Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 06, 1911, Image 5

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Woodrow Wilson Tells How He
Fitted Himself.
United Press Service
IIRI'HHELH, July 6. The leading,
trtwl magnates of the world are here
for a two days' conference, with Jau.
Gary presiding. The purpose Is the
formation of an International Iron
and steel Institute, which will ulti­
mately control the price. Its opera­
tions will be along the lines of the
American Iron and Stm-l Institute
(¡ary suggested tills plan
One question discussed waa wlieth-
ei such a world combine la formable
without being Illegal
It is argued
that If International no country can
IllegallSe the combine.
Hldney Mi Kcuile waa in town Tues­
day and Wednesday of last week on
o o o e e
M P. Mlchlor and family were In
the Falla on Tuesday last
Hurd Tipton waa a Falla visitor on
Th«- road near Hemp Anileison's
place Is being worked, and all who
have occasion to travel there will be
Jim Moure has moved his family
troni hla homestead to the G W
A l.l(, ranch, where he will put up
the crop.
J«ts (’ox and family were viatori
at the county seat Tuesday and Wed­
♦ • • • • •
Mien tirare Cunningham, who hat
been visiting her 'slater, Mrs Jay
Arant at Crater latke for the past
two weeks, returned to her home on
• •••••
H«X K. Hord had buslnosa In town
une day last week.
Lee Rlghtmler went to town Friday
for Rex Hord.
f'het McKenzie and Art Johnson
have gone to l-angetl Valley to work
for a while.
Ed Van Antwerp Is painting the
school house Inside and out. It ha»
needed painting for a long time.
e o e o e e
An enjoyable afternoon waa spent
at the Rlghtmler home Tuesday,
when Miss lutverna entertained a few
of her friends
Those present were
Neva and Stella Anderson. Elsie Dix­
on. Nellie and Cora (¡ray and Huddle
Mrs. Will Evans and children of
Hornbrook spent Saturday night with
friends In thia neighborhood.
e « e e e e
Mrs. Nivelady called on Grandma
Faith Tuesday evening.
o o o e e o
E J. Pool, who was here <>u busi­
ness, returned to lilx home nt Ixirella
e • • • , • •
On Sunday- Joe Cox entertained
Merle Kilgore and family and Charley-
Adams and family.
• •«•••
M*m McKenzie came down from
I xirella on Monday, and spent the
Fourth In town.
o o e e e a
Ernest House went to town Monday
to take In the boxing contiwt.
Mrs. Hickman was In town on the
• •••••
Henry Conn, an old time neighbor,
was back last week from Roseburg
calling on old friends and relatives.
Mrs. Corpenlng and her sister, Mrs.
Hickman, were guests at the Hord
Ranch Hunday evening
Mrs. B. S. Grigsby and daughter,
Elizabeth, are visiting nt the Grigsby
ranch for a while.
a Pelit'O'sn
In su lutvrrNtinic Interview with
Governor Woodrow W'llsou of New
Jersey lu tbs May issue of the World’s
Work Mr. William Bnyard Hale quotes
the governor as follows
"flow dl<l 1 happen to enter |>olltlrai
life? Why. I aup|H>«e I wss twirn a
political animal.
Always, from the
first recollections of my youth up. I
have aim«*«! at ¡«»lltlial life The rea
sou I studied law was. I suppose, be­
cause In tbe south when I was a boy
the law furnlahvd the shortest path
to public life
I gave It up lei ana«*
I fouml I couldn't lie an honest law­
yer and a politician; at least I didn't
know how tbeu to do It. Ho a* the
next tiest thing to living lu public life
I tried to satisfy my mind by study-
Ing It. I took a new start mid went
back to school, Johns Hopkins, where
I tried to learn something alsiut the
facta-the facta, mind you, of govern
uient. From tbe start my interest has
been In things as they are rather than
In a theoretical analysis of thru»
my thesis I studied the Ainerlinn con-
gross ss It la In fact, an organisation
of committees, somewhat as Hagehot
had studlixl the English constitution
as It was and as it actually worked
rather than as Its theory fictitiously
made It. Ho. you see, I waa always a
practical politician."
