Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 24, 1913, Image 7

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    reclamation officials with charges and
determine whether or not complaint«
hied are Justified.
Each delegate at the conference
PURCHAHED .will have full opportunity to prevent
I Oil lAHXil. (J IAHTE ICH BY THE his ata'ement, and, if he haa com­
plaints to lodge, will be given time to No Action WIII Be Taken in the Anti­
Alien M*gl»latiou Matter I util the
present bls case and have it answered
I'reaident ix-arna That the State la
MEDFORD, April 1». The Med­ by reclamation officials. After that.
Eoeeilina Her Hight»— la lll« tua-
ford Lodge of Elks is planning to pur­ Secretary Lane will determine wheth-
ing the Matter With Californian
chase the Medford Furniture and • r or not reclamation has been at
Congreaa Member» Tiwlay
Hardware building at the corner of fault, and if in the wrong, will direct
Sixth and Central, remodel the third ' the correction of acts complained ot
He lutar) Brynu I» in t lime Touch
and fourth floors and convert It into Un this way. The secretary, by get­
Uitli Bolli dapali and California.
WAHHINGTON, D. C., April 19.—
an Elk home. The building commit­ ting at the facts, hopes to put an end The state’s rights are supreme.
I*iuu»iilviil Wilson Will Confer Witti
tee of the lodge has reported favor­ to widespread complaints which have
t'oiigreaainan ICaker Touioriuiw Ite-
This is the position taken by Presi­
on this plan.
become chronic on many projects by dent Wilson in regard to the anti­
garding thè Test of thè Itili» l’end-
For some time the local lodge has changing government methods where alien land legislation pending In Cal­
Ing in California Legislature
planned to erect a building, but now reclamation service is shown to be in ifornia legislature, but ho hopes to
It is deemed more feasible to pur­ error, or by exploding complaints avoid an open break with Japan.
I utusi Pr«'»» ttervlee
chase this block. The third floor can where they can not be substantiated.
The president saw no visitors to­
TOKIO, April II».—The Anil-Amer­
be fitted up for club rooms, while a It Is Secretary Lane's purpose here
Even Bryan was excluded.
ican MMitimeiit is growing at an
lodge room can be constructed on the after to «Teal direct with water users,
devoted the greater part of the
alarming rate tlirov ;liout the empire.
fourth floor. ,
thinking thereby to produce harmony
day to the matter.
Till» follow» tlie announcement
between the government and settlers
that tlie California legislature Is »ure
No fear of war is felt here, but Wil­
on Its various projects. Western sen-
to pa»» the anti-alien lami law.
is determined there will be no
VISITINO YREKA a tors and representatives will be In­
Colini ok unia I» greatly alarmed at
vlted to these conferences, and
tlie situation.
He aiiii<mn<nl liiat
The anti-American agitation in Ja­
YKEKA, April 19.—During the have full opportunity to present any
It may lie inipoa»dl>lo Io prevent war,
pan and the agitation her«.- and abroad
last ten days there have been several facts they, deem pertinent.
■lioulil lite measure | mm >» in California.
will not cause President Wilson to ad­
capitalists from Southern Oregon in
Members of tiie lower rlaaava are
Yreka. During their stay they visit­
John Knott is here from Crater, mit that there 1» any existing reason
holding ma»» meeting» on tlie »ircela,
ed various parts of the county that he new township in the northern part for a Japanese war scare.
ami with llcry »peeihee are liccoming
are famous for agricultural and min­ of the country.
This was emphasized by the execu­
ing. It is understood that these par­
tive today when he decided to meet a
War song» arc living »ung, ami the
ties are looking for investments.
delegation of Californians, who are
«laille ila» I» crying for tlie cmprrur
Dan Van Brimmer, Plaintiff,
here to “explain’’ their reasons for
to attack the United Hiate».
wanting the land bill passed.
Tlie American Interval» are living
AT LEGAL FEE Fred Eylenfeldt, Defendant.
Wilson is also keeping in touch
closely watched by government au-
To Fred Eylenfeldt, the Above-Named with developments in Toklo and Sac­
PORTLAND, April 19.—The un­
ramento. The state department has
Troo|H, »rv livid in rvadineaa to pro­
ROME. April 19.—Pope Pius X WILNON WANTS A NEW
usual case of a federal officer pro­ In the Name of the State of Oregon: been instructed to watch closely all
li» l American jieople and property, slept well last night, ex. ept for an oc­
AMBASSADOR IN JAPAN testing against an attorney charging
You are hereby summoned and re­ meetings in Japan having any bearing
»liouhl the war-mail mob attempt to casional fit of coughing.
an exorbitant fee was presented at quired to appear and answer the com­ on the matter.
