We Wish You a Merry Xmas and Most Happy and Prosperous New Year And thank you for your help in making this store Southern Oregon’s Largest, Livest Men’s Store, and hope we will merit a continuance of your friend ship and patronage during 1914. K.K.K. STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS THREE MASSES Al THESACREDHfARÏ Harvard Professor’s Daughter Held as Spy for French Government Our Ch ristmas Sermon “TAe Fullness of lime” By El.DI B S. D. II ltd. AN, Pastor (' HIGH MASS WILL BE CELEBRAT- ED AT 10:30, WITH APPROPRI­ ATE SERMON AND SPECIAL Ml SIC Christmas will be celebrated at the Church of the Sacred Heart to­ day by three masses, Low mass will be at a o’clock and 8 :30 in the mom- ing, solemnized by the pastor, Rev. William McMillan S. J. At 10;30 high mass will be cele- brated, and at this time Father Mc­ Millan will give his Christmas ser­ mon. The church has been prettily decorated for the occasion, and the Bethlehem manger will be shown. The choir will render for this occa­ sion Leonard’s Mass in E flat. Mem­ bers of the choir are; Sopranos—Dorothy Weeks, Mrs. M. A. Smith, Pearl Boivin; altos—Mar­ jorie Weeks, Mary Shubert; tenors— Harry If. Gallagher, Martin Lavenik; basses- Arthur D. Hay, J. B. McAl­ lister, W. H. Sperry; organist, Mrs. A. Y. Tindall; violinist, Mrs. Jule Bar low. PEOPLE BUNCOED 8Ï S. f. AGENCY Mise Dorothy M«< vane A few days ago a local restaurant man sent to the Golden Gate Employ­ Miss Dorothy Macvane, daughter of ment agency of San Francisco for a Silas Marcus Macvane, professoj- cook and waiter, stating that the emeritus of Harvard, who resigned wages would be |21 per week for the cook and |15 per week for waiter. his chair and went to live in Europe Last night they arrived from San shortly after one of his daughters Francisco, but their employment slip married a French army oflicer, was from the agency was entirely differ­ ent from what the restaurant man virtually arrested by the Italian gov- had promised. ; -rnincnt on the charge of being a The cook held a contract from the j French spy. She was held at Taran- employment agency for a position 'to, v.hile engaged there with an Ital­ paying $10u per month, with board ian opera company, of which she wan and room. The waiter’s coptract I the leading lady. tract called for board and room for The young won ¡, has conslih rabl- I himself and wife and a position for reputation in I. a singer, and his wife. for the last few yeair she had travel­ There are no rooms connected with ed with Italian opera coinpanl- over the restaurant, nor was anything ever Europe. kjhe h never yet been seen mentioned about a position for a in lie: Cnited ,t Right alter her woman. od'ntion, Mi s Ed;'a Macvane, who D. Darbarna, the cook, declares he is the author of several successful u.ually handsome woni-n. will »« turn Immediately to San Fran­ no.els, hurried to American Ainbas- Of the three, Mini; E-t ih Is perhaps cisco and prosecute the Golden Gate eador Thomas Nelson Page, to get best known to tbo H iding public Employment agency for misrepresen­ bin. -i ii.ierv-r.e. 'I he father, whois from her novels and short stories. tation. ill in Rome, was not notified. Among her novels arc the "Adven­ tures of Joujoil,” "The Duehie a of 1 he Macvane sisters—there are Leave orders for piano tuning at three of them, tb< Misses Edith and Dreams,” "The Thorough brel,” "The the special prices at Shepherd's Piano Dorothy and tfie Baroness Emily Black Filer,” "The Tarantella,” and Depot, next door to the postottice. Dodeman de 1‘lacy, who left Cam­ "Her Word of Honor,” which came bridge to become the wife of the out only last spring. That a woman is not afraid of a F rench cavalry oflicer of that name Thirty different wood preservatives burglar is proven by the fact that her litre New Englanders, and their swift are in commercial use In the United mind is awake only to the fear that | rise to fame has been the source of States. Many of them utilize cresote be may see what she isn't wearing admiration to their many friends in of one sort or another. Others re­ scattered all around the room. and around Harvard. They are un- quire chemical ' When the fullness of time cam«, God sent forth His Son born of a woman, born under tbe law that he might redeem them under the law." - Gal, 414. Divine methods of work aro always tirisllan < hurt It w«-ti trutialutcd Into this luuguugo lu ti iin III ix<. 