Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 17, 1913, Image 3

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    County Court Proceedings
( ( '<>n 11 n n • <1 li mu pug<<
Nelson Hnilth drawn In place
of cancelled road warrant
No I 137 amounting to
8-75.75 mid Interest from
Hept. 7, 1912 aniouiillllg
to 82.60 .......................
Itoy Hmlth, drawn In place
■ of < nncelled road warrant
No. 1134 nmount Ing to
855.75 mid Inti r< st from
Hept. 7, 1912 amounting
to 82 6o ...............
H T Hummers, drawn In
place of cancelled road
wnrrnnt No. 1215 muoutil­
ing to 83 oo mid Interest
from Oct 26 19 12 miioiiul
Ing to . 12............................
Htnndiird Oil Co., drawn In
plat > |>f cmic.-llcd road
wnrrnnt No 1152 nniount-
Ing to 830.24 mid Interest
from Oct I <* 1912 amount­
ing to 81 26
Htandard oil Co., drawn In
place of cancelled road
warrant No 1154 amount­
ing to 814.71 mid Interest
from Oct lo 1912 amount­
ing t<> M
Standard Oil Co., drawn In
place of i-iiin i-lli-d road
warrant No. lot7 amount­
ing to 828.88 and Interest
from Oct 10 1912 amount­
ing to 8 I It
T o Kinney, drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. I ok 2 amounting to
87 <>o mid Interest from
Oct lo, 1912 amounting
to II
Ixnialgnont. drawn In
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1184 amount­
ing to 865.00 and Interest
from Oct lo 1912 amount­
ing to ||
W M McCollum, drawn in
place of cancelled road
wnrrnnt No 144» amount­
ing to 13 7.50 ami Interest
from Dec 31 1912 amount
Ing to 83.92
D. M Donnelly, drawn In
place of cancelled roud
warrant No. 14 30 amount­
ing to 168 08 and Interest
from Dec 18 1912 amount
ing to 85.12
D M Donnelly, drawn In
pln< e of cancelled rond
wairnnt No 1 425 amount­
ing to 839.00 and Interest
from Dec 18 1912 amount
mg to 8i -"
Wni O om . drawn In place
of cancelled road warrant
No 1 42 4 amounting to
836.oo ami Interest from
Dec. 18, 1912 amounting
to 8110 ................
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1 4 4 5 amount­
ing to 320.80 anil Interest
from Dec 31 1912 HIIIOUIll"
Ing to 89.13 ...
Ben Pickett, drawn In place
of cancelled rond warrant
No 14 50 amounting m
818 37 nnd interest from
Dec. 31. 1912 amounting
to -<<
T <> Kinney, drawn In pine«»
of cancelled road warrant
No. 137 4 amounting to
812.00 nnd Interest from
Dec. 31, 1912 amounting
to M
T. (>. Kinney, drawn In place
of cancelled rond warrant
No. 1375 amounting to
136.40 and Interest from
Dec. lo, 1912 amounting
In 81 11
H. T. Summers, drawn In
place of cancelled rond
warrant No. 14 56 amount­
ing to 108.33 and Interest
from Jan 4 1913 amount­
ing to 82.90 .....................
H. T. Hummers, drawn In
place of cancelled roud
warrant No. 1052 amount­
ing to 846.00 and interest
from July 8 1912 amount­
ing to 82.65
Klamath Fails Northwest i-rn
publishing notice reinll
elect Ion . .
Klu mat It Fulls North western
publishing experts report
Klamath Fulls Northwestern
prlnt'g requisition blanks
Klamath Falls Northwestern
publishing March
term of I'o. Court.............
Klamath Falls Northwestern
prlnt'g requisition blanks
Klamath Falls Northwestern
printing blank "A" re­
call election .....................
Klamath Fulls Northwestern
printing stationery for Co.
C. It. D<>l.np, money due as
per expert's report . . .
('. It DeLap, money duo as
per expert's report...........
