Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 05, 1913, Image 3

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    Klamath Fails Music House
7111 Muin Ml.
Pitoni- 125
Every thing in Music ami III-
Best of String».
»ii límenla.
Referendutu petitions against the APPROPRIATE
<1.01 TERM
l.l 1 E4TIVE bl NDAY
workmen'« compensation act, the
county attorney bill and the sterillza
Inaiead of toting Only to Chico, the lion bill were tiled with the secre­
Morning l*a»<w-nger From This City tary of state at Salem Saturday, and Grand Army, Women's It«-lief Corp«,
lx» Igea, School Children, City and
Will Soon Be Kuniiing to Saira­ t'.it.M) new law« cannot g-j into effect
Merrill 9; Klamath Falls 0.
in unto, At lording to Traveling Paa- 'until a favorable vote i« tn ken on
County Officials and Citizens Join
Hounds like an Interesting game,
M-nger Agent i f the Southern Pa­ I them In November.
in Making Today’» Memorial Serv­
doesn’t It?
The compensation bill provided
cific Railroad
Highly Appropriate—Storm
It started off like one, too.
Are < losed
employers In hazardous occupations
Both teams started In playing ball
A new train schedule will go into
from tlie start, and neither side effect next Sunday, according to the |came under the provisions of the act,
stored, so the fans started to settle announcement of H. W. Wenzell, the unless notice was given to the com­
With the business houses of the
themselves to watch a real exhibition traveling passenger agent of the mission before June 15 th Now that city closed, a patriotic procession,
of the national game. Then came the Southern Pacific, who is in the city the bill has been referred to the peo­ exert iHes by tbe Grand Army of the
ple this notice will not be necessary, Republic and Women's Relief corps,
fourth Inning.
Then heavenward today from Sacramento.
went Klamath Falls. It is alleged
Mr. Wi-nzell is accompanied by his as the operation of the law Is held and an appropriate program at
to have happened In somewhat thia wife, who la making her first trip to up until decided by an election.
Houston's opera house, Klamath
Referendum petitions have also Falls people honored tbe soldier dead
Included in the Merrill Klamath Falls.
been hied against 'wo of the Univer­ of the nation Friday in a manner
delegation of rooters were several of
Beginning Sunday, the morning
tlie typo who couid arouse tbewrath >>'i n out of •» arnath Fa! a will run sity of Oregon approic-iailon bills.
highly fitting the occasion.
ot u Jellyfish, und their bombarcL- thiougli to Sacramento, li *>oad •'
The parade this morning was the
meiit of chatter In the fourth caused stopping at Chico, as formerly. This
NEW ORLEANS, June 2 —“1 have largest ever held here on a similar
an unimal of the Angora variety to will enable Klamath Falls people to eturned to my mother,” was the fare- i Occasion, and there Is no doubt but
mosey from one of the Klamath play- rejM h gM(.ramento tbs same day after well note left by Bernard Rosegen for what it Is the largest held In the
bis wife whom he left. He Immedi- state today.
«r's side and get right in the midst’ leaving.
ot the rooters.
In addition to participation by
The evening trains will arrive at iately applied for a separation and
also an Injunction to prevent her fur- ( .Sprague Post, Grand Army of the
Feeling lonesome the player foozled the same time as at present.
ther "cruelty, abuse and brutality."
two or three throws, and tho cushions
Republic, and Sprague Chapter,
were populated, uud others contrib­ M.< OND STREET FILL
He exhibited two black eyes to the i Women's Relief Corps, the I. O. O.
1«-—Non-Rusting nickrl silver skimming section«.
uting misplays presented Merrill with
CROWDS INTO COURT court, which appointed bis mother's F., Rebekahs, Knights of Pythias,
f.—Mechanically washed in half the time of other
two perfectly good tallies.
house as his domicile, a proceeding fyibian Sisters, Benevolent and Pro-
Now this should have satisfied the
customary when a woman seeks di- Itective Order of Elks, all Joined in
S.—O]M-rst»l with about half t he power of older model«.
Merrill team, as it was enough to Second street boulevard last summer,* 1 vorce.
¡the line of march, as did the Klam-
,—ILiw I only about half tho diameter of oldrr models.
iu<_ D-<>
_1 ' "Sure I beat him,” said bis wife, ! ath Fills Military band, the Boy
win, but It didn't. After being re­ I was tiled In the circuit court late
,—Milk divided into hundreds of currents sixl every
tired i ne-lwo-lbr« e by Hhive lu the urday evening, when C. A. j Arnold and 1 thank heaven I had strength Scouts, the school children, city and
drop subjected to a skimming force thousands of
fifth, th- goat of Center Fielder Baum ¡commenced action against G. 1 W. to do so. Men have been beating their county officials, and 50 aulumobilea
times the force of gravity.