"Ho that your occupancy of thia com
fort able swivel chair la really a ful­
filment of your original youthful am
bit ion?”
"Not of that so much as the fulfill­
ment of my whole life, 1 supisAe
When they came to me and said 'You
have tieeu talking public questions and
urging your youug men to go out and
take tlx-lr part In politics; now it's
time for you to take your own tun».'
what could I nay except 'I'm glad of
tbe chance. If the people want me to
1 will'
“Besides, to speak the truth. I w»«
only asked to do In ■ bigiter field
what I had Isx'n doing at Princeton
for ten years. I have tieen fighting
privilege at Princeton. Just us I am
fighting It here now. only there I had
to fight In the dark My most trusted
friends told me I mustn't drag the
fight out Into the light ts-fore the big
Jury, and so I didn't.
Here I can
fight the same fight before the eyes
of all men. It's fun to be out In the
air and the sunlight."
Corporations aa Joy Riders.
Oscar Campbell of Langell Valley
spent Haturday night at the old Conn
e o o o o e
In Yonna Valley Sunday.
Quit It, Ho Says, as Ho Found He
Then to Be an
Governor Woodrow Wilson of New
Jersey la not only a forceful and con-
vlnclng public «¡HMiker. but he im­
qucntly us«*« comparison« and anec­
dotes of a decidedly original and of­
ten distinctly humorous nature. In a
recent sddress the governor aptly Il­
"good" corporations and “bad" cor­
porations. as follows;
"I have no objection to the or­
dinary automobile pro|>erly handled
by a man of conscience who Is also a
gentleman, Many of tbe |>cople I nee
handling automobile« handle theni an
If they lind nett her consclcnee nor
manners I have no obJect Iona to the
size and beauty and power of the au-
tnmoblle. 1 am Interested, however, in
tbe alse and conscience of tbe men
who handle them, and whnt I object
to la that some of these corporation
men are taking Joy rides in their cor­
"You know what men do when they
take a Joy ride. They sometimes have
the time of their Ilves and sometimes,
fortunately, flic last time of their Ilves.
Now these wretched things are taking
Joy rides tn which they don't kill the
people that are riding la them, but
they kill the people they run over ”
itent pale Anderson has been land­
ing some of those filo- trout lately.
Mrs. Drew, who has been sta-ylng
with her mother for the last two
weeks, accompanied her son, Charles,
and daughter. Waive, to their home
Law Because It Was the
Shortest Path to Publio Career, but
Our Great National Change.
Every thinking man recognises the
fact that conditions of life In the Unit­
ed States have altered materially with­
in the memory of men still young.
Bnt not every statesman has l>een able
to express hla appreciation of those
great chamres as clearly and concise
ly an did Governor Woodrow Wilson
of New Jersey In a recent address.
Governor Wilson said:
“Now. I take leave to l>eleve there
is one singular question that underlies
all the other questions that are din
cussed on the political platform at the
present moment. That singular cir­
cumstance In that nothing Is done In
thin country ns It was done twenty
Years ago. The old pnrty platforms of
twenty yearn ago rend now like docu­
ments taken ont of a forgotten age
We are In the presence of u new or­
ganisation of society We nre cngerly
bent on fitting that new organisation,
aa we did once fit the old organlxa
tton. to the happiness and prosperity
of the great body of citizens. for we
are conaclons that that order of society
does not fit and provide the conven­
ience or happiness or prosperity of the
A Kinney and sons, Oliver and
Howe, left by team for M«<dford Sun­
day. where they will celebrate.
J. M. Tipton waa In town Monday
with a load of grain.
average man.”
CHICAGO, July 5.
