•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * Ol l K lAL rAI I.ll OF ♦ KI.AM.A I II < ul NI I « ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • VOL. XVI KLAMATH REPUBLICAN KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 20, 1911 REBEL SOLDIERS IN POSITION NOW SURROUND JAUREZ < oMMKNCKH TOMOKKOIV FIIOM IN n I IlGKNT FOlU EH Unlte • foi hospital supplie The f> it • -ids in«’ i'X|M<<;tlng two mortars and - ischin«' gun« inakinz. nine « annoti In Jaurès, Madero plans to have Gurlbaldl at ■ack th«» town first wlib cavalry, then <>lth artillery sud Inlamry, so bulle':« will not go in th« Aai>" < re, Mn<- our guest ” This Indlcat«* an attack may b«< mad«- today The fed- ■ rulu ordert'd the bblldlng of more breast works at noon, but there is no other change. CLARKS WILL USE I Mooitr.s ri ics over property FLANS TO Bl ILD « ill SI SENN «•ry stitch of canvas, covering over • ♦ NO. 3 TO END HIS RTIGN h I x acres of land, all the wardrobes •Tltl slte th«' courthouse. Th«- property United Pr«*M Hcrvlc«' personally, supervises every exhibl- «ongrosslonal cotnniilte. is deciding GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., April 1» piirpow They w« r<- accompanied by Is now occupied by the Torn Stephen* , i ion. ui.on th- Gat* bill, preventing the re­ A genera I strike of the furniture ' i li« li attorney. A. <’. Hough of Grant'« : insurance office. Jt has a- frontage Be in town «-arly, and se«- th«- fro«- election of the president or tbe vice workers began thia morning. At Pass, and Mr Walton of Ashlund. the of twenty-five feet on main street, and Ktr«-«t parade at 10:30 a. tn. Two i president. The bill also contains peac least 20.000 workers nr«' affccti-d by latu-r of whom will b- the local man- runs through th«- block to Pine str«tet. performances, at 2 and 8 o’clock. Re­ proposal*, and it is belh ved this will ng< i for th«- < oiiipaify Th, consideration paid Richard Mel­ member the date. Saturday. April 29. , « oncer» its adoption. In the event this move. No umti'rlMl changcH are to be made bas«', the former owner, was 1200 a that an armistice is accepted, a new i-t th«« prosi-tit time, but plans for froat foot. ••lection wlll be deferred until th«’ tbe « »t< nslon of the system will le« Mr. Spink expects to build on his election laws are revised. Definite .u rung« '! Ia1« r Speaking of the eewlv acquired property this num- action on the Vasquez Gom«^ peace .Misirc franchises. Attorney Hough mer. It Is his Intention to erect a proposals is expected soon. stated that his company would have modern two story business building, b«-«n perfectly satlsfle«! to have these which will be romplete with steam W ILLI IMS AND SPAN AKE meai-iir* «* voted upon by the |M»ople, beat, elevator and other up to date TRAINING HARD FOR BOLT TACOMA. April 19. The count of nml would- have preferred that they convenience*. The lower floor will WASHINGTON, D (’., April 19 •W.- in ail probabiliti«*« be occupied by i he recall ballots shows that Mayor A II Hulecby. an American citizen. had been given this privilege. Hard work is the ord' .• of the day rv«M«nlly urr«mt«>d at Mexicali on a are not yet acquainted with the con­ th" Spink jewelery store, while th«» Fawcett has been recalled by 852 ■ barge of attempting to indue* f«-d- dition-' In-re.” sab! Mr. Hough, "am! second floor will be fitted into off!«.- vote*. W. W. Seymour, a wealthy with Kid Span, the Berkeley negro, business man. has been elected to and Frank Williams of Merrill, and • ral soldi«'!