Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 24, 1911, Image 6

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I practice and kindred subjects when
betterment and advancement of the
five or more enter desiring them.
suburb follow:
Forty new single seats have been
IT. -.ident, J. W. Ross; vice presi
Monday, September 11, at 9 o'clock I secured and are now being placed ill
dent. I.. A. Will; secretary Frank Ap­
is the time set for the opeuiug of ih«> I the building. Th«* school has grown
plegate; treasurer and manager; Hen
county high school. Principal VX. E. too large for Its former methods of
8. Dwens.
Faught is devotiug his entire time s attng classes In the valrous recite-
these days lu atteudlng to the prep- i t’t n rooms to study, besides the III-
«rations fur the coming yecir's work, ; ••onvenicnce of the pupils attempt'ns
About nine mouths ago, publli-
which ought tu be the best yet of- t» study where recitations are be* cl splrit <1 residents of Mills addition,
tercd Ly the cuuuty institution, The ■ hear«!. To meet both these difficult! j the sightly suburb east of th«* passen
rooms are being cleaned, doors oued, a st udy room will be made of the as- ..er depot, lealtsed the fact that
repairs made, supplies provided, pro­ sembly hall, where all students who though enjoying a healthy growth,
grams made, work assigned and the ' are not I In recitation will assemble >m tl eir redd uk * district was badly In
general equipment gone over with a tier the i direction of «■ teacher and tie* <1 of many things. They realls «1
view to a thorough preparation for I avc the time free to prepare for th. ;.l-x» the fact that ''everything comes I ,'lilted Pres« Service
n**xt recitation
This arrangement to him who waits," but as they ar '
the opening day.
WASHINGTON, D. <’., Aug. 18.
The faculty wilt consist of W. E. makes it noces ary to move the seats nil alert and progressive they decided Apparently there Is no limit to tie
Faught, principal and instructor iib at times of public gatherings tn the to try a still better course- "to make range of the big guns on Uncle Ham’s
ships and coast defenses. A few years
science; E. V. Hawley, department i of hall, but as they will be in sections a I oiler.”
manual training, Ernest Eddy, i de- this will bo a comparatively small
The result of this was the organlxt- ago a gun could shoot acchrntely u
partuient of business; Bessie B. Ap-1 matter.
tloi* of the Mills Adilltlou Improve­ dlatauco of ten miles, and was consld
With the additional courses and ment Club, which, organised with a er* d remarkable, but the latest a*
Conrey, department of Latin; Addie
E. Cornwall, department of history Increased faculty, new equipment will f.*w members, soon included In its qulaltion to Undo Sam's armnin>*nt
and German, and George A. Wirts, de­ be needed from time to time. Much riembershlp every live resident of th * will demolish any battleship or forti­
partment of music, from last year's of this will be built by the manuni dSirfct.
At th,' first meeting the fication now In existence at a dis­
cortes of teachers. In addition Mr. training department giving valuable re, ds of Mills addition were clcarh tance of fifteen miles.
When it Is considered that during
M. D. Coats will have charge of the exercise to the boys, and at the same outlined, and all set to work with n
tin* civil, war only fifty years ngo two
physics and debates aad Hiss Anni time saving many dollars to the coun­ right good will.to dlr things up
M. Tuttle will have charge of the do ty which would otherwise have to or­
Today they nave one of their ener­ miles was the griatest rang«* possible
mestic science and teachers’ training der same from school supply houses getic members on the city council, a with the guns In use nt that time, the
classes. Mr. Coats, who is a gradu­ at much greater cost.
number of improvements are to b* range of the new 14-lnch death-deal­
D bate work will come in for Its noted on every hand, pipe for water ers seems phenomenal.
ate of Kingfisher college, has a wide
These new guns will be mounted
experience as an instructor, having share of attention this year, and It Is Is arriving In town and the electric
ln'°,f ***
for the past several years been prin expected much good drill will be had light company ls"r"*ady~to'string "its
cipal of Northwestern Academy. He in this line Rhetorlcals. music, both wir«*s to the addition. On top of this, the Texas nnd the New York, both of
is particularly well qualified for hand­ vocal and instrumental, athletics and they have erected a hall that Is a i which are of the Delaware type, and
ling the debates since he, himself, school enterprises generally will all credit to the place, nnd have secur-'d j III Is claimed that the perfection of
has carried off the honors in several help the young people to grow into ti school in the suburb for their chll- ithose guns will make these two ships
the most powerful and most to b<
contests. Miss Tuttle has had charge larger spheres of usefulness and into dren.
