Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1914)
THE SEMI WEEKLY HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. SALE STARTED SATURDAY Closing Out All Ladies’ Goods ■ M hite Table Damask, Regular 35c, for 10c Minali Cotton Napkins, Regular 35c, for 22c doacu II o | h < Muulin, Regular 12 Hc for Kir Regular 10c, for 8 l-8c Ja«. Kill (doves, AU Linings, ‘ 1.36 to $1.76, for....................... 75c Mostly small and large sixes < lilldren’s Venta and Pania, llutKlkcrcliicts, Regular Regular Regular Regular 10c 15c 36c 35c for. for. for. for. . . . , Sc 8c ...14c . . 2Oc .. lilankrta nuil Comfort», Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular Regular .75 1.00 1.25 1 f.o 1.00 1.50 3.00 3.60 6 00 «.60 Sheut Blankets, Sheet Blankets, Sheet Blankets, Sheet Bianki la, heavy Blankets, Wool Nap ... Wool Nap ... Wool Nap White Wool . . Whitt. Wool . . .55 .75 81.00 fin «1.85 «1.0.5 «2.Z5 «2.50 «3.15 «1.2.-. ('(>1HÍ or trrv, Regular $176 tor 012.-. Regular 13.6u tor......... , . . .«1.85 tillr Ihil Regular $1.60 for 81.15 Regular $2.00 for......... • li.-. Regular $3.60 for . . . ........... 2.50 «nt-1 »If on<- Hair On> Hair • >1« Hair One-Half Price Price Price Price I’rtce One-Hali Price One-Hair Fri. e One-Hair Price. One-Hair Price One-Hair Price One-Halt Price One-Hair Price • All laut», Em broideries, Net, Chiffons All-Ovt-rs, Malan«« and V eilings One-Hair Price One-Half Price One-Hair Price One-Hair Price One-Hair Price One-Hair Price One-Hair Price One-Hair Price One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt Price Price Price I’rtce I’rtce Price Price Price One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt < me-Hair One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt I'm. Voltoli« Male, Engle Pins, regular 6c for .. .. 3c Hairpins, regular 60 for .... 3c Hairpins, regular 10c for .. 7c Lustre Cotton, regular 6c it r 8c tn M. tegular 3c for .... .l«c Iloyal A Filo Silk, reg, 5c for 2c Cube Plus, reg. 5c for......... 8c Cube Pins? reg. 10c for......... 7c Dress Shields, reg. 26c for . .. 15c Dress Shields, reg. 36c for . .. 2Oc Dress Shields, reg 60c for . .. 85c Collar Supporter, reg 6c for. . 8c Pearl Buttons, reg. Go for . ., 8c Pearl Buttons, reg. 10c for .. 7c Pearl Buttons, reg. 16c for .. Wc Peeta 1 Hooks and Eyes. 10c for Oc Hose Supporters, reg. 16c for. lOc Horn Supporters, reg. 20c for. 14c Dr. Parkers, reg 26c for .... lOc All Notions similar reduction. IliMxtns, Ot»c-I(alr Prit t-, AH colors, all width». In Hattu and Ttffoia. One-half Price. ■ sdir«' Fleece Linei! Union Hulls, Regular $1.00 for.................... 75c Regular 35c to 50c, for 2Oc and 35c Children's Wool I nion Muita, Reg. $1.00 to $1.25 for 75c and OOc Women's Summer weight Union Tight Knee and Umbrella Ladli's Fleece Lined Underwear Regular 50c for...................... 35c Silks and Dress Goods, Jap Silk, Reg. 50c, for......... . 35c ,55c Messaitnee, reg. 75c for Cream 8eye, reg. $1.00 for .. . 75c Cream Seye, reg. $1.75 for .. «1.35 Colored Seyee, reg. 58c for . . 38c Brown Poplin, reg. $1.25 for . 85c Plaid Suitings, reg. 26c for . . 17c Plaid Suitings, reg 35c for . 22c Plaid Suitings, reg. 50c for . . 20c Regular 75c for One-Hair Onolinlf < >n<-n.iir < !>• -Hair One-Hair One-Hair One-Hair Cnc-Hair One-Hair < *nc->Lilr < >nc-Halr Ont-Hair <>n«-Hair < ine-llalr ont-llnir < >nt-FLiir Price Price IMc« Price Price Price Price- Price- Price- Price Price Price Price I’rtce I’rtce Price- Remnants or Wasli G ihh I s , W< h »I Gotals, Bilks, Riblton* and laue» and Embroideries One-Hair Price One-Half Price One-Halt I’rtce Ont-Halt Price One-Ha It Price One-Halt Price One-Half Price One-Half Price All Millinery Trimmings Ont*-Half Price 1 Hi. - Half I'r i. « One-Halt Price One-Halt Price One-Halt One-Hair One-Halt < tnt-Hair One-Halt One-Halt One-Halt Price Price Price Price Price Price I’rtce Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Price Women’» Kiiski Suits, Regular $5.00 to $7.50, for. «3.75 All Printed Wash Goods. One-half Price. Silkoline and Creton, Regular 12 He Silkoline for .. lOc Regular 10c Creton for Regular 15c Creton for Trimuied Hata, botti Spring and Fall. Keg $1.50 to $7.50 for 5Oc to <1.50 All Poplins, Sousettes and Ripp, Regular 25c for .................... 