— *e“ •O,*S enough, | wag yery gOO(j ! filled with business men and citi­
was captured in the sixth, and he was White to recover |54O for hauling wl
•.—Celebrated for Its clean skimming.
For clean
Bernard under the circumstances.” zens.
skimming the U. S. hold» the World'« Re> <>rd in 50
dirt for the fill.
Coowculive runs, lasting over a period of SO day«,
catch, after Bang born bad singled.
While tbe parade was being
A< < ordlng to the complaint, filed , Mrs. Kosegen is a real estate deal-
with tmlk from 10 different breeds of cows.
Maxwell's retrieving of 1*. Vorhatzer'a I t»y Attorney J. C. Rutenic, Arnold was i
Her husband has no active work, i formed at tbe courthouse by Grand
7.—Cream of Zny <!• -ire! thickne««, even quality hnd
fiy to left and his throw catching hired by White to haul earth for a
it had a fortune when they mar- Marshal Applegate, tbe third section
frss f.om specks of butter.
Vorhatzer at second brought the team fill on Second street from Oak to
marched to the Link river bridge,
You will he well paid if you »««mine the 1913 model U. S. and see
'closer to the ground.
where the W. R. C. and G. A. R. ob­
these features yourself. Wouldn't you like to have us set one up in
In tlie seventh canto the entire ¡cents a yard. He says be hauled 1080 |
served their beiutlful ceremony of
your dairy for free trial 7
Klamath Falls team was goatless, and ¡yards, and asks a Judgment for tbe |
1 respecting the memories of those un­
three singles In succession by Dyer, cash value.
known heroes, the sailor dead who
Stevenson and Frank Xorgatzer and I In answer. White, through Stone A THOUSANDS OF FEET OF FILM, perished on the seas while fighting
a base on balls to Blodgett netted
has filed a demurrer. In which
SHORING THE CATTLE INDUS­ for the Stars and Stripes.
I) I; A I. hRS
Merrill three runs. Another run wa» ;every allegation of the complaint is
First Section
biought In in the eighth, and in I*'« denied,
The order of parade follows:
closing chapter of the comedy ot
Tbe second street fill was a part of
Grand Marshal Capt. O. C. Apple­
errors another trio of tallies went t*kja plan for a driveway from the county
BURNS, Ore , June 2.- Moving plc- gate and aides, Harry Stilts, E. L.
the Merrill sldo of the score book.
falr ground to Main street, which, in tures are being taken of the great Elliott, W. B. Mason and Wm. Lee,
The playing of the Merrill team addition to furnishing a boulevard for Central Oregon country, so the mll- mounted.
was u revelation to the local tans, ,|,le city, provided a direct entrance to ;lions of people in the United States
Klamath Falls Military band.
Stevenson and Blodgett are a working the West End of Klauiath Falla from may see the actual development of
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
battery, and they were given excellent the Merrill and Midland roads.
this territory. In order to get the
Sisters of Rebecca.
support by their team mates.
lu order to put through this road scenic and industrial pictures of Har-
Knights of Pythias.
The lineup was something life this: i so an entrance could be made by Sec- ney county stock raising, Ralph R. ( Pythian Sisters.
Klamath Falls -8hive and Maxwell und street. It was necessary to make a Earle of Hortland, in charge of the 1 Ladies of the Maccabees of the
pitchers; Thresher, catcher; Arnold, till for several blocks on Second, and ¡picture taking outfit, accompanied by World.
first base; Meaner, second base; Am to soliolt funds for this a committee Lloyd W. McDowell, publicity man-
Benevolent Protective Order of
brose, third base, French, shortstop. was formed, one of the members be- ager for the Hill railroad lines, is Flks.
Maxwell und Shlve, left field; Baum, mg G. W. White.
spending a week on Colonel William
Second Section
center; Noel, right field.
Hunley's ranches, in order to secure
School band.
Merrill—Stevenson, pitcher; Blod­
rea. buckaroo sceqes and reproduce
Schoolgirls with flowers,
gett, catcher; Dyer, first base; C. Vor-
methods used in handling large herds
Schoolboys with flags.
hatzer, second base, Pangborn, tiilrd
¡of cattie.
Boy Scouts, Professor Coates In
base, I*. Vorhatzer, shortstop; Pupe,
When the curtain raises Friday eve­
Earle and McDowell arrived in charge.
left field; F. Vorhatzer. center Leid; ning on the production of Eugene Burns last Tuesday, and first secured i County and city officials.
