Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, January 11, 1912, Image 2

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    sommers oenies has pneumonia mrs . waison is caiieo io resi
Head of Government*» School System
for Natii«1» Tells of Good Qualitlc»
of Pisiple ami Method« of Handling
apprentice receives i
second year eight, mid the third year |
ten and the fourth year ten. So that < Ol N IA COMMISSIONER IS OX
IH IA III Ills ill I II E, INSTI ill
what you may term a journeyman
Uniteli Proas Service
herder owns thirty-four reindeer
Many were
"They are then free to breed their
killed and Injured ih a collision on
animals and sell their calves or stock
Ilio Canadian Pacifie at Terre Bonn
of any age or sex to the other natives.
Quo thia afternoon.
County Commissioner Samuel T.
Mrs. C. II. Watson of Ashland, sis­ , One train was on route to Quebec
"Reindeer are food, clothing and summers. when Interviewed by the
transportation to the natives. As Ih raid Saturday of the subject ter of II. II and C. C. Chitwood nnd and the other to Montreal Both were
food, reindeer Is delicious, resembling of the pneumonia, which was reported mother of Mrs. .1. F. Kimball of this crowded. Coache» of both trains wer ■
both mutton and beef, but more pal­ to I uve him in Its grip, declined to city, died Wednesday In th«' city hop ditch« d.
pltal In Ashland, after undergoing
atable than either. Along In October, speig nt any length on the subject.
an operation. C. C. Chitwood and
when the deer are fat from a sum­
Inst ad of being at home in bod.
mer’s feeding on grasses and foliage, which is the proper and titling place Mr Klmball/left the following morn­
they are best for eating. The natives for a person who Is trying to get the ing to attend the funeral. Mrs. Kim­
take reindeer tallow and mix red better of the affliction Indicated, the ball having been with her mother
NEW YORK. Jan. 8.
moss berries Into It, making the dish county commissioner was pursuing during Iwr last Illness The Ashland Sinclair had worked In !
look like ice cream and which Is fine the usual course of being nt hla office Record has the following:
i Inu nd ties he would Imve
"Th«’ Ashland community
was | book mid called It "The I
to eat.
attending to business.
"The reindeer finds his food along
shocked Wedn«’s«lay morning to hear Margaret lllncltay, for tw<
"I’m suffering from no money,” de­
of the sudden death of Mrs Watson, romlnent among the New Y
the way». He can paw through the
clared he. But he would not admit
wife of Judge C. B. Watson, on«' of dry worker», who are now
snow when tethered out and find mow
even being sick, much less ’fess up to
to eat. He is strong, so the driver
the city’s most prominent eitliens.
in an interview today.
the pneumonia.
"Mrs. Watson passed away at Gran­
can ride. And the reindeer can travel
Miss llineliny tloctares that the
It is evident that Mr. Summers was ite City hospital. wh<re »he had been
forty miles a day and keep It up for a
nierag«' weekly wage of $4 mid $5 Is
¡«»perated upon a few hours previously
week at a time."
called. The rumor was circulated last ¡for tumor. Th«’ stricken family Is forcing hundreds of girls lnt<> Imnior
allti mid this pressure upon them la
night at th«' council chamber that'th ’
plunged In grief that It Is Impossl-
.tfi'lilnaled, she says, by the docking
FOR II ALLKEEPFR S JOIl ex-metuber of the city’s administra­ ltd«« to g<t compli’t» particulars of the
| system, which, if mi hour wna lost,
tive board was very III.
sad affair at this time. Mrs Watson
|sirl|>p«>d them of u goo«! part of tlvlr
w is » ipm I about 57 years, nnd has
LONDON, Jan. 8
Owners of Pax­
.-pent the la«t tw«nty-five years In
"I have heard vile mouthed super-
I Ashland. Site has been closely con-
ton Hall. Westminster, who adver­
' inteiidi *its curse t ih» girls Ilk«* nlnvvn.”
tised for a hallkeeper who could show
itual life of the city. Hi her worth I she said. •The women'» drossing
good testimonials for faithfulness,
United Press Service
¡and many kindly de ds she luu won room» uro open mid ixpoaeil to the
honesty, tact and Intelligence, re­
SANTA BARBARA. Calif., Jan 6 a host of friends, who will sincerely I view of the tnen employe», mid i-vrn
ceived 2,200 applications for the job.
they wore forced Io lires» III the skin e
Charged with the murder of his mourn her demise.
which was worth but $S.75 a week.
