KLAMATH REPUBLICAN « ♦ VOL XVL KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 29, 1912 CAR OF TROU I FRY WILL BE TRIED FOR —MlhK Winnie Wiimpler, tin* (laugh rill ASANIS WAN I ED I'l.ANs III tOMMERtlll, * ••♦••♦♦♦♦•♦♦a ♦ LEADING PAPER OF * ♦ MOITHERM OREGON ♦ ♦ <1.111 II plans of the Klatuuth hulls t.'om- Marclal Club arc* executed us plaiiti* d they will »<■< uri- u curload of trout fry from tl>< state gum«* and fish com* mission and also establish a pheasant reserve mid got u stock of pheasants. As I o the latter Id* II I he Idea Is to (nt signatures from farmers In the ■ ■'Ighborhood of Miller mountain, or some other favorable section, promis­ ing protection to the game If lhe stoc k Is put lu Secretary (' I* Hl ew­ art had a talk «Uh Deputy Game ami Fish Warden I. Alva Lewis with h encourag* s him to believe that tin- state otfi< lais will co-operate with th* club In slocking this vicinity with ■ sh and Kame Following is an extract from a let­ ter • At the c lub by Hint** (lame Wn - il*-n William L Flnl*-; ' The present state board of tl»h and gam« commissioners did not go lato office until May 21. 1911 It was then too late* to do a great deal In tl *■ way of fish und game props ballon during the past year, but w<* are now organised nnd In working order, so that we shall lx* able to supply your country both with fish ami game bird- during the coming |»-ndlcllln caused her sister, Miss Agnes !.*<■ and Mrs F It Olds, to go to lier at Onklnnd. recovered »•<1 returned home, nccompnnled by > • r sister und Mrs Old NO 48. O a RY DINFRS FIX ON SPECIAL MAIL PRICED OF STEEL met with favor else Its unimportauce was so apparent that an answer was Lit FRY II MILL BE NIX E»- not deemed necessary. Possibly Its I'l"'1 lak* dihui..* from u trip to Hun Diego. impertinence merited the silent re­ TO buke It received. Like the r<-st of the Roy King, formerly employed by u 1:1 iing .limiti ss III Ml I l Liti SOON rank and file patience is a predomi­ the Illg II hh I u Lumber company hu*< nant characteristic In my make-up, returned from u trip East. 11« I ui II n FIND» THAT CORPORATION OP. and I have not dispalred of receiv­ from K iikhuh City und intimates that Il >111 l>e necessary for the city to it Is not generally known to the ing an answer, satisfying and com ­ Die trnnqull climate of the K Inmath get busy very soon and <*<|ulp Itself hoi pollol that it is necessary, In ad- ERATE» IN RESIRAINT OF plete. II*- sutlsfu» torlly for the Introduction of region Is good enough for him TRADE dlchhlng r glittered mail, to put the ulso said thnt It got uh low uh 23 de fre« mull delivery, if it dealt's to “Nothing daunted, and whll° the addressee Ilves, county in which green below zero where he was. Mid {have that modern facility, according awaiting a reply to the former query, thnt In u good deal, cotnpnpred with to Postmaster Clyde K Brandenburg on the envelope, But 'tls so nomluat- I am now asking of the powers that United Fres« Service the weather out here. Mr. King ex­ "It will be necessary to put In ed >i the bond. if you send away an be. why should the unauthorized war­ WASHINGTON, D. C„ Feb. 28. - pects to take a position with the name ¡some sidewulks In th* district where important lettsr which goes through rant debt of the city be further in That the social functions known as creased at this tine- by the voluntary firm by which lie wiih formerly em­ ¡the free delivery Is to be Introduced, "Gary dinners" control absolutely th., foimaiity of being described in ployed incurring of the expense attending suit! th« postmaster thlf morning. the prices tn the steel industry aad the official tomi-a qj.d put in a special "Th** d«partm<-nt requlr1« these to pouch you mvr: wiite name of the the preparation, printing and distri­ that the United States ate» I corpora- be laid, numbers on the houses a rouuty on the envelope. There Is bution of a new charter, and the ex- tion ig operated in restraint of trade U ll.kkER SEEKING Hill ItlEI 's SI IT (well as receptacles for the depositing <>i*! < n<* exceptio i to the rub In th s i pen«»* of a special » lection two weeks through this price control and its ¡of mall, anil signs with the names of state, Po-tland being the place. In i prior to the general election? Why domination of raw material, was the I streets. The street signs are up. but Cn'lfornla, Sau Francisco, Oakland, i should this he? What and wherein conclusion reported to the Stanley Chief uf Police Samuel L. Walker the other details remain to be execut- Sacramento and I am Angeles are ex­ lies the necessity of submitting this House Steel Investigating committee has announced himself us u candidate ■ new chart» r at a special election? Is ,*•<1 It would well for those inter­ Icepted. t»*day by Farquhar J. MacRae, the In Illinois the city of cir­ for the democratic nomination for ested to e«i*,| to hav<* Klamath Falls partlci- 1 the government in order to keep such panacea for all the city’s financial ills a detailed examination of the books •»■mu time on the police force before (two weeks prior to the grneral