Falla, compiled by th. Klamath Ad Company, is just off th. prew, and la being distributed among our rsel- j dents. The directory Is an attractive volume this year, being finished In board covers, and in It, In addition to an alphabetical list of names and ad- drMses of the town's reeldents, are copyrighted street and avenu. guide, MR HAS STEPPED INTO ALL a splendid article dewriptlve of Klamath Falls, and a classified bust- KINDS OF SCRAPS Settlement of the case of F. J. new directory, a complete list of Bowne vs. John D. Carroll for a prom­ names, addr e ssss and occupations of all the legal voters In Klamath coun­ ao ry note of 11800 will in all proba­ ty, together with their voting pre­ bilities be finally completed this week cincts. Under the caption “Miscel­ as the empanelling of a jury was com­ laneous Information" is given in­ menced last Monday. The venire was formation relating to city, county and exhausted and a special venire was state government and their different brought tn Tuesday morning. This case has been pending for the departments, banks, cemeteries, the churches, schools, newspapers, rail­ past four years without coming to a roads. steamboat lines, lodges, etc., trial. It was taken to the supreme United Prew Service. court once by the defense, but this and other matters of interest. In the alphabetical list is given the higher tribunal sustained the ruling WA8HINQTON, March 27 —Mex­ ico will be the latest in a lengthy In-1 names of 3.OC3 persons, all of whom of Judge Benson, so it is now up for tervention list If the army crosses the are over the age of 16 years, and fol­ trial. IONS PEN0IN6 Süll Will K mio M COURT THIS WEH K DMB MCI TODAYS Of 1801 Rio Grande. The United States has lowing the methods used by directory been an accomplished intervener, compilers, that of multiplying this martial or diplomatic, since almost number by one and three-quarters, the compiler, William H. Shaw, gives the beginning of the republic. The most imposing and blood» in­ Klamath Falls a population of 5.360 JUNTA ISSUES STATEMENT I'M tervention was in behalf of Cuba and THE MATTER against Spain, causing the war of HIS DADDY TOOK AWAY ONE ACRE HE HAD CLEARED 1898. The United States troops took part ! General Carter Receiving Code M< in war service in 1900, when the! Itat He Clrered Another and Raised sages From Capital—March­ Eighty-Five Bushels of Corn ___ __________ _______ powers intervened _ in China- __ to put I to His Dad's Eighteen ing Orders Expected down the Boxer uprising and wve the ' diplomats In Pekin from slaughter. I Dr. S. A. Knapp, the representative Eleven interventions from 1856 to WASHINGTON. D. C.. March 25 . of __________ Agriculture. 1902 narked the relation of the of the Department who has ha-d In charge the work of The «•evolutionary junta has offlcially United States with Colombia, while statement that the reslgna- the Isthmus of Panama was s part of the boys' corn clubs, tells some Inter- ra,de cabinet will not stop that republic, Sailors and marines esting stories of the pluck and per- l*on insurrectioa. were landed by request of Colombia severance of the prize winners, says I "This Is the beginning of the end of to preserve neutrality. The cecewion a writer in Leslie's. In nine Southern states last year «>ranny ln Mexico, said Dr. Vasques of Panama and the selection of the It Go««« The insurgents' battle Is first president of the infant republic there were 46,225 contestants. won. I say 'half.' because as were largely due to a quiet sort of was no easy task tn many instances to ¡overcome parental indifference or 'on«’> as Ulaz is president it is possible diplomatic intervention. Dr. Knapp tells of another system may be built up The very first intervention was in even opposition 1801. The Pasha Tripoli, hearing one boy who was very anxious to a* terrible as the one which is now that the United States nary had been raise some corn, but had no ground, disrupting the nation. --------------- reduced to six ships, began seizing So his father aald: "Well, you can have an acre over S<*rtHng DrvriopmmUi Expected American merchant vessels in the there on the hillside if you .will clear SAN ANTONIO. March 25.