15c Daisy Cloth, Regular 12He for............... 10c Fancy Outing Flannel. Regular 12 He for............... Regular 10c for...................... lOc 8c Double Red Sheets, Regular 65c for.................... 48c Wanten anil Children's Coots Regular $12.50 to $20.00, 83.50, *5.00, «7.50, «10.00 Women's Serge and Silk Dresses, Regular $12.50 for................ »7.50 Regular $17.50 for .............. «0.00 Pillow Cases, Regular 12He and 15c for . . 10c and 12 He HECTOR’S DEPARTMENT STORE $1000 FREE IF I FAIL TO CUBE any CANCER or TUMOR POOR CURIO AT HALF PRICE OR FREE NO KNIFE OR PAI.1 NO FAY UNTIL CURIO S t OUAtXMTlt No X Kay «»» odt»4 **.nJI* WRITTEN ttUARANTU 3*4«y pl«M»f ANY TUMOR. LUMR or SGWI or (ha L*. FACf •x S<»4v l'»nt »• CAhClR. It H«»«i I’ b IM UMM t*»t 120 FAM 90CK •ant Irra, ai ÎN0UUMM CUHCO Any Lump * Woman’s Breast i stti.n n «iwm exact» « m mw » ï » (lins» M Uu »rMso •«» MILLA QUICKLY ft I .»••<*• hsCURtO io I OO 8» Old Or. & Mrs. CHAMLEY Mms •‘•etT nMciitni uset« mtttutri urisr* A 0 43« Vstonos St., SAN FRANCISCO. CAI. KINDLY MAIL UM to soniaom. wit’i CAhCiR WILL A. LEONARD DENTI HT Î White Maddox Bldg. “Concord” ■ are essentially •‘home” pianos, energy be Pianos everv ing beat toward 1 -----------——.■ the product ion oi an Ideal instrument ior the home. Tho tone is exceptionally ptnV and sweet. Tho entire scale is a suc cession of even half steps without a break And the clear treble tones blend in such perfect harmony with the deep, sonorous bass that both master-musician ami music lover are thrilled by its sweetness. Whether It be the bsautlful, solemn strains of "Neuror My God Tn Thee” or tho dash and spirit of “Post and Peasant," the CONCORD” Plano is equal to th« occasion In purliy and volume of tone. It 1» S-»oet, Power ful, Satiety Ing. For W'HKiiirui oatlr faction, retort O *‘CONl-lW ' Piano for your homo SmSHSi Exhibited by I sm ■»« Shepherd Piano Depot W**...... A resident of Quincy, Mass., who A party of Klamathites autoed to BONANCA RESIDENTS OFFER REWARD FOR INCENDIARY ' has just passed his 68th birthday, Merrill Friday evening to witness the basketball contest between the high ' celebrated the anniversary by setting school teams of Klamath Falls and If Bonanza's recent fires were the aside a fund of $16,000, the income Merrill. In the machine were Miss result of incendiarism, the residents of wt>ich Is to be divided among the Nina Noel, I “rMl^rMlrgtreiXn-^1' ’aat t0*U ‘° ""d ‘he ’"‘^thirty organized churches of that city Miss Ella Dews, as. Miss Margaret Dun Dun- reeponglble> lf possible, and see that ■ for the purpose of breaking down in- bar, Miss Elisabeth Houston. Miss justice is meted out. Hattie White, Miss Ethel Meyers, i terdenominational barriers. Toward that end the following an Miss Josie Low, Harry Anglin, "Pat” nouncement is now being posted The Entre Nous Club will meet on Sanderson, Harold Feeee, "Chick” there: Mrs. O. W. Robertson, Mrs. Charles For Side. Moldrum, Mrs. Carey Ramsby, Mrs. Tuesday evening al the home of Dr ' Blttenger, Jimmie Bodenhammer, “ We, the undersigned property Eggs, from an excellent winter-laying .and Mrs. Maxwell M. Long in Hot "Hoppe” Bridges and Warren Duhl. Earl Whitlock and the hostess. owners in the town ot Bonanza, strain of thoroughbred S. C. Rhode Springs addition. ♦ ♦♦ ................................... county, Oregon, believe that island Reds, $1.25 per setting of 15; * # FORT KL.AMAT HPI.AN8 Klamath TO In honor of her cousin, Mrs. Richard HOLD A 8TREKT CARNIVAL th« three fires which have occurred in $6 per 100. Mrs W. D. Booth, 965 Shore Smith of Eugene. Mrs. George The U & 1 Club members spout ai our town In the last four years are Oak street, Ashland, Ore. 2-26-4t r Noland entertained Informally Sat highly enjoyable evening at the home 'not entirely accidental in origin. We FORT KLAMATH. March 14—The urday at her home in Hot Springs of Miss Claudia