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About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1914)
À THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. in, 1»H resentatlvea Hobson aud Underwood MR. SKLlJt SAYS plaintiff, and for su Tbe date i further relief as shall SAW Ml LIA MIST I« February is to fill the unexpired term of iaMt date uf publica W ait his Minili the late Senat*»* .’obnsou. (or which i ■•quitable. COMMENDABLE STEP IS TAKEN ■ Thia summons Is published pur- ¡tion lx April I, 1914. !ih« senate r«c*nHy reiused to ssat F. By BURTON K. STAYDISH A Continuation of the BY MIKADO P. Glass TELLS OREGONIANS HE MAY F.IANK 8CHLKIIKL, »uant to an order of the Honorable (Written for the United Press) Klamath Republican Stephenaou >i \Vlscou»it. is dksl) COME IN MAY J. 0. RUTEN1C. Henry L. Henson, Judge of the above! WASHINGTON. D. C., March 13 — | JaJ|u«u Ha» Recognised limit i, and ¡entitled court, made on the 31 st day Attorneys for Plaintiff Editoi The terms of oue-thlrd of the mem tr be oppose 1 by some one un re O. SMITH I» Frivudly to lltvn, CouM-qiienlly of January, 1914, and the first pub to I a Follette, as the latter, Aloo Teli» Them That It May be the Mi 4-3 r bers of the United States sena'« will bgteeahle | till* t'oiiMitutioniilbd Forrea Are lication thereof la made ill the Klam Wedding Month Before IL- ( ■«»'«. I E lite red at the postoffice at Klamath expire a little over a year hence. And it h said, would like to hav« a uiorei HuaUie to the Little Bromi Mau. ath Republican on ths Sth day of I viiuliix* Notliv uf Filins of Final In < ’ ouverwiti»n With Sianoli, the w!li~fa'e» Kalla, Ora., aa second class matter. thirty-two member« l---- -----------------. Should n Ja|> Be kiliisi. Reparatio«! February, 1914. Cummtaoioner Stale« Thai Hr t'uu- Account, problem of getting bxck agaiu—for Woulil Be Itamandcd. Published by the Herald Publishing w lth possibly one oxc-pilon all of the REGISTRATION IS »iiler» tlie Matter Settled, and Will. J. H. CARNAHAN. lu tho couuty court of tlie state of Company, of Klamath Falla, on ri Ions would like to keep on with Make No Trip Over It. i 2-5-3-19 r Attorney for Plaintiff. Orvaou. for Klamath county. CLOSE TO 1.4OO Monday and Thursday of each week WASHINGTON, D. C„ March 13 In the matter of the «elate of Charles itheir legislatlug jobs—under the n«w * — According to telegrams Just re Japan is moving her subjects In Chi Woodard, deceased. Y’lrtlcs of Hheriff’» Male direct election» law. All of which Registration for the prlmariea and Two dollar» | mt year in Mirami* huahua and Jaurez to Calexico, not to Notice Is hereby given Hint I hav« By virtue of an attachment execu .T.-ikes the political situation of c >u- general election at noon Friday reacli- ceived from Congressman Sinnott and siderable intoisst to th« senatorial a»- 1.395. This was largely occaslou- Senator l.ane, regarding efforts to make trouble for the United State». ‘ tion duly l»»uod by the clerk of the ' tilled my final account and report a» persuade Indian Commissioner Sells ¡but to prevent It Thin has been made circuit court of the county uf Klam- executrix ot tho last will snd testa- DAMAGE SUIT Is Virants. Most ct then, are anxious to «d by au increased registration in FILED VS. COUNTY to make a trip to Klamath county this |plain by government officials who lath, state of Oregon, dated Hie 14th (tiieni of Charlo» Woodard, do<*ea»od. get out home and uv-nd their political • several of the outside precincts, espe BY EARL STEWART i fence< lt will be a novel stunt for1 elally Tule Lake precinct, at Merrill. month to bring about an early settle have beeu definitely iuforiued regard day of February, 1914, In a certain land tho above entitled court has fixed ment of the movement to reopen the ing Ambassador Chlnda'a request for action lu the circuit court for said 1 upon 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of ’ • most of them this campaigning By precinc.s, 1iho registration fol- Sprague and Williamson rivers to log permission to »end the party through county and slate, whsrein E. B. Hen- April 4, 1914, as tho tlm« and the TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS Is THE among the people instead of pulling lows: ging, this is au Impossibility. The the states. Icy a» plaintiff recovered Judgment for county court room In the court house SUM ASKED FOR wires among members of the state Fourth Ward • •«.