* to di-aert, has been re- du not d< -ire to enter any political suites On i he i>ortlon of the lot adjac«-nt serxe out Fawcett’s unexpired term of the two are working faithfully to be l<-u»«-iis of Klamath Falls will And cn appartment house thro«- stories In Alamo. Me* . where several American tbnt we ur<- read) to meet th«»m half height, th«' rooms to be arranged in ■‘pectacular campaigning elected Sey­ letic club at Houston's on the 28th. women and children are held priaon- wav and accord to them fair treat­ three-room sult«»s. This building will mour. who is backed by tbe Royal The men ar« holding workouts at tbe b<- steam heated, and modern in every 4r«-b and opposed to Fawcett’s anti- Central every afternoon. Williams at • is, I'tilt'-d States Consul Bcbtttnackvr ment.” i o'clock and Span at 3:40, and they irenting ordinance. respect. Mr. Hough stat«»d that he had not at Ens'-uuda has b«*«*n auihafflz«-«! by are showing up in fine shape. Since moving to Klamath Falls, a the American National Red Cross to l»e«-n Inforineil as to what objection A preliminary match has been ar- draw fuuds (or the relief of the Amer- any <«f the iwople here had to the short time ago. Mr. Spink ha* been <.o i tanged berween Bobbie Allen and hans The prisoners are unharmed friinchlscs but that he b«-llev«-d mat- greatly’impressed with the town, and Kid Mack, a Colorado boxer with a |t« ra could b«' arranged to the satis­ thinks it has a great future. That he Sheriff W. B. Harm's and Deputy > reputation. faction of both the new rompany and 1» not saying this for effect is shown « AURAL CAME WITH ARMY, tin- citizens He presumed that th«- Is not saying this for <-ff«yct is shown by .Coroner \Vhitl«>ck left on W«-dn«»sday HI T HIKED IN THE NIGHT people d«*nlred water am! lights for the fact that be has invested in the i for Uookman's Point on th«- reserve- , ¡the illy, and II was on this under­ neighborhood of 925,000 in the city, lion, where they will «»ndeavor to find DOUGLAS, Ailz., April 1»,- Hun- standing that the company had first lie is a first class busin«»ss man. and the remains of the man who lost his' uri ds uf Aniet leant- who >^p*ct«Mj to bct«‘«i tbe contract for the construction of «d there yesterday. During their from th«- rolonlal army. The decision the Lost River diversion dam, are march th«> Insurrecto* burned three of th«- government to dispatch French rapidly getting things in shape for bridge* on the Nacozarl railroad. K lnforc« nielita I h due to the fact that -«tartIng work, and operations will the internu) situation of Morocco Is »on be under way. All of the ma- growing steadily worse. PRESIDENT HOMAN WILE «-hln«-ry for th«- enterprise is here, and 8«'verul tribes hitherto faithful to • ADDKENN SENIOR CLASH a party of men are at the Mile of the Sultan Mulat llafld have thrown their ■lain on Ixisl River, near Wilson's Principal W. E. Faught of the I lot with th«' French. bridge, getting things in reudln'*ss for Th«- position of Fez. including the Kluinath County high school ha* juat the arrival and Hotting up the ma­ receive«! word from President Homan l‘v«'s and property of foreigners, is chinery. of th«' Wlllairn'lte University at Salem «< nsldcrod critical. On account of the weight of th«' u< i cptlhg the Invitation to address th« machinery the Cla-rks will not u»<- Senior class of the high school at the ___________ ____ teams In transportation Instead, commencement exercises on Friday, fraction engine* will be list'd tn he." I Jun«' 2. Prof. Homan I* well known the apparatus from this city to the throughout th«' Northwest a* one of bridge, and to haul gravel, cement th«’ foremost educator», and is a and other supplies during the course spuiker of consid«'rahle note, so the of the work. Two huge traction en­ faculty nn«l graduate's feel much elat- gines, «-nt h weighing twenty tous, ar<> <-«l at his promise to come here. The I here to b<- us«»d In th<> work There nt-«» sevent«*cn In the graduat­ WASHINGTON, D. C., April 19 — trlnl trip over the Merrill road watt ing class of the high school «thin year. t taken a few days ago, and no dim-1 Another veteran of tho United States ciilty wall eX|M'rlenced during the navy has been doomed to an Ingo- journey., eleven miles each way. MOTHER UHOKEK HER mhilous «-nd. Th«> Navy Department YOUNG HON TO DEATH has named h board of survey to