E. Hayden, Mi.. Austin Hayden, Mrs. <’ A. Jacoba, Mrs. L. G. Van Bollen, Mrs. W. II. Maxon, Mrs. J. 8. Stallings, Mr». J. 8. Stubblefield, Mrs. A. Patchin. Mrs. W. 0. Townsend, Mr*. W 1’ McMillan, Mrs. 1«, Gerber, Mrs. Geo. Hum, Mrs. G. K Vail Riper, Mrs. M 8. Sargent «I«) MSI« «• smashing big bow under one pink and artistically. It she Is wise, how- tv«r, the young middle aged woman tipped ear. With misses of eighteen aud twenty selects her raiment judiciously in u| eing the snowy locks of age m their tones ot soft gray, lavender, purple, ivhtte wigs or gray tinged powder, golden brown, taupe, sapphire, blue, I the dowager», whose hoary tresses old rose atul creamy white, ami re­ Three little skirts slit up to the knee ate natuie's dower, no longer need members that black is for the young Three little belles are these graces rtsert to uye a- the first step toward w oman alone. three, Moleskin is a becoming fur for ail rejuvenation. As white hair is par- Grandma and mother and child are i ittlarly tiying however the complex­ ages aud silver tipped fox as al­ they, ion still retains some of the coloring tractive for fifty as fifteen, Let lier But which is which it were hard to '. nd textutc of youth, the present pay attention to her figure and al­ say. fashion of tinting the hair blue, pur- ways be well corseted. One may easily keep ahead of le ami cerise to suit your fancy is (Written for the luited Press» a great aid to the perpetuation of Father Time in the tripping measures NEW YORK, Feb. 14.—There may youth. of the trot and tango aud a masseuse be seven ages of man according to Grandmother's best gown is no in time saves nine wrinkles. One of the newest fads is the wear­ Shakespeare, but according to Fash- longer of stiffly brocaded black satin iou there's only one age of woman |or silk with a touch of old lace about ing of pearl dog collars not merely and that's debutante age. Madame the .doles and throat. No. iudeedy. in the evening but for afternoon as La Mode has donned her gardening I not lor the 1914 grandma. Her best well. This is a blessing for the gloves, taken her pruning shears in frock, which, by the way, is a tango woman whose only betrayal of age hand and stepped into the garden of one. is of mauve chiffon over rose is about the throat, nor will she be femininity. She has patted and i w ith a band of black velvet about her suspected of wearing it for that pulled and coaxed and resorted to lihroat and no sleeves at all. reason, since sweet aud twenty is also artificial aids until there isn't a hardy Mother's dress of baby blue tulle covering up h«r firm young throat in perennial, a wall tiower, a century I is as diaphanous and scant of skirts like manner. plant, or a full blown blossom inthe j is daughter’s pink chiffon, and if this Another good thing for the Indian whole place uoth'.ng but buds. It's (keeps on, uo doubt great-great-graud- summer charmer is the present craze true many won't bear close inspec­ niamma will be orderiug a yellow for small ami close fitting hats, for tion. but most of 'em are triumphs crepe de chine for her .next coming none but the brave ami extremely of art over nature just the same. « ut party. young should dare the large chapeau. Time was. and not so long ago it is well to bear in miud. however, There is much to be said for this either, when a woman in her fifties fashion of perpetual youth, When that you've got to feel voting as well took to tiny black bonnets with a woman's heart is young even as dress young if you would look strings tied under her chin in demure though her years number three score young. So throw your knitting grandmotherly fashion. Now she still and ten there is no need