSFERS OF ■the ankles aud on some ot the newest |after another, then topped It off with are Indeed lovely, slid it I» well to from the southeast entrance of the is expected home in a fortnight. ditch by November 1. The govern- REAL ESTATE ptaffeta models they ripple three dcey a tiny turban of hemp with an up- have at l<-n»l oue about you. s*n| If park to the rim of the lake, and meet is also building a cement dam ¡about the feet so long bounded only I standing frill of black net. you cer the rest of your ward rola- be glrdle- 17,000 feet of improvement on the Fort Klamath is to be Incorporated. in the Sprague at Chiloquin. The Klamath Development cotupa- I by the straight and narrow, plain aud tainly present a fashionable but l«M q old roaa near the rim. This, at any rate, is the argument Some lateral drains will also be dug > uy to Burt L. Davis, warranty deed, i uncompromising hem scarcely a calm aud unruffled appear It 1» sad tu leíate, but walsllln«-» on This year the government will pave to be made by Grover Kiel and Tom in the Klamath Marsh this season, as 110. lota 5 and 6, block 46. Hot For the »klrt ruffies. net or th taf- ance »|M>rl uud top coats absolutely refuse th«we roads A steam shovel, a rock Jackson at the next meeting of the well as a new irrigating ditch from-Springs addition, leta. from which the entire gown is Hardly in the hat class, but still to I m * elevated like the rest of liislr crusher and three steam rollers will Fort Klamath Literary society. James the Fort to Klamath Agency. A. Kiuney to H. Orem, warrautv built, are tbe approved materials For J something that goes to your head. Is Ilk They have sunk to the lowest ____ _____ __ u,-ed. 310. lots .. and 4. block 13. .the wrist ruffle« and those outlining ilia new tulle halo mad» up for all, depths Even the belts that hang the low bodices tbe same materials (fashionable sinners in Imitation of around them have fallen Into llielr No exhibit exhibit not not manufactur- manuf.ctur-j ! i’HOn<‘ add',‘‘>n , modate No . ............. ed or produced within th« past ten | The Klamath Development compa- iare the thing, although lace is also *»uinlilier models. It la fashioned of low ways and »lump loosely and ills- [ny to Anna Drumeller, warranty deed, popular Tbe neck frills evolved ‘a tulle frill that stands out from the ' «■ouraglngly In the rear year* will be received In competition 1 f 131Q. lol 5. block 53. Hot Springs ad- SAN FRANCISCO. March 13.—The prises. . Idition. • Panama-Pacific Exposition will be It is planned to make the exhibit F Tot|er Jew-n M Togl,r I’lUMH'T (MINT burg sud other Southern Oregon eitle« The mayor of Covington. Ky . ba» completed eight months ahead of its unique tn many respects. For ex- ;warrBnly de<d ,I0. |ol blot.k , to organise the countie« In that sec been asked to nppolhl a woman as a scheduled opening—February 30. ample, practically all the exhibits, I|oWB-*a .d(lulon to Bonaaill tion of the state for the assembling mem b«r of (hr {»oiler forer il915 This was the promise made Clyde Hbort Is th« official collector even Including those having to do Following ia a summary of the of exhibits. C. E. Tracey to A W. Wakefield. . here today by its directors. with education, social economy, labor, of- dues from the Freshman class. warranty deed. 310. lot 9, block 2. Klamath project coats for the month Since women began to vote in Ne« San Francisco has just turned her- Clyde made quick work of collecting horticulture and factory products, of Februury, as compiled from the First addition to Buena Vista Egypt In 1913 exported onion» tn Zealand divorce ha« decreased 77 i»er self loose along the two-mile water- from tbe boys, but calls on the gods will be displays of living processes-— Dudley F. Clark to S. F. Wilson, ledgers of the reclamatiou service the value of 81.939.257. rent. fiont of the nearly completed eo working models—a sort of labora ¡deed. 310. part of lot 6, Sec. 2; lot of chivalry to bear witness to his re Distribution Maintenance of atruc 'chanted city.” She li ____ __________ lied the entire tory for the fourteen millions of vis 15 and 1.54 acres off NE corner of I lure«, etc, 3177 75, Maintenance of fusal to collect two bits from each of the girls in the Freshman class. Guess day and part of a night with jubila itors who are expected to come as * Sec 3. lot 