»***«**»****«« • GII It ’AL l'Al’Illl OF » • kl.AM %TII < <»l N I ♦ KLAM VOL XV!. H FJ 25PI ttUNi GIAIM1D I MM. I I COI XT I » I I.l H CAt SE Xl> Hl 1.1*1.It Il AA E AC- NL1I I I>. « I'AltG* . ANI* 11» Ol li MC IG’A X Aitili MEM Th. •f a bill wltn dis- <■ ndded. by Robetl A. Einmltt and uithnin* lohn I, Field«' wi.s too in < It f.,r t n .'oiini-llinen liw* nig! nnd they cut • premium off th. l.lll h HI er li.an was at th>- meeting En oli* and 1’1« hlsr w.-n’ to loculi- w »ibis ut Aspen t.hke »prlng» nnd vlrlnlt! y, tu tl > bill frr th<*ir Ber­ v. ■ : '. li rlg, wa.i 210 a day fnr eight . li addo fon to ibis thero W.i 215 |1 fir a ma:> of thè water rlglits drn a n Don ZiiTOwaR. The usir r«ndi- i thelr bill end add. .1 lo It 1’5 ;,.■«• 'it '< cover dU- count. a I irh b . ..»■ it Ih total t<> 2. "I did not know the city was dls- «•«>. i warrants," said Councilman Ru •<-.! A Alford, wttl. a strile. Then he a i d n.-rlotf'«’)' I nur'.’ to take the db 'nt out t f that bill." There wg» a< me little dlsensslon, hi which th c meli.I «'ll B.-«'l:ind grlevml and >< ;>,.'r.'d that or.o of tli.-lr nii’r- b« should b« a :-aty to 1,’teh r. pro- Cedur-'rs that i’>. ■>' t*d -vit h t .«bill, “I »nt eertainiy opp/’to« t! 1 to that kind of »»-i--« thing." sold Councilman M G AVlI ..’ ». ".■ (’>t‘..-r thing Is tha* the 2 >< r rent hiiatness la excetalv. I sold ome «-Ity wartantr this after- noon • i*0 ccnfa n th-- dollar " »» to strike It from th«« bill," veld ( il- n Chart'-« M- Go- ’•*>. • -W li J iv. ' « rat».- th" tri« levy to n •t 1 the bills subì Allori. it •*1« » c n fllltiU« .' mtinnlifi*« presimi, « a* rtìi’f/O' l»d t » exp 'easing any thlng In b««b f ot the ■octr Ittee. » fl’ ti n said it. difference, anyway, c mil;««« never anvci •c|p. Colonel AA’ilkins pro stnlcment of th«« mayor’ tally n "H • ought to bo for the money h1 ’» gelt.i "ill c.f It," ivtort.'d lltink'. About i.ildnlglit ruesduy night R C. Th ■ bill of the Uro chief for De­ Co« taneh bouse in the Laue 11 ce* il- ' 31 da -i. ut 12.50 per day. or Vail"' caught Are. possibly from a dc- |77 " I v. a!< d that be | h not liir d at t 7 7, ,■•■ • in. iitL, but Is imfd by the f. . ii ■ flu.-, ami th.» family -senped lu (I !r ti.glit i .b . Mr. Cowloy wa» di. • . Th Idtl wa ‘ approved. <: orge T. Baldwin’s bill for 21 r. nv ban foot, and the exposure caused his « an tali! nabto for bivi to Itetrlr.' It. f> . l to m- badly frosted, so chat it . .¡■b'r Tircn I' Niiliola» wu i mo . »ary to give them medical ( •aid It had hoon «ent to l’.nldwln once atti ntloii, mid Dr. Hitchcock was call­ ri- for II-iiilrntlon. and bei n re- ed from Homiu7.li n* 3 a. m. to attend I. Idin. It 1» believed that the Injur' J turnod wltliout It. (’oitmdlnian Wilkln made n vigor­ i.icnibi th will shortly be ready for nee on • prof, t over ih" bill of f/.n/lo a 'i'll ( Mi Cowie. 1» n cattle buyer for I '00 f< et of Are ho>.o, nnd said for Crl b i & Stllta of this city. The bouse w.- s totally destroy d. ho thoiigh* It waa to be bought for The less and insurance were not il K) cent» II" s.tld n b't of . vìi ; « ■■ brlng runi', m or thè <-«’ for !*A* cents. Of «h«» Iler, A. G lx>nr bo »aid, I ' lu two M' lx>ng for yen.», an! I w mid n<>t put *t 11 st him to make the b««t d«..| lm "You were her«» ai th«» meeting nt iii'.' h we guv.- th-- «.rd»-; ?” *. ik <1 the mayor. "Yen." . "Tl.sn why d It‘t j ti make your 1 .lb t.iv.i Instead of corrdug at us now ? qu «ri««.! ht» honor, the rr.syot. "You ought I .' b - It out on blds, <’oi«>ewl, anti then I Tu’d not g<’ •Lung," wa» the . r.i rr .