Standard (III Co., gasoline
for Co. roads June 1913
C. (I Merrill, Com. salary
April and mileage..........
C. tl. Merrill, Com. salary
May and mileage.............
(!<<>. H. Iloyt, auto servile
with deputy sheriff hunt­
ing Jack Lilly, a fugitive
from Justice .....................
Bill O'Connell, drtiwt^ In
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1 223 amount­
ing to 813.50 nnd interest
from bee 24 1912 amount
Ing to 81-27 .....................
John Htubrf, drawn in place
of cancelled rond warrant
No. 1 222 amounting to
834.50 and interest from
Dec. 24, 1912 amounting
to 81-01 ............................
Fred Htophenson. drawn In
place of cancelled rond
warrant No. 1385 amount­
ing to 892.50 anti Interest
from D<»' II 11* 1 2 nmount
Ing to 85.9» .....................
No 1 422 amounting to
warrant No. 1256 amount­
95.4 I W II. McClure, drawn In
Ing to 82.91 .................. ..
850».oo and interest from
ing to 862 50 and interest
Dec 16. 1912 amounting
from tm 21 1912 amount­
Henry Hill- -, drawn In plncn
place of cancelled road
to 815.40 ..........................
ing to 82.48 .....................
of <1111<<II<1I load wnrrnnt
warrant No. 1168 amount­
(.'. D Willson drawn in place
No. 1361
136 1 nm-ointlng to
ing to 860.30 and interest
3 )
W. W. Hmlth, drawn in place
of cancelled road warrunt
855 oo nuil interest from
from Sept II I »1 2 amount
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1 422 uwountltiK to
Dec. 7, 1912 nmountIng
Ing to 82.80 , ,, ,<...........
No. 1188 amounting to
8509.00 mid interest from
to 81.78
54.7 4 J. II. Covert, drawn in place
8165.00 and Interest from
Oct. 26, 1912 amounting
Rustle, drawn In place
of camelled road wuirnnc
to 815.40 ..........................
to 86.54 ............................
of < un< eile<l road wnrrnnt
No. 1180 amounting to
C. D. Willson drawn In place
No. 135» amounting to
817.50 and Interest from
Smith, drawn in place
of i sm elled road warrant
822 5o mid interest from
Hept. 10, 1912 amounting
5 4 35
of cancelled road warrant
to .80 ....................................
I >•»« 7, 1912 amounting
No. 1211 amounting to
8500.00 and Interest from
to .72 ..................
23.22 Mrs. May D. Willson, drawn
856.75 and Interest from
h o W i III iiiiim , dl iiwn In
Oct 26, 1912 amounting
In place of cancelled road
to 815.40 ..........................
pill O of lUIIICI'l ed rumi
to 82.22 .......................
warrant No. 114o amount­
win unit No. 1 347 umount-
ing to 6 40.73 and interent
Smith drawn In place
assisting Dist. Atty ....
Ing to 89.48 mid Interent
from Sept 4 1912 umount
5 4 35
of camelled road warrant
from Doc 7 1912 uniini ii t-
Ing to 830.65 . ,
No. 1212 amounting to
of < nncelled road warrant
Illg to .30 ......
9.74 Wm Griffith, drawn
836.00 and interest from
No. 1422 amounting to
< Ims. Nledunnur, drawn In
Oct. 26, 1912 amounting
of < uncoiled roud
8292 62 and interMt from
pine« of cancelled road
to 8142 ............................
No. It 53 amounting to
Dec. 16, 1912 amounting
warrant No. 1351 amount­
823.75 and Interest from
301.92 Roy Hmlth, drawn In place
to 89.10 ............................
ing to 838.75 mid Interest
of cancelled road warrant
Hept. 13, 1912 amounting
I. It. Dixon, drawn In place
3 12
from Dee 7 1912 amount -
,o flu.
