JEFFtRSÜN Kill ÜÜÜN ÖL Will) VOI N< II, FANNI.H ON THIRD IlEXDING oRDINANt I TO lili E I I* * ONE BMM k ANI» TARR AL­ LEI IN EXt II INGE on llilid X' iii II iik Monday night th« ui diluitici' VIU tiling J' Berson Street (loin Ninth to Tenth to Sidney Evans, who k I vi ' h lu return un alley from Fra h k11 h to Prospect, pauaod third reading. l’ounclhlilin G W. White salii Unit nt th« present prima of prop« i t i In the neighbor hood th *- city mtglit to tent »000 In th« trade, hut ItiHti nd of thnt It la io K* k.1100 Hui tho pr««>int price * of property, It lu as­ serted. muy hu considerably dlff rent I him they were n year nnd n half ago, when th« mutter was taken up. At Hint Ilin,' Mr. Evan deposited a deed to tie propoaed alley strip, together with hin check for 11 00, to secure the vacation of the street mid since I hut time the deal linn been hung up ba­ cali»« the council hnd other buuln * an. Mr Evans nppeared nt the council luHt night to urge upon the members Hint the matter lie ■«Hied, »at Ing th« peopb fimi lived In the neighborhood i->0> <1 the .lib II.OI, li ill th - tu et for Hiinltnry purpose» Nl W l‘<>l.l< I! < OR PH III M» HIN« E t»T<»IA ITN IRAGEIO ,r,z llms, bu risiile d by ooo, orni Following of Hiv telegram from Mr. Plnchot: "lloose lommlttee reduce» appro­ priation for lighting forest lire» and their prevention by mor« than II,- I mg« you and all public I bodies of Portland to cooperate to get Hit» money back Telegrams from vou and offiilal organisations to mem her» of oongrcM are urgently need'd If thi» cut »land» It mean» grave dan­ ger to human life and public property. Remember the dlsnstroiix forest fires of |lt»10.” slioo'l'» ROY IN Wooiism it U HILE I I STING HIS MM COLFAX Wa»h . F«l>. 7 Coroner Brüning was lalletl io Hie Arthur Locks rnni h South of Pullman to In- «stlgut« th« d«ath of Freddi, Caipcn- ter, ug' d 11. who wus kill« <1 by Ar­ thur Lucks, a räucher, who lind been nut hliootlng Willi u 22 eallbr, riffe Lucks oii retiirnlng boni,- found he lind mie cartrldge l< fl, and look a »hot lat n »Ign on n woodshed. Young Car- pentcr was playlng In Hie shed, ami ' was kll|, d * by Hi« »hot. The bullet icntercd th« body n«tir th« b«urt. Som« Ilm«« «lnpM«d befor« th« body was ' found council furns üüwn « member N III II.List. PERMI I, I HEN PRO. I I t I I ItEIC W IK» WILL BE ON THE I El UK IO ENAI T IIH S«»RROW BOARI»H VI IIOlHTO.N'H IH pop. O% III I '»RMl.i: IM ONSISIIX I IMHNt.H LAR, AMI HING ANI» PIt<»MI­ Turning down th« application of < n • of Its own member» for a building perinli. i iiincil Monday night l>a«k-, k around It." Till» loca­ tion Is oil lot 37, block 7, original town. When It cam« time to vote on the permit th» "noes” were In the mil- orlty, und the piTinlt was laid over. "I'd Ilk« to a»k th« council why It discriminate» again»! me, when It 1 ihh Issued pi i mils to other» for the very »am« tl.lng?" th« councilman In­ quired. "Pm asking no more than oilier people tisk, and yet I am re­ fus'd th,- d' slr«d * jwirml»»lon. 1 think we should all have the same treat­ ment, and lhat I ought to bo allowed th« same |irivll g,s that other people Councilman £ W. White aid h« could »' <• no reason for the counclj making law» and breaking thorn Itself, ST I’ETKIiSIII'ItG, I < b 7. Hen then censuring others for breaking *-Hl Kimtinkow la rominniidcr of th» v* loturine pollc, * corps . ih uc, omor of I iitlier, |liiiiglil«r mot Sou Killed by them. Heartbroken Boy \\ bo Ha< I Sug- Councilman Crlsier called the at­ General Kurlow. who wnn "broken" gcslol I lint III Ink« Polson mid tention of the council to the fact that a« a r< milt of the nHHnmdtmtlon of Pre­ Escape slow In-iilh liy Tille r, iilosin. a woek ago It granted a permit to a mier Stolypin mid the resultant dis­ man nam'd Kelsey to build within the closure» about condition» In the Rus- Mian police. APPLETON, Wlc . Feb 7 Three fire limits