-«.lor, if Pr »1- «lent Hank». !’!i’ mayor »aid Ihl» had been tried, and *r.e not sttccessful. Nearly |2,((*0 v.o-th of bills wire Mpltrovefi, as follows, ! ’.A'"i et m .i"r ln>q--ctor 2 54.33 Horace M, Manning, city at­ .orno*’. ty ping November II ice M Mann'rg. city at- IT <5 torno; ’ypinff.Dncewber Clapp Auto 'o . car. 1 hour 8.CO 2 0 minutes..................... Keller'.i Cafe meals for 15.00 prisoners , ................. Gia«» A Prudnomme, v’»-o- 55 SC tlt>n hooka and »upp :im E n Rreumr. electitcaf In­ 25.00 spector, Decemlwr 1 ... J-' T K«nHî'io’r .... I •- « put■ "!»’ in 1 oo no December.......... T hoiks, poll«- • Judge, io«.co December . Falls Pubi SO 00 LS, KLAMA fH C •’ ! IVK'W.IO INTKRFKHEL- AAJTHAF1 ’ I. AT MHII’I'I NGTON BIXH K FINE. BOIKDED FU'.NT BY ANU MAD I ‘ > believed In the truth of the allcga- r < INI EK ■' mmirn 7UK Ji X i yw«i 4 AL aixhi M ai was obj»'«-»«-': to by Attorney O'Neill 1 or. b<-:,al.' o't '. plaf'itlff. This part of COMMI;/SCIAI. < 7,1 li ' ■'■ •■> -¡X- 'is •I«.-' ( . PAN, '. I NTAl'RANT OAVN- I) ( •) I. Ot F Ibut other parts were overruled, as , ■; . X> KI ' I .'TATE OPERAT- It’s th<- Kiu-uath Ralla Commercial /.ss a so the motion to mak-■ n.oj - As a rertlt ct a scrap at a dance In «leftnite an«! certain specified parts of or. ASKS WILKINS TO BE HIS Club. A. C. Itenisr's Hotel Bhipplngton at 'he answer. ’t La* offered th ' > inty court, u BONOS.-l IN BMppingUtn Monday nlgbt. C. F'. H im k • fi tlie i> v; court hiuse. •nd Morris Hurns are serving terra« POULTRY MW ts ii a>. i- i.f tbe ■ , trade organ.- of s«v«.-n days each in the Klamath Getjrge Pan, for ov*r a score of NOW OI’KI .ATING rounty jsll, whither they were c«»n- tion and tbe uttur w*-re rena d this years a well kaowt» Chinese resident W tin« was opening day of the wl.< t tue s spot ■ >'» o' th' slgn.-d on the order of Police Judge afteraoor. wl;c(> ot this city, has been in Jail In China < f the Klamath County . ■ ' ■ . r • !cken I Thomas F. .Nicholas yenterday when organi action «nd t ■ »■ . . ■ t me be« .e he was a rebel lie,, could not pay tines of 215 carb. the retention of the court house in Poultry At« atlon, being held In tbe • I e n irtherly corner of th-- c. ’ ty ama arttd m storerooi.. P. trns nod four ethers are alleged tbe lower part of n and ' »gain It the gov­ streta. Thera lg w ernment. > nave gone up to tsbipplngton to the ccurt house, and after reading Sixth i > ..<• th. hospitality of the dance, i the written offer they bad prepared. large oumb< ■ of fin. birds on display. (:■ »!■ M. G. Wilkins got the tnfor- with whi ra) tin s to leave, and rep;' «enfatives ot tts ciao; Hiram :id l avr. bitt kept '•emtng bark. . t.i:, so be ;ui•••’,t get out Murdeek, >’rc«| Melbas«-. J. A. Mad­ best Kliowii'g la the bankers' sweep- take. a cut. ir buted by the baak- of jail I •.!<■ tl.e i>ro<<-.-s of ejecting the dox, G. AA'. White. L. L.. F. W-.l.ite arid ar.d eerne bark to the stafes. unji i rnbie vlsf’ors be«fttnc more < m- ii«- a up i .-.nrtfn Jr. The banks that ! ;g horn -s ol the city, a silver recep­ if the Coionci. abGu.d decide to fur- piiatic ! ar. formerly, and the two ring apta-cr to be represi'nied in the offer, tacle of >1. I silver, about a foot high, It Is c ***** *n Cr 10 money it ‘•aders 'turns and liifk, had to b<* ' tflfllr-,'". ly, are IL' First Na.,«.nai, atid appro iria . ly engraved. ■' 2"' u' d to become the lasting would require e ship to tnaaport the thrown out bodily C. W. Pitcher per- •hrpi.gh Vice Pres'dent AlenuJer tornitng the favor for Burnn and Martin Jr., and the American Bank property of nnv person must be wor. coin. Pan Is e Chinaman ■■ i known In licnner volunteerl’ig th- same service and Trust, through Fred H. Meihr.se, thre» time». ?./.nr « have ..