for her to needles and your specs into the dis­ takes to bonnets, but they are of friv­ deck herself in the rusty garments card. granny, join a tango class and olous gold lace wired out over the of senility. On the other hand, the get a French dressmaker and a ears in the cutest Dutch effect, and great danger of the present mode is Swedish masseuse. the strings that tie under her chin a tendency to go far to the extreme Wrinkles aren't being worn this are coquettish brides of black velvet and nothing is sadder than when she season and a sparkle in your eye is or pearls or tulle ties that fasten with refuses to accept her years gracefully worth two crowsfeet in the corner. Three little maids at a tango tea, Slender and swagger and lair to see, Three little frockB of a dainty hue, Three little heads of hair in the newest blue, ♦ ♦ ♦ Saturday marked the thirtieth anni­ versary of the wedding of Mr and Mrs I., 8. Grigsby. In honor of the occa­ sion, Mr. aud Mrs. Grigsby, with their «.hlldren. grandchildren and a few friends enjoy««1 an anniversary dinner in the afternoon, in addltlou to Mr. and Mrs. Grigsby there were present Mr. ami Mrs. J. D. Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Brown, Basil Brown, Mr and Mrs. H. A. Grimes, Faith and Maria Grimes, Elisabeth Grigsby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garrich, Homer Garrirti, Miss Waive Drew. Nellie llllss and Artie Nichols. The dining room was pret­ tily decorated for the occasion, ami mauy < ut flowers were used for adorn­ ment. In addition to being fault­ lessly prepared ami served, the din­ ner had an added Interest for the guests in the fact that all the viands, from the 18-pound turkey to the the cumumbers. were raised on the Grigsby ranch. ♦ ♦♦ The Baldwin hotel was the scene of a highly enjoyable party Saturday af­ ternoon, the affair Iwliig an auction bridge given by Mrs. Will W. Bald win, Mrs. Harry G. Benson and Mrs. Clarence 11. Underwood. The guest list Includes Mrs. J. Frank Adams, Mrs Frank Ankeny, Mrs. George T. Baldwin, Mr». Zltn Baldwin, Mr». Her­ bert 8. Gale, Mrs. Carl ('. Cofer. Mr». Oil» Campbell, Mrs. Claude Coe«>boom, Mrs. Fred Moullen, Mr». Jack Elliott, Mrs. E. W. Gowen. Mrs. l.oula Gerber, hotel was decorated In valentine hearts and cupids. In a manner ap­ propriate to the day A dainty lunch­ eon wax served during the afternoon ♦ ♦ ♦ Miss Nina Noe) was hostess at an elegantly and perfectly served lunch­ eon given at tile high school Wednes­ day noon. This was the second of n series of prize luncheon» being con­ ducted by the Domestic Science class, divided Into quartets. Miss Noel was assisted by Miss Helen Elliott, Miss Marie Griffith and Miss Vela Sphmel- ser. The guests were Mrs. Fred Peter- son. Mrs. Dr. Fisher. Mrs. W ■ Faught. Mr. and Mrs. Judge George T. Baldwin. Mr. and Mrs. Judge Griffith. The eighteenth birthday of Verl J. Brewbaker was celebrated <>n Monday evening. February 9th, at the Brew­ baker home. A jolly crowd of friends partook of a 6 o'clock dinner, and the evening wus very pleasantly spent ♦ ♦♦ with games, music and a social good A number of the high school boys time. and girls gave a surprise party for ♦ ♦♦ Miss Ida Thomas Thursday night at Highly successful was the Silver the residence of W. L. Moore, at Sev­ Tea given by the Ladies Aid Society enth and Walnut streets. The occa­ o fthe Presbyterian church Thursday sion wax In celebration of Miss afternoon. This was given at ths .Thomas' stwnth birthday, and was home of Mrs. Robert A. Emmltt, and I arranged by her girl friend» In the Mrs. Emmltt was assisted by the fol­ high school. The young folks gath­ lowing committee: Mrs. O. H. Bren­ ered at th«' home of Mias