•♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • <»• I |< i ti, PAPER OF ♦ • KLAMATH UNTY ♦ *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦ VOL. XVII. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KLAMATIJ FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1912 Socialists Wont Debs cind Russell As Cdndidales ♦ ♦ LEADING PAPER OF MOI THERM OREGON ♦ • NO.7 ’"ÄTZ JEDOÏ SWEEPS IS CRITICISED minder to Get Up ALL CAUFURNIA United Proas Service PARIS, May 15.—Clifford Cook of INDIANAPOLIS, May 15. A ma / 9 [San Francisco is the soundest sleeper <«»»1l*ANt HAM TOTAL OF HI,INNI jority of th» lenders In the socialist PRICES OF STREET IMI'ROA E- ¡CLERIC WOULD H IVE THE GOV in Paris. So heavy are his slumbers CLARK VICTORY OVER W II.NO N convention here want to nominate that lu order to wake up at anything IK »RMKIM »Wilt MENT SHOW 4 BIG REDUCTION I ICNMENT HEIZE KHtTI N EM OF TWO TO ONE Eugene V Dubs as a candidat« for tho like a reasonable hour he has to send presidency with Charles Edward Rus­ THIN NPItlNG, OWING TO COM ALL Ml LTI-MILLIONAIREN Al himself a telegram on the evening be­ sell us his running mate. The Mil fore reminding himself that he ha«* I'trol of Two ImiiiciiM- Sew Plant» THEIR DEATH PETITION ( alicorni* Give» Rooerveil a Plarality wnukecltes, under Berger, are light got to wake up at such an hour on the [ an KI iuiis U i lUvrr, Willi nn.iMH» Ing Debs, and are urging the nomi- of 45,000—Taft Carried Only On« following day. PENDLETON. Ore., May 15.—Pen-1 PHILADELPHIA, May 15.—He,- ■orsrpuwer Hartl, Will He Fiuislird nation of Heidel to head the ticket. This fixes the time in one of his District, the F'ourtli'San Franciæ». Socialist loaders her« claim to t»e- dlelou is the scene of a tnerry paving 1 tw government seize all but $2,000, 'brain cells, and unconscious cerebra-1 While I m Follette Secured See by I Ir»l ul llie Year—4’reeling MOO [ ||gve that Roosevelt and Bryan will war. and the outcome Is difficult of •»00 of every multi-millionaire's for­ ,tlon takes place during the night. I prediction, although it Is practically tune upon the possessor’s death. llaiu ISO I tMl High bs the leaders of th« old purties. Joaquin—Governor Johnson WeH A< re l.ak [Otherwise he would continue to slee.> Th» delegates nr» discussing the certain that when the smoke clear» Let the government own and run teneath the sun and dine beneath the «uh Plenaed With the Result platform today, while strong efforts away several more of the main resi­ au expr< is, telegraph and telephone moon. And his sleeping propensity Is nr« being mad» to prevent a floor dence thoroughfares will be improv­ companies Increased by the fact that he weighs i United Press Service O. G Htrele. suparluleiideul of I ho fight over tlie Indorsement of Indu-i ed ul prices considerably below those Take over for governmental con­ 2<»0 pound» and takes much open air | LAN FRANCISE, May 15 —Free- formerly paid. Several months ago a California Oregon Power compuuy, 1» trial unlontom. trol the Standard Oil company and exercise. tically state wide returns make it paving agitation was started by tne the tobacco trust. la the < ity today looking uller t’o The reason why Cook has been tak­ certain that Roosevelt carried every Commercial Club and the city coun­ • ■»I iu ' hh of the company. Mr. 8'ri l ELKN TURN OUT IN BODY Have the government confiscate all ing such heroic measures to awake > ongtessional district in the state ex­ • lati • that th« work on the Mo ver linn [ To WtiliK ON GROUNDH cil. The latter body commenced pro- coal lands. early Is because of the arrival of hU [• eedlngs for the paving of a dozen or from Dorris to the Klnmnth Fulls mother, Mrs. H. J Cook of San Fran- cept the Fourth San Francisco, for These are some of the methods of Two which the Taftites declare they will About fifty "Bills" went to the I more streets with bitulithic. elsnis Is being rushed, snd it is ex­ v isco, to whom he is very devoted. preventing the accumulation of swol­ < outeat before the national conven­ pected to hum the connection* made Rodeo grounds down the lake Sun­ contracts trad previously been entered tion at Chicago. within sixty days A crew of fifty day, and assisted In the work of pre­ Into with tho Warren Construction len foriunes advocated by Rev. Geo. NO LENIENCY TO Chalmers Richmond, rector of St. Delayed returns from outlying dis­ ■ten are nt work ou the Job. When paring the grounds for the big event company at $2.10 per square yard, BE «IVEN RICHESON John's Episcopal church, whose blt- tricts make the exact figures unob- tale lino is completed It will coanoot of tho Elks. Under the direction o* which price was generally considered ter denunciation of the will of the BO8T0N, May. 15.