BIG DAM ARRIVES (INK I AHUIÀI» CAME IN FROM NORTH LANT NIGHT ■ HIGH CUSS AITRACTIONS COMING 3ECGK0IKFMIW Will Sill TIIESMY XT" FINAL MTEPH WERE TAKEN TRIM MOHN I NG Judge llcnson Elected Prvsitleut and E. L. Elliott Secretary of tl«- Bureau Home young man in Klamath Falls will full Into a good position within two months, according to announce­ ment made by the First Assistant Postmaster General. Postmaster R. A. Emmltt Is In receipt of a telegram from this official authorizing the local po*tmnst)-r to appoint an additional clerk. Business In the local postoffice has been so great that for the past six months Mr. Emmltt has paid W. A. Calkins a clerk's salary from his own money, and the post office has at last has taken action In the matter. Mr. Calkins expects to leave the postal service In two months, and the vacan­ cy, of course, must be Ailed. Mr. Emmltt desires a young man, as It 1s necessary for the clerk to be alone In the office at night some times. ENTERTAINMENT FOR LIBR A BY BENEFIT Under the direction of Mrs. Blrdean Fraker-Gambell, local talent is pre­ paring another entertainment for the benefit of the Woman's Library club, a "SEATTIE IS CLEAREST CITY II UNITED STATES,"SAVS m "Th* Dorris Trio," Misses Olive Hasten, Roxa Hhlve and Myrtle Car­ ter. rend«r«-d selections which cap­ tivated their hearers, and Miss Tena Clement as Miss Flannlgan and Roy Secret Hervhv- Agent « lain» Another Flection W ill Purify Han Nelson as Mr. Flannlgan, added much Han F tmik I mo Officcm lxe»k for More French««. to the amusement of the afternoon, < 'oast Artillery for Hawaii— and they also added some vocal num­ Third Will Also Go bers to the program. Bpeclal to the Herald ! PORTLAND. March 20.— .Seattle WASHINGTON, D. C., March 1».— i There Is one Infant in Hot Bprlngs Is now the cleanest city In the United The War Department has announced addition with a sadly depleted ward- States,” declared Detective William J. that two battalions ot the Second In- | robe, there Is another Infant—eome- Burns, who has just arrived from Se­ fantry will sail to Honolulu next Tues­ i where whose ward rob«- has received attle, where he has completed gather­ day to strengthen the Hawaii defense. an addition equal to the other's I omi . ing evidence In the police corruption The troops are now en route from That old atunt known to fame as cases. Han Francisco, he said, is not Fort Thomas, Kentucky. "gooaberrylng" Is the cause of It all. as clean as the Puget Sound city. The third battalion, which is now iaist night the Infant's clothes line "It will take another election to at Fort Russell, Wyoming, has been was taxed to Its capacity with a cargo clean San Francisco,” he declared. ordered to sail for Honolulu at once. of "bebbe duds,” this morning it "There Is no doubt, though, that the wasn't; in fact, the line was plucked reform element is triumphant in Cal­ Fortification» Inxuffi« l«-ntly Manned clean with the exception of seven ifornia." HAS FRANCISCO, March 1«.—The pieces. officers at the Presidio have admitted I>an Driscoll is exepeted to return that the fortlflceilons of Pearl harbor J. P. Bonham, the able and efficient to the Falls tomorrow, after a busi­ are insufficiently manned. They pre­ ness trip of several weeks in the east­ dict that additional coast artillery will ratchet man employed in ths Shlp- ern part of the county. soon be sent to Hawaii. The move­ Ipington mill, has taken a similar posi­ ment of troops toward Honolulu, they tion with the Meadow I^ake Mill com- J. Frank Adama came in from his say. Is part of a plan to establish an i pany. The Meadow Lake people are place near Merrill Saturday, and re­ island brigade. 1 extremely fortunate In securing so turned Sunday. Mrs. Adams is still able an operative as Mr. Bonham. att he Lakeside Inn. klamath Falls is to have a series of high class attractions for next sea- son. Tiila was decided upon Saturday morning by the organization of th« Just ‘o> Soon ns Po«»il>l<- Work on tlw* Klamath Lyceum Bureau, which has laurt Hiver Dem Will He Com- entered Into u contract with the Britt mroerd by « on tract or» Lyceum Bureau to furnish live high- class entertainments and lectures. There will be added to those one or George H (Mark and Lewis Clark, two n>or>- numbers, so that beginning sons of George C. Clark .who was with October or November there will awarded the contract for th«« Ixtat not be