No. 1211 amounting to
of cancelled road warrant
Ing to ll.M
828.50 and interest from
O. K Transfer ('o., drawn In
No. 1260 amounting to
John .Morgan, drawn In place
Oct. 26, 1912 amounting
pla< c [it cancelled road
8348.75 and Interest from
of cancelled rond warrant
to 81 ¡1
wai runt No. 1103 amount­
Feb. 24, 1913 amounting
No 1356 amounting to
ing to 87.00 an<l Interest
355.40 Nelson Hmlth. drawn in place
to 86 65 ...............................
8227.1 2 mol Interest from
of cancelled road warrant
('. J Sharp, drawn In place
from Aug 3 1912 nniount-
31 50
I h - c 7, 1913 nmount Ing
No. 1216 amounting to
Ing to .37.............
of camelled road warrant
234 45
to 8 .' 33
854.25 and interest from
McFall, drawn in place
No 1307 amounting to
E, Hayden, drawn in
Oct. 26, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
1091.5«) and Interest from
plu-,<- of cancelled road
to 82.14 ............................
No 1092 amounting to
Nov. 7. 1912 amounting
v.arrant No 1357 amount­
83.00 and Interest from
1130.41 J. F. Totten, drawn in place
to |3«.»1
ing to |43.75 mid Interest
of cancelled road warrant
Aug. I, 1912 amounting
Jess Drew, drawn in place
15 31
from Dec 7 1912 amount­
No. 1261 amounting to
to .16 ....................................
of cancelled road warrant
4 5.14 C D. Willson, drawn In place
ing to 11.41 .......................
8353.72 and Interest from
No. 1315 amounting to
Mrs. M Depuy. drawn In
Ooct. 26, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
837.75 and interest from
i I :ii i- of cancelled road
to 814.16 ............................
No. 1096 amounting to
Jan. 2. 1913 amounting
warrant No. 134 6 nmount-*
8523.57 and Interest from
tn 81 "5 ............................
38.56 Win. H. Worden, drawn in
ins to 8 37.50 mid Interest
place of cancelled road
Aug I, 8911 .iiuomiting
Jess Drew, drawn In place
30 04
from Dec 7 1912 •nroi'nt-
warrant No. 1262 amount­
to 827.80 ............................
551 37
of cancelled road warrant
34.71 J H. Hobbs, drawn In place
Ing to 81.21 ...
ing to 879.66 and interest
No. 1 268 amounting to
A. Hamilton, drawn in pim i-
from Oct 26 1912 amount­
of cancelled road warrant
836.75 and Interest from
of cancelled road «arrant
ing to 83.13.......................
No. 1015 amounting to
Jan 2, 1913 amounting
No. 1 354 umountmg to
849.50 and interest from
to 8103 ..........................
37.78 T. C. Gessner. drawn in place
87.81 and interest from
of cancelled road warrant
July 3. 1912 amounting
('. T. Willson drawn In place
Dec, 7, 1912 amounting
No. 1073 amounting to
to 82 H
of cancelled road warrant
4 06 <• D. Willson, drawn In place
I.. 2 ■
816.50 and interest from
No. 1145 amounting to
Walter Turner, drawn In
Sept. 13, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
8168.ua and interest from
place <•' < I- icelh «! road
to .72 ...................................
No. 1142 amounting to
Hept. 4, 1912 amounting
warrunt No 1355 {mount­
176.03 W. S. Piland, drawn in place
8469.77 and Interest from
to 88.03 .............................
ing to 861.88 and Interest
of cancelled road warrant
Hept. 4, 1912 amounting
B. Ixiusingmont, drawn in
from Dec. 7 1912 amount­
No. 1178 amounting to
to 822 41 ............................
place ot cancelled road
63 77 C. D. Willson, drawn In place
ing to »1 87
822.70 and interest from
warrant No. 1274 amount­
Harvey Depuy. drawn In p
Oct. 28, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
ing to 104.00 and interest
place of cancelled rond
lo .83 ....................................