Hattie White neman. Mrs. W. P. Johnson, Mrs. K. and from there marched in a body to I). North, Mrs. Willis E. Faught. Mrs. the Moore residence, which they en- George Chamberlain, Mrs Marion ter«'d without knocking. Miss Thomas Hanks, Mrs. O. D. Matthews, Mrs. first thought the Invaders to be a Chester Avery and Mrs. John Maehl. bunch of burglars, but was soon con­ The guests were Mrs. C. C. Hogue. vinced that happiness, instead of Mrs. Nate Otterbein. Mrs. R. J. harm, was Intended Dancing, music Sheets, Mrs. J. Fred Hoeller, Mrs. J. and refreshments filled out a most en­ McClure. Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg. Mrs. joyable evening. Those there wore Ida M. Fink, Mrs. J. B. Chambers. rMngwt Dunbar. Ella Dews. Donna Mrs. R. J. Stewart, Mrs. C. P. Stew­ Mack. Waive Jacobs, Hattie White, art. Mrs. C. N. Snow, Mrs. A. R. Wil­ Ida Thomas, Forest Pell. Ralph Hum, son, Mrs. E. W. Gowen. Mrs. J. A. Leland Hains, Edmund Dews. Stan­ McLean, Mrs. G. A. Krause, Mrs. A. ley Smith, R Motschenbacher. Wnlter A MehafTey, Mrs. T. J. Williams, Mra. Hale and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore ♦ ♦♦ G. D. Grizzle, Mrs. S. E. Farmer, Mrs. The children of members of the John Johnson. Mrs. Loy Hllyard, Mrs. J. I.. Ringo, MrMs. J. M. Ezell, Mrs. Masonic orders and Order of the East­ Floyd Mundy, Mrs. R. C. Shipley. Mrs. ern Star were entertained Friday by J. B. Mason. Mrs. I-ewis Wylde, Jen- the officers of Aloha Chapter, nt Ma- nie ('. Harris, Mrs. C. B. Browne. Mrs. Honlc hall. In tho afternoon the wee W. R. Boyd, Mrs. Sydney Evans. Mrs. kiddles were the guests, and they en­ R. Vance Hutchins, Mrs. C. S. Silsby, joyed two or three hours of hilarity, Mrs. H. J. Darling. Mrs. 8. P. Lowery, playing valentine games and romping Mrs. F. L. Potmesll, Mrs. Geo. A. 1 Each was given a valentine favor, and Elwell. Mrs. Maxwell M. Long, Mrs. a luncheon was served. For the old- oiii'H, ilio hull liv foro evening was transformed into a county fair, with tho numerous sideshows that go to Whitman, Mrs. George I Wrlgtb, Mrs. Robert E. Wutlenburg, Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Mrx Robert M Richardson, Mrs. Jackson Kltuball, Mrs. Roy llam- aker. Mrx. J. A Gordon, Mrs. Will A loonard, Mrs. IL It. Hamilton. Mrs. (' V Fisher, Mr». Hvnr.v I. Benson, Mixa Louise Benson, Miss Maud Bald­ win and Miss Rachel Miinnetnan. The Mrs. J. Fr«<«l tloeller, Mrs. (’ C. Iloguo. Mrs Will t'. Hunt, Mrs. Cbaa M George. Mrs. Elbert B. Hall. Mrs. ciiarlex I Robertson, Mrs .Hilus Oben < bain, Mrx <)«*orge Noland, Mrs. Fred II. Mills, Mrs Charles Martin, Mrs. Roy Moore, Mrs. Churlex .Meldrum, Mrx. Edward J. Murray. Mrs. Rufus H Moore, Mrs. (’laude II. Dnggett, Mrs. George II. Merryman. Mrs. (?, P. Mason. Mrs. 8. Edward Martin. Mrs. tilts A Krause, Mrs. Joseph 8. Kent, Mrx Itotort A Johnson, Mrs Austin Hayden, Mrs. E. It Henry, Mr». Tho». Hamilton, Mrs Carey M Itamsby, Mrs Ciiarlex 8. Moore, Mr». E It Ream«*. Mrs Charles I Roberta. Mr». I.«xlie Rogers, Mrs (). W. Robertson. Mrs. Wesley O Smith, Mrs. Richard E. Smith, Mrs Oscar Shlve, Mrs. Fred Schallock. Mrs 2 I,. F Willets. Mr». Frank Ira White, Mrs. Bert E. With­ row. Mrs. F I. Williams, Mrs. Frank Ward. Mrs. Karl Whitlock. Mrs. A E make thnae up. and there was much merriment ns a result In addition, game« an«i dancing were enjoyed, and at a late hour refreshment« were served. «’1' ♦ ♦♦ Mr. and Mrs Oscar Peyton enter- tained Mlsa Claudia O'l.nughlln. Mias Hasel Heeley, Mlsa Ixvulse Rargent and Mixa Winifred Wlnnard at dinner last Sunday afternoon The affair proved highly enjoyable Summons I «nd accruing costs and interests. three (43) and lot seven (7) in In the justice court of the district of