«Io any damage.
At noon he chatted with his broth­
WASHINGTON, D. C„ April 19.— the federal building when United plaint filed in the above entitled suit
W’ilson has agreed to outllns his
er» and slaters for some time, and On account of the present situation Htates Marshal Leslie M. Scott told J. within six (6) weeks after the first
to Raker of the California
H»nfor«l Gel» Warm
ook nourishment. He Is feeling cheer­ arising in the relations of this coun­ Charley Reed, who had Just been sen­ publication of this summons In the
-congressional delegation. He depre­
SACRAMENTO, April 19.—"The ful, und naked permission to arise, try and Japan, President Wilson is tenced to spend six months in the Klamath Republican, a newspaper, to-
cates the war scare attempts.
Methodist missionaries urge the de- which, of course, was denied.
anxious to send to Toklo an American ounty jail, that he had been buncoed. wlt: On or before the 22d day of
From the trend of Wilson’s talk on
Th>< doctors say It will bp a week ambassador who can be depended up­
teal of the unti-Japnn»se legislation.
Reed, an ex-bartender of Merrill, May, 1913, which is the date of the the matter it is certain that he will
before the danger is pasaed, but they on to carry out the wishes of ths entered a plea of guilty to the charge last publication of this summons, and
The situation here Is serious."
not interfere with the legislation of
This cablegram was received this urv much discouraged.
democratic administration.
of sending obscene matter through you will take notice that if you fail the Sacramento lawmakers until he is
The president expects the Califor­ the mails. Boone Casey, his attorney, to appear and answer or plead within
thoroughly satisfied that the proposed
nia legislature t> pass ’he anti-alien didn't have a word to say during the the said time, the plaintiff for want
laws are in violation of the federal
land bill. As this Is sure to make whole proceeding, it is said.
thereof, will apply to the above en­ constitution.
Ame-icui most unpopular threugh-
When Reed was arrested in Mon­ titled court for the relief demanded in
He firmly believes in the doctrine
i out the Nipponese empire. Wilson tana three weeks ago he bad 81,120, the complaint filed in said suit, to-
of state rights, and has asked tho Cal­
Do not com
I wants a inan there who is thoroughly and after sentence had been passed wit: For a decree of the above en­
ifornians to hurry through the pend­
pare the old I capable of handling a most delicate Scott asked him what he wanted done titled court foreclosing a certain lien ing legislation, so he can decide at
I situation.
with the money. Reed said 1250 given by a mortgage executed by you, once whether or not he should repu­
Franklyn K. l^ane, secretary of the would have to come out for tbs attor­ the defendant, to the plaintiff therein diate them.
••Atlas” with
Interior, who is a native of California, ney, and Scott told him that it was on the 18th day of May, 1912. upon
the* one built
told Baron Yasuya Uchlda, the Japan­ too much.
he following described lands in .TOKIO, April 9.—Despite the per­
ese ambassador extraordinary today
The marshal sent Reed with one of Klamath county, state of Oregon, to- sistent clamor for war on the part of
that he Is confident that the measure the deputies to a bank, where it was wit. The northeast one-quarter of
the frenxled people, the government
obnoxious to Japanese will be adopt­ deposited.
the northeast one-quarter (NEK of has taken a conservative stand in the
Are built from 4 H P to 200 H P
ed In California.
NEU) of section seven (7), and the matter of the passage of the anti­
He also stated that he expects Ore- LAKEVIEW MAN­
north one-half of the northwest one- alien land measure in California, sup­
Write for full particulars to the
jgon and Washington to copy the leg­
AN INVENTOR quarter (NU of NWU) of seceion posed to aim particularly at Japanese.
eight (8), township forty-one (41)
The newspapers take the stand that
Ex-Mayor Guthrie of Pittsburg has
LAKEVIEW, April 19.— J. B. south, range twelve (12) east of Wil­ war with the United States is impos­
J Oregon
been suggeHted to Wilson as the man Auten is the inventor of a shock ab­ lamette meridian, and for the sale of
sible. and the clamor of the people is
J. B. FIELDS, Oregon Manager
to handle the Japanese situation, No sorber for use on automobiles that he the said lands to satisfy said lien and
ignored. No mention is made in the
action haa yet been taken toward an thinks will revolutionize the indus­ he debt secured thereby, and for such
local papers of the street demonstra­
appointment by the president.
try and prove of untold worth in add­ other and further relief as to the! tions.
ing to the pleasures of the motor car court may seem equitable.