—The exneutivjU*1“1»*«. but it Is conceded that up all tlie power plants of the com­ Pau) Breitenstein the men went to too high, with the result that one by late Colonel John Jacob Astor has one the new propositions were killed ' pany In Ciillforalii and Oregou. which work digging post holes, building • ouicll held a brief session odav. i Roosevelt’s plurality will be 45,000. [created a furore. are capable of producing a total of fences snd corrsls and enlarging the by remonstrance. Governor Foss did not refer to the'wh,le lhe Roosevelters claim it will J’he Rev. Mr. Richmond compared rounrt| anJr rw»ntlon for leniency for each 60,000, with a possible majorit . grand stand stand. A twelve foot platform [ 14.250 horsepower. Just as the council was about to ' means that ------ — Taft -- j » - «-■— The plnnts owned by the company was built on the front of the grand i throw up Its hunds In despair, the the term» of the Astor's will, handing Rfcheson This Rlcheson l~ over and La Follette --------- combined. • hl' h will aoou be oonnwted together "land for the judge» and box parties Dolarway company entered the field down the bulk of his great furtune U mugt dle for Ms rrime7 Clark doubled Wilson’s vote. It is R|rhemm., VerveM Stronger • Ith power lines are Prospect. 2'»,000 The work la progressing rapidly, and and created a favorable sentiment by his son. with that of Dr. Francis Ba- possible that La Follette carried San BOSTON. May 15.—Richeson slept D*««o and San Joaquin counties. S»n horsepower' Gold Ray. 4,000 horse- everything will be In readlneea for the offering to la» pavement for $1 5o con. the late surgeon of Yale unlver- He rose at 7 Francisco complete gives Roosevelt power, Fall Creek. 2,500 horsepower; I grand event. During the day a picnic I per square yard This move was met •Ity, who out of a $400,000 estate. ,OUndly last night. Mhasta River, 500 horae|>ower, and lunch was served by the house com by the Warren company with a pro­ left $100,000 to be used In the fight o.clork th|g raornln(?. wlth hlg nerTe8 119.825. Taft 16,518. La Follette the two Klamath Falls plants, with , mlttee. which was enjoyed as much as posal to lay a gravel bitulithic at stronger, ate heartily and read i»*«7. Clark 5,774, Wilson 2,940 1.250 horsepower. In addition will [ th» carpenter work, $1.45. At a meeting of the council other worthy causes, and the remain­ magazines and papers referring to his Los Angeles' vote, practically com- after paving promoters and property der to help poor boys through Yale. be th» new plant on the Klamath | case. plete, gives Roosevelt 31,545. Taft "We are filled with patriotic shame River, with a capacity of 55,000 horse owners had Indulged In a wordy com­ 10,693, La Follette 6.340. Clark 3,90» bat, President Linden of the Dolar­ after reading the will of John Jacob power, the largest plant owned by the ¡and Wilson 2,122. Roosevelt carried way company volunteered to lay his Astor," declared the clergyman. "He company. Loe Angeles county by 8,000. pavement at the actual cost of ma- stands forth at the judgment bar be­ Two plants, each of 40,000 k w., Governor Hiram Johnson said: "It * terlal and labor. fore the Christian conscience of the or 5 5,000 horsepower, are to be con was a bully fight; a bully victory. We In the meantime a home company American people. ■trurted on the Klamath River by' won because the cause was just. Po Po- "It Is a disgrace to leave a fortune [of La Grande has announced its In- the power company Work on the Ilitical regeneration of California is Mention of submitting blds not to ex- of $50,000,000 in these days.” Brat plant Is already well under way. complete." ¡reed $1.30, and a proposition has and will be rushed to completion, so Taft won the Fourth San Prancieco as to be ready for operation by the GOVERNOR WI ST Nl'RMITN TEXT even been broached looking to the BULLETIN WILL RESUME district by 154 votes. The Roosevelt- PRINTING RUEF STORY NEW INDUSTRY CONTEMPLATED • rst of the year. One of theae plants installation of a municipal plant. OF HIM HILL PROA IDINO FOR era claim that it was won for Taft on alone will be almost double In ca­ acount of the heavy "silk-stocking" FOR GRANITE CITY — OUTSIDE ABOLISHMENT OF CAPITAL NTORK To GIVE CONCERTS SAN FRANCISCO, May 14.