28V H C.. and was called the Heptua- I Oil Ì i Uls. I |||x glut, and by both Jew and Gi-ulliu be­ lli g enabled to read this translation, a « I ssl knowledge of the Old Testament niti IMI'Olll IM |>( n scriptures preceded the apostles lu their world wide mission. The Roman nation made the pollt- Cnited Press Service ileal preparation for thu advent of the I'Alt I.S, l>-• -I i hat the ippe» j Savior. Power was the characteristic dix Is s tnuil, ubu>ed orjaa md of fbought of the Roman people. Their certain peculiar and striking charm ter- istics. G u d al­ ways knows the end of Ills purpose mighty armies tamed conflicting na- and Is never dls- |tlou und Imposed tlio conditions of uppoln'ud or sur­ the world's peace. Well has Virgil prised. Man from -Slid II la yours. O, lloiuun. to bls limited view­ ■ rule the people with authority.” point. must not I udir tbe protection of the Roman Judge God's work i law the apostles traveled everywhere, in suction«, for tbo Pteachlng the gospel of peace. Rome's Father, with bls enlarged vision cer-|system of good roads served both as marked with tiio utmont ituportanie to maa. »u th» glat of a puprr rcad bere todiy before the Acad« 111) of ricirticeS. ill- inlttel t<> the ai.elviny by Edmwi Perrier, lb« tm 1» «»• tb« rwult «t «•xpei luiciits nd.. led by Dr. Il Rob­ tn .on ot th.- Mu.- >ni of Natural Hie lory. tainly ««• « an upward m -verui-nt of ai tei les of commerce nud to unify Dr Kublu-n mt> uialned that the the race. the nation So by the order of 1 • B0V»d WHilOUt God uever seems to be In undue Augustus, Joseph and Mary are found haste He took a million years to Hi Bethlehem ut Judea, where the ■njury lo tb-- y.letu, becauis itile prepare this world us a homo for prophets said the Christ should be • barge«. under toruml cindifloai • man. He takes 100 years to mature born. Doctor Luke tolls that here liquid carted hornion«," which »M* an oak, and ihirty-flve years to grow Christ '•»■»s wrapped in swaddling the work of the intestines. "«*' a man whose allotted llrnu Is only clothes for tlnru was no room in the mono'' Is a u.iin- given any «ub»tato three score and ten year». Ho real- inn." The world had reached the ib i.ved trota in irjsn and ablet' H'zs that man must be enlightened, climax of sin, also Its climax of the Umiliai- a (un-tlon of ths body The persuaded and learn life's lesson 'need of Christ," and had contribut­ removal of a i.-ahby .ippendii.hr largely from experience. An individ­ ed its purt to the coming of the Roblln a < or ¡'I- I, » lire*! el' ual may learn a lesson in a day, that World's Redeemer, according to out take. ______ it will take a nation 10 ) years to text. Let us prepare our hearts to learn, and it will take a race 1.000 rc««Uve Him, and whi n ho cornea Into ,\erebi : her It would lie no use to Invcstl- And nil person i understood. 'Ibis people wore given their objection». tt“* , tlie best code of laws thnt the world gate, but h I io did so and purchased a notified to fils sal I nccolint» and re She wns so they have, to I has ever known. Though they were I piano for Christman. , f,>re raid day in «’ld well pleased with the price and terms portH on or b I an isolah tl nation, they served a great missionary purpose by being that she sent a friend around, who COU r peter GLENN. A dnflni.tr. tor. I located in the truck of tho merchant- also purchased one. You will make (’. c. IIHOWEH, Attorney for M rt'- n of the th» n known world, Thus no mistake when you call next door 12-25 1-22 r — ■ii Christ’s coming the rellgloui sys­ to tbo postofllce. tems of Gree< e and Romo were < rum­ bling to decay, and Seneca truly said; A Ton of F coh I i Smoked KUm**" 'Tho conquered have given laws lo ihelr conquerors.” Valley Diamond Brand Ham« f«r ,hf : • The Greek people tn ado tho intel- j b ctual preparation for Christ’s com­ Christ 11 m a Inule, only -* «»nU P** ing. Their language was of peculiar value. The Gospel needed a lan­ guage capable of being widely under­ stood and capable of expressing thought in a popular, forcible and ac­ curate manner. The Hellenistic tongue was the lang^iag-- chosen by the Father to carry the glad tidings to the world. The Hebrew scriptures FRESH SEALSHIPT OYSTERS Large Plymouth Rock Roasters FineFatTurkey,23c lb, pouiid. None belter. Klamath Falls Meat Company Hale, and P»la« PIIONEH 157, «H-