less thau one good attraction River diversion dam, arrived here brought to Klamuth Falls each month. Munday night from Everett, Wash , FAVOR on | Among the attractions that have aceompanted by Engineer H C. Ko­ CI.ERKH been assured are the Imperial Hand berg. The party left Monday for Ball Ringers, a company of nine peo- th«- seen« of the construction work G<>m)>eri>, Ik-spitc This. Is Working pie. Edtnund Vance Cook, the poet to ascertain th» condition of the roads lined to Accomplish Hi» i and author; the Original Virginian and the nd visability of moving their lUg Task Warblers, a company of six people; I' machinery at onee. Harnest J Hlas, th« lecturer, and the One carload of machinery urrlved The Edward R. Wwks company and en- WAHIIINGTON, March last night from Hpoksne, and others present progrew of organization un­ ¡tertalners, consisting of four people. will arrive this week, and as soon dertaken by the American F«*d«ra- The organization of the Klamath as these are received work will com­ tlon of Latter for th« unionization of Lyceum lluiean was «-ff<-cted In Judge ARMY OFFICERS MAKING W AR­ mence. Traction engines will be i th« satire railway postal service will Benson's chambers Saturday, and LIKE PREPARATIONS lined by the contractors to haul their uecensltate th« Issuance of over fifty H. L. Benson was e|e< t«-d president, supplies and machinery from the de­ charters to the different chapters E. L. Elliott secretary and Frank Ira pot to the works According to the Th«- I’ostoffii«« Department. <-spe< tally White treasurer. Those participating Recruits An- Being Drilled and Alii Clarks, employment will be given to th» Postmaster General, do«-» not Being Given Extensive Rifle In lb« organization wer«’. II. L. Ben­ 100 or 150 men during the entire look upon this movement of th«* rail­ son. E L Elliott, G. II. Feeee, F. T. ITacUce summer by their work, and they ex­ way clerks with favor. Sanderson, <’ F. Stone, W. A. Deixel, pect to employ as many I« hs 1 men as President Oompers of the Ameri- J. W. Riemens, Geo.T.Baldwin, Frank possible. <-an Federation of Labor, however, Iru Whit. < A Howard, R H. Dun- HAN ANTONIO. March IS.—High The dam. which will be built In dm-larea that he will take every b;,r. W B Faught. () M IRctor, C dlvlshjn oflli lals believe that Immedi­ Lost Itlver, Mt quarter of a mile up­ postoffi«'» clerk In th«- H«rvl«e under II. Hilton, W O Smith, Alex Martin ate armed Intarventlon In Mexico, un­ stream from Wilson's bridge. Is to the protection of the l-abor Federa- (Jr.. E. R R«-nm«s. Nelson Kounsevell, der the guise of ending the revolution he 3 5 (•■•<* high and about 300 fret tlonwmd that It mak«*s no dlffi-reno* Glen Johnson. Jullett K. Zumwalt. A. .» Inevitable. Brigade and regimental In length. Concrete will be the ma­ what sttltude the Department will (’. Wrenn. O. C. Applegate ! i-»«inlanders have been secretly or­ ferial used In nstruction, and tten . take. H«*crctary Morrison of the There are a number of Klamath dered to prepare the division for in­ ilim will b«- built In the form of twen­ American F«*deratlon of Ijibor. »ays ix-ople «ho have for some time de­ stant field service under actual war ty-one hollow arches, shaped Ilk« a that more than twenty-five chart«-rs sired to join in a movement to bring a conditions. glgun'IC V have already h«*en Issued and that higher class of attractions to thia city. Four thousand recruits are drilling Just m the other the 6th of April. The series I IMF NOT < OXI IRMEII 1» Anwrtr* Preparing to Invade? Z I on«*of th» most disastrous over known of entertainments now assured for EL PASO. March IS.—It now looks e-rlntrndrmt Metcalf Denies That i In this country. It Is said. Hike America Is preparing to Invade next s«-ason should command the ln- Huch Alteration is Co«- : tercet of the public and a large sale of Mexico. I-ast night two companies of plated at Prrwr-nt ithe Twenty-third infantry was sta-( MARAIDKR TAKES BIG QUANTITY season tickets would seem certain. ' tioned on the driveway to the bridge OF GH4MEHIKS Th« report that ths local passenger crossing the Rio Grande, and two train will arrive In Klamath Falla at J o'clock, commencing Monday, la the river front half a mile further f Time After the Discovery of not confirmed by the ««fficfala of the down. Until last night one company | the < rtnu> Attractive IHiorat ion» and Excellent Shasta division