—The pacity that of all the other plants of vote. EVERY SATURDAY EVENING Bulletin announces that on Monday the company In Northern California CAPITAL PLANNING BUILDING PUNISHMENT The Taftites justify their decision i ----------- It will resume printing the Ruef story »ad Oregon Tho leent'on '.a at «.hat MODERN PLANT to contest before the convention by 11« Golden Rule store has srraug- after the indictments were dismissed is known as Wards* canyon on the the statement that they never agreed SALEM. May 15. Governor West cd for a four-piece orchestra to give In Judge Dunne’s court Saturday un­ Ktnmath River, below Shasta. The to abide by the presidential primary ASHLAND. May 15—That Ashland • ompnny has bought up seven or j today gave out the text of the bill con certs at their place of business'der mandate from the appellate court ’ The Roosevelters jeer and say it "enta ------------------------------ will see an extensive industry in the «Ight hundred acres along the river, iprovidiug for the abolishment of cap-1 every Saturday evening during the no ice. The state vote will go as a which will be used as « reservoir to [llal punishment. It substitutes for summer months. A. V. Tindall will ANOTHER VOLCANO form of a packing plant in active op- whole.” furnish the music. store water ACTIVE IN MEXICO '-ration this fall is the prediction of capital piinlshmeut life imprisonment Stockton dispatches say that La This entire Unti of "00 or moro ----------- local parties who are interested in the Follette carried San Joaquin county I at hard labor In the statu pvnlten- ANOTHER DEFEAT act* will be covered with water when 'i tilted Press Service-------------------------- ¡promotion of the project. Men prom- The following is the vote: La Fol- OF REBEL FORCES the dam la totnpleted, snd will make tiary, and prohibits the governor from M EX ICO CITY. May 14.—The vol-1 "ent in the meat packing industry 2.236, Roosevelt 1,468 Tait MEXICO CITY, May 1 4,—-Federal» cano below the city of — Guadalajara Nave given --------------- the proposition a lake six miles long and a mile nnd ' grunting reprieve, commutation or ' ‘ ‘ ’ is 1 ------ -“’“'■•I careful j.87, dark 1,048, Wilson 399 a half wide nt the broadest point. [pardon, after conviction for murder' near here nre reported to have routed believed to be about to begin crup- consideration, having canvassed the T«> give an Idea of the amount of wa­ • In the first degree, except on the rec­ 2.000 Zapatistas near Husmuxltltlana tions. This mornfng four quakes de- situation carefully before determin­ United Press Service ami efghty-onc of the rebels are re- stroyed four buildings aud damaged *ng upon the steps, it is said that Nearly 70,000 for Roosevelt ter thnt will be held in the lake. Mr. ommendation of the judge of the ported to have been killed. nineteen otjiers. Steam sulphur Plans for the project have passed the SAN FRANCISCO. May 15. The Mt«-«!« states that It will take twenty- court which originally tried the case. Andrew Carr, a well known mining fumes are issuing from cracks In its '1*8* °* uncertainty, and that the se- latest returns thi3 afternoon Indicate feur day* with tho full flow of tho A feature of the proposed bill 1» the !'>»ospector. who has been visiting in sides Guadalajara is deserted. lection of a suitable site is the only that Roosevelt will have close to 70.