a structure not permitted KuMimkow I h the limn who waa nt of tlie surviving mcmb, rs of the Maili- there, according to the ordinance gov­ Lodz durliiK th« dl»turlmnce there, land family declare thnt Ixiuls Malh- erning Much matters. It was decld« d M years, and to r«< onsldcr the p«nnl»»!on granted er It w a» |M years, Kelsey, but whether the rcconsldera'- tionists In th« park» and on the round dead on th' Ir farm near Bing- tlou will amount to forbidding Kelsey streets. ' harnton. were murdered by William from going ahead remains to be seen Some days ago a man named Rob­ Being Informed thnt It waa not, thnt Malhlmid. anollier son. who ILyii com­ inson was granted a permit to build a ' xeciitlon» miiHi only be conducted in mitted Mulclde. efi' -slor.' brick structure IKxSO feet, fort» or prlxons, lie had gnllow» erect­ Domestic troubles, which brought ed which were much higher tlmn th« on temporary Insanity, are said to with one brlc’: flue, probable cost walla of the fort, uo thnt th« public I IlSVe been responsible for III« trag«"dy. | I'.«0, on the J. F. Maguire lot on llilgllt nee the hangings of th« revolu­ Th« bodies of the victim» were found Main street, which Is In the fire limits. On« of the coancllmen wnnted to have tionist » whom h<> ex« cut«d. * by the three surviving son« of .Malh- the chief of police instructed to «4« Innd when they returned horn« from If the building was being put up In « Il I ill MINIS'! I It si.I hs 1 sihoo’ ! accordance with the permit, and If DIVORI E FROM I mi MIMI The «ntlre Malhlmid family It was 'not to forbid the work continuing. i learned, were In the last slug,-« of Mayor Fred T. Sanderson said the«« MAR8IIFIELD Ore.. Fob. 7. In tuberculosis. Five other members of was f” need for special Instruction. * th« divorce cane of lt«v J T M Knox, the family. Including Mr». Malhlmid. As this win th« |>ollce chief’» duty former pastor of th« I’reabyterInn the mother, died from the disease dur­ will.out any Instructions. church her«. Judge Coke baa grunted ing th« last four years. When tho Kelsey permit was given to the wife 1100 Hull money und »40 William Ntalhland, so surviving at a former meeting only two coun- n mouth temporary alimony, pending I members of Hie family say, suggested cllmen voted on it. Councilman M. tho trial of the caac. Rev Mr Knox and bin wife hold II hat the family take poison to escape G. Wilkins voted for it, and Council­ property valti, d * at between lit,.000 'a alow death. When hl» plan was not man R. A. Alford voted against It, at ; approved. It 1» charged, he killed the which Mayor Sanderson voted for It und 120,000 'others and committed suicide In an himself, and declared a r> suit favor- insane effort to carry out his scheme. { able to the applicant. MANY HlYOIKS KILLED BI TRAPI’KICM WIB» GET HOI NTY NEW FORMS <»l I.ANI» ENTRÌ FfREIH G CAI t.HT IN ACT st t.t.ESI El> B\ HEt A FISHER IMlES NOT DENY GUILT BAKER, Ore . Feb 7 The trap­ per» In thia county are having a busy WASHINGTON, D. C.. Feb. 7. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 7.—Caught aeuaon this winter, and they are net­ ting conaldernble cash from the dif­ A i vc lassi Ileal Ion of the forms of en­ In the act of touching off an Incendi­ ferent bounties tho principal animal try of lands In the public domain, laws ary Are. Benjamin Goucki 1» under ar- to meet tho fuels In each particular rI.H garine, which lasted fifty-eight days. tong war continuili when the Hop The object was to prove that a man Slug Tong planted dynamite In an at­ WASHINGTON, 1». C.. Feb. 7.