Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 15, 1911, Image 1

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yards, and New York and Norfolk as
with th« trout gam« enough to suit
the Atlantic locations. While the
even the most fastidious.
WILLING TO RECEIVE HTtUK present navy yard at Mare Island may
A Kurrumento man, L. H. Upson,
member of the sporting goods firm of
ERH' COMMITTEE—THE WHITE ’ be maintained, as a part of the San
| Francisco plant, the report will re­
Kimball A Upson, will be her« Friday
STAR UNE (XJNCKDEM DEMAND commend the Establishment of greater TRIP TO LOWER CALIFORNIA TO
tONGREftMMAN FROM MARYLAND to try hls luck In Oregon streams
yard« at San Francisco.
While ham Mr. Upson will be the
The navy department contends that
guest of Harney Chambers of the Gun
The laftcet commercial organization United Frees Service
KIIM AND HEEKM THEIR (X>N Store, one of the noted O*h«rm<n of
the location of the national stations
to consider tb« advisability of visit­
LIVERPOOL, June 14.— The strik­ 4n four great establishments will make
thl« section, and under Harney's skill­
ing Klamath Falls and the point* of ers cbeert d wildly today when a num­ for economy and efficiency.
ful guidance It 1« safe to say that th«
inierust in Klumatb County I* a nutxi- ber of big firms advised them that
Cuilforniun will have all th« fishing
ber of Portland business men. »ho they were willing to receive the com-
United Pre«« 8ervtce
WAIIINGTON. Jun« 14. The war
are now thinking of making a trip . mlttees from the strikers to discuss a
against the express companion bcga.i
EL PAO, June 14.—The antl-Ma-
here in Augum. if they com«, they i Mtttlcm'-nt. Heretofore the shipown-
today before the committee on post-
goniata expedition to Lower Califor­
■»ill be th«- third organization to visit| ere have refused to treat the matter
offices and post roads, when that body
nia awaits a reopening of the national
here. The Ban Francisco Merchants' ¡at ail.
opened tor bearings several mcasurer
railways, which are washed out be­
Association were her* last month and
demanding the parcels post.
tween Jaurez and Chihuahua. It is
a number of Northern Pacific railway
White Mar Line Delayed
Congressman David G, M-wla of
expected that they will be reop'ned
«fix lais arc- dow on their way here.
Press Service
Maryland appeared In person in the
in a couple of days.
In addition to g«dting acquainted
SOUTHAMPTON. June 14—The United Press Service
support of hls bill providing for the
Magonista agents, who are recruit­
HAN FRANCISCO. Julie 14.—Th« with the local business men. the ex­
MADRID. Spain. June 14.—A ing here, have offered a dollar each
\»'blt«> Star company baa conceded the
condemnation and purrbase of the ex-
coLxtltutlonality of tb<* women's eight cursionists will cruise on Upper Kia
<<> mands of the striking coal passers special meeting of the Spanish cabinet for recruits secured, besides the |2
press companies.
hour law has been put up to tho stat< math Lake, and make the trip from
and has tentatively agreed to the de­ was called today to consider the op­ paid daily to tach recruit. As a re­
The following reason* why the ex
rupienii' court through the applica­ i'.oc ky Point to Crater Lake by auto­
mand* of th«- sailors, permitting the position of France to the course pur­ sult of this many agencies are spring­
press companies should be ubuorbed
tion of Frank A MUier, the Riverside mobile. where they will spend some
giant liner to be delayed on Its initial sued by Spain in Morocco. France, it ing up. The Magonista pay is four
were advanced by Lewis:
hotel man. who rocently «««curod a ro- time viewing the sights at thia wond­ trip.
is understood, will be assured that time* greater than the insurgents or
"First Tbo express companies nev­
vorsai of vonviitioa from Judge Dens erful spot.
The strike movement is formidable Spain intend* only to protect the in­ federal« paid. Who is financing- the
er reach beyond th« railways to th«
Miller was rv-urrested yrater-
yet. Havelock Wilson, who is super­ terests and the lives of foreigners in Lower California republic Is a mys­
i day fur violating the statute.
vising the strike, raid that he is satis­ that part of Morocco which was de­ tery here.