- river to fill the reaervolr. provision that it shall not apply to tl i city for some days, returned to —. . ■ , .... iliing remaining to be done. i»00 piura|fty, with a clear majority, A force of too men In now engaged tho crimes committed or convictions •• the work, and thin will be in c s home in Dairy this morning. Mr. MARIETTA, O., Taft arrived at 7 Parties interested In the matter The returns show that 2,321 pre had prior to the enactment of the [Carr Is prominent In Maccabce circles o’clock this morning and opened his state that that th»* state of Oregon is'cinta out of 3.700 in the state give •re ed to nbout 200 men within n measure. I'n his home town. * ' ' ’ campaigning ' ' ' before ~ - ■ ■ • in $17.000,000 worth of — — 104.268, Taft 56,492, lai Roosevelt ■south. The dnm will be 130 feet I final ten days now shipping Initiative petitions will be placed high, and have a crest of 360 feet the primaries. He looked fresh and cured meat products, and that the Fotlette 33,967, Wilson 13.211, and ’■1« machinery for thl* plant, which lu circulation within a few days. normal consumption of this valley is Clark 29,683. The text of the proposed measure 60,000 pounds weekly. It is con­ is to be known a» Klamath River No servatively estimated that the manu­ Claim» Majority of Dr legatos 1, han already bm>n ordered, and will proposes that section 1903 of laird's facture of only one-fifth of the actual United Prose Service be nblp|>ed as aoop ns the dam la fin ■ Oregon Laws be ameuded to read as amount consumed in the county will KENTON, Ohio, May 15.—Basing tebed. An Immense amount of ma- follows: terlal steel and cement, besides ma- pay a 30 per cent dividend on the in- his claim on the result in California, At a meeting the _______ Ladies' ______ Civic1 "Section 1903—Every person con- ____ _ of _____ rdilncrv. will be necessary In the con­ vlcted of murder In the first degree League held Tuesday afternoon it Deputy United States Marshal W vestment. These facts are given as Roosevelt here asserted that he al- struction. and thl* will have to be shnll be punished by imprisonment nt was decided to hold "Seed Day” on ] IL Griffith is serving subpoenas on the cause for deciding to establish the ready has a majority of the delegates to the national convention, and that hauled In over the Pokegama rnll- hard labor during the natural life of Monday, Mey 20, which is election | twenty-two residents of Klamath plant here. rond. which It Is understood that the such person, in the Oregon state pen- day. It I had been planned to hold it ¡county, the greater portion being in- The proposed plant is capitalized Taft cannot be nominated, •empnny han leased Itentlary at Salem, or In such other today, but it was postponed __ _____ J on ac- dians, who are to go to Portland as at $50,000, with $30.000 paid in. It------------------------------ Alameda County Institution ns may be hereafter deslg- count of delay in receiving a ship- witnesses in the case of Anderson will be a strictly up-to-date abbatoir, nated by law; provided, however, that [tnent of government seeds, For dulnly and exclusive styles These Faithful, an Indian, who is to be tried packing and cold storage plant, built United Press Service OAKLAND, May 15. Alameda this act shall not apply to crimes com- have now been received by Hunter Ion Thursday for the murder of his upon the latest scientific methods tdilldren’s headwear Gertrud» mltted or convictions had prior to this [ Savidge, who secured them through [wife on the Klamath reservation last One hundred beeves a day. with a county figures, incomplete, give ths Ho. have It. enactment becoming effective, but the ¡Congressman Hawley, and have been fall, Mr. Griffith expects to start » 'th proportionate number of hogs and following: Roosevelt 18,<22, Taft laws In force and effect at the time turned over to the League. They In- his witnesses for Portland In the sheep, will be the capacity, and every ‘',985, La Follette 5,336, Wilson 972, I of the commission of said crime shall ¡elude seeds of the many varieties of morning, but if they do not arrive he ounce of the animal will be utilized ud Clark 2,389. ¡apply to and govern the penalties pro­ Howers suitable to this climate. I may be delayed another day. •»« after the most approved modern vided therein which shall be Imposed Contributions of seeds and trees will also take with him C. L. Mosier, methods of manufacture. The pay in accordance therewith." >u ... <<<■ kii . aI -(. rvque»iv