"Besides the sorrowing husband, room in many place».
Of these. 900 applicants had Irre­ day-old baby, whom he declared to
"Wo demand n ten-hour day, »«fo­
proachable credentials.
An Oxford have admitted killing "because «if the two children arc loft to mourn—•
for the cruel machinery, il II
Chandler Watson nnd Mi
l.yle Kim
graduate got the position.
trial here In the superior court, Hi* ball. Deceased also bus two brothers lucroaae <>f front 13 to 20 per cent In
wife will be tried for complicity.
and a sister residing nt Klamath I wages, mid, above all, wo demand
I that children be kept out of the 'hell
I shop».* *‘
< liiipiiuiii Gel» lliillillng 1‘irnilt
The city council Friday night grunt­
ed Il hulldllig |>'rinlt to ('. E (’Imp
mini to niaku addition» to u structure
kt Eighth mid Hindi »treet».
Everything in Music at
United Pre»» orrvn*
T~ 'H ^rr y y'T
• 4.
few days ago a short, stalky man with
a quiet manner, a skin browned by
much outdoor life, and the steady eye
of on«« used to looking across great
distances, came to Washington with
such small fuss that it was more than
a week before the reporters were
aware of his presence at all. He is
W. T. Lopp. h< ad of the government’s
school system for Esquimaux, and a
man who has spent most of his life
sine«’ 1890 in Alaska, seldom "coming
out," as he calls a trip down to the
Ixipp was a Hoosier school master
II. MADNKN, i*ropri«'lor
In Indiana, a boy just out of college,
when the governmew. sent him and
•*■ K<d«' R«-|>rc»«'iifnll»i< <»f
another young man up to Cape Prine
sill RM IN « l.p ,\ I (».’H PIANOS,
of Wales on Rering strait, to start an
the si I I XU AY. and <illl«*r la nding
Esquimaux school.
He expected to
I’latio«. Aino tin* Fallimi«« BALD­
remain but two years.
DIN 1*14X0. other tiink'A nt nuxl-
AVhen he went up he and his part­
•■rute prl««'«. Tuning iiik I Ri'iwtlm
ner were the only white men living
Agency for
In all of Northern Alaska. They w ent
alone into a district where the natives
OLIVER 11 ri \\ i:i 11 R ini *
were so dreaded that whalers wocud
not put into port for haven in a
IliHik*. Stationery au«! I’liturra
I lour»
of the I’lMtoffil <’
Sine- that time Lopp has seen the
gold rushes go past him (he, himself.
got the gold fever only once), he has
traveled up and down and cri sc'o s
Alaska on foot mushing with dogj,
M *AV.i AAA/* *A'
or driving reindeer, from Point ."ar­
row. northernmost pinnacle of tl »
continent, down to the Alaskan peu’.n-
«■ula in the warm Japan stream, and L< ST RIVER DAM CONTRACTOR,
WHO HAD BANK DEPOSIT GAR- United Press Service
eastward to the Canadian boi ndary.
