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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1911)
|t.SOO ball for examination tomor row fon an assault on Booker T. Washington. The negro's attorney presented a KVPRENIDKNT THE PRINCIPAL certificate from l)r. Hobford, saying SPEAKER NEAR ALTAMONT that the black man was unable to leave leave his bed. Ulrich pleaded not guilty. He ad linens«* Undertaking Cost the Govern mitted that he threshed the negro, Road to Fort Klamath Will He Per- ment Over Nine Million feet Driveway hy th«' End of HAYS HE THINKS IT MAY CAUSE but claims that Washington insulted Dollarn bis wife. the Summer TIMIDITY IS THE GREATEST OMIN IK WORID ROOSEVELT LIKES NOT THE RECALL REAL ESTATE TRAN8VTCR8 « “ALICE HU E” FADEN BEFORE “HELEN 1*1 NK" THE 1 «AT ENT Color Named In Honor nt Daughter RKTI'KN OF GOOD WEATHER Of White llooar Takes Waah- SEEN MUCH AOTHITY By Ntorm WASHINGTON, March 1« "Helen Pink" straw bats have made their appearance on Washington streets. Just at present they are confined to the friends of Mies Helen Taft but the stores are displaying them, and MMiu thia city will be gaudy with the . new fad “Helen Pink" In every thing Is liavlug a rage such as did "Alice Blue" In the time when Alice ■ Roosevelt wax the daughter of the White House In the smart shopping district the windows are brilliant with th«, new hue display. Including sta tionery aud cute little afternoon tea sets, One of the leading haberdaah- cries offer gruy nee ties striped with "Helen Pink." and white socks, And the beaux of Washington are wearing them Reclamation Nrrvlce, Ditch, l-oggtng Camps and Farmer» Are Employing Men PHOENIX. Aria., March II.— With th.* return of lino weather The county judge aud commlnion- many of the workmen wlio have been Adorned iu gala attire, Phoenix today . era have extensive plans for tho Ini- The following list of recent trans practically out of employment dui . ■ provement of the county roads during f « ‘ stivai Th« declared a three-day fers is furnished by the Mason Ab Ing the wluter are now getting to | the summer, and the Aral work has entire population, mingling among stract and Land company: Says It Is Not His Place to t'ritlcise work There Is an abundance of Mrs. Kstella Hoaley to C. R. and I commenced toward carrying out these which were many strangers and “the work opening up, and proMiMw ta polht the Affairs of Another Chas F. DrLap, lot 7, block 44. First : plana on the Altamont road. A crew to n busy summer State is now at work ne*T Altamont. In only living ex-Prealdent," adjourned addition: >1,155. Some of these have found employ Elita P. Combs to Modoc Northern charge of Robert Mitchell, putting to the site of the Roosevelt dam for nirnt with the reclamation service railway, agreement for sale, right of in galvauized culverts across the road the dedication exercise« of that great PHOENIX. Aris., March 20.—lu while the work on th.* Mason contract way in sec 2 8-40-10, and sec. 33-40- and tilling the holes with crushed mountain of masonry. his first prepared speech on his West 10; 3608. for excavating a dralnagn canal an*l rock. Thia work Is in preparation of The structure, uuo of the wonder- ern and Southern trip, ex-Preeident the operations of th« Klamath Itevel I. A. and Adelaide 3. Duffy to Fred the actual Improvement, which will ful engineering achievements with Roosevelt today attacked the consti Klabunde. SWt, of NEH sec. 30- begin in about ten days. opment company and the Maaten Log tution of Arizona in relation to the 39-S; »10. glng camp have glveu work to many The county has made arrangements which Uncle Sam Is transforming hla judiciary. more. Geo. R. Myers to Elmer E. French, with the Southern Pacific, by which desert lands Into fertile aud produc- He said in part: The .M.-udow Lake l.umter compa five acres in lot 16. Midland tract, sec the railroad Is to furnish gravel from live farm lands, was completed Feb Dot GLAM 4XHNTY TO “I do not agree with the form in 19-39-8; »10. Bl ILI» GOOD IIIGHU tY ny's mill was reported as starting op Ills Bray pit at actual cost of loading ruary Sth. and formally dedicated by which Arizona has adopted the recall, «rations Thursday, and Shlpplngtoo G. T. Shaw et ux to Lydia Reed, and hauling. The railroad will fur ex-President Roosevelt today. So especially with regards to the judi lot 6. block 3. Fairview addition: »10. nish the material at the rate of 200 marvelous has b.*«*n the course of con ROSEBURG, Ore , Marrh 1« Tin* and Innes Clark« mills will b« run ciary. but while I regret that Arizona struction of this irrigation dam that county court of Douglas county lias niug full blast In a shoil time Conn Chas. E. Worden et ux to Fred J. yards a day. has adopted the recall in this fashion. Kerr. 8 4 of NW «4, NH of SWk*. It is proposed to regrade the main from th.