D. Vorhatzer, right field.
Third Section
Walters' gripping comedy-drama, I photos of old Indians and settlers, !
Ramsby's Drum corps.
i The Wolf,” given under the auspices then went to the “P" ranch to spend
WORKMAN in an III C wagon fac­
of the Woodmen of the World. Klam­ several days around the buckaroo I Volunteers of Spanish, Indian and
tory was explaining the various
IS A BENEDICT ath Falls theater goers will witness camp. Then Earle secured views of other late wars, and all citizens who
stages o( wagon construction to an
one of the most popular plays on the the surrounding country and other in-' wish to participate in the honors of
interested visitor. He picked up
American stage. Beautiful scenic ef- teresting pictures of ranch and farm the army and navy.
two pieces of long leaf yellow pine,
become Mrs. Alex Cheyne, as a result fe«ts combined with both strong dra­ life in Harney county.
Women’s Relief corps.
and asked the visitor to notice the difference in
of a quiet wedding at the Methodist matic and humorous situations, will
it is through Louis W. Hill, former
Grand Army of the Republic.
tin- weight of the tW! i <<-s. The lighter
parsonage Saturday afternoon, when make the production a complete suc- president of the Great Northern rail-1 Business men.
piece, he explained, was kiln-dried. The
Rev. George H. Feese pronounced the i cess.
road, that the Pathe's Weekly is en­
The line of march from the court­
heavier piece was air-dried- It had retained
uniting these two well
The theme of the play is a string abled to get these pictures. He con­ house to the cemetery, where again
the resinous sap which adds sti ngth and
known residents of Klamath county. Ion which any dramatist might play siders the moving picture one of the i the G. A. R. and W. R. C. ritual
toughness, while in the kiln-drx d piece of
The groom attained fame all over and not weary an audience. While greatest things of the present gener- services
lumber this sap had been drawn out by the too
were held. A short breaking
the coast this winter on account of not less a comedy-drama, it is a faith- ation to help educate the people re­ ‘of ranks followed, during which
rapid application of heat.
his "skunk" farm. He has a tine ranch jful transcript of actual life, There garding their own country.
those inarching took occasion to scat­
on the Merrill road.
The reels depicting the wonders of ter garlands and wreaths on the
is a rich vein of humor, brought ojut
l-y Harry Messmer as Geeorge Hunt- ! this part of Oregon will be sent to ¡graves of friends or relatives who
Jersey City at once, where they will have departed this life.
; lev, the surveyor.
Upon returning to the courthouse,
Miss Marjorie McClure, in the pan be developed and placed into a ma­
of Hilda McTavish, who is dominated chine. where it will be possible to pro­ the people participating in the pro­
Saturday, May 31, w as the hottest i by
unreasonable father, is afforded duce fnm 300 to 500 positives from cession dispersed. In the afternoon
day of the month Just ended, accord- |)ie widest scope, shifting from the the one original negative. When the the observance was taken up again
Here was something to think about. The
ing to the meteorological record at iight-heartedness
he mountain reels are made up in the proper or­ at Houston's opera house, when the
llght-heartedness of
or ’ 'ne
visitor asked for a test as to the relative
wo- ­ der and completely finished they are ' following highly appropriate pro­
strength of the two pieces of wood. The air­
Tho thermometer reached 83 degrees. manhood.
'sent to general film companies, which gram was rendered:
dried piece held up under nearly double the
Following is the report for the
Selection—High School orchestra.
The parts of Jules Beaubein. Hil­ dsitribute them to all parts of the
weight under which the kiln-dried piece of
Singing—"America,” by the au-
da's lover, played by Joe McAllister; United States. They are to be re-
lumber broke.
Temperature — Mean maximum, Andrew McTavish, an eccentric Scotch leased on a certain date, so that the dience.
To the eye there was no difference between
67.4; meun minimum, 40; maximum. ettier, played by E. E. McNaughton, people in Portland and Tacoma may
Invocation—Rev. Larkin Stucker.
these two pieces of lumber, but when put to
83, on Mny 31; minimum, 26, on ird William McDonald, an American see them as soon as those in New
Solo—"Just Before the Battle.
the test there was a vast difference. So it is
May 1 and 2.
Mother," Mrs. William Wagner.
throughout the construction of 1 IIC wagons
ongineer, known as "The Wolf,” York.
Precipitation—.71 of an ■ inch, ; played by (’. J. McNaughton, are all
—-Weber, Columbus, New Bettendorf, Steel
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address—Mr.
