Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, November 06, 1913, Image 5

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You Won’t Have to “Pick From the Few That Are Left” if You
Buy Your New Coat or Suit at This Store
You will find a Choice Assortment of the Newest Styles in both Coatsand
Suits here. La Vogue Carments are featured at this store because they are
best—best in Style, best in Workmanship and best in Material. You won’t
be perfectly satisfied with your purchase unless you make it at this store, for it
is human nature to want the best and not pay more than others do.
Gohlen Rule < iistoincrs don't iiave
l>on't overlook tlie Golden Rule's
to pay T<M> Ml ' H for what they buy.
lleiuly-to-H <ar Department when In
have to I h - «oi.’e« «.
search of a new coat or suit, or any­
mid they do.i'i
mi inferior i|imllfy
oHiers get:
thing else, for that matter, usually
tlicv e in get the BEST
tarriwl in a first class department
mid own it ut a reasonable price.
Charles G. Gates Leaves Widow
Says the English Women Will Get Vote
(Written ror the United Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 6.—With the
big football games now about due, it
I will be only a short time until the
I sharps will come forth with their an-
i nual chirps as to the rules, They are
1 welcome to their guess, but there has
been freer scoring this season than
during th* old days.
Yale and Navy were the only teams
in the East to reach the 1st of No­
vember without being scored upon.
The Blue was held to a 0-to-0 score
twice up that time—by Maine and
I.OXDON, Nov. 5.—Tile «-notional lotivitiew of the militant Hulfragettee in recent month liave nerved to
by Washington and Jefferson.
o I hm iite to a conaiderablr degree the m »II«I. Hulmtantial and really effectin' camraign work being done in Eng,
Points were registered against Har­
iund by the large and growing army of noo-militant allocate« of votes for niomen.
In view of Mrs. 1'ank-
Pennsylvania, Dartmouth, Army
liumt's visit to America, and in order that American m«-n a» well as wotnenmay have an opportunity to make
Cornell and Carlisle by the smaller
intelligent comparison between tlie |«oliciea, method» anil airnn of the two aatagoniMtic camps, Mrs. Millicent
colleges. In years gone by it was a
<». I aw cot t, letMler of tile nofl-milltan 1», luo. prepare«! for the United Pre«« the following article:
high crime and misdemeanor to have
(Prt-oident of the National Union of Women'« Suffrage HocieGen)
a touchdown or goal from field slip­
(Written for the United Frees)
i Norway, Finland, ten states in the cational campaign, we carry on the ped over by one of the secondary
The National Union of Women's United States and the territory of political side of our work. Our en­ teams. Now, however, it has gotten
Suffrage Societies is the largest, the Aliska. In not one of these has the deavor is to transform the sympathy to be almost a habit, and no one
oldest, and we believe, the best or­ women's victory been achieved by of the voters into pc‘itical pressure worries.
The handling of the forward pass
ganized suffrage society in the United violence.
Women’s suffrage has exetted on ud*vido^1 members of
Kingdom It is non-party in charac­ passed its preliminary stages in Den­ Paiihment, and on parties in order has greatly improved, It has been
ter, in the sense that it welcomes mark. Sweden, Iceland, and a gov­ to maintain and inc'ease a majority handled with more certainty and pre­
among its members sympathizers ernment franchise bill, to which in the House of Commons that is cision. In the recent games in the
with all political parties or with none. women's suffrage may be added by commmitted permanently to the prin- East, however, when the fields were
It is, and always has been, strict in amendment, has recently been men­ c'pl«- of women’s suffrage and that soggy with mud and water, old style
Its methods of work. The non-mll- tioned in the queen's speech in open­ will be dependable in division^ :.n the i football was about all that could be
itant character of the National Union ing a new Parliament in Holland. In subject. The latest count gives oar used, No better example of just how
Is a matter not only of expediency none of these countries has there numbers as 43,000 annually sub­ much a good kicker means to a team
been the least trace of organized or scribing members, distributed among could be found than the Dartamouth
Mrs I'liarl«» G Galea, widow of the -lie married again aud she died thia but also of principal.
game, Fast, open play was impossi-
We bell« »* that the best method of unorganized violence on the part of our 499 societies. In addition to
ble. as the field was a mass of water
»on of John W Gates, through the September.
promoting the success of our cause the advocates of the cause.
these we have an auxiliary of non­ and mud. Princeton could not get
Th<- widow left by the youug mil­
death of her young husband suddenly
is to appeal to what la the highest
In Great Britain we have a large subscribing but pledged "Friends of
lionaire was Miss Florence Hopwood
through the Dartsmouth line, or
In Wyoming, comae Into a share of
and lust in man end not to what la number of suffrage societies. repre­ Woman Suffrage” 30,000 strong—a
around her ends. When the kicking
id .Minneapolis, whom he married in
one of tho largest fortunes in the September, 1911. When the news of worst: to arouse his sympathy, his senting polices, parties, religious force created out of an adaptation of started the Tigers were driven back.