* beginning it has attracte.l I just completed the largest purchase ty road woik la also employing men I insist that it is a matter purely for SE *4 of 8WU. SH of NEM. WH of county road from the city limits a the eyes of the prominent engineers 'of road building machinery and «quip- The quarries expect to be In full Arizona's decision, and that neither SE«4. SEX* or be >4 and NE\ | tnent ever made in Douglas county. operation within a very short thin of distance of seven or eight miles, ex of the world. the opinion of myself or any other SE . except east 30 acres of NE X* of tending beyond Altamont and prob Its dimensions are startling At The tp*w outfit will comprise two car while th* commencement of the ell, outsider has the slightest bearing on SE%. «11 in sec. 30. and NW *4 of ably along the Gap road. The road the bas«. It covers an acre of ground. -loads and will arrive in a f«-w>days work 1» being withheld only by th- Arizona's right to this privilege in NEX4 in sec. 39-39-9: »10. way. after b«*ing graded, will lie cov Its height is 3 80 feet, on top It Is ¡from Portland. The equipment will weath.-r conditions. Shveral of th* her statehood. What the New York Abner Weed et ux to Fred J. Kerr. ered with gravel, which will be spread I.OSO feet long. At the bottom it is I bo distributed throughout the county. ranchers have cummeucod plowing or Texas views may be. they have 10 acres on east side of SE *4 of NE X* and rounded up. This will make 170 feet thick. A re »tory building The new equipment purchased In- and the real of them will soon b. nothing whatever to do with Arizo sec 20-39-9; »1. Several men have re a perfect macadamized road, and I covering a city block would not All dudes two complete rock crushing ne«<ding help na's right to her own views. H. H. Carroll to Charley F. Del«ap, make it possible for the farmers to the space occupied by thia towering plants, l«i graders. 31 Fresno scrap- sullied sagebruahlng where they left “It is difficult to discuss seriously all of blocks 8. 9 and 10. 21 lots in easily get to town with their produce masonry structure. era. 33 allp scrapers, 13 road plows, off with th* > (lining of th.* enow the assertion that the adoption of the all. West Lake addition; »10. during any season of the year. Ixxated In a canyon heretofore In-1 4 road rooters and numerous tools. initiative and referendum and recall Elmer Smith is now organizing a accessible, sixty-two miles from the This outfit cost approximately »8000 JI Ri IBM I x< I MED FROM Chas F. DeLap et ux to E. M. Bubb, make the form of government other NV» of lots 4 and 5, block 45. First gang to handle the gravel from the Dl TY TILL THE S7TH nearest railroad, the construction of The county already lias uno r<»ck than republican. Switzerland has all addition: »10. cars to the road being Improved this dam involved many problems and crusher and much other equipment three, and to say that Switzerland is Circuit lildge Benaoil last Week Frank Corperning et ux to United Robert Mitchell will have charge of taxed the Ingenuity of the builders to and from present appearances much not a republic is simply a contradic States, part of lot 1. sec. 15. and part the crew doing the spreading and the utmost. Their first problem was will I m ' accomplished toward good afternoon esruaed all Jurymen from tion in the same terms. No one would of lot 6, sec. 14. all in 39-10; »850. grading. the construction of a broad highway. roads building In thia county this duty until .March 37th. wh«n the first be taken seriously if he asserts that, rivll Jury trial, Bowne va. Carroll, au Further plans for the improvement For twenty miles this traverses it year. Oregon and California in form of action for a claim and delivery, will of the county roads early this spring trackless desert, and for fojty-two ♦ government are not absolutely as re r come up Between the present tltn* CURE Includes work on the Fort Klamath miles more the road was literally publican as Connecticut, Pennsylva road below Modoc Point. The South carved from canyon walls or blssted FLEXNER und the I7th, ludgo Benson will hear ♦ DAIRY 1M>TS AND DASHES nia or Mississippi. There is no ground arguments In civil t aam* ern Pacific rebuilt the road around from the steep-sided mountains. for refusing to admit this territory I NEW YORK. March 1« The Modoc Point for a distance of four It Is now considered one of the ♦♦♦ ♦ when the proposed constitution does and a half miles, and It is said that most remarkable highways In the Rockefeller Institute believes Its Roll A STREET CAR not differ essentially from actual con IN BROAD DAYLIGHT this piece Is the best road in the coun world. It opens up to the traveling search for a cure fur Infantile pa The frogs have begun to croak and stitutions ef certain states already in the larks to sing. Snow is nearly all ty. A stretch of three miles connect public a country unrivaled In gran ralysis Is about to be rewarded With the Union. ing with the Modoc Point improve deur and beauty, and makes easy of in six luuntiis. according to Dr. Si LOS ANGELK8. HL- TW» gone from the lowlands. “The principle of the initiative, re ment and running south past Naylox, access soni«. of the best preserved mon Flexner, definite announcement arnird and mask.-d bandii*. bold up au • • • call and referendum may or may not of a sp.