The reels are given to the big
Greatest in 2 4 hours, .28 of an Inch ¡drawn in clever fashion.
King. They are built tor real strength, light
houses first, and then to others, and Edwin Cox.
dralt, and satisfactory service.
on May 0.
Singing—Male quartet.
Double specialties will be introduc­ finally to outside towns, In the large
Snminu.'y- Number of <lnvH with ed between the acts, in which some of cities the pictures are shown ten
Weber and Columbus wagons have wood
Reading—"Thomas at Chlcka-
gears. Steel King and New Bettendorf have
••I of an U<li or moro precipitation |the following song hits will be ren- times a day, while in country towns mauga," Mrs. Elmer French,
steel gears. I If C local dealers handle the
I clear, 18; partly cloudy, 8, and {tiered: "Maybe It's a Robber," "Gar­ they are flashed on the canvas throe
Music—Male quartet
wagons best suited to your work. See them
Memorial Address-—Hon. Henry L.
den of Sweden,” "Whistle,” "When times a week, making a total of 60,-
for literature and full information, or, write
-That Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for 000,000 people, estimated, who gaze Benson.
the Alabam," “Dear Otd Moonlight," on one set of films. The sets run from
Lyceum Chorus—"Tenting on the
Internationa! Harvester Company of America
Redeemer has been supplied by Rev. | "Goodbye. Everybody,” "Can She six months to a year.
Camp Ground.”
Joseph Sheerin, until recently rector Rag?” "When It s Apple Blossom
The Bathe people have representa­
of one of the Episcopal parishes in I into In Normandy." and many others. tives all over the world who send a
tho Rogue River valley.
total of 5,000 feet of news pictures a HOUSTON HOST
W. A. Delzell returned Saturday week to headquarters. From this
¡from the Middle West, where for sev­ about 1,000 feet is seieettd for use,
eral months past he has been connect­ generally. Several thousand feet of
Children were again the guests of
1*0 L A N 1) CHINA
ed with a publishing house.
Ims will bo used on the Harney coun­ honor at the Star theater on Satur­
ty and Deschutes River pictures, so day. The occasion was the matinee
One of the largest herds of young Poland China boars and gilts in the Willamette Valley, from the
given by Manager John V. Houston
that a big selection can be made.
very host foundation stock.In the United States.
for the school children who marched
Below Is a partial list of our foundation stock, which shows the high standing of our herd:
in yesterday's Memorial day parade.
Still Here
With the Old Watch?
Roar—"Joe Quality,’’ No. llllft.NI, Grand Chnnipion under 2 year», Oregon State Fair, 1912.
A good program of pictures was
I have been told so many times
Boar—"College Special," No. 1710:1ft, bred by the Washington Agricultural College, Pullman, Wash.
younger, you since my return from Portland, where given for the kids, and if intermittent
Hou—"Nodaway Belle 4th," No. I 15088, bred by Williams Broa., Villisca, Iowa.
! know, and once In a while It needs I was attending to business in the exclamations of delight and continual
How__ "Tecumseh Girl," No. 4181(14, bred by Samuel Taylor, Belmont, Washington.
a rest and overhauling, Railroad United States court that during my bobbing of heads can be taken for
How__"Belmont Queen,” No. 41HI02, bred by Samuel Taylor, Belmont. Washington.
watches are cleaned and overhauled absence there was a report around anything,
How__ "Kittle," No. 444421, bred l»y J. F. McCool, Macon, Illinois. .
once a year to Insure accurate time­ town that I had removed from Klam­ pleased.
We also have “Polly Ann" nnd “Nancy llubban!,*' two of the finest sows In the West, both sired by
keeping. Why not bring yours in and ath Falls, that I am constrained to
In addition the two Rosso children,
the famous boar, "Nebraska King."
lei us give W the attention that is say that I am still here, and have not appearing at the theater with their
We ship only the very best selected stock, and guarantee every head.
necessary for good time keeping
had any notion of leaving Klamath. parents, gave some special numbers
Young stock sold f. o. b. cars, $25, $30, $10 and $50.
for the guests. The youngsters are
Watchmake,, Jeweler and Engraver.
exceptionally clever, and their act
E. J. LANKINS, Manager
S. P. Watch-Inspector
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Loos ley of Ft. was loudly and enthusiastically ap-
Willitts Building
Klamath are here for a short visit. plauded.
1913 MODEL
R O B I: R i S
Finish This Story
Every Stick of Lumber Used
in IHC Wagons is Carefully
Selected, Air-Dried Stock
What’s the
Dimick Stock Farm
Hubbard, Oregon