drench'd In the world
The new gun
of the Domestic Science department broader-minded clttxens. and In this
For some time after the organlxa-
is 53 feet, fiLjInches long, nnd weighs,
of the State Industrial school for manner repay the community for su li­
tion. which took place In November
’stripped. 63.6 tons. The dinmeter al
girls at Morrison. Colo., for the pest porting so generously an institution
last meetings were held in the homes |
‘the breach Is 47 inches, and al the
three years, and is eminently well which is offering them so many splen­
of the different members; in less then
muzzle 34 Inches. Each one will cost
qualified for taking charge of that. did modern aids to good citizenship.
n month they will be meeting in their
$74.770 nnd the cnrrlngc upon which
department here. The faculty will I
own hall, erected by themselves. It
the gun Is mounted will ndd $50,000
certainh be greatly strengthened b
was during the period of meeting
T<> THE I’l Bl l< DOMAIN'
I to this price.
the adidtlon of these two new mem-
private residences that President J
At the muzzle the gun has a veloc-
The other instructors hay.»
Notice has been received here fiotu W. Ross suggested the advisability Hty of 3,600 feet 's second, nnd th
been members of the high school for
of erecting a home for the club, and
power behind the projectile will drive
varying lengths of time, and need no j the U. S. land office at Lakeview that
though some were a little dubious
introduction to Klamath county's ed­ still another tract of land has been I p^out this, many more jumited to th? I the latter nt the rote of eight miles in
—— — — twenty-five seconds The* |i- netratlng
ucational circles.
retsored to settlement and entry, aftei fore and did their utmost to help the
power of the 14-lnch monster Is 12
This year will see the beginning of
To the credit of
having been withdrawn as a portion movement along
Inches of the best face-hardened steel
a four-year domestic science course i
which will afford to the high school of tbe Klal“ath project, This latest . those who hesitated It can be sal I at S miles: 11.3 at 10 miles; 10,7 at
'that they never "knocked”--a knock
girls the same opportunity for voca-1 tract is lot 7 of Section 29. Township er cannot live in Mills addition, and 13 miles, and 9 Inches at 15 mil"«.
tional training as was last year of- 3S south of Range S east, It is a
The projectile weighs 1.400 pounds
as soon as they were convinced that
is 514 feet in length and costs $450
fered to the boys. A contract has small tract on the bank of Long Lake,
the plan could be carried through by
It is loaded with a bursting charge of
been let for extensive repairs to the > as the greater portion of the lot de­
n united, effort they lost no time in
45 pounds of "dunnite,” the most
building in preparation for this work. scribed above is a portion of the lake.
This tract, according to the order putting their shoulders to the wheel. powerful explosive known The pow­
About one-third of the upper story
V hall for meeting purposes only der charge us- d behind the projectile*
will be remodeled, windows added, : of the acting secretary of the interior,
at first talked of, but soon the to give It velocity consists of four
and generally repaired and subdivid­
ed into rooms which It is expected fice, will be released September 27th. advantage of having an income ap­ bags of 90 pounds each of smokeless
will afford abundant space for this It will be subject to entry thirty days pealed to the club members, and In­ nitrocellulose.
stead plans for a two-story building,
The cost of these guns at first sight
department for some time to come, later.
According to the local reclamation the low r floor to be used for rental appears immense, but when It is con
The first year's work in this branch
purposes and the upper for the club sldered that, far over the horizon,
will consist largely of the theory and officials, the tract was omitted in a
| and other social gatherings, wer» one shot from one of these monsters
the science of foods, their value and
drawn up.
would batter and possibly destroy an*
their preparation, and will be emi­ of the interior. It is isolated from
After the plans had been drawn up battleship now nflont. and thnt a- sin
nently practical, according to the1
latest knowledge in these subjects and ” Prac,lc«">'
under privata for the two-story affair the school gle round from ten of them at a dis­
question came up again, and the tance of fifteen miles would be suffi­
A full equipment for this work is be- holding.