No. 106» amounting to
from Nov 8 1812 amount
.arrant No. 1358 amount­
8105.70 and Intereet from
107.87 L. M. Lane, drawn in place
ing to 83.87 .....................
ing to 8 4 437 and Interest
of cancelled road warrant
July 22, 1912 amounting
Tom t'almes, drawn in place
141 4*2
from Dec 7 1912 amount­
No. 1185 amounting to
to 8576 .......................
of cancelled road warrant
45.80 J II Hobbs, drawn In place
ing to 81 43
810.50 and interest from
No. 1304 amounting to
Harvey Depuy, drawn in
Sept. 17, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
84 00.00 and intereet from
plii<>-- of cancelled road
to .46 ....................................
No. 940 amounting to
Dee. 9. 1912 amounting
warrant No 136o amount­
412.80 Frank Jones, drawn in place
830.10 and interest from
to 812.80.............................
ing to 270.62 and Internet
of cancelled road warrant
July 3. 1912 amounting
Tom t'almes. drawn in place
173 20
from Dec 7 1912 amount-
No. 1186 amounting to
to 81 74 ............................
of cancelled road warrant
279.37 (’ D. Willson, drawn In plvce
>iu- i" »- , ■
813.20 and interest from
No. 1304 amounting to
W. W Lewis, drawn In place
Sept. 17, 1912 amounting
8400.00 and interest from
of cancelled road warrant
of cancelled road warrant
to .59 ....................................
No. 1067 amounting to
Dec. J, 1912 amounting
No. 1333 amounting to
412.80 N. J. Scbildgen, drawn in
8500.00 and Interest from
to 812 80 .............................
827« 3u and Interest from
place of cancelled road
Tom t'almes, drawn In place
July 22, 1912 amounting
Nov 25, 1912 amounting
.27 42
warrant No. 1205 amount­
of cancelled road warrant
to 827.42 ..........................
279.58 Mrs. ('. D. Willson, dtuiwa in
to 8'- II
No. 1304 amounting to
ing to 86.25 and interest
Wong Quong. drawn In place
84oo.no and Interest from
from Oct. 4 1912 amount­
place of cancelled road
of cancelled road warrant
Dec. 9, 1912 amounting
ing to .25............................
warrant No 1068 amount­
No 1302 amounting to
412.80 Fred Burbank, drawn in
ing to 135.77 and Interest
to 11. 88 ..t.....................
miu.oo mid Interest from
Tom t'almes, drawn in place
place of cancelled road
from July 22 1912 amount
Nov. 30, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
Ing to 817.40.....................
warrant No. 1233 amount­
to 82 til ............
.<o. i3->4 amounting to
ing to 532.00 and interest
John Ford, drawn in place
Dunham Auto Co., drawn In
«♦4>o.Co nnd Interest from
of cancelled roud warrant
from Oct 4 1912 amount­
place of cancelled road
No. 1181 amounting to*
Dec. 9, 1912 amounting
ing to .25............................
warrant No. 1314 amount­
412.80 W. H. Norton drawn in place
to 812.8" ............................
85.00 ami interest from
ing to 86.2.7 mid Interest
Tom I'almes, drawn in place
Hept, lo, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
from Nov22 1912 amount
of cancelled road «arrant
No. 1263 amounting to
6 25 H. Motnyer. Jr., drawn in
ing to .21 ............................
No. 1304 amounting to
8532.00 and interest from
Dunham Auto Co., drawn in
8125.00 and Interest from
place of cancelled road
Nov. 1, 1912 amounting
pinite of cancelled road
Dec. 9, 1912 amounting
wnrrnnt No. 1174 amount­
to 820.57 ............................
warrant No. 1 159 amount­
12 9.00 Wm. I'hrmann. drawn in
ing to 847.70 and interest
to 84.00 ............................