Before white men came he has
Pretty girls, funny comedians and
known what it is to be driving ex­
LONDON. Jan. 8. With 8,000,000 a wealth of pretty scenery and cos­ United i’re»s Seivli«
hausted d< cs in,the bitter cold of in­
RED BLUFF Jan. 8. A postal d
terior Alaska with the food dwin«’-
The case, which was one for the re­ signatures to a world’s peace peti­ tumes will lend enchantment to the
ling; he h*as been in an Esquimaux covery of money, was entered Novem­ tion to be presented at the next Hague scene at the oper house three nights, tective has arrested II F Baldwin
hunting boat scuttled by the tusks of ber 25th the plaintiff claiming $3.- conference, in 1911 or 1915. Miss beginning January 12th, when th<> big nnd a man named Smith In connection
an infuriated walrus; he has fear­ 704.68 as balance due on a bill of Anna B. Eckstein, principal of a Raymond Teal Musical Comedy com­ : with the iiostiil car robbery of Frldai
lessly carried law into rough, lawless I7.S2S.53 for lumber furnished. By |school of languages in Boston, has ar- pany will open their engagement. The near here. Roth protesa their Inno*
winter whaling stations in the Arctic a carnishmeBt proceeding the plain­ ; rived in London after a tour of Anier- Teal s I kiw is booked direct by John I c««nce.
Smith 1» unknown hen
ocean; he has faced death in a score tiff tied up 13,800 of the defendant’s | ica, Germany. D nifiark. Switxerland. Cort and is raid
' lately catne from Chico.
of forms. But of all these he will money on deposit with the American Austria Sweden. France, Belgium strongest musical
J th«’ const this year
sty nothing. He pref rs to talk about Bank and Trust company, after which land Holland.
More than 1.000.000 trade unlon-
the government’s Alaskan reindeer an order was secured from Judge
They are direct from n big atneic
herd, of which he was the creator, Henry L. Benson, before his departure ¡Ists of Great Britain have signed the run In Tlenver, mid are eti route to
and is the present administrative for Dallas, lifting the garnishment, ¡petition. Miss Eckstein says she will Los Angeles for a season's run. Tlu-y
the defendant paying $1,500 to the ¡have 100.000,000 signatures by 1914 will change th1 bill each night, and
“We got the id a of importing Innes-Clarke company on account.
play at popular price». The big b' nu-
For an u|el<»daie wli<« |
Since then the adv« rsc parties have
reindeer from Siberia that first win •
ty chorus of vivacious «lancing girls
•<< t a llkinldrr, iMiuudi' ut
arc made a big feature with the show.
ter we were at Cape Prince of Wales,’ arrived at a settlement.
Ihr Gun Storr. Tenta mid
Grade Wolf, th ’ p«-tlte soubreUe with
he said. "The country then had a
for »al«- or for rent.
bad reputation.
But after we had NOTH E OF APPEAL GIVEN
We carry a full line of
SEATTLE. Jan. «.—All sled par­ ship as lady buck and wing dam r.
Karned a little more of the Esqui-
Sporting Good».
ties have been barred in Seattle th'
Seat sale Monday
maux language we discovered that
.many serious accidents from coasting
most of the trouble between Esqui­
In the case of J. A. and J. L. Mar­
maux anti the whites resulted from tin vs. J. L. Yaden, suit on a contract i this w inter ha-ving resulted In an or- HI U.S STIIl I I*
ill treatment of the natives. We found 'to carry mail between Fort Klama’h der to this effect from Chief of Police
COI N( II. ol’ < ITA
them kindly, e<.od natur°d people, and Klamath Falls, the plaintiffs got I Bannick.
It affect» the grown-ups as well as , A bill dating back to 1905 was pre.
w’th more native intelligence than a veidict some time. Attorney E. L.
Indians have, aud eager to learn the E'iiott asked for a stay of executidh. the youngsters, and a petition protest scnti’d council Friday night. It was
white man’s wa s. Their chief faults
from C. 8. and II. S. Moore, an<l wa«
‘ The question arises in my mind is likely.
•- ere drunkenn««s and a tendency to as to what power a court has to stay
accompanied by an affidavit of Its
DON J. ZI MAA.ALT. President.
