N • ol l l< III. PAPER OK ♦ • kI I.Mil’ll nifNTÏ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• KLAMATH REPUBLICAN VOL. XVI KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 6, 191J MARS MAKES TWO BEAUTIFUL FLIGHTS CROWD IS EN I MUSED I To THE FAIT THAT THE EN The much heralded, much cancelled and much desired aviation exh I bit ion which the Fourth of July committee worked so hurd to secure took place Wednesday, when Hud Mara, in a Curtiss biplane, gave two very suc­ cessful Itlghts near the Southern Pa­ cific depot, starting und slighting In the field just across the track. The flight was scheduled to take place at 10 o'clock, and long before that hour the depot grounds, the fence enclosing the field from which the aircraft started, plies of ties along the railroad's right of way and even the tops of boxcars were covered with wpectators. Them were more In at­ tendance than there were at the ball around« yesterday, aa many came to town especially to see the flight A large number of hacks, buggle« and automobiles were also lined lip to watch the maneuvers of the biplane, and all were filled with people Though the flight was scheduled to take place at 10 o'clock. It was nearly un hour and a half later before the machine finally aroae. This delay waa reused on account of englue trou­ ble«, which had to be attended to be­ fore the aviator would risk his life In the air. On one occasion the mi chine m« u the machine finally started, kin til'd arums t!>.. ground and MM F lii th«* air Ilk«- ■ bird ii great cheer arose, and as the crowd watched the '•aar and grace with which the bi­ plane «oared higher In the air and went farther away till It waa a mere outline In the sky. all felt well repaid for the long wnlt In the ncorchlng «un The alighting of the air «hip waa an­ other feature that waa warmly ap­ plauded. and so nearly like a bird did the creation of canvas and machinery «kirn along over the ground that several dog« started aero«« the field to make a close tnv«*«tlgatlon of this new typo of fowl. Following his first flight. Mnrs made another trip In the air, and this was pronounced to have b«en even more spectacular than the first In the afternoon Miir« wan to have given another exhibition, but owing to 4 a mishap to the engine wns unable to do so. Mars anil Ills wife arrived on No. 42 Tuesday, being nix days on the road from New York to Klamath Falla A representative of the Her­ ald. who Is acquainted with Mr. an-1 Mm. Mars, went to Dorris and met the Incoming couple. Mr. and Mrs. Mars left Liverpool about three we>-ks ago on the Beaver liner Victoria. Their return com- plates a trip around the world on their honeymoon. Aerial fights were mud < In China. Japan. Sumatra. India nnd Siberia, and throughout the whole trip. During the course of the trip only three mishaps occurred, Tn one of these M uth wan slightly Injured at Tokyo. Japan, but the Injury was so slight that an ascension was made the I i >< xt day by appointment with th« mikado. Thu Japuii'se, according to Mi Mam, wore the most enthusiastic of all the people visited, while the Chi­ ne«,. were the most suspicious. Mar« narrowly »«caped death ut th. hand« of the opponet« of th» "Red Devil." On thi« occasion Mr« Mam was saved by being seised in th» arm« of her husband and whisked through the WELL BORING AND DRILLING nlr Ol I UT ORDERED FROM THE Mrs. Mar« 1« an Oregonian by birth, lx Ing the daughter of Captain G W Etheridge. the well known politician I l H COI NTY Hhe 1« an old friend of Mrs. W. L. Clapp, and during their stay her» they are entertained by Mr and Mrs M. R Doty Wednesday wired an Clapp. Mrs Clapp Is also a school­ I order to Clarinda, Iowa, for a com- mate of Mrs Eugen» Ely. wife of the aviator who landed on the battleahly blued boring and drilling machine. which Is to be used In drilling for last January. artesian water on the dry lands south of the city. Mr. Doty Is backed in hl« enterprise by a number of proin- Inent land owners, including Frank Ward, Colonel Allison, A. E. Elder. Mr. Alexander and Judge Chas Graves. The machine Is guaranteed to drill to a depth of 1,000 feet. and will bore «. 12. 