“ Wisdom the Wealth of the Wise”—Buy a Farm in Klamath County ; < • Ol lil'IAL PAPER <>P • ♦ KLAMATH t OUNTY ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KLAMATH REPUBLICAN ***•«•**•»•«*• ♦ ♦ LEADING PAPER OP * HOI THERM OREGON ♦ Devoted to Our Civic and Industrial Development VOL XVI KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON, SEPT. 21, I9J1 THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WILL HEAR FINAL COUNT DOUBLE YOUR EFFORTS /• N THREE DAYS OF CLOSE CONTEST ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦ « O ♦ HOLL OF HONOR ♦ »IBM, DON J. Zt'MWAI/r............. ♦ MICH JiMI.S GIIIMKH .......... ♦ »IKK U I. < I.AItKE ♦ MIEN. IIROWN MK'HAKU DAIRY ♦ Mils. 4 A. HANBO .................. • MRN. JON AH NORIN. LAKKVIKR ____ ♦ MIHH ANNA A. INMF1H1I............................... ♦ MBH. E. M I.MAYIH......................... ♦ MBH. JOHN HKNHIG. FORT KI.AMATH ♦ a MIHH DURING THE LAST THIS EXCEEDINGLY GI.ADYH HORN. BONANZA... . ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦•♦♦♦«•♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦•••♦♦♦♦P ♦ wn sre *ur«. will meet tbe approval of all: MAYOR F. P. HANDERHON, Jl IM.E II. L. BEN'HON, ALEX MARTIN, JR.. F. L. HOI HTON, E. W. VANNI4 E. After all the ballota have been countcd and everythlng ha* been a|- prov d u> the satlsfactlon of tho rep- rewntatlve» and the Judges, the name of the Winner will be announeed und tho big 11,560 Buick car will be placed In the hands of the randldat" v ho has polled the largest numb*'r of votos durlng the Herald-Rspubllcau * n>< rry campalgn FOR TIU-t'OI NTY PIUMiREHH, THIN NO. 25 LYCEUM OATES ALL DETERMINED Special to Th* H-rsld PORTLAND, Hept. 20.—Tri-coan- ty development for Morrow. Sherman and Gilliam has been discussed by the vpeaisl Port 1 ano Commercial Club 1 committee the past week, and a con-1 EXAMINATION’S TO BE HKLD vention will be called for some time OCURHE OF FIVE ATTRAlTIONff, NEXT MONTH AT PORTLAND this fall or winter, probably at Ar- , OFFERING PLENTY OF VARJ- lington. FOR ONE PRINCIPAL AMI ETY, HAH BEEN OBTAINED FOR A special farm demonstration train THREE ALTERNATE* will be run through the three coun­ THIS WINTER ties. calling attention to th- oppor­ tunities for Improved agricultural Special to The Herald Attractions of the Lyceum bureau's methods and diversified farming PORTLAND, Sept. 20.- Senator Prise* will be offer'd by the com­ course for the coming winter hsve Bourne announces he has the appoint­ mittee for tbe best product* result­ b'en chosen, being booked through ment of on* principal and three al­ ing from tbe new treatment of the th* Britt Lyceum bureau of Denver. ternates to ths United States Naval sol), and tbe Portland people will co­ The course will be given in th« academy at Annapolis. operate in making tbe Trl-County Houston Opera boi.s. . as follows: Arrangements have, been made Fair, planned for the fall of 1912 a Edmund Vance ( ■ >>. -, lector ■. Os whereby Dr. W T. Foster, president tober 21; Royal Er..; ish Gle<> Sing­ of Red Institute. will direct the qual­ ers, famous choristers and b*ll ring­ ifying examination. INDIAN LANIM4 ers, November 20; Ernest J. Sias, De­ Examination* will be held Satur­ RECEIVE BIDH cember 9; Virginia Jubilee Warblers, day, October 14. at 9 a. m at the _______________ plantation melodists and banjoists, Heed college building, Eleventh •nd December 27; Edwin R. Weeks com­ At the recent sale of inherited In ­ Jefferson street*. Portland. pany, monologues. song 3 and special­ diao land: neid at the Klamath In- Candidate* must be between the dlan Agency on S‘ptember 2, the ties, aMrch 19. age* of 10 and 20, and will be given bid* were received as follow* by Ed- The Klamath Falls Lyceum bureau a strict physical examination In addi­ •on Wataon, superintendent of the is headed by Judge nry L. Benson tion to the mental test. agency. as president, Attorne- E. L. Elliott Candidates will be examined In the Owner, Reuben Walker, NW% as secretary and Frank Ira White as following subject*: English, United States History Geography, Arithme­ sec. 36, twp. 32, range 13 •750; treasurer. owner Reuben Walker, NE’,4 see. 36, tic, Algebra and Geometery. FIVE TRAINH DAILY Dr Frank Loxley Griffin, professor twp. 32. range 13, 1750, both bids by F A Fltxpatrlck of Paisley, Ore. DURING COUNTY FAIR of mathematics in Reed College, will Fred Hendricks, owner of SE A4 assist Dr. Foster in the qualifying sec. 19, twp. 30, range 9, rejected the Five trains daily will be run to the