—It Is Mediterranean believed that startling developments In 1865, a detail of sailors from the stumps and logs off." The little fellow worked hard, and wln follow «»»*• resignation of the Mex- the Wateree. an American warship, Army officers admit quelled an insurrection of Chines? cleared the land, and then his father lean cabinet. coolies in the middle China islands took it away from him. The little that they expect marching orders. When They think the resignations will be In the same year United States naval chap was not discouraged. forces landed at La Union. San Sal­ the farm demonstrator came aronnd taken as a sign of Dias's weakness, vador. to protect American interests the boy appealed to him. and he in encouraging the insurgents to more turn appealed to the father, who serious outbreaks, and compelling in­ during a revolution. tervention. The war department is An American merchant vessel, the said; “ Well. I will let him have another flooding General Carter with code General Sherman, ventured up a riv­ er in Corea in 1867. The ship ground­ acre over there on the same hillside telegrams. ed, the crew was massacred and the provided he clears off the logs and (' smkim to Sscreed Corral cargo stolen. In 1871 a fleet went stumps." MONTEREY. Mex.. Ma-rch 25 — He cleared them, worked as vigor­ over to get satisfaction, but all they got was several days of sharp fighting, ously as he could, and produced 85 Private advices say that Joaquin Ca­ it which they destroyed several forts bushels of corn on that acre, while ssatts. ex-ambassador to America, has the old man. who cultivated by the been selected to succeed Corral as and killed a lot of Coreans. In 1888 one of the fleeing presi­ oM method on the acre that the boy vice president and minister of the In­ dents of Hayti, with hn navy of tw<» had first cleared, made only 18 bush- terior. Corral, who resigns. Boons sails tor Europe. It is said that on April rr-nec. tug boats, wee captured by •la. 12th Reyes will be probably minister seve-al American vessel < of war. RIVERAS SAVES HE RM OSI Lid) («rest Britain proposed in 1895 to FROM ATTACK BY INSURGENTS seize disputed territory oetween V ?n czuela and British Guiana. President RACE FOR MAYOR WILL BE HOT­ AGUA PR1ETA. March 24—A com­ Cleveland wrote a letter to Great LY CONTESTED Britain that so aroused the war spirit plete rout by Jose Riveras of a wing of the inaurrectos band that planned in this country In support of tbe Mon­ roe Doctrine that the British agreed, an attack on Hermosillo saved that Sanderson. Summers and Stone Being after having refused at first, to sub­ city today. The rebels left thirty-four Talked of By Supporte r » Oth­ dead and two score wounded on the mit tbe matter to arbitration. ers Being Whispered United States influence was a factor field. After nine hours of fighting at La in tbe overthrow of Liluokalani, the queen of Hawaii, and the annexation Colorado Wednesday. Riveras caused Though it Is still early in the game, of those Islands to this country in the revolutionists to abandon their the political pot is beginning to bub­ entrenched position at La Colorado, ble, and from all indications Klamath 1898. Incidentally tbe United States ha» and it is reported that they have fall­ Falls will soon be in one of the hot­ been connected with “intervening’ • » en back in disorder, with the federal» test municipal scraps tn her history. President Castro out of Venezuela; pursuing. There are a number of well known President Zelaya out of Nicaragua; men being mentioned for various of­ in adjusting a squabble between the OFFICERS OF THE LAW fices. and they have all kinds of en­ RETURN FROM PORTLAND couragement from their friends. Dominican republic and its creditors, and in settling the recent disturbances Mayor F. T. Sanderson, it is said, in Honduras. Chief of Police Townsend, Pa­ will be a candidate for a third term trolmen Walker and Hall and Deputy as the city's executive, and he is DR. LYTLE IS AGAIN NAME» j Sheriff John G. Schallock returned to picked by many as a winner, as his AS STATE SHEEP INSPECTOR this sity Thursday from a short