18 and 24 Inch wells to a depth DIBROU IS KEAIH FOR THE of 30F» feet. It la to be used In drili- PICET.IMI N Alt) HEIRINC. OF Ing well« to the subterranean flow« THE McN'AMlIll BROTHERM which are known to exist underneath, land pumping plants are to be Installed TOMORROW for Irrigation and domestic purpose«. The men Interested in the propo­ sition believe that there are great op- LOS ANGELES, July 5 Attorney I>ortunities here for developing the Clarence Darrow Is preparing argu­ high lands, which they believe are ment« In the McNamara cases, which superior for fruit and vegetable rais­ are schi-duli’d for a preliminary hear­ ing tomorrow He has thirty-eight ing to the low lands under the Irriga­ The machine will be reasons for the dismissal of the In­ tion «««tern dictments He refuses to say what here In about three weeks, and the first work is to be done on the Allison they are until the cam* la called. It la believed that prejudice on the place. one mile east of the depot. THIRTY-EIGHT l«art of the grand jurors and alleged kidnapping will play parts 1 11 *’ will cñ. pec tod that the McNamara case consume the entire day. Mrs. Mc- Manlgnl's contempt case will probably be postponed for a day. Mill»» Addition Grow* A non wai born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ferrell Sunday evening, at the home of Mrs Ferrell’« brother-in-law. Dr. Win Clark Ransom, In Mills ad­ dition. The Ferrells have a ranch at Swan Lake. O'GARA INSPECTS THE ■lames O Gara, district height and piiaseager agent for the Southern Pa­ cific, came in Tuesday from Sacra- ii'eiito in the Inti rents of the railway. Today he. In company with E. S. Still­ man. trainmaster of the Shasta divi­ sion, and T. P. Rowe of the company's t'hlcugo office, journeyed to Chiloquin on th«- first passenger train to make un official run to that place. Mr. O'Gara un non need that the train would be of mixed cars, and that for the present at least a twice- n-week schedule would be maintained. He stated, however, that the company may conclude to run trains on Sun­ day for the benefit of sportsmen who wiinted to spend the Sabbath at Spring Creek. The regular train will leave Wednesdays and Saturdays. Freight and Passenger Agent Ball- ity Stands Io lose Ovei fourteen It looks as if the city would lose 21.471 on the cost of the third sewer On recommendation of the unit, finance committee the first blds sub- ■nltted on thin work were rejected. and new blds advertised for. These « bids were opened Monday, and It was found that the lowest bld wan 21 >471 more than was the lowest on the for­ mer advertisement. The first blds were as follows: Frank Roberts, 213,835 complete, Air 210,900, the city to furnish the pipe. Chico Construction company, 212,873, complete except pipe. The blds Monday night were: < y of this city has given out th« fol- lowing class rates from here to Chil­ oquin First, 28 cents; seco nd. 27 cents; third. 28 cents; fourth, 24 cents; fifth, 21 cents; Class A, 21 cents, < Ians If, 19 cents; «-lass C, 11; ci-ills; < )a«« D, 15 cents; class E. 15 cents. Chico Construction Company, *12.- 371 and Frank Roberta 212,450. In both bids the city Is to furnish the pipe. The bld of the Chico company Is |302 less than their former bld, and 11,471 more than was Roberts former bld. • Mayor Sanderson la of the opinion that the city made a mistake by not accepting the first bld, and bellevea that the city can save money by doing the work Itself, If such a course Is possible under the charter. The city attorney Is looking into the matter, and will probably render an opinion today. the most Interest, From January 1st to July 1st the births of just 8,593 I babies were record« d, an Increase of 399 over the figures for the same period last year. During June 1,117 couples took out licenses to wed. a« against 1,147 last year. •••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦ LEADING PAPKR OF • ♦ HOI THERN OREGON • NO 14 HEAT WAVE STILL PROSTRATES EAST services of his automobile, and Bar­ ney Chambers and Dr. Leonard have been named to urge other auto own­ ers to do likewise, an the trip to the Fort will be made by this means of transportation. C. T. Oliver and R TEMPERATURE AT < HK 'AGO IK Vance Hutchins will have charge of HIGHER TODAY THAN IT WAM 'the banquet which Is to be tendered AT THE SAME HOIR ON THE the commission upon their return to . this city. GIXFRIOUS FOURTH ANOTHER EXPLOSION JOE MANN IK BEING HELD IN THE A WOMAN < BARGED WITH MURDERING HER Hl SHAND . United Press 8ervlce HEARING FOR HIS It ASH. IN Heat Death« Today - . — .. FRANCISCO, ............ ....... ......................... New York ......................... SAN July 5.