world She will be one of the rich- tiie engagement came while the young conscience, his sense of Justice and persuasions, professions and Ddustry, the American plan of enrolling sym­ The ball was in Princeton's territory
ent widows In the world, unless the man was In Paris in connection with his courage, and not his terror and and among ail of these violence as pathizers.
practically all of the time.
cowardhe. We contend that all the a mMhod of propaganda has been
If it bad not been for the tremcn
will of young Mr. Gates leaves moat the death of his father.
Little doubt is felt at the present
w-omtn's victories of the past fifty monopolized by two societies in Eng­ dous activity and ceaseless educa­ time but that Harvard will carry off
of I i I m fortune to Ills mother, Mrs.
Young Gates’s motto was "speed.”
years have been won on these lines. land and one in Ireland. The Na­ tional work carried on by the non- the Eastern honors. The play of the
Joint W Galee.
He traveled much of his time, es­
Women have by peaceful means, by tional Union, which has developed inilitart suffrage societies in the Crimson has been far above that
.Mr Gat«-» was only 37 years old pecially when lie had anything im­
education, by appe>ls to experience from small beginnings nearly half a United Kingdom, I believe that our shown by their rivals, and it also has
when li«- droppeil dead nt I'ody, Wyo., portant to attend to, in special trains,
and common sense, broken down the century ago, is not only the largest movement would have been ruined, been consistent. With such individ­
alter a successful hunting trip In the which bail a clear right of way He
barriers which a generation or two of all these organizations but one of at any rate for a generation or more, ual stars as Mahan and Bricklsy, they
Rocky .Mountains
Mrs. Gat«*» was made one trip from New York to Ar­
ago shut out their sex from higher the most democratic institutions in by militancy. But we persist?ntl> have much the better of the argu­
his second wife. His first wns Miss isona in record time, and another
education, the professions, municipal the United Kingdom. Every society
Mary W. Martin of St. Louis They from .Minneapolis. He lielleved la and local franchises, employment in is entitled to send delegates, in pro­ ask why the revolutionary riot and ment. Yale was not able to put her
destruction of a few women should full strength on the field in the early
wen- married thirteen years when I what he calle«! "the spec«! of life,"
Civil Service, etc.
The enormous portion to its membership, to the be held to justify the political dis games, owing to injuries, but figuring
she concluded to get ■« divorce Later and he died at 37.
ptrgreas of the women's movement General Council, which meets twice frsnebisement of the women >f Hie the dope, the Blue ranks several
haa been unstained by crime or a year to decide questions of policy Aorld. If a rule of this kind had points below Harvard.
Sherman to F. A. Hyde of date Sep­ violence of any kind.
and to elect officers of the Unioa
been applied to men, not a single
4NO E«|Uity
tember 15th, 1898; certain deeds of
Our methods of work are entirely I man in any part of the globe would
Moreover, In those countries and
We Ask, Why ?
In the Circuit Court of the State of Henry 8. Morris and Mary P., bis dates where full parliamentary BUf- constitutional. We endeavor to edu­ •rday be entitled to the exercire of
along with an educa-
wife, to F A. Hyde of date Septem­ frage has been won it has been won cate the country to sympathy with
Oregon, for Klamath County.
th > parliamentary franchise. Why tion when you can be a caddy and
ber 16th, 1898; certain deeds of aa tho result of peaceful propaganda. our cause by holding meetings, can­ eppt.v to women an egregiously un-
Ntate of Oregon, Plaintiff,
possibly grow into a golf champion,
Joost II. Schneider and Rosa M , his I need only mention the countries vassing, conducting press campaigns,
luvt method of excluaion. which men
I-'. A. Hyde, Flora M. Sherman, Joost wife, to F. A. Hyde of date September which have already enfranchised and organizing courses of educational have never dreamed of appropriating should be an argument for English
youngsters. Experts have figured that
II. Schneider, Henry N. Morris, and 16th. 1898; and certain deeds of F their women: New Zealand, Australia. lectures. Side by side with our edu- to themselves.