scheme of renting the lower floor to cient to lay New York In ruins the
Ing secured.
the school district was bit upon The primary cost does not appear so great
About forty boys were enrolled in PREPARE TO NAIL
board was consulted and peti­
the beginning manual training class
tioned and soon granted the request HOI NE SUSTA!NH
last year, and machinery is now in
"Fall colonists are a more perma­ for the educational institution, so in­
process of Installation for the second
class than those coming in the stead of being compelled to tramp
year's work in this branch. A be­
long distances through the snow and United Press Service
ginning class will cover the work out­ ¡spring," said a prominent member of
mud, causing their parents cease'eas
lined for last year while the second-
year class will take up machine work, tend to do all within our power to worry on account of their having to An attempt in the house to overrule
lathes and kindred exercises.
The 1 g'l,de tbe faU movement to better ad- :rt>s*- the railroad tracks, the smi'ler the president's veto failed b> a vote of
machines for this work are being in- »“tage.
All details of this work children of Mills addition will attend 227 to 179, two-thirds not being mus­
stalled in the basement, and are som- wh,ch wln be undertaken in conjunc- school in their own suburb. Three tered.
of the best of Its kind.
tion w,tb the Commercial Club, have rooms have been fitted up for school,
Pandemonium reigned in th house
The commercial department will not been declded* but it Is certain that and the term will open September this afternoon when the democrats
be up to the standard it has always w° wHI moet the Incoming s ttler half 11th.
and progressives attempted to over­
Work on the hall Is being crowded throw Taft's wool veto. The mem-
•et and hopes to enroll a good class way- Some have taIked °r Putting ac-
interest in shorthand, bookkeeping, credited representatives for the entire to completion as fast as good work­ bers listened to Representative James
typewriting and kindred subjects, at 8tate on tbe tralns early* with ,,ter" manship will permit, and It Is the attack President Taft, and the house
the same time securing a liberal edu- at,lre furnishing impartial informa­ hope of the residents and members of rocked with democratic applause as a
the club to have a "housewarming” republican, Congressman Austin of
cation while preparing for a business l'on about the whole state,
“In the spring the wanderlust gets in September 1st. A basket social Tennessee, sprung the Champ Clark
career. Such a course is acknowledged
among all educators to off r super'or into the blood of many people. Men and literary features will be a portion presidential boom.
"Taft will go down In history as the
advantages to the common business looking for a new job are willing to of the evening’s entertainment.
When completed the Mills addition president who placed his ponderous
college course, and may be had at risk a move, but it is in the fail that
home with little expense. The equip­ the agricultural man moves. Then he hall will represent an outlay of over corporoslty In the path of service to
ment in this dcpt.rtment is ample and has garnered his crop, and Is in posi­ $4,000. Of this amount the greater the people, the people who trusted
st’ictly first class. Mr. Eddy, who tion to take a respite from work. portion was subscribed by the resi­ him. When the republicans and th"
has charge of the work, is an expert Recognizing this fact, we expect a dents. while many of the artisans president promised a tariff revision
in this line, and has had considerable large movement of real settlers thia who worked on the building took downward and he called an extra ses­
experience in school and In the busi­ fall .men who go directly to the stock In the corporation for their sion," thundered James, "you passed
Throughout the work has the Payne bill a- bold betrayal of the
country, and who will have the means wages.
ness world.
by day labor, no contract people's Interests. He signed It, and
The Latin course is ample to meet
While the Influx of people last having been let. The building, which later he declines the wool schedule
the requirements of thus» who desire
He had no
a more classical education, and the spring was heavy, real estate men and stands at the corner of Wantland and This act la indefensible
the Payne
work admits without examination
into all the leading colleges of the more than half of the total were not throughout It is built_ in the most bill, but now he vetoes the hill cheap­
Pacific coast
While to many this , • settlers. While no element Is repelled durable and substantial manner. The ening woolen clothing to the coun­
course may seem less practical than i from the state, the essential effort interior Is plastered and finished io try’s suffering poor.
any of the other three, experience has now being made is to get settlers. De­ oil, while electric light, water and
seemed to Justify its retention in the velopment of the great agricultural sewage connection have been Installed
schools as the strongest preparation resources is recognized as the first es­ and a-walt the arrival of these im­
for college and the more learned of sential in state duty. Because more provements in the suburb.