The American
Trained down to too fine a point,
United Press Service
Academy of Medicine, In co-opera- j
and showiug the effect of loss of flesh
SACRAMENTO. July 5 —Warrants
tlun with the American Medical asso-1
drawn on the state controller's office
1 elation, took action last year con­
during the fiscal year ended June 30
demning the publl-allon of details of Jack Llnknebach met defeat Mon­
amount to 918.020,565, according to
suicides In the public press, and the day night, when he was knocked out
' the figures announced today. The re­
former organization appointed a com­ Ly Frankie Edwards of Oakland lu
ceipts during the year were >17,877,-
mute«- for the purpose of Investiga
the seventeenth round.
Before I»«,
tlon ulong thes<* lines
In an advance
report of th«* committee, now at hand, was counted out Linkenbach had tak
Howard F. Shepherd, E B Hall
this attitude of th press Is character­ en an awful thumping, and he stood
C. P. Stewart returned to this
ized aa criminal
up and took a pumnieilng that few
William Bayard Hale Thrown Some city Monday afternoon from a flailing
Th«* evidence that the auggestive would have the grit to face, His nose
Intereeling Side Lighte en Governor trip to the Upper Lake region
effect of r«*adlng <1,-tells of suicides is
was badly hammered, and his wind
of New Jersey, Who Forced the En­
a partial cause of this crIrn«* among
actment of the People's Will Into
A. C. Allen and family, who have
susceptible persona unfortunately can was poked for constantly by Edwarde
Law, Deepite Political Dictators.
visiting the former's father. Col.
not he reduced to a mathematical
at his summer home on Upper
Htatlitlrg can only enbach was game to the last, a-nd he
"Woodrow Wilson, Possible Fred
show by presumption the Importance I was sent to his kn«es twice before the dent,” is tbe title of an Interesting artl Klamath Lake, left Wednesday morn­
of this Influence, which, however. Is one that lost him the fight. The final I cle Ln tbe May World's Work by Wil­ ing for their home in Medford.
pronounced to be obvious by thos«.* »louring. Jack says, was due largely liam Bayard Hale concerning tbe per
who have had to d--al with such per­ to a cramp which attacked him Just . tonality and record of tbe militant EIGHTEEN HUNDRED
The committee believes that as he left hfs corner at the beginning ' governor of New Jersey, whose suc-
' cess in obtaining popular reforms from
legislative steps to prevent the publi­
an unwilling legislature ban focused
cation of this class of n'-ws must be shut off his wind. Though he lost, all
upon him tbe eyes of progressives of Sheriff Stewart a-nd a posse of five
preceded by popular education. For
all stripes and parties throughout the
this purpose the following suggestions bring the gam ent fighter who ev®r country Here are some of the thin»p« left here this morning for the acene
of the holdup last night of the north-
ar«* offered ;
Mr. Hale has to ssy about tbe man
The coroners In large cities
who may be tbe leader of the fight bound Oregon Express near West
Edwards displayed all of his clever­ against President Taft In 1012:
Sheriff George K. Quine of
should keep data -»hawing (a) datei
“There may have been fiercer po­ I Douglas county is also searching.
of prominent publication of deta-ls ness in thia N.nt. and as Llnke-jbach
Rewards of a thousand dollars
and m- thods of sulrld -a, (b) dates of had trained down to 138, thy same litical battles than that which was
subsequent suicides, grouping tbe weight as Edwards, the fast light­ now Joined between tbe Iremocratic have been offered for the capture of
old guard of New Jersey and its new each of the three robbers who held
cases by methods, (c( direct evidence weight v.-as not handicapped bv being
governor, but few bsve been in tbeir I the train last night by the Postofllce
obtained by In vestigli ion at Inquests.
Issue of greater possible significance , Department.
The Southern Pacific
2. The patters should refrain from
to the political future of tbe United
has offered eight hundred each.
I publishing such news for a month,
Mail clerk Van Croos, one of those
and then all papers should slmul- Ing effect. In the infighting he was
“Tbe quiet gentleman who bad Just
laneously publish prominently an ac­ the most active,, and during the emerged from the delectable groves of . on the train says the robbers got
count of one such case. Again they clinches he landed hard on Link's Princgton
his garments three packages of registered mall.
odorous with the vapors of Parnassus, They did not open the express car
should reftaln from such publlcatloi,
111 monti: meanwhile accurate rec­ punishment like a man. too, as his his lips wet with the waters of Helicon though they stopped tbe train and
ords of cases and methods shou’d be opponent landed many hard wallops —this long haired bookworm of a pro had the mail, baggage and express
whey I bad . Just laid bls spectacles cars cut off and run ahead.