«jen made fcr the this community, and cwns a block of for He k, who ian.-11'd on his think.ng its preald'-nt. ¡beat specimen» ot breeds showt, as lots In the residence part ci Fort The site offered Is th blcc* be- AVhfto Plymouth Recks, Klamath; an weii as reai estat -3 else­ . ca:'.<- bi again and R.ck hit tveen Main and Pine Mid C«m ‘.er and follows- . n’t. w cl AA' O. lies n hit i First streets, with twenty feet of Cen- Mrs. C. T. Ollier, Mrr W. C. Ezell, where in the n''.ghborboed. He is and Mr/ Rick got after Huson. ter str«?et which was vacated -by the Barred Ply nouth Rcclu, Mrs. C. T. , robably worth S'- •'’,090 or $15 0(h), • body part'-, crashed through n •city some months ago Thia makes Oliver. A.b?rt He’mer; Buff Wyar,. nd while in this cpifhtry operated a dott« *. Mr. 'Isborne; Partridge Coch- restaurant for a time, as wed as deal* »suit of a ylgorotiH at- an area of four lots, each 55 ie ! rt Huson ’acgled M'S. by 2<0 f.-.ei dorp, plus the Ce: ter ins, E. L. SI Hott; Light Brahma» (• '4 in rta! estate. Cne of the reasons !<>P« ts from street strip, or K total area Of 280x Mrs. C. T. Oliver; Rhode island Reis hat hv is anx’ous to icave the Chinese Mrs. R. C. H>.sk'.n«rn, P. R. Kanatzcr; all is in order to get lack to the Unit­ st again. 24 0 J ♦«> fee', ’ against 240 feet sqtiart DOW White Leghorns, B. G Ter~y: Brown 'd States and krxp bls standing, his Renner bad upied by th© cosrt bouse, an i five L«-g »ns WAilam Humphrey; black ert crra.wgerr.incs when he went and Patrol- . « offered at the Hot Springs loca- Minorca*. Steve Hurley; Cornish In- at >n A. ;.lIn n, which off« r was accepted by he ' B. Mrs. M: g W. C. Ranson:. William h be back within a r rtain time. r got n court. whi?h a month ago an- H timph rey: y; Ruff Cochins, Kra. C. T. T ompson :’cion“l V.'il r.s boug’ t a lot on I Ils Intention to build thereon. Oliver; WiJita Wyandotte«, A. C. ’■ sti f.-. ci Pan. and n, where ’Sumont of the Klamath Falls Wrenn, Buff hie Bac*.ams. Mrs. C. r and when be ert to Icok up the Ruras ial- 4?ab Is that Che cite T. Oil>\ . . ’• > *.’■ ''nn's name offers Is Vastly more vsluxbie A C. - was* Judge save where >n the assessiaeat rot.«. Springs site, comparing tls own exhibits wer*. concerned, ir «’ ke assessed valuation, which « R. (' P'eper of Sacra- I ■!« IPDAYCLDCil KS FROM ie proposed tract worth r .i nio picked th - winners. AVRO1L’. PVSPOSAL MADE Hot Springs site No in. .bimer. Makes Advent Fall»’ A little ooy arrived at Courty Su­ kin tliat 2,00. ,(XN) Baby Chicks d by perintendent J. G. Swaa’* home on A'. Shi, ed Into Pacific North' Wednesday morning. »«•st States I-ist »'ear. and But Few Hatched on Coast (III . < BY IM I M ,N V HI II ■1’;r PERMITTED (las >n. frame barn on ’ ola addition iinbcr company, en- hed by building an- d'e 1 ui: i cAtendlng roof from o other. Now part to be 72x45 frame, cost. <460. JI Starr, chicken root», Ifixi-IxS 1 ingl. reef, on lot 594. block Mills iiddltlon. NEW PORTLAND, Jan. 3.