— can live comfortably and do a reason­ tempt to kill Secretary With of the Suey Ying Tong. The burning fune Persons employed at Indian schools able amount of work on a diet of po­ wan snuffed out. A general wnr among need not discard religious emblems tatoes plus a small amount of nitro­ and garb at school exercls' a. at least gen or protein. Ono thousand five the coast tong» In threatened. hundred drachma of ^otntoes per day for the present. The order of Commissioner Valen­ and 250 drachms of protein consti­ DI Nt E It ALL KEEPER IS IN'DFIt SF'tIOl s t II AltGI'S tine requiring the abandonment of tuted the entire nourishment which distinctly' garb has been suspended I»r. Fletcher took. SAN FRANCISCO Feb. 7 District by the president, for further InveJtl- ■ IIERMIHTON SETrLERS RATES Catholics ItRerested complain d of Investigating the record of Jimmy the unfairness of the order recently HSRMMTON, Ol ’ b 7. i’ho Lawler, the Information to be sub­ ! issued by the commission r of Indian board of army engineers now at Her­ mitted to the grand Jury today. I.aavler will face his second trial affairs. A number of Catholic schools miston Informed the board of direct­ on charges of battery, preferred by have been taken over by the govern­ ors of the Umatilla River Witter Us­ Ada Fulton Hr' tagne, a Sacrnuicnto ment for the education of Indians, nnd ers’ Association to call a special girl, who worked In Lawler's dance at these persons are employed who meeting of nil stockholders to pre­ wear religious emblems and who be­ pare for n graduation of wat< r right hull hero. The girl's story thnt Lawler Is n long to religious ordors. The whole payments on the Umatilla project. The contract with tho secretary,of white slave trafficker and thnt Ills re­ matter will be held up for tjio pr< sent. the Interior will have to be changed. sort Is a nicca for thieves a/id cut- MIMV ANI» CITIZENS NOT throats Is under Investigation. HARMONIOUS IN GERM \NY WHM XN MOI NTAIN CLIMBER PIM'IIOT OPPt»HING Cl T IN RACK FROM NFW CONQl EST I IRE FIGHTING \LIX»\V IM I NEW YORK, Feb. 7. Miss Annie METZ, Germany, Fell. 7.- Coinci­ PORTLAND, Feb. 7. Mayor Rush­ dent with the result of the election in E. Peck, tho well known mountain light has received a telegram from j Germany, enmity between th® soldiers «•limber, has returned to this country Gifford Plnchot, former chief forester In the forts about tho city and the from a visit of several months to of th« United States, urging the mayor civilian population has been intens- Routh America. Last June she made the first ascent of Mount Coropnna, and all public bodies of the city to use fled. As tho result of tho murder of one accompanied Ijy only one guide and a their efforts to have the recommenda­ tion of tho house committee on for­ soldier nnd tho severe mistreatment I few nntives. oropunn (* wns supposed by some to estry In the national congrcso rescind­ of Rovornl others tho army authori­ bo tho highest mountain in South ties have advised the city officials thnt ed. Tho committee recommends that America', but Miss Peck says «he If tho Metz authorities do not protect the annual appropriation for tho fund devoted to tho fighting of forest fires the soldiers when In town the soldiers found It short of tho height of Mount and their prevention by the construc­ will bo ordered to uso their sidearms Hunscnrnn. which she conquered In 1908. tion of trnlls, roads and telephone Whenever attacked. SON SLAYS P.EI.A l it I S UH ING To IH -PONIH N< Y COSMOPEJIIFAN MAU IS OPIE REAO NI.Nl <»\ PLATFOKM sld«» on a farm at Audrey on a trib­ utary of Burnt River. Morris und the boy were visiting at another place on the South Fork, and were niunting rabbits. A rabbit start­ ed and the llttb boy. In his eagerness to shoot, brought his gun around In order to get aim, but pulled the trig­ ger Just in time to shoot Morris, who was standing a short distance away. The bullet entered the left breast and passed within an Inch of th« heart, I lodging on the right side, from where it was extracted. Both lungs were perforated but the attending physi­ cian Is of the opinion that the injured man will recover. MASTÍN IS AfEER PACT WITH CITY SI El» F<»R F<»I(M'M»HI RE OF A < BATTEL MORTGAGE ON EN- GINE. KEHIREM TO AIMI HT MAT. TER PEACEABLY W. W. Masten appeared befnro the council on Monday night to speak for on adjustment of the deal Involving an engine got from the city some time ago, an.l which the city nad se­ cured by a chattel mortgage for ?t.