"Second Tb« express companies ¡early ruling has been asqcd. as many DARROW CONFER« WITH
contract with the railroads (o give
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL fied. It Is predicted that there will clared to be the sphere of Spain under
I hotel men und other «-mployers are
them an average rate of three-quar-
be a general tie up of shipping within the treaty of Algeciras It is denied
diwply interested
Affairs at the Capital
week, though sbopownera declare that Spain's move has been influenc­
ters of a cent per pound. With this
WASHINGTON. Jun«- 14—The ex-
rate the cxprvsa charge* by parcels
ecutlve council of the American Fed­ they will have all the messary men ed by Germany.
MEXICO CITY, June 14.—A mem­
post could be reduced from two-thirds
eration of I-abor met yesterday for the soon.
ber of the cabinet said that yester­
to one-half on parcel« ranging In
quarterly conference. At the confer-
days executive session dealt with th«
weight from five to fifty pounds, and
■ ucc, which was behind closed doors.
question of dividing ths great rurla
County Clerk De I-ap and wife re­
about 28 per cent on heavier parcels
Clarence Darrow of Chicago was pr«'- turned Tuesday from a visit with
estates of Mexico. A plan for break-
by co-op» ration of th«- express com-
*< ut. and it is reported that important their sod . Chester De Lap of Ashland.
| ing up the haciendas is ready for op»
psnlss' plants with the post office and
. tc-ps in regard to the defense of the They report a pleasant trip.
I eration.
rurai delivery
MEXICO CITY. June 14.—Another McNamara brothers, held in Ix>«
An earthquake last night again
"Tie express rotu panics arc a posi­ «<-ven quake yesterday opened a aww Angel«« for alleged complicity
shoot Ik. district, and eruptions con­
tive hindrance tinman obstacle to the ciuter In the west side of mount dynamiting outrages, were decided
W. A. Meyers is here from Los An-'
BUFFALO. June 14 — Sadness over­ tinue from ths two craters of Mount
country's buslnesa." continued txwls Colltnu. and both volcanoes are pour­ upon
geles, attending to business matter«. shadowed the honeymoon of Mr. and Colima.
Yucatan reports say that
"Th« average charge for carrying a ing out tiro and lava.
Lave and
Mr*. J. Randall Williams Jr. of Pht.- peons ars rampaging, using dyaamlt*
ton of express In Argentina is 18 51. stones are roiling into the valley of
udelphia. While Mrs. Williams' lath­ and destroying cattle and property
in Europe, |4 12. in America, *3130 Ciudad Guzman and have damaged
er. George Maithews. editor of tne
Madero returns tonight from mak­
"The government can not conduct the railroad station at Colima City.
Buffalo Ex pre««, lay dying, hi« daugh­ ing a tour in the sooth. Tomorrow
th«- parcels post on mil) railway trans­ No more deaths have been reported.
ter. realising that the end was near, he attends a bull fight given for the
portation rates. This is over 4 cents
and wishing her father to bo present benefit of the White Cross society.
a pound, and in competition with ex-
at the wedding, bad the ceremony per­
ptesa compsni»-» paying three-quarters QUEER NYMFTOMH
formed at the dying man's bedside
FO1JXJW DOG BITE United Press Servlre
HOUSTON. Tex , June 14—Bi­
of n cent the companies are enabled
Mrs. Abe Tenbrook of Merrill <an»e
Matthews died a short time afterward
NEWPORT, R. I.. June 14.—In the tablishing a new record by ll day«
to pav over 60 p«-r cent profit."
in Tuesday with her son. Johnay
SALEM, June 14.— Breaking out ; fusbionable summer colony here the for first appearance of the new cot
The committee considering th« Sul.
Tenbrook, who left the same day for
eruptions similar to chickenpox belief is general that the Duchess of ten crop, a bale of Cameron County
ser bill for a limited parcel post .ire
Marshfield. Mrs. Tenbrook will re­
tho day after being bitten by a stray Marlborough, formerly Consuelo Van­ staple was received on the Houston
d'-ep In their labors.