so­ course during his two yesrs of service journ in Portland. The policemen has been to their liking. The Good Sheep Commissioners at Pendleton were witnesses in a- counterfeiter's Government League members, report Decide to Retain Well Known trial in Portland, and Schallock, who says, will support the present mayor took James Davis to the penitentiary in a fight for re-election. Veterinarian at Salem, went on to the metropolis S. T. Summers, who is at present a PENDLETON, March 24 —Dr. W. for a short visit. They all report a member of the council, is being urged H. Lytle of this city, state veterinar­ fine trip and pleasant weather prevail­ by many to enter the race for the ian. has been reappointed state sheep ing in the north. mayoralty, and although he has mad» inspector by the state board of sheep no statement in regard to the matter, commissioners at their annual meet­ ROO6EYFLT ADDRESSES THF it ia conceded by his friends that his ing here. STI DENTS AT STANFORD name will appear on the ballot. In The full membership of the board, addition to being a member of the President Charles Cleveland of Gresh­ SAN FRANCISCO, March 24.— council. Summers Is one of the county am, Secretary Herbert Boylen of Pilot Ex-President Roosevelt left for Palo commissioners, is a director of the Rock and H. C. Cooper of Antelope, Alto at 9 o’clock this morning, Ar- Klamath Water Users' association, was in attendance. riving at 10 o'clock, he made a ten- and vice president of the Hydraulic Aside from the appointment of minutes' speech at the depot, and I Brick and Stone company, so he Is Lytle no action was taken, but consid­ then rushed to Stanford University to well known In Klamath Falls. erable discussion on sheep conditions address the students. Later on in the A third factor in the race for mayor was beld. day he auteed to Berkeley, where at is C. F. Stone, also a member of the Dr. Lytle has held the office of 4 o’clock he began the first of a series council, whom voters in his ward are sheep inspector ever since the crea­ of four lectures at the Greek theater. seeking to recall because he voted tion of that office four years ago by His topic today was “Realized In favor of granting franchises to the the legislature. In speaking of the Ideals." Klamath Falls Light and Power com­ condition of Oregon sheet) this morn­ pany. Mr. Stone, a well known local ing be stated that no cases of scab BANDITS BLOW EXPRESS attorney, had been asked by ma-ny have been reported this year, but SAFE; GET TWENTY THOUSAND friends to become a candidate for that there is still time for the dreaded mayor at the May election, but he has disease to develop. However, he does COFFEYVILLE Kans . March 24— steadfastly refused. As soon as the not anticipate any great prevalence Five bandits held up the Missouri Pa­ suggestion had been made that he of it. and thinks he can handle all the cific express between Lanapas, Okla., should be recalled. Stone, who likes cases easily. The winter was not u and Coffeyville this morning. They nothing better than a good, hard po­ severe one, and has left the sheep in blew open the express safe, rifled the litical scrap, resolved not only to fight fine condition, he says. registered mail and escaped. recall proceedings, but also to become It is reported that they got 120,000. a candidate for mayor. KLAMATH AD CO. COMPILES IN. The quintet boarded the train at With these three in sight and oth- FORMATION FOR 1011 Lanapas. overpowered the train crew era being mentioned, prospects for and committed the robbery. A posse surprises every minute during the A 1911 city directory of Klamath U in pursuit. ampaign are exceedingly good. slble, but no attempt has been made to limit the Illustrations to actual sx- Iterlencn on any particular faTm. For this reason both prices and results will vary considerably from actual practice. Thia will not, however, re- Road, After Entering State, Follow* ducn their Illustrative value. 