ing to 83 7 5 and Interest
14 47
K. H. Bunnell drawn in place
W. H. McClure, drawn In
place of cancelled road
front Nov 22 1912 amount
place of cancelled road
of cancelled road warrant
warrant No. 1265 amount­
I<> I"
No. 1279 amounting to
warrant No. 1147 amount­
ing to 448.10 and interest
Dunham Auto Co., drawn In
8100.00 and interest from
ing to 8 4 8.87 and interest
.from Nov. 4, 1912 amount
plate of |tn<elled road
from Sept 11 1912 amount
Nov. 4. 1912 amounting
ing to 817.09....................
warrant No. 1034 amount­
102.78 C. C. Pearson, drawn in
to 83.78 ............................
ing to 8 2
. . .
ing to 87.2,5 and Interest
12 35
Homer Smith, drawn in place
K. H. Bunnell drawn in place
place of cancelled road
from Nov 22 1912 nmount
of cancelled road warrant
of cancelled road warrant
warrant No. 1266 amount­
Ing to .23............................
No. 1213 amounting to
No. 1280 amounting to
ing to 194.50 and interest
W II. McClure, drawn In
836.00 and Interest from
8100.00 and interest from
from Nov. 4 1912 amount­
place of cancelled road
Oct. 4. 1912 amounting
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
ing to 87.42 .....................
warrant No. 1187 amount­
to 81.50 .............................
103 78 Robert Mitchell, drawn in
to 83.78 .............................
1 42 91
Dunham Auto Co., drawn in
D. H. Winter, drawn in place
place of cancelled road
from Nov 7 1912 amount­
place of cancelled road
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1269 amount­
30 79
ing to 81.09 .....................
warrunt No. 1042 amount­
No. 1533 amounting to
ing to 808.25 and interest
E. M Hammond, drawn In
ing to 88.75 and interest
84.50 and no interest on
from Nov 4 1912 amount­
place of cancelled orad
front Nov 2 2 1912 amount
ing to 830.83 .....................
warrant No. 1305 amount­
9.05 D. H. Winter, drawn in place
nt t-> "
Robert Mitchell, drawn in
ing to 4 91.25 anti Interent
Park« r A Taylor, drawn in
of cancelled road warrant
111 22
place of cancelled road
from Nov 6 1912 nmount
plaiNi of cancelled road
No. 1542 amounting to
warrant No. 1270 amount­
Ing to 8 1 8.4 1 ...
warrant No. 1330 amount­
86.40 and no interest on
ing to 110.60 and interest
R. H. Bunnell drawn in place
ing to 4 52.60 and Interest
from Nov. 4 1912 amount­
of cancelled road warrant
from Nov 20 1912 amount
Perry O. DeLap, work for
ing to 84.19 .....................
No. 1287 amounting I»
34.00 D. M. Donnelly, drawn in
Ing to 815.90.....................
Clerk of Circuit Court . .
888.10 mid interest from
J. Hooper, drawn in place
First Trust k Savings Bank
place of cancelled road
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
interest paid on 1912 road
warrant No. 1272 amount­
to 83 3.5
No. 1327 amounting to
ing to 2191.50 and inter­
817.5o and Interest from
E. W. Smith interest on 1912
est from Nov. 4. 1912
4.77 R. H. Bur. <ell drawn In place
of ca tell u road warren.
Nov. 9, 1912 amounting
road warrants..................
amounting to 883.62 . . .
No. 1286 amounting to
to .64 ....................................
The following claim was allowed The Sunset Grocery, drawn
8100.0U mid Interest from
W. E. Heehorn, drawn in
and the Clerk was instructed to draw
In plsce of cancelled road
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
place of cancelled road
i warrant on the new Court House
warrant No. 1149 amount­
to 83.78 .............................
warrant No. 1109 amount­
| End for the amount:
ing to 877.55 and interest
It. II. Bunnell drawn in place
ing to 870.00 and Interest
IThos. Drake, fees in Man-
from Oct 9 1912 amount­
<>f cancelled road warrant ♦
i damns suit Co. Court vs.
from Nov 15 1912 amount
ing to 83.25 .....................