elec­ i pate In this year's appropriation." mall from going astray. Of course, of the steel trust, made while the rec­ being promoted to the chieftaincy. tion? i Tpe appropriation will probably be ( now and then a registered letter with- ords were under subpo na by the om- The advent of the cnl* f makes two "Now, there may be some other determined about July 1st, but for »»iit th»* county gets through O. K., mittee. In several particulars the ls-m<>< ratio names In the list. It St. Klamath Falls to be In shape to pr - but when one is lost und the county things I ought to ask about, but these report contradicts testimony given by Georg« Bishop's und his own. sent her claims for free delivery ser­ appears not on the register questions, Mr. Editor, arc running then officials of the trust before the com­ Tho republican aspirants are Oscar ¡riot through the minds of a lot of us vice at Wa»hlngton she should have there is trouble. mittee. The Gary dinners the report I. Carter, ex chief of police, Charles (initiated folk. The answer to them j all the requirements fill'd by about says, operated to maintain prices and <• Low. policeman. and B 8. Grigsby, the 1st of May. There remains about I may be so plain that he who runs j ¡exclude competition. rancher Miss Ruby Winters, who has been I may read but marvel not at our sim­ I two months in which the work can be The arrangement ig designed and employed as stenographer for Attor- plicity and the fact that we are of nccomiUlshcd by that date ney E. L. Elliott, is suffering with . that goodly number who must be intende»l sj to operate,” it continues, In business done the local office has "and it does so operate, to steel rails Although i shown. CITIZEN.” ! far pass d the mark set for her to ob- itifiamatory rheumatism. although it is claimed that the so- confined to her bed she is convabsc- ___________________ i tain the improvement. The regula­ called independent companies can cut Ing nicely, This will be good news tion Is that 110,000 a year In receipts pric s without fear of penalty except must be shown by an office which to her friends. the dishonor of declaring in favor of a | wishes to have free delivery, but the turned price and then selling at some Why not have the local lawn en­ Klamath Falls postoffice is running other price.” about *15 000 annually in the amount forced impartially, not making fish At the Gary dinners, repres uta- of one and fl sh of another? This has 1 of business done. tives of the steel corporation and in­ particular reference to the treatment dependent concerns meet and agree <»l< n Heals and wife were up from of people building within the Are A.» induce Vh<*f production conform­ limits. * Worden yesterday. ably to their estimate of the demand HH,II I NEU M IN - FOLTZ < OMB1 NATION ,.xlgtIng ** 11I IT OF' PLAYERS APPEARS • AT "it can be no justification of the IM ID- IIOl »TON’S OPERA HOI SEI IN co-operation of th participants in the Gary dinners that no penalty attaches FA< ING THE .MISH. tQ a Tj0]atton of the declarations mu­ At a Joint student body Hie tlug tually exchanged.” the report com­ W> dni-Mlay at th • high school audi­ mented, “because, perforce, the anti­ torium, matter of whether or not -Another attentive audience attend­ trust act would prevent the enforce­ there should l> a Boomer published ed the p rformance of the Newman- ment of any penalty for reducing at the end of this term as an annual Foltz company at Houston's opera prices or exceeding one share of the cvme * up for discussion It was d< I Rouse last night, and was tickled tn business.” rid d I thnt a report should be heard the ribs, metaphorically writing, by < ►« < ISION EOG ASSEMBLING The report drew the conclusion from one of a committee that hud the risible-provoking situations of­ that the .Gary dinner agreements were liven selected for the express put- fered in the evening’s bill. The play in reality just as binding on steel pose of I finding out approximately the was ''Facing the Music," Henry E. manufacturers as the pool agreements NAMES U'i: ORDERED cost I of such a paper. After th re- Dixi 's old vehicle, and proved fully of the old days, which were legislat­ port ’ was read the president put It to The Klamath Falls Commercial as funny as forecast. The cast was ed against in the Sherman act. Another delay to the Nobel Guil­ well balanced and efficient, and the a vote of the student body as to Club will have a luncheon at the Liv­ A fabulous profit was made out of whether It would accept this report ermore grill next Friday afternoon der tri:., occurred Wednesday morn­ specialties between the acts by Nisbe the formation of th steel trust by J. ing, resulting in court adjourning ut- The motion was decided tn th- affirm for tl.