»or who»
If the results Indicate a direct that would have made many wince.
There were three preliminaries to on his dlAlonary came down to tbe
lela-tlonshlp. the publication of such
Trenton statehouse and Ticked tbe
Notice of Hcttlement of Final Account
' -.ews should be recognized aa crim­ the main event. In two of which G*o.
gang to a frazzle.'
and Distribution of Fatate
inal. This would b» animal experi­
“It appeared that be did know tbe
announcer for the show
The first
mentation on a large : cale.
difference between a seminar and a
Th«* co-operation of the press could I was between two youngsters who ar* I caucus, a syllabus and a New Jersey In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
make possible some valuable dedite-1 seeking for fistic honors. "Young" j corporation; that be did know Hobo-
(Ions. The work of this committ«*« Herrera and "Kid" Altman. This was ken and Camden politics pretty nearly In the Matter of the Estate of D. F.
Johnson. Deceased:
will form weighty evidences as to the decided In favor of Altman in the as well as he did his Burke and his
Notice Is hereby given that J. M
' l-’fluence «if the American pr«-*s of to- i third round, as Herrera was more Bagebot and that, able to write a book
given to standing still than boxing.
on constitutional government, he was Johnson, as administrator of the es­
' day.
The second preliminary was be­ just as able to handle a governor's tate of D. F. Johnson, deceased, has
tween Bobby Burns and "Kid" Hunt- Job, constitutionally or otherwise.
rendered and presented for settlement
A Far Look.
“This Is the fact that makes Gov­
ei of New York, and was declared a
Three vtaftora traveling In th« Isle of
ernor Woodrow Wilson a looming fig­ and filed in said court his final ac­
Man thought they would visit finaefell. draw at the end of four rounds.
ure in the world today. This is tbe count of the administration of said
The third preliminary was one In
the king of Manx mountains. When
reason It was worth while to go to estate and a petition for the distribu­
walking up tuward tbe mountain they which considerable Interest was man­ Trenton to observe tbe advent of a tion of same, and that the 4th day of
espied an old sbrpbrrd coming toward ifested by the fans, and was a sched­ new type of man into tbe arena of August, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. m., at
They thought they would take uled ten-round affair between Bobby politics.”
the court room of said court, at the
a rise out of him. so one accosted him, Allen, a local favorite, and "Kid"
Here Is the pen picture of Governor court house in Klamath Falls, Klam­
Johnson, also well liked by many of Wilaon as painted by Mr. Hale:
ath county. Oregon, has been fixed
"They tell me. old man. you can see
"Dr. Wilson's face is familiar—s by said court as the time for the set­
the faas
Bob Cook refereed this
England. Scotland, 'reland and even
high forehead, gray eyes, a long Jaw
aa far as America from the top of this bout, and awarded the fight to John­ a very long Jaw. He instantly retails tlement of said account and the hear­
ing of said petition for distribution,
Joseph Chamberlain as that British
"Oh. year se!d tne old man. "If you on a foul. Cook, in separating the statesman was In other days. Tbe at which time and place any person
will come with me I will show you men from a clinch, was compelled to profiles of tbe two might be ex­ i interested In said estate may appear
much farther than America.”
use a great deal of strength, and in changed almost without detection. and file his exceptions in writing to
So, chuckling to themselves, they de­ throwing them apart Johnson slipped Dr. Wilson is of good height, sturdily the said final account, and contest the
cided to follow him
After trudging to the floor. Allen. In his anxiety to4 built, with square shoulders.