Fourth, that any taxes, charges and block forty-five (45), all In the Linkville, Klamath county. Or- 1 assessments that may be paid or that First Addition to Klamath Falls ♦ ♦♦ e>gon, J has been paid by plaintiffs on said (formerly Linkville), Oregon, ac­ Savidge Brothers Lumber Company, premises may be added to said judg- cording to the duly recorded plat Mrs Frank Ward was hostess to a Plalntiff, I ment 'and decree above that prayed thereof, now upon file in the of­ number of friends this week, when vs. for and demanded. j fice of the county clerk, for the auction bridge wus played There A. J. White, Defendant. Fifth, for a decree foreclosing all county of Klamath, and state ot were present Mrs Robert Watten To A. J. Whits, the above named De- tne rights, title and interest of de­ Oregon, and burg. Mrs C. (’. Hogue. Mrs. (J. K. fendant. ' fendants, including dower, claim ot Notice is hereby given that on the Vnn Riper, Mrs. A. M Worden. Mr». Orb Campbell and Mrs Will T I-er In the name of the state of Oregon: d«*er, curtesy, claim of curtesy in 6th day of March, A. D. 191», at 2 You are hereby required to appear antl 1° (be lots ten (10) and eleven o’clock in the afternoon of said day.ln Following the completion of the game and answer the complaint filed 411 > of block four (4) in West Link- front of the countv court house of the a dainty luncheon was nerved by Mrs Ward against you in the above entitled ac-jv^-e (now Klamath Falls), Oregon, county of Klamath and state of Ore­ tion on or before the 13th of March, 18 shown by the official plat of said gon. in the city of Klamath Falls, ♦ ♦♦ 1914, that being the last day of the! We8t Linkville,” on file and of rec­ Klamath county, state of Oregon, I Members of the Ix«l»urr Hour Club time prescribed in the order for pub-,or<^ *n the office of the county clerk ot will in obedience to said execution and were guests of Mrs Fred Hchallock lication of this summons, and if you | Klamath county, Oregon, and direct- decree of foreclosure and sale, sell. In Wednesday afternoon Mrs R E fail to appear and answer, for want ing that the said premises be sold, as the manner prescribed by law and Smith wax awarded the prlte for card thereof the plaintiff will take judg­ is by law provided, to satisfy such the practice of the above entitled honors, and there were prewent Mrs. ment against you in the sum of decree and judgment, and for the court, the above described land and A R. CamptM'll. Mrs E. B Hall. Miss 125.00, together with interest thereon payment to the said defendants as real estate, or so much thereof as Harris. Mrs. (’. C. Hogue. Mrs Geo. at the legal rate from November, 25, their interests may appear of all may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's Hum, Mrs. Maxwell M Ixvng. Mrs 1913, and for costs and disburse­ moneys remaining after the payment judgment with interest thereon and ('harlcs Meldrum. Mrs Henry Newn- ments in this action, and for an order of the said decree and judgment, to­ costs and attorney’s fees, to the high­ ham, Mrs O. W Robertson, Mrs, R. of the court that plaintiff may have gether with all costs and disburse­ est and best bidder for cash In hand, E. Smith. Mrs. Fred Hchallock, Mrs execution against you for the above ments of this suit and action of said i in gold coin of the United States. Bert E Withrow. Mrs Whitlock. Dated January 27, 1914. named sum and costs and that a cer­ sale. Mrs William Mastrn and Mrs Frank c. a low , tain sum of money due you from the Sixth, that either of said plaintiffs Vannlce. Southern Pacific company now under or either of said defendants to this ¡Sheriff of Klamath County, State of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A