One year ago there were a dozen
the professions and this work is gen­ settlers ar.* expected this fall than at
residing in Mills adidtlon. To­
Tbe following list of recent trans­
erally required for students desiring
population of the suburb, if fer« in realty la furnished by the City
to pursue their studies further than
the high school. It is the aim of the shape to see that every newcomer it does not exceed 300 cornea mighty and County Abstract company:
Klamath Canal company to J. J.
school here to make this course equal finds a farm or orchard where he will close to that mark. New houses are
to that of any four-year high school be contented and which will cause hi. springing up like mtrshrooms In all Hlmonds, warranty deed, lot 1, block
in the state, a-nd the Klamath County to write to his neighbors of the latent parts of the district, and the sounds 7, Canal addition; $10
Oregon Valley Land company to
High School graduates In this course possibilities here. — Portland Tele- of the saw and hammer are to be
heard on every hand. In addition to Victor J Panloo, warranty deed, N ’A
have no difficulty in getting the’.- gram.
the homes now built, many are buy­ of 8% of SW'/« of SW'/« see 13-39-
gi ades accepted in any other school
ing lots and will comemnce work next 15; $200.
Miirrhil Yestenlay
Tn addition to the four courses
A quiet wedding was solemnized
United States to Jas L. Worlow,
named above, work in teachers’ pro­
Water Is assured the district, a-, patent, lot 5, sec. 21-40-10.
fessional subjects will be offered In the Wednesday at the Argraves when Jus­
first f-emester if the*e |8 demund ler tice of the Peace Charles Graves per­ pipe has arrived here for ext>mding
Geo. F. Elliott to Annie Goodrich,
ft It is the alm in offering thij worn formed the ceremony uniting Miss the mains over there. A four-inch warranty deed, part of block 41, Nich­
»«> give the young neopie of the conn Laura Eleanor Prosper a-nd Glenn E pipe Is to laid the full length of Front ols addition
Geo. 8. Woolsten et tlx to Thus. A.
ty who contemplate becoming t'ach Isaacs. Both of these young people street and three-inch mains will carry
ers an oportunity to prepare tor the are well known in Klamath Falls, the water up side streets. The elec­ Turnage, warranty deed, lots 1’, 2 and
stai** • xaminations
Klamath county They will make their home at the trie light company some time ago 3, block 25. East Bonanza-; $1.
Oregon Valley Land company to
needs teachers, and there Is no reason Klamath Agency, where the groom promised the people lights, and at
present a crew of men are putting in Ida M. Pelts, warranty deed, N X4 of
why any boy or girl who aspires to has business interests.
the pole« preparatory to stringing the NE% of NW% sec. 5-36-14; $100.
the teaching profession should not
prepare for the work here if they will
John Jensen to E V. Chardoune-
San Francisco, Aug. 17.—An eight­ wires.
enlc; this class. Classes will be or­ pound girl was born to Mrs. Theodore
The Officers of the Mills Addition reau, waranty deed, lot 5, block 50,
ganized in school law. theory and Roosevelt Jr. here this morning
Club which has done so much for the East Klamath Falls, $10.
Sl HlHIi. OFENS SI IT. ill
< ♦ 4L ’
Lakeside Inn,
MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r
odern improvement*.
73 rooms
Sample Booms, Bar Boom. Parlors,
Rooms. Etc., Etc.
Armour A to. '■ high
grulle toilet soap; lli'lio-
lr<>|H-, Glycerine, till Ulu­
lar, llutlrrnillk, Oatnw-nl
nuil \t llaha/<'l at O liars,
for Me.
Your Money Back
Unless We Please You
He have ju»t rrc*lv«*«l
.Ml I Ml 1rs of I MIK' < urtaiii»
lx*t us show them to you.
Priced from ilft«- Io «350
Lady Corset
There is nothing com
parable to the ease the
grace and the freedom
joyed by the wearer of
American Lady Corsets are built to
conform perfectly to every figure lln ».
They are ever up to the mark In fash­
ion requirements, and are made In a
sufficiently large variety of models
to fit all figures.
From $1.00 to $5.00
We have Just received
shipment of Jap Silks, in
21-Inch wide, 35c
28-lnch wide, 50c
by express a
all colors.