—Mrs. CALLED FOR ACT COUNTY JAIL, AWAITING Joseph Sunday was formally charged with murder this morning, following the death of her husband, who died last night from the effects of the bul­ 1 lets the woman admits she fl red. She alleges self defense. Boston ............................... Chicago............................... Cleveland ........................... Philadelphia ...................... 12 8 » District Attorney D. V. Kuykendall S 1» maklkng an Investigation, pre- 15 paratory to starting criminal action against Joe Msnn, the man who had Worse Titan Ever in C hicago charge of the Wild West exhibition United Preas 8ervtce. In connection with Tuesday's cele- CHICAGO, July 5.—At 1 o'clock bration. charging him with inciting • this afternoon the thermometer riot, or similar offense. showed 9».8 degrees, one degree hot­ Mann's action of riding through a ! ter than at the same hour yesterday. crowd of spectators has aroused a ■ Ail records, it is expected, will be great deal of indignation, and many brok-n. Ov«-r forty prostrations and clai.n that It Is a good thing for him nine deaths have been reported to that he is in the county jail, as he this honr. with the worst part of the i day vet to come. would be roughly handled by the peo­ ple of the town During the broncho contest some of the crowd began to ROG I E lilt ER It»)) ER MAGNATE Another Big Ex pio«ion hoot Mann for his riding This called DELAYS VISIT ON ACCOUNT OF United Press Service for a storm of retorts from Mann, and HOLLIDAYSBURG, Penn., July 5. URGENT BUSI.NE.SK INTERESTS —The intense heat caused the Stand­ aa the crowd stil continued to hoot him. he became angered, and without ard Powder works at Horrels Station warning put the spurs to his steed to blow up at 3 o’clock this afternoon. and rode Into the crowd. Fortunate­ Two are reported killed. The work« ly none were seriously injured, According to a telegram received are burning fiercely. though «everal were badly bruised by by Mayor Fred T. Sanderson from an being bowled over. Some Relief Predicted official of the Rogue River Electric Spurring his mount through the company, it will be at least a week United Press Service crowd Mann reached the gate and more before Colonel Ray, head of the WASHINGTON. July 5. — The got away before he could be stopped company, comes here to talk over get­ weather bureau has promised mater­ by the frenxied crowd, who followed ting an electric franchise The tele­ ial relief for the Middle and Northern as cloaely as possible and hurled base­ gram which was sent by Judgg Will­ stwtee today. The report added: ball bats and other missiles at him. iam Colvig. the company's legal rep­ Elsewhere over the eastern half of 1 Had anybody a gnn it would certalnly resentative. states that Colonel Ray the country the situation will not bave b-en used, so great was the feel- has been called to San Francisco, and change ” F ronts suit is now |lng. Getting clear of the grounds, requests the postponement of the NETT2J2I». HAYS THE REPORT Mann clashed down Main street, but scheduled meeting of the power offi­ I Taft Prvsp4im he was arrested and placed in the cials and the city council. PITTSBURG. July 5.—Despite the United Press Service county jail. The Rogue RfVer people recently electric fans and ice water, it was 90 NEW YORK. July 5.—Paris cables Had Mann been captrued on the sent a representative here to an­ above when President Taft's car ar­ say that the Sbonts* marital differ- ball grounds It is likely that he would nounce that they would furnish the rived here at 10 o’clock. Taft ap­ encea have been settled. The separa­ have been lynched His act. which city and Its people with electric en­ peared on the platform and waved tion suit papers have been withdrawn endangered the lives of many people, ergy at a lower figure if they were his hand to the sweltering crowd. He and it Is understood that Mrs. Shonts is looked upon as being entirely tin- given a- franchise. They propose to looked warm. He started for Wash­ has rejoined her husband. called for. send the power across the mountains ington immediately. from the falls of the Rogue River. DOWAGER QUEEN OF SECRETARY OF STATE PORTUGAL 1$ DEAD COL. RAY WILL COME NEXT WEEK .Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood came up from Mount Hebron for the Fourth. PAVING COMPANY HAS QUITE A BIG PAYROLL Everybody in town is acquainted with the fact that the Strange-Ma- guire Paving company employs a large number of men on the streets SALEM, July 5 So congested h'-s United Press Service. here, but It may be interesting to become the automobile de|>artment I ROME. July 5.—Dowager Queen note that their weekly payroll exceeds Pla Maria. ex-Ki ng Manuel's mother, In the secretary of state's office, that 23,000. Every Saturday evening Secretary of State Olcott today or­ t Tuesday when C. F. Tucker of his special car Tuesday afternoon, Last night the safe of Alfs & Brune after having spent what he termed an company, liquor wholesalers, was this place put him down and out in HER FATHER IXIST IN IK7O, outing on the Williamson River and blown up. The charge was so heavy the third round of a scheduled twen- SHE SEARCHES FOR BODY Spring Creek, in the neighborhood of i that the office was wrecked and the t>'"round bout, According to the fans Chiloquin, when he inspected the safe door was blown through the par­ who witnessed rhe affair, the bout was nothing but Tuck’s, and he had things Ql'INCY, Mass, July 5.—With grounds for the company's new build­ tition. hopes of finding the body of her fath- ing. His train was in charge of Con­ No loot was taken. It is believed his own way from the start. ••r, who perished In the Alps forty- ductor C. J. Brady and Engineer F. that the thieves put In a time fuse one years ago. Miss Edith Randall is Kelso, with Brakemen J. E. Barrett and then left the building until after R. L. Owen and William Owen of today on her way to Chamonix, whore and B. W. Chattin and Fireman E. the explosion, and then feared to re­ Weed were among yesterday’s visitors n Is expected the glacier Dea Bessonr Hale turn for the plunder. in this city. will give up the bodies of those who were froxen at its top In 1870. Miss COMMITTEE ENTERTAINS Randall will stay at the same hotel at STATE GAME COMMISSION the’ foot of the Alps where her father lodged, and will meet the children of A meeting of the committee ap­ the guides who perished on the same pointed by the Rod and Oun Club to journey. take charge of the entertainment of Randall was the treasurer of the the (date fish and game commission Quincy Sa via,xs bank, and with two on the occasion of their visit to this other tourists and nine guides was city on July 8th. met on Friday af­ caught in a snowstorm and lost. ternoon in the office of W. P. John­ Fourth of July brought many peo­ . program was rendered in the court son. rnd after discussing the matter DEARTH OF JUNE BRIDES thoroughly they decided to take the ple to Klamath Falls yesterday, and I house square, under the direction of IN BOSTON IS RETORTED ctnimissioners on the morning of the though the celebration here was by Captain O. C. Applegate: 7th for a trip to Spring Creek, Crystal no meana elaborate, on account of the Selection by band, "Medley of Na<- BOSTON, July 5.—Boston's crop of Creek. Sun Creek. Fort Creek, the expense connected with the aviation | tional Anthems.’’ June brides was a failure, according WI'.Hamson River and otner waters In exhibition Wednesday, the day was Invocation—Rev. Larkin Strucker to the city register's books, for just that section that are teeming with enjoyed by all. In the morning the thirty couples fewer embarked upon triut. The night will be spent at automobile and horseback parade, Solo, "When the Tide Comes in," a life- of wedded bliss In Boston dur­ Fort Klamath, and the following day headed by the Klamath Falls Military (Harrison Millard), I. Jay Knapp. ing this June than during the same the party will make the trip back to band, was the feature. The prises Declaration of Independence—Mr. month last year. this city over the water« of Upper were awarded aa followa: Horace G. Cox. Beat decorated automobile, L. M. While the failure of the matrlmo- Klamath Lake, W. P. Johnson having Bradford's Rambler. donated the services of the fiae nial crop for June was a source of Ladles quartet, "Home, Sweet Best lady rider, Mrs. Lundy. much comment, It was the accom­ launch White Pelican for this pur- Home,” Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt, Miss Best Gentleman rider, C. G. Merrill. plishment of the stork during the first po«e Mr. Johnson has also donated the Following the parade the following eli months of thia year that aroused (Continued on Page 4) 'FRISCO POLICE PLAN TO CLEAN OUT YEGGNEN