The official view of the matter is
This summons is published once a that if the measure does succeed in
in general. It is possible that there
ELECT OFFICERS are similar affairs on the market, but week for six (t>) consecutive weeks
passing the California legislature, it
the simplicity of Mr. Auten's patent is in the Klamath Republican, a news­ will not be strictly enforced.
OAKLAND, April 19.—The following what be relies upon to bring him un­ paper, published weekly within the
Street meetings continue through­
state officers were elected today by told wealth.
city of Klamath Falls, County of out the capital. Police and soldiers
the Knights Templar:
He has been working on the model Klamath, State of Oregon, pursuant are keeping a watch on these gather­
Grand commander, W. Hamel of for some time past, and a few weeks to an order made and entered on the
Los Angeles; deputy grand comman­ since applied for a patent. This week 10th day of April, 1913, by the Hon. ings.
der, James PaUcott of Yreka; gener­ he received word that the patent had Henry L. Benson, Judge of the above
— The
alissimo, Perry Widner of Los An­ been allowed, and now all that re­ entitled court, and the first publica­
geles. captain general, Elmer Stone; mains to be done is to get the differ­ tion thereof is made in said newspa­ protests against the anti-alien land
laws will not have any weight with
senior and junior wardens, Samuel ent manufacturers to adopt it. or else per on the 10th day of April, 1913.
the Iwamakers, according to every
Clark and Jonathan Beel; treasurer, erect a factory and market the out­
solon who will discuss the pending
Charles Field, all of San Francisco; put.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
record keeper, William Davis of Ala­
1-10-5-22 r
Not one of these will admit that be
meda. The session closes with a ban­ RECLAMATION SERVICE
oppose the bill. They say that
quet this evening.
Notice of Final Settlement
the people generally demand the
In the Matter of the Estate of Nannie
measure, and that they will resort to
W ASHINGTON, D. C., April 21.—
M. Pankey, Deceased.
initiative in order to pass the law,
If there is anything radically wrong
Notice is hereby given that the un­
the legislature become supine.
with reclamation service and if there dersigned, as administrator or said
According to Senator Sanford, the
GOLD HILL, Ore., April 19.—Pre­ is foundation for innumerable com­ estate of Nannie M. Pankey, deceased,
liminary work upon the construction plaints on file against the manner in lias filed his final account as such ad­ desks of all the members of the legis­
ot a |.’>0,0()0 cement plant on the ce­ which the national reclamation law is ministrator with the clerk of the lature are filled with demands for
ment beds near Gold Hill have begun being enforced. Secretary Lane wants county court of the state of Oregon, | the passage of the exclusion bill.
E could s II wagons for less money,
"These demands come from every
by the Beaver Portland Cement com­ to know it, and know it immediately. for Klamath county, and the said
but we don’t care to sell that kind
in the state, and we are not go-
pany, an organization composed of I To that end he will hold a series of I court has fixed Saturday, April 26,
of wagon. We want your second
act contrary to their wishes,”
h order, and your third, and every
conferences at his office, beginning , 1913, at the _
__ __ of __
10 ____________
o’clock in the
order you give for a wagon. Wo
A crew of men are now at work se­ May hit, which will be attended by ' forenoon of said day as the time for sand Sanford.
It is believed that action on the
can’t be sure of getting those orders unless the
curing samples of the rock, and in­ officials of the reclamation servlco and hearing any and all objections to said
will be taken Monday.
first wagon you buy from the I II C local dealer
stalling a water works to be used in l>y representatives of the water users’ account and for settlement thereof,
proves so satisfactory that you would not think
the conduct of the plant. It Is ex­ asso« iation on each government pro­
Dated this March 27. 1913.
of going anywhere else for the second. We
pected that the plant will bo com­ ject.
have to tell you how good our wagons are to
pleted and in operation by the 1st of
Invitations to attend this confer- Administrator of the Estate of Nannie
get your first order. After that, we expect the
once were sent out last week, and
M. Pankey. Deceased.
wagon itself to do the selling. I H C wagons
SACRAMENTO. April 19.—Secre-
Articles of incorporation for the each water users’ association is re­ KEESEE & GROESBECK, Attorneys
, tary of State Bryan telegraphed to
company have been filed at Salem, quested to send at least one repre-
for Administrator.
i Governor Hiram Johnson today, ask­
and the formation of tho company icntatlve to Washington by May 1st.