No. 1285 amounting to
ing to 82.52 .....................
100.00 The Sunset Grocery, drawn
Co. Treas........................ ... . .
8100.00 and Interest from
C. D. Willson drawn In place
Southern Pacific Co., drawn
in place of cancelled road
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
in place of cancelled road
ing to 869.80 and interest
to 83.78 .............................
No. 1264 amounting to
warraut No. 1245 amount­
from Oct 2 4 1912 amount­
R. II Bunnell drawn In place
8500.00 and interest from
ing to 28 1.60 and interest
ing to .60............................
of cancelled road warrant
Nov. 4. 1912 amounting
from Oct. 18 1912 amount
The Sunset Grocery, drawn
No 1282 amounting to
to $18.82.............................
ing to 811.05.....................
in place of cancelled road
8loti.oo mid Interest from
C. D. Willso, drawn In place
Robert Mitchell, drawn in
warran No. 1177 amount­
Nov. 4. 1912 amounting
of cancelled rond warrant
plane of cancelled road
ing to 815.25 and interest
to 83.78 .............................
No. 1264 amounting to
warrant No. 1198 amount­
from Oct 24 1912 amount­
51.44 R . H. Bunnell drawn III place
8500.00 and Interest from
ing to 515.50 and interest
ing to .60.............................
of cancelled rend warrant
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
from Oct 18 1912 amount­
D. E. Burrell, drawn in place
No. 1283 amounting to
to 818.82 ............................
ing to 820.24 .....................
of cancelled road warrant
8100.00 and Interest from
C. D. Willson drawn in place
Tom Calmes, drawn in place
No. 1249 amounting to
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
of cancelled road warrant
8200.60 and interest from
tn 83.78 ............................
No. 1 26 4 amounting to
No. 1238 amounting to
Oct. 7. 1912 amounting
61.80 R. H. Bunnell drawn In place
8500.00 and interest from
2160.00 and interest from
to 88.53 ............................
of cancelled road warrant
Nov. I, 1912 amounting
Oct. 7, 1912 amounting
R. C. Shipley, drawn in place
No. 12 84 amounting to
to 818.82 ............................
to 888.92 ............................
of cancelled road warrant
8100.00 mill Interest from
C. D. Willson drawn in place
Tom Calmes, drawn In place
No. 1249 amounting to
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
of cancelled road warrant
of cancelled road warrant
8116.75 and interest from
to 83.78 .............................
No. 126 4 amounting to
No. 1253 amounting to
Nov. 2, 1912 amounting
107.00 D. M. Donnelly, drawn In
8 128.74 anil interest from
81965 and Interest from
to 84.46 ...............................
place of cancelled road
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
Oct. 24, 1912 amounting
I). E. Burrell, drawn in place
warrant No. 1204 amount­
to 816.18.............................
to 878.26 ..........................
of cancelled road warrant
ing Io 125.00and Interest
C. D. Willson drawn in place
Byron Jackson, drawn in
No. 1113 amounting to
from Sept 2 8 1912 amount
of cancelled road warrant
place of cancelled road
8268.60 and interest from
Ing to 85.49 .....................
No. 1 422 amounting to
warrant No. 1254 amount­
Aug. 19, 1912 amounting
44.77 Paul Rlcht, drawn In place
8500.00 and interest from
ing to 826.0(> and interest
to 814.58 ..........................
of cancelled road warrant
Dec. 16, 1912 amounting
from Oct 24 1912 amount­
A. Patterson, drawn in place
No. 1122 amounting to
to 815.40 ............. ............
ing to 8104 .....................
of cancelled road warrant
814.90 and interest from
(’. D. Willson drawn In place
John Knott, drawn In place
No. 1114 amounting to
Sept. 21, 1912 amounting
of cancelled rond warrant
of cancelled road warrant
82.00 and interest from
I to .65 ....................................