10, Sec 34-35-7. earthworks, 36 tion. sports, a naval display, races, this collecting job lacks a whole heap students to this universal university. <»|M r«G**ii and Maintenance Francis Adam» et ux to S. F. Wil-; oratory, grand opera and bombilation of being a cinch. Up to date, thirty-four foreign na sou. deed 310, same as foregoing Miscellaneous- Telephone system, of cannon, because she bad made tions have elected to be represented | .Mary Beckley to S. F Wilson, deed. t t ♦ maintenance, etc, 318.47, bulldiugs another world-wide record. The inter-district debate between officially by pavilions and compre 310, WK SWU Sec 36; lot 6. Sec ' land repairs, 38 27; highways, 36 In the waving-* Hauk will grow The jubilee was celebrated amongst Marshfield high and Klamath county hensive exhibits; a greater foreign 27; lots 7, 8, 9 and -0, Sec 34; lot 5. | general expensa, salarie«, etc., 3<O9. the nearly completed towering pal into mal*, more In a few years. high will probably be postponed from representation than any previous ex SE ■aSWSi. Sec. 35-36-7. 156; camp maintenance. 335.13; cor aces with their marbled domes and There are no failure« to In- tbe 20th to tbe 27th. Marshfield 1 position has been able to boast 8. F. Wilson to D. M. Griffith, deed. ral i-xpetises, 332.20; auto nxpense. claims they can’t be ready by the their half completed parks and gor- * rraw In the saving» tiabit. Tbe vast interest arused in the San 310, lots 4, 5 and 6. 8E14 SW%. Sec »4.01; shop expense, 34.19. And it was called 20th. Principal Faught wired the gous gardens Francisco celebration is shown by the 35-36-7. F ui li one sprout» and also alii« Total for the month. 3»21 58. university today tor definite date for forth by the certainey that everyone fact that every American nation be- Christine Chapman to H. F. Chap- 1 Building Cost tin- otlu-r« Io lior«*a»e anil mul- of the mammoth exhibition palaces— tbe debate tween the Arctic ocean and the south man. warranty deed, 310, one seventh i , General expense—Salaries, englu- each one covering fro mfive to ten H|>ly. lu-t u» «lion you lion In- t t f pole will be repre rated by building» ¡nteres tin 8'4 &■%, Sec 32; 8*4 <>-ering 3445;, clerical 3367; travel, With tbe leaving of Max A. McaU, acres—and every lake and fountain and iaplays—Argentina leading al) SWH, Sec 33-40-8. ’• i i iiiati-iially ln< reuse« your ¡855.45; stationery and supplie«. tbe athletic work will fall into the ^and avenue and garden and all the the rest with an appropriation of 83,- « I« Illgs. C. R De I-ap et al to Lloyd R. De 29.95; stable expense. 8149.64; tele hands of £. V. Hawley, head ot the minor palaces of the exposition will 000,000. l.ap, warranty deed, 310, lota 6, 7. 8 ¡uhone and telegraph. 825.69; office manual training department. He will be completed and ready for occupancy- Even nations so distant as Turkey, and 9, block 3; lota 6, 7, 8 and 9,( •■xpr-nse, 84 2.54; Chicago office. begin at once to get tbe boys in shape just eight months before the opening China, and Japan will spend the block 4. Hillcrest addition. 88.2 4, Washington office. 8196.33 day. The record which the hustling for tbe field and track meet. Walter Dixon to Albert McGuire. Total, 81.311.34. Californians have broken is this: the ¡enormous sum of 8700,000 each on KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON t t t their displays France, which fell warranty deed, 110, lots 1 and 2,| Total operation and maintenance Panama-Pacific Exposition will be Today Principal Faught received down on her Panama Canal construc |block 8. Hesslg'v addition to Klamath ledger. 8831 68; total building ledger hi» regular report from tbe univer,. ready, not merely on time, but long tion plans, showed her sporting blood Falls 132,217.03. Making a grand total of slty giving tbe standing ot students^0™' an<* ,in<* no <*h*r j 83.038.61. from K C. H. 8. In everything. h,g been re,dy ““ loa* a,Ur- i by appropriating 8500,000 to par General expense will be apportion athletics. tbe reports are good In'ward’" thto waa «*^d«*» reason ticipate in the celebration. Thirty-five states of the Union al 'd to active cost features according athletic, each report .