JohtiHog Oregon. attachment in this action be paid in to suit and action may become a pur­ left Saturday for ('nllfornla They apply on this judgment. chaser at said sale, and that plaintiffs By Geo. A. Haydon, Deputy. will be away for several weeks First publication Feb. 5, 1914. This summons is served on defend­ may have such other and further re­ Last publication, March 5, 1914. ant by publication in the Klamath lief as may be agreeable to equity west line of said block one said described lands, and that de­ shall seem meet. Republican, a weekly newspaper of and good conscience and to the hon­ Equltjr No. 552 fendants, and each of them, and all I Thia summons lx published In the hundred and fifty (150) feet to a general circulation in Klamath coun­ orable court shall seem meet. other persona be forever enjoined and Klamath Republican at Klamath Kumn'ons point thence east os a line par- ty, not less than once a week for six I This summons is published in the Falls, in Klamath county, Oregon, a allel with the north line of said consecutive weeks, by order of the Klamath Republican at Klamath In the circuit court of the state of debarred from asserting any claim newspaper published in Klamath this In or to said lands adverse to block two hundred (200) feet to Oregon, for the county of Klam­ Hon. E. W. Gowen, justice of the Falls in the said county of Klamath, plaintiff, and for such other and [ Falls, said county and state, by order a point; thence north on a line ath. peace in Linkville district, Klamath by order of the Hon. Wm. S. Wor­ further relief as shall seem meet and of the Honorable Henry L. Ih-nson, parallel with the went line of county, Oregon, made the 28th day den, county judge of the county of F H. Jobes, Plaintiff. ¡circuit judge, dated the 27th day of said block cue hundred anil fifty equitable. VB. of January, 1914. The date of the Klamath, Oregon, dated January 8th, (150) feet to « point or the This summons is published pur- January, 1914, directing the first pub­ first publication of this summons is 1914, directing the first publication Allonzo Allen, who Is also known as lication to be made on the 29th day north line of said block, ttienee January 29, 1914. to be made on the 15th day of Jan­ Alionzo W. Allen; Jane Doe Al­ suant to an order of the Honorable of January, 1914, and to continue for west on the north line of said Henry L. Benson, Judge of the above JOSEPH S KENT. uary, 1914, and to continue for six len. his wife, whose true name is six weeks, and the last publication to block two hundred (200' feet entitled court, made on the 31st day l-29-3-5r Attorney for Plaintiff. weeks, and tbe date of the last pub­ to plaintiff unknown; the un­ be made on the 5th day of March. to the place of beginning: to­ lication to be made on the 19th day known heirs of said Allonzo Al­ of January, 1914, and the first pub­ 1914. gether with the tenements, Summon»—In Equity lication thereof Is made In the Klam ­ of February, 1914. len, alias Allonzo W. Allen; the F. H. MILLS, hereditaments and appurte­ ath Republican on the Sth day of In the Circuit Court of the State of F H. MILLS, Klamath Falls. Ore. unknown heirs of said Jane Doe Klamath Fails, Oregon. nances thereto belonging, or Is Oregon, For the County of Klam­ February, 1914. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Allen; also all other persons or l-29-35r Attorney for Plaintiff. anywise appertaining to said ath. J. H. CARNAHAN, 1-15 2-26 r parties claiming any right, title, land, including fixtures, furni­ Attorney for Plaintiff. Fred Melhase and Gus Melhase, 2-5-3-19 r Notice of Guar«lian'H Hale of Un- interest, estate or lien in the real ture, safe an