deter­ mine the disposition of the United SPOKANE, April 1» Mrs. H. H. Steamer Independence, with a probu- Hill, wife of n livery man, choked her 6-year-old son to deuth with a towel bllity that she will be broken up for at lA'wiston, Idaho. She was tem­ junk. This vessel was built In 1814. and porarily deranged, and hud been care­ fully guarded by her nititlier for fear In 1815 was the flagship of the Med­ Some Him ago, Al Fltszlnimons, a she would harm her children, While iterranean squadron She served as 120 pound boxer claiming the light her mother wns preparing breakfast flagship on the Brazilian station in weight championship of British Col­ the crazed woman took th«» child’s tbe lute 30’s, and in 1848 she went umbia, cam«» Into the Republican ofl life. around tho Horn to be flagship of the fire, am! Issued a chnllange to any Pacific, squadron. Since 1858 she 1ms man between IIS and 129 pounds. served as receiving ship at Mare li- Such n man has been found in Spider FAKMEIIH* FREE LINT BILL , lami Navy Yard, California, where I’HEHENTED BY UOMMITTIj: Wutsoii, a clever little mlt wellder, ale now awaits her fate. who bn’s uppekri'd In - mi-professional It whs In th«» Independence that WASHINGTON. April 19. Attack­ bouts before th«* leading athletic clubs Cmnmoiiore Bainbridge visited the of Sm rnmento. Spider weighs in ing the republienn theory of protective Barbara states In 1815. and brought from IIS to 182, and says, ho’« tariff, ami declaring that It built up thus«» nations to a respect for th«' willing and anxious to (like on Fitz at tronfi and monopolies, the democrat American flag. Another famous com ways ami means committee of th« 120. mander who used her as his flagship bouse presented th«’ farmers’ free list Spider is th«» diminutive boxer with was Commodore Oharles Stewart, science galore and a rwd stiff punch I bill, ncconipanl«>d by a voluminous re- known as "Old Ironsides.” who works out everyday with Kid port. She was taken around the Horn, Spun nt the Central. Ills perfor­ though greatly disabled, by Captain Marriage Litsmarw mance* have made n hit with tho Joseph Tatnell. This officer made cr -wd, and they arc deutron* of Boo­ Marring«» lirons««* were Issued Tuea- the famous remark that "blood is ing th. two matched. Watson la In e alongside the W«»st flying from Orleans to \ ilia Coublay Stayton depot. Ten acre's have already He was instantly killed. The officr-r’s tH-ep set to various crops to demon- skull was crushed, his tight leg brok­ I strafe whar irrigationUn'summer will en a»d driven through his chest, and accomplish, and when E. L. Thomp- lie was badly mangled in other way«. son. president uf the Willamette Vai- I ley Irrigated Land company visited Twenty-On«' Drouii«-«l tbe pla«-«- last w«»ek it was decided at OPORTO. Portugal. April 19. The once to plow up thirty acres more, in Spanish steamer San Fernando, bound ord. r to give the O. A. C. plenty of from Iluelva for Liverpool, sank off scope for investigation and expert- Flnlsterre, th«> w«»sternniost headland nienting. of Spain, Twenty-one persons were Prof. H. D. Scudder has examined drowned, Four survivors were land- th. soil in detail, and admits that it is ed her«» by tlic steamer Portlmao. i admirable adaptod for irrigated pro­ ducts. and will instruct the foreman in charge as to what will do b«»st on tin- different kinds of soil. The Hartman A- Thompson syndicate pays all the expenses of the demonstra­ tion farm, th«- O. A. C. directing it. HAS WONDERFUL ACTS The Al G. Barnes' big three-ring 4UTOMOBILK8 FOR THE trained wild animal circus will exhib­ 24 I'AKK \IK\\ ST.VìK KOI TE it at Klamath Falls Saturday, April 29th. Th«' Barnes show is th«' only ! With th«> return of good weather real wild animal circus on earth, and and improved highway conditions as requires a train of eighteen railway I a result, the I-akevlew Stage Company ccrs, sixty and seventy feet in length, is