« POOR! When , plenty for ,ta cr~tora to l““** «I» ready have decided to erect buildings. HULL to expenditures at end of the year will this be changed? Why, just as and crack their collective heel, to- Others are soon to take similar ac The January drainage cost of Surveyor» and Irrigation Engineers soon as proper facilities for athletic aether. tion. WASHINGTON, D. C., March 14.— 8936 »2 was transferred this month One year before its opening day. and gymnasium work is provided The minority report on the proposed . from tlie <>i*eratlon and maintenance ¡the 350,090,000 show place was a ft* I little more than 80 per cent finished. repeal of the clause in the Panama ledger to supplemental construction Principal Faught is the possessor canal act exempting American ships .under building ledger, but is not in- of a sore arm today, the result of !The first of tbe gigantic buildings from tolls was given today. It was eluded in above cost statement, working in bis garden Saturday He to be '•ompleted was the palace ot prepared by congressman Joseph R. Credit amount charged against op- seems to think only of the fine gar machinery — tbe largest wooden When the Baldwin Hardware com Knowland of California, and charged ie. it!on and ABSTRACTING maintenance ledger. building ever constructed. Its com den "sass" and pays very little atten pany arranged with the Majeatic President Wilson with advocating tbe 13**5 4.56, leaving a balance of (956 75 pletion was celebrated last December tion to so small a matter as a sore range people for the services of Prof.! cause of England, in bl. «perlai mes- Gauging streams, 883 «5, with a by the first indoor aeroplane flight arm. Becker for a week's demonstrating,!^"^’' (credit on supplies of 12.11, lenv’ng ever made, when Lincoln Beochey ¡they accomplished many times tbe | Knowland made a vigorous protest a total of |81.54; Tule Lake outlet. ‘ flew the length of its 1,000 foot Fort Klatnathites Here. good they anticipated. Professor against tbe removal of __ the _______ free ____ toll 12 50; ___ Second ________________ Unit structure. , 346.76; ,____ , naves, under its roof of Pompeiian Dennison Lawton and Willie Nor ' Becker's visit to Klamath Falls has clause. He held that British domlna- • nlargement of Adams canal, engln- red. The next building to be com ton, two business men of Fort Klam been of great help to the ladles of the tion caused th» demand for a repeal caring, concrete checks, etc, 8154.88; pleted was the huge palace of edu ath, are In the county seat today. Mr. I county, and the coming years will "1 vigorously protest any attempt lands, rights and property, abstracts, cation and social e<onomy. This will Lawton has just returned from Med prove the economic value of his lec tc force congress through legislative 84.50; operation and maintenance be followed by the completion early ford, where be purchased a fine driv tures. i-nnctment to give a purely British In- during construction development, this month of the palaces of agri ing horse for his livery business More than 500 ladies have listened t< rpretatlon to the Ha/-Pauncefoto I Keno canal, i.oet Hlver diversion culture, varied industries and mines |and metallurgy. These already are and learned as the professor told ot treaty, and thus surrender rights af- works, Clear Lake dam. 8218.42; Improving More Front. ' roofed and domed and the Traver-1 the many ways to economize in both fecting America commercially, strata- supplemental construction, 8761.65. The front of the .tore building oc ¡tine marble coating of the exterior material and labor. His instructions «»tlcally and politically.” he said In Total. 12,217.03. cupied by K. Sugarman is receiving a .walls fininshed. In things culinary will help materially pert. "The situation which now con- ' new coat of paint today The work Is The palaces of manufactures, in solving the high cost of living fronts the nation is unparalleled In ¡OREGON Itl ll.DIXt* »f bring done by Fred Bamber WORK IH STARTEI» food transportation, products and problem, and will make the kitchen history, less tiresome. I 5^* liberal arts will be finished not later | — ' —----- - ---------------- - ... r»----- ' . 