Mr Milla, the local of infantry patrolled the entire river Music MM Much to Evcw- agent, alatre that he has no knowl­ ■ front. Joe Kennedy r<*ata In the county Ing's Entertainment edge of th* change, neither has the Jail awaiting arraignment on a Many believe that the troops are iiasam|Miiy R«-l- Fully 150 couplre danced to the It Is known, however, that efforts taken. ative to a Npur Track strains of an orchestra of six pieces. are being mad* by Portland to have The robbery wav noted by Hania- which rendered excellent music. The th* time of No. 15 on the main line ker brothers, owners of th«- store, Superintendent Metcalf of the Shas­ ■ hang«-d so that It would arrive In when they opened next morning, and hall was tastefully decorated with ta division of the Southern Pacific ar­ hose, axes and other fire apparatus, Weed nt nn «nrller hour than nt pree- they notified Officer lx»w. After mak- rived in the city Friday evening in his ' nt. If this should he accomplished Ing an InvestIgatlon Mr. Ix>w hap- whlh- streamers of the national colors private car," Shasta.” He was ac­ were hung In profusion across the then the chang«* could b«- easily mad«> pened to hear a remark made by Hen- companied by Roadmaster Carrigan hall. Th«- many handsome gowns of on th«- Klamnth Falls line. Acting on ry Lancaster that his partner, K«-n- and a number of other division offi­ rhe report of the «-arller arrival of the nedy. had brought a lot of provisions the ladles also enhanced the color cials. Mr. Metcalf was simply making scheme. train, n number of the husln«-sa men to their tent near Eighth and High The members of the Klamath Falla a tour over the division, and ievt next this morning seriously consider««! streets. Fire Department are all well known morning on his return. The roadmas- ending a protest to the railroad com- Becoming somewhat suspicious. residents in this etty, and they have ,er returned In his motor car, so as to pany, their objections being basi-d on Low, accompanied by on«- of the Havn- the fnct that such a change would itkers, went to the tent occupied by established as enviable a record for ,,lak<' a careful Inspection of the < ause a «li-lay of a day in the Portland Kennedy and Lancaster, where they entertaining their guests as they have ,rark- One of ,he objects of the visit of rravel. However, It was decided to found the stolen goods, nearly a de­ for lire fighting. That their efforts Metcalf was to consult with the take no nctlon until the report could, livery wagon full. Kennedy was at' are greatly appreciated by the towns- people Is shown by the generous sup-' members of the Hydraulic Stone and be verlfi«-d the tent at the time, and was placed port given them during the sale of Brick company relative to the location under arr«-st. He was turned over to tickets to last night's affair. 1 °f *be tracks and spur being built for ! AN ADDITION %L ASSISTANT the custody of Sheriff Barnes, and During the moonlight waltz, the the company at its gravel pits. Mr. i IS GRANTED POSTMASTER now awaits trial. "ever-winking moon," secured espe-! ®un,n,era- vice president of the com- clally for the occasion by J. V. Hous- l'an.v. went down Saturday morning It Will Ih- Xo la«ng«-r >fci*N»nry for ton. manager of the opera house, was wBh Mr. Metcalf and his engineer to ♦ Emmltt to Pay < leek Hire ♦ thrown on the screen. ,ook over the work. From Private Funds CLARK BKOIHERS ARE 01 THE SCENE I I I | i ' which will be presented during th« fore part ot April. The excellent en­ tertainment given lust spring by Mrs. Gambell and a splendid company of local people has not been forgotten by th« many who had the pleasure ot at­ tending. That Mrs. Gambell Is excell«nt In arranging such entertainments Is con- ced«»d by all who have had the pleas ure of attending them. To announce that the entertainment Is to be given on the scale of ths last on«. If not surpassing It, will bespeak a crowded house Home of the beat talent In the city has offered to assist Mrs Gambell, and the details of the program, which will be announced later, suggest an elaborate affair. Not only will the entertainment afford the city a so- clety event, but It will also net the Library dub a neat sum of money for the purchase of additional books. Charged with fishing without li­ NORTHERN CAFE BEING SENIORS HOLD THE ANNI AL censee, 1-eo Houston and .Maurice PERSONATION DAY