He same, and show cause. If any, why a
for about half an hour up tbe moun­ get at his man. rushed behind the stands erect and on his feet. If you
final distribution of said estate should
tain side lu u boiling sun they began
referee and struck Johnson as he was want mannerisms you note that bis not be ordered.
to feel rather fagged and kept asking
falling, and Cook declared the fight hands seek his trousers pockets; that
Dated this 5th day of July. 1911.
the shepherd how much farther they
by this action. Allen immediately he changes his giassea with much care
bad to go.
when he looks down at a document
He kept urging them on a little far­ made a strong protest, az did the ma or up from it; that every time be has Administrator of the Elstate of D. F.
ther until at last the three visitors lay Jorfty of the crowd present, but the used bis pen he wipes it carefully
Johnson. Deceased.
7-5-8-1 r
down on the grass and said they would decision had been given and Johnson with a cloth taken from a drawer.
go no farther for any sight.
and bls seconds left the ring.
Into which he painstakingly replaces
“Now.” said the old man. "if you will
Through tbe announcer Allen imme- IL closing the drawer. There Is a cer­
alt here long enough you will see the d'ately challenged Johnson to box at tain trained precision of habit in mat­
jin the County Court of tbe State of
uny time, any place, for money, mar­ ters of routine and a free spontaneity
Oregon, for Klamath County
bles or chalk, and offered everything In others. There would be a gray In the Matter of the Estate of Alvert
Buried on Hia Horse.
about him except for the
I grimness
H. Berry. Deceased.
I-ord Dacre. who died fighting for the and anything to get a match.
pocketed hands, a frequent sunburst
Lancastrians at Towtou, England. In
of a smile and a voice like music. To Gustave Berry, Minor; Victoria
1441, d.rectcd that If he were killed tn e.l the challenge, and named a date You learn in the course of a few hours
Shults. Dora Gano. Hulda Hick­
the battle his favorite war horse should i about a month from now. as he waa that a man with a stiff Jaw and a sen­
man and Elmer O. Beardsley,
be burled In tbe same grave with him compelled to go to Crater Lake on a sitive mouth is pretty sure to be mas­
Guardian of said Gustave Berry,
According to hla wishes. when his In­ J business trip. He was Just aa anxious ter In any situation. Governor Wil­
terment took place In Saxon church for a return match as Allen, and son Is a man of positive opinion, re­
and each of you, are hereby
yard after tbe battle a tremendous
1good little show is due th» fans lieved by an eager sense of humor. : notified that Elmer O. Beardsley, as
grave was dug. and tn It the warrior
when these two boys come together in He moves and speaks with unfailing administrator of the estate of Alvert
waa burled, seated upright on hla
poise, with good natured certainty of
H. Berry, deceased, did on the 21st
horse. For centuries reflections were August.
himself.” '
"Kid" White of Dry Dock. N. Y..
caat upon the accuracy of this tradi­
The story of Governor Wilson's fight day of March. 1911, file a' petition in
tion. but some years ago while exca­ challenged the winner of the main with the bosses and the special inter­ , said court, praying for an order of
vations were being made close by the event, and Young Ptter Jackson chal­ ests Is interestingly told by Mr. Hale. sale, at private sale, of the real estate
reputed burial plat's of Lord Dacre tbe lenged Bobby Burns for the prelim­ Here Is one of the governor's quoted of said decedent, hereinafter
pick of a digger struck Into a great inary to the Edwards-Anderson go. statements, which given a clear Idea of
ticularly described, for the purposes
bone, and upon further search being wh'ch. according to announcement, is his attitude on popular government:
[therein set forth;
made the skull of a big horse was
“Rack of all reform lies tbe means
(•• take place before the Klamath fans
It is therefore ordered that you,
brought to the surface
An thia waa
of getting it Back of the question
rn the 4th of next August.
found almost at the very spot under
what you want la the question. How- and each of you, and all other per­
which the l>ody of Lord Dacre waa
are you going to get it? We are all sons, if any there be. interested In
«aid to lie It was accepted aa confirma­
C-.ZZ tf Thought.
pretty well agreed, I take it that cer­ the estate of said deceased, appear
tion of tbe tradition, particularly aa the
tonight. tain reforms are needed. But we find before the said county court on the
skull waa found to be standing vertl
Smith." remarked Brown as be stretch­ that tbe first necessary reform is one 5th day of August. 1911, at 10 o'clock
cally In the soil. The skull was re ed himscif on two chairs.