•••a»« ..163 Aa Japan has recognised the Hu ¡the sum of six hundred dollars, and jot Klamath county, Oregon, In tho telegram received from Sinnott fol ——— legislatures. Elihu Root, whose term j East Klamath Falla......... . 16'.i erta government, and is friendly to I costs nnd disbursements taxed nt ■ city of Klamath Falla In «old county lows: Complaint Filed I asi Weey b> Aitor- aaplres March 4, 1915, positively Third Ward .. • ••••see»« ..814 "Telegram received. Read same ward It, Villa and CarrauM are lioa- rtft«'n dollars, on the 14th day of a» the place when and whole any per- ney R. C. Groesbeck States That In- doesn’t want re-election Root has . .131 Secoud Ward to commissioner, and urged compli tile to that country, say Japanese. February, 1914. Notice is hereby gl»-, »on may present any objection or ex jury Was the Result of the Poor announced his retirement from public West Klani'ilh Falls .... . . 188 For this reason. Chluda feared that ¡•n that I will, on Saturday, tho 31st ception tn anything therein contained, ance with your request. Condition in Which the County life st that time. Senator Bradley of • « e e o • • • « e .. 15 Shippington ¡Villa or his fiery subordinate« might ■lay of March. 1914, at the front door [ or to anything done by me as execu "The commissioner said he did not Highway to Militant! M m 'tain Kentucky is uot expected to fight for Mills Addition ............................ ». » .. 8u This lof the court house In Klamath Falta.! trix. «nd at the »aid time and place intend to visit the reservstlon with 'outrage Japan<*ee subjects (aim'd by the County Court. bis return, it is practically certain 10 .»•eoeoe .. Malin............. ¡would compel Japan to demand rep- in said county, at 10 o’clock In ths1 tho court will finally aettle the said ¡the specific object of inspecting tho : that his successor will be a democrat. . . 81 Pine Grove . . river question. He stated that be I»ration, which would enibarasa both j loronoon of said day, tell at publl. account. Another republican who is very apt Suit for 32. '01' was ceuimenced 14 Wood River . ................ .. . ¡Japan and the United States. Thia notice ta punll»he4 purauant felt tbe matter practically settled, and ■ auction to the highest bidder, for I to be succeeded by a democrat is Bur Lost River . . • e«oe»«ooe . .111 I against Klamath county I .»t week by that in a general tour of Inspection .■•aah. tlie following described proper to order of the above entitled court ton of Ohio. A republican who will . ...... . . . »0 Tule Lake . Earl Stewart, who alleges that he was OUTHIDE FIRMS made February 38. 1914, and the of the different rwervatlons, he would ty. to wit have the fight of bis life to "come' ..................... .. 30 Dairy......... MAY WORK HERE injured as a result of the bad condi- { back" is Bristow of Maine. His nom-l visit the Klamath reservation, and Lots 1. 3. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 13. 13. . first publication hereof la made oa ..................... .. 38 Odell .. .. tion of the highways. ¡incidentally inspect the river ques 14. 16. 14. 17, 18, 23 and 24. In • March. 6, 1914. Rollo C. |ination will be opposed by former . . 18 Poo Valley . -. in addition to (he local contractors MARTHA WOODARD. tion, adding that tie could not possi block 611 also lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 4. 7, 1 Senator Curtis, a - regular republican. - Groesbeck is attorney tor Stewart. - ------- ------------------ 3 who are considering submitting blds Executrix of the Rotate of Cbarlee bly arrive earlier than the middle of a, 9. 11. 12. 14. 15. 14. 17. 18, 10. According to the complaint. Stew- while Murdock will oppose him in Plevna . . . . ......... .. 34 I on the various street Improvements to May.” 20 and 22. in block 2; also lota 4. . Woodard, Deceaaed art was riding along the Midland in the regular general election A . . 17 Worden......... This is the reply sent by Senator be made this summer, outside firms 14 mid 21, In block 4; also lots 1. 35-4-2 r road last fall, about half a mile west democratic senator who frankly looks Midland .... .......... . 23 sre making Investigations aa to the Lane: of the Spring Lake school house, his • tor» «rd to a hard struggle is Cham- 2. 