Spink last Friday eve will give the sum of $1,000 cash re- addition. In attendance are Mrs. Ed- ning, Dancing and games were In Fort has decided to hold a street car Iward for evidence leading to the ar The members of the Happy Hour j. Murray, Mrs. Don J. Zum dulged in. and refreshments were nival. Such a stunt will probably be rest and conviction of any party Diamond Quality I "pulled off” the last of June. Club entertained their husbands nt walt, Mfs. Wesley O. Smith, Mrs. E. served. parties responsible for the origin At a mass meeting held a few eve the homo of Mr. Robert A Emmitl R. Reaiues, Mrs. Clarence H. Under ♦ ♦♦ nings ago in the metropolis of Wood thsee fires, or any one of them. Friday night, when 300 was played. wood, Mrs. Louis Gerber. Mrs. E. W Mrs. W. D. Cofer was hostess to River Valley, an association was form- ‘‘(Signed) Bank of Bonanza, Later refreshments were served. Tho Gowen and Miss Elixabeth Bell. tho members of the Pythian Club on id to promote a stronger social life, John S. Horn, cashier; W. 8. Johnson, high score was made by Loy Hilyard ♦ ♦ ♦ Thursday afternoon, when an enjoy- to foster business enterprises and ad ID. G. Horn, William Wood, L. D. w»nx roo»» ros «•« and the consolation award went to Tuesday will be a big night for the uble social session .was held. The af vertise the scenic and historic valley •>- L. Spajretorn, WBllam Goss. Mrs. K. I». North. Present were Mr. local followers of the Terpsichorean ternoon was devoted to needlework 1914 CATALOG I Kilgore company, F. W. Broadsword PULNTER» GUIDE and Mis. Ge<>. Humphrey. Mr. and muse, for on that evening the Klam and conversation, and a dainty lunch ! of Wood River. It is hoped that the Warm Spring and ^*- J- Mrs. O. D. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. ath Falls Volunteer Fire Department eon was served. Attending were Mrs. LMa« A« U« «• and Klamath Indians will hold their Within the last four years the town I mjt Hilyard. Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Ham duna f«. ““1 will give its annual St. Patrick’s Day William Whitlock, Mrs. Glen John var dance« at the time of the car- of Bonanza has been visited by three ilton. Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Shipley, Mr. ball at Houston's opera house. Tin son, Mrs. H, E. Momyer, Mrs. Jennie nival. 'disastrous fires, which have in turn mid Mrs. W. P. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. dall's six piece orchestra will furnish Hum, Mrs. H. Moreland, Mrs. Charles Baseball and broncho busting will wiped out the larger part of the busi- Claude Davis, Mr. and Mrs Sam Sum- the music. Tho firemen use the funds iC, Low, Mrs. Etta Boiler, Mrs. C. C. also be features of the week’s festlv-|ness section, the most recent one oc- 'mere, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Blehn Mr. A Quarter of • C*"' Hogue. Mrs. C. B. Crisler, Mrs. Anna ’ eurrlng but a few months ago. 'and Mrs. IL J. Rbeeta, Mr. and Mrs. derived from these dances to pay for McDonald'and Mrs. R. R. Brewbaker. ities. L! ' funi Suecas» In «cvinf clothing of the members destroyed - On each occasion there has been NorthwtfUrn Crower» H. J. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. (I, V. ♦ ♦♦ while fightlug fire. As the depart quali/w» ur P. R. Neil and Barneburg of Ash- ,tr°n8 ta,k of Incendiarism, and sev- Walters, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. North, The 1912 Needlework Club met on land, who have wintered 509 bead of wal people have claimed to have ment la composed of young men, the Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Emmitl, Mrs. majority of them not property own Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Arizona cattle at Fort Klamath, have knowledge of facts that would con- Floyd Mundy, Mrs. W. U. Weedon. ers, who work without pay to save Wm. Lee, on Walnut street, and spent had the same removed to this city. nect various persons with the crime. Mrs. Ray Taylor. the property of others from destruc- the usual time In social converse and ' The cattle arrived this afternoon, and. Nothing