$12,500,000 is spent in Eng­
A Hyde and Filena T., his wife, to I
A. 8. Baldwin, Defendants.
for caddies. The total
To F A. Hyde, Flora M. Sherman,
i for six consecutive weeks in the ............... . Serial No. 05198, made test, or if you fail within that time expenditure of Mr. J. Bull for the
Joost II. Schneider, Henry 8. Mor­ 14th, 1899; June 22nd, 1899; July Klamath Republican, a weekly news­ December 9, 1911, for W14 NWIi,
to file in this office due proof that game is placed at >30,000,000 a year.
ris, and A. 8. Baldwin, Above 24th, 1899; September 17th, 1899; paper of general circulation printed SE% NW %, and SW
NEU. Sec­ you have served a copy of your
It is estimated that >6,500,000 is
September 17th, 1898, each pretend­ and published in Klamath Falls, tion 25, Township 39S, Range 11H
Named Defendants.
for golf balls and >625,000 for.
In tho name of the State of Or­ ing to convey certain lands situate in i Klamath County, Oregon.
E, Willamette Meridian, and as in person or by registered mail. If clubs. There are approximately 250,-
egon, you and each of you are hereby township 23 south, range 9 east;
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th grounds for his contest he alleges this service is made by the delivery 000 golf bugs hammering the pill in
required to appear and answer the township 23 south, range 7 oast; day of September, 1913.
that said entryman Henry Maybry of a copy of your answer to the con­ England.
coinplnlnt filed against you In the township 35 south, range • east;
has never established residence upon testant in person, proof of such ser­
above entitled suit on or before th* township 34 south, range « east;
Attorney for Plaintiff. said land; that he has abandoned vice must be either the said contest­
Old papers for starting Area. Ten
14th day of November, A. D. 1913, township 23 south, range 8 east;
Date of first publication October said land and went to Ruby Creek, ant's written acknowledgment of his cents an armful. Come and get a
and if you or either of you fail to so township 27 south, range ««/z east; 2nd, 1918.
Alaska, on or about the month of receipt of the copy, showing the date load. W. O. Smith Printing Co.
appear and answer, for want thereof township 37 south, range 6 east and
Date of final publication November September, 1911; that he has since of its receipt, or the affidavit of the
the Plaintiff will apply to the Court township 24 south, range 6 east, Wil­ 13th, 1913.
10-2-11-13 r said time been absent from said land; person by whom the delivery was
K«-<ltield Reiterate« Intentions.
for tho relief prayed for In the com­ lamette Meridian, all In Klnmnth
that he has never improved or cul­ made stating when and where the
board of commerce of Flint,
plaint, a Hucclnct statement of which ¡County, Oregon, and to cancel and
tivated the same.
Redfield of the de­
Is as follows n decree canceling and
You are, therefore, further notified registered mail, proof of such Ber- partment of commerce reiterated li is
(Fo: I'oblicatlon
annullng certain deeds of the Stat* of sale, applications, etc., mentioned
of Oregon to A. S. Baldwin of date ¡In the complaint relating to said lands Department of the Interior, United that the said allegations will be vice must consist of the affidavit of statement that should wages be re-
States Land Office, Lakeview, taken by this office as having been the person by whom the copy was duced because of the new tariff fa is
May 19th, 1899; certain deeds of the described therein or to any part
confessetl by you, and your said en­ mailed stating when and the post­ department would make a searching
October 26, 1913.
State of Oregon to Flora M. Sherman
of date September 12th, 1898; cer­ ments, and such other and further To > Henry Maybry of Klamath Falls, try will be cantcled thereunder with­ office to which it was mailed, and this investigation into conditions in the
out your further right to be heard affidavit must be accompanied by the manufacturing industries. His de­
Oregon, Contestee:
tain deeds of the Stnte of Oregon to relief as may to the Court seem eq­
therein, either before this office or postmaster's receipt for the letter.
partment will soon begin an investi­
Henry S. Morris of date September uitable In the premises
of public utility corporations.
This Summons Is published in pur­ liam Patterson, who gives Olene, Or- on appeal, if you fail to file in this
12th, 1898; cortnln deeds of the Sint*
You should state In your answer
of Oregon to Joost H. Schneider of suance of nn order of the Honorable <*gon, ns hia postofflee address, did office within twenty days after the the name of the postofflee to which
date September 12, 1898; certain Henry L. Benson, Judge of the above on September 13. 1913, Hie in thia FOURTH publication of this notice, you desire future notices to be sent Date of 1st publication, Oct. 30,
deeds of A 8. Baldwin and Emma C„
his wife, to F. A. Hyde of date June the 27th day of September, 1913, di­ tion to contest and secure the cancel­ oath, specifically meeting and re­
Date of 4th publication, Nov. 20, 1913
JAS. F. BURGESS. Register.
7th, 1899; certain deeds of Flora M. recting this Summons to be published lation of your homestead, Entry No. sponding to these allegations of con-
One of the Richest Women in U. S.
Non-Militant Leader Reviews Work
Says Militancy’s Noise Has Aided in Campaign