preparing to use auto stages for «specially constructed for Mr. Barnes th«- larger portion of the journey be­ to transport the wonderful coll«»ctlon tween Klamath Falls and Lakeview. of wild animals, horses, ponies, par-1 At preaeut, this trip is made by re­ nphernalla anti the army of people lays of horses and drivers. Beginning i mployed with the «how . Over 200 May first, passengers w ill leave this marvelously trained jungb ami for«»»! city by automobile and travel as far hied animals are Included in the col- as Bonanza in that manner. From lection. Every animal represent'd in bonanza. horses will be used as far the Garden of Ed«»n lias a descendent as Drew’s Valley, when the passengers In th«» Al G. Barnes' big three-ring will again transfer to automobiles, wild animal circus. There is a liou and make th«> remainder of the jour- that rides a horse, also b«'ars, mon­ rey with gasoline as a motive power. keys, dogs and goatb that giv«» exhi­ A N« iv .Modiste bitions of horsemanship, riding Klamath Falls is to have a new ponies dashing around the ring; ele ph a nt s that act as barbers, operate a dressmaking and ladies' tailoring es- laundry, stand on their heads, play tabllshment. Miss L. M. Lyon, who musical Instruments and perform a until recently was connected with score of tricks; bears that juggle, turn Marshall Field A Co., in Chicago, is somersaults and Imitât«» drunken visiting C. K. Seltx of Hot Springs ad­ dition. Sh<> will soon o| en an estab­ men and other funny antics. Mr. Barnes is exhibiting this y -ar lishment in tho Walker house, at the for the first tim«» a troupe of trained corner of Pine and Fifth streets. royal ben gal tigers. The tiger Is th« most ferocious of all the Mid beasts, M ELL SMUGGED ORCH ARDS II 1VE SUFFERED NO HARM and Is th«» pnly animal that kills fo» GRANTS PASS. April IS.—The the pur« delight of killing. Th • Al G. Barnes big thr«»e-rlug lat«’ frosts have done no damage to wild animal circus and exhibition orchards where smudging has been conn's fresh from the workshop. Ev- carefully carried on. 10 INTERFERE AND MK-S. CARRIE KIRHH WILL NOT BE < HANGED BY THE GOV­ ERNA >K—SAYS THEY ARE JUST SALE.M. April 19.—Governor Wesi. has refused to commute to life im- prisonment the death sentence of I‘>hn p W‘4)b °r to P»rd,’n Mre C»r- Klrsh- ,he former convicted of r iirder in tbe ®rBt degree and the lat'er manslaughter for killing William Johnson In Portland and '«“’’’>* tbe body of the mordered man in . __ Mrs. Kirsb will serve fifteen years . nd Webb will die on th - gallows as 1 ™ult °r ,he Rovcruor s action. "There is no doubt as to the guilt of these parties.” said Governor West. As th« ’• gislature refus-.'d to abolish < apital punishment in this state, after thoroughly discussing it, I can see no reason why the death penalty pro- vided by law in certain < ases should not l«e carried out. While Mrs. Kirsh ma-y not have be n guilty of ..aitmrship in tt< acts «iirectly caus­ ing Johnsons death, still she was guilty of conspiracy to get his money, and in this way was indirectly a mur­ deress. and should suffer the full pen­ alty imposed by her conviction of manslaughter.” VALUABLE HORSE STRUCK One of the b«»st horses owned by tbe Farmers’ Implement and 8upply Company was killed Wednesday at the freight depot, when It wai hit by a string of freight cars. The wagon was backed up to r«»ceive freight from a car, when the switch engine, help­ ing mak< a "living switch,” sent a string of several ear* down the track at a pretty good rate of speed. The cncoming cars frightened the animals somewhat, ami tbe wagon moved back just enough to be struck by the first car. This swung the team around In line with the cars, tbe second car struck the animal, catching him be­ tween the step* of tbe depot and the tracks, and the third car ran over his tody. Edward Probst, the driver, man- agf d to seize the rein* of the other horse and save him from death.