E. M. Ill Illi, Vhe-I'r««. «mi Tn-aa.
steal whatever they could.
propriety, made by R. S. Moore before
ar execution,” remarked Judge Hen­
"We had
trouble .with them ry L. Benson, sitting on the circuit
County Clerk Charles De Lar.
at first, but v.e insisted on having bench. “I think it is very doubtful ¡United Press Service
was for lumber, considerable of which
LOS ANGELES. Jan. 6. Federal wa» furnished during the sr»t six
our way. When they saw we wer« whether 1 have the power to do what ’
absolutely just and fair with them you ask, even if it seemed the just Judg Wellborn has issued an Injunc­ months of 1905. while the balance of
their attitude ■ r.aneed. We taught thing to do under all circumstances.” tion in the case of the government the It - ms refer to 1910.
them that st ’a’lng and drinking were
“They ought to collect their bills
"I'm willing to wait if you give no­ against the plumbing truBt by consent
The action hett«tr," was the »entiment of Council-
wrong and they listened to us. To- tice of an appeal, without requiring | of all the defendants.
day it would be hard to find a more you to give a bond." was the off'»- officially dissolves the combine.
matt Russell A. Alford, expres«<’<l
honest people than the Esquimaux made to Elliott by Attorney Fred H.
when City Recorder Thomas F. Nich­
living from Cap«* Prince of Wales Mills, representing the plaintiffs. At­
olas read the bill to the solons. "We
Surveyors and Irrigation Engineers
northward, and drunkenness is al­ torney Elliott thfn gave notice of an
don’t know anything nbout 1905."
most unknown. Also, they are the appeal in open court, so that the pro-,
“That was before some of us camo
most advanced of the Esquimaux in ceedings in the case will wait on his
In the matter of building permits to town,” suggested Mayor Fred T
carrying out our teachings of clean­ further action in that direction.
it developed Friday night that coun­ Sanderson, amid laughter. He catne
M ait », plans , HLi EPRiNTs. etc . Klamath Falls, Oregon
liness and hygiene.
cil had again stepped on itself, so to to the city since 1905, while Council­
“That first winter we learned that KING GEORGE’S LEVEE
speak, by granting a permit for doing man G. W. White came in 1903.
the Esquimaux wanted to own rein­
Councilman White suggested thnt
AT C AM I TT.A BIG AFFAIR wrok without investigation being
deer, but that the revenue officers
mad«- of the proposed structure.
the bill be held up and the books of
95,000 IU hh I h for Correct lt**f in n <>f Sal«*
would not permit the importation.
At the previous meeting a permit the makers of the bill inspectf-d. Ac­
United Press Service
Some of the natives even owned rein­
had been granted to Burg«- Mason to tion on the bill was therefor deferred.
CALCUTTA. India, Jan. 6.—King
deer in the Sib'rian herds across the
put a stable on block 4 4, Nichols ad­
The Klamath Falls Light anil Wa­
held a big levee here today,
straits. And it seemed a shame that
dition, which location, so Mayor Fred ter company’s bill of $’407.45 was hold
they were forbidden to bring their which was attended by all local native T. Sanderson reported, would put the up for the pr sent. Councilman White,
property across from Asia, so n«,ar potentates and British officials.
building right at the dooryard of a who Is chairman of the finance com­
The magnificent stairway in front
that the Siberian heights could be
Mayor Sanderson ask'd mittee, declaring that the bill should
of the government house was lined that the council lnv«*stlgate. so on
se«n over the water on clear days.
be cut, so far as city lighting was con­
"We appealed to Washington for by the gigantic gunners of the king’s motion of Col. M. G. Wilkins, second­ cerned to 3’A contH per c. p., 5 cents
permission to import reindeer. But bodyguard, and huge throngs watched ed by Councilman Ben S. Owens th* being the basis on which the bill wan
Will cry Public Sale» anywhere in Oregon or California
other government agents had preced­ the arrival of the notables who came council decided to reconsider its act- rendered. He moved to this effect.
Full charge taken. Term» on application. Twenty yearn* experience.
ed us in this request. Before we had
lion awarding the permit.
Councilman Charles McGowen second­
a reply from our letter that summer for the honors conferred Monday.
Resilience 2d mid Grunt.. I*. O. Box INKS.
»-------------------------- --
ing. The motion prevailed.