3. 4. 6. 4. 7, 4. 17. 18. 19. 80. . . 14 Hildebrand . . Notice of Sheriff*» Male "Commissioner busy with appro kind of work, etc. 81. 22. 23 and 24, In block 42; also horse collided with a post, set up ver- berlain of Oregon, who will be op 5 Sprague '.liver A representative of the Warren By virtue of ah execution on fore priation bill. Advises he must make all of block 33 except lots 11 and tically in the highway. As a result, posed by Robert A. Booth, a repub- l-angell Valiev ................... J) another trip before going to Klamath, Construction company is here, and Is 18 therein; al»o blocks 1. 2. 6. 28, si Insure duly issued by the . lerk of he says, his left leg was fractured. ilican. Swan............. ..................... . :> locking over the field. This comps- i Jbut will be there in May or June." 3». 30. 31. 32. 34, 36. 34, 37. 40. 43. Itho circuit court of the county of in addition to the costs of the suit A merber of tbe senate since the ................ .. ii Algoma . . ny. through the Strange-Maguire Pav l 44. 45. 44, 47. 48. 49. 93. 93. 94. Klamath, state of Oregon, dated th« As a result, several milling con Stewart asks the following items days of President Harrison in 1891, Mt. I-aki . . . ................ . . 31 cerns are kept Idle, unable to get out ing company company, laid tho hard 95 nnd 94; all of said above de I 31st day of February, 1914, In a cer Medical treatment 340, loss of work Galiinger of New Hampshire will surface pavement here a couple of have to make his first fight before the 1 RECLAIMED LAND 'the timber they purchased. scribed property being situated In tain aulì In the circuit court for said 3140, damages 31.300. "Whatever Sells’ attitude may be. year» ago. nnd a part of Orlndale Addition. county and state, wherein Frederick people next fall. New Hampshire's; WILL RE RELEASED It is also understood that Shell A there Is some consolation in the fact Klamath county, Oregon, according, Wlnatanley ns plaintiff recovered other senator, Hollis, is a democrat. WANT SELLS TO |Co., Granta Pass contractors, are fig- that Sinnott and Lane are working ¡One of the most interesting battles of to the duly recorded plat thereof judgment again»! F. E Robinson. VISIT KLAMATH Within tbe next week tbe reclama- this section,” said Secretary urlng on bidding on wms of tbe on file In the office of tho county Minnie A. Roblnaon and E. L. Carver jj LRIN g MoN TH the fail will be that of Gore, the ■ tion service expects to take up with ' for ¡K.amath Falls work. clerk of Klamath county, state of for the sum of one thousand dollars, _____ i blind senator from Oklahoma. ¡land owners along Tule l4ike the mat- Wylde of the Chamber of Commerce with Interest thereon from the 27th Oregon. URGENT WIRES ARE SENT TO Completely exoner.t.d of charge. |ter of leasing them government lands ¡today. "We sent them night letters HAY IDGE SEI S A day of March, 191!, computed and ¡last night and received their replies Taken and loved upon as the property WASHINGTON lOi lh' “O’‘ •?,OttB CihBr“t«r* “ that have been reclaimed from Tule BUSY YEAR AHEAD of the said Oregon inland Develop I added as provided by the terms of expected to be re-elected, i A s^’ Lake through the diversion of the wa ! before noon today.” __________________ ment company, a corporation, or aa said note, together with tha sum of . _ _ . . ,tacular "Armageddon" contest will ters of Lost River from entering the < hamber of tonunerce lelegrapba . "Between attrudlng to our Eastern much thereof aa may be necessary to ¡(wo hundred dollars attorney's fees HUERTA FYJRCF» , , ... _ be that in Pennsylvania, where Glf- lake There are between 300 and bualne»» snd supplying our orders un satisfy the »aid Judgment In favor of ¡and costa and disbursement» for the CfUMlNALH INTO , „ . „ .. _ __. . . ford Pinchot will battle for the pro- 1400 acres of this reclaimed land to: ° m u i * . ” " STCMlvee against Boise Penrose, stand FEDERAL FXIRCEH the Coast for box »hooks, this is go E. I). Henry against said Oregon In- ¡sum of forty-three nnd .06-100 dol- be leased. ing to be a very busy year for our I land Development company, with In ¡l/re, which Judgment was enrolled m I»*««* the democratic color. It is the plan of the local officials I plant." said Hunter Savidge of Hav- terest thereon, together with all costa and dm-keted In the clerk'» olHco of With Time for Logging Here. mF **1 m \ t O lea S e , he S e U nd * t O the ,* rmer * ZAPATA OUTLAWS ARE CIAME TO > idge Bros. Lumber company todly. THE CITY , und disbursements that have or may {»aid court In »aid ounty on the Iktti ____ _ who W‘H probably have the cordial own)ng or tmin< the farm ’ We will cut at least 10,000,000 er accrue. day of November, 1913 'support of President Wilson. w. Kia. in the hope of getting a decision ■ an lands. Instead of by bids. Notice la her* by given that 1 «111 lu Addition to Taking Men From the . 