Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 17, 1913, Image 7

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if she
im-ii) l»««lry
i i at m or How I
You’d consider your wife lacked spunk, if
she didn’t kick al washing he ten feet, of rat­
tling discs, from a si gle common “tucket
bowl” cream separator, when she might as well
be washing the sample, light elcen d n-a-mliiute
Dairy Tabular Bowl.
I he picture show* all there ta to th • light, sbnp.e durable
easily cleaned .Sharpie* Dairy Bowl, used exclusively (n Aharples
Dairy Iabular Cream Separalora--the ileanest »kltnmlng aepara
tor made.
w n.
hardware dealer
l>o i >t com
p tr the old
“Al! in ” vvilh
- r
Arc built from
IIP to 200 II P
Write for full particulars to the
Atlas (jas Engine
.1. B. PIELDS, Oregon Manager
- JT.W.K
th« north lino of said block; thence
nnd acts amendatory, known as the
west on the north line of said block
"'limber and Stone Law," at such
200 feet to the place of beginning;
value as might be tlxed by appraise­
The E»4 of Sec. 7; the HWI4 of
ment. and that, pursuant to such ap­
tho NW ‘4 ; the
of the SW '4 ;
plication, the land and timber there­
the HW\4 of the HW'4 and the
on have been appraised. *210, the
NW % of the HE‘4 of Hec. 8; the
timber estimated at 180,000 board
White-Maddox bldg.
NW'4 of the NW‘4, Sec. 17; the
feet at f 1.00 per M., and the land
N'A of the N’E’4, Sec. U8, Town-
130; that said applicant will offer
ship 41 South, Range 14, E. W. M.
li ii a I proof in support of his apfdica-
The SW%, Sec. 3«, Tp. 40 8.
and sworn statement of tha 4th
R. 14'4, K. V/. M
of September, 1913, belo •«
The NW 14, NW % of the SW ‘4
George Chastain, clerk of circuit
lot« 2, 3, 4. and 5, Sec. 29, Tp.
court, Klamath county, it Klamath
39 H., R. 10, E W. M , excepting
Fails, Oregon.
from «aid sale all of «aid tract or
Any person ls at liberty to protest
tracts heretofore granted to the
this purchase before entry, or Ini-
State« for reclamation pur-
flute a contest at any tint ■ before pnt-
The proposed sale will be subject
affidavit in this office, alleging facts
Oii tp-ktru or Bond
to confirmation by the county court.
which would defeat the entry.
Furnished for nil occasions
of Klamath county, Oregon.
I. 1
I l\l*AI,L
7-3-Ö-4 r
Klamalh Falls ‘ Herald Office
Dated June 19, 1913
All of Poe Valley Farmers Will He
Served With Water for Irrigation
Next Spring and Hummer—Four
latteral* Will Furnish Water to
7,000 Acres of Land—Excavation
Work Is Almost Completed
With the Griffith lateral practically
finished, and work almost ended on
tha other laterals, excavation of the
second unit of the Klamath reclama-
tion project will be ended this month
by the force of sub-contractors under
Maney brothers.
There I* some work to be done on
the Nuss Lake lateral, but this will
be finished in a few days. Work on
the South Poe Valley lateral, how­
ever, will not be completed until to­
Nollee of sheriff's Sale «»f Heal Prop­
ward the end of the month.
Hull in Eipiity for a Divorce
The second unit of the Klamath
In ilie Circuit Court of the State of I d the Circuit Court of the State of project will furnish water to 7,000 or
(Number 477 Equity)
Oregon, in and for Klamath
the Circuit Court of the Htate of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
'7,500 acres of farm lands, mostly in
Oregon, for the County of Klam-
E. B. Balis, plaintiff,
Poe Valley. Water is carried by four
W. 11. Shaw, Plaintiff,
big ditches, the North and South Poe
¡Marl« C. Hughes, Plaintiff,
¡Helen J. Balls, Defendant.