Klamath Falla, Oregon
There will be another big state ban­
a revenue cutter put Into port with a
Mr. White said a conference had
shipment of reindeer on board. We
POLICEMEN AND ES4 API- been hold with General Manager G«o.
were overjoyed to know that the pro­
I J. Walton of the Klamath Falls Light
hibition law bad been removed, and
United Press Service
and Water company, and that the offi-
set about getting more.
f'SOFSKA, Russia. Jan. (!.—■ Four [ ciaal had said It. would be unfair to
In the year 1892 came the first
Americans, one of whom klllorl four cut the November bill, on which ho
large importation.
We brought in
Asked Saturday if there was any­ policemen and wounded four other», had alroadjcreportod to his chief offi-
1,200 that year, and from these grew thing contemplated In the immedi­ throe of whom are not expect'd to' cer», but had Indicated that the cut
our pre»'nt herd, scattered through­ ate future in regard to action on the recover, are today being sought by on the December bill would not be
out Alaska, and numbering over tender of a court house site by the the police of this district. Ono of the • protested.
Klamath Falls Commercial Club, fugitives is a woman.
I "He can cut off the light If he wants :
It Is the first few hundred
"The reindeer policy was gradually i Comity Juflge William 8. Worden
A policeman knocked at. the Amer­ to,” suggested Councilman Alford.
the first few thousand In the ♦
evolved. AVe impress upon the Lapps taid there was nothing to bo »aid at icans’ door. It was opened and he
"Of course he can, or he can charge
bank, that Is the real struggle.
and Esquimaux that the reindeer are this time.
U The Ilves of the nvernge men ♦
fell dead with five bullets through the 15 cent» If he wants to," add'd Coun­
exclusively their property and care. !
The head of the county court head. He called to investigate a re- cilman White.
well fixed in life, contain a his­ ♦
For instance, they are not allowed to J seemed to bo In good health and aplr- port that they had no passports.
tory of struggle nnd saving to ♦
sell a female reindeer to white men, its as far as the court house question
Reinforcements wore called. On'- ANOTHER DIAMOND III Sil
obtain this first few thousand! ♦
so that the brood animals are to be in invilved, but had no manifesto to American stepped out, holding up his
Make a strong resolution that ♦
perpetually In the custody and own­ Issue.
hands and saving, ”1 surrender.”
United Press Service
will place some portion of ♦
ership of thé natives.
The couEt has not as yet done any-
An officer approached and fell with
Income In the First Trust
"We usually establish a reindeer I thing about plana for a court house 1 b r. bullet through the heart.
Jan. 8.— Bloomhof, a farming dis
Ravings bank. Every dol-
herd wherever we have a native on the Hot Spring - sit«*, on which It |
The American took the revolver ■ trlct on the bankH of the Vaol is the
ndded makes It cnsler to ♦
The school superintendent I ' some time ago announced Its inten- . and cartridges from his belt, said I center of a diamond rush, 18,000 pen-
deposit the next one.
has supervision over the herd though | : tion of building. If the court, should "Thanks; thaf.’g all I wanted,” and ple halving rushed there within the
the animals are owned by the na­ invite plans for a $200,000 structure returned to the house, In a few mo­ past. six weeks upon word of the dis­
tives. AVhen a new herd is to be cn that ground there will no doubt be ments he reappeared, il gun In each covery of the precious atones.
started, young, ambitious natives are a number of designs submittad, as hand, calmly walked through the
Already 20,000 claims have been
selected as apprentice herders for a the usual architect's"foe of 5 per cent crowd and sought refuge in a garden, staked out. The proprietor’» profits
four-year term. For his first year’s of proposed cost would mean a $10,- in a subsequent fight he killed two from a temporary hotel are 110,000 a
services, in addition to his living, the 000 Job for the successful applicant. more policemen.
Klamath Falls Music House
Our Leader
None Better
Klamath County Abstract Co
Licensed Auctioneer
Getting The Start
First Trust and Savings Bank