THOROUGHLY REMODELED j O'Connell were arrested Monday af­ ternoon by Deputy Fish Warden Tel­ Fun reigned supreme at the high F. R. Burscotigh, proprietor of the ford and taken before Justice Graves. Northern cafe, has removed the soft r school Friday, the occasion being the O'Connell had not been Ashing, and drink establiahm<-nt from hla place of ^annual "Impersonation Day” exer­ he was relensed. Houston's case wan business, and has fitted up an at­ cises of the Senior class. This is a set for TtK-sday morning. tractive r»-staurant. The interior is time-honored custom at the school, to be reflnished, and wall mirrors and and every St. Patrick's Day the sen- Riverside 12—Central IO other Improvements have been or­ Í lors take chaTge of the school and I impersonate the members of the fac- The boys of the Riverside and Cen­ dered. 1 ulty. The restaurant Is especially adapted tral schools met In n baseball battle Horace Cox impersonated Principal Sunday afternoon, and for the first to serving ladles and parties, and will Faught; Wilbur Telford appeared in match game of the season put up a make a specialty of Sunday dinners the role of Professor Howard; Clar­ pretty stiff little game, the Riverside and suppers after the Wednesdsy and ence Motschenbacher as Professor Saturday night da-uces. lads winning by the score of 12 to 10. I Dunbar; Roy Fauch as Professor The batteries were- Riverside. Louis Wirtz, and last, but not least, Jack Dies in Han Francisco Hoagland and Clarence Montgomery; Edwards, standing on a box to give Central. Earl Hilton and Earl Ritchie. Word has been received in this city him height, and talking athletics, rep- by Tony Castcl of the death of Arno H-sented Professor Eddy. Dick Smith, J. F. Kimball, the popular repre­ Fischer In Han Francisco recently. one of the States' beat known football sentative of the Weycrhauser Lumber Fischer, who wan about 35 years of players, was also "among those prev­ company, came In Sunday from the age. was well known in this city, as ent." being represented by John Siem­ west for a few weeks In I.akoview. he was employed for over two years ens. Jack, as he Is popularly known, ha«v by Councilman (astel In the Bank Miss Conrey and Miss Cornwall many friends In Lake county, all of Exchange soft drink emporium. He were represeated by Jessie Telford whom will be glad to welcome him. left Klamath Falls In December. The and Martha Taber, Each of these Mrs. Kimball accompanied him.— cause of his demise Is not known brought out many traits of the char­ Lakeview Herald. here. acter they represented, and the whole a Planting Time Is Near Don't wail to order until the tine- to plant is here. If you wish us to figure on your ordrr, whether it be large or small, remember • hat we must All your order from Portland this Arst year, and it will I m * from two weeks to a month after placing the order before it is de­ livered. If interested, kindly drop me a card right away and I will call, whethrr It lie a rose bush or a commercial or« hard. THE KLAMATH NURSERIES G. S. EH LE, Proprietor, 1’. O. Box 92». KLAMATH FALLS, l)HE. HAWXHIRST MARKET S8& Specialty of Large Pieces We now make four deliveries daily by the General City Delivery. Your pat­ ronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed Prices as low as possible ™<>M tw I J. W. HAWXHURSr Spink the Jeweler CORNER OF MAIN AND SECOND STREETS When in need of anything in the jewelry line. Don't forget the place. I am ¡>rc|«ared to take car«- of your wants promptly and with­ out delay. I curry a large line of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Diamonds, Plain Gold Rings, Watches and Chains, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Silverware anti articles too numerous to mention. I make a specialty of all re- l>air work. Agent for Columbia Graphopbon«- machin<-s and records. Come and Get Acquainted ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ It’s a Wise Woman ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Who puts a little money in the savings bank regularly. No woman can tell when she'll need money pretty badly. The First Trust and Savings Bakn has many women among its depos- itors. Why not prove your thrift and wisdom by becoming ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ one of them. First Trust and Savings Bank KLTMATH FALLA, ORE. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