1'(■ Dr. A. A. Houle passed through 'than June 1st. Last to be completed nil To make all this possible has cost world, telling of the places he nas PORTLAND, March 14. Work Klamath Falls Saturday on his way ; will be the two most beautiful struc- the Baldwin Hardware company a wua commenced on the constriietio-i visited professionally. from Fort Klamath to Montague. The jlures of all—the crystal palace of deal of money. Thia enterprising The ladles and gi-iitlemen attending of the Oregon oiilldlug nt the Penn Wood River practitioner will spend a horticulture, with its glass dome, 162 company has spared no expense to his dally lectures here will recall the ! in a-Pacific exposition this week, ac fortnight at Montague, visiting rela feet in diameter—the largest dome make their store as comfortable as five cities of California in which he cording to word recolved by O. M. Hy tives in the world—and the palace of fine possible for the ladies during the past demonstrated, and will remember land, director of exploitation Mr. Hyland leaves for Han Fran- and cement, will extend in semi-lunar week—a week of useful instruction, that the cities named are the five im Hack From Trip. claco to secure space In the ngrlcul form nearly a quarter of a mile along absolutely free from any annoying portant cities of that state. George W. White of the Klamath a forest-bordered wilderness of lake. soliciting on the part of the selling The cities of Oregon to be given a tural building for Oregon agricul Exchange Real Estate company, re Under the dome of this building force in the store. chance to hear him will be Roseburg, tural exhibits. He Is nnxlous to get turned Saturday night from a ten and dominating the whole display Their object In having the demon Eugene, Oregon City, Corvalla, The on the ground early, for Oregon days* business trip in California and of statuary, will be the first statue stratlon was, of course, partly to Dalle« and Portland -a list of enough needs considerable space, and want» Southern Oregon. He visited Grants ever erected to Motherhood, the con make the ladles familiar with the Impottance that Klamath Falls will to make as fine a showing ns possible Pass for a day or two, going from tribution of the Pioneer Mothers As Majestic range, but their courtesy not he ashamed to be included The eight, counties In the Willam In there to Lodi, Calif. sociation of California. This build has been uniform, and no one has bad Washington the professor Will stop at ette Valley that have associated for the purpose of making an exhibit that ing will house the largest loan col cause to feel Intruders because they Heattlo and Vancouver. Many boating parties were on the lections of paintings, mostly modern, are not Majestic owners. Another In following their established pol will attract every visitor at tbe fair, OF KLAMATH I'ALLH, OREGON lake and river Sunday afternoon, and from Europe and America, ever as good accomplished by the demonstra icy of boosting Klamath county'and will require at least 20x200 feet of every kind of craft from high power sembled at an exposition. tion has been the placing of Klamath Its products, the Baldwin Hardware space, said Mr. Hyland, and In addi launch to fragile canoe, carried joy- It was estimated today that 60,- Falls on the route of Majestic dem company had Professor Becker use in tion thereto Oregon will apply for ■ a U. H. DKPOHITARY our merrymakers over the placid wa (><>0 exhibitors will be represented In onstrations. his demonstrations flour from Klam ¡space for the eastern and central ters of Ewauna and Klamath. these various exhtbit palacte. Three It means something to our people ath county wheat, manufactured by counties of the state, who are also OUR POLICIES— times as much space for displays from 'to have a lecturer like Professor Martin Brothers of this city. This preparing fine exhibits, To distribute tlie hanks asset« lu such a way as to maintain under Miss Bertha May Boody has been all over the world has been applied Becker Including Klamath Falls in demonstration has proved cnelgslve- ! On bls way back from San Fran . any conditions and nt all times an ample rcaerve to meet tlie demands ... that Klarnath ____ _ flour is dependable. ___ J-U,- I cisco, Mr. llyland will atop at Rose- I of its depositors anil lake care of Its borrowing ciistomern. sleeted dean of Radcliffe College. for as th« eleven palaces cx»n accom- his talks In the different cities of the ly I".................................... on K.C.H.S. Campus EVERY DOLLAR PLANTED FIRST TRUST SAVINGS BANK Klamath County Abstract Co. í L u FIRST NATIOJNAL BANK Capital Stock, 100,000 Surplus, $11,000 • w