1 have Line of Tuie Indie to Merrill, introduced many new labor saving IWence to This City devlcca conforming with the beet business methode. I “The Increeelng Interest shown la Th. approved m.p of the definite fBrm accouatlng and bu.lne« m.th- locatlon of the Modoc Northern Rail- (Klt WOU|d waTrBIll a ba||af thet It v ay was filed In the United Statoa will ehortly be Introduced In the high Land office a few days since. Thl» |. «choole of the country aa one of the the «ante line referred to in th. Ex -I r,,«ular «uMect. for Instruction Bure- antlner last week as building from I,y ,h<1 non* "tore worthy of at- posslble branch to Lahevlew. Th* ,”n,,o«> I shall be grateful for any survey .after crowing the state line •««•«'ons or crlllcleme from fartn- at a point just oast of Tule Lake, erB or ,*“ i‘*rs who become acqualnt- sklrta the shores of the lake to Mer- | wl,h n'y as they will greatly rill, after which it turns and runs In ,al<* “• *“ the pr*l»nratioa of future almost a direct line to Klamath Falls, — l-ake County Examiner. — Mrs. W. O. Huedn as a German PtfEISCIKH8PIAY(000 MEIUIOO Falls public, with which she Is a ; favorite, a new song entitled. "Hugo, GOOD REPORTS ARE COMING If You Go. Why. I'm Going. Too.” Houston's opera house, March 21 and FROM THK SOUTHLAND April 1. > __________________________________ Secretary (Hiver Was Fortunate ta Securing Ideal lHaplay Hite On the Main Floor JORY WILL Did SCHEDULE 1 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT AWARDS HIM THE < ONTRAiT A dispatch from Washington. D. C.. states that the secretary of lb* Inter­ ior has awarded the contract for the construction of Bchedule f the Ixtst River diversion channel i Jas W Jory of Midland. The bids for thia work were opened at the recia mation service headquarters here on March 10th. and Jury's figures, |7.- 800, were the lower of the two blds sent in. The contract awarded Jory calls for the construction of about Mveo- tenths of a mile of drainage canal, and about 35,000 cubic yards of dirt will be muved In excavation and am bankmant. It will lie about the mid­ dle of April before all papers h'tween the department of the Interior and Mr. Jory are signed, and ' ■ 'xpecta to begin the work as s«x>n after that as possible. 1 I Commenting on the exhibits at the Pacific land and Products Exposition, the Ixx Angeles Examiner has the fol­ lowing concerning Klamath Falla: “Klamath Falls. Ore., the exhibit I that was brought a thousand miles and put up In three days, Is In charge of C. T. Oliver, who ia called In the rainy belt 'the Prince of Boosters.' Mr Oliver asked that his appreciation of the Los Angeles people and every­ thing connected therewith be record ed. for, he said, 'I've run a lot of ex­ hibits. but this Is certainly the town that " ‘does things........ Speaking on the exposition as » whole, the same paper says In part “The Pacific Land and Products Exposition is open, with exhibits In position, bands playing, and thous­ ands of interested visitors seeing for themselves what has been described as the most comprehensive exposition of land and land products of the Western states. The Pacific coast and Southern California, which has ever been shown to the world. “The range of the exhibits covers the products of pratclcally al) the Western hemisphere thia side of the Rocky mountains. Every exhibit Is not only a work of enthusiasm on the part of the exhibitors, but in most cases, pride in the particular exhibit has otustrlpped economy, and the natural products of the soil are bea-u- titled by most lavish decorations. “The whole exposition combines so many different lines of human deavor that nothing but a bird's view is possible. Details only- wilder. From the panorama of greatest water supply system.ever dertaken by any city in the world, down to the dainty little booth which shows where most of the piano ham­ mers of the country are made. It is a succession of surprises. From the longest breakwater, that at San Pedro harbor, which the United States or any other government has yet con­ structed. down to the tiny Tangerine orange of the foothllla. Is only a step or two on the floor of the exposition.'' Klamath county is fortunate on ac­ count of Mr. Oliver's having secured a splendid booth location on the main floor of the pavllllon. This, com­ bined with Mr. Oliver’s successful boosting