Valley laterals, which water the Poe
Georg«- M. Rudolph and Maude 1. Ru­ [To Helen J. BaUs, the Defendant1
Valley farm lands; the Nuss Lake lat­
dolph, His Wife, Defendants.
Albert M. Hughes, Defendant.
Above Named :
eral from Olene to Nuss Lake, and the
Under and by virtue of an order of
To Albert M. Hughes, the above-
You are hereby summoned to ap- r;r7ffith 7atera7 7rom^7he~diver-
'sale aud execution in foreclosure ls- pear and answer the complaint filed
named Defendant:
sion dam to the vicinity of Merrill,
In the name of the Htate of Oregon rue«l out of the Circuit Court of the in the above entitled suit within six
skirting Stukel mountain.
you are hereby required to appear state of Oregon for the county of weeks after the first publication of
In the excavation of the four lat-
and ansHer the compluint filed [Klamath, on the 17th day of June, this summons, and you will take note
erals and the sub-laterals, 300,000
against you in the uhove entitled suit, '1913, in the above entitled action, that if you fail to appear and answer cubic yards of earthwork was in-
|on or before Thursday, the 14th day wherein the above named plaintiff ob- or plead within said time the plain­ volved. The contract, which was
of August, A. D. 1913, that being the 'tuined judgment and decree of fore­ tiff for want thereof will apply to the
awarded to Maney brothers of Boise,
duy of the last publication of this closure against George M. Rudolph above entitled court for the relief de-
Idaho, called for the completion of
I summons, and the last day within aud Maude 1. Rudolph, his wife, de­ 'nianded In the complaint filed in said
work by December 1st.
which you are required to appear and fendants, on the 17th day of June, suit, to-wit: For a decree of this. As the excavation work nears an
-answer, as fixed by the order of pub- 1913. recorded in the judgment Hen
end, employes of the reclamation ser­
I Hcatlon of thls summons. If you fail book of said court at page 88, vol­ matrimony existing between the vice are at work building the flumes,
to appear and answer, the plaintiff ume 3, 1 am commanded to sell all [plaintiff and defendant and for such crossings and other wooden struc­
will apply to the court for the relief 'those certain pieces and parcels of ¡other and further relief as to the tures. This work has progressed far
I demanded in said complaint. Said I land, situate in the county of Klam­ ■ court may seem meet.
This summons is published pursu- enough on the Griffith lateral to al­
'.i:lt 1s lnouglit to secure dissolution ath, state of Oregon, bound»-”. -nd
to order of the above entitled low the turning in of a small head of
->f tin bordi of matrimony existing particularly described as follows:
made on the 11th day of June, water, to permit the tamping of the
Lota 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9, 10,
[between yourself and the plaintiff.
1913, and the first publication earth around the structures and to
11, 12. 16, 17, 18, 1». 20, 22, 23
Thl»- summons is published in the
is made on the 12th day of tamp the ditches.
uud 24, in block 10 of Second Addi­
Klamath Republican, a weekly news-
Large wooden flumes near the Mas-
D. 1913, and the last pub­
tion to Klamath Falls, Oregon, ac­
paper, printed, published and circu­
ten, Brotherton. Bord and Griffith
cording to the recorded plat thereof
lated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, by
ranches have already been completed.
on file In the office of the county 24th day of July. A. D. 1913.
order of tho Honorable Henry L.
The Dairy road crossing needs only
clerk of Klamath county, Oregon,
.Benson, Judge of said court, and dat-
the inverted siphon to be finished.
ex- opting so much of the above de­
• ><l July 2nd, 1913. The first publi­
12-19-26-3-10-17-24 r
When the survey was made. It was
cation to be made on Thursday, the
scribed property previously deeded
the intention to cross the county road
3d day of July, 1913, and last publi­
I at that point with an overhead flume,
road company.
cation to be made on Thursday, the
IN “DOLL SHOP' but since then the county has raised
Notice is hereby given that on Sat-
14tl> day of August. A. D. 1913.
the grade of the road. As this leaves
ur<lay, the 2d day of August, 1913, at
"The Doll Shop,” a musical panto­
Atorney for the Plaintiff. 12 o'cloc k p. m., in front of the court mine adapted from the the German insufficient head room for an over­
head flume, the water will be carried
Office, White - Maddox building. | house In the county of Klamath and production of Joseph Bayar, is to be
'state of Oregon, I will, in obedience ;given at Houston's opera house July under the read by means of an invert­
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
7-3-8-14 r
(of said order of Bale and execution in 22 and 23. The production is to be ed siphon, made of five-foot iron pipe.