—Poultry men '• ttt A . :->ra arc discussing going i ’ ; business ol hatching and shlp- ; <1 old cl leks. They say that b:.l> chicks were ship? <1 , Washington. Idaho and il’.fi ’Dia Inst year, and that only 50,000 of this number were hatched .'it ti. c. est. the remainder coming east of the Rocky Mountains. SIA) AN t ft ■ ■ ,.’s mi’.d climate would seem to ¡LION IS 1 e ideal for the business. Wilkins at Tuesday ueet^ag. ask d Mn vor ndersen ns to pros . Rollins & Sons.’Denver, ■onds they Lad bld on. Th« mild know in al boti'!«? VIII tl 'olonel. think so," replied the mayi l< 1 help 'em.” was the Colonel diction. . i > ING PLANTS FOR ORE MM I I* n RY MINERS OKS WAITING ■ . I I pays 225 h i\-an v. LOOSER RESIGNS F a I ir.> eelrod it edit 'IS ANY trit. is pili s H. \A heeler's application BOlic -. . A»» i.ilion Advo. .ite- Tln ir Es- imt.-ut in 1 stern and Western n Mi dug Districts, Following i-Xarjr Flatter's Idea ¡’LAND, Jan. 3. — Testing t be ores of Eastern and •i O . ecu mining districts have iinnended by the State Min- be. a Associatlon, who are following sugg’ st Iona of Secretary Ftah- of the interior department, it ts b llevtd ore testing stations maintain­ ed in the mining sections by the 'gov- ■■ent woudl be of gr. at value to e Industry. Mg 2 Gita, 12 Belew Uulside IN HIE MA 4 Tuesday night was the kind that puts With Councilmii.* G. W. White ali­ hmi often he. n thrown by bad advice. ! the crimp in tht anatomy of human«, Mayor Fred T. Sanderson Mid that si nt from t bo out < I’, meeting, Colonel '■!. ii. Le i er und wife left Tuesday For an «ditor ;<> rely on h's belief ¡it was ‘some” cold. It was 2 below It vas not h< present city attorney, M. G. Wilklna plà..>d the role of re- Horace M. Manning whu gave any ■>. ,i L r S,.n l ’i a ne I-co. Mr. I olia­ .n tl.o truth of ac allrgaHcn 's no de I y va ior.< there.. ' , < rh » i i >r 1- nionmtrant. He wan evidently stirred had advice, and with I bln the Incident li • • b. < ' f clerk of ’ Ii AA’hl.. ft'iiro fnr Ms publishing I’ in case a i libel chnrge'ls the outcome, This wk» 4ng In the city, and was undoubtedly up by «onveraat’on'i lio hnd held with closed. I’elicnn alare itn>Inauguration, hut a ilbe tenor of Judge ’lonry L. Benson’s colder during the night. Tom New­ conHtltiichts. nnd .bld that he had \ din .o 1 ; ml. 1 tn his résigna Holding In tbe circuit court Tue«. 'day ton, \iho haa a ranch e'giit miles from E. Johnson, former business Elmer been told by them T at the council’s j ti MJ. , .i ■ ■ ' ■ Ire • the the city on 7he Merrill road, tvlc- acta were In'nllJ, tliat th< > could be inn anger of the ’'itineer Fran left Andrew Waidhelni the young Kn-. ,answer, m-’d? by Attorney C M. 1 nho, ed ‘o tue Herald at S o'clock this get «side If ir uH iis’s vero ink I to T his ' i . nig . !'■ ’ I.o-.i- Bru ii, ’• 'ulif.. his Rahman of nrllatir inclination«, both > Neill In l . li'f'l suit of J. C. Mu*- nornfng that it was 12 below <1.. nnd that t •■■ c I g « i n. ung w. moh.T )>'■ n to-i nl .« bl ie T lit» ir.;/ and in nalnting. wÿo has .gufre agu nst W. T. Shive, assignee place, it was the wire at II o clock with >'i( a «hint T Itilo had even been Attorn-ys H. C. Merryman and vV. ci.nvoycd I K., ngers to nnd from th ■ of the Kin.u iih T .bil-1 !’i r c< i pary, J last night, so that th9 thermom eter d. lie tvs- r«. c: > to have gone to sleep there. This Is ur.duubt dly the coldest snap of «1 winter, and la probably aa cold as it wa» aa/ time during the ■previous cold season. T' . u.-ui3l number of weather argu- . : ts k place as to just bow low the weal., r did descend. Some ther- m< .■'•■r.i 1. it ' w r than others. At X e«c’.>