15. 55
No. 14 22 amounting to
No. 1255 amounting to
Aug. 19, 1912 amounting
35.51 O. K. Transfer Co., drawn In
8500.00 and Interest from
8562.00 nnd interest from
to 82.14 ............................
place of cancelled road
Dec. 16, 1912 amounting
Oct. 24, 1912 amounting
I). F. Burrell, drawn in place
warrant No. 1171 amount­
to 815.40 ..........................
to 822.48 ............................
of cancelled road warrant
ing to 124.20 nnd Interest
('. D. Willson drawn in place
Mrs. Byron Jackson, drawn
No. 1251 amounting to
front Sept 11 1912 amoigit
of cancelled rond wnrrnnt
In place of cancelled road
8168.50 and interest iron
Oct. 17, 1912 amounting
to 86.63 ............................
D. E. Burrell, drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1326 amounting to
860.00 and interest from
Nov. 8, 1912 amounting
to 82.25
It. H. Bunnell drawn In place
of cancelled road warraut
' o. 1375 amounting co
♦ 200.00 and Interest from
Nov I 1912 amounting
to 87.63 ............................
It. H. Bunnell drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1376 amounting to
8100.00 and Interest from
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
to 83.81 ............................
R. H. Bunnell drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 127 7 amounting to
8100.00 and interest from
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
to 83.81 ............................
29.41 ». H. Bunnell drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1278 amounting to
8100.00 and interest from
Nov. 4, 1912 amounting
to 83.81 ............................
56.39 K. H. Bunnell drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1281 amounting to
8100.00 and interest from
Nov. 14, 1912 amounting
to 83.81 .............................
367.88 Thomas & Henley, drawn in
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 942 amount­
ing to 814.40 and Interest
from July 3, 1912 amount­
ing to .82............................
82.79 Thomas k Henly, drawn ‘n
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 943 amount­
ing to 839.45 and interest
from July 3. 1912 amount­
ing to 82.30 .....................
17.22 Thomas k Henly, drawn in
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1014 amount­
ing to 821.85 and interest
from July 3. 1912 amount
ing to 8125.......................
23.53 H. F. Thomas drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1059 amounting to
July 29, 1912 amounting
to .75 ....................................
K. Honsten, drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1515 amounting to
872.50 and interest from
Jan. 22. 1913 amounting
to 81.80 ............................
J. C. Brenton, drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1510 amounting to
865.00 and interest from
Jan. 22, 1913 amounting
to 81 62 ............................
J. Frank Adams, drawn in
place of Cancelled road
warrant No. 1328 amount­
ing to 783.50 and interest
from Jan. 3, 1913 amount­
ing to 821-90 .....................
F W. Broadsword, drawn in
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1540 amount­
ing to 820.00 and no
interest ..................................
H. Kattenhor drawn in place
of cancelled road 'warrant
No. 1397 amounting to
872.50 and interest from
I Dec. 11, 1912 amounting
to 82.30 .............................
Tom Howell, drawn in place
of cancelled road warrant
No. 1412 amounting to
$65.00 and interest from
Dec. 11, 1912 amounting
to 82.06 .............................
Thomas & Henley, drawn in
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1477 amount­
ing to824.81 and interest
from Mar. 3 1913 amount­
ing to .45............................
A. W. Sutherland, drawn in
place of cancelled road
warrant No. 1417 amount­
ing to 890.00 and interest
from Dec. 19 1912 amount
ing to 82.75 .....................
62 25
103 81
County Clerk
Session Ends
SEATTLE. July 12.—Having been
in session since Saturday, July 5th,
the National Conference of Charities
2275.12 and Correction adjourned today.
Many of the hundreds of delegates
from all over the .country who at­
tended will remain over to take part
in the special service to be held in
80.80 most of the churches of Seattle to­
Tin- Belgian Perdieron Stallion
Single Service.................. f 5.00
Senaon ............................... SI0.00
To Insure