12,000,000 feet, and there la a posal- Dated at Klamnth Falla, Oregon. , ....... Many of the regular republicans. This land is slit covered, has a gen 1 billty that the cut may reach 15,000,- February 19. 1914. regarding the opening of W illiamson , „ , . ;. ... «»«■«. « s^u on the 4th da« of April, 1914, at tho Street« anil Forcing Them to Don , especially a few representatives, will t|e ,|ol)e and has no brush etc., to 1000 feet. and Sprague rivers to logging before . . ’ front door of the court house In Uniform» anil Shoulder Iti He». Dic C. C. LOW. Sheriff . . the. ... ranks of the progressives cleared On the season is very » far advanced, _ ... . . . ' ■■«■■■« uu account »<.uuu» of w. its ■■» long .uuS The Savidge plant haa beeu In op Klamath Falla, In said county, nt 2 tator, in Hi» Dc»peralion. Take« By GEO A HAYDON. Deputy. following telegram um oeen sent to ‘ 7“°’ d*C,*re’ «ubmersion, and the many deposits of i o’clock In the afternoon of said day, ■Yearly a Thousand l*ri«on<*ra Into eration practically all year. The man- 2-1» 3-1» r Indian Commissioner Cato Sells, by ent're'y tO° m“Ch “ ve*Hab,e ma,,W raaU“'n«’ “ “ h,«h-| {agement is planning a temporary ¡sell at public auction, to tho highest Hi» Army. the Klamath Chamber of Commerce: ■ T _ m u ■ , product!»». I shut down In a short time to allow bidder for cash, the following de Hammons Another fight in which intense in- __________________ "Press reports and advices from , ...__ _ _ . .... , . I i MEXICO CITY, March 13 —Zapata I repairs, etc. In the Circuit Court of the State of scribed real property, to wit: _ terest will center is that of Cols L. > to CLOSE OUT ------------------------------ • senators and congressmen indicate n. . ... . ■ • r c ■ All of aectlon sixteen. In town land his forces are attacking tbe fed Oregon, for Klamath County vn..r ll.tM.ilnn muk.n« Wh° W1H make th® rUn ALL DRY GfNlDH New York state has 1,234.150 per your intention of making Klamath EUi8On D gm)th of 8onth c,rolln, ship twenty-seven south, rsnge eral troops at Cuernavaca, near here II. W. Viets, Plaintiff; isons employed In factories. Of these nine; all of section thirty-six. In county a visit in tbe near future. Weiand who |t ig declared ha> an I this afternoon. vs. Klamath Falls is to have another rspMctfully ask that you come 'hi. chance Qf 8mlth Mr towushlp twenty-eight south, range In brder to raise reinforcements, ¡682.796 work In New York city. Loon Amadon. Minnie Amadon. His exclusive gents furnishing store. O. eight, and tho east half of section present month, on account of the in-'p.___ .___ ___________ _________ .. Wife; W. E. Marrlon. David D. ®leaae nBtlon-wide «P«<*Uon M Hector wh0 hag been mana<lng Husrta snd bis officers are resorting Letter carriers in Russia get 312 50 1 sixteen, In township twenty-eight spection of Williamson and Sprague 1 becauw of hi, .. to conscription methods, aind have Brooks, the Harboldt-WBson ”.---- .” — '° he*1 Wl,h ,h® ( °n fhe Hector s Department 8tore for south, range eleven, all east of tho rhner. regarding logging <H>*ratto» lgtltuUon.. Tlewa 1 . Mzh He wa_a was rarzintlv recently r«k- re-! ' . even emptied the Jails to fill the to 317.50 a month. . . . . Company, u Corporation; Lucre tbe past year, haa purchased tbe in- ¡ranks. Wlllumetto meridian, containing In Spring ta here, the snow is gone, .nd ie]ected <OTernor. degplte tha tia E. Roles. Frank E Roles, teresta of the others of the company, the inspection can now be made easily |u<m Qf T1Ilman The Germans will mount 40.000- tho aggregate 1,600 acres; Hundreds of man were »elzed on Her Husband; R. Smith, Trus and with dispatch. Another veteran of the senate who and will take immediate steps to the streets today by detachments