-clfic remedy may bo e»p«ted Inboutid .Moneta avenu« Garavants is also to be covered with gravel in cliff dwellings In the Southwest. Pasture is at a premium. be adapted to the needs of a given the very near future. The material • • • In preparation for the construction "We have discovered how to prevent car. carrylng five pasaengers, on ih* state under given conditions. I be the disease,“ says Dr. Flexner, "and lluena Vista bridge loda) Tbe> ob Farmers are getting ready to plow. will be secured from the Southern of the dam the government engaged lieve them useful in some communi the achievement of a cure. I may con Pacific gravel pit at Sprague River. talnrd »50 and consideratile jtwolry In many activities. An Immense* pow They expect to begin next week. ties, and not in others. With this Improvement made the road er plant was Installed near the site servatively says, la not far distant. The bandita escaped • • “While many provisions of your Brown Michael has been repairing between here and Fort Klamath will selected for the structure. A cement constitution most heartily agree, be in excellent shape and ready for mill was built with an output of 500 his reservoir dam on Pine Flat. there are some that disagree, notably the heavy automobile travel of th.i barrels dally. It has turned out, in • • the recall. Especially in regard to its all. approximately 340.000 barrels, at Fishing for suckers at the Upper tourist this summer. affecting the judiciary we feel it to The improvement of these two a saving to the government ot more Gap is the popular thing. Johnny our self interest to interest decent Jones and a party tried it Tuesday, pieces of road Is only the beginning than »615,000. Two farms were op citizens, who want justice in its but only caught four. Teddy Ham- of the plans laid out by the county erated to supply provisions for the broadest, truest sense, so they will mersley, John Donnell, Tom Michael court for better roads this summer. camp and forage for the livestock. not adopt measure which would make and Will Clark went Wednesday and As the season advances and the Domestic water supply was piped the judges timid and fearful, lest de had better success, but they were not weather permits the improvement of from springs miles distant. ciding rightly in a given case they Nearly 600 Apache Indians wore satisfied There was a big party there the roads in other sections of the might arouse a storm of anger, tempo county will be taken up. Every mem employed for several years upon th« Sunday. rary but fatal. You should shun ber of the board is an enthusiast on construction work. A telephone line every measure which deprives judges Jake Rueck says the contracts for good roads, and it Is safe to say that somewhat over 100 mil«« long and a of the rugged indifference and cour the Upper Project irrlgationlsta are ¡the farming sections will be well power transmission line seventy-five age which it is to the interest of the expected to arrive tomorrow, when looked after in this respect. It is fig miles long were both constructed, and community to see they preserve. the process of signing up will begin ured that with good roads, the farm have been in operation since the com "The right to use is inherent in er can save an amount in two years mencement of the task. «very community, and no community While the Roosevelt dam has been The roads are very bad. but are im- in hauling their products sufficient to should be allowed to dictate to the proving dally. The weather for the more than pay the cost of Improve the principal single structure In con other community on the matter. It ments. in addition to the comfort and nection with the Salt River Valley past ten days baa been superb. is so with the principle of recall. I | convenience of travel. • • • project, other important englnmring do not believe in wisdom here for work has been going on at the same Chas Burgdorf will move to his Arizona as provided in the Arizona new place three miles north in a few WILL STOP OJMMUNICATION TO time. A few miles below the big dam constitution, but Arizona baa an ab MEXICAN INTERIOR another structure wsa built across the days, and proceed to improve it. He solute right to try the experiment if river to turn the stream to flow Into bought a big plow and harrow Tues the state sees fit. The United States Rebels Have RepeaU-dly Warned Ih«1 two huge canals which, with their day. is in honor bound to admit Arizona." ' e e • Roads Not to Transport Hu|e laterals have a total length of more pile» to Fdleral Troops than 350 miles. The poor horses on the stage line This latter dam is twenty-nine foot have had a hard time of it for a i I RAILROAD HEAD HAYS WASHINGTON, D. C.. March 1«.— In height and 1,000 feet long. The month, but the worst is over now. RAIN HELPED NORTHWEST • e e The revolutionary junta has an canals will cover 190,000 acron of Francis Bowne is trying the experi nounced that all railroad communica- fertile land In the valley, and by the President Low«, of Union and B. P.