teats. bid of $965 made for hi* property fair grounds and return by the South­ Those having the highest aver­ ern Pacific during the three days of ages will receive appointment. But by C. E. Gore of Kalama, Wash. the fair. In addition to the train ser­ one day will be given for the test*. vice, boats will ply between this city Thursday, Friday, Saturday—three: and the fair grounds and a number day*—no more. of automobiles will carry passenger* Trains will leave the depot at 9 O. T. McKendere catne in from and 10 a. m and 1, 1:45 and 2:15 p Lake county Saturday to meet a m. Returning they will leave the band of sheep which he expected to . fair grounds at 9:30 and 11:30 a. m. arrive Monday from the Bly country. and 5, 5:30 and 6 p. m. Round trip Tb‘y never arrived, however, and tickets will be sold for 25 cents. Gen­ no# Shone Is trying to locate th* THE PUB1J4' LAMW CONVENTION eral admission to the fair grounds dear little lambs, which are supposed will be 50 cents, and children under SEEK IT FOR SETTLEMENT OF 12 years will be admitted tor 25 cents to be somewhere In this county or the next. He say* the sbetp are not ALL QI EBIION'H ON DEPART­ Admltrxlon to the grand s-and will be lost, but he don't know about the 25 ce and children rn ‘er ’J yesrrs MENT REGI ».«ION herder*. free. B f Following are th* rules 'hat ell < andldate* must strictly adb< re to night, and the postmark on the enve­ lope must bear witness that the same for the closing of thia contest- These rules ara advertised one was placed In the mall before 10 pm HIEHWHV PUNS ME OUTLINtO • eek ahead In order that all the ran- Saturday night Mall from the furthermost district* Sldates and th*lr friend* may study GOOD HOADH < OMMISHION PI TH them If th* re Is anything that I* which boundaries In the rules of the SEVERAL TENTATIVE PROPOSI. contest have beui>t lv.«l count. This assures evry can­ didate In the race that the votes she The count will then commence to highway departm- nt and appointing a I casts after 5 p o. on Thursday even decide the winner. The first count state highway commissioner. This Inaane AAonmn Ewap‘‘*. I* Beliead'xl ■ It is generally believed that suit MIIJTARY RIGOR TN AUSTRIA lag will I h - polled with absolute se­ that will be made will be that to de­ official must be a skilled road engi­ SAN JOSE. Calif. Sept. 20. Mrs J. cannot be brought against the gov United Press Service VIENNA. S^’it. 19.— Martial law crecy to herself. termine the winners of the special neer, and will be named by the gov­ J Johnson, wife of a transfer com- ‘ernment. Nevertheless it is provided ernor. All road* built by *tate aid puny manager, escaped from the Mar­ that in matters pertaining to the has been declared for the first tlm« Tlx- box will r< main In tbe office of ballots that are being offered to the will be under his supervision. garet Ann Home, where she was a patent office and also in customs since the revolution in 1849 as a re- ll-rnld until Haturday evening. candidate« who turn In the greatest Another bill provides for the estab- number of y- arly subscriptions a* ex ­ putlent for nervousness. She fell on duties. appeals can be taken to the shult of the cost of living /lots One September 23d. at I'» o'clock Any was killed and a hundred wounded • ubscrptlons tl at the candidates may plained In the op|M>*lte columns. llahnriit of a state highway fund, the railroad tracks and a train be­ courts. Tbe public landa convention will while 175 have been arrested. have to turn Into the contest depart­ These ballot* will be marked "spe- making provision for an annual levy headed her. briug up the question of “The De- ment on the last nli/bt must be put In clal," and any such ballots given to for the purpose. which will be sup­ plemented by a portion of license mand for Access to the Courts Upon A|yMpi| DIMMFR' PilFQ UN RflPU s sealed envelo|>o accompanied by the | you must not be polled in the ballot All Questions Arising From Depart-, HL I ml In I i R i T ii TI l U, uulu UH uLnun correct amount of money and handed i box until after 5 p. m. Thursday eve- taxes. A third proposed measure would ment Regulations Pertaining to the --------- tn the contest editor b-'fore 10 p m. ■ nlng. Immediately after 10 p. tn Saturday After counting the spta-lal ballots provide for construction of state-aid <>. A. C. GRADUATES RECEIVE Public Domain ' The subj-ct will be big AA HITE STAR I.IN'I.R IH MI’ED night the content editor will open the the Judg 'S will decide the three win road* out of tho