Water will be turned into the other
foreclosure, sell the above described staged by local talent, under the au­
Notice of Guardians Sale
in a short time also. The Poe
property, or so much thereof as may
In the County Court of the State of i !>A necessary to satisfy plaintiffs* spices of the Women'« Civic League. Valley farmers will at last have wa­
The play is to be directed by Mme. ter in plenty for their ranches when
Oregon, for the County of Klam­
'judgment, attorneys fees, costs and i J. Sziver, the Hungarian dancer.
expenses, with Interest thereon, and | Eighty local people will take part, the irrigation season commences in
In the matter of the estate and guard­
the spring.
[costs of this sale and fees connected and already those chosen are rehears­
ianship of Mary E. Kilgore, inex
Water for the Poe Valley and Nuss
A. Kilgore, Gladys A. Kilgore ¡therewith, to the highest bidder for ing for this unique entertainment.
laterals will be taken from the
C. C. LOW.
The first act of the play is entirely main irrigation canal, Tne Griffith
aud Roy J. Kilgore, minors.
Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore. pantomine, not a word being spoken
Pursuant to an order, made by the
lateral will De supplied from Lost
A. HAYDON, Deputy.
¡This scene is an old-fashioned Ger- 1
Honorable County Judge of the coun­
above the diversion dam
W. H. SHAW. : man toy shop, with the old shop-keep­
ty of Kluinath, State of Oregon, dated
Attorney for Plaintiff er, his daughter, workmen and many
the 19th day of June, 1913, notice is .7-3-7-31 r
~T~ •—« E
dolls, imitated by local girls standing
hereby given that the undersigned
I inanimate.
will sell, nt private Rale, for cash, or
Notice of Final Settlement
During the play, the old shop-
upon such terms us may be necessary,
In the Matter of the Esta'e of Henry . keeper goes to sleep, and dreams
nt Klamath Falls, Oregon, on or after
E. Meier, Deceased.
that his dolls come to life. His dream
the 24th day of July, 1913,^11 the
Notice Is hereby given that the un­ I is shown in a series of clever dances,
right, title and interest of said minors
dersigned as administrator of the es­ ¡songs and other specialties by the
In und to the following described real
tate of Henry E. Meier, deceased, has dolls, portrayed by local young peo­
property, dtunted In Klamath County
filed in the County Court of the State ple, among them being the broken
State of Oregon, to-wit:
of Oregon, for Klamath County, U>e doll, paper doll, baby doll, Parisian
The NW 14 and lots 1 and 2. and
final account of his administration of dolls, Chinese dolls, Dutch dolls, and
beginning at a point 136.5 feet
said estate, and that the court has ' last, but not least, rag dolls.
north of the northwest corner of
[tlxed Friday, the 25th day of July,
All of the numbers are cleverly ar­
lot 5, section 29, township 39,
1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the ranged, and are given under the glare
>outh of range 10, E. W. M.; thence
forenoon of said day. as the time for of the calcium light. When the old
e it 2,178 feet to the right of way
the bearing of objections, if any. to shop-keeper awakes, the dolls resume
of U. 8. reclamation service for
said account and the settlement their lifeless appearance as they stand
The use of nickel silver in
diversion dam and canals on Lost
stiffly in their places around the toy
the skimming sections of the
River; thence northeasterly along
Dated the 25th day of June, 1913. shop.