of candle power searchlights on some of tee; R. B. Owens and Jane Doe taken and levied upon as the property close out the line of ladies' goods and troops. They were forced to enlist thelr airships, to llllmunlnnte ths en of the said F. E Robinson. Minnie A. Owens, His Wife, Defendants. “Wire us the time of your coming. (g rounding out his last term is Per carry only men's furnishings. and march against the attacking emy’s camp. In addition, the following telegram king of California, whose long illness To i W. E. Marrlon, I»avld D Brooks Robinson and E. L. Carver, or aa He has secured the exclusive agen forces. and R. Smith, Trustees Above i much thereof aa may be necesaary to has been sent to Secretary Lane. Sen- has almost prostrated him. A sen cy for several standard lines of cloth Equity No. 353 .satisfy the said judgment In iavor of Nine hundred prisoners of the fed Named Defendants: ators Chamberlain and Lane and Con- ator who cannot make a struggle is ing and shoes, and expects to be ready Hummon. eral state and city prisons here were In the name of the State of Oregon, J th® said Frederick Wlnatanley against gressman Sinnott. I Thornton of Louisiana, whose suc- with his new line sbout the 1st of | this afternoon impressed into mlli- In the circuit court of the slate of you are hereby required to appear tho said F. E. Robinson and Minnie * Commissioner o( Indian affairs cessor. Robert F. Broussard, now a April. Oregon, for the county of Klam- nn(j answer the complaint filed A. Roblnaon. with Interest thereon, .tary service. This number Includes haa announced his intention to in- representative, has already been elect- ath. some of tbe most vicious and desper against you In the above entitled togother with al! coots and disburse spect the Klamath reservation, and ed Despite the fact that he bos *I-|. hu RPHY GAINING FIRST HAND F. H. Jobes. Plaintiff. ate men in Mexico. I court and cause, on or before the 10th ments that have or may accrue. render a final decision regarding tbe ways been considered a leader of tlfe j INFORMATION ON PROJECT Dated at Klamath Falla, Oregon, ▼s. day of April, 1914, and If you fall so opening of Williamson and Sprague progressive republicans, Cummins of ¡Allonzo Allen, who is slso known ss^f0 appear and answer, the plaintiff. ■February 21. 1»14. Good Show Coming rivers to logging operations. This Iowa will probably be opposed by a C. C. LOW. Sheriff These are busy days for Project. Al Oak, advance man for the Mla- Allonzo W. Allen; Jane Doe Al- fOr want thereof, will apply to the matter is of the very greatest import- progressive candidate, even if he has Manager J. G. Camp and Operation jsourl Girl,” arrived In thia city last By GEO A. HAYDON. Deputy. len, his wife, whose true name is court for the relief prayed for In ance to the prosperity of Southern no opposition in his own party. While be will have no opposition ln and Maintenance Engineer B E. Hay- night to attend to publicity matters to plaintiff unknown; tho un- the complaint, which is as follows: (KUYKENDALL « FERGUSON. At Oregon, and should be determined torneys for Plaintiff. 8-5 4-8 r the general elections, Clarke of Ar-I len ot the reclamaUon »»rvic», for for his show. The "Missouri Girl” la known helm of said Allonzo Al-'That that certain mortgage executed definitely forthwith. Kansas, president pro tempore of thel ther are enKaged in «bowing Engin-! a comedy drama of much spirit, with len, alias Allonzo W. Allen; the by the defendant Leon Amadon and "Spring time is here, tbe snow is Notice to Creilltors MurPh’r’ 1,1 charge of drainage a genuine Western twang to it, and unknown heirs of said Jane Dee Minnie E. Amadon to the plaintiff gone, and Commissioner Sells could senate, will have a hard fight with Judge W. F. Kirby of the stat« au-| worl< ’ over the P r °i ect ' and outlining tg gure to nil the opera house for tbe Notice Is hereby given to all per Allen; also all other persons or herein, dated March 21st, 1912, and proceed with the matter of inspection of the rivers with dispatch and con preme court. Clarke is now mending I|,roposad methods of drainage for the nights of March 21 and 22. parties claiming any right, title. recorded April 1st, 1912, at page 417 ' sons hiving claims agnlnst the estate ------------------------------ venience. Will you use your best ef