has ever been done in the ♦ ♦♦ t on, the people of Klamath Falls al- fancy work, after which refreshments will be shipped Sunday morning to 1 matter, though, and the rumors have Mrs. Bert Withrow entertained the Ask for Catalogue No. 280 ways feel that they are worthy of ev were served. The next meeting of the Patterson, near Stockton. Calif., for I gradually died natural deaths, Tuesday Bridge Club at her home on ery possible help, and there promises dub will be held at the home of Mrs. summer pasturage. Sixth street Tuesday afternoon. Auc to be a large attendance at the dance, Fred Noel on March 27th. Those tion bridge was played, and a dainty while many will buy tickets who will jpiesent at the last meeting were Mrs. Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illi- j luncheon served. The guests were not dance. In addition to their fire 'Wm. Whitlock, Mrs. R. A. Emmitt, uols and Ohio produce more than 40 ; Mrs. Harry G. Benson, Mrs. 8. Ed ' fighting ability, the fire laddies long Mrs. Fred Melhase. Mrs. Claud Dag per cent in value of the minerals j ward Martin. Mrs. Thos. Hampton, ’ ago proved themselves efficient enter- gett, Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. G. K. Van found in the United States. * Italners, and as a result, the firemen’s i Riper, Mrs. Nate Otterbein, Mrs. Chas ¡ball Is always a big success. Worden. Mrs. Ch.*« G: ton. The total population of the world > ♦ ♦♦ is now estimated at 1,700,000,000.1 Mrs. Fred Melhase was awarded It was a gay little party that met The proportion of the sexes la known ! |the prize at Wednesday’s meeting ot Friday evening at the home of Miss for $1,038,000,000 of these, the ratio, tho Lelsuro Hour Club, when Mrs, Viva Martin, on High street. The, being 1,000 males to 990 females. Bert Withrow was hostess. Follow evening hours were spent in playing 1 ing an afternoon of 500, dainty re games dear to the hearts of young MONEY to loan. B. F. Shepherd. REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION 12-lm r freshments were served. Members of folks, and in partaking of an elegant'517 Main street, Tho duh are Mrs. Charles Robertson, repast. Those present at the gather A lways ready for use A lways reliable Alwdn'i ’v tf • -1 .'1 cent cuke of D. B D. Mrs. Charles Meldrum, Mrs. Fred ing were the Misses Claris« Hicks, For Sale or Trade Skin ' .nu>. « lih th« purrhass of a full silo bob Bure death to Prairie Dors If distributed early In *h..v saprlnjr before the tl,; of O. I>. 1» ¡‘rescriptinn (hr Keirin.—for 15 Melhase. Mrs. O. W. Robertson, Mrs. Marie Rambo, Elenor Dreahr, Mil One of the best autos in the county. | nrst frost is out. and before the grass starts up. ji .iis II,« m ,u,i ml .klu remedy. Relief xu ir been completely destroyed with the “Wood-lark brand. T ry It th« nrst nuti ' .im,i till, ttr* t twittla or your money re- Earl Whitlock. Mrs. Bert Withrow, dred Lens, Madge Shlve, Karie Mont in tine condition; 5 passenger, 30 h.p. fliixl xl II. I), t). Skin Soap, purest anil hliind* Mrs. Frod Schallock, Mrs. William gomery, Meta Chastain, Dortha Mar- Two cream separators; two Encyclo-1 <it«f okln oh , Hhould ninny» lie used In < mil 'ion Willi l>. 1». II. I'rescrlpllon, Ute Masten. Mrs. Henry Newnhnra, Mrs. Tin. Fern Hoagland, Veva Martin and pedlas; good cement block machine, ' r.x>t lilox. Iv iillnn lotion. We linvo made fast pl io'» of mote than nna family by recominend- Orb Campbell, Mrs. Elbert B. Hall, 1 Masters Raymond Chamberlain, Paul with 500 or 600 pallets. The best j |i>K tin «.• nimoun protlueta nml wo want you to try them now <m ihe spiu lal nflbr. This In Im. Mrs. C. C. Hogue, M tb . Thos. Hamp Hilton, Robert Turner, Ronald Jeffers camp wagon you ever saw. See Syd' niedlaie. You muit brini tbit ad with yuu. ton, Mrs. Maxwell Long and Miss Jen ,lra Orem, Alfred Peterstelner, Frauk Evans, at Sunset Grocery. Come today. CLARKE. WOODWARD DRUG CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. Whitman Drug Co., Klamath Fells nie Harris. Turpin, Cyril Benson. 14 h3t r2t SEEDS Famous Skin Soap Free! 0UIRRE1 GO PH El OISON