« ment of raising a crop of winter . tionr with the Interior of Mexico will pumping stations Installed by tho en Finds Conditions Satisfactory wheat this year. Hope he makes a ’ be cut off within twenty-four hours, gineers, an additional 50,000 acres —Outlook Good through the destruction of bridges. will be irrigated. success of it. • e e The Junta says that the railroads did Especial interest is attached to tho ' NEW YORK, March 18. —R. 8. Did you ever think that a fat horse not stop transporting federal troops Salt Lake Valley project, not only be Lovett, persident of the Union Paci when Madero ordered them to do so. cause of the magnitude of its struc- , fic and Southern Pacific Railroads will eat leas than a lean one. p.nd that The junta's statement follows: tures, but because it will reclaim a has returned to New York after a it costs less to keep him fat than it , "The report that the revolutionary vast area of desert land. This eon- , does to let him get in poor flesh? month’s tour of inspection over the • • • soldiers intend to dynamite the rail verted desert area was onco densely lines. Concerning the situation in roads leading into the interior r,f populated by a race which baa since Willie Jonas and Ed Wiggins have the West, he said, among other Mexico is true. The action Is neces utterly vanished. Some of the pre acquired the war fever, and talk of things: sary In order to stop the sending of historic canals are today utilized in “I found conditions on our lines joining the navy at Los Angeles. • • • supplies to the federal soldiers. The the modern scheme of organization. satisfactory. The most gratifying The government has expended In I S. D. Tucker will farm the C. W. railroads have been warned time and feature was the ample rainfall. again. Madero told them that if they this project a sum exceeding »9,000,- [ Sherman place this year besides his “Business has been slowing down stopped the revolutionists would not 000. The Investment, however, does | to some extent throughout the West own. He don't mean to be short of interfere with their traffic, but if they not entail the loss of a single penny Kay next winter If he can help it. There is not as much building going • • • continued their rails and bridges to the United States treasury. Uncle on in the towns and cities as one year They never Sam holds u mortgage on all the land Notwithstanding the 5c scalp boun would be dynamited. ago. Some merchants complain that hr-eded these warnings, so must suffer which will be watered, and the future ty on rabbits, it is believed that the trade is dull, but none offered an the consequence*.” owners are obligated to repay In not -xplanation, and the cause is not jacks are increasing rapidly year by less than ten years the entire sum ex year. apparent to me. The outlook is ENVELOPE CONTRACT LET pended by the United States. for good crops. In view of the unusual The Salt River Valley Is In a semi- rainfall. Charles McGowan, superintendent WASHINGTON, March 16 - Th« tropical climate. Its products are “While our earnings have fallen of the Great Northern box factory, Mercantile Corporation of New York, singularly like those ot Egypt. The off, and probably will continue to who has been making an extended with a plant located at Dayton, O orange, lemon, lime, pomel, fig and do so for some time, it must be re trip to Florida, is expected home in a has been awarded the four-year con date trees flourish. Almonds, peach- membered that last year with us few days, after an absence of several tract for printing stamped envelopes, es. cherries and other small fruits was unprecedented. The Southern months. Frank Nehrbas, the machin Including the personal return cards' grow in abundance. Alfalfa, corn, Pacific showed an increase of »10,- ist at the plant, who has been in Cal ¡of Individuals and concerns. oats, barley and wheat yield fine crops 000,000, and the Union Pacific an ifornia for the past three months, I and by reason of their early ripening excess of »11,000,000 over any prev has returned, and when Mr. McGowan Free Heeds command fAncy prices In the Eastern ious year in the history of the com gets here things will begin to hum A. E. Elder has just received a con and Western markets. Ostrich farm pany.” signment of government seeds from ing is also one of the principal indus Miss Helen B. Harris, a popular Congressman W. P. Hawley for free tries. Today there are 7,500 of th« JANES O’GARA C. B. MILLS WHITE CARPENTER KAYS UP typist at the court house. returned distribution, and anyone desiring plume bearers in tho Valley. D. F. & P. Agent Klamath Falls BOOKER T. WASHINGTON Sunday from a two-weeks' visit in them can get all the varieties they Another characteristic is the set 8th and K Sts. California. Rumor has it that Miss want free of charge. There are sev- tlers. They com«* from nearly every Oregon NEW YORK, March 20.—Albert Harris may leave Klamath Falls for era I sorts of garden and flower seeds stat« in the Union, and are nearly all Sacramento, Calif. HI rich, a carpenter, la held under good before many months roll by. in the lot. American born. OISCUSSES ARIZ0HAS CONSTITUTION East Automatic Block System 4 3 3 Trains Daily via Ogden Daily via Portland Via Los Angeles and El Paso Choice of Routes SOUTHERN PACIFIC