3-27-4-24 r
ing that the words “ineligible to cit-
has been under way since the first of At the conference Secretary Lane will
Votive for Publication
izenship” be not Included in the land
the year.
go into the situation on every govern­
This, he says, is urge« by Pres-
• The cement deposits, according to ment project aud where settlers have
are made of selected, high-grtule material
experts who have made tests of the I complaints to make through their del­
States Land Office, at Lakeview,
throughout. The lumber is air-dried in huge
The telegram was read in the legis­
rock, is among the best in the coun­ egate sent to Washington. The sec- ;
Oregon. April 12, 1913.
i| lature. and ordered printed in the
sheds for three years or more before it is used.
try, and are suitable for heavy de­ retary wil then and there confront
Air-drying takes years of time, and leaves the
Notice Is hereby given that Eman- , Journal. No comment was made.
velopment. When the factory is com­
fibres of the wood filled with and cemented
uel Dunn of Klamath Falls. Oregon,
Governor Johnson refused to make
pleted about 500 men will be em­
together by the natural resinous residue of the
who, on April 13. 1911, made home- , any statement regarding the telegram
sap. Kiln-drying requires only a few days’
stead entry No. 04502, for SW%, other
than that he had not answered
■ ,
time and leaves the wood brittle and weak.
SW%, SE% SW*4, Section 4, Town­ it as yet.
Air-drying produces elastic lumber, wagon
ship 41 8.. Range 7 E., Willamette
parts that bend and give under loads and
Meridian, haa Hied notice of intention
CHICAGO, April 19.—Otto Brodie,
strains, but that spring back when the strain
55 years, was killed instantly to­
MEDFORD. April 19.—At the open
is removed.
establish claim to the land above de­ day by falling fifty feet with his bi­
Weber and Columbus wagons have wood
scribed, before C. R. De Lap, county plane. He fell fifty-five feet and was
ern Oregon yesterday It was voted
gears; New Bettendorf and Steel King have
clerk, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on crushed under the machine.
to endorse the proposed school of
steel gears. The I 11 C local dealer will give you
the 24th day of May, 1913.
The tragedy occurred at the Stand­
Rev. J. K. Howard, pastor of the
literature and fill information about the wagons
Claimant names as witnesses:
aviation field on the South Side.
he sells. See him, or, if you prefer, write
Fred Grant, Arthur Hawkings, Al- |
voted to the education of Chinese res­
bert Roberts, Nurraito Roma, all of
Deputy County Clerk Charles De
International Harvester Company of America
idents in this part of the state.
and wife returned home Sunday
The work ot the school was outlin­
evening from a visit in Portland, Seat-
ed, and received hearty commenda­
4-17-5-22 r
Register. 'tle and Victoria B. C.
tion by all members.
morning by tlie president of
ute from Bishop Harris at Toklo.
The reading of the message created
im uproar In tlie »«mute.
i "1 move thut an answer be sent to
the bishop, telling him that Califor­
nia can attend to Its own business,"
thundered Senator Hanford, who Is
HAN QUENTIN, April 19. War­
one of tlie promoters of the lund legis­
Hoyle la leading a rigid search
When the uproar Anally subsided of Han Quentin prison for 100 sticks
it was decided that the message be of dynamite that have been stolen
entered In tlie senate record, and oth­ ! from the powder magazine. No trace
; iiu» been found.
er buxine»» was taken up.
Hoyle say» he doe» not believe any­
one in the prison stole tho powder,
Ilryiui lnvr»tigntlng
hut he Is making the search as a pre­
WASHINGTON, D. C.. April 19.
Secretary of State Bryan Is In con- caution to avoid an explosion.
h tunt touch with conditions In both
Toklo und Sacramento, lie has made MEXICAN AM) JAI’AN EHE
no announcement, but It is expected
that tbv administration will not take
WASHINGTON, D. C., April 19.—
und action until the measure Is passed
American difficulties with Japan and
Mexico have become even more com­
Wilson 1» Quiet
WASHINGTON, D. C., April 19.— plicated, because only temporary offi­
If avoidable, President Wilson will cials are in charge of the embassies.
Lars Anderson, who has been the
not permit snti-Jap agitation on the
I'acltlc coast to endanger America's ambassador to Japan, has returned
friendly relations with Japan, He In­ from that empire, and he Is in Wash­
timated thut tho less said the better ington today.
Ambassador Wilson of Mexico has
matters would shape themselves.
his resignation to President
Tomorrow Wilson und Raker will
confer as to the condition on the Wilson. No successor has been named
coast Tho California lawmaker will in either case.
The anti-American agitation in
submit tlie text of the bills peudlng
Japan is causing some concern in the
In tho loglslature.
capital, but President Wilson insists
that California is privileged to enact
AND IS CHEEKED whatever legislation the state desires.
Atlas Gas Engine Agency Astoria
I H C Quality Shows in Service
Weber New Bettendorf
Steel King