<- purpos, of discus ing thigs Howard. Merle Lewis and Gordon afire. and coneequently a commltt ■ which are of interest to the progres­ ttl tomorrow morning. The tweive Osborn w* re heartily received by the P. Morgan & Co., which framed the wn« chosen by the president for th** sive of the city. It Is expected that nn the exposition closes. Foreign peo­ IIAVING SPECIAL ELECTION PI I I INO EXTENSION ON TIIE cl March IN. ples will be drawn to study this land FOR VOTING FOR IT FREIGHT DOLSE in making life announcement th«* ns they never have before, nnd per- cxpoHltlon chairman Julius L. Meier haps ns they may not ngnitt“Within n On the Southern Pacific freight de­ Here's a citizen who. like many id Portland, said: hnlf century. The Panama canal "Believing w'lh Governor West I means revolution in transportation pot a 40-foot extension ls being dher citizens of the metropolis of th- that Oregon stands first. I have and agricultural conditions. Re­ placed by a force of about twenty- Klamath Basin, wishes to be advis ■! nought th.* privilege of being first In hou rces hero are advanced in value live carpenters, under th*- supervision as to the reasons, if atty, for hurrying selecting a site. Furthermore, we tho Instant that tho cannl opens. Close of I. G. Bloecher, foreman. up tho public expression on the coun- The workers camo from Dunsmuir. I ell’s proposed charter, making an propose to select tho lust, site avail- Intelligent study of a land so preg­ able. As a flrHt token of the Oregon nant with opportunities ns our own. It Is expected to complete the enlarge­ added burden to the already tax-rid­ isnd'rahlp In state participation. I can hnve but ono result, immense ment within three weeks. The en­ den property owners: «re entertained tho hope of taking benefit. All the world will be wan*- largement of the freight terminal Editor Herald: own to tho site selection function Ing to know what Oregon Is during building is necessary to meet the in­ "Some time last January one of us creasing freight traffic, owing to the rank and file fellows asked through • he largest delegation that will go the coming three years." rapid growth of Klamath Falls and the columns of votir paper, over th** rfom any slate In tho Union on a sim­ tile development of the surrounding Ignature of "Citizen," “Why the ad­ ilar mission. Being flrwt on tho scene , Policemen Go to Portland territory. we propose to show tho California ministrators of the city’s affairs did Policemen William Hnll and Wll- people that our uniform effort will bo not point out through the press some Boost for Oregon’s junket to San or all of the ghirlng deficiencies In to set tho highest possible precedents liam Messner have gone to Portland for nil stnto work nnd co-operption. to appear ns witnesses there In an In- Francisco to exercise tho first choice the present charter that so hampered "I feel thnt Governor West, by dlan case. In the meantime the night ¡of sites at the Panama-Pacific exposi- [the council in conducting the affairs whose request all my work Is done, patrollng Is done by George Snyder l tion, and try to go. Ask tho man, he of the city.” ■ list feel that bls state will bo a iand Jesse Hart. I being Judge William S. Worden. | "The query appears not to have Owing to the fact that Klamath. whatever. The proposals received for Falls has a considerable lumber in­ the total amount of lumber, aggr»'- dustry and that the reclamation serv-’ gating 450,000 feet, b. m.. were as Ice of the United States government follows: recently made a large purchase of Bid No. 1 14,448.00 lumber from a house in the Rose City ! Bid No. 2 4,411.00 some local people have been inclinel Bid No. 3 4,500.00 to question the propriety of the deal. '■ Bid No. 4 4.538.00 The purchase, aggregating nearly a Bld No. 5 4,541.00 halt million feet of lumber, filling ¡Bid No. 6 4.610.00 nearly a score of freight cars, was I Bid No. 7 4,658.00 needed for construction work in the Bid No. 8 4.668.00 second unit on which work is to b-» Bld No. 9 4.711.00 done the approaching season. Bid No. 10 4 880.00 The following letter from Project Bid No. 11 4,974.00 Engineer W. W. Patch explains th Bid No. 12 6.007.00 reason for the purchase being made Bld No. 13 5.590.00 at Portland, in a way which is aimed Bid No. 14 6.773.00 to disarm the critics: "The last two bids listed are from "Evening Herald. Klamath Falls. Ore. local firms, and owing to the fact that "Gentlemen—Some Interest has freight rates on government ship­ been aroused in view of the fact that ments of lumber are extremely lew the reclamation service awarded a from the vicinity of Portland, being large contract for lumber to a Port­ in the neighborhood of |1.23 per land firm. The facts in the cast are thousand feet. It will be se* n that of ns follows: the fourteen bids received th< re v .« "This lumber was purchased nn*ler only one which was not lower than comeptltlve bids for fourteen days, the bids of the two local firms, after and the bids were sent to thirty-two making due allowance for freight. different firms of lumber dealers, in­ “Under these conditions should It cluding the six local firms. Bids were be considered strange that the con­ received from fourteen of these firms, tract was not awarded to local deal­ only two of the local firms being suf­ ers? Respectfully, ficiently interested to aubmit any bld "W. W. PATCH, Project Engineer.”