CAR TO KILL BUGS main here a few days visiting friends.
dog. I tons Id Young 3-yesr-old son of derbilt of New York, is about to re­ Cotton Exchange today. It grew on
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Young of this turn to her own country to live per­ the farm of Ernest Matz, and was sold
PORTLAND. May 14.—The efficers
city, 1« dangerously III. The child put manently. The exclusion of the Amer- to the highest bidder. Part of the
destroying the car load of
out Its hand to pet th«* dog when the i lean duchess from the court of King bale's journey from Cameron County
animal sprang upon It and fastened I Georg«* and Queen .Mary and the near to Houston was made on a special Texas potatoes yesterday morning in
It« teeth in the baby's cheek and neck. i approach of the coronation cercmon- train because it was reported 1 that the yards of the Southern Pacific
Hut for the timely arrival of Colonel 'les. which naturally would tend to other "first bales" were en route • for company. Thia was done to kill the
bugs in the cars, as the board had
Olmstead the child would probably advertise that fact, lends color to the the local exchange.
such step« to prevent the pets
have b»*n killed. The tramp dog can­ belief that th«* former Miss Vander­
The cotton was sold at 22.05.84 per
There has been some talk of hold­
Now that th«- fishing is ut iu best m not be round.
i bilt is to quit England.
pound, the total wight being 193 from gotting a foothold in this state.
The potatoes were destroyed by ing the institution of the Klamath
the tdrt-ams of Klamath county, a
At th«- coronation of King Edward
steam. The steam was kept on the
great many parties from other sec INDIANS GIVEN TIMI
nbe was canopy bearer for the queen. was the highest price ever paid on potatoes for 12 hours. Another car Falls Elks Lodge on Saturday. Jun«
24th, on account of thus being able
tlons are coming in to unjoy a few I
TO EN’GAtaK (XM'NHEI. 11*« Duke and Duchess of Marlbor-
days of angling, and they report
cotton. It was classed as strict mid of potatoes similarly infected with to hold an excursion for the antlered
--------- -
ough s' pa rated several years ago.
bugs is in the S. P. A S. yards, and one« on the day following, but on nc
splendid luck. The majority of these-
Brig Jim und Sarah Weeks, Indians - --------------------------------------------
be destroyed. H. M. Williamson count of telegraphic advice« received
men have fished in Klamath county
from the Klamath reservation, lack­
and J. E. Stansbery, members of the from Deputy District Exalted Ruler
wnters before. and always make It a
ed attorneys, und Jim aleo ,ack,>d i 0 APDiMLIITn DDilNCIIil
state board, directed the work of kill­ Smith today, the big event will be
point to visit here every year. Some money when they were arranged In j uAUnAmLlI IU DnUllUnU
ing the bugs.
held on the 26th.
new one« appear each year, paying
the United States court this morning'
heed to the talcs of the men who have ot» u Htututory charge. They were i
Iwun here, und once they conie they
given until tomorrow to hire lawyers |
f ontlnuu to do so.
and enter their pleas, Tho Indian I
E. C. Whiting, a prominent Oroville
Joe Mann, a well known tougn
agent has money belonging to the
druggist, and Dr. William J. HabtM
LONDON. June 14. -One of the
Dr. W. B. Coffee, chief surgeoi for
woman which will be used for her rider, who makes hi« headquarters at
of San Francisco, returned Tuesday d< fens«. If she dec ides to fight the Kacramento. is here from the Golden the Southern Pacific, accom panic . by
According to Manager Oliver of thu most interesting and important dis­
from a Ashing excursion at the Upper
State capital with a string of outlaw a corps of nurses and assistant physi­ Klamath Falla baseball team, the persals of autograph« in recent years
CUM*. Oregonian,
L;.ke r< sorts. Mr. Whiting claims to
horses. Sunday he will give a bron- cians. in his private car "San Francis­ members of that organization report was commenced at 8otheby’s yester-
have caught the largest trout ever
Icho busting exhibition at the ball co," Superintendent Metcalf of the good sales of tickets for their dance, .day, when the famous Huth collec-
In Their Nev» Hon»
landed at Rocky Point, but Dr. Babes
I grounds.
Shasta division and General Superin­ which will be given Friday evening tion of autograph letters and docu-
W. I. Clarke, a well known lumber
said he had still a larger one on hls
Mann has a number of experienced tendent Davis in the latter'« private iu Houston opera house. The dance menu was placed on sale. Among
line but It got away.
man. and his falmly have moved from riders in his party, and If arrange­ car "San Jose," and several other ic being talked of a great deal around the many valuable items in the col-
Another party that enjoyed fishing the Baldwin Hotel, where they have ments can be made he will bring them railway officials journeyed out to the town, and everything points to a large lection, all of them of great historical
here was composed of Dr. W. B. Cof­ been stopping, to their splendid new here on the Fourth to give a big exhi­ end of the work done on this end of attendance.
value, are letters written by Queen
fee, L. A. Wolff and Dr. A. I.. Bacig­ horn«» on the corner of Pine and Ce­ bition.