propensities, should make the advantages of Klamath county even better known than they are now, and that will sure be going some. 4 Lakeside Ir»n MRS. M. M c M illan . Modern improvenientb Sample R ooidh . B»ir Roon- R ooiiih , Etc.. Etc. > : J è 4 4 t Prof» . • a f a a f <•«»11»’» u lor>. SPECIAL RESORT EOh » OURI A W « * w • «. w •. J MASON ABSTRACT AND LAND COH Ai V ABSTRACTERS elioiee lint? iii-v» mentN finit will nm tilt» purvliiiNcr mon Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages ♦ MASON Ä. SLOUGH RUSSELL HIGHGRADE MACHINERY » ENGINES • BOILERS- SAWMILLS-THRESHER5 WRITE FOR SPtCIAL CATALOG AND PRICKS THE AH A VER ILL MACHINERY CO. SPOKANC, WASH. • PORTLAND. ORC - SAN JOSt CAL THERE IS GREAT DEMAND FOR PROF. BEX ELL S LATEST BOOK Second Edition of Text on Farm Business MetlnMls Is Just Off the l*rres «hl« SICTCla OKA oir price«. Order» HK< <»NI> HAND HICT bsua II v luve a number on han rnmplif at pricea ranting t equipment á l-UAKEI, CORVALLIS. March 23.—That thousands are studying farm account­ ing and business methods as taught by Dean J. A. Bexell of the Oregon Agricultural College school of com­ M <0 fP. A n / //» iN/Prs/Nc-« VC M/9/1 t f ut lihorderfl. 55). merce is demonstrated beyond doubt by the fact that the first edition of 10 MOK TIOOOLE FROM PIRCTIRES NAtta, Taoka or 14 la«t year. ject was exhausted a short time after Overt«» kundred tliouaaod pair» now In use. OttOtnrTtOtlt Mad-In.II.tree It lallvele it came from the press, and a new and ea«y riding veivdutablennd hnrdlnalde with edition of 4,000 copies more thus a «perlaI anality of rublwr, whirl« never I—comea — noroua anil whirhcloae• up «mall pim-riurea without allow- made necessary, to supply the de­ In« theair toe«, ap- W- have hundreds otlettera from aatio- Aricualomri «.rating that their tire«haveonly been pumped mand. uponceor twice in • whole aeaaon They weigh no more than From every state in the Union and an ordinary lire, the punrture reiiatingqualllie« being given Will OStlMl MV Ot»*« by aeveral layer« of thin ap-< tally prepared fabrico» th* from six foreign countries requests tread msks-BOrT, KLASTIO aad The regular price of theae tire« lap ya per pair, but for BAflY MIDIXG. purpose« wear- making a «pretal factor, price to for copies have been received, several advertising the rider of only »4 M p> r pair. All order« «hipped same day letter 1« received. We shin C O D OS hundred still unsatisfied. A large approval. Vmi do not nay a cent until you have examined and found “•—i rtrlctlr «« l«mamair'll ‘¡»•»«■•by ,h» »«»sin «yo» number of the agricultural colleges •end »tl.l. CASH WITH ORDKH and «• enclose thia advertisement Yos fwn no rl«k Is of the country and the farm journals ending ua an order as the Urea may ba returned at OLH áspente if for any ream they «re not Mtiafaciory on examina.Ion. We are perfectly reliable and money «ent to aa iaaa aafeaa ia S have written Mr. Bexell of their ap­ bank, if you order a pair of theae tires, you will tnd that they will ride eaeier run faster, wear heller, l««t longer and look Auer than any tire you have ever u«ed or eeen at aa’y price Wa preciation of the value of the work. know that you will been well pl-naed that when you want a bicycle you will giveaajour order. Already several high schools and col­ We tnul you to «end u« a trial order at once, hence thia remarkable tire offer ar YOU NFFn TIDF9 b,,v »"X k(n,> •' «nr price until you ae»d lor a pair af leges hn-ve adopted It as the text book " F W Httl/ fln£J H-.lgethorn Puncture-Proof Urea on approval and trial at the Nprcinl Introducto’ v pri< e qttnfed abov«; or write for our big Tira and Sundry Cataloaur which to be used in Instruction In farm busi­ de« nbc* and quoirs aH uu»' • and kind« of tires at about half the usual prices fl/) AF/IT* wr NOT THINK OF BUTING a Mcycte ness methods and accounts. «V r nr a pwir of tire« from anyone until you know the new and wonderful "My alm," said Mr. Bexell, In dis­ nflerw we are making ¡1 only ctmta a postal to learn everything. Write It MOW. cussing the book, “has been to make the exercises in It as practical as pos- J. L MEAR CYCLE COMPARY, CHICAN, ILL V». .1 4