- 2 00. The city began suit to foreclose the chattel mortgage, which suit Mr. Masten would avert, if possible. His proposition is to give the engine back to the city, with repairs which he has put on It, and which he says have bettered the machinery, settle the Interest due, and get back his bond for 31,000, which he turned over , to the city to secure it. The city took the matter under advisement. Opb R^d, author and lecturer, who is to speak Saturday night at Houston's op< ra house, Is one of the most popular platform men before the Public today. He Is one of the leading writers of humorous novels, and ls- l>«r»onally witty and amusing. Ho Is a 'I‘•nncssean by birth. North Carolina by h‘ r«dlty, Kentuckian by education, Gone, But W ill Soon Return and as cosmopolitan as all these Mr»; A. K. Rippey, who has been things, combined with twenty years In visiting with her sister, Mrs. Nate Ot­ Chicago, can make a man. terbein of the Oregon House, for the past two months or srj, return'd to her home In Medford this morning, to INSTITI IE AT BONANZA attend to some business matters n«-ed- I lng her personal attention. It Is the A local Institute will be held in Intention of Mrs. Rippey to to return Bonanza February 17, 1912. The fol­ Pablo Ila» the "Hooker Coak” to Klamath Falls as soon as possible, lowing program will be rendered: and she will probably make her home bay Session «Forenoon — School Pablo Txiplin, the genial little Phil- In this city in the near future. Management and Discipline, R. H. ippino who has made his home with Dunbar; Spelling, Fr«d Peterson; the people of Klamath county, came WitncMi at tli« * F'-dcral Court Book Review, "How to Study,” Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson of Bonanza over from Bonanza with Levi Mc­ Jessie B Eldred. came in from that city last night and Donald to visit a few days with his Afternoon . * Observation J. G. left for Portland this mornihg. Dr. many friends here, and also to get ex­ Swan; Topic to Be Selected, C. D. Johnson 1» called before the federal pert advice on the treatment of an at­ t’horpenfng; The Teacher and Patron court at Portland to testify In the tack of the whooping cough. W. E. Faught; Round Table, School case of Anderson Faithful, who Is ac­ Fair, any topic may be introduced cused of beating his wife to death GORGE VICTIMS MISSING ANI» that teacher» may desire. near Yainax a short time ago. MAY BE MINE Ft »BEYER Evening To be held In connection with the Commercial Club. Program For Mwlical Attention and Banquet. NIAGARA FALLS, Feb. 8.—Al­ Mrs. Ernest Hamaker with her A11 t«ach«rs of the county are cor­ mother, Mrs. Brown, arrived in this though watchers wer« stationed at dially Invited to attend. city yesterday on their way to Port­ the whirlpool rapids, it was not ex­ J. G. SWAN, land. where Mrs. Hamaker goes to pected that the 1c -churning waters County Superintendent. recehre medical attention. She will would soon, if ever, release the bodies probably go to the Good Samaritan of the man, woman and boy who were HERRICK GOING TO FRANCE Hospital, where she will undergo an swept down the gorge with floes from %H AMERICAN AMBASSADOR the sudd'n disintegration of the Ice operation for appendicitis. ------- w- bridge. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 —Myron T The appearance of the whirlpool New Hotel at Bonanza Herrick was today nominated am­ was ugly, and the grinding of the ice Levi McDonald, the proprietor of bassador to France. the new hotel soon to be opened in Jam racing within it echoed through Herrick, a Cleveland banker, is a Bonanza, is In town for a couple of the gorge. former governor of Ohio, and was a days on bussiness affairs connected Great cakes of ice were being hurl­ warm friend of the late President with the new hostelry. The hotel ac­ ed down stream under the bridge», William McKinley of Canton. commodations of that thriving little where still dangled the ends of ropes Herrick but recently returned from city have been rather meager ever which had proved useless in the en­ a recent trip abroad. This trip is be­ since the big fire, which wiped out deavor to rescue the trio as they were lieved to have had unusual signifi­ the principal business section of the being swept down stream. Nothing developed to make more cance In view of the fact that he spent town some time ago, including the considerable time in Paris, which will two hotels, and the traveling public is certain the identity of the man and become his headquarters In the diplo­ to be congratulated that the new en­ woman supposed to be Mr. and Mrs. matic office, his appointment to which terprise is to be under the manage­ Eldridge Stanton of Toronto. Ont., will no doubt be approved. ment of such an experienced man as excepting that these persons had not Mr. McDonald. It is expected to have returned to their hotel. RICH FATHER HINDRANCE. the new place open for business by SAYS KRl TTSt HNITT’S SON the latter part of next week, and the LIST OF INHERITED INDIAN first function will be the banquet ten- LANDS FOR SALE SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 7.—Wealth tered to the Commercial Club of Bo­ Is a serious obstacle to ambitious nanza and the teachers attending the Department of the Interior, United young men who- want to advance by teachers * institute at that place on States Indian Service their own merit, according to T. E. February 17th. The following tracts of Indian lands Kruttschnltt. assistant superintendent with the name of the owner, descrip­ of the Tucson division of the South­ Cornin' A-Runnin' tion, and appraisal price, situated on ern Paclc, and son of Julius Krutt- Letters received by friends of Mrs. the Klamath Indian Reservation. Ore­ schnitt, director of maintenance of Levi McDonald, who has been spend­ gon, are offered for sale, under the way of the Harriman system. ing the winter in Southern California, act of congress, approved aMrch 1, The young man. who donned over­ contain the information that she is on 1957. The lands were listed Septem­ alls and acted ag an engine wiper her way home. She will stop for a ber 2, 1911, and bids for their pur­ when the shopmen walked out. put bis short visit with relatives and friends chase will be opened February 10, views In thia form: in Sacramento, and will then come on 1912. "The rich man's son who starts out to her home in Bonanza, where she , The terms of the sale are cash. In a humble position, as I did. is not will assume the management of the James George et al, SWK Sec. 23- taken seriously by his fellow work­ inner workings of the new hotel. 34- S; $640. men. They think he is following some Fred Hendricks. SE% Sec. 19-30- whim.” MEXICANS ON TEXAS SIDE 9; $960. To escape this handicap young Mr. VAITI RED BY' THE CAVALRY' John Nelson, SW»4 SE>4. SEÍ4 Kruttschnitt says he never has any­ SWV. Sec. 11, anc NW% NE%, NO thing to do^oflielally with his father. United Press Service »4 NW%, Sec. 14-34-7; $850. WASHINGTON D. C.. Feb. 8.— Ruth John. NW’t; MBit, EH NW PAINTER BECORATES TOWN ! Steever of El Paso, telegraphs that *4. Sec. 13; SW14 SW14, 8ec. 11- WITH VALUELESS CHECKS [the American cavalry captured thir­ 35- 9; $720. teen armed M< xicans on the American Joseph Parazoco et al, WH EH WEED. Calif., Feb. 7—Dan Mylres, side thirty-eight miles northeast of Sec. 14-30-9; $’,000. a sign painter front Ashland, has been El Paso. Their disposition is unde­ The following parcels were listed a recent visitor to Siskiyou county, termined. August 21, 1911, and blds will be leaving a trial of bad checks behind ¡opened February 23, 1912: hitn, says the "Lookout.’ SOLDIER OF FORTUNE LET Emma Cookman et al, E>4 SWH> Dorris and Weed seem to have been OUT AS MILITARY ADVISER SH NEÍ4, Sec. 11-31-9; $1,000. the favorite scene of his crooked oper­ Emma Ccokman et al, SE *4 Sec. 3- ations, and a number of hotel men United Press Service 31-S: $900. and saloon keepers have been victim­ SHANGHAI, Feb. 8.—Because of Emma Cookman et al, NW1» Sec. ized. unofficial protests by England. Japan i 11-31-8: $90« About a month ago, Mylrea visited I as announc- d that Lieutenant Gen­ Emma Cookman et al. SH NE>4 Weed, and proceeded to get "sous d." eral Homer Lee. the American soldier Sec. 10-31-8, and SH SE% 8ec. 3- Running out of money, he dropped of fortune, has been deposed as chief 11-8; $S00. into th • First National bank and dr w military adviser to the republican Emma Cookman et al, NH SEH a customer's draft on Ladd and Tilton leaders. Lee said he believed England Sec. 23 31-7; »1,100. of Portland for $2,500. The draft and Japan had a plan to partition Dora Pedro et al, NX4 SWX4 Sec. was taken for collection only * and China. He formerly lived in Los An­ 19-34-9; $560. was. of,course, returned unpaid. But geles. Many Ann Moore. N»4 SE 4, * SH tho deal served Mylrea's purpose, SE’, Sec. 34-31-8; $750. which was to get a receipt from the HABEAS WRIT FOR TIMOTHY Sealed bids, accompanied by a certi­ bank which he could show to pros­ IS FILED RY HIS LAW YER fied check, payable to Edson Watson, pective victims. He worked the game United Press S-rvW sup rintendent, Klamath Indian here on Tex Campbell and Louis REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Feb. 7.— school, and covering 10 per cent of Hackos, stinging them for abotft $25. Attorney Mansfield for Chauffeur the price offered, may be submitted at A warrant has been sworn out. and if Timothy filed a habeas corpus peti­ tho Klamath Agency, during a period Mylrea can be located he will very tion with Superior Judge Buck. It is of sixty days prior to 2 o’clock p. tn. properly be sent over the road. returnable tomorrow. It charges that on the days indicated above for each Mylrea is about 5 feet 8 or 9 Inches Timothy is held for the Moore mur­ tract, at which time the bids will be in height, weighs about 150 pounds, der "without reasonable or probable opened at the office of the agency. In has red hair, freckled fave and is cause.” case of deferred payment sales, 10 smooth shaven. per cent of the purchase price will MRS. HAZZARD IS GIA'EN accompany bld and 15 per ceDt addi­ MAN SHOT IN BREAST BY AN INDI-TERMINATE TERM tional when bid is accepted. Notes < 1111.1» HANDLING FIREARMS United Press Service for balance, at legal rate of interest, PORT ORCHARD, Feb. 8.—Mrs. taken. Patent in fee when notes and SUMPTER, Orc., Feb. 7.—As the Hazzard was given an Indeterminate Interest are paid in full. All that result of permitting the use of fire­ sentence of from two to twenty years should appear on the envelope con­ arms by childr n, William Morris for starvation treatment of women pa­ taining the bld shotjjd be "Bid for In­ aged 27, a pninter by occupation. Is tients tn her alleged hospital. herited Indian Land," and the date of lying at the hospital here suffering The woman was given hard labor at opening bid. front a dangerous bullet wound in the Walla Walla. Judge Yakey denied a Any f tner information may be breast. ■ motion for a new trial. had by applying to Edson Watson, Tho shooting was the result of an ; superintendent Klamath Agency, Ore- accident and the careless handling of Temple theater. Matinee dally, 2:30 I Any further information may be a 22-speelnl rifle by Freddie, tho 9- p. m. Evening, first performance, gon. EDSON WATSON, year-old son of Lemuel King, who re- 7:15, continuous. Superintendent Klamath Agency.