United States Cream Separator
the west line of said right of way
is the most important separator
to the middle Hue of section 29,
Administrator of the Estate of Henry
Al Crystal, part owner of the Cen­
improvement in a decade. They
running east and west in Baid
E. Meier, Deceased.
tral, which is advertised as the only
are found only in United States
township and range; thence west
6-26-7-24 r
second class emporium in the county,
along s ilu Hue to the line between
purchased a second class ticket and
section.i 2:< and 30; thence south to
Nickel silver skimming sec-
Notice of Guardians Sale
place of beginning; all of said land In the County Court of the State of departed for San Francisco Thursday.
tions will not rust under any
It is said that he is figuring on walk-
being in section 29, township 39,
condition: Neither wear nor
Oregon, for the County of Klam­
ling back from the Bay City.
south of range 10, E. W. M., in
water rust them.
Klamath county. State of Oregon, 1 In the matter of the estate and guard­
Nickel silver skimming sec-
excepting from said tract all rights
tions are easier to clean than
ianship of Mary A. Kilgore, an
of way heretofore granted to the
tinned steel discs. Nickel silver
insane person.
United States for reclamation pur­
is non-adhesive, milk and dirt
Pursuant to an order, made by the
<'ollr«iat«’. Academic, Musical and CotntnarciHi
poses; said land also being subject Honorable County Judge of the coun­ cotirwa.
Faculty trained In beat Institutions or
less tightly than to
America and Europe. We help student* to earn
to stock subscription contract with ty of Klamath, State of Oregon, dated
their own way. Dormitory for girl», (’hrifftian in
other metals.
Ruancca. ercelleDt «»nrroundinf». New endowment
the Klamath Water UBers’ Associ­ the 19th day of June. 1913, notice is
fund of quarter million dollar*. WRITE
Nickel silver is the strongest
II. M. CROOK*. I'reakl. nt, Albany Colley
ation, for water to irrigate same. hereby given that the undersigned
tlhany. Oregon
and most durable metal known
Tho proposed sale will be subject will sell, at private sale, for cash, or
for use in skimming sections.
to confirmation by the county court, upon such terms as may be necessary,
Long service is assured to every
of Klamath County. Oregon.
at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on or after
U. S. Separator user.
the 24th day of July, 1913, the un-
The importance of nickel
asslgned dower right of Mary A. Kil­
silver as a time-saving and
Dated June 19, 1913
6-19-7-17r gore. an insnne person, in and to the
sanitary feature recommends
following described real property,
the United States Cream Separ­
Notice for Publication
situated in Klamath County, State
ator to every progressive farmer.
(Not Cod Lands)
Oregon, to-wit:
Department of the Interior, United
All that part of block 101 in
When buying Wedding Ringa
States I.ami Office at Lakeview.
Drop in
Howne Addition to the Town of
«Hy not buy the best?
Oregon, June 25, 1913.
Bonanza, according to the recorded
when in
1 have a full line of 18-carat
Notice is hereby given that Edmund
plat thereof, described as follows,
Tiffany Hand Rings and Wide
town and
Gowen Jr., whoso postoffice ad­
to-wit: Commencing at the north­
Oval Wedding Rings in stock.
dress Is Klamath Falls, Oregon, did
west corner of said block 101 and
on the 1 Rt day of August, 1912, file in
running thence south along the
this office sworn statement and appli­
west line of said block 150 feet to
cation No. 05917, to purchase tho
a point: thence east on a line par­
Jeweler and En
E'a NW >4, Section 10, Township 37
allel to the north line of said block
S., Range 10 E., Willamette Meridian,
200 feet to a point; thence north on
Hardware L alera
and the timber thereon, under the
a line parallel to the west line of
said block, 150 feet to a point on
provisions of the act of June 3, 1878,
U nited Ç
No w J in Satisfied
There’s a world of satisfac­
tion in the possession of a
perfect ran<c oik in which you may re-
po«c every confidence and absolutely Iwt*
that your cooking and I». king will he done
just a* you wi- h. You may depend upon the
Malleable Range
to jne perfectly aatitfactory service every
day for year» and year*. The Monarch
doe» not require nearly a* much care at
ordinary rangea and cotta much lets to
You'll mrrlj be pleated with the Mon­