stat highway fund FINE APOIN I AIENTS AT HOME presented to E. A. Lane of San Fran- • cisco. env-'lope* and make out the ballots | tiers of the big ballot*, and the same I Whether tho maintenance was de-1 AND ABROAD THIS YEAR In these times, when the Washing- for the nmount of suhscrlptlon* con­ will be made out for the three candi­ ibated. HOME INSTANCES Tho fourth bill would enable coun- , ten bureaus are engaging in so many tained In each candidate's envelope, date« winning them. These ballot* government pursuits and prescribing and present these ballots to the re­ will I m * put Into the lx>X to be COUUt- ¡tie* under state constitutional prp- I Special t«> The Herald United Press Service I vision to Issue bonds for prosecution spective candidates The laixlldnti*« ) i'd with the other* CORVALI.I8, Sept. 20. The big rule's, regulations, etc., governing i LONDON, Sept. 20.—The Whit' lot road work, upon a special election the affairs of our Western people. - wtfl then be obliged to poll nil the demand for college graduates In all Th- judge* will lhen be ready to Star liner Olympic was rammed by ba’lot* they may have. and th make the final count. One of the jb 'lng called by tne county court upon 1 sorts of positions is well indicated this topic will undoubtedly develop j the British Cruiser Hawke in the petition of lb per cent of tho voters some interesting features. judges w 111 then seal tho * lot of th«* Judge* will call the amount of the bnl- bv the number of O. A. C. men who I of the county. The right of appeal to the courts I | Cowes roadstead. She beached at ballot hoY. | have b *n called to important posi- 11< t*. two of the Judge* will verify the is quit? an Americanism, and that a Osborne Bay, and was dragged off , tions since b'avfng college. Under no considérât Ion will any nmount ho ha* lulled, and the other decision by a government agent must end towed to Southampton. The Max Adams of Scio, ’10, who has subscriptions be received after 10 two judge* will tally. The ballots DETROIT CAR MEN GO ON STRIKE bow of the Hawkes was crumpled, [been teaching agriculture and man- be final is not altogether satisfying. p. m. Saturday night. This assures will then be recounted on the nddlng Shy went to Portsmouth under her ! unl training in a high school at Dav- the candidate that the amount of sub­ machine, and before any decision Is own steam, tugs convoying her. import, Wash., has been made assist- MRS. N A PI ER. Hl ED FtIK scriptions which th«y turn In on th made all three tally's will have to be United Press Service DETROIT, Mich., Sept, 20.—Not ¡ant in agronomy at his alma mater, divorce :, asks alimony last night will be unknown even to Identically the same. a street car is moving today as the succeeding Henry A. Hoyt of Gar- COURTNEY’S CONTEMPT the contest editor until after the con Each candidate In the contest will carmen struck without any notice Another step in the divorce case or SENTENCE SUSPENDED ' j rettford. Pa., who goes to the Uni­ j^-*f Is over at 10 p m. sharp have th1' privilege of selecting a whatever. N Attorney L. M. Napier against Mrs. versity of Ailcona for similar work < lut-of-Tnw n < 'nnilhlat'-s representative to look after her In­ The principal d mund w»s for a E. C. Callaway of Spokane, Wash, Napl-r was taken in the circuit court Samuel L. Courtney, adjudged in Out of-town candidate* will l»> giv­ terests while the count Is going on. wage increase to 25 and 30 cents Wednesday before Judge Benson, en the same length of time to g t Tho counting of tho bnllots Is a pub­ hourly, The scale now Is 23 and 28 who got his master's degree in the when Attorney George Noland ap­ contempt of the circuit court for dis­ pharmacy department last June, is obeying an order not to take his son, their subscript Ions Into the postoffice lic affair, and the candidate* are re­ cents. the n w *ltv milk chemist of Port­ peared with the defendant and her Clarence Vernon Courtney, aged 8 quested to Jtavo all their frleu I* wit- , •s Klamath Falls candidate* arc giv­ two little girls and asked the court to land. Hugh McCall, a former student years, out of Klamath county, pending en to g*t theirs Into the hands of the no»* thc final count. MURDERER MAY at the college, has gone to the posi­ order tho paym- nt of 12.000 to the the divorce suit brought against the coni'st editor The Judges who will decide tlie NOT <11-21 TRIAL tion of cashier of tbe Cove State bank defendant as alimony and expenses. father by his wife Mrs. Pearl M. Therefore, nil