fences back home, not having been arreage under the flr,t unlt oi the, Interest, estate or Hen In the real In book 11 of Records of Mortgages of N. E. Postell, iloceaned, to present Installing crusher, forts for us, to persuade him to come in the senate since the Christina» rt- Klaniatb Project. estate described In the complaint of Klamath county, Oregon, bo fore- | such claims with the proper vouchers cesa. | The drainage engineer was sent Harris A Co. have moved their rock thia present month?” of the plaintiff herein; de- Hosed, and that the plaintiff be de at the inw ofllco of F H. Mills, Klam fendants. creed to have a first Hen for the sum ath Falls, Oregon, within six months Coe I. Crawford has also been from Washington to obtain first band crusher from Conger avenue to the *'ve hundred dollars, together with .from the date of thia notice. NORTHERN TIMBER mending fences back in 8ouy> Dako Information regarding local condi- hill In Hot Springs addition, in the q-0 the above named defendants. In - ’ *-*------* **■ ----------- at * ** — -*• — of ' " 8 per EARL WHITLOCK. Administrator IS NOT INFEHTED ta since Christmas. In bls own party Hons, and to take up with the local rear of W. P. Johnson's residence. It1 the name of the state of Oregon |Interest thereon the rata Dated at Klamath Falta, Oregon, Charles H. Burke will probably op officials the various methods and ays-Ha being prepared for a busy season’s You and each of you are hereby I">r *nn",n ,rom »«’I'K’mber 21st, 3-12 4-9 r "There is no Infestation of the tim pose him, while Edward 8. Johnson terns advocated. The government has work, getting out crushed rock for ¡summoned to appear and answer tho l9I3, and for the sum of one hun- March 12. 1914. 'complalnt filed against you In the dr«d d,’Ilar"- «‘torney’s fees, anil for ber in the northern part of the coun- *H1 probably lead the democrats in appropriated over 3100,000 for the street Improvements, Notice of Hcttlcnient of Final Account construction of a drainage system un- -------------------- — —- ty. While sway, we cruised over six the general election. above entitled suit, within six week.|the coa‘* “nd dl.burMment. of the of Administrator. der the first unit I'relhwinary Work. townships, and found the trees to be George Ade, the humorist, is being after the first publication of this sum- |,laln"ff ln ,hla *0“’ on tha Notice is hereby given that Edgar Later the matter will be submitted | A preliminary survey is being made mons In the Klamath Republican, a roal l,roP®rt’r> tree from the ravages of the Western brought forward to succeed Senator The northeast quarter and the I.. Furber, administrator of the es pine beet Is.” Shively of Indiana. Albert J. Bever to a drainage commission, named lalorlK Eleventh street by employes of newspaper published and of goneral This statement was made today by idge will contest with Ade, should from reclamation service engineers, the city engineer's office. The prop-' 'circulation In Klamath county. Or- I south half of the northwest quar tate of Lewis I. Furber, deceased, ter of section thirty-four, and the has rendered and presented to tho Hal H. Ogle, who, with Carl Grubb, .Ade run. for the progressive nomlna- and local men will in all probability jert2 owners along this thoroughfare logon. south half of the northwest quar court and filed with tho clerk thereof, has been cruising in the vicinity of tfon. Candidates for the republican be among the member. This board fieeire Its Improvement from Main And you will take notice thnt If ter of section thlrty-two, all in his report nnd flnnl account of his Crescent since the first part of De- nomination are ex-Governor W. T. will officially decide upon the method «treet to a point where a Junction you fall to appear and answer or i townahlp thirty-nine south of range administration of said estate, togother «ìth » road to Shippington fa possible comber. . They made the trip for the Durbin, former mayor of Indlanap- to be adopted. otherwise plead within said time, the 10 oast of the Willamette Meridian, with his petition for final distribu Klamath-Lake Forest Fire Associg-oils, Charlie Book waiter and W. L. When the commission make« plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply | situated in Klamath county, state tion of the jtersonal property belong tion, to spot