that will render us able to get reform. a. m. of said day. at the court room of
placed carefully In Its original position
“Yes.” said Smith "I have just got
“We have been calling our govern­ eaid court, in the city of Klamath
and the excavation filled up.
a note from the landlady.”
ment a republic, and we have been Falls, in said county and state, to show
“What does she say?”
living under the delusion that it Is a
' cause why an order should not be
"She says that I must pay my board representative government
He Got His Answer.
That Is
granted to the said administrator to
"They who ask unpleasant ques­
the theory. But tbe fact Is that we
I'm thinking ere not living under a representative sell, at private sale, said real estate of
tions.” said n senator, "mu tn’t be bur- for breach of promise
prised if they get unpleasant atiswera. what I'd better do "—London Tlt-BIta.
government We are living under a said deceased: and that a copy of this
Yes. tbe Interrogatory politician too of­
government of party bosses, who in se­ order be served on all of said heirs
ten finds himself In the boots of Gobsa
Force of Habit.
cret conference and for their private within said State, and published for
"You know that pretty salesgirl
ends determine what we shall and four successive and consecutive weeks
"The aged Gobsa Golde was quarrel­ took home from tbe dance?"
shall not hare. The flrat, tbe imme­ in the Klamath Republican, a weekly
ing furiously with his young and beau­
diate thing that we have got to do Is newspaper of genera! circulation,
tiful wife.
"Well, I stole a klan."
to restore representative government. I printed and published in the city of
" ‘Didn’t you marry me for my mon
“What did she say?"
There baa got to be a popular rebel­
Klamath Falls, county of Klamath
ey?' he yelled.
“’Will that be aU?'"-Judge
lion for the reconquest and reassump-
state of Oregon.
"Mrs. Gobsa Golde tossed her head.
Accounting For IL
tlon by the people of the rights of the
The real estate hereinbefore referr-
"’Yea. of course I did,’ she said,
"No,” said the stubborn man, "no people too long surrendered."
’and if you weren’t so stingy with It body can alter my regard for Jlggtns.
i ed to is particularly described aa fol­
we'd never have a cross wool.’
He's a man you dou't meet every day." (>♦♦>♦*♦♦♦ 9 <♦♦♦♦>♦ 9 9 9 9 ♦* 1 *.* lows, to-wlt:
Washington Post
"1 admit that.” replied Markley, “but (»
Lot 8. Block 77 in Klamath Addi­
I would a great deal rather be •
I attribute it to tbe fact that I loaned < >
A Little Sarcastic.
tion to the City of Klamath Falls
«I put In Jail for something 1 was ■
Maid (to lady at door»— Mrs. Spencer him 910 several months ago."— Catho­
(formerly town of Linkvllle), in th«
< 1 innocent of or for something *
is not at home. Caller (who knows lic Standard and Times.
i i that I had not done than to ; County of Klamath, State of Oregon,
differently»-Oh, I’m so sorry! But
; ’ know In my heart that 1 had •_ according to tbe recorded plat of
A Faint Resemblance.
never mind. Tell Mra. Spencer when
said town in the office of the clerk of
she comes In that I called to say that
“Ab, my boy." said the purse proud < > done some dishonorable, dirty .
said county.
I’m nwfully glad she goes out more Individual as he banded round ths
Dated at Klamath Falls. Oregon,
than she did. I've always wondered Flor de Toofas. "that's something like < • gestlon of it tn the eye of every
] ; man I looked at.—Governoi Wil- ■ July 5, 1911.
why she kept herself coo(»ed up In tbs a cigar!"
■ > son of New Jersey In a Recent 4
WK. S. WOBDBN, Judge.
house all tbe time.—Boston Transcript
"Tas," responded one of the vIcBans;
[ Speech.
■what is It?”—Louden Opinion.
7-5-g-J r
Woodrow Wilson Hailed
Possible President”