Houston's opera house is the cool­ Elizabeth, Katherine of Aragon.
the Klamath Falls-Natron cutoff.
alupi, all well known residents of tho dar streets. This residence is one of
There they made a thorough Inspc- est hall in town for a summer dance, Charles I, Henry VII. Edward IV and
Hay City. Th' y spent nearly a week the best In Klamath Falls, and has a
Mrs. Wni. Hassett came in Tuesday tion. While the report has yet to be and extra ventilation features are to .Mary. Queen of Scots. Among the
at Spring Cr«-ek, and declare the Ash­ splendid view of Lake Ewauna and from her Bonanza homo to meet her confirmed, it is the general supposi­ be added for this affair by Mr. Hous­ literary celebrities represented are
ing to bo the best they ever tnckhrd. the surrounding country.
daughter. Miss Norma Bassett, who tion that the road as far as completed ton. The floor is to be scoured and Robert Burns. Henry Fielding and
Oliver Goldsmith.
has just returned from Milwaukee.
is to be turned over to the operating placed in perfect condition.
department by the construction de­
S. O. Johnson of the Klamath De­ partment. The officials left for 8an
velopment company Is here from San Francisco on train 42 Wednesday af­
i Francisco on a butriacu trip.
Grand Jury Returns Several
At noon Wednesday the grand jury,
which ha« been session since Mon­
day, niude its first return to Circuit
Judge Benson. Of tho bills returned
two were not true. These wore In
the cases of A. F. Pemberton, who
tabbed John McFadden in a fight at
the Masten logging camp on May 26.
and that of Harold Wimer, who was
bound over from Fort Klamath on a
charge of assault with a dangerous
The following tru<) bills were re­
turned: C. L. Gardner, who secured
some money from Edgar Virgil on a ,
worthless chock on February 24: B.
M. Hpeegle, Indicted for larceny from
No trace has yet been found of the
a dwelling on a charge of taking a burglar who entered the Hector De­
ault of clothes from tho room of W. partment store Tuesday night, though
L. Dodd; Joe Kennedy, Indicted for a vigorous search has been prosecuted
burglary, the chargt* being that on The marauder had entered the store»
March 17th he broke into the City lam night through a rear window, and
Bakery and Grocery; Joseph Johnson, was discovered by Earl Brittain. Be­
assault with intent to kill, for shoot­ fore the man could be captured by the
ing at C. B. Frazier; Henry Langshire, clerk ho had escaped. A pair of old
pointing a gun at Game Warden Alva overalls were iound in the store, so
Lewis; Ignacio B«rrequos, assault it is thought that the intruder took a
with a knife on J. Vidalles.
pair of trousers, and possibly a suit.
WASHINGTON. June 14.—Secre­
tary of the Navy George Von L. Meyer
will in a few days transmit to congress
a report recommending that all minor
navy yard« and naval stations be
abolished and advocating the main­
tenance of four great national navy
yards, two on the Atlantic and two on
the Pacific coast.
The report will advise San Francis­
co bay and Puget sound as the loca­
tion of the two great Pacific coast
Congress Adverse to Reciprocity
WASHINGTON June 14.—Declar­
ing that he would offer smendmend-
ments reducing the cost of living for
the consummer over two hundred mil­
lions annually. Congressman Bob La
fcllette yesterday submitted an ad-
verse report on reciprocity.
Referring to the bill be said- "It
r<pr«>«ents neither the principle pro-
tection nor tariff, being for revenue
While Canada is our most
formidable competitor In the line of
agriculture, we now have such an
overwhelming advantage that we
uced'nt fear that Canadalan manu­
facturers will threaten our supremacy
on this continent.
"These negotiations were made for
the benefit of the railroads, miller,
packer and publisher.
The law,
should not pass without amendments
In the interest of the great body of
consummera. Including the farmers
who are compelled to carry all the
burden of the president's lopaMnd