any signs of insect in- Taylor. Shively is unlikely to be op known Its decision, an excavator, Merrill Rancher in Town. to the above entitled court for the re- [ ing thereto; nn<l thnt Saturday, tho of Oregon. testation. posed in the democratic party, as Tag- «•specially designed for the recom-, Hans Nylander Is a county seat vis lief demanded In his complain! filed That said property be sold as upon lllli day of April, A. D. 1914, at 10 mended system, will be purebssed' itor from hit ranch near Merrill. In a few days they expect to go to Kart has said he will not run. In this suit, as follows: execution, nnd the proceeds applied to j o’clock n. m., nnd In tho court room A whole flock of candidates are as- ¡and put to work. Until that time the Fort Klamath, to cruise the Yawkey For a decree determining all ad- the payment of said sums of money i of the county court of’KIaninth conn tract of 15,000 acres for signs of in Firing against Benator Jonee of Wash-¡«elf-propelled excavator now In use In From Keso. ington, which state last time sent the on tbe project will be kept busy on festation. If. Rnowgoose, a well known resl- verse claims of the défendante, or above mentioned, due tho plaintiff ty, state of Oregon, In tho county dent of Keno, Is here attending to any or either of them, er any other herein, and that you be forever'court house of Klamath Falls, In said "There is about a foot and a half only progressive to the senate, Poln- drains /(ready authorised, party or parties, In or to the north- barred and forever foreclosed of all'county, have been appointed by the business matters. ------------------------------ of snow at Crescent, and three feet at dexter, to that body. Roger C. Sulll- j I east quarter of the northeast quarter right, title and Interest in and to. court as the time nnd plnce for tho Corral Springs,” said Ogle. ‘‘At the van of Chicago would, It is asserted. ¡Mrs. Hmith Here, marsh there Is about a foot and a like to succeed Senator Sherman of Mrs. Richard 8. Smith of Eugene According to Dr. Clement Lucas c»f of section thlrty-alx, twonship forty, said property, except tho right of re hearing of »aid petitIpn, report and arrived Thursday for a short visit England, the human family is llkoly south, range eleven, east, of the Wil- demotion aa required by law, nnd fer final necount, and the settlement of half, and twice that depth at Rocky Illinois, and may make the race. lametta meridian, In Klamath county, guch other and further relief na to the said account, at which time and place Point.” Considering tbe size of the state, with relatives and friends. She is !to become a one-toed race, Oregon, declaring the plaintiff to be court may aeem Just and equitable, any parson Interested In said estate (be number of candidates Is small. now the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. --------------- This summons la served upon you may appear and file exception» to said Rig Freezer. 1 There is anoth«*r state where a re- Noland. Dick Smith Is expected In a MONEY to loan, B F. Shepherd, the absolute owner In fee simple of said described lands, and that de-|by order of the Honorable William ¡account nnd contest the same. The Shasta candy store has just in-' f ubllcsn seat «• dim to be In danger. few days to Join his wife. He Is now 617 Main street, 12-lm r Dated this 12th day of Mnrch, 1914 fondants, and each of them, and all 8. Worden, county Judge of Kinmath stalled a big 20-gallon ** “ ice cream John Walter Smith of Maryland seem» in San Mateo, Calif., where he accom- ■ 1 EDGAR L. FURBER, tpanled his brother, Horatio, who Is There are two kinds of insurance. other persons be forever enjolnod and county, Oregon, acting In the absence freeaer, tbe largest In the county. The practically certain of re-election. new machine freecee In eight mlnutea Democratic voters in Alabama will taking radium treatment for a serious , Chllcotr write» tlie kind that pays. debarred from asserting any claim of Henry L, Benson, Judgo of tlie Administrator of tho Estate of Lewis |hrve a chance to .■hooee between Rep- affliction of ths throat. OSA Main. I. Furber, Deceased. 8-12-4-9r In or to said lands adverse to this above entitled court, which order Is time Semi-Weekly Herald NIPPONESE SENT FROM VILLA ZONE SENATORIAL BEES BUSILY HUMMING , i'bis I ’ ■ I a • A «-MA.