out-of-town candi­ winner of the greatest popular voting The question was raised as to from the l.aGrande National bank. Courtney, appeared in court Tuesday over carried on In this section contest dates must get their subscriptions In Uniteel Press Service whether Napier has been a resident O. L. Lasoe, another O. A. C boy Is of the state of Oregon for a year past, morning with the lad. scaled envelopes Into their re*nectlv<' of the state were carefully selected. FOLSOM. Sept. 20. -Oppenheimer On Tuesday last Courtney had ap­ postofflees before 10 p. tn. Saturday and a glance at tho following names, may never be Jrled for tho Quijada now president of a Btock company for which would enable him to bring and I peared in answer to contempt pro­ murder, says District Attorney Wa-ch- the manufacture of a new improved carry through a divorce action. horso. Action will wait on the high­ railroad switch which can be operat­ If he has not been a resident of ceedings instituted by Attorney C. C. ed from the engine, thus promising est court's decision on Oppenheimer's the state for this length of time—and Brower, who represented the wife in Tlie original schedule that goes into effect after Saturi lay the divorce issue. ¡life sentence for attacking his guard. prevention of many switch wrecks Mrs. Napier claims that he has not and saving time and expense. Judge Henry L. Benson, finding 1 It Is expected In October. ;then ho is not entitled to bring a suit night, HeptemlM'r Itltli, totlie < ml of the contest. • John Quincy Adams of Sheboygan. for divorce in this state, as the law that Courtney had taken the child to Quijada was burled In a quicklime AVIs., who graduated last June, is the requires residence of one year by­ I its uncle's home st Spring brook, four EVENING HERALD grave nt 2 o’clock this afternoon. manager and superintendent of anyone wanting to sue for such a 1 miles from Newburg. Ore., ordered Price Votes Mackintosh Manor. Superior. Mont., a I legal separation. . that the child be brought into court LIBERAI« 1‘ltFIIKT LAURIER noo • i .an Three Months' Hulmcriptlon . . . REGIME IN POWER AGAIN large fruit ranch, at an excellent sal­ But Judge Noland stated to the this morning by the father, and he ary. Otto Elmen of Mulino, also '11. court that owing to the fact that Na- would then announce the court’s de­ I United Press Service 1,400 Hix Months' Hitbscrlptlon........... ............................ a.no OTTAWA. Sept. 20 The liberals I ia supervisor of a 120-acFe tract of ' pier, In his bill of complaint, alleged cision. 8,000 Twelve Months’ Hutiscriptlon . . ......................... n.oo jure predicting the return of Premier fruit land nt Wren. With A. F. j that he had been a resident of the • Courtney went to Springbrook, got H.OOO ........................ 10.00 ’ Laurier's administration tomorrow by I.nfky of Salem he was employed this state for a year prior to the com- tho boy and brought him back to a slightly reduced majority- thirty to summer on government work in pre­ ! moncement of the action, the point [ Klamath Falls, apeparing In court 85,000 Five Years’ Huliscrlptlon........... ......................... ,an.oo ' forty. It was formerly forty-five. cool I ng. i was not demurrnble at this time, and ' with him this morning, as ordered by ♦ Conservatives ar predicting a major- H. E. Wslberg of Lents, and 8 II. I could only b» brought up in the case j the court. KLAM ATII REPUBI.H'AN j itv of twenty. AdnilfUdly the result Hall of Cleone will teach agriculture, when It comes to trial. Judge Benson suspended sentence Votes Price [depends on the silent vote. ! In high schools at Los Angeles, Calif.,, Judge Benson took the papers in | In the matter during Courtney’s good *2.00 1,200 I and Raymond Loosley of Fort Klam- the case and ordered that files of the i behavior. William Kolkonilsh, from Klam­ | ath will do likewise nt Ferndale, Cal. [ matter previous to the recent devel­ 8,500 Two Years' Subscription........... ........................... 4.00 ath Indian reservation, Tuesday took F. L. Qrlffin of Canty will be at opment be placed in his hands so that I A new sidewalk Is being put along 10,000 Five Years' Subscription........... ........................... 10.00 out a marriage license to wed Mary I Boise, Idnno in the same work, and , he might consider the matter thor- | Main street in front of the Central